blob: 49bfef6ee2d0678a44b0f9a8d1b3be3cf3d0fa97 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library SVGElementTest;
import '../../pkg/unittest/lib/unittest.dart';
import '../../pkg/unittest/lib/html_config.dart';
import 'dart:html';
main() {
var isSVGSVGElement =
predicate((x) => x is SVGSVGElement, 'is a SVGSVGElement');
Collection<String> _nodeStrings(Collection<Node> input) {
final out = new List<String>();
for (Node n in input) {
if (n is Element) {
Element e = n;
} else {
return out;
testConstructor(String tagName, Function isExpectedClass) {
test(tagName, () {
expect(isExpectedClass(new SVGElement.tag(tagName)), isTrue);
new SVGElement.svg('<$tagName></$tagName>')), isTrue);
group('constructors', () {
group('svg', () {
test('valid', () {
final svg = """
<svg version="1.1">
final el = new SVGElement.svg(svg);
expect(el, isSVGSVGElement);
expect(el.innerHTML, "<circle></circle><path></path>");
expect(el.outerHTML, svg);
test('has no parent', () =>
expect(new SVGElement.svg('<circle/>').parent, isNull)
test('empty', () {
expect(() => new SVGElement.svg(""), throwsArgumentError);
test('too many elements', () {
expect(() => new SVGElement.svg("<circle></circle><path></path>"),
testConstructor('a', (e) => e is SVGAElement);
testConstructor('altGlyphDef', (e) => e is SVGAltGlyphDefElement);
testConstructor('altGlyph', (e) => e is SVGAltGlyphElement);
testConstructor('animateColor', (e) => e is SVGAnimateColorElement);
testConstructor('animate', (e) => e is SVGAnimateElement);
// WebKit doesn't recognize animateMotion
// testConstructor('animateMotion', (e) => e is SVGAnimateMotionElement);
testConstructor('animateTransform', (e) => e is SVGAnimateTransformElement);
testConstructor('circle', (e) => e is SVGCircleElement);
testConstructor('clipPath', (e) => e is SVGClipPathElement);
testConstructor('cursor', (e) => e is SVGCursorElement);
testConstructor('defs', (e) => e is SVGDefsElement);
testConstructor('desc', (e) => e is SVGDescElement);
testConstructor('ellipse', (e) => e is SVGEllipseElement);
testConstructor('feBlend', (e) => e is SVGFEBlendElement);
testConstructor('feColorMatrix', (e) => e is SVGFEColorMatrixElement);
(e) => e is SVGFEComponentTransferElement);
testConstructor('feConvolveMatrix', (e) => e is SVGFEConvolveMatrixElement);
(e) => e is SVGFEDiffuseLightingElement);
(e) => e is SVGFEDisplacementMapElement);
testConstructor('feDistantLight', (e) => e is SVGFEDistantLightElement);
testConstructor('feDropShadow', (e) => e is SVGFEDropShadowElement);
testConstructor('feFlood', (e) => e is SVGFEFloodElement);
testConstructor('feFuncA', (e) => e is SVGFEFuncAElement);
testConstructor('feFuncB', (e) => e is SVGFEFuncBElement);
testConstructor('feFuncG', (e) => e is SVGFEFuncGElement);
testConstructor('feFuncR', (e) => e is SVGFEFuncRElement);
testConstructor('feGaussianBlur', (e) => e is SVGFEGaussianBlurElement);
testConstructor('feImage', (e) => e is SVGFEImageElement);
testConstructor('feMerge', (e) => e is SVGFEMergeElement);
testConstructor('feMergeNode', (e) => e is SVGFEMergeNodeElement);
testConstructor('feOffset', (e) => e is SVGFEOffsetElement);
testConstructor('fePointLight', (e) => e is SVGFEPointLightElement);
(e) => e is SVGFESpecularLightingElement);
testConstructor('feSpotLight', (e) => e is SVGFESpotLightElement);
testConstructor('feTile', (e) => e is SVGFETileElement);
testConstructor('feTurbulence', (e) => e is SVGFETurbulenceElement);
testConstructor('filter', (e) => e is SVGFilterElement);
testConstructor('font', (e) => e is SVGFontElement);
testConstructor('font-face', (e) => e is SVGFontFaceElement);
testConstructor('font-face-format', (e) => e is SVGFontFaceFormatElement);
testConstructor('font-face-name', (e) => e is SVGFontFaceNameElement);
testConstructor('font-face-src', (e) => e is SVGFontFaceSrcElement);
testConstructor('font-face-uri', (e) => e is SVGFontFaceUriElement);
testConstructor('foreignObject', (e) => e is SVGForeignObjectElement);
testConstructor('g', (e) => e is SVGGElement);
testConstructor('glyph', (e) => e is SVGGlyphElement);
testConstructor('glyphRef', (e) => e is SVGGlyphRefElement);
// WebKit doesn't recognize hkern
// testConstructor('hkern', (e) => e is SVGHKernElement);
testConstructor('image', (e) => e is SVGImageElement);
testConstructor('line', (e) => e is SVGLineElement);
testConstructor('linearGradient', (e) => e is SVGLinearGradientElement);
// WebKit doesn't recognize mpath
// testConstructor('mpath', (e) => e is SVGMPathElement);
testConstructor('marker', (e) => e is SVGMarkerElement);
testConstructor('mask', (e) => e is SVGMaskElement);
testConstructor('metadata', (e) => e is SVGMetadataElement);
testConstructor('missing-glyph', (e) => e is SVGMissingGlyphElement);
testConstructor('path', (e) => e is SVGPathElement);
testConstructor('pattern', (e) => e is SVGPatternElement);
testConstructor('polygon', (e) => e is SVGPolygonElement);
testConstructor('polyline', (e) => e is SVGPolylineElement);
testConstructor('radialGradient', (e) => e is SVGRadialGradientElement);
testConstructor('rect', (e) => e is SVGRectElement);
testConstructor('script', (e) => e is SVGScriptElement);
testConstructor('set', (e) => e is SVGSetElement);
testConstructor('stop', (e) => e is SVGStopElement);
testConstructor('style', (e) => e is SVGStyleElement);
testConstructor('switch', (e) => e is SVGSwitchElement);
testConstructor('symbol', (e) => e is SVGSymbolElement);
testConstructor('tref', (e) => e is SVGTRefElement);
testConstructor('tspan', (e) => e is SVGTSpanElement);
testConstructor('text', (e) => e is SVGTextElement);
testConstructor('textPath', (e) => e is SVGTextPathElement);
testConstructor('title', (e) => e is SVGTitleElement);
testConstructor('use', (e) => e is SVGUseElement);
testConstructor('vkern', (e) => e is SVGVKernElement);
testConstructor('view', (e) => e is SVGViewElement);
test('outerHTML', () {
final el = new SVGSVGElement();
el.elements.add(new SVGElement.tag("circle"));
el.elements.add(new SVGElement.tag("path"));
'<svg version="1.1"><circle></circle><path></path></svg>');
group('innerHTML', () {
test('get', () {
final el = new SVGSVGElement();
el.elements.add(new SVGElement.tag("circle"));
el.elements.add(new SVGElement.tag("path"));
expect(el.innerHTML, '<circle></circle><path></path>');
test('set', () {
final el = new SVGSVGElement();
el.elements.add(new SVGElement.tag("circle"));
el.elements.add(new SVGElement.tag("path"));
el.innerHTML = '<rect></rect><a></a>';
expect(_nodeStrings(el.elements), ["rect", "a"]);
group('elements', () {
test('get', () {
final el = new SVGElement.svg("""
<svg version="1.1">
expect(_nodeStrings(el.elements), ["circle", "path"]);
test('set', () {
final el = new SVGSVGElement();
el.elements = [new SVGElement.tag("circle"), new SVGElement.tag("path")];
expect(el.innerHTML, '<circle></circle><path></path>');