blob: bd67df2002c72dff22597c79ae2e2fe287217deb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:collection';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/type.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/inheritance_manager3.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/type.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/type_algebra.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/type_system.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/task/inference_error.dart';
import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
/// An object used to infer the type of instance fields and the return types of
/// instance methods within a single compilation unit.
class InstanceMemberInferrer {
final InheritanceManager3 inheritance;
final Set<ClassElement> elementsBeingInferred = HashSet<ClassElement>();
late TypeSystemImpl typeSystem;
late bool isNonNullableByDefault;
late ClassElement currentClassElement;
/// Initialize a newly create inferrer.
DartType get _dynamicType => DynamicTypeImpl.instance;
/// Infer type information for all of the instance members in the given
/// compilation [unit].
void inferCompilationUnit(CompilationUnitElement unit) {
typeSystem = unit.library.typeSystem as TypeSystemImpl;
isNonNullableByDefault = typeSystem.isNonNullableByDefault;
/// Return `true` if the elements corresponding to the [elements] have the
/// same kind as the [element].
bool _allSameElementKind(
ExecutableElement element, List<ExecutableElement> elements) {
var elementKind = element.kind;
for (int i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
if (elements[i].kind != elementKind) {
return false;
return true;
/// Given a method, return the parameter in the method that corresponds to the
/// given [parameter]. If the parameter is positional, then it appears at the
/// given [index] in its enclosing element's list of parameters.
ParameterElement? _getCorrespondingParameter(ParameterElement parameter,
int index, List<ParameterElement> methodParameters) {
// Find the corresponding parameter.
if (parameter.isNamed) {
// If we're looking for a named parameter, only a named parameter with
// the same name will be matched.
return methodParameters.lastWhereOrNull(
(ParameterElement methodParameter) =>
methodParameter.isNamed && ==;
// If we're looking for a positional parameter we ignore the difference
// between required and optional parameters.
if (index < methodParameters.length) {
var matchingParameter = methodParameters[index];
if (!matchingParameter.isNamed) {
return matchingParameter;
return null;
/// If the given [accessor] represents a non-synthetic instance property
/// accessor for which no type was provided, infer its types.
/// If the given [field] represents a non-synthetic instance field for
/// which no type was provided, infer the type of the field.
void _inferAccessorOrField({
PropertyAccessorElementImpl? accessor,
FieldElementImpl? field,
}) {
Uri elementLibraryUri;
String elementName;
if (accessor != null) {
if (accessor.isSynthetic || accessor.isStatic) {
elementLibraryUri = accessor.library.source.uri;
elementName = accessor.displayName;
} else if (field != null) {
if (field.isSynthetic || field.isStatic) {
elementLibraryUri = field.library.source.uri;
elementName =;
} else {
throw UnimplementedError();
var getterName = Name(elementLibraryUri, elementName);
var overriddenGetters = inheritance.getOverridden2(
if (overriddenGetters != null) {
overriddenGetters = overriddenGetters.where((e) {
return e is PropertyAccessorElement && e.isGetter;
} else {
overriddenGetters = const [];
var setterName = Name(elementLibraryUri, '$elementName=');
var overriddenSetters = inheritance.getOverridden2(
overriddenSetters ??= const [];
DartType combinedGetterType() {
var combinedGetter = inheritance.combineSignatures(
targetClass: currentClassElement,
candidates: overriddenGetters!,
doTopMerge: true,
name: getterName,
if (combinedGetter != null) {
var returnType = combinedGetter.returnType;
return typeSystem.nonNullifyLegacy(returnType);
return DynamicTypeImpl.instance;
DartType combinedSetterType() {
var combinedSetter = inheritance.combineSignatures(
targetClass: currentClassElement,
candidates: overriddenSetters!,
doTopMerge: true,
name: setterName,
if (combinedSetter != null) {
var parameters = combinedSetter.parameters;
if (parameters.isNotEmpty) {
var type = parameters[0].type;
return typeSystem.nonNullifyLegacy(type);
return DynamicTypeImpl.instance;
if (accessor != null && accessor.isGetter) {
if (!accessor.hasImplicitReturnType) {
// The return type of a getter, parameter type of a setter or type of a
// field which overrides/implements only one or more getters is inferred
// to be the return type of the combined member signature of said getter
// in the direct superinterfaces.
// The return type of a getter which overrides/implements both a setter
// and a getter is inferred to be the return type of the combined member
// signature of said getter in the direct superinterfaces.
if (overriddenGetters.isNotEmpty) {
accessor.returnType = combinedGetterType();
// The return type of a getter, parameter type of a setter or type of
// field which overrides/implements only one or more setters is inferred
// to be the parameter type of the combined member signature of said
// setter in the direct superinterfaces.
if (overriddenGetters.isEmpty && overriddenSetters.isNotEmpty) {
accessor.returnType = combinedSetterType();
if (accessor != null && accessor.isSetter) {
var parameters = accessor.parameters;
if (parameters.isEmpty) {
var parameter = parameters[0] as ParameterElementImpl;
if (overriddenSetters.any(_isCovariantSetter)) {
parameter.inheritsCovariant = true;
if (!parameter.hasImplicitType) {
// The return type of a getter, parameter type of a setter or type of a
// field which overrides/implements only one or more getters is inferred
// to be the return type of the combined member signature of said getter
// in the direct superinterfaces.
if (overriddenGetters.isNotEmpty && overriddenSetters.isEmpty) {
parameter.type = combinedGetterType();
// The return type of a getter, parameter type of a setter or type of
// field which overrides/implements only one or more setters is inferred
// to be the parameter type of the combined member signature of said
// setter in the direct superinterfaces.
// The parameter type of a setter which overrides/implements both a
// setter and a getter is inferred to be the parameter type of the
// combined member signature of said setter in the direct superinterfaces.
if (overriddenSetters.isNotEmpty) {
parameter.type = combinedSetterType();
if (field != null) {
if (field.setter != null) {
if (overriddenSetters.any(_isCovariantSetter)) {
var parameter = field.setter!.parameters[0] as ParameterElementImpl;
parameter.inheritsCovariant = true;
if (!field.hasImplicitType) {
// The return type of a getter, parameter type of a setter or type of a
// field which overrides/implements only one or more getters is inferred
// to be the return type of the combined member signature of said getter
// in the direct superinterfaces.
if (overriddenGetters.isNotEmpty && overriddenSetters.isEmpty) {
field.type = combinedGetterType();
field.hasTypeInferred = true;
// The return type of a getter, parameter type of a setter or type of
// field which overrides/implements only one or more setters is inferred
// to be the parameter type of the combined member signature of said
// setter in the direct superinterfaces.
if (overriddenGetters.isEmpty && overriddenSetters.isNotEmpty) {
var type = combinedSetterType();
_setFieldType(field, type);
if (overriddenGetters.isNotEmpty && overriddenSetters.isNotEmpty) {
// The type of a final field which overrides/implements both a setter
// and a getter is inferred to be the return type of the combined
// member signature of said getter in the direct superinterfaces.
if (field.isFinal) {
var type = combinedGetterType();
_setFieldType(field, type);
// The type of a non-final field which overrides/implements both a
// setter and a getter is inferred to be the parameter type of the
// combined member signature of said setter in the direct
// superinterfaces, if this type is the same as the return type of the
// combined member signature of said getter in the direct
// superinterfaces. If the types are not the same then inference
// fails with an error.
if (!field.isFinal) {
var getterType = combinedGetterType();
var setterType = combinedSetterType();
if (getterType == setterType) {
var type = getterType;
type = typeSystem.nonNullifyLegacy(type);
_setFieldType(field, type);
} else {
field.typeInferenceError = TopLevelInferenceError(
kind: TopLevelInferenceErrorKind.overrideConflictFieldType,
arguments: const <String>[],
// Otherwise, declarations of static variables and fields that omit a
// type will be inferred from their initializer if present.
/// Infer type information for all of the instance members in the given
/// [classElement].
void _inferClass(ClassElement classElement) {
if (classElement is ClassElementImpl) {
if (classElement.hasBeenInferred) {
if (!elementsBeingInferred.add(classElement)) {
// We have found a circularity in the class hierarchy. For now we just
// stop trying to infer any type information for any classes that
// inherit from any class in the cycle. We could potentially limit the
// algorithm to only not inferring types in the classes in the cycle,
// but it isn't clear that the results would be significantly better.
throw _CycleException();
try {
// Ensure that all of instance members in the supertypes have had types
// inferred for them.
// Then infer the types for the members.
currentClassElement = classElement;
for (var field in classElement.fields) {
field: field as FieldElementImpl,
for (var accessor in classElement.accessors) {
accessor: accessor as PropertyAccessorElementImpl,
for (var method in classElement.methods) {
_inferExecutable(method as MethodElementImpl);
// Infer initializing formal parameter types. This must happen after
// field types are inferred.
classElement.hasBeenInferred = true;
} finally {
void _inferClasses(List<ClassElement> elements) {
for (ClassElement element in elements) {
try {
} on _CycleException {
// This is a short circuit return to prevent types that inherit from
// types containing a circular reference from being inferred.
void _inferConstructorFieldFormals(ConstructorElement constructor) {
for (ParameterElement parameter in constructor.parameters) {
if (parameter.hasImplicitType &&
parameter is FieldFormalParameterElementImpl) {
var field = parameter.field;
if (field != null) {
parameter.type = field.type;
/// If the given [element] represents a non-synthetic instance method,
/// getter or setter, infer the return type and any parameter type(s) where
/// they were not provided.
void _inferExecutable(MethodElementImpl element) {
if (element.isSynthetic || element.isStatic) {
var name = Name(element.library.source.uri,;
var overriddenElements = inheritance.getOverridden2(
if (overriddenElements == null ||
!_allSameElementKind(element, overriddenElements)) {
FunctionType? combinedSignatureType;
var hasImplicitType = element.hasImplicitReturnType ||
element.parameters.any((e) => e.hasImplicitType);
if (hasImplicitType) {
var conflicts = <Conflict>[];
var combinedSignature = inheritance.combineSignatures(
targetClass: currentClassElement,
candidates: overriddenElements,
doTopMerge: true,
name: name,
conflicts: conflicts,
if (combinedSignature != null) {
combinedSignatureType = _toOverriddenFunctionType(
if (combinedSignatureType != null) {}
} else {
var conflictExplanation = '<unknown>';
if (conflicts.length == 1) {
var conflict = conflicts.single;
if (conflict is CandidatesConflict) {
conflictExplanation = {
var className =;
var typeStr = candidate.type.getDisplayString(
withNullability: typeSystem.isNonNullableByDefault,
return '$className.${} ($typeStr)';
}).join(', ');
element.typeInferenceError = TopLevelInferenceError(
kind: TopLevelInferenceErrorKind.overrideNoCombinedSuperSignature,
arguments: [conflictExplanation],
// Infer the return type.
if (element.hasImplicitReturnType && element.displayName != '[]=') {
if (combinedSignatureType != null) {
var returnType = combinedSignatureType.returnType;
returnType = typeSystem.nonNullifyLegacy(returnType);
element.returnType = returnType;
} else {
element.returnType = DynamicTypeImpl.instance;
// Infer the parameter types.
List<ParameterElement> parameters = element.parameters;
for (var index = 0; index < parameters.length; index++) {
ParameterElement parameter = parameters[index];
if (parameter is ParameterElementImpl) {
_inferParameterCovariance(parameter, index, overriddenElements);
if (parameter.hasImplicitType) {
_inferParameterType(parameter, index, combinedSignatureType);
_resetOperatorEqualParameterTypeToDynamic(element, overriddenElements);
/// If a parameter is covariant, any parameters that override it are too.
void _inferParameterCovariance(ParameterElementImpl parameter, int index,
Iterable<ExecutableElement> overridden) {
parameter.inheritsCovariant = overridden.any((f) {
var param = _getCorrespondingParameter(parameter, index, f.parameters);
return param != null && param.isCovariant;
/// Set the type for the [parameter] at the given [index] from the given
/// [combinedSignatureType], which might be `null` if there is no valid
/// combined signature for signatures from direct superinterfaces.
void _inferParameterType(ParameterElementImpl parameter, int index,
FunctionType? combinedSignatureType) {
if (combinedSignatureType != null) {
var matchingParameter = _getCorrespondingParameter(
if (matchingParameter != null) {
var type = matchingParameter.type;
type = typeSystem.nonNullifyLegacy(type);
parameter.type = type;
} else {
parameter.type = DynamicTypeImpl.instance;
} else {
parameter.type = DynamicTypeImpl.instance;
/// Infer type information for all of the instance members in the given
/// interface [type].
void _inferType(InterfaceType? type) {
if (type != null) {
/// In legacy mode, an override of `operator==` with no explicit parameter
/// type inherits the parameter type of the overridden method if any override
/// of `operator==` between the overriding method and `Object.==` has an
/// explicit parameter type. Otherwise, the parameter type of the
/// overriding method is `dynamic`.
void _resetOperatorEqualParameterTypeToDynamic(
MethodElementImpl element,
List<ExecutableElement> overriddenElements,
) {
if ( != '==') return;
var parameters = element.parameters;
if (parameters.length != 1) {
element.isOperatorEqualWithParameterTypeFromObject = false;
var parameter = parameters[0] as ParameterElementImpl;
if (!parameter.hasImplicitType) {
element.isOperatorEqualWithParameterTypeFromObject = false;
for (var overridden in overriddenElements) {
overridden = overridden.declaration;
// Skip Object itself.
var enclosingElement = overridden.enclosingElement;
if (enclosingElement is ClassElement &&
enclosingElement.isDartCoreObject) {
// Keep the type if it is not directly from Object.
if (overridden is MethodElementImpl &&
!overridden.isOperatorEqualWithParameterTypeFromObject) {
element.isOperatorEqualWithParameterTypeFromObject = false;
// Reset the type.
if (!isNonNullableByDefault) {
parameter.type = _dynamicType;
element.isOperatorEqualWithParameterTypeFromObject = true;
/// Return the [FunctionType] of the [overriddenElement] that [element]
/// overrides. Return `null`, in case of type parameters inconsistency.
/// The overridden element must have the same number of generic type
/// parameters as the target element, or none.
/// If we do have generic type parameters on the element we're inferring,
/// we must express its parameter and return types in terms of its own
/// parameters. For example, given `m<T>(t)` overriding `m<S>(S s)` we
/// should infer this as `m<T>(T t)`.
FunctionType? _toOverriddenFunctionType(
ExecutableElement element, ExecutableElement overriddenElement) {
var elementTypeParameters = element.typeParameters;
var overriddenTypeParameters = overriddenElement.typeParameters;
if (elementTypeParameters.length != overriddenTypeParameters.length) {
return null;
var overriddenType = overriddenElement.type as FunctionTypeImpl;
if (elementTypeParameters.isEmpty) {
return overriddenType;
return replaceTypeParameters(overriddenType, elementTypeParameters);
static bool _isCovariantSetter(ExecutableElement element) {
if (element is PropertyAccessorElement) {
var parameters = element.parameters;
return parameters.isNotEmpty && parameters[0].isCovariant;
return false;
static void _setFieldType(FieldElementImpl field, DartType type) {
field.type = type;
field.hasTypeInferred = true;
/// A class of exception that is not used anywhere else.
class _CycleException implements Exception {}