blob: f350ad79d08cadde91baf168d825fe1b4e1a4d19 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library analyzer.test.constant_test;
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/constant.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:test_reflective_loader/test_reflective_loader.dart';
import '../src/dart/resolution/context_collection_resolution.dart';
main() {
defineReflectiveSuite(() {
class ConstantEvaluatorTest extends PubPackageResolutionTest {
test_bitAnd_int_int() async {
await _assertValueInt(74 & 42, "74 & 42");
test_bitNot() async {
await _assertValueInt(~42, "~42");
test_bitOr_int_int() async {
await _assertValueInt(74 | 42, "74 | 42");
test_bitXor_int_int() async {
await _assertValueInt(74 ^ 42, "74 ^ 42");
test_constructorInvocation_assert_false() async {
var result = await _getExpressionValue("const C(0)", context: '''
class C {
const C(int x) : assert(x > 0);
expect(result.isValid, isFalse);
test_constructorInvocation_assert_inherited() async {
var result = await _getExpressionValue(
"const Center(name: 'v')",
context: '''
class Align {
final double widthFactor;
const Align({String name, this.widthFactor})
assert(widthFactor == null || widthFactor >= 0.0);
class Center extends Align {
const Center({String name})
: super(name: name);
expect(result.isValid, isTrue);
DartObject value = result.value!;
assertType(value.type, 'Center');
DartObject superclassFields =
DartObject widthFactor = superclassFields.getField('widthFactor')!;
expect(widthFactor.isNull, isTrue);
test_constructorInvocation_assert_true() async {
var result = await _getExpressionValue("const C(3)", context: '''
class C {
const C(int x) : assert(x > 0);
expect(result.isValid, isTrue);
DartObject value = result.value!;
assertType(value.type, 'C');
test_constructorInvocation_fieldInitializer() async {
var result = await _getExpressionValue("const C(2)", context: '''
class C {
final int x;
const C(this.x);
expect(result.isValid, isTrue);
DartObject value = result.value!;
assertType(value.type, 'C');
DartObject x = value.getField('x')!;
assertType(x.type, 'int');
expect(x.toIntValue(), 2);
test_constructorInvocation_noArgs() async {
var result = await _getExpressionValue(
"const C()",
context: 'class C {const C();}',
expect(result.isValid, isTrue);
DartObject value = result.value!;
assertType(value.type, 'C');
test_constructorInvocation_noConstConstructor() async {
var result = await _getExpressionValue(
"const C()",
context: 'class C {}',
expect(result.isValid, isFalse);
var value = result.value;
expect(value, isNull);
test_constructorInvocation_simpleArgs() async {
var result = await _getExpressionValue("const C(1)", context: '''
class C {
const C(int x);
expect(result.isValid, isTrue);
DartObject value = result.value!;
assertType(value.type, 'C');
test_divide_double_double() async {
await _assertValueDouble(3.2 / 2.3, "3.2 / 2.3");
test_divide_double_double_byZero() async {
var result = await _getExpressionValue("3.2 / 0.0");
expect(result.isValid, isTrue);
DartObject value = result.value!;
assertType(value.type, "double");
expect(value.toDoubleValue()!.isInfinite, isTrue);
test_divide_int_int() async {
await _assertValueDouble(1.5, "3 / 2");
test_divide_int_int_byZero() async {
var result = await _getExpressionValue("3 / 0");
expect(result.isValid, isTrue);
test_equal_boolean_boolean() async {
await _assertValueBool(false, "true == false");
test_equal_int_int() async {
await _assertValueBool(false, "2 == 3");
test_equal_invalidLeft() async {
var result = await _getExpressionValue("a == 3");
expect(result.isValid, isFalse);
test_equal_invalidRight() async {
var result = await _getExpressionValue("2 == a");
expect(result.isValid, isFalse);
test_equal_string_string() async {
await _assertValueBool(false, "'a' == 'b'");
test_greaterThan_int_int() async {
await _assertValueBool(false, "2 > 3");
test_greaterThanOrEqual_int_int() async {
await _assertValueBool(false, "2 >= 3");
test_identifier_class() async {
var result = await _getExpressionValue("?");
expect(result.isValid, isTrue);
var value = result.value;
expect(value, null);
test_identifier_function() async {
var result = await _getExpressionValue("?");
expect(result.isValid, isTrue);
var value = result.value;
expect(value, null);
test_identifier_static() async {
var result = await _getExpressionValue("?");
expect(result.isValid, isTrue);
var value = result.value;
expect(value, null);
test_identifier_staticMethod() async {
var result = await _getExpressionValue("?");
expect(result.isValid, isTrue);
var value = result.value;
expect(value, null);
test_identifier_topLevel() async {
var result = await _getExpressionValue("?");
expect(result.isValid, isTrue);
var value = result.value;
expect(value, null);
test_identifier_typeParameter() async {
var result = await _getExpressionValue("?");
expect(result.isValid, isTrue);
var value = result.value;
expect(value, null);
test_leftShift_int_int() async {
await _assertValueInt(64, "16 << 2");
test_lessThan_int_int() async {
await _assertValueBool(true, "2 < 3");
test_lessThanOrEqual_int_int() async {
await _assertValueBool(true, "2 <= 3");
test_literal_boolean_false() async {
await _assertValueBool(false, "false");
test_literal_boolean_true() async {
await _assertValueBool(true, "true");
test_literal_list() async {
var result = await _getExpressionValue("const ['a', 'b', 'c']");
expect(result.isValid, isTrue);
test_literal_list_forElement() async {
var result = await _getExpressionValue('''
const [for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) i]
expect(result.isValid, isFalse);
expect(result.errors, isNotEmpty);
test_literal_map() async {
var result = await _getExpressionValue(
"const {'a' : 'm', 'b' : 'n', 'c' : 'o'}",
expect(result.isValid, isTrue);
var map = result.value!.toMapValue()!;
expect( => k!.toStringValue()), ['a', 'b', 'c']);
test_literal_null() async {
var result = await _getExpressionValue("null");
expect(result.isValid, isTrue);
DartObject value = result.value!;
expect(value.isNull, isTrue);
test_literal_number_double() async {
await _assertValueDouble(3.45, "3.45");
test_literal_number_integer() async {
await _assertValueInt(42, "42");
test_literal_string_adjacent() async {
await _assertValueString("abcdef", "'abc' 'def'");
test_literal_string_interpolation_invalid() async {
var result = await _getExpressionValue("'a\${f()}c'");
expect(result.isValid, isFalse);
test_literal_string_interpolation_valid() async {
await _assertValueString("a3c", "'a\${3}c'");
test_literal_string_simple() async {
await _assertValueString("abc", "'abc'");
test_logicalAnd() async {
await _assertValueBool(false, "true && false");
test_logicalNot() async {
await _assertValueBool(false, "!true");
test_logicalOr() async {
await _assertValueBool(true, "true || false");
test_minus_double_double() async {
await _assertValueDouble(3.2 - 2.3, "3.2 - 2.3");
test_minus_int_int() async {
await _assertValueInt(1, "3 - 2");
test_negated_boolean() async {
var result = await _getExpressionValue("-true");
expect(result.isValid, isFalse);
test_negated_double() async {
await _assertValueDouble(-42.3, "-42.3");
test_negated_integer() async {
await _assertValueInt(-42, "-42");
test_notEqual_boolean_boolean() async {
await _assertValueBool(true, "true != false");
test_notEqual_int_int() async {
await _assertValueBool(true, "2 != 3");
test_notEqual_invalidLeft() async {
var result = await _getExpressionValue("a != 3");
expect(result.isValid, isFalse);
test_notEqual_invalidRight() async {
var result = await _getExpressionValue("2 != a");
expect(result.isValid, isFalse);
test_notEqual_string_string() async {
await _assertValueBool(true, "'a' != 'b'");
test_parenthesizedExpression() async {
await _assertValueString("a", "('a')");
test_plus_double_double() async {
await _assertValueDouble(2.3 + 3.2, "2.3 + 3.2");
test_plus_int_int() async {
await _assertValueInt(5, "2 + 3");
test_plus_string_string() async {
await _assertValueString("ab", "'a' + 'b'");
test_prefixedIdentifier_invalid() async {
var result = await _getExpressionValue("?");
expect(result.isValid, isTrue);
var value = result.value;
expect(value, null);
test_prefixedIdentifier_valid() async {
var result = await _getExpressionValue("?");
expect(result.isValid, isTrue);
var value = result.value;
expect(value, null);
test_propertyAccess_invalid() async {
var result = await _getExpressionValue("?");
expect(result.isValid, isTrue);
var value = result.value;
expect(value, null);
test_propertyAccess_valid() async {
var result = await _getExpressionValue("?");
expect(result.isValid, isTrue);
var value = result.value;
expect(value, null);
test_remainder_double_double() async {
await _assertValueDouble(3.2 % 2.3, "3.2 % 2.3");
test_remainder_int_int() async {
await _assertValueInt(2, "8 % 3");
test_rightShift() async {
await _assertValueInt(16, "64 >> 2");
test_simpleIdentifier_invalid() async {
var result = await _getExpressionValue("?");
expect(result.isValid, isTrue);
var value = result.value;
expect(value, null);
test_simpleIdentifier_valid() async {
var result = await _getExpressionValue("?");
expect(result.isValid, isTrue);
var value = result.value;
expect(value, null);
test_stringLength_complex() async {
await _assertValueInt(6, "('qwe' + 'rty').length");
test_stringLength_simple() async {
await _assertValueInt(6, "'Dvorak'.length");
test_times_double_double() async {
await _assertValueDouble(2.3 * 3.2, "2.3 * 3.2");
test_times_int_int() async {
await _assertValueInt(6, "2 * 3");
test_truncatingDivide_double_double() async {
await _assertValueInt(1, "3.2 ~/ 2.3");
test_truncatingDivide_int_int() async {
await _assertValueInt(3, "10 ~/ 3");
Future<void> _assertValueBool(bool expectedValue, String contents) async {
var result = await _getExpressionValue(contents);
DartObject value = result.value!;
assertType(value.type, "bool");
expect(value.toBoolValue(), expectedValue);
Future<void> _assertValueDouble(double expectedValue, String contents) async {
var result = await _getExpressionValue(contents);
expect(result.isValid, isTrue);
DartObject value = result.value!;
assertType(value.type, "double");
expect(value.toDoubleValue(), expectedValue);
Future<void> _assertValueInt(int expectedValue, String contents) async {
var result = await _getExpressionValue(contents);
expect(result.isValid, isTrue);
DartObject value = result.value!;
assertType(value.type, "int");
expect(value.toIntValue(), expectedValue);
Future<void> _assertValueString(String expectedValue, String contents) async {
var result = await _getExpressionValue(contents);
DartObject value = result.value!;
assertType(value.type, 'String');
Future<EvaluationResult> _getExpressionValue(String expressionCode,
{String context = ''}) async {
await resolveTestCode('''
var x = $expressionCode;
var expression = findNode.variableDeclaration('x =').initializer!;
var file = getFile(result.path!);
var evaluator = ConstantEvaluator(
result.libraryElement as LibraryElementImpl,
return evaluator.evaluate(expression);