blob: 19fc0eb9c1ba6b85e2033541a694cded4819fcf3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
abstract class ServerSocket {
* Constructs a new server socket, binds it to a given address and port,
* and listens on it.
external factory ServerSocket(String bindAddress, int port, int backlog);
* The connection handler gets called when there is a new incoming
* connection on the socket.
void set onConnection(void callback(Socket connection));
* The error handler gets called when a socket error occurs.
void set onError(void callback(e));
* Returns the port used by this socket.
int get port;
* Closes the socket.
void close();
abstract class Socket {
* Constructs a new socket and initiate connecting it to the given
* host on the given port. The returned socket is not yet connected
* but ready for registration of callbacks.
external factory Socket(String host, int port);
* Returns the number of received and non-read bytes in the socket that
* can be read.
int available();
* Read up to [len] bytes from the socket. This function is
* non-blocking and will only return data if data is available. The
* number of bytes read can be less then [len] if fewer bytes are
* available for immediate reading. If no data is available [null]
* is returned.
List<int> read([int len]);
* Reads up to [count] bytes of data from the socket and stores them into
* buffer after buffer offset [offset]. The number of successfully read
* bytes is returned. This function is non-blocking and will only read data
* if data is available.
int readList(List<int> buffer, int offset, int count);
* Writes up to [count] bytes of the buffer from [offset] buffer offset to
* the socket. The number of successfully written bytes is returned. This
* function is non-blocking and will only write data if buffer space is
* available in the socket.
int writeList(List<int> buffer, int offset, int count);
* The connect handler gets called when connection to a given host
* succeeded.
void set onConnect(void callback());
* The data handler gets called when data becomes available at the socket.
void set onData(void callback());
* The write handler gets called once when the socket becomes
* available for writing. Then the handler is automatically reset to null.
* This handler is mainly used when writeList has reported an incomplete
* write, to schedule writing the remaining data to the socket.
void set onWrite(void callback());
* The close handler gets called when a the last byte have been read
* from a socket. At this point the socket might still be open for
* writing for sending more data.
void set onClosed(void callback());
* The error handler gets called when a socket error occurs.
void set onError(void callback(e));
* Returns input stream to the socket.
InputStream get inputStream;
* Returns output stream of the socket.
OutputStream get outputStream;
* Returns the port used by this socket.
int get port;
* Returns the remote port connected to by this socket.
int get remotePort;
* Returns the remote host connected to by this socket.
String get remoteHost;
* Closes the socket. Calling [close] will never throw an exception
* and calling it several times is supported. If [halfClose] is true
* the socket will only be closed for writing and it might still be
* possible to read data. Calling [close] will not trigger a call to
* [onClosed].
void close([bool halfClose = false]);
class SocketIOException implements Exception {
const SocketIOException([String this.message = "",
OSError this.osError = null]);
String toString() {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
if (!message.isEmpty) {
sb.add(": $message");
if (osError != null) {
sb.add(" ($osError)");
} else if (osError != null) {
sb.add(": $osError");
return sb.toString();
final String message;
final OSError osError;