blob: 3487900427a766a3560861b22b89ba7004e7d192 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of markdown;
/// The line contains only whitespace or is empty.
const _RE_EMPTY = const RegExp(r'^([ \t]*)$');
/// A series of `=` or `-` (on the next line) define setext-style headers.
const _RE_SETEXT = const RegExp(r'^((=+)|(-+))$');
/// Leading (and trailing) `#` define atx-style headers.
const _RE_HEADER = const RegExp(r'^(#{1,6})(.*?)#*$');
/// The line starts with `>` with one optional space after.
const _RE_BLOCKQUOTE = const RegExp(r'^[ ]{0,3}>[ ]?(.*)$');
/// A line indented four spaces. Used for code blocks and lists.
const _RE_INDENT = const RegExp(r'^(?: |\t)(.*)$');
/// Three or more hyphens, asterisks or underscores by themselves. Note that
/// a line like `----` is valid as both HR and SETEXT. In case of a tie,
/// SETEXT should win.
const _RE_HR = const RegExp(r'^[ ]{0,3}((-+[ ]{0,2}){3,}|'
r'(_+[ ]{0,2}){3,}|'
r'(\*+[ ]{0,2}){3,})$');
/// Really hacky way to detect block-level embedded HTML. Just looks for
/// "<somename".
const _RE_HTML = const RegExp(r'^<[ ]*\w+[ >]');
/// A line starting with one of these markers: `-`, `*`, `+`. May have up to
/// three leading spaces before the marker and any number of spaces or tabs
/// after.
const _RE_UL = const RegExp(r'^[ ]{0,3}[*+-][ \t]+(.*)$');
/// A line starting with a number like `123.`. May have up to three leading
/// spaces before the marker and any number of spaces or tabs after.
const _RE_OL = const RegExp(r'^[ ]{0,3}\d+\.[ \t]+(.*)$');
/// Maintains the internal state needed to parse a series of lines into blocks
/// of markdown suitable for further inline parsing.
class BlockParser {
final List<String> lines;
/// The markdown document this parser is parsing.
final Document document;
/// Index of the current line.
int pos;
BlockParser(this.lines, this.document)
: pos = 0;
/// Gets the current line.
String get current => lines[pos];
/// Gets the line after the current one or `null` if there is none.
String get next {
// Don't read past the end.
if (pos >= lines.length - 1) return null;
return lines[pos + 1];
void advance() {
bool get isDone => pos >= lines.length;
/// Gets whether or not the current line matches the given pattern.
bool matches(RegExp regex) {
if (isDone) return false;
return regex.firstMatch(current) != null;
/// Gets whether or not the current line matches the given pattern.
bool matchesNext(RegExp regex) {
if (next == null) return false;
return regex.firstMatch(next) != null;
abstract class BlockSyntax {
/// Gets the collection of built-in block parsers. To turn a series of lines
/// into blocks, each of these will be tried in turn. Order matters here.
static List<BlockSyntax> get syntaxes {
// Lazy initialize.
if (_syntaxes == null) {
_syntaxes = [
new EmptyBlockSyntax(),
new BlockHtmlSyntax(),
new SetextHeaderSyntax(),
new HeaderSyntax(),
new CodeBlockSyntax(),
new BlockquoteSyntax(),
new HorizontalRuleSyntax(),
new UnorderedListSyntax(),
new OrderedListSyntax(),
new ParagraphSyntax()
return _syntaxes;
static List<BlockSyntax> _syntaxes;
/// Gets the regex used to identify the beginning of this block, if any.
RegExp get pattern => null;
bool get canEndBlock => true;
bool canParse(BlockParser parser) {
return pattern.firstMatch(parser.current) != null;
Node parse(BlockParser parser);
List<String> parseChildLines(BlockParser parser) {
// Grab all of the lines that form the blockquote, stripping off the ">".
final childLines = <String>[];
while (!parser.isDone) {
final match = pattern.firstMatch(parser.current);
if (match == null) break;
return childLines;
/// Gets whether or not [parser]'s current line should end the previous block.
static bool isAtBlockEnd(BlockParser parser) {
if (parser.isDone) return true;
return syntaxes.some((s) => s.canParse(parser) && s.canEndBlock);
class EmptyBlockSyntax extends BlockSyntax {
RegExp get pattern => _RE_EMPTY;
Node parse(BlockParser parser) {
// Don't actually emit anything.
return null;
/// Parses setext-style headers.
class SetextHeaderSyntax extends BlockSyntax {
bool canParse(BlockParser parser) {
// Note: matches *next* line, not the current one. We're looking for the
// underlining after this line.
return parser.matchesNext(_RE_SETEXT);
Node parse(BlockParser parser) {
final match = _RE_SETEXT.firstMatch(;
final tag = (match[1][0] == '=') ? 'h1' : 'h2';
final contents = parser.document.parseInline(parser.current);
return new Element(tag, contents);
/// Parses atx-style headers: `## Header ##`.
class HeaderSyntax extends BlockSyntax {
RegExp get pattern => _RE_HEADER;
Node parse(BlockParser parser) {
final match = pattern.firstMatch(parser.current);
final level = match[1].length;
final contents = parser.document.parseInline(match[2].trim());
return new Element('h$level', contents);
/// Parses email-style blockquotes: `> quote`.
class BlockquoteSyntax extends BlockSyntax {
RegExp get pattern => _RE_BLOCKQUOTE;
Node parse(BlockParser parser) {
final childLines = parseChildLines(parser);
// Recursively parse the contents of the blockquote.
final children = parser.document.parseLines(childLines);
return new Element('blockquote', children);
/// Parses preformatted code blocks that are indented four spaces.
class CodeBlockSyntax extends BlockSyntax {
RegExp get pattern => _RE_INDENT;
Node parse(BlockParser parser) {
final childLines = parseChildLines(parser);
// The Markdown tests expect a trailing newline.
// Escape the code.
final escaped = escapeHtml(Strings.join(childLines, '\n'));
return new Element('pre', [new Element.text('code', escaped)]);
/// Parses horizontal rules like `---`, `_ _ _`, `* * *`, etc.
class HorizontalRuleSyntax extends BlockSyntax {
RegExp get pattern => _RE_HR;
Node parse(BlockParser parser) {
final match = pattern.firstMatch(parser.current);
return new Element.empty('hr');
/// Parses inline HTML at the block level. This differs from other markdown
/// implementations in several ways:
/// 1. This one is way way WAY simpler.
/// 2. All HTML tags at the block level will be treated as blocks. If you
/// start a paragraph with `<em>`, it will not wrap it in a `<p>` for you.
/// As soon as it sees something like HTML, it stops mucking with it until
/// it hits the next block.
/// 3. Absolutely no HTML parsing or validation is done. We're a markdown
/// parser not an HTML parser!
class BlockHtmlSyntax extends BlockSyntax {
RegExp get pattern => _RE_HTML;
bool get canEndBlock => false;
Node parse(BlockParser parser) {
final childLines = [];
// Eat until we hit a blank line.
while (!parser.isDone && !parser.matches(_RE_EMPTY)) {
return new Text(Strings.join(childLines, '\n'));
class ListItem {
bool forceBlock = false;
final List<String> lines;
/// Base class for both ordered and unordered lists.
abstract class ListSyntax extends BlockSyntax {
bool get canEndBlock => false;
String get listTag;
Node parse(BlockParser parser) {
final items = <ListItem>[];
var childLines = <String>[];
endItem() {
if (childLines.length > 0) {
items.add(new ListItem(childLines));
childLines = <String>[];
var match;
tryMatch(RegExp pattern) {
match = pattern.firstMatch(parser.current);
return match != null;
bool afterEmpty = false;
while (!parser.isDone) {
if (tryMatch(_RE_EMPTY)) {
// Add a blank line to the current list item.
} else if (tryMatch(_RE_UL) || tryMatch(_RE_OL)) {
// End the current list item and start a new one.
} else if (tryMatch(_RE_INDENT)) {
// Strip off indent and add to current item.
} else if (BlockSyntax.isAtBlockEnd(parser)) {
// Done with the list.
} else {
// Anything else is paragraph text or other stuff that can be in a list
// item. However, if the previous item is a blank line, this means we're
// done with the list and are starting a new top-level paragraph.
if ((childLines.length > 0) && (childLines.last == '')) break;
// Markdown, because it hates us, specifies two kinds of list items. If you
// have a list like:
// * one
// * two
// Then it will insert the conents of the lines directly in the <li>, like:
// <ul>
// <li>one</li>
// <li>two</li>
// <ul>
// If, however, there are blank lines between the items, each is wrapped in
// paragraphs:
// * one
// * two
// <ul>
// <li><p>one</p></li>
// <li><p>two</p></li>
// <ul>
// In other words, sometimes we parse the contents of a list item like a
// block, and sometimes line an inline. The rules our parser implements are:
// - If it has more than one line, it's a block.
// - If the line matches any block parser (BLOCKQUOTE, HEADER, HR, INDENT,
// UL, OL) it's a block. (This is for cases like "* > quote".)
// - If there was a blank line between this item and the previous one, it's
// a block.
// - If there was a blank line between this item and the next one, it's a
// block.
// - Otherwise, parse it as an inline.
// Remove any trailing empty lines and note which items are separated by
// empty lines. Do this before seeing which items are single-line so that
// trailing empty lines on the last item don't force it into being a block.
for (int i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
for (int j = items[i].lines.length - 1; j > 0; j--) {
if (_RE_EMPTY.firstMatch(items[i].lines[j]) != null) {
// Found an empty line. Item and one after it are blocks.
if (i < items.length - 1) {
items[i].forceBlock = true;
items[i + 1].forceBlock = true;
} else {
// Convert the list items to Nodes.
final itemNodes = <Node>[];
for (final item in items) {
bool blockItem = item.forceBlock || (item.lines.length > 1);
// See if it matches some block parser.
final blocksInList = const [
if (!blockItem) {
for (final pattern in blocksInList) {
if (pattern.firstMatch(item.lines[0]) != null) {
blockItem = true;
// Parse the item as a block or inline.
if (blockItem) {
// Block list item.
final children = parser.document.parseLines(item.lines);
itemNodes.add(new Element('li', children));
} else {
// Raw list item.
final contents = parser.document.parseInline(item.lines[0]);
itemNodes.add(new Element('li', contents));
return new Element(listTag, itemNodes);
/// Parses unordered lists.
class UnorderedListSyntax extends ListSyntax {
RegExp get pattern => _RE_UL;
String get listTag => 'ul';
/// Parses ordered lists.
class OrderedListSyntax extends ListSyntax {
RegExp get pattern => _RE_OL;
String get listTag => 'ol';
/// Parses paragraphs of regular text.
class ParagraphSyntax extends BlockSyntax {
bool get canEndBlock => false;
bool canParse(BlockParser parser) => true;
Node parse(BlockParser parser) {
final childLines = [];
// Eat until we hit something that ends a paragraph.
while (!BlockSyntax.isAtBlockEnd(parser)) {
final contents = parser.document.parseInline(
Strings.join(childLines, '\n'));
return new Element('p', contents);