blob: 65845022768e4142db2274fd3a285ad10b7cdc5a [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
# for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
# BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
"""This module provides functionality to generate dart:html event classes."""
import logging
_logger = logging.getLogger('dartgenerator')
# Events without onEventName attributes in the IDL we want to support.
# We can automatically extract most event names by checking for
# onEventName methods in the IDL but some events aren't listed so we need
# to manually add them here so that they are easy for users to find.
_html_manual_events = {
'Element': ['touchleave', 'touchenter', 'webkitTransitionEnd'],
'Window': ['DOMContentLoaded']
# These event names must be camel case when attaching event listeners
# using addEventListener even though the onEventName properties in the DOM for
# them are not camel case.
_on_attribute_to_event_name_mapping = {
'webkitanimationend': 'webkitAnimationEnd',
'webkitanimationiteration': 'webkitAnimationIteration',
'webkitanimationstart': 'webkitAnimationStart',
'webkitspeechchange': 'webkitSpeechChange',
'webkittransitionend': 'webkitTransitionEnd',
# Mapping from raw event names to the pretty camelCase event names exposed as
# properties in dart:html. If the DOM exposes a new event name, you will need
# to add the lower case to camel case conversion for that event name here.
_html_event_names = {
'DOMContentLoaded': 'contentLoaded',
'abort': 'abort',
'addstream': 'addStream',
'addtrack': 'addTrack',
'audioend': 'audioEnd',
'audioprocess': 'audioProcess',
'audiostart': 'audioStart',
'beforecopy': 'beforeCopy',
'beforecut': 'beforeCut',
'beforepaste': 'beforePaste',
'beforeunload': 'beforeUnload',
'blocked': 'blocked',
'blur': 'blur',
'cached': 'cached',
'canplay': 'canPlay',
'canplaythrough': 'canPlayThrough',
'change': 'change',
'chargingchange': 'chargingChange',
'chargingtimechange': 'chargingTimeChange',
'checking': 'checking',
'click': 'click',
'close': 'close',
'complete': 'complete',
'connect': 'connect',
'connecting': 'connecting',
'contextmenu': 'contextMenu',
'copy': 'copy',
'cuechange': 'cueChange',
'cut': 'cut',
'dblclick': 'doubleClick',
'devicemotion': 'deviceMotion',
'deviceorientation': 'deviceOrientation',
'dischargingtimechange': 'dischargingTimeChange',
'display': 'display',
'downloading': 'downloading',
'drag': 'drag',
'dragend': 'dragEnd',
'dragenter': 'dragEnter',
'dragleave': 'dragLeave',
'dragover': 'dragOver',
'dragstart': 'dragStart',
'drop': 'drop',
'durationchange': 'durationChange',
'emptied': 'emptied',
'end': 'end',
'ended': 'ended',
'enter': 'enter',
'error': 'error',
'exit': 'exit',
'focus': 'focus',
'hashchange': 'hashChange',
'icecandidate': 'iceCandidate',
'icechange': 'iceChange',
'input': 'input',
'invalid': 'invalid',
'keydown': 'keyDown',
'keypress': 'keyPress',
'keyup': 'keyUp',
'levelchange': 'levelChange',
'load': 'load',
'loadeddata': 'loadedData',
'loadedmetadata': 'loadedMetadata',
'loadend': 'loadEnd',
'loadstart': 'loadStart',
'message': 'message',
'mousedown': 'mouseDown',
'mousemove': 'mouseMove',
'mouseout': 'mouseOut',
'mouseover': 'mouseOver',
'mouseup': 'mouseUp',
'mousewheel': 'mouseWheel',
'mute': 'mute',
'negotiationneeded': 'negotiationNeeded',
'nomatch': 'noMatch',
'noupdate': 'noUpdate',
'obsolete': 'obsolete',
'offline': 'offline',
'online': 'online',
'open': 'open',
'pagehide': 'pageHide',
'pageshow': 'pageShow',
'paste': 'paste',
'pause': 'pause',
'play': 'play',
'playing': 'playing',
'popstate': 'popState',
'progress': 'progress',
'ratechange': 'rateChange',
'readystatechange': 'readyStateChange',
'removestream': 'removeStream',
'removetrack': 'removeTrack',
'reset': 'reset',
'resize': 'resize',
'result': 'result',
'resultdeleted': 'resultDeleted',
'scroll': 'scroll',
'search': 'search',
'seeked': 'seeked',
'seeking': 'seeking',
'select': 'select',
'selectionchange': 'selectionChange',
'selectstart': 'selectStart',
'show': 'show',
'soundend': 'soundEnd',
'soundstart': 'soundStart',
'speechend': 'speechEnd',
'speechstart': 'speechStart',
'stalled': 'stalled',
'start': 'start',
'statechange': 'stateChange',
'storage': 'storage',
'submit': 'submit',
'success': 'success',
'suspend': 'suspend',
'timeupdate': 'timeUpdate',
'touchcancel': 'touchCancel',
'touchend': 'touchEnd',
'touchenter': 'touchEnter',
'touchleave': 'touchLeave',
'touchmove': 'touchMove',
'touchstart': 'touchStart',
'unload': 'unload',
'upgradeneeded': 'upgradeNeeded',
'unmute': 'unmute',
'updateready': 'updateReady',
'versionchange': 'versionChange',
'volumechange': 'volumeChange',
'waiting': 'waiting',
'webkitAnimationEnd': 'animationEnd',
'webkitAnimationIteration': 'animationIteration',
'webkitAnimationStart': 'animationStart',
'webkitfullscreenchange': 'fullscreenChange',
'webkitfullscreenerror': 'fullscreenError',
'webkitkeyadded': 'keyAdded',
'webkitkeyerror': 'keyError',
'webkitkeymessage': 'keyMessage',
'webkitneedkey': 'needKey',
'webkitpointerlockchange': 'pointerLockChange',
'webkitpointerlockerror': 'pointerLockError',
'webkitSpeechChange': 'speechChange',
'webkitsourceclose': 'sourceClose',
'webkitsourceended': 'sourceEnded',
'webkitsourceopen': 'sourceOpen',
'webkitTransitionEnd': 'transitionEnd',
'write': 'write',
'writeend': 'writeEnd',
'writestart': 'writeStart'
# These classes require an explicit declaration for the "on" method even though
# they don't declare any unique events, because the concrete class hierarchy
# doesn't match the interface hierarchy.
_html_explicit_event_classes = set(['DocumentFragment'])
class HtmlEventGenerator(object):
def __init__(self, database, template_loader):
self._event_classes = set()
self._database = database
self._template_loader = template_loader
def ProcessInterface(self, interface, html_interface_name, custom_events,
events_interface_emitter, events_implementation_emitter):
events = set([attr for attr in interface.attributes
if == 'EventListener'])
if not events and not in _html_explicit_event_classes:
return None
events_class_name = html_interface_name + 'Events'
parent_events_interface = self._GetParentEventsInterface(interface)
if not events:
return parent_events_interface
template_file = 'impl_%s.darttemplate' % events_class_name
template = (self._template_loader.TryLoad(template_file) or
'class $CLASSNAME extends $SUPER {\n'
' $CLASSNAME(EventTarget _ptr) : super(_ptr);\n'
# TODO(jacobr): specify the type of _ptr as EventTarget
implementation_events_members = events_implementation_emitter.Emit(
SUPER='%s' % parent_events_interface)
dom_event_names = set()
for event in events:
dom_name =[2:]
dom_name = _on_attribute_to_event_name_mapping.get(dom_name, dom_name)
if html_interface_name in _html_manual_events:
for dom_name in sorted(dom_event_names):
if dom_name not in _html_event_names:
_logger.warn('omitting %s event as there is no HTML name for it' % dom_name)
html_name = _html_event_names[dom_name]
full_event_name = '%sEvents.%s' % (html_interface_name, html_name)
if not full_event_name in custom_events:
" EventListenerList get $NAME => this['$DOM_NAME'];\n",
return events_class_name
# TODO(jacobr): this isn't quite right....
def _GetParentEventsInterface(self, interface):
# Ugly hack as we don't specify that Document and DocumentFragment inherit
# from Element in our IDL.
if == 'Document' or == 'DocumentFragment':
return 'ElementEvents'
parent_events_interface = 'Events'
interfaces_with_events = set()
for parent in self._database.Hierarchy(interface):
if parent != interface and in self._event_classes:
parent_events_interface = + 'Events'
if len(interfaces_with_events) > 1:
raise Exception('Only one parent event class allowed ' +
return parent_events_interface