blob: 922bee59d78d44b7f5d3bddda6d2b3589e8882be [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/*cfe.library: nnbd=false*/
/*cfe:nnbd.library: nnbd=true*/
forInDynamicList(dynamic list) {
/*current: dynamic*/
for (var e in
/* Iterable<dynamic>*/
/* Iterable<dynamic>!*/
/*dynamic*/ list) {
/*dynamic*/ e;
forInDynamic(List<dynamic> list) {
/*current: dynamic*/
for (var e in
/*cfe:nnbd.List<dynamic>!*/ list) {
/*dynamic*/ e;
forInInt(List<int> list) {
/*cfe.current: int*/
/*cfe:nnbd.current: int!*/
for (var e in
/*cfe:nnbd.List<int!>!*/ list) {
forInIntToNum(List<int> list) {
/*cfe.current: int*/
/*cfe:nnbd.current: int!*/
for (num e in
/*cfe:nnbd.List<int!>!*/ list) {
/*cfe:nnbd.member: asyncForInDynamicStream:futureValueType=dynamic*/
asyncForInDynamicStream(dynamic stream) async {
/*current: dynamic*/
await for (var e in
/* Stream<dynamic>*/
/* Stream<dynamic>!*/
/*dynamic*/ stream) {
/*dynamic*/ e;
/*cfe:nnbd.member: asyncForInDynamic:futureValueType=dynamic*/
asyncForInDynamic(Stream<dynamic> stream) async {
/*current: dynamic*/
await for (var e in
stream) {
/*dynamic*/ e;
/*cfe:nnbd.member: asyncForInInt:futureValueType=dynamic*/
asyncForInInt(Stream<int> stream) async {
/*cfe.current: int*/
/*cfe:nnbd.current: int!*/
await for (var e in
stream) {
/*cfe:nnbd.member: asyncForInIntToNum:futureValueType=dynamic*/
asyncForInIntToNum(Stream<int> stream) async {
/*cfe.current: int*/
/*cfe:nnbd.current: int!*/
await for (num e in
stream) {
abstract class CustomIterable implements Iterable<num> {
Iterator<int> get iterator;
customIterable(CustomIterable iterable) {
/*cfe.current: num*/
/*cfe:nnbd.current: num!*/
for (var e in
iterable) {
abstract class CustomStream implements Stream<num> {
Iterator<int> get iterator;
/*cfe:nnbd.member: customStream:futureValueType=dynamic*/
customStream(CustomStream stream) async {
/*cfe.current: num*/
/*cfe:nnbd.current: num!*/
await for (var e in
stream) {
abstract class IterableWithCustomIterator implements Iterable<num> {
CustomIterator get iterator;
abstract class CustomIterator implements Iterator<num> {
int get current;
customIterableIterator(IterableWithCustomIterator iterable) {
/*cfe.current: num*/
/*cfe:nnbd.current: num!*/
for (var e in
iterable) {
abstract class StreamWithCustomIterator implements Stream<num> {
CustomIterator get iterator;
/*cfe:nnbd.member: customStreamIterator:futureValueType=dynamic*/
customStreamIterator(StreamWithCustomIterator stream) async {
/*cfe.current: num*/
/*cfe:nnbd.current: num!*/
await for (var e in
stream) {
void genericIterable<T extends Iterable<T>>(T x) {
/*cfe.current: T*/
/*cfe:nnbd.current: T!*/
for (var y in
x) {
/*cfe.T*/ /*cfe:nnbd.T!*/ y;
/*cfe:nnbd.member: genericStream:futureValueType=void*/
void genericStream<T extends Stream<T>>(T x) async {
/*cfe.current: T*/
/*cfe:nnbd.current: T!*/
await for (var y in
x) {
/*cfe.T*/ /*cfe:nnbd.T!*/ y;