blob: 5709a401817c8e61b9b1ae06caa43e9fda40d226 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library dart2js.typechecker;
import 'common/names.dart' show Identifiers;
import 'common/resolution.dart' show Resolution;
import 'common/tasks.dart' show CompilerTask;
import 'common.dart';
import 'compiler.dart' show Compiler;
import 'constants/expressions.dart';
import 'constants/values.dart';
import 'common_elements.dart';
import 'elements/resolution_types.dart';
import 'elements/elements.dart'
import 'elements/entities.dart' show AsyncMarker;
import 'elements/names.dart';
import 'enqueue.dart' show DeferredAction;
import 'resolution/class_members.dart' show MembersCreator, ErroneousMember;
import 'resolution/tree_elements.dart' show TreeElements;
import 'tree/tree.dart';
import 'util/util.dart' show Link, LinkBuilder;
class TypeCheckerTask extends CompilerTask {
final Compiler compiler;
TypeCheckerTask(Compiler compiler)
: compiler = compiler,
String get name => "Type checker";
DiagnosticReporter get reporter => compiler.reporter;
void check(AstElement element) {
if (element.isClass) return;
if (element.isTypedef) return;
ResolvedAst resolvedAst = element.resolvedAst;
reporter.withCurrentElement(element.implementation, () {
measure(() {
TypeCheckerVisitor visitor = new TypeCheckerVisitor(
compiler, resolvedAst.elements, compiler.resolution.types);
if (element.isField) {
visitor.analyzingInitializer = true;
ResolutionDartType type =
visitor.analyzeVariableInitializer(element, type, resolvedAst.body);
} else {
* Class used to report different warnings for different kinds of members.
class MemberKind {
static const MemberKind METHOD = const MemberKind("method");
static const MemberKind OPERATOR = const MemberKind("operator");
static const MemberKind GETTER = const MemberKind("getter");
static const MemberKind SETTER = const MemberKind("setter");
final String name;
const MemberKind(;
String toString() => name;
* [ElementAccess] represents the access of [element], either as a property
* access or invocation.
abstract class ElementAccess {
Element get element;
String get name =>;
ResolutionDartType computeType(Resolution resolution);
/// Returns [: true :] if the element can be access as an invocation.
bool isCallable(Compiler compiler) {
if (element != null && element.isAbstractField) {
AbstractFieldElement abstractFieldElement = element;
if (abstractFieldElement.getter == null) {
// Setters cannot be invoked as function invocations.
return false;
ResolutionInterfaceType functionType =
return compiler.resolution.types
.isAssignable(computeType(compiler.resolution), functionType);
/// An access of a instance member.
class MemberAccess extends ElementAccess {
final MemberSignature member;
MemberAccess(MemberSignature this.member);
Element get element => member.declarations.first.element;
ResolutionDartType computeType(Resolution resolution) => member.type;
String toString() => 'MemberAccess($member)';
/// An access of an unresolved element.
class DynamicAccess implements ElementAccess {
const DynamicAccess();
Element get element => null;
String get name => 'dynamic';
ResolutionDartType computeType(Resolution resolution) =>
const ResolutionDynamicType();
bool isCallable(Compiler compiler) => true;
String toString() => 'DynamicAccess';
* An access of a resolved top-level or static property or function, or an
* access of a resolved element through [:this:].
class ResolvedAccess extends ElementAccess {
final Element element;
ResolvedAccess(Element this.element) {
assert(element != null);
ResolutionDartType computeType(Resolution resolution) {
if (element.isGetter) {
GetterElement getter = element;
ResolutionFunctionType functionType = getter.computeType(resolution);
return functionType.returnType;
} else if (element.isSetter) {
SetterElement setter = element;
ResolutionFunctionType functionType = setter.computeType(resolution);
if (functionType.parameterTypes.length != 1) {
// TODO(johnniwinther,karlklose): this happens for malformed static
// setters. Treat them the same as instance members.
return const ResolutionDynamicType();
return functionType.parameterTypes.first;
} else if (element.isTypedef || element.isClass) {
TypeDeclarationElement typeDeclaration = element;
return typeDeclaration.thisType;
} else {
TypedElement typedElement = element;
return typedElement.type;
String toString() => 'ResolvedAccess($element)';
/// An access to a promoted variable.
class PromotedAccess extends ElementAccess {
final VariableElement element;
final ResolutionDartType type;
PromotedAccess(VariableElement this.element, ResolutionDartType this.type) {
assert(element != null);
assert(type != null);
ResolutionDartType computeType(Resolution resolution) => type;
String toString() => 'PromotedAccess($element,$type)';
* An access of a resolved top-level or static property or function, or an
* access of a resolved element through [:this:].
class TypeAccess extends ElementAccess {
final ResolutionDartType type;
TypeAccess(ResolutionDartType this.type) {
assert(type != null);
Element get element => type.element;
ResolutionDartType computeType(Resolution resolution) => type;
String toString() => 'TypeAccess($type)';
* An access of a type literal.
class TypeLiteralAccess extends ElementAccess {
final ResolutionDartType type;
TypeLiteralAccess(this.type) {
assert(type != null);
Element get element => type.element;
String get name =>;
ResolutionInterfaceType computeType(Resolution resolution) =>
String toString() => 'TypeLiteralAccess($type)';
/// An access to the 'call' method of a function type.
class FunctionCallAccess implements ElementAccess {
final Element element;
final ResolutionDartType type;
const FunctionCallAccess(this.element, this.type);
String get name => 'call';
ResolutionDartType computeType(Resolution resolution) => type;
bool isCallable(Compiler compiler) => true;
String toString() => 'FunctionAccess($element, $type)';
/// An is-expression that potentially promotes a variable.
class TypePromotion {
final Send node;
final VariableElement variable;
final ResolutionDartType type;
final List<TypePromotionMessage> messages = <TypePromotionMessage>[];
TypePromotion(this.node, this.variable, this.type);
bool get isValid => messages.isEmpty;
TypePromotion copy() {
return new TypePromotion(node, variable, type)..messages.addAll(messages);
void addHint(DiagnosticMessage hint,
[List<DiagnosticMessage> infos = const <DiagnosticMessage>[]]) {
messages.add(new TypePromotionMessage(hint, infos));
String toString() {
return 'Promote ${variable} to ${type}${isValid ? '' : ' (invalid)'}';
/// A hint or info message attached to a type promotion.
class TypePromotionMessage {
DiagnosticMessage hint;
List<DiagnosticMessage> infos;
TypePromotionMessage(this.hint, this.infos);
class TypeCheckerVisitor extends Visitor<ResolutionDartType> {
final Compiler compiler;
final TreeElements elements;
final Types types;
Node lastSeenNode;
ResolutionDartType expectedReturnType;
AsyncMarker currentAsyncMarker = AsyncMarker.SYNC;
final ClassElement currentClass;
/// The immediately enclosing field, method or constructor being analyzed.
ExecutableElement executableContext;
CommonElements get commonElements => resolution.commonElements;
DiagnosticReporter get reporter => compiler.reporter;
Resolution get resolution => compiler.resolution;
ResolutionInterfaceType get intType => commonElements.intType;
ResolutionInterfaceType get doubleType => commonElements.doubleType;
ResolutionInterfaceType get boolType => commonElements.boolType;
ResolutionInterfaceType get stringType => commonElements.stringType;
ResolutionDartType thisType;
ResolutionDartType superType;
Link<ResolutionDartType> cascadeTypes = const Link<ResolutionDartType>();
bool analyzingInitializer = false;
Map<Node, List<TypePromotion>> shownTypePromotionsMap =
new Map<Node, List<TypePromotion>>();
Map<VariableElement, Link<TypePromotion>> typePromotionsMap =
new Map<VariableElement, Link<TypePromotion>>();
Set<TypePromotion> reportedTypePromotions = new Set<TypePromotion>();
void showTypePromotion(Node node, TypePromotion typePromotion) {
List<TypePromotion> shownTypePromotions =
shownTypePromotionsMap.putIfAbsent(node, () => <TypePromotion>[]);
void registerKnownTypePromotion(TypePromotion typePromotion) {
VariableElement variable = typePromotion.variable;
Link<TypePromotion> knownTypes = typePromotionsMap.putIfAbsent(
variable, () => const Link<TypePromotion>());
typePromotionsMap[variable] = knownTypes.prepend(typePromotion);
void unregisterKnownTypePromotion(TypePromotion typePromotion) {
VariableElement variable = typePromotion.variable;
Link<TypePromotion> knownTypes = typePromotionsMap[variable].tail;
if (knownTypes.isEmpty) {
} else {
typePromotionsMap[variable] = knownTypes;
List<TypePromotion> getShownTypePromotionsFor(Node node) {
List<TypePromotion> shownTypePromotions = shownTypePromotionsMap[node];
return shownTypePromotions != null ? shownTypePromotions : const [];
TypePromotion getKnownTypePromotion(VariableElement element) {
Link<TypePromotion> promotions = typePromotionsMap[element];
if (promotions != null) {
while (!promotions.isEmpty) {
TypePromotion typePromotion = promotions.head;
if (typePromotion.isValid) {
return typePromotion;
promotions = promotions.tail;
return null;
ResolutionDartType getKnownType(VariableElement element) {
TypePromotion typePromotion = getKnownTypePromotion(element);
if (typePromotion != null) return typePromotion.type;
return element.type;
TypeCheckerVisitor(this.compiler, TreeElements elements, this.types)
: this.elements = elements,
this.executableContext = elements.analyzedElement,
this.currentClass = elements.analyzedElement != null
? elements.analyzedElement.enclosingClass
: null {
if (currentClass != null) {
thisType = currentClass.thisType;
superType = currentClass.supertype;
} else {
// If these are used, an error should have been reported by the resolver.
thisType = const ResolutionDynamicType();
superType = const ResolutionDynamicType();
LibraryElement get currentLibrary => elements.analyzedElement.library;
reportTypeWarning(Spannable spannable, MessageKind kind,
[Map arguments = const {}]) {
reporter.reportWarningMessage(spannable, kind, arguments);
reportMessage(Spannable spannable, MessageKind kind, Map arguments,
{bool isHint: false}) {
if (isHint) {
reporter.reportHintMessage(spannable, kind, arguments);
} else {
reporter.reportWarningMessage(spannable, kind, arguments);
reportTypePromotionHint(TypePromotion typePromotion) {
if (!reportedTypePromotions.contains(typePromotion)) {
for (TypePromotionMessage message in typePromotion.messages) {
reporter.reportHint(message.hint, message.infos);
// TODO(karlklose): remove these functions.
ResolutionDartType unhandledExpression() => const ResolutionDynamicType();
ResolutionDartType analyzeNonVoid(Node node) {
ResolutionDartType type = analyze(node);
if (type.isVoid) {
reportTypeWarning(node, MessageKind.VOID_EXPRESSION);
return type;
ResolutionDartType analyzeWithDefault(
Node node, ResolutionDartType defaultValue) {
return node != null ? analyze(node) : defaultValue;
/// If [inInitializer] is true, assignment should be interpreted as write to
/// a field and not to a setter.
ResolutionDartType analyze(Node node,
{bool inInitializer: false, bool mustHaveType: true}) {
if (node == null) {
final String error = 'Unexpected node: null';
if (lastSeenNode != null) {
reporter.internalError(lastSeenNode, error);
} else {
reporter.internalError(executableContext, error);
} else {
lastSeenNode = node;
bool previouslyInitializer = analyzingInitializer;
analyzingInitializer = inInitializer;
ResolutionDartType result = node.accept(this);
analyzingInitializer = previouslyInitializer;
if (result == null && mustHaveType) {
reporter.internalError(node, 'Type is null.');
return result;
void analyzeUntyped(Node node, {bool inInitializer: false}) {
if (node != null) {
analyze(node, inInitializer: inInitializer, mustHaveType: false);
void checkTypePromotion(Node node, TypePromotion typePromotion,
{bool checkAccesses: false}) {
VariableElement variable = typePromotion.variable;
String variableName =;
List<Node> potentialMutationsIn =
elements.getPotentialMutationsIn(node, variable);
if (!potentialMutationsIn.isEmpty) {
DiagnosticMessage hint = reporter.createMessage(
{'variableName': variableName, 'shownType': typePromotion.type});
List<DiagnosticMessage> infos = <DiagnosticMessage>[];
for (Node mutation in potentialMutationsIn) {
{'variableName': variableName}));
typePromotion.addHint(hint, infos);
List<Node> potentialMutationsInClosures =
if (!potentialMutationsInClosures.isEmpty) {
DiagnosticMessage hint = reporter.createMessage(
{'variableName': variableName, 'shownType': typePromotion.type});
List<DiagnosticMessage> infos = <DiagnosticMessage>[];
for (Node mutation in potentialMutationsInClosures) {
{'variableName': variableName}));
typePromotion.addHint(hint, infos);
if (checkAccesses) {
List<Node> accesses = elements.getAccessesByClosureIn(node, variable);
List<Node> mutations = elements.getPotentialMutations(variable);
if (!accesses.isEmpty && !mutations.isEmpty) {
DiagnosticMessage hint = reporter.createMessage(
{'variableName': variableName, 'shownType': typePromotion.type});
List<DiagnosticMessage> infos = <DiagnosticMessage>[];
for (Node access in accesses) {
{'variableName': variableName}));
for (Node mutation in mutations) {
{'variableName': variableName}));
typePromotion.addHint(hint, infos);
/// Show type promotions from [left] and [right] in [node] given that the
/// promoted variables are not potentially mutated in [right].
void reshowTypePromotions(Node node, Node left, Node right) {
for (TypePromotion typePromotion in getShownTypePromotionsFor(left)) {
typePromotion = typePromotion.copy();
checkTypePromotion(right, typePromotion);
showTypePromotion(node, typePromotion);
for (TypePromotion typePromotion in getShownTypePromotionsFor(right)) {
typePromotion = typePromotion.copy();
checkTypePromotion(right, typePromotion);
showTypePromotion(node, typePromotion);
/// Analyze [node] in the context of the known types shown in [context].
ResolutionDartType analyzeInPromotedContext(Node context, Node node,
{bool mustHaveType: true}) {
Link<TypePromotion> knownForNode = const Link<TypePromotion>();
for (TypePromotion typePromotion in getShownTypePromotionsFor(context)) {
typePromotion = typePromotion.copy();
checkTypePromotion(node, typePromotion, checkAccesses: true);
knownForNode = knownForNode.prepend(typePromotion);
final ResolutionDartType type = analyze(node, mustHaveType: mustHaveType);
while (!knownForNode.isEmpty) {
knownForNode = knownForNode.tail;
return type;
* Check if a value of type [from] can be assigned to a variable, parameter or
* return value of type [to]. If `isConst == true`, an error is emitted in
* checked mode, otherwise a warning is issued.
bool checkAssignable(
Spannable spannable, ResolutionDartType from, ResolutionDartType to,
{bool isConst: false}) {
if (!types.isAssignable(from, to)) {
if (compiler.options.enableTypeAssertions && isConst) {
reporter.reportErrorMessage(spannable, MessageKind.NOT_ASSIGNABLE,
{'fromType': from, 'toType': to});
} else {
reporter.reportWarningMessage(spannable, MessageKind.NOT_ASSIGNABLE,
{'fromType': from, 'toType': to});
return false;
return true;
checkCondition(Expression condition) {
checkAssignable(condition, analyze(condition), boolType);
void pushCascadeType(ResolutionDartType type) {
cascadeTypes = cascadeTypes.prepend(type);
ResolutionDartType popCascadeType() {
ResolutionDartType type = cascadeTypes.head;
cascadeTypes = cascadeTypes.tail;
return type;
visitAssert(Assert node) {
if (node.hasMessage) analyze(node.message);
visitBlock(Block node) {
ResolutionDartType visitCascade(Cascade node) {
return popCascadeType();
ResolutionDartType visitCascadeReceiver(CascadeReceiver node) {
ResolutionDartType type = analyze(node.expression);
return type;
visitDoWhile(DoWhile node) {
visitExpressionStatement(ExpressionStatement node) {
Expression expression = node.expression;
/** Dart Programming Language Specification: 11.5.1 For Loop */
visitFor(For node) {
if (node.initializer != null) {
if (node.condition != null) {
if (node.update != null) {
visitFunctionDeclaration(FunctionDeclaration node) {
ResolutionDartType visitFunctionExpression(FunctionExpression node) {
ResolutionDartType type;
ResolutionDartType returnType;
final FunctionElement element = elements.getFunctionDefinition(node);
element != null, failedAt(node, 'FunctionExpression with no element'));
if (Elements.isUnresolved(element)) return const ResolutionDynamicType();
if (element.isGenerativeConstructor) {
type = const ResolutionDynamicType();
returnType = const ResolutionVoidType();
element.functionSignature.forEachParameter((FormalElement parameter) {
if (parameter.isInitializingFormal) {
InitializingFormalElement fieldParameter = parameter;
checkAssignable(parameter, parameter.type,
if (node.initializers != null) {
analyzeUntyped(node.initializers, inInitializer: true);
} else {
ResolutionFunctionType functionType = element.computeType(resolution);
returnType = functionType.returnType;
type = functionType;
ExecutableElement previousExecutableContext = executableContext;
ResolutionDartType previousReturnType = expectedReturnType;
expectedReturnType = returnType;
AsyncMarker previousAsyncMarker = currentAsyncMarker;
executableContext = element;
currentAsyncMarker = element.asyncMarker;
executableContext = previousExecutableContext;
expectedReturnType = previousReturnType;
currentAsyncMarker = previousAsyncMarker;
return type;
ResolutionDartType visitIdentifier(Identifier node) {
if (node.isThis()) {
return thisType;
} else if (node.isSuper()) {
return superType;
} else {
TypedElement element = elements[node];
assert(element != null, failedAt(node, 'Missing element for identifier'));
assert(element.isVariable || element.isParameter || element.isField,
failedAt(node, 'Unexpected context element ${element}'));
return element.computeType(resolution);
visitIf(If node) {
Expression condition = node.condition.expression;
Statement thenPart = node.thenPart;
analyzeInPromotedContext(condition, thenPart, mustHaveType: false);
if (node.elsePart != null) {
void checkPrivateAccess(Node node, Element element, String name) {
if (name != null &&
Name.isPrivateName(name) &&
element.library != currentLibrary) {
reportTypeWarning(node, MessageKind.PRIVATE_ACCESS,
{'name': name, 'libraryName':});
ElementAccess lookupMember(Node node, ResolutionDartType receiverType,
String name, MemberKind memberKind, Element receiverElement,
{bool lookupClassMember: false, bool isHint: false}) {
if (receiverType.treatAsDynamic) {
return const DynamicAccess();
Name memberName = new Name(name, currentLibrary,
isSetter: memberKind == MemberKind.SETTER);
// Lookup the class or interface member [name] in [interface].
MemberSignature lookupMemberSignature(
Name name, ResolutionInterfaceType interface) {
resolution, interface.element, name.text);
return lookupClassMember || analyzingInitializer
? interface.lookupClassMember(name)
: interface.lookupInterfaceMember(name);
// Compute the access of [name] on [type]. This function takes the special
// 'call' method into account.
ElementAccess getAccess(Name name, ResolutionDartType unaliasedBound,
ResolutionInterfaceType interface) {
MemberSignature member = lookupMemberSignature(memberName, interface);
if (member != null) {
if (member is ErroneousMember) {
return const DynamicAccess();
} else {
return new MemberAccess(member);
if (name == const PublicName('call')) {
if (unaliasedBound.isFunctionType) {
// This is an access the implicit 'call' method of a function type.
return new FunctionCallAccess(receiverElement, unaliasedBound);
ResolutionInterfaceType functionType = commonElements.functionType;
if (types.isSubtype(interface, functionType)) {
// This is an access of the special 'call' method implicitly defined
// on 'Function'. This method can be called with any arguments, which
// we ensure by giving it the type 'dynamic'.
return new FunctionCallAccess(null, const ResolutionDynamicType());
return null;
ResolutionDartType unaliasedBound =
Types.computeUnaliasedBound(resolution, receiverType);
if (unaliasedBound.treatAsDynamic) {
return new DynamicAccess();
ResolutionInterfaceType interface =
Types.computeInterfaceType(resolution, unaliasedBound);
ElementAccess access = getAccess(memberName, unaliasedBound, interface);
if (access != null) {
return access;
if (receiverElement != null &&
(receiverElement.isVariable || receiverElement.isParameter)) {
Link<TypePromotion> typePromotions = typePromotionsMap[receiverElement];
if (typePromotions != null) {
while (!typePromotions.isEmpty) {
TypePromotion typePromotion = typePromotions.head;
if (!typePromotion.isValid) {
ResolutionDartType unaliasedBound =
Types.computeUnaliasedBound(resolution, typePromotion.type);
if (!unaliasedBound.treatAsDynamic) {
ResolutionInterfaceType interface =
Types.computeInterfaceType(resolution, unaliasedBound);
if (getAccess(memberName, unaliasedBound, interface) != null) {
typePromotions = typePromotions.tail;
// We didn't find a member with the correct name. If this lookup is for a
// super or redirecting initializer, the resolver has already emitted an
// error message. If the target is a proxy, no warning needs to be emitted.
// Otherwise, try to emit the most precise warning.
if (!interface.element.isProxy && !analyzingInitializer) {
bool foundPrivateMember = false;
if (memberName.isPrivate) {
void findPrivateMember(MemberSignature member) {
if (memberName.isSimilarTo( {
PrivateName privateName =;
LibraryElement library = privateName.library;
reportMessage(node, MessageKind.PRIVATE_ACCESS,
{'name': name, 'libraryName':},
isHint: isHint);
foundPrivateMember = true;
// TODO(johnniwinther): Avoid computation of all class members.
MembersCreator.computeAllClassMembers(resolution, interface.element);
if (lookupClassMember) {
} else {
if (!foundPrivateMember) {
switch (memberKind) {
case MemberKind.METHOD:
reportMessage(node, MessageKind.UNDEFINED_METHOD,
{'className':, 'memberName': name},
isHint: isHint);
case MemberKind.OPERATOR:
reportMessage(node, MessageKind.UNDEFINED_OPERATOR,
{'className':, 'memberName': name},
isHint: isHint);
case MemberKind.GETTER:
if (lookupMemberSignature(memberName.setter, interface) != null) {
// A setter is present so warn explicitly about the missing
// getter.
{'className':, 'memberName': name},
isHint: isHint);
} else if (name == 'await') {
Map arguments = {'className':};
String functionName =;
MessageKind kind;
if (functionName == '') {
} else {
kind = MessageKind.AWAIT_MEMBER_NOT_FOUND;
arguments['functionName'] = functionName;
reportMessage(node, kind, arguments, isHint: isHint);
} else {
reportMessage(node, MessageKind.UNDEFINED_GETTER,
{'className':, 'memberName': name},
isHint: isHint);
case MemberKind.SETTER:
reportMessage(node, MessageKind.UNDEFINED_SETTER,
{'className':, 'memberName': name},
isHint: isHint);
return const DynamicAccess();
ResolutionDartType lookupMemberType(
Node node, ResolutionDartType type, String name, MemberKind memberKind,
{bool isHint: false}) {
return lookupMember(node, type, name, memberKind, null, isHint: isHint)
void analyzeArguments(Send send, Element element, ResolutionDartType type,
[LinkBuilder<ResolutionDartType> argumentTypes]) {
Link<Node> arguments = send.arguments;
ResolutionDartType unaliasedType = type.unaliased;
if (identical(unaliasedType.kind, ResolutionTypeKind.FUNCTION)) {
/// Report [warning] including info(s) about the declaration of [element]
/// or [type].
void reportWarning(DiagnosticMessage warning) {
// TODO(johnniwinther): Support pointing to individual parameters on
// assignability warnings.
List<DiagnosticMessage> infos = <DiagnosticMessage>[];
Element declaration = element;
if (declaration == null) {
declaration = type.element;
} else if (type.isTypedef) {
MessageKind.THIS_IS_THE_DECLARATION, {'name':}));
declaration = type.element;
if (declaration != null) {
declaration, MessageKind.THIS_IS_THE_METHOD));
reporter.reportWarning(warning, infos);
/// Report a warning on [node] if [argumentType] is not assignable to
/// [parameterType].
void checkAssignable(Spannable node, ResolutionDartType argumentType,
ResolutionDartType parameterType) {
if (!types.isAssignable(argumentType, parameterType)) {
reportWarning(reporter.createMessage(node, MessageKind.NOT_ASSIGNABLE,
{'fromType': argumentType, 'toType': parameterType}));
ResolutionFunctionType funType = unaliasedType;
Iterator<ResolutionDartType> parameterTypes =
Iterator<ResolutionDartType> optionalParameterTypes =
while (!arguments.isEmpty) {
Node argument = arguments.head;
NamedArgument namedArgument = argument.asNamedArgument();
if (namedArgument != null) {
argument = namedArgument.expression;
String argumentName =;
ResolutionDartType namedParameterType =
if (namedParameterType == null) {
// TODO(johnniwinther): Provide better information on the called
// function.
{'argumentName': argumentName}));
ResolutionDartType argumentType = analyze(argument);
if (argumentTypes != null) argumentTypes.addLast(argumentType);
} else {
ResolutionDartType argumentType = analyze(argument);
if (argumentTypes != null) argumentTypes.addLast(argumentType);
checkAssignable(argument, argumentType, namedParameterType);
} else {
if (!parameterTypes.moveNext()) {
if (!optionalParameterTypes.moveNext()) {
// TODO(johnniwinther): Provide better information on the
// called function.
argument, MessageKind.ADDITIONAL_ARGUMENT));
ResolutionDartType argumentType = analyze(argument);
if (argumentTypes != null) argumentTypes.addLast(argumentType);
} else {
ResolutionDartType argumentType = analyze(argument);
if (argumentTypes != null) argumentTypes.addLast(argumentType);
argument, argumentType, optionalParameterTypes.current);
} else {
ResolutionDartType argumentType = analyze(argument);
if (argumentTypes != null) argumentTypes.addLast(argumentType);
checkAssignable(argument, argumentType, parameterTypes.current);
arguments = arguments.tail;
if (parameterTypes.moveNext()) {
// TODO(johnniwinther): Provide better information on the called
// function.
reportWarning(reporter.createMessage(send, MessageKind.MISSING_ARGUMENT,
{'argumentType': parameterTypes.current}));
} else {
while (!arguments.isEmpty) {
ResolutionDartType argumentType = analyze(arguments.head);
if (argumentTypes != null) argumentTypes.addLast(argumentType);
arguments = arguments.tail;
// Analyze the invocation [node] of [elementAccess].
// If provided [argumentTypes] is filled with the argument types during
// analysis.
ResolutionDartType analyzeInvocation(Send node, ElementAccess elementAccess,
[LinkBuilder<ResolutionDartType> argumentTypes]) {
ResolutionDartType type = elementAccess.computeType(resolution);
if (elementAccess.isCallable(compiler)) {
analyzeArguments(node, elementAccess.element, type, argumentTypes);
} else {
node, MessageKind.NOT_CALLABLE, {'elementName':});
analyzeArguments(node, elementAccess.element,
const ResolutionDynamicType(), argumentTypes);
type = type.unaliased;
if (type.isFunctionType) {
ResolutionFunctionType funType = type;
return funType.returnType;
} else {
return const ResolutionDynamicType();
* Computes the [ElementAccess] for [name] on the [node] possibly using the
* [element] provided for [node] by the resolver.
ElementAccess computeAccess(
Send node, String name, Element element, MemberKind memberKind,
{bool lookupClassMember: false}) {
if (Elements.isMalformed(element)) {
return const DynamicAccess();
if (node.receiver != null) {
Element receiverElement = elements[node.receiver];
if (receiverElement != null) {
if (receiverElement.isPrefix) {
if (node.isConditional) {
// Skip cases like `prefix?.topLevel`.
return const DynamicAccess();
element != null, failedAt(node, 'Prefixed node has no element.'));
return computeResolvedAccess(node, name, element, memberKind);
// for some expression e.
ResolutionDartType receiverType = analyze(node.receiver);
if (receiverType.treatAsDynamic || receiverType.isVoid) {
return const DynamicAccess();
return lookupMember(
node, receiverType, name, memberKind, elements[node.receiver],
lookupClassMember || element != null && element.isStatic);
} else {
return computeResolvedAccess(node, name, element, memberKind);
* Computes the [ElementAccess] for [name] on the [node] using the [element]
* provided for [node] by the resolver.
ElementAccess computeResolvedAccess(
Send node, String name, Element element, MemberKind memberKind) {
if (element == null) {
// foo() where foo is unresolved.
return lookupMember(node, thisType, name, memberKind, null);
} else if (element.isMalformed) {
// foo() where foo is erroneous.
return const DynamicAccess();
} else if (element.impliesType) {
// The literal `Foo` where Foo is a class, a typedef, or a type variable.
if (elements.isTypeLiteral(node)) {
return new TypeLiteralAccess(elements.getTypeLiteralType(node));
return createResolvedAccess(node, name, element);
} else if (element.isClassMember) {
// foo() where foo is a member.
return lookupMember(node, thisType, name, memberKind, null,
lookupClassMember: element.isStatic);
} else if (element.isFunction) {
// foo() where foo is a method in the same class.
return createResolvedAccess(node, name, element);
} else if (element.isVariable ||
element.isRegularParameter ||
element.isField ||
element.isInitializingFormal) {
// foo() where foo is a field in the same class.
return createResolvedAccess(node, name, element);
} else if (element.isGetter || element.isSetter) {
return createResolvedAccess(node, name, element);
} else {
element, 'Unexpected element kind ${element.kind}.');
return null;
ElementAccess createResolvedAccess(Send node, String name, Element element) {
checkPrivateAccess(node, element, name);
return createPromotedAccess(element);
ElementAccess createPromotedAccess(Element element) {
if (element.isVariable || element.isParameter) {
TypePromotion typePromotion = getKnownTypePromotion(element);
if (typePromotion != null) {
return new PromotedAccess(element, typePromotion.type);
return new ResolvedAccess(element);
* Computes the type of the access of [name] on the [node] possibly using the
* [element] provided for [node] by the resolver.
ResolutionDartType computeAccessType(
Send node, String name, Element element, MemberKind memberKind,
{bool lookupClassMember: false}) {
ResolutionDartType type = computeAccess(node, name, element, memberKind,
lookupClassMember: lookupClassMember)
if (type == null) {
reporter.internalError(node, 'Type is null on access of $name on $node.');
return type;
/// Compute a version of [shownType] that is more specific that [knownType].
/// This is used to provided better hints when trying to promote a supertype
/// to a raw subtype. For instance trying to promote `Iterable<int>` to `List`
/// we suggest the use of `List<int>`, which would make promotion valid.
ResolutionDartType computeMoreSpecificType(
ResolutionDartType shownType, ResolutionDartType knownType) {
if (knownType.isInterfaceType &&
shownType.isInterfaceType &&
types.isSubtype(shownType.asRaw(), knownType)) {
// For the comments in the block, assume the hierarchy:
// class A<T, V> {}
// class B<S, U> extends A<S, int> {}
// and a promotion from a [knownType] of `A<double, int>` to a
// [shownType] of `B`.
ResolutionInterfaceType knownInterfaceType = knownType;
ClassElement shownClass = shownType.element;
// Compute `B<double, dynamic>` as the subtype of `A<double, int>` using
// the relation between `A<S, int>` and `A<double, int>`.
MoreSpecificSubtypeVisitor visitor =
new MoreSpecificSubtypeVisitor(types);
ResolutionInterfaceType shownTypeGeneric =
visitor.computeMoreSpecific(shownClass, knownInterfaceType);
if (shownTypeGeneric != null &&
types.isMoreSpecific(shownTypeGeneric, knownType)) {
// This should be the case but we double-check.
// TODO(johnniwinther): Ensure that we don't suggest malbounded types.
return shownTypeGeneric;
return null;
ResolutionDartType visitSend(Send node) {
Element element = elements[node];
if (element != null && element.isConstructor) {
ResolutionDartType receiverType;
if (node.receiver != null) {
receiverType = analyze(node.receiver);
} else if (node.selector.isSuper()) {
// TODO(johnniwinther): Lookup super-member in class members.
receiverType = superType;
} else {
receiverType = thisType;
ResolutionDartType constructorType =
computeConstructorType(element, receiverType);
analyzeArguments(node, element, constructorType);
return const ResolutionDynamicType();
Identifier selector = node.selector.asIdentifier();
if (Elements.isClosureSend(node, element)) {
if (element != null) {
if (element.isError) {
// foo() where foo is erroneous
return analyzeInvocation(node, const DynamicAccess());
} else {
failedAt(node, "Unexpected element $element in closure send."));
// foo() where foo is a local or a parameter.
return analyzeInvocation(node, createPromotedAccess(element));
} else {
// exp() where exp is some complex expression like (o) or foo().
ResolutionDartType type = analyze(node.selector);
return analyzeInvocation(node, new TypeAccess(type));
} else if (Elements.isMalformed(element) && selector == null) {
// exp() where exp is an erroneous construct like `new Unresolved()`.
ResolutionDartType type = analyze(node.selector);
return analyzeInvocation(node, new TypeAccess(type));
String name = selector.source;
if (node.isOperator && identical(name, 'is')) {
if (!node.isIsNotCheck) {
Element variable = elements[node.receiver];
if (variable == null) {
// Look for the variable element within parenthesized expressions.
ParenthesizedExpression parentheses =
while (parentheses != null) {
variable = elements[parentheses.expression];
if (variable != null) break;
parentheses = parentheses.expression.asParenthesizedExpression();
if (variable != null && (variable.isVariable || variable.isParameter)) {
ResolutionDartType knownType = getKnownType(variable);
if (!knownType.isDynamic) {
ResolutionDartType shownType =
TypePromotion typePromotion =
new TypePromotion(node, variable, shownType);
if (!types.isMoreSpecific(shownType, knownType)) {
String variableName =;
if (!types.isSubtype(shownType, knownType)) {
'variableName': variableName,
'shownType': shownType,
'knownType': knownType
} else {
ResolutionDartType shownTypeSuggestion =
computeMoreSpecificType(shownType, knownType);
if (shownTypeSuggestion != null) {
'variableName': variableName,
'shownType': shownType,
'shownTypeSuggestion': shownTypeSuggestion,
'knownType': knownType
} else {
node, MessageKind.NOT_MORE_SPECIFIC, {
'variableName': variableName,
'shownType': shownType,
'knownType': knownType
showTypePromotion(node, typePromotion);
return boolType;
if (node.isOperator && identical(name, 'as')) {
return elements.getType(node.arguments.head);
} else if (node.isOperator) {
final Node receiver = node.receiver;
final ResolutionDartType receiverType = analyze(receiver);
if (identical(name, '==') ||
identical(name, '!=')
// TODO(johnniwinther): Remove these.
identical(name, '===') ||
identical(name, '!==')) {
// Analyze argument.
return boolType;
} else if (identical(name, '||')) {
checkAssignable(receiver, receiverType, boolType);
final Node argument = node.arguments.head;
final ResolutionDartType argumentType = analyze(argument);
checkAssignable(argument, argumentType, boolType);
return boolType;
} else if (identical(name, '&&')) {
checkAssignable(receiver, receiverType, boolType);
final Node argument = node.arguments.head;
final ResolutionDartType argumentType =
analyzeInPromotedContext(receiver, argument);
reshowTypePromotions(node, receiver, argument);
checkAssignable(argument, argumentType, boolType);
return boolType;
} else if (identical(name, '!')) {
checkAssignable(receiver, receiverType, boolType);
return boolType;
} else if (identical(name, '?')) {
return boolType;
} else if (identical(name, '??')) {
final Node argument = node.arguments.head;
final ResolutionDartType argumentType = analyze(argument);
return types.computeLeastUpperBound(receiverType, argumentType);
String operatorName = selector.source;
if (identical(name, '-') && node.arguments.isEmpty) {
operatorName = 'unary-';
identical(name, '+') ||
identical(name, '=') ||
identical(name, '-') ||
identical(name, '*') ||
identical(name, '/') ||
identical(name, '%') ||
identical(name, '~/') ||
identical(name, '|') ||
identical(name, '&') ||
identical(name, '^') ||
identical(name, '~') ||
identical(name, '<<') ||
identical(name, '>>') ||
identical(name, '<') ||
identical(name, '>') ||
identical(name, '<=') ||
identical(name, '>=') ||
identical(name, '[]'),
failedAt(node, 'Unexpected operator $name'));
// TODO(karlklose): handle `void` in expression context by calling
// [analyzeNonVoid] instead of [analyze].
ElementAccess access = receiverType.isVoid
? const DynamicAccess()
: lookupMember(
node, receiverType, operatorName, MemberKind.OPERATOR, null);
LinkBuilder<ResolutionDartType> argumentTypesBuilder =
new LinkBuilder<ResolutionDartType>();
ResolutionDartType resultType =
analyzeInvocation(node, access, argumentTypesBuilder);
if (receiverType == intType) {
if (identical(name, '+') ||
identical(operatorName, '-') ||
identical(name, '*') ||
identical(name, '%')) {
ResolutionDartType argumentType = argumentTypesBuilder.toLink().head;
if (argumentType == intType) {
return intType;
} else if (argumentType == doubleType) {
return doubleType;
return resultType;
} else if (node.isPropertyAccess) {
ElementAccess access =
computeAccess(node, selector.source, element, MemberKind.GETTER);
return access.computeType(resolution);
} else if (node.isFunctionObjectInvocation) {
return unhandledExpression();
} else {
ElementAccess access =
computeAccess(node, selector.source, element, MemberKind.METHOD);
return analyzeInvocation(node, access);
/// Returns the first type in the list or [:dynamic:] if the list is empty.
ResolutionDartType firstType(List<ResolutionDartType> list) {
return list.isEmpty ? const ResolutionDynamicType() : list.first;
* Returns the second type in the list or [:dynamic:] if the list is too
* short.
ResolutionDartType secondType(List<ResolutionDartType> list) {
return list.length < 2 ? const ResolutionDynamicType() : list[1];
* Checks [: target o= value :] for some operator o, and returns the type
* of the result. This method also handles increment/decrement expressions
* like [: target++ :].
ResolutionDartType checkAssignmentOperator(SendSet node, String operatorName,
Node valueNode, ResolutionDartType value) {
assert(!node.isIndex, failedAt(node));
Element setterElement = elements[node];
Element getterElement = elements[node.selector];
Identifier selector = node.selector;
ResolutionDartType getter = computeAccessType(
node, selector.source, getterElement, MemberKind.GETTER);
ResolutionDartType setter = computeAccessType(
node, selector.source, setterElement, MemberKind.SETTER);
// [operator] is the type of operator+ or operator- on [target].
ResolutionDartType operator =
lookupMemberType(node, getter, operatorName, MemberKind.OPERATOR);
if (operator is ResolutionFunctionType) {
ResolutionFunctionType operatorType = operator;
// [result] is the type of target o value.
ResolutionDartType result = operatorType.returnType;
ResolutionDartType operatorArgument =
// Check target o value.
bool validValue = checkAssignable(valueNode, value, operatorArgument);
if (validValue || !(node.isPrefix || node.isPostfix)) {
// Check target = result.
checkAssignable(node.assignmentOperator, result, setter);
return node.isPostfix ? getter : result;
return const ResolutionDynamicType();
* Checks [: base[key] o= value :] for some operator o, and returns the type
* of the result. This method also handles increment/decrement expressions
* like [: base[key]++ :].
ResolutionDartType checkIndexAssignmentOperator(SendSet node,
String operatorName, Node valueNode, ResolutionDartType value) {
assert(node.isIndex, failedAt(node));
final ResolutionDartType base = analyze(node.receiver);
final Node keyNode = node.arguments.head;
final ResolutionDartType key = analyze(keyNode);
// [indexGet] is the type of operator[] on [base].
ResolutionDartType indexGet =
lookupMemberType(node, base, '[]', MemberKind.OPERATOR);
if (indexGet is ResolutionFunctionType) {
ResolutionFunctionType indexGetType = indexGet;
ResolutionDartType indexGetKey = firstType(indexGetType.parameterTypes);
// Check base[key].
bool validKey = checkAssignable(keyNode, key, indexGetKey);
// [element] is the type of base[key].
ResolutionDartType element = indexGetType.returnType;
// [operator] is the type of operator o on [element].
ResolutionDartType operator =
lookupMemberType(node, element, operatorName, MemberKind.OPERATOR);
if (operator is ResolutionFunctionType) {
ResolutionFunctionType operatorType = operator;
// Check base[key] o value.
ResolutionDartType operatorArgument =
bool validValue = checkAssignable(valueNode, value, operatorArgument);
// [result] is the type of base[key] o value.
ResolutionDartType result = operatorType.returnType;
// [indexSet] is the type of operator[]= on [base].
ResolutionDartType indexSet =
lookupMemberType(node, base, '[]=', MemberKind.OPERATOR);
if (indexSet is ResolutionFunctionType) {
ResolutionFunctionType indexSetType = indexSet;
ResolutionDartType indexSetKey =
ResolutionDartType indexSetValue =
if (validKey || indexGetKey != indexSetKey) {
// Only check base[key] on []= if base[key] was valid for [] or
// if the key types differ.
checkAssignable(keyNode, key, indexSetKey);
// Check base[key] = result
if (validValue || !(node.isPrefix || node.isPostfix)) {
checkAssignable(node.assignmentOperator, result, indexSetValue);
return node.isPostfix ? element : result;
return const ResolutionDynamicType();
visitSendSet(SendSet node) {
Element element = elements[node];
Identifier selector = node.selector;
final name = node.assignmentOperator.source;
if (identical(name, '=') || identical(name, '??=')) {
// e1 = value
if (node.isIndex) {
// base[key] = value
final ResolutionDartType base = analyze(node.receiver);
final Node keyNode = node.arguments.head;
final ResolutionDartType key = analyze(keyNode);
final Node valueNode = node.arguments.tail.head;
final ResolutionDartType value = analyze(valueNode);
ResolutionDartType indexSet =
lookupMemberType(node, base, '[]=', MemberKind.OPERATOR);
ResolutionDartType indexSetValue = const ResolutionDynamicType();
if (indexSet is ResolutionFunctionType) {
ResolutionFunctionType indexSetType = indexSet;
ResolutionDartType indexSetKey =
checkAssignable(keyNode, key, indexSetKey);
indexSetValue = secondType(indexSetType.parameterTypes);
checkAssignable(node.assignmentOperator, value, indexSetValue);
return identical(name, '=')
? value
: types.computeLeastUpperBound(value, indexSetValue);
} else {
// target = value
ResolutionDartType target;
if (analyzingInitializer) {
// Field declaration `Foo target = value;` or initializer
// ` = value`. Lookup the getter `target` in the class
// members.
target = computeAccessType(
node, selector.source, element, MemberKind.GETTER,
lookupClassMember: true);
} else {
// Normal assignment `target = value`.
target = computeAccessType(
node, selector.source, element, MemberKind.SETTER);
final Node valueNode = node.arguments.head;
final ResolutionDartType value = analyze(valueNode);
checkAssignable(node.assignmentOperator, value, target);
return identical(name, '=')
? value
: types.computeLeastUpperBound(value, target);
} else if (identical(name, '++') || identical(name, '--')) {
// e++ or e--
String operatorName = identical(name, '++') ? '+' : '-';
if (node.isIndex) {
// base[key]++, base[key]--, ++base[key], or --base[key]
return checkIndexAssignmentOperator(
node, operatorName, node.assignmentOperator, intType);
} else {
// target++, target--, ++target, or --target
return checkAssignmentOperator(
node, operatorName, node.assignmentOperator, intType);
} else {
// e1 o= e2 for some operator o.
String operatorName;
switch (name) {
case '+=':
operatorName = '+';
case '-=':
operatorName = '-';
case '*=':
operatorName = '*';
case '/=':
operatorName = '/';
case '%=':
operatorName = '%';
case '~/=':
operatorName = '~/';
case '&=':
operatorName = '&';
case '|=':
operatorName = '|';
case '^=':
operatorName = '^';
case '<<=':
operatorName = '<<';
case '>>=':
operatorName = '>>';
reporter.internalError(node, 'Unexpected assignment operator $name.');
if (node.isIndex) {
// base[key] o= value for some operator o.
final Node valueNode = node.arguments.tail.head;
final ResolutionDartType value = analyze(valueNode);
return checkIndexAssignmentOperator(
node, operatorName, valueNode, value);
} else {
// target o= value for some operator o.
final Node valueNode = node.arguments.head;
final ResolutionDartType value = analyze(valueNode);
return checkAssignmentOperator(node, operatorName, valueNode, value);
ResolutionDartType visitLiteralInt(LiteralInt node) {
return intType;
ResolutionDartType visitLiteralDouble(LiteralDouble node) {
return doubleType;
ResolutionDartType visitLiteralBool(LiteralBool node) {
return boolType;
ResolutionDartType visitLiteralString(LiteralString node) {
return stringType;
ResolutionDartType visitStringJuxtaposition(StringJuxtaposition node) {
return stringType;
ResolutionDartType visitLiteralNull(LiteralNull node) {
return const ResolutionDynamicType();
ResolutionInterfaceType visitLiteralSymbol(LiteralSymbol node) {
return commonElements.symbolType;
ResolutionDartType computeConstructorType(
ConstructorElement constructor, ResolutionDartType type) {
if (Elements.isUnresolved(constructor))
return const ResolutionDynamicType();
ResolutionDartType constructorType = constructor.computeType(resolution);
if (identical(type.kind, ResolutionTypeKind.INTERFACE)) {
if (constructor.isSynthesized) {
// TODO(johnniwinther): Remove this when synthesized constructors handle
// type variables correctly.
ResolutionInterfaceType interfaceType = type;
ClassElement receiverElement = interfaceType.element;
while (receiverElement.isMixinApplication) {
receiverElement = receiverElement.supertype.element;
constructorType = constructorType
} else {
constructorType = constructorType.substByContext(type);
return constructorType;
ResolutionDartType visitNewExpression(NewExpression node) {
Element element = elements[node.send];
if (Elements.isUnresolved(element)) return const ResolutionDynamicType();
checkPrivateAccess(node, element,;
ResolutionDartType newType = elements.getType(node);
assert(newType != null,
failedAt(node, "No new type registered in $elements."));
ResolutionDartType constructorType =
computeConstructorType(element, newType);
analyzeArguments(node.send, element, constructorType);
return newType;
ResolutionDartType visitLiteralList(LiteralList node) {
ResolutionInterfaceType listType = elements.getType(node);
ResolutionDartType listElementType = firstType(listType.typeArguments);
for (Link<Node> link = node.elements.nodes;
link = link.tail) {
Node element = link.head;
ResolutionDartType elementType = analyze(element);
checkAssignable(element, elementType, listElementType,
isConst: node.isConst);
return listType;
visitNodeList(NodeList node) {
for (Link<Node> link = node.nodes; !link.isEmpty; link = link.tail) {
analyzeUntyped(link.head, inInitializer: analyzingInitializer);
visitRedirectingFactoryBody(RedirectingFactoryBody node) {
// TODO(lrn): Typecheck the body. It must refer to the constructor
// of a subtype.
visitRethrow(Rethrow node) {
// Nothing to do here.
/** Dart Programming Language Specification: 11.10 Return */
visitReturn(Return node) {
if (identical(node.beginToken.stringValue, 'native')) {
return null;
final Node expression = node.expression;
// Executing a return statement return e; [...] It is a static type warning
// if the type of e may not be assigned to the declared return type of the
// immediately enclosing function.
if (expression != null) {
ResolutionDartType expressionType = analyze(expression);
if (executableContext.isGenerativeConstructor) {
// The resolver already emitted an error for this expression.
} else {
if (currentAsyncMarker == AsyncMarker.ASYNC) {
ResolutionInterfaceType futureOfFlattenedType =
expressionType = futureOfFlattenedType;
if (expectedReturnType.isVoid &&
!types.isAssignable(expressionType, const ResolutionVoidType())) {
// In `void f(...) => e`, `e` can have any type.
if (!node.isArrowBody) {
reportTypeWarning(expression, MessageKind.RETURN_VALUE_IN_VOID);
} else {
checkAssignable(expression, expressionType, expectedReturnType);
} else if (currentAsyncMarker != AsyncMarker.SYNC) {
// `return;` is allowed.
} else if (!types.isAssignable(
expectedReturnType, const ResolutionVoidType())) {
// Let f be the function immediately enclosing a return statement of the
// form 'return;' It is a static warning if both of the following
// conditions hold:
// - f is not a generative constructor.
// - The return type of f may not be assigned to void.
node, MessageKind.RETURN_NOTHING, {'returnType': expectedReturnType});
ResolutionDartType visitThrow(Throw node) {
// TODO(johnniwinther): Handle reachability.
return const ResolutionDynamicType();
ResolutionDartType visitAwait(Await node) {
ResolutionDartType expressionType = analyze(node.expression);
if ( {
return types.flatten(expressionType);
} else {
return const ResolutionDynamicType();
visitYield(Yield node) {
ResolutionDartType resultType = analyze(node.expression);
if (!node.hasStar) {
if (currentAsyncMarker.isAsync) {
ResolutionInterfaceType streamOfResultType =
resultType = streamOfResultType;
} else {
ResolutionInterfaceType iterableOfResultType =
resultType = iterableOfResultType;
} else {
if (currentAsyncMarker.isAsync) {
// The static type of expression must be assignable to Stream.
ResolutionInterfaceType streamType = commonElements.streamType();
checkAssignable(node, resultType, streamType);
} else {
// The static type of expression must be assignable to Iterable.
ResolutionInterfaceType iterableType = commonElements.iterableType();
checkAssignable(node, resultType, iterableType);
// The static type of the result must be assignable to the declared type.
checkAssignable(node, resultType, expectedReturnType);
ResolutionDartType visitTypeAnnotation(TypeAnnotation node) {
return elements.getType(node);
ResolutionDartType analyzeVariableTypeAnnotation(VariableDefinitions node) {
ResolutionDartType type =
analyzeWithDefault(node.type, const ResolutionDynamicType());
if (type.isVoid) {
reportTypeWarning(node.type, MessageKind.VOID_VARIABLE);
type = const ResolutionDynamicType();
return type;
void analyzeVariableInitializer(
Spannable spannable, ResolutionDartType declaredType, Node initializer) {
if (initializer == null) return;
ResolutionDartType expressionType = analyzeNonVoid(initializer);
checkAssignable(spannable, expressionType, declaredType);
visitVariableDefinitions(VariableDefinitions node) {
ResolutionDartType type = analyzeVariableTypeAnnotation(node);
for (Link<Node> link = node.definitions.nodes;
link = link.tail) {
Node definition = link.head;
assert(definition is Identifier || definition is SendSet,
failedAt(definition, 'expected identifier or initialization'));
if (definition is SendSet) {
SendSet initialization = definition;
analyzeVariableInitializer(initialization.assignmentOperator, type,
// TODO(sigmund): explore inferring a type for `var` using the RHS (like
// DDC does), for example:
// if (node.type == null && node.modifiers.isVar &&
// !initializer.isDynamic) {
// var variable = elements[definition];
// if (variable != null) {
// var typePromotion = new TypePromotion(
// node, variable, initializer);
// registerKnownTypePromotion(typePromotion);
// }
// }
visitWhile(While node) {
ResolutionDartType visitParenthesizedExpression(
ParenthesizedExpression node) {
Expression expression = node.expression;
ResolutionDartType type = analyze(expression);
for (TypePromotion typePromotion in getShownTypePromotionsFor(expression)) {
showTypePromotion(node, typePromotion);
return type;
ResolutionDartType visitConditional(Conditional node) {
Expression condition = node.condition;
Expression thenExpression = node.thenExpression;
ResolutionDartType thenType =
analyzeInPromotedContext(condition, thenExpression);
ResolutionDartType elseType = analyze(node.elseExpression);
return types.computeLeastUpperBound(thenType, elseType);
visitStringInterpolation(StringInterpolation node) {
return stringType;
visitStringInterpolationPart(StringInterpolationPart node) {
return stringType;
visitEmptyStatement(EmptyStatement node) {
// Nothing to do here.
visitBreakStatement(BreakStatement node) {
// Nothing to do here.
visitContinueStatement(ContinueStatement node) {
// Nothing to do here.
ResolutionDartType computeForInElementType(ForIn node) {
VariableDefinitions declaredIdentifier =
if (declaredIdentifier != null) {
return analyzeWithDefault(
declaredIdentifier.type, const ResolutionDynamicType());
} else {
return analyze(node.declaredIdentifier);
visitAsyncForIn(AsyncForIn node) {
ResolutionDartType elementType = computeForInElementType(node);
ResolutionDartType expressionType = analyze(node.expression);
if ( {
ResolutionInterfaceType streamOfDynamic = commonElements.streamType();
if (!types.isAssignable(expressionType, streamOfDynamic)) {
reportMessage(node.expression, MessageKind.NOT_ASSIGNABLE,
{'fromType': expressionType, 'toType': streamOfDynamic},
isHint: true);
} else {
ResolutionInterfaceType interfaceType =
Types.computeInterfaceType(resolution, expressionType);
if (interfaceType != null) {
ResolutionInterfaceType streamType =
if (streamType != null) {
ResolutionDartType streamElementType =
if (!types.isAssignable(streamElementType, elementType)) {
'currentType': streamElementType,
'expressionType': expressionType,
'elementType': elementType
isHint: true);
visitSyncForIn(SyncForIn node) {
ResolutionDartType elementType = computeForInElementType(node);
ResolutionDartType expressionType = analyze(node.expression);
ResolutionDartType iteratorType = lookupMemberType(node.expression,
expressionType, Identifiers.iterator, MemberKind.GETTER);
ResolutionDartType currentType = lookupMemberType(
node.expression, iteratorType, Identifiers.current, MemberKind.GETTER,
isHint: true);
if (!types.isAssignable(currentType, elementType)) {
'currentType': currentType,
'expressionType': expressionType,
'elementType': elementType
isHint: true);
visitLabeledStatement(LabeledStatement node) {
visitLiteralMap(LiteralMap node) {
ResolutionInterfaceType mapType = elements.getType(node);
ResolutionDartType mapKeyType = firstType(mapType.typeArguments);
ResolutionDartType mapValueType = secondType(mapType.typeArguments);
bool isConst = node.isConst;
for (Link<Node> link = node.entries.nodes;
link = link.tail) {
LiteralMapEntry entry = link.head;
ResolutionDartType keyType = analyze(entry.key);
checkAssignable(entry.key, keyType, mapKeyType, isConst: isConst);
ResolutionDartType valueType = analyze(entry.value);
checkAssignable(entry.value, valueType, mapValueType, isConst: isConst);
return mapType;
visitNamedArgument(NamedArgument node) {
// Named arguments are visited as part of analyzing invocations of
// unresolved methods. For instance [: foo(a: 42); :] where 'foo' is neither
// found in the enclosing scope nor through lookup on 'this' or
// [: 42); :] where 'foo' cannot be not found through lookup on
// the static type of 'x'.
return analyze(node.expression);
visitSwitchStatement(SwitchStatement node) {
// TODO(johnniwinther): Handle reachability based on reachability of
// switch cases.
// TODO(johnniwinther): Provide hint of duplicate case constants.
ResolutionDartType expressionType = analyze(node.expression);
// Check that all the case expressions are assignable to the expression.
bool hasDefaultCase = false;
for (SwitchCase switchCase in node.cases) {
if (switchCase.isDefaultCase) {
hasDefaultCase = true;
for (Node labelOrCase in switchCase.labelsAndCases) {
CaseMatch caseMatch = labelOrCase.asCaseMatch();
if (caseMatch == null) continue;
ResolutionDartType caseType = analyze(caseMatch.expression);
checkAssignable(caseMatch, expressionType, caseType);
if (!hasDefaultCase && expressionType.isEnumType) {
.addDeferredAction(new DeferredAction(executableContext, () {
Map<ConstantValue, FieldElement> enumValues =
<ConstantValue, FieldElement>{};
List<FieldElement> unreferencedFields = <FieldElement>[];
EnumClassElement enumClass = expressionType.element;
enumClass.enumValues.forEach((EnumConstantElement field) {
// TODO(johnniwinther): Ensure that the enum constant is computed at
// this point.
ConstantValue constantValue = compiler.resolver.constantCompiler
if (constantValue == null) {
// The field might not have been resolved.
} else {
enumValues[constantValue] = field;
for (SwitchCase switchCase in node.cases) {
for (Node labelOrCase in switchCase.labelsAndCases) {
CaseMatch caseMatch = labelOrCase.asCaseMatch();
if (caseMatch != null) {
ConstantExpression caseConstant = compiler
.compileNode(caseMatch.expression, elements);
if (!unreferencedFields.isEmpty) {
reporter.reportWarningMessage(node, MessageKind.MISSING_ENUM_CASES, {
'enumType': expressionType,
'enumValues': =>', ')
visitSwitchCase(SwitchCase node) {
visitTryStatement(TryStatement node) {
// TODO(johnniwinther): Use reachability information of try-block,
// catch-blocks and finally-block to compute the whether the try statement
// is returning.
for (CatchBlock catchBlock in node.catchBlocks) {
visitCatchBlock(CatchBlock node) {
visitTypedef(Typedef node) {
// Do not typecheck [Typedef] nodes.
visitNode(Node node) {
'Unexpected node ${node.getObjectDescription()} in the type checker.');