blob: 2ac6e19b631d99390054b4991984e70bdd17572b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library kernel.type_propagation.builder;
import '../ast.dart';
import '../class_hierarchy.dart';
import '../core_types.dart';
import 'canonicalizer.dart';
import 'constraints.dart';
import 'type_propagation.dart';
import 'visualizer.dart';
/// Maps AST nodes to constraint variables at the level of function boundaries.
/// Bindings internally in a function are only preserved by the [Visualizer].
class VariableMapping {
/// Variable holding all values that may flow into the given field.
final Map<Field, int> fields = <Field, int>{};
/// Variable holding all values that may be returned from the given function.
final Map<FunctionNode, int> returns = <FunctionNode, int>{};
/// Variable holding all values that may be passed into the given function
/// parameter (possibly through a default parameter value).
final Map<VariableDeclaration, int> parameters = <VariableDeclaration, int>{};
/// Variable holding the function object for the given function.
final Map<FunctionNode, int> functions = <FunctionNode, int>{};
static VariableMapping make(int _) => new VariableMapping();
/// Maps AST nodes to the lattice employed by the constraint system.
class LatticeMapping {
/// Lattice point containing the torn-off functions originating from an
/// instance procedure that overrides the given procedure.
final Map<Procedure, int> functionsOverridingMethod = <Procedure, int>{};
/// Lattice point containing all torn-off functions originating from an
/// instance procedure of the given name,
/// This ensures that calls to a method with unknown receiver may still
/// recover some information about the callee based on the name alone.
final Map<Name, int> functionsWithName = <Name, int>{};
/// Maps a class index to a lattice point containing all values that are
/// subtypes of that class.
final List<int> subtypesOfClass;
/// Maps a class index to a lattice point containing all values that are
/// subclasses of that class.
final List<int> subclassesOfClass;
LatticeMapping(int numberOfClasses)
: subtypesOfClass = new List<int>(numberOfClasses),
subclassesOfClass = new List<int>(numberOfClasses);
/// Generates a [ConstraintSystem] to be solved by [Solver].
class Builder {
final Program program;
final ClassHierarchy hierarchy;
final CoreTypes coreTypes;
final ConstraintSystem constraints;
final FieldNames fieldNames;
final Visualizer visualizer;
final LatticeMapping lattice;
/// Bindings for all members. The values inferred for these variables is the
/// output of the analysis.
/// For static members, these are the canonical variables representing the
/// member.
/// For instance members, these are the context-insensitive joins over all
/// the specialized copies of the instance member.
final VariableMapping global = new VariableMapping();
/// Maps a class index to the bindings for instance members specific to that
/// class as the host class.
final List<VariableMapping> classMapping;
final Map<TypeParameter, int> functionTypeParameters = <TypeParameter, int>{};
/// Variable holding the result of the declaration-site field initializer
/// for the given field.
final Map<Field, int> declarationSiteFieldInitializer = <Field, int>{};
/// Maps a class index to the result of [getInterfaceEscapeVariable].
final List<int> interfaceEscapeVariables;
/// Maps a class index to the result of [getExternalInstanceVariable].
final List<int> externalClassVariables;
final List<int> externalClassValues;
final List<int> externalClassWorklist = <int>[];
final Uint31PairMap<int> _stores = new Uint31PairMap<int>();
final Uint31PairMap<int> _loads = new Uint31PairMap<int>();
final List<InferredValue> _baseTypeOfLatticePoint = <InferredValue>[];
int bottomNode;
int dynamicNode;
int boolNode;
int intNode;
int doubleNode;
int stringNode;
int symbolNode;
int typeNode;
int listNode;
int mapNode;
int nullNode;
int iterableNode;
int futureNode;
int streamNode;
int functionValueNode;
int iteratorField;
int currentField;
/// Lattice point containing all function values.
int latticePointForAllFunctions;
Member identicalFunction;
bool verbose;
Builder(Program program,
{ClassHierarchy hierarchy,
FieldNames names,
CoreTypes coreTypes,
Visualizer visualizer,
bool verbose: false})
: this._internal(
hierarchy ?? new ClassHierarchy(program),
names ?? new FieldNames(),
coreTypes ?? new CoreTypes(program),
Builder._internal(this.program, ClassHierarchy hierarchy, FieldNames names,
this.coreTypes, Visualizer visualizer, this.verbose)
: this.hierarchy = hierarchy,
this.fieldNames = names,
this.visualizer = visualizer,
this.constraints = new ConstraintSystem(),
this.classMapping = new List<VariableMapping>.generate(
hierarchy.classes.length, VariableMapping.make),
this.interfaceEscapeVariables = new List<int>(hierarchy.classes.length),
this.externalClassVariables = new List<int>(hierarchy.classes.length),
this.externalClassValues = new List<int>(hierarchy.classes.length),
this.lattice = new LatticeMapping(hierarchy.classes.length) {
if (visualizer != null) {
visualizer.builder = this;
visualizer.constraints = constraints;
visualizer.fieldNames = fieldNames;
// Build the subtype lattice points.
// The order in which lattice points are created determines how ambiguous
// upper bounds are resolved. The lattice point with highest index among
// the potential upper bounds is the result of a join.
// We create all the subtype lattice point before all the subclass lattice
// points, to ensure that subclass information takes precedence over
// subtype information.
for (int i = 0; i < hierarchy.classes.length; ++i) {
Class class_ = hierarchy.classes[i];
List<int> supers = <int>[];
if (class_.supertype != null) {
if (class_.mixedInType != null) {
for (Supertype supertype in class_.implementedTypes) {
int subtypePoint = newLatticePoint(supers, class_,
i == 0 ? BaseClassKind.Subclass : BaseClassKind.Subtype);
lattice.subtypesOfClass[i] = subtypePoint;
visualizer?.annotateLatticePoint(subtypePoint, class_, 'subtype');
// Build the lattice points for subclasses and exact classes.
for (int i = 0; i < hierarchy.classes.length; ++i) {
Class class_ = hierarchy.classes[i];
int subtypePoint = lattice.subtypesOfClass[i];
assert(subtypePoint != null);
int subclassPoint;
if (class_.supertype == null) {
subclassPoint = subtypePoint;
} else {
subclassPoint = newLatticePoint(<int>[
], class_, BaseClassKind.Subclass);
lattice.subclassesOfClass[i] = subclassPoint;
int concretePoint =
newLatticePoint(<int>[subclassPoint], class_, BaseClassKind.Exact);
int value = constraints.newValue(concretePoint);
int variable = constraints.newVariable();
// We construct the constraint system so the first N variables and values
// correspond to the N classes in the program.
assert(variable == i);
assert(value == -i);
visualizer?.annotateLatticePoint(subclassPoint, class_, 'subclass');
visualizer?.annotateLatticePoint(concretePoint, class_, 'concrete');
visualizer?.annotateVariable(variable, class_);
visualizer?.annotateValue(value, class_);
addInput(value, ValueBit.other, variable);
bottomNode = newVariable(null, 'bottom');
dynamicNode = getExternalInstanceVariable(coreTypes.objectClass);
boolNode = getExternalInstanceVariable(coreTypes.boolClass);
intNode = getExternalInstanceVariable(coreTypes.intClass);
doubleNode = getExternalInstanceVariable(coreTypes.doubleClass);
stringNode = getExternalInstanceVariable(coreTypes.stringClass);
symbolNode = getExternalInstanceVariable(coreTypes.symbolClass);
typeNode = getExternalInstanceVariable(coreTypes.typeClass);
listNode = getExternalInstanceVariable(coreTypes.listClass);
mapNode = getExternalInstanceVariable(coreTypes.mapClass);
iterableNode = getExternalInstanceVariable(coreTypes.iterableClass);
futureNode = getExternalInstanceVariable(coreTypes.futureClass);
streamNode = getExternalInstanceVariable(coreTypes.streamClass);
functionValueNode = getExternalInstanceVariable(coreTypes.functionClass);
nullNode = newVariable(null, 'Null');
iteratorField = getPropertyField(Names.iterator);
currentField = getPropertyField(Names.current);
latticePointForAllFunctions =
identicalFunction = coreTypes.getTopLevelMember('dart:core', 'identical');
// Seed bitmasks for built-in values.
constraints.addBitmaskInput(ValueBit.null_, nullNode);
constraints.addBitmaskInput(ValueBit.all, dynamicNode);
for (Library library in program.libraries) {
for (Procedure procedure in library.procedures) {
buildProcedure(null, procedure);
for (Field field in library.fields) {
for (Class class_ in library.classes) {
for (Procedure procedure in class_.procedures) {
if (procedure.isStatic) {
buildProcedure(null, procedure);
for (Field field in class_.fields) {
if (field.isStatic) {
if (!class_.isAbstract) {
// We don't track the values flowing into the identical function, as it
// causes a lot of spurious escape. Every class that inherits Object.==
// would escape its 'this' value into a dynamic context.
// Mark the identical() parameters as 'dynamic' so the output is sound.
for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
// Build constraints mocking the external interfaces.
while (externalClassWorklist.isNotEmpty) {
int classIndex = externalClassWorklist.removeLast();
int newLatticePoint(
List<int> parentLatticePoints, Class baseClass, BaseClassKind kind) {
_baseTypeOfLatticePoint.add(new InferredValue(baseClass, kind, 0));
return constraints.newLatticePoint(parentLatticePoints);
void addInput(int value, int bitmask, int destination) {
constraints.addAllocation(value, destination);
constraints.addBitmaskInput(bitmask, destination);
/// Returns an [InferredValue] with the base type relation for the given
/// lattice point but whose bitmask is 0. The bitmask must be filled in
/// before this value is exposed to analysis clients.
InferredValue getBaseTypeOfLatticePoint(int latticePoint) {
return _baseTypeOfLatticePoint[latticePoint];
/// Returns the lattice point containing all subtypes of the given class.
int getLatticePointForSubtypesOfClass(Class classNode) {
int index = hierarchy.getClassIndex(classNode);
return lattice.subtypesOfClass[index];
/// Returns the lattice point containing all subclasses of the given class.
int getLatticePointForSubclassesOf(Class classNode) {
int index = hierarchy.getClassIndex(classNode);
return lattice.subclassesOfClass[index];
/// Returns the lattice point containing all function implementing the given
/// instance method.
int getLatticePointForFunctionsOverridingMethod(Procedure node) {
if (node.isAccessor) return latticePointForAllFunctions;
if (node.enclosingClass.supertype == null)
return latticePointForAllFunctions;
return lattice.functionsOverridingMethod[node] ??=
int _makeLatticePointForFunctionsOverridingMethod(Procedure node) {
Class host = node.enclosingClass;
Member superMember = host.supertype == null
? null
: hierarchy.getInterfaceMember(host.superclass,;
int super_;
if (superMember is Procedure && !superMember.isAccessor) {
super_ = getLatticePointForFunctionsOverridingMethod(superMember);
} else {
super_ = getLatticePointForFunctionsWithName(;
int point = newLatticePoint(
<int>[super_], coreTypes.functionClass, BaseClassKind.Subtype);
visualizer?.annotateLatticePoint(point, node, 'overriders');
return point;
int newVariable([TreeNode node, String info]) {
int variable = constraints.newVariable();
visualizer?.annotateVariable(variable, node, info);
return variable;
VariableMapping getClassMapping(Class host) {
if (host == null) return global;
int index = hierarchy.getClassIndex(host);
return classMapping[index];
/// Returns a variable that should contain all values that may be contained
/// in any copy the given field (hence "shared" between the copies).
int getSharedFieldVariable(Field field) {
return global.fields[field] ??= newVariable(field);
/// Returns a variable representing the given field on the given class.
/// If the field is static, [host] should be `null`.
int getFieldVariable(Class host, Field field) {
if (host == null) return getSharedFieldVariable(field);
VariableMapping mapping = getClassMapping(host);
return mapping.fields[field] ??= _makeFieldVariable(host, field);
int _makeFieldVariable(Class host, Field field) {
// Create a variable specific to this host class, and add an assignment
// to the global sink for this field.
assert(host != null);
int variable = newVariable(field);
int sink = getSharedFieldVariable(field);
constraints.addSink(variable, sink);
visualizer?.annotateSink(variable, sink, field);
return variable;
/// Variable containing all values that may be passed into the given parameter
/// of any instantiation of the given function (hence "shared" between them).
int getSharedParameterVariable(VariableDeclaration node) {
return global.parameters[node] ??= newVariable(node, 'shared parameter');
int getParameterVariable(Class host, VariableDeclaration node) {
if (host == null) return getSharedParameterVariable(node);
VariableMapping mapping = getClassMapping(host);
return mapping.parameters[node] ??= _makeParameterVariable(host, node);
int _makeParameterVariable(Class host, VariableDeclaration node) {
assert(host != null);
int variable = newVariable(node, 'parameter');
int sink = getSharedParameterVariable(node);
constraints.addSink(variable, sink);
visualizer?.annotateSink(variable, sink, node);
return variable;
/// Returns the variable representing all the values that would be checked
/// against the given function type parameter in checked mode.
/// This is used to model the behavior of external generic methods.
/// For example:
/// class List {
/// external static factory List<T> filled<T>(int length, T value);
/// }
/// A variable `v` representing `T` will be generated. All values that are
/// passed into the `value` parameter will flow into `v`, and `v` will
/// in turn flow into the type parameter field of `List`, because the method
/// returns `List<T>`. Also see [FieldNames.getTypeParameterField].
int getFunctionTypeParameterVariable(TypeParameter node) {
return functionTypeParameters[node] ??= newVariable(node);
/// Variable containing all values that may be returned from any instantiation
/// of the given function (hence "shared" between them).
int getSharedReturnVariable(FunctionNode node) {
return global.returns[node] ??= newVariable(node, 'return');
int getReturnVariable(Class host, Procedure node) {
if (host == null) return getSharedReturnVariable(node.function);
VariableMapping mapping = getClassMapping(host);
return mapping.returns[node.function] ??= _makeReturnVariable(host, node);
int _makeReturnVariable(Class host, Procedure node) {
assert(host != null);
int variable = newVariable(node, 'return');
int sink = getSharedReturnVariable(node.function);
constraints.addSink(variable, sink);
visualizer?.annotateSink(variable, sink, node);
return variable;
/// Returns a variable containing all the function objects for all
/// instantiations of the given function.
int getSharedTearOffVariable(FunctionNode node) {
return global.functions[node] ??= newVariable(node);
/// Returns a variable containing the torn-off copy of the given function
/// occurring in static context.
int getStaticTearOffVariable(FunctionNode node) {
return global.functions[node] ??= _makeStaticTearOffVariable(node);
int _makeStaticTearOffVariable(FunctionNode node) {
return newFunction(node);
/// Returns a variable containing the torn-off copy of the given procedure.
int getTearOffVariable(Class host, Procedure node) {
if (host == null) return getStaticTearOffVariable(node.function);
VariableMapping mapping = getClassMapping(host);
return mapping.functions[node.function] ??=
_makeTearOffVariable(host, node);
int _makeTearOffVariable(Class host, Procedure node) {
int variable = newFunction(node.function, node);
int sink = getSharedTearOffVariable(node.function);
constraints.addSink(variable, sink);
visualizer?.annotateSink(variable, sink, node);
return variable;
/// Returns the variable holding the result of a 'get' selector dispatched
/// to the given member, or `null` if the member cannot respond to a 'get'
/// selector.
int getMemberGetter(Class host, Member member) {
if (member is Field) {
return getFieldVariable(host, member);
} else if (member is Procedure) {
if (member.isGetter) {
return getReturnVariable(host, member);
} else if (!member.isAccessor) {
return getTearOffVariable(host, member);
return null;
/// Returns the variable holding the argument to a 'set' selector dispatched
/// to the given member, or `null` if the member cannot respond to a 'set'
/// selector.
int getMemberSetter(Class host, Member member) {
if (member is Field && !member.isFinal) {
return getFieldVariable(host, member);
} else if (member is Procedure && member.isSetter) {
return getParameterVariable(
host, member.function.positionalParameters[0]);
return null;
/// Returns a lattice point containing all instance methods with the given
/// name.
int getLatticePointForFunctionsWithName(Name name) {
if (name == null) return latticePointForAllFunctions;
return lattice.functionsWithName[name] ??=
int _makeLatticePointForFunctionsWithName(Name name) {
int point = newLatticePoint(<int>[latticePointForAllFunctions],
coreTypes.functionClass, BaseClassKind.Subtype);
visualizer?.annotateLatticePoint(point, null, 'Methods of name $name');
return point;
/// Returns a variable holding a new function value annotated with given AST
/// node.
/// If the function is the body of an instance procedure, it should be passed
/// as [member] to ensure an effective lattice is built for it.
/// Otherwise, [member] should be omitted.
int newFunction(FunctionNode node, [Procedure member]) {
assert(node != null);
int functionVariable = newVariable(node);
int baseLatticePoint = member == null
? latticePointForAllFunctions
: getLatticePointForFunctionsOverridingMethod(member);
int latticePoint = newLatticePoint(<int>[baseLatticePoint],
coreTypes.functionClass, BaseClassKind.Subtype);
visualizer?.annotateLatticePoint(latticePoint, member, 'function');
int minArity = node.requiredParameterCount;
int maxArity = node.positionalParameters.length;
int functionValue = constraints.newValue(latticePoint);
for (int i = 0; i < node.positionalParameters.length; ++i) {
int variable = newVariable();
for (int arity = minArity; arity <= maxArity; ++arity) {
int field = fieldNames.getPositionalParameterField(arity, i);
constraints.setStoreLocation(functionValue, field, variable);
constraints.setLoadLocation(functionValue, field, variable);
for (int i = 0; i < node.namedParameters.length; ++i) {
int variable = newVariable();
for (int arity = minArity; arity <= maxArity; ++arity) {
int field = fieldNames.getNamedParameterField(
arity, node.namedParameters[i].name);
constraints.setStoreLocation(functionValue, field, variable);
constraints.setLoadLocation(functionValue, field, variable);
int returnVariable = newVariable();
for (int arity = minArity; arity <= maxArity; ++arity) {
int returnField = fieldNames.getReturnField(arity);
constraints.setStoreLocation(functionValue, returnField, returnVariable);
constraints.setLoadLocation(functionValue, returnField, returnVariable);
visualizer?.annotateFunction(functionValue, node);
visualizer?.annotateValue(functionValue, member, 'function');
addInput(functionValue, ValueBit.other, functionVariable);
functionValue, fieldNames.callHandlerField, functionVariable);
fieldNames.getPropertyField(Names.call_), functionVariable);
return functionVariable;
/// Returns a variable containing the concrete instances of the given class.
int getInstanceVariable(Class node) {
return hierarchy.getClassIndex(node);
/// Returns the value representing the concrete instances of the given class.
int getInstanceValue(Class node) {
// Values are negated to help distinguish them from variables and
// lattice points.
return -hierarchy.getClassIndex(node);
/// Returns a variable containing the external instances of the given class.
/// An "external instance of C" is an instance allocated by external code,
/// and is either a direct instance of C or an instance of an external class
/// that implements C.
/// For the moment, basic types like `int` and `bool` are treated as external
/// instances of their respective classes.
/// Unlike [getInstanceVariable], this method ensures that the relevant
/// constraints have been generated to model an external implementation of the
/// class.
int getExternalInstanceVariable(Class node) {
int classIndex = hierarchy.getClassIndex(node);
return externalClassVariables[classIndex] ??=
_makeExternalInstanceVariable(node, classIndex);
int getValueBitForExternalClass(Class node) {
if (node == coreTypes.intClass) {
return ValueBit.integer;
} else if (node == coreTypes.doubleClass) {
return ValueBit.double_;
} else if (node == coreTypes.stringClass) {
return ValueBit.string;
} else {
return ValueBit.other;
int _makeExternalInstanceVariable(Class node, int classIndex) {
if (node == coreTypes.numClass) {
// Don't build an interface based on the "num" class, instead treat it
// as the union of "int" and "double".
int variable = newVariable(node);
constraints.addAssign(intNode, variable);
constraints.addAssign(doubleNode, variable);
return variable;
int baseLatticePoint = getLatticePointForSubtypesOfClass(node);
// TODO(asgerf): Use more fine-grained handling of externals, based on
// metadata or on a specification read from a separate file (issue #22).
int latticePoint =
newLatticePoint(<int>[baseLatticePoint], node, BaseClassKind.Subtype);
visualizer?.annotateLatticePoint(latticePoint, node, 'external');
int value = constraints.newValue(latticePoint);
int variable = newVariable(node, 'external');
addInput(value, getValueBitForExternalClass(node), variable);
externalClassValues[classIndex] = value;
return variable;
void _buildExternalClassValue(int index) {
Class node = hierarchy.classes[index];
int variable = externalClassVariables[index];
int externalObject = externalClassValues[index];
Name previousName = null;
for (Member member in hierarchy.getInterfaceMembers(node, setters: false)) {
// Do not generate an interface member for a given name more than once.
// This can happen if a class inherits two methods through different
// inheritance paths.
if ( == previousName) continue;
previousName =;
_buildExternalInterfaceMember(node, member, externalObject, variable,
isSetter: false);
previousName = null;
for (Member member in hierarchy.getInterfaceMembers(node, setters: true)) {
if ( == previousName) continue;
previousName =;
_buildExternalInterfaceMember(node, member, externalObject, variable,
isSetter: true);
for (TypeParameter parameter in node.typeParameters) {
int field = fieldNames.getTypeParameterField(parameter);
int location = newVariable(parameter);
constraints.setStoreLocation(externalObject, field, location);
constraints.setLoadLocation(externalObject, field, location);
void _buildExternalInterfaceMember(
Class host, Member member, int object, int variable,
{bool isSetter}) {
// TODO(asgerf): Handle nullability of return values.
TypeEnvironment environment =
new TypeEnvironment(this, host, member, thisVariable: variable);
int propertyField = fieldNames.getPropertyField(;
if (member is Field) {
int fieldType = buildCovariantType(member.type, environment);
if (isSetter) {
constraints.setStoreLocation(object, propertyField, fieldType);
} else {
constraints.setLoadLocation(object, propertyField, fieldType);
} else {
Procedure procedure = member;
FunctionNode function = procedure.function;
if (procedure.isGetter) {
int returned = buildCovariantType(function.returnType, environment);
constraints.setLoadLocation(object, propertyField, returned);
} else if (procedure.isSetter) {
int escaping = environment.getLoad(variable, propertyField);
function.positionalParameters[0].type, environment, escaping);
} else {
int externalMember = buildCovariantFunctionType(function, environment);
constraints.setLoadLocation(object, propertyField, externalMember);
/// Returns a variable that is exposed to external calls through the
/// given interface.
/// For example, consider this code with a simplified version of SendPort:
/// abstract class SendPort {
/// void send(dynamic x);
/// }
/// class MySendPort implements SendPort {
/// void send(x) { ... }
/// }
/// external void spawnFunction(SendPort readyPort);
/// main() {
/// spawnFunction(new MySendPort());
/// }
/// We must ensure that the parameter to `MySendPort::send` is inferred to
/// be unknown because the external function `spawnFunction` may cause an
/// invocation of its `send` method with an unknown argument.
/// The interface escape variable for this version of `SendPort` would be a
/// variable `v` with constraints corresponding to a call `v.send(<dynamic>)`.
/// Values that escape into an external parameter typed as `SendPort`, such
/// as `new MySendPort()` must then be made to flow into `v`.
int getInterfaceEscapeVariable(Class node) {
int index = hierarchy.getClassIndex(node);
return interfaceEscapeVariables[index] ??
_buildInterfaceEscapeVariable(node, index);
int _buildInterfaceEscapeVariable(Class node, int index) {
int escapingObject = constraints.newVariable();
visualizer?.annotateVariable(escapingObject, node, 'escape point');
interfaceEscapeVariables[index] = escapingObject;
for (Member member in hierarchy.getInterfaceMembers(node, setters: false)) {
_buildEscapingInterfaceMember(node, member, escapingObject);
for (Member member in hierarchy.getInterfaceMembers(node, setters: true)) {
_buildEscapingInterfaceMember(node, member, escapingObject);
return escapingObject;
/// Models the behavior of external code invoking [member] on
/// [escapingObject].
void _buildEscapingInterfaceMember(
Class host, Member member, int escapingObject) {
TypeEnvironment environment =
new TypeEnvironment(this, host, member, thisVariable: escapingObject);
int propertyField = fieldNames.getPropertyField(;
if (member is Field) {
int escapingMember = environment.getLoad(escapingObject, propertyField);
buildContravariantType(member.type, environment, escapingMember);
} else {
Procedure procedure = member;
FunctionNode function = procedure.function;
if (procedure.isGetter) {
int escapingMember = environment.getLoad(escapingObject, propertyField);
function.returnType, environment, escapingMember);
} else if (procedure.isSetter) {
VariableDeclaration parameter = function.positionalParameters[0];
int argument = buildCovariantType(parameter.type, environment);
environment.addStore(escapingObject, propertyField, argument);
} else {
int escapingMember = environment.getLoad(escapingObject, propertyField);
buildContravariantFunctionType(function, environment, escapingMember);
/// Returns a variable with the possible values of [type] as provided by
/// external code.
int buildCovariantType(DartType type, TypeEnvironment environment) {
return new CovariantExternalTypeVisitor(this, environment).visit(type);
/// Like [buildCovariantType], but for the function type implied by the
/// type annotations on a function AST node.
int buildCovariantFunctionType(
FunctionNode node, TypeEnvironment environment) {
return new CovariantExternalTypeVisitor(this, environment)
/// Generates constraints to model the behavior of [input] escaping into
/// external code through a parameter annotated with [type].
void buildContravariantType(
DartType type, TypeEnvironment environment, int input) {
new ContravariantExternalTypeVisitor(this, environment, input).visit(type);
/// Like [buildContravariantType], but for the function type implied by the
/// type annotations on a function AST node.
void buildContravariantFunctionType(
FunctionNode node, TypeEnvironment environment, int input) {
new ContravariantExternalTypeVisitor(this, environment, input)
int getPropertyField(Name name) {
return fieldNames.getPropertyField(name);
int getPositionalParameterField(int arity, int position) {
return fieldNames.getPositionalParameterField(arity, position);
int getNamedParameterField(int arity, String name) {
return fieldNames.getNamedParameterField(arity, name);
int getReturnField(int arity) {
return fieldNames.getReturnField(arity);
void buildInstanceValue(Class host) {
int value = getInstanceValue(host);
for (Member target in hierarchy.getDispatchTargets(host, setters: false)) {
var getter = getMemberGetter(host, target);
constraints.setLoadLocation(value, getPropertyField(, getter);
for (Member target in hierarchy.getDispatchTargets(host, setters: true)) {
value, getPropertyField(, getMemberSetter(host, target));
for (Class node = host; node != null; node = node.superclass) {
for (Procedure procedure in node.mixin.procedures) {
if (!procedure.isStatic) {
buildProcedure(host, procedure);
for (Constructor constructor in node.constructors) {
buildConstructor(host, constructor);
// If the object is callable as a function, set up its call handler.
Member callHandler = hierarchy.getDispatchTarget(host, Names.call_);
if (callHandler != null) {
if (callHandler is Procedure && !callHandler.isAccessor) {
constraints.setLoadLocation(value, fieldNames.callHandlerField,
getTearOffVariable(host, callHandler));
} else {
// Generate `this.[call] =[call]` where [call] is the
// call handler field, corresponding to repeatedly reading "call".
var environment = new TypeEnvironment(this, host, callHandler);
int getter = getMemberGetter(host, callHandler);
constraints.setLoadLocation(value, fieldNames.callHandlerField,
environment.getLoad(getter, fieldNames.callHandlerField));
void buildStaticField(Field field) {
var environment = new Environment(this, null, field);
int initializer = field.initializer == null
? nullNode
: new StatementBuilder(this, environment)
environment.addAssign(initializer, getSharedFieldVariable(field));
void buildProcedure(Class hostClass, Procedure node) {
if (node.isAbstract) return;
int host = hostClass == null ? null : getInstanceVariable(hostClass);
int function = getTearOffVariable(hostClass, node);
int returnVariable = getReturnVariable(hostClass, node);
var environment = new Environment(this, hostClass, node,
returnVariable: returnVariable, thisVariable: host);
buildFunctionNode(node.function, environment,
addTypeBasedSummary: node.isExternal, function: function);
int getDeclarationSiteFieldInitializer(Field field) {
if (field.initializer == null) return nullNode;
return declarationSiteFieldInitializer[field] ??=
int _makeDeclarationSiteFieldInitializer(Field field) {
final initializerEnvironment = new Environment(this, null, field);
return new StatementBuilder(this, initializerEnvironment)
void buildConstructor(Class hostClass, Constructor node) {
int host = getInstanceVariable(hostClass);
var environment =
new Environment(this, hostClass, node, thisVariable: host);
buildFunctionNode(node.function, environment);
InitializerBuilder builder = new InitializerBuilder(this, environment);
Set<Field> initializedFields = new Set<Field>();
for (Initializer initializer in node.initializers) {;
if (initializer is FieldInitializer) {
for (Field field in node.enclosingClass.mixin.fields) {
if (field.isInstanceMember) {
// Note: ensure the initializer is built even if it is not used.
int initializer = getDeclarationSiteFieldInitializer(field);
if (!initializedFields.contains(field)) {
int variable = getFieldVariable(hostClass, field);
environment.addAssign(initializer, variable);
/// Builds constraints to model the behavior of the given function.
/// If the function is external, [addTypeBasedSummary] should be `true`;
/// its parameter and return type are then used to model its behavior instead
/// of the body.
/// [function] should be a variable holding the function object itself, if
/// such an object exists (which is always the case except for constructors,
/// which currently do have function values).
void buildFunctionNode(FunctionNode node, Environment environment,
{int function, bool addTypeBasedSummary: false}) {
var expressionBuilder =
new StatementBuilder(this, environment).expressionBuilder;
int minArity = node.requiredParameterCount;
int maxArity = node.positionalParameters.length;
for (int i = 0; i < node.positionalParameters.length; ++i) {
var parameter = node.positionalParameters[i];
int variable = getParameterVariable(, parameter);
environment.localVariables[parameter] = variable;
if (function != null) {
for (int arity = minArity; arity <= maxArity; ++arity) {
if (i < arity) {
function, getPositionalParameterField(arity, i), variable);
if (i >= node.requiredParameterCount) {
int parameterDefault = parameter.initializer == null
? nullNode
environment.addAssign(parameterDefault, variable);
if (addTypeBasedSummary) {
buildContravariantType(parameter.type, environment, variable);
for (int i = 0; i < node.namedParameters.length; ++i) {
var parameter = node.namedParameters[i];
int variable = getParameterVariable(, parameter);
environment.localVariables[parameter] = variable;
if (function != null) {
for (int arity = minArity; arity <= maxArity; ++arity) {
getNamedParameterField(arity,, variable);
int parameterDefault = parameter.initializer == null
? nullNode
environment.addAssign(parameterDefault, variable);
if (addTypeBasedSummary) {
buildContravariantType(parameter.type, environment, variable);
if (environment.returnVariable == null) {
environment.returnVariable = newVariable(node, 'return');
environment.returnVariable, getSharedReturnVariable(node));
} else {
visualizer?.annotateVariable(environment.returnVariable, node, 'return');
if (function != null) {
for (int arity = minArity; arity <= maxArity; ++arity) {
function, getReturnField(arity), environment.returnVariable);
if (addTypeBasedSummary) {
int returnFromType = buildCovariantType(node.returnType, environment);
environment.addAssign(returnFromType, environment.returnVariable);
} else if (node.body != null) {
Completion completes =
new StatementBuilder(this, environment).build(node.body);
if (completes == Completion.Maybe) {
// Null is returned when control falls over the end.
environment.addAssign(nullNode, environment.returnVariable);
/// Returns true if we can assume that externals treat the given types as
/// covariant.
/// For example, if an external method returns a `List`, the values stored
/// in the list from user code are not considered escaping.
bool isAssumedCovariant(Class classNode) {
return classNode == coreTypes.listClass ||
classNode == coreTypes.mapClass ||
classNode == coreTypes.iterableClass ||
classNode == coreTypes.iteratorClass ||
classNode == coreTypes.futureClass ||
classNode == coreTypes.streamClass;
Set<String> _unsupportedNodes = new Set<String>();
int unsupported(Node node) {
if (verbose && _unsupportedNodes.add('${node.runtimeType}')) {
print('Unsupported: ${node.runtimeType}');
return dynamicNode;
/// Generates unique IDs for fields in the constraint system.
/// We use several fields in the constraint system that do not correspond to
/// Dart fields. A "field" in this context should be seen as a storage location
/// that is specific to an instance.
class FieldNames {
final TupleCanonicalizer _table = new TupleCanonicalizer();
static const int _TagName = 1;
static const int _TagPositionalParameter = 2;
static const int _TagNamedParameter = 3;
static const int _TagReturn = 4;
static const int _TagTypeParameter = 5;
static const int _TagCallHandler = 6;
/// Field mapping an object to the function value that should be invoked when
/// the object is called as a function.
/// This is the equivalent of repeatedly reading the "call" property of an
/// object until a function value is found.
int callHandlerField;
FieldNames() {
callHandlerField = _table.get1(_TagCallHandler);
/// Field representing the value returned from a getter, passed into a setter,
/// or stored in a Dart field with the given name.
int getPropertyField(Name name) {
return _table.get2(_TagName, name);
/// Field representing the given positional parameter passed to a method
/// invoked with the given arity.
int getPositionalParameterField(int arity, int position) {
return _table.get3(_TagPositionalParameter, arity, position);
/// Field representing the given named parameter passed to a method invoked
/// with the given arity.
int getNamedParameterField(int arity, String name) {
return _table.get3(_TagNamedParameter, arity, name);
/// Field representing the return value of a method invoked the given arity.
int getReturnField(int arity) {
return _table.get2(_TagReturn, arity);
/// Field representing the values that would be checked against the given
/// type parameter in checked mode.
/// The type-based modeling of externals uses this to handle types that
/// involve type variables. Roughly speaking, we assume that a method whose
/// return type is a type variable T can return any value that was passed into
/// any parameter of type T. In particular, this is used to model the
/// external backend storage in collection types.
/// This field keeps track of the values that may flow into and out of a
/// type variable for a given instance.
int getTypeParameterField(TypeParameter parameter) {
return _table.get2(_TagTypeParameter, parameter);
int get length => _table.length;
String getDiagnosticNameOfField(int field) {
List<Object> tuple = _table.getFromIndex(field);
switch (tuple[0]) {
case _TagName:
return '${tuple[1]}';
case _TagPositionalParameter:
return 'pos(${tuple[1]},${tuple[2]})';
case _TagNamedParameter:
return 'named(${tuple[1]},${tuple[2]})';
case _TagReturn:
return 'return(${tuple[1]})';
case _TagTypeParameter:
return 'type-param(${tuple[1]})';
case _TagCallHandler:
return 'call-handler()';
return '!error';
class TypeEnvironment {
final Builder builder;
final Class host;
final Member member;
int thisVariable;
ConstraintSystem get constraints => builder.constraints;
Visualizer get visualizer => builder.visualizer;
TypeEnvironment(this.builder,, this.member, {this.thisVariable});
void addAssign(int source, int destination) {
constraints.addAssign(source, destination);
visualizer?.annotateAssign(source, destination, member);
int getJoin(int first, int second) {
// TODO(asgerf): Avoid redundant joins in common cases.
int joinPoint = constraints.newVariable();
addAssign(first, joinPoint);
addAssign(second, joinPoint);
return joinPoint;
int getLoad(int object, int field) {
int variable = builder._loads.lookup(object, field);
if (variable != null) return variable;
variable = constraints.newVariable();
constraints.addLoad(object, field, variable);
visualizer?.annotateLoad(object, field, variable, member);
return variable;
void addLoad(int object, int field, int destination) {
constraints.addLoad(object, field, destination);
visualizer?.annotateLoad(object, field, destination, member);
int getStore(int object, int field) {
int variable = builder._stores.lookup(object, field);
if (variable != null) return variable;
variable = constraints.newVariable();
constraints.addStore(object, field, variable);
visualizer?.annotateStore(object, field, variable, member);
return variable;
void addStore(int object, int field, int source) {
addAssign(source, getStore(object, field));
void addSink(int source, int sink) {
constraints.addSink(source, sink);
visualizer?.annotateSink(source, sink, member);
class Environment extends TypeEnvironment {
final Map<VariableDeclaration, int> localVariables;
int returnVariable;
Environment(Builder builder, Class host, Member member,
{int thisVariable, this.returnVariable})
: localVariables = <VariableDeclaration, int>{},
super(builder, host, member, thisVariable: thisVariable);
Environment.inner(Environment outer, {this.returnVariable})
: localVariables = outer.localVariables,
super(outer.builder,, outer.member,
thisVariable: outer.thisVariable);
int getVariable(VariableDeclaration variable) {
return localVariables[variable] ??= builder.newVariable(variable);
class ExpressionBuilder extends ExpressionVisitor<int> {
final Builder builder;
final Environment environment;
final StatementBuilder statementBuilder;
ConstraintSystem get constraints => builder.constraints;
Visualizer get visualizer => builder.visualizer;
FieldNames get fieldNames => builder.fieldNames;
ExpressionBuilder(this.builder, this.statementBuilder, this.environment);
int build(Expression node) {
int variable = node.accept(this);
visualizer?.annotateVariable(variable, node);
return variable;
int unsupported(Expression node) {
return builder.unsupported(node);
defaultExpression(Expression node) {
return unsupported(node);
int visitInvalidExpression(InvalidExpression node) {
return builder.bottomNode;
int visitVariableGet(VariableGet node) {
return environment.getVariable(node.variable);
int visitVariableSet(VariableSet node) {
int rightHandSide = build(node.value);
int variable = environment.getVariable(node.variable);
environment.addAssign(rightHandSide, variable);
return rightHandSide;
int visitPropertyGet(PropertyGet node) {
if (node.receiver is ThisExpression) {
Class host =;
Member target = builder.hierarchy.getDispatchTarget(host,;
int source = builder.getMemberGetter(host, target);
return source == null ? builder.bottomNode : source;
int object = build(node.receiver);
int field = fieldNames.getPropertyField(;
return environment.getLoad(object, field);
int visitPropertySet(PropertySet node) {
int object = build(node.receiver);
int rightHandSide = build(node.value);
if (node.receiver is ThisExpression) {
Class host =;
Member target =
builder.hierarchy.getDispatchTarget(host,, setter: true);
int destination = builder.getMemberSetter(host, target);
if (destination != null) {
environment.addAssign(rightHandSide, destination);
return rightHandSide;
int field = fieldNames.getPropertyField(;
environment.addStore(object, field, rightHandSide);
return rightHandSide;
int visitDirectPropertyGet(DirectPropertyGet node) {
return builder.getMemberGetter(,;
int visitDirectPropertySet(DirectPropertySet node) {
int rightHandSide = build(node.value);
int destination = builder.getMemberSetter(,;
if (destination != null) {
environment.addAssign(rightHandSide, destination);
return rightHandSide;
int visitSuperPropertyGet(SuperPropertyGet node) {
return unsupported(node);
int visitSuperPropertySet(SuperPropertySet node) {
return unsupported(node);
int visitStaticGet(StaticGet node) {
return builder.getMemberGetter(null,;
int visitStaticSet(StaticSet node) {
int rightHandSide = build(node.value);
int destination = builder.getMemberSetter(null,;
assert(destination != null); // Static accessors must be valid.
environment.addAssign(rightHandSide, destination);
return rightHandSide;
int visitMethodInvocation(MethodInvocation node) {
// Resolve calls on 'this' directly.
if (node.receiver is ThisExpression) {
Class host =;
Member target = builder.hierarchy.getDispatchTarget(host,;
if (target is Procedure && !target.isAccessor) {
FunctionNode function = target.function;
passArgumentsToFunction(node.arguments, host, function);
return builder.getReturnVariable(host, target);
// Dispatch call dynamically.
int receiver = build(node.receiver);
int methodProperty = builder.getPropertyField(;
int function = == 'call'
? receiver
: environment.getLoad(receiver, methodProperty);
// We have to dispatch through any number of 'call' getters to get to
// the actual function. The 'call handler' field unfolds all the 'call'
// getters and refers directly to the actual function (if it exists).
// TODO(asgerf): When we have strong mode types, skip the 'call handler'
// load if the static type system resolves the target to a method.
// It is only needed for getters, fields, and untyped calls.
int handler = environment.getLoad(function, fieldNames.callHandlerField);
visualizer?.annotateVariable(function, node, 'function');
visualizer?.annotateVariable(handler, node, 'call handler');
int arity = node.arguments.positional.length;
for (int i = 0; i < node.arguments.positional.length; ++i) {
int field = builder.getPositionalParameterField(arity, i);
int argument = build(node.arguments.positional[i]);
environment.addStore(handler, field, argument);
for (int i = 0; i < node.arguments.named.length; ++i) {
NamedExpression namedNode = node.arguments.named[i];
int field = builder.getNamedParameterField(arity,;
int argument = build(namedNode.value);
environment.addStore(handler, field, argument);
return environment.getLoad(handler, builder.getReturnField(arity));
void passArgumentsToFunction(
Arguments node, Class host, FunctionNode function) {
// TODO(asgerf): Check that arity matches (although mismatches are rare).
for (int i = 0; i < node.positional.length; ++i) {
int argument = build(node.positional[i]);
if (i < function.positionalParameters.length) {
int parameter = builder.getParameterVariable(
host, function.positionalParameters[i]);
environment.addAssign(argument, parameter);
for (int i = 0; i < node.named.length; ++i) {
NamedExpression namedNode = node.named[i];
int argument = build(namedNode.value);
// TODO(asgerf): Avoid the slow lookup for named parameters.
for (int j = 0; j < function.namedParameters.length; ++j) {
var namedParameter = function.namedParameters[j];
if ( == {
int parameter = builder.getParameterVariable(host, namedParameter);
environment.addAssign(argument, parameter);
int visitDirectMethodInvocation(DirectMethodInvocation node) {
// TODO(asgerf): Support cases where the receiver is not 'this'.
return builder.getReturnVariable(,;
int visitSuperMethodInvocation(SuperMethodInvocation node) {
return unsupported(node);
void passArgumentsNowhere(Arguments node) {
for (int i = 0; i < node.positional.length; ++i) {
for (int i = 0; i < node.named.length; ++i) {
int visitStaticInvocation(StaticInvocation node) {
if ( == builder.identicalFunction) {
// Ignore calls to identical() as they cause a lot of spurious escape.
return builder.boolNode;
passArgumentsToFunction(node.arguments, null,;
return builder.getReturnVariable(null,;
int visitConstructorInvocation(ConstructorInvocation node) {
Class host =;
passArgumentsToFunction(node.arguments, host,;
return builder.getInstanceVariable(host);
int visitNot(Not node) {
return builder.boolNode;
int visitLogicalExpression(LogicalExpression node) {
return builder.boolNode;
int visitConditionalExpression(ConditionalExpression node) {
int then = build(node.then);
int otherwise = build(node.otherwise);
return environment.getJoin(then, otherwise);
int visitStringConcatenation(StringConcatenation node) {
for (int i = 0; i < node.expressions.length; ++i) {
return builder.stringNode;
int visitIsExpression(IsExpression node) {
return builder.boolNode;
int visitAsExpression(AsExpression node) {
return build(node.operand);
int visitSymbolLiteral(SymbolLiteral node) {
return builder.symbolNode;
int visitTypeLiteral(TypeLiteral node) {
return builder.typeNode;
int visitThisExpression(ThisExpression node) {
return environment.thisVariable;
int visitRethrow(Rethrow node) {
return builder.bottomNode;
int visitThrow(Throw node) {
return builder.bottomNode;
int visitListLiteral(ListLiteral node) {
var object = builder.listNode;
TypeParameter parameter = builder.coreTypes.listClass.typeParameters.single;
int field = fieldNames.getTypeParameterField(parameter);
for (int i = 0; i < node.expressions.length; ++i) {
int content = build(node.expressions[i]);
environment.addStore(object, field, content);
return object;
int visitMapLiteral(MapLiteral node) {
var object = builder.mapNode;
List<TypeParameter> parameters = builder.coreTypes.mapClass.typeParameters;
int keys = fieldNames.getTypeParameterField(parameters[0]);
int values = fieldNames.getTypeParameterField(parameters[1]);
for (int i = 0; i < node.entries.length; ++i) {
var entry = node.entries[i];
environment.addStore(object, keys, build(entry.key));
environment.addStore(object, values, build(entry.value));
return object;
int visitAwaitExpression(AwaitExpression node) {
return unsupported(node);
int visitFunctionExpression(FunctionExpression node) {
return buildInnerFunction(node.function);
int visitStringLiteral(StringLiteral node) {
return builder.stringNode;
int visitIntLiteral(IntLiteral node) {
return builder.intNode;
int visitDoubleLiteral(DoubleLiteral node) {
return builder.doubleNode;
int visitBoolLiteral(BoolLiteral node) {
return builder.boolNode;
int visitNullLiteral(NullLiteral node) {
return builder.nullNode;
int visitLet(Let node) {
environment.localVariables[node.variable] =
return build(node.body);
int buildInnerFunction(FunctionNode node, {VariableDeclaration self}) {
int variable = builder.newFunction(node);
if (self != null) {
environment.localVariables[self] = variable;
Environment inner = new Environment.inner(environment);
builder.buildFunctionNode(node, inner, function: variable);
return variable;
/// Indicates whether a statement can complete normally.
enum Completion {
/// The statement might complete normally.
/// The statement never completes normally, because it throws, returns,
/// breaks, loops forever, etc.
Completion neverCompleteIf(bool condition) {
return condition ? Completion.Never : Completion.Maybe;
Completion completeIfBoth(Completion first, Completion second) {
return first == Completion.Maybe && second == Completion.Maybe
? Completion.Maybe
: Completion.Never;
Completion completeIfEither(Completion first, Completion second) {
return first == Completion.Maybe || second == Completion.Maybe
? Completion.Maybe
: Completion.Never;
bool _isTrueConstant(Expression node) {
return node is BoolLiteral && node.value == true;
bool _isThrowing(Expression node) {
return node is Throw || node is Rethrow;
/// Translates a statement to constraints.
/// The visit methods return a [Completion] indicating if the statement can
/// complete normally. This is used to check if null can be returned due to
/// control falling over the end of the method.
class StatementBuilder extends StatementVisitor<Completion> {
final Builder builder;
final Environment environment;
ExpressionBuilder expressionBuilder;
ConstraintSystem get constraints => builder.constraints;
Visualizer get visualizer => builder.visualizer;
FieldNames get names => builder.fieldNames;
StatementBuilder(this.builder, this.environment) {
expressionBuilder = new ExpressionBuilder(builder, this, environment);
Completion build(Statement node) => node.accept(this);
Completion buildOptional(Statement node) {
return node != null ? node.accept(this) : Completion.Maybe;
int buildExpression(Expression node) {
void unsupported(Statement node) {
Completion visitInvalidStatement(InvalidStatement node) => Completion.Never;
visitExpressionStatement(ExpressionStatement node) {
return neverCompleteIf(_isThrowing(node.expression));
visitBlock(Block node) {
for (int i = 0; i < node.statements.length; ++i) {
if (build(node.statements[i]) == Completion.Never) {
return Completion.Never;
return Completion.Maybe;
visitEmptyStatement(EmptyStatement node) => Completion.Maybe;
visitAssertStatement(AssertStatement node) {
return Completion.Maybe;
visitLabeledStatement(LabeledStatement node) {
// We don't track reachability of breaks in the body, so just assume we
// might hit a break.
return Completion.Maybe;
visitBreakStatement(BreakStatement node) => Completion.Never;
visitWhileStatement(WhileStatement node) {
return neverCompleteIf(_isTrueConstant(node.condition));
visitDoStatement(DoStatement node) {
return neverCompleteIf(_isTrueConstant(node.condition));
visitForStatement(ForStatement node) {
for (int i = 0; i < node.variables.length; ++i) {
if (node.condition != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < node.updates.length; ++i) {
return neverCompleteIf(_isTrueConstant(node.condition));
visitForInStatement(ForInStatement node) {
int iterable = buildExpression(node.iterable);
int iterator = environment.getLoad(iterable, builder.iteratorField);
int current = environment.getLoad(iterator, builder.currentField);
int variable = environment.getVariable(node.variable);
environment.addAssign(current, variable);
return Completion.Maybe;
visitSwitchStatement(SwitchStatement node) {
Completion lastCanComplete = Completion.Maybe;
for (int i = 0; i < node.cases.length; ++i) {
// There is no need to visit the expression since constants cannot
// have side effects.
// Note that only the last case can actually fall out of the switch,
// as the others will throw an exception if they fall through.
// Also note that breaks from the switch have been desugared to breaks
// to a [LabeledStatement].
lastCanComplete = build(node.cases[i].body);
return lastCanComplete;
visitContinueSwitchStatement(ContinueSwitchStatement node) {
return Completion.Never;
visitIfStatement(IfStatement node) {
Completion thenCompletes = build(node.then);
Completion elseCompletes = buildOptional(node.otherwise);
return completeIfEither(thenCompletes, elseCompletes);
visitReturnStatement(ReturnStatement node) {
if (node.expression != null) {
int returned = buildExpression(node.expression);
environment.addAssign(returned, environment.returnVariable);
return Completion.Never;
visitTryCatch(TryCatch node) {
Completion bodyCompletes = build(node.body);
Completion catchCompletes = Completion.Never;
for (int i = 0; i < node.catches.length; ++i) {
Catch catchNode = node.catches[i];
if (catchNode.exception != null) {
environment.localVariables[catchNode.exception] = builder.dynamicNode;
if (catchNode.stackTrace != null) {
environment.localVariables[catchNode.stackTrace] = builder.dynamicNode;
if (build(catchNode.body) == Completion.Maybe) {
catchCompletes = Completion.Maybe;
return completeIfEither(bodyCompletes, catchCompletes);
visitTryFinally(TryFinally node) {
Completion bodyCompletes = build(node.body);
Completion finalizerCompletes = build(node.finalizer);
return completeIfBoth(bodyCompletes, finalizerCompletes);
visitYieldStatement(YieldStatement node) {
return Completion.Maybe;
visitVariableDeclaration(VariableDeclaration node) {
int initializer = node.initializer == null
? builder.nullNode
: buildExpression(node.initializer);
int variable = environment.getVariable(node);
environment.addAssign(initializer, variable);
return neverCompleteIf(_isThrowing(node.initializer));
visitFunctionDeclaration(FunctionDeclaration node) {
expressionBuilder.buildInnerFunction(node.function, self: node.variable);
return Completion.Maybe;
class InitializerBuilder extends InitializerVisitor<Null> {
final Builder builder;
final Environment environment;
ExpressionBuilder expressionBuilder;
FieldNames get fieldNames => builder.fieldNames;
InitializerBuilder(this.builder, this.environment) {
expressionBuilder =
new StatementBuilder(builder, environment).expressionBuilder;
void build(Initializer node) {
int buildExpression(Expression node) {
visitInvalidInitializer(InvalidInitializer node) {}
visitFieldInitializer(FieldInitializer node) {
int fieldVariable = builder.getFieldVariable(, node.field);
int rightHandSide = buildExpression(node.value);
environment.addAssign(rightHandSide, fieldVariable);
visitSuperInitializer(SuperInitializer node) {
visitRedirectingInitializer(RedirectingInitializer node) {
visitLocalInitializer(LocalInitializer node) {
environment.localVariables[node.variable] =
class Names {
static final Name current = new Name('current');
static final Name iterator = new Name('iterator');
static final Name then = new Name('then');
static final Name call_ = new Name('call');
/// Returns a variable with the possible values of a given type, as provided
/// by external code.
class CovariantExternalTypeVisitor extends DartTypeVisitor<int> {
final Builder builder;
final TypeEnvironment environment;
FieldNames get fieldNames => builder.fieldNames;
CovariantExternalTypeVisitor(this.builder, this.environment);
void visitContravariant(DartType type, int input) {
return new ContravariantExternalTypeVisitor(builder, environment, input)
int visit(DartType type) => type.accept(this);
int visitInvalidType(InvalidType node) {
return builder.bottomNode;
int visitDynamicType(DynamicType node) {
return builder.dynamicNode;
int visitVoidType(VoidType node) {
return builder.nullNode;
int visitInterfaceType(InterfaceType node) {
int object = builder.getExternalInstanceVariable(node.classNode);
for (int i = 0; i < node.typeArguments.length; ++i) {
int field =
int outputValue = visit(node.typeArguments[i]);
environment.addStore(object, field, outputValue);
if (!builder.isAssumedCovariant(node.classNode)) {
int userValue = environment.getLoad(object, field);
visitContravariant(node.typeArguments[i], userValue);
return object;
int visitTypeParameterType(TypeParameterType node) {
if (node.parameter.parent is Class) {
assert(environment.thisVariable != null);
return environment.getLoad(environment.thisVariable,
} else {
return builder.getFunctionTypeParameterVariable(node.parameter);
int visitFunctionType(FunctionType node) {
// TODO: Handle arity range.
int arity = node.positionalParameters.length;
int function = builder.functionValueNode;
for (int i = 0; i < node.positionalParameters.length; ++i) {
int field = fieldNames.getPositionalParameterField(arity, i);
int argument = environment.getLoad(function, field);
visitContravariant(node.positionalParameters[i], argument);
for (int i = 0; i < node.namedParameters.length; ++i) {
var parameter = node.namedParameters[i];
int field = fieldNames.getNamedParameterField(arity,;
int argument = environment.getLoad(function, field);
visitContravariant(parameter.type, argument);
int returnVariable = visit(node.returnType);
function, fieldNames.getReturnField(arity), returnVariable);
return function;
/// Equivalent to visiting the FunctionType for the given function.
int buildFunctionNode(FunctionNode node) {
int minArity = node.requiredParameterCount;
int maxArity = node.positionalParameters.length;
Member member = node.parent is Member ? node.parent : null;
int function = builder.newFunction(node, member);
for (int arity = minArity; arity <= maxArity; ++arity) {
for (int i = 0; i < arity; ++i) {
int field = fieldNames.getPositionalParameterField(arity, i);
int argument = environment.getLoad(function, field);
visitContravariant(node.positionalParameters[i].type, argument);
for (int i = 0; i < node.namedParameters.length; ++i) {
VariableDeclaration variable = node.namedParameters[i];
for (int arity = minArity; arity <= maxArity; ++arity) {
int field = fieldNames.getNamedParameterField(arity,;
int argument = environment.getLoad(function, field);
visitContravariant(variable.type, argument);
int returnVariable = visit(node.returnType);
for (int arity = minArity; arity <= maxArity; ++arity) {
function, fieldNames.getReturnField(arity), returnVariable);
return function;
/// Generates constraints to model the behavior of a value escaping into
/// external code through a given type.
class ContravariantExternalTypeVisitor extends DartTypeVisitor<Null> {
final Builder builder;
final TypeEnvironment environment;
final int input;
FieldNames get fieldNames => builder.fieldNames;
ConstraintSystem get constraints => builder.constraints;
ContravariantExternalTypeVisitor(this.builder, this.environment, this.input);
void visit(DartType type) {
void visitContravariant(DartType type, int input) {
return new ContravariantExternalTypeVisitor(builder, environment, input)
int visitCovariant(DartType type) {
return new CovariantExternalTypeVisitor(builder, environment).visit(type);
visitInvalidType(InvalidType node) {}
visitDynamicType(DynamicType node) {}
visitVoidType(VoidType node) {}
visitInterfaceType(InterfaceType node) {
int escapePoint = builder.getInterfaceEscapeVariable(node.classNode);
environment.addAssign(input, escapePoint);
visitTypeParameterType(TypeParameterType node) {
if (node.parameter.parent is Class) {
assert(environment.thisVariable != null);
fieldNames.getTypeParameterField(node.parameter), input);
} else {
input, builder.getFunctionTypeParameterVariable(node.parameter));
visitFunctionType(FunctionType node) {
int minArity = node.requiredParameterCount;
int maxArity = node.positionalParameters.length;
for (int i = 0; i < node.positionalParameters.length; ++i) {
int argument = visitCovariant(node.positionalParameters[i]);
for (int arity = minArity; arity <= maxArity; ++arity) {
int field = fieldNames.getPositionalParameterField(arity, i);
environment.addStore(input, field, argument);
for (var parameter in node.namedParameters) {
int argument = visitCovariant(parameter.type);
for (int arity = minArity; arity <= maxArity; ++arity) {
int field = fieldNames.getNamedParameterField(arity,;
environment.addStore(input, field, argument);
for (int arity = minArity; arity <= maxArity; ++arity) {
int returnLocation =
environment.getLoad(input, fieldNames.getReturnField(arity));
visitContravariant(node.returnType, returnLocation);
/// Equivalent to visiting the FunctionType for the given function.
void buildFunctionNode(FunctionNode node) {
int minArity = node.requiredParameterCount;
int maxArity = node.positionalParameters.length;
for (int arity = minArity; arity <= maxArity; ++arity) {
for (int i = 0; i < arity; ++i) {
int argument = visitCovariant(node.positionalParameters[i].type);
int field = fieldNames.getPositionalParameterField(arity, i);
environment.addStore(input, field, argument);
for (int i = 0; i < node.namedParameters.length; ++i) {
VariableDeclaration variable = node.namedParameters[i];
int argument = visitCovariant(variable.type);
for (int arity = minArity; arity <= maxArity; ++arity) {
int field = fieldNames.getNamedParameterField(arity,;
environment.addStore(input, field, argument);
for (int arity = minArity; arity <= maxArity; ++arity) {
int returnLocation =
environment.getLoad(input, fieldNames.getReturnField(arity));
visitContravariant(node.returnType, returnLocation);