blob: 49a74004a277f20ba74b89eb7e4f2107cdafce4b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:collection';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:math';
import 'dart:typed_data';
/// Reader of lists of boolean values.
/// The returned unmodifiable lists lazily read values on access.
class BoolListReader extends Reader<List<bool>> {
const BoolListReader();
int get size => 4;
List<bool> read(BufferContext bc, int offset) =>
_FbBoolList(bc, bc.derefObject(offset));
/// The reader of booleans.
class BoolReader extends Reader<bool> {
const BoolReader() : super();
int get size => 1;
bool read(BufferContext bc, int offset) => bc._getInt8(offset) != 0;
/// Buffer with data and some context about it.
class BufferContext {
final ByteData _buffer;
factory BufferContext.fromBytes(List<int> byteList) {
Uint8List uint8List = _asUint8List(byteList);
ByteData buf = ByteData.view(uint8List.buffer, uint8List.offsetInBytes);
return BufferContext._(buf);
int derefObject(int offset) {
return offset + _getUint32(offset);
Uint8List _asUint8LIst(int offset, int length) =>
_buffer.buffer.asUint8List(_buffer.offsetInBytes + offset, length);
double _getFloat64(int offset) => _buffer.getFloat64(offset, Endian.little);
int _getInt32(int offset) => _buffer.getInt32(offset, Endian.little);
int _getInt8(int offset) => _buffer.getInt8(offset);
int _getUint16(int offset) => _buffer.getUint16(offset, Endian.little);
int _getUint32(int offset) => _buffer.getUint32(offset, Endian.little);
int _getUint8(int offset) => _buffer.getUint8(offset);
/// If the [byteList] is already a [Uint8List] return it.
/// Otherwise return a [Uint8List] copy of the [byteList].
static Uint8List _asUint8List(List<int> byteList) {
if (byteList is Uint8List) {
return byteList;
} else {
return Uint8List.fromList(byteList);
/// Class that helps building flat buffers.
class Builder {
final int initialSize;
/// The list of field tails, reused by [_VTable] instances.
final Int32List _reusedFieldTails = Int32List(1024);
/// The list of field offsets, reused by [_VTable] instances.
final Int32List _reusedFieldOffsets = Int32List(1024);
/// The list of existing VTable(s).
final List<_VTable> _vTables = <_VTable>[];
late ByteData _buf;
/// The maximum alignment that has been seen so far. If [_buf] has to be
/// reallocated in the future (to insert room at its start for more bytes) the
/// reallocation will need to be a multiple of this many bytes.
late int _maxAlign;
/// The number of bytes that have been written to the buffer so far. The
/// most recently written byte is this many bytes from the end of [_buf].
late int _tail;
/// The location of the end of the current table, measured in bytes from the
/// end of [_buf], or `null` if a table is not currently being built.
late int _currentTableEndTail;
_VTable? _currentVTable;
/// Map containing all strings that have been written so far. This allows us
/// to avoid duplicating strings.
final Map<String, Offset<String>> _strings = <String, Offset<String>>{};
Builder({this.initialSize = 1024}) {
/// Add the [field] with the given boolean [value]. The field is not added if
/// the [value] is equal to [def]. Booleans are stored as 8-bit fields with
/// `0` for `false` and `1` for `true`.
void addBool(int field, bool? value, [bool? def]) {
if (value != null && value != def) {
int size = 1;
_prepare(size, 1);
_buf.setInt8(_buf.lengthInBytes - _tail, value ? 1 : 0);
/// Add the [field] with the given 64-bit float [value].
void addFloat64(int field, double? value, [double? def]) {
if (value != null && value != def) {
int size = 8;
_prepare(size, 1);
_setFloat64AtTail(_buf, _tail, value);
/// Add the [field] with the given 32-bit signed integer [value]. The field
/// is not added if the [value] is equal to [def].
void addInt32(int field, int? value, [int? def]) {
if (value != null && value != def) {
int size = 4;
_prepare(size, 1);
_setInt32AtTail(_buf, _tail, value);
/// Add the [field] with the given 8-bit signed integer [value]. The field is
/// not added if the [value] is equal to [def].
void addInt8(int field, int? value, [int? def]) {
if (value != null && value != def) {
int size = 1;
_prepare(size, 1);
_buf.setInt8(_buf.lengthInBytes - _tail, value);
/// Add the [field] referencing an object with the given [offset].
void addOffset(int field, Offset? offset) {
if (offset != null) {
_prepare(4, 1);
_setUint32AtTail(_buf, _tail, _tail - offset._tail);
/// Add the [field] with the given 32-bit unsigned integer [value]. The field
/// is not added if the [value] is equal to [def].
void addUint32(int field, int? value, [int? def]) {
if (value != null && value != def) {
int size = 4;
_prepare(size, 1);
_setUint32AtTail(_buf, _tail, value);
/// Add the [field] with the given 8-bit unsigned integer [value]. The field
/// is not added if the [value] is equal to [def].
void addUint8(int field, int? value, [int? def]) {
if (value != null && value != def) {
int size = 1;
_prepare(size, 1);
_setUint8AtTail(_buf, _tail, value);
/// End the current table and return its offset.
Offset endTable() {
if (_currentVTable == null) {
throw StateError('Start a table before ending it.');
// Prepare for writing the VTable.
_prepare(4, 1);
int tableTail = _tail;
// Prepare the size of the current table.
_currentVTable!.tableSize = tableTail - _currentTableEndTail;
// Prepare the VTable to use for the current table.
int? vTableTail;
// Try to find an existing compatible VTable.
for (int i = 0; i < _vTables.length; i++) {
_VTable vTable = _vTables[i];
if (_currentVTable!.canUseExistingVTable(vTable)) {
vTableTail = vTable.tail;
// Write a new VTable.
if (vTableTail == null) {
_prepare(2, _currentVTable!.numOfUint16);
vTableTail = _tail;
_currentVTable!.tail = vTableTail;
_currentVTable!.output(_buf, _buf.lengthInBytes - _tail);
// Set the VTable offset.
_setInt32AtTail(_buf, tableTail, vTableTail - tableTail);
// Done with this table.
_currentVTable = null;
return Offset(tableTail);
/// Finish off the creation of the buffer. The given [offset] is used as the
/// root object offset, and usually references directly or indirectly every
/// written object. If [fileIdentifier] is specified (and not `null`), it is
/// interpreted as a 4-byte Latin-1 encoded string that should be placed at
/// bytes 4-7 of the file.
Uint8List finish(Offset offset, [String? fileIdentifier]) {
_prepare(max(4, _maxAlign), fileIdentifier == null ? 1 : 2);
int alignedTail = _tail + ((-_tail) % _maxAlign);
_setUint32AtTail(_buf, alignedTail, alignedTail - offset._tail);
if (fileIdentifier != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
_buf, alignedTail - 4 - i, fileIdentifier.codeUnitAt(i));
return _buf.buffer.asUint8List(_buf.lengthInBytes - alignedTail);
/// This is a low-level method, it should not be invoked by clients.
Uint8List lowFinish() {
int alignedTail = _tail + ((-_tail) % _maxAlign);
return _buf.buffer.asUint8List(_buf.lengthInBytes - alignedTail);
/// This is a low-level method, it should not be invoked by clients.
void lowReset() {
_buf = ByteData(initialSize);
_maxAlign = 1;
_tail = 0;
/// This is a low-level method, it should not be invoked by clients.
void lowWriteUint32(int value) {
_prepare(4, 1);
_setUint32AtTail(_buf, _tail, value);
/// This is a low-level method, it should not be invoked by clients.
void lowWriteUint8(int value) {
_prepare(1, 1);
_buf.setUint8(_buf.lengthInBytes - _tail, value);
/// Reset the builder and make it ready for filling a new buffer.
void reset() {
_buf = ByteData(initialSize);
_maxAlign = 1;
_tail = 0;
_currentVTable = null;
/// Start a new table. Must be finished with [endTable] invocation.
void startTable() {
if (_currentVTable != null) {
throw StateError('Inline tables are not supported.');
_currentVTable = _VTable(_reusedFieldTails, _reusedFieldOffsets);
_currentTableEndTail = _tail;
/// Write the given list of [values].
Offset writeList(List<Offset> values) {
_prepare(4, 1 + values.length);
Offset result = Offset(_tail);
int tail = _tail;
_setUint32AtTail(_buf, tail, values.length);
tail -= 4;
for (Offset value in values) {
_setUint32AtTail(_buf, tail, tail - value._tail);
tail -= 4;
return result;
/// Write the given list of boolean [values].
Offset writeListBool(List<bool> values) {
int bitLength = values.length;
int padding = (-bitLength) % 8;
int byteLength = (bitLength + padding) ~/ 8;
// Prepare the backing Uint8List.
Uint8List bytes = Uint8List(byteLength + 1);
// Record every bit.
int byteIndex = 0;
int byte = 0;
int mask = 1;
for (int bitIndex = 0; bitIndex < bitLength; bitIndex++) {
if (bitIndex != 0 && (bitIndex % 8 == 0)) {
bytes[byteIndex++] = byte;
byte = 0;
mask = 1;
if (values[bitIndex]) {
byte |= mask;
mask <<= 1;
// Write the last byte, even if it may be on the padding.
bytes[byteIndex] = byte;
// Write the padding length.
bytes[byteLength] = padding;
// Write as a Uint8 list.
return writeListUint8(bytes);
/// Write the given list of 64-bit float [values].
Offset writeListFloat64(List<double> values) {
_prepare(8, 1 + values.length);
Offset result = Offset(_tail);
int tail = _tail;
_setUint32AtTail(_buf, tail, values.length);
tail -= 8;
for (double value in values) {
_setFloat64AtTail(_buf, tail, value);
tail -= 8;
return result;
/// Write the given list of signed 32-bit integer [values].
Offset writeListInt32(List<int> values) {
_prepare(4, 1 + values.length);
Offset result = Offset(_tail);
int tail = _tail;
_setUint32AtTail(_buf, tail, values.length);
tail -= 4;
for (int value in values) {
_setInt32AtTail(_buf, tail, value);
tail -= 4;
return result;
/// Write the given list of unsigned 32-bit integer [values].
Offset writeListUint32(List<int> values) {
_prepare(4, 1 + values.length);
Offset result = Offset(_tail);
int tail = _tail;
_setUint32AtTail(_buf, tail, values.length);
tail -= 4;
for (int value in values) {
_setUint32AtTail(_buf, tail, value);
tail -= 4;
return result;
/// Write the given list of unsigned 8-bit integer [values].
Offset writeListUint8(List<int> values) {
_prepare(4, 1, additionalBytes: values.length);
Offset result = Offset(_tail);
int tail = _tail;
_setUint32AtTail(_buf, tail, values.length);
tail -= 4;
for (int value in values) {
_setUint8AtTail(_buf, tail, value);
tail -= 1;
return result;
/// Write the given string [value] and return its [Offset].
Offset<String> writeString(String value) {
return _strings.putIfAbsent(value, () {
// TODO(scheglov) optimize for ASCII strings
List<int> bytes = utf8.encode(value);
int length = bytes.length;
_prepare(4, 1, additionalBytes: length);
Offset<String> result = Offset(_tail);
_setUint32AtTail(_buf, _tail, length);
int offset = _buf.lengthInBytes - _tail + 4;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
_buf.setUint8(offset++, bytes[i]);
return result;
/// Throw an exception if there is not currently a vtable.
void _ensureCurrentVTable() {
if (_currentVTable == null) {
throw StateError('Start a table before adding values.');
/// Throw an exception if there is currently a vtable.
void _ensureNoVTable() {
if (_currentVTable != null) {
throw StateError(
'Cannot write a non-scalar value while writing a table.');
/// Prepare for writing the given [count] of scalars of the given [size].
/// Additionally allocate the specified [additionalBytes]. Update the current
/// tail pointer to point at the allocated space.
void _prepare(int size, int count, {int additionalBytes = 0}) {
// Update the alignment.
if (_maxAlign < size) {
_maxAlign = size;
// Prepare amount of required space.
int dataSize = size * count + additionalBytes;
int alignDelta = (-(_tail + dataSize)) % size;
int bufSize = alignDelta + dataSize;
// Ensure that we have the required amount of space.
int oldCapacity = _buf.lengthInBytes;
if (_tail + bufSize > oldCapacity) {
int desiredNewCapacity = (oldCapacity + bufSize) * 2;
int deltaCapacity = desiredNewCapacity - oldCapacity;
deltaCapacity += (-deltaCapacity) % _maxAlign;
int newCapacity = oldCapacity + deltaCapacity;
ByteData newBuf = ByteData(newCapacity);
.setAll(deltaCapacity, _buf.buffer.asUint8List());
_buf = newBuf;
// Update the tail pointer.
_tail += bufSize;
/// Record the offset of the given [field].
void _trackField(int field) {
_currentVTable!.addField(field, _tail);
static void _setFloat64AtTail(ByteData _buf, int tail, double x) {
_buf.setFloat64(_buf.lengthInBytes - tail, x, Endian.little);
static void _setInt32AtTail(ByteData _buf, int tail, int x) {
_buf.setInt32(_buf.lengthInBytes - tail, x, Endian.little);
static void _setUint32AtTail(ByteData _buf, int tail, int x) {
_buf.setUint32(_buf.lengthInBytes - tail, x, Endian.little);
static void _setUint8AtTail(ByteData _buf, int tail, int x) {
_buf.setUint8(_buf.lengthInBytes - tail, x);
/// The reader of lists of 64-bit float values.
/// The returned unmodifiable lists lazily read values on access.
class Float64ListReader extends Reader<List<double>> {
const Float64ListReader();
int get size => 4;
List<double> read(BufferContext bc, int offset) =>
_FbFloat64List(bc, bc.derefObject(offset));
/// The reader of 64-bit floats.
class Float64Reader extends Reader<double> {
const Float64Reader() : super();
int get size => 8;
double read(BufferContext bc, int offset) => bc._getFloat64(offset);
/// The reader of signed 32-bit integers.
class Int32Reader extends Reader<int> {
const Int32Reader() : super();
int get size => 4;
int read(BufferContext bc, int offset) => bc._getInt32(offset);
/// The reader of 8-bit signed integers.
class Int8Reader extends Reader<int> {
const Int8Reader() : super();
int get size => 1;
int read(BufferContext bc, int offset) => bc._getInt8(offset);
/// The reader of lists of objects.
/// The returned unmodifiable lists lazily read objects on access.
class ListReader<E> extends Reader<List<E>> {
final Reader<E> _elementReader;
const ListReader(this._elementReader);
int get size => 4;
List<E> read(BufferContext bc, int offset) =>
_FbGenericList<E>(_elementReader, bc, bc.derefObject(offset));
/// The offset from the end of the buffer to a serialized object of the type
/// [T].
class Offset<T> {
final int _tail;
/// Object that can read a value at a [BufferContext].
abstract class Reader<T> {
const Reader();
/// The size of the value in bytes.
int get size;
/// Read the value at the given [offset] in [bc].
T read(BufferContext bc, int offset);
/// Read the value of the given [field] in the given [object].
T vTableGet(BufferContext object, int offset, int field, T defaultValue) {
return vTableGetOrNull(object, offset, field) ?? defaultValue;
/// Read the value of the given [field] in the given [object].
T? vTableGetOrNull(BufferContext object, int offset, int field) {
int vTableSOffset = object._getInt32(offset);
int vTableOffset = offset - vTableSOffset;
int vTableSize = object._getUint16(vTableOffset);
int vTableFieldOffset = (1 + 1 + field) * 2;
if (vTableFieldOffset < vTableSize) {
int fieldOffsetInObject =
object._getUint16(vTableOffset + vTableFieldOffset);
if (fieldOffsetInObject != 0) {
return read(object, offset + fieldOffsetInObject);
return null;
/// The reader of string values.
class StringReader extends Reader<String> {
const StringReader() : super();
int get size => 4;
String read(BufferContext bc, int offset) {
int strOffset = bc.derefObject(offset);
int length = bc._getUint32(strOffset);
Uint8List bytes = bc._asUint8LIst(strOffset + 4, length);
if (_isLatin(bytes)) {
return String.fromCharCodes(bytes);
return utf8.decode(bytes);
static bool _isLatin(Uint8List bytes) {
int length = bytes.length;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
if (bytes[i] > 127) {
return false;
return true;
/// An abstract reader for tables.
abstract class TableReader<T> extends Reader<T> {
const TableReader();
int get size => 4;
/// Return the object at [offset].
T createObject(BufferContext bc, int offset);
T read(BufferContext bp, int offset) {
int objectOffset = bp.derefObject(offset);
return createObject(bp, objectOffset);
/// Reader of lists of unsigned 32-bit integer values.
/// The returned unmodifiable lists lazily read values on access.
class Uint32ListReader extends Reader<List<int>> {
const Uint32ListReader();
int get size => 4;
List<int> read(BufferContext bc, int offset) =>
_FbUint32List(bc, bc.derefObject(offset));
/// The reader of unsigned 32-bit integers.
class Uint32Reader extends Reader<int> {
const Uint32Reader() : super();
int get size => 4;
int read(BufferContext bc, int offset) => bc._getUint32(offset);
/// Reader of lists of unsigned 8-bit integer values.
/// The returned unmodifiable lists lazily read values on access.
class Uint8ListReader extends Reader<List<int>> {
const Uint8ListReader();
int get size => 4;
List<int> read(BufferContext bc, int offset) =>
_FbUint8List(bc, bc.derefObject(offset));
/// The reader of unsigned 8-bit integers.
class Uint8Reader extends Reader<int> {
const Uint8Reader() : super();
int get size => 1;
int read(BufferContext bc, int offset) => bc._getUint8(offset);
/// List of booleans backed by 8-bit unsigned integers.
class _FbBoolList with ListMixin<bool> implements List<bool> {
final BufferContext bc;
final int offset;
int? _length;
_FbBoolList(this.bc, this.offset);
int get length {
if (_length == null) {
int byteLength = bc._getUint32(offset);
_length = (byteLength - 1) * 8 - _getByte(byteLength - 1);
return _length!;
set length(int i) => throw StateError('Attempt to modify immutable list');
bool operator [](int i) {
int index = i ~/ 8;
int mask = 1 << i % 8;
return _getByte(index) & mask != 0;
void operator []=(int i, bool e) =>
throw StateError('Attempt to modify immutable list');
int _getByte(int index) => bc._getUint8(offset + 4 + index);
/// The list backed by 64-bit values - Uint64 length and Float64.
class _FbFloat64List extends _FbList<double> {
_FbFloat64List(BufferContext bc, int offset) : super(bc, offset);
double operator [](int i) {
return bc._getFloat64(offset + 8 + 8 * i);
/// List backed by a generic object which may have any size.
class _FbGenericList<E> extends _FbList<E> {
final Reader<E> elementReader;
List<E?>? _items;
_FbGenericList(this.elementReader, BufferContext bp, int offset)
: super(bp, offset);
E operator [](int i) {
_items ??= List<E?>.filled(length, null);
E? item = _items![i];
if (item == null) {
item =, offset + 4 + elementReader.size * i);
_items![i] = item;
return item!;
/// The base class for immutable lists read from flat buffers.
abstract class _FbList<E> with ListMixin<E> implements List<E> {
final BufferContext bc;
final int offset;
int? _length;
_FbList(this.bc, this.offset);
int get length {
return _length ??= bc._getUint32(offset);
set length(int i) => throw StateError('Attempt to modify immutable list');
void operator []=(int i, E e) =>
throw StateError('Attempt to modify immutable list');
/// List backed by 32-bit unsigned integers.
class _FbUint32List extends _FbList<int> {
_FbUint32List(BufferContext bc, int offset) : super(bc, offset);
int operator [](int i) {
return bc._getUint32(offset + 4 + 4 * i);
/// List backed by 8-bit unsigned integers.
class _FbUint8List extends _FbList<int> {
_FbUint8List(BufferContext bc, int offset) : super(bc, offset);
int operator [](int i) {
return bc._getUint8(offset + 4 + i);
/// Class that describes the structure of a table.
class _VTable {
final Int32List _reusedFieldTails;
final Int32List _reusedFieldOffsets;
/// The number of fields in [_reusedFieldTails].
int _fieldCount = 0;
/// The private copy of [_reusedFieldOffsets], which is made only when we
/// find that this table is unique.
Int32List? _fieldOffsets;
/// The size of the table that uses this VTable.
int? tableSize;
/// The tail of this VTable. It is used to share the same VTable between
/// multiple tables of identical structure.
int? tail;
_VTable(this._reusedFieldTails, this._reusedFieldOffsets);
int get numOfUint16 => 1 + 1 + _fieldCount;
void addField(int field, int offset) {
while (_fieldCount <= field) {
_reusedFieldTails[_fieldCount++] = -1;
_reusedFieldTails[field] = offset;
/// Return `true` if the [existing] VTable can be used instead of this.
bool canUseExistingVTable(_VTable existing) {
assert(tail == null);
assert(existing.tail != null);
if (tableSize == existing.tableSize &&
_fieldCount == existing._fieldCount) {
for (int i = 0; i < _fieldCount; i++) {
if (_reusedFieldOffsets[i] != existing._fieldOffsets![i]) {
return false;
return true;
return false;
/// Fill the [_reusedFieldOffsets] field.
void computeFieldOffsets(int tableTail) {
for (int i = 0; i < _fieldCount; ++i) {
int fieldTail = _reusedFieldTails[i];
_reusedFieldOffsets[i] = fieldTail == -1 ? 0 : tableTail - fieldTail;
/// Outputs this VTable to [buf], which is is expected to be aligned to 16-bit
/// and have at least [numOfUint16] 16-bit words available.
void output(ByteData buf, int bufOffset) {
// VTable size.
buf.setUint16(bufOffset, numOfUint16 * 2, Endian.little);
bufOffset += 2;
// Table size.
buf.setUint16(bufOffset, tableSize!, Endian.little);
bufOffset += 2;
// Field offsets.
for (int fieldOffset in _fieldOffsets!) {
buf.setUint16(bufOffset, fieldOffset, Endian.little);
bufOffset += 2;
/// Fill the [_fieldOffsets] field.
void takeFieldOffsets() {
assert(_fieldOffsets == null);
_fieldOffsets = Int32List(_fieldCount);
for (int i = 0; i < _fieldCount; ++i) {
_fieldOffsets![i] = _reusedFieldOffsets[i];