blob: 8ba2f49cd867714433a6b0022f1b3c07fc7329d6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
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// Tests local inference for the `out` variance modifier.
// SharedOptions=--enable-experiment=variance
class Covariant<out T> {}
class Exactly<inout T> {}
class Upper {}
class Middle extends Upper {}
class Lower extends Middle {}
Exactly<T> inferCovCov<T>(Covariant<T> x, Covariant<T> y) => new Exactly<T>();
main() {
Exactly<Upper> upper;
// Upper <: T
// Upper <: T
// Choose Upper
var inferredUpper = inferCovCov(Covariant<Upper>(), Covariant<Upper>());
upper = inferredUpper;
// Upper <: T
// Middle <: T
// Choose Upper since it is the lowest upper bound of Upper and Middle.
var inferredUpper2 = inferCovCov(Covariant<Upper>(), Covariant<Middle>());
upper = inferredUpper2;
// Upper <: T
// Lower <: T
// Choose Upper since it is the lowest upper bound of Upper and Lower.
var inferredUpper3 = inferCovCov(Covariant<Upper>(), Covariant<Lower>());
upper = inferredUpper3;