blob: 67a5396467f48b84c900e8b971dfb8544ba5cea5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of layout;
// This file has classes representing the grid sizing functions
* Represents the sizing function used for the min or max of a row or column.
// TODO(jmesserly): rename to GridSizing, or make internal
class SizingFunction {
const SizingFunction();
bool get isContentSized => isMinContentSized || isMaxContentSized;
bool get isMinContentSized => false;
bool get isMaxContentSized => false;
bool get isFraction => false;
num resolveLength(num gridSize) => 0;
num get fractionValue => 0;
// TODO(jmesserly): this is only needed because FixedSizing is mutable
SizingFunction clone() => this;
* Fixed size reprensents a length as defined by CSS3 Values spec.
* Can also be a percentage of the Grid element's logical width (for columns)
* or logical height (for rows). When the width or height of the Grid element
* is undefined, the percentage is ignored and the Grid Track will be
* auto-sized.
class FixedSizing extends SizingFunction {
final String units;
final num length;
// TODO(jmesserly): kind of ugly to have this mutable property here, but
// we need to correctly track whether we're content sized during a layout
bool _contentSized;
FixedSizing(this.length, [this.units = 'px'])
: super(),
_contentSized = false {
if (units != 'px' && units != '%') {
// TODO(jmesserly): support other unit types
throw new UnsupportedError('Units other than px and %');
// TODO(jmesserly): this is only needed because of our mutable property
FixedSizing clone() => new FixedSizing(length, units);
bool get isMinContentSized => _contentSized;
num resolveLength(num gridSize) {
if (units == '%') {
if (gridSize == null) {
// Use content size when the grid doesn't have an absolute size in this
// dimension
_contentSized = true;
return 0;
_contentSized = false;
return (length / 100) * gridSize;
} else {
return length;
String toString() => 'FixedSizing: ${length}${units} $_contentSized';
* Fraction is a non-negative floating-point number followed by 'fr'. Each
* fraction value takes a share of the remaining space proportional to its
* number.
class FractionSizing extends SizingFunction {
final num fractionValue;
FractionSizing(this.fractionValue) : super() {}
bool get isFraction => true;
String toString() => 'FixedSizing: ${fractionValue}fr';
class MinContentSizing extends SizingFunction {
const MinContentSizing() : super();
bool get isMinContentSized => true;
String toString() => 'MinContentSizing';
class MaxContentSizing extends SizingFunction {
const MaxContentSizing() : super();
bool get isMaxContentSized {
return true;
String toString() => 'MaxContentSizing';
/** The min and max sizing functions for a track. */
class TrackSizing {
/** The min sizing function for the track. */
final SizingFunction min;
/** The min sizing function for the track. */
final SizingFunction max;
: min = const MinContentSizing(),
max = const MaxContentSizing();
TrackSizing(this.min, this.max) {}
// TODO(jmesserly): this is only needed because FixedSizing is mutable
TrackSizing clone() => new TrackSizing(min.clone(), max.clone());
/** Represents a GridTrack breadth property. */
// TODO(jmesserly): these classes could be replaced with reflection/mirrors
abstract class _BreadthAccumulator {
void setSize(GridTrack t, num value);
num getSize(GridTrack t);
SizingFunction getSizingFunction(GridTrack t);
class _UsedBreadthAccumulator implements _BreadthAccumulator {
const _UsedBreadthAccumulator();
void setSize(GridTrack t, num value) {
t.usedBreadth = value;
num getSize(GridTrack t) => t.usedBreadth;
SizingFunction getSizingFunction(GridTrack t) => t.minSizing;
class _MaxBreadthAccumulator implements _BreadthAccumulator {
const _MaxBreadthAccumulator();
void setSize(GridTrack t, num value) {
t.maxBreadth = value;
num getSize(GridTrack t) => t.maxBreadth;
SizingFunction getSizingFunction(GridTrack t) => t.maxSizing;