blob: 7f593d17f4efd7aec1278a23b1a6ce42a8f85822 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library kernel.transformations.continuation;
import 'dart:math' as math;
import '../ast.dart';
import '../core_types.dart';
import '../visitor.dart';
import 'async.dart';
Program transformProgram(Program program) {
var helper = new HelperNodes.fromProgram(program);
var rewriter = new RecursiveContinuationRewriter(helper);
return rewriter.rewriteProgram(program);
class RecursiveContinuationRewriter extends Transformer {
final HelperNodes helper;
final VariableDeclaration asyncJumpVariable = new VariableDeclaration(
initializer: new IntLiteral(0));
final VariableDeclaration asyncContextVariable =
new VariableDeclaration(":await_ctx_var");
Program rewriteProgram(Program node) {
return node.accept(this);
visitFunctionNode(FunctionNode node) {
switch (node.asyncMarker) {
case AsyncMarker.Sync:
case AsyncMarker.SyncYielding:
node.transformChildren(new RecursiveContinuationRewriter(helper));
return node;
case AsyncMarker.SyncStar:
return new SyncStarFunctionRewriter(helper, node).rewrite();
case AsyncMarker.Async:
return new AsyncFunctionRewriter(helper, node).rewrite();
case AsyncMarker.AsyncStar:
return new AsyncStarFunctionRewriter(helper, node).rewrite();
abstract class ContinuationRewriterBase extends RecursiveContinuationRewriter {
final FunctionNode enclosingFunction;
int currentTryDepth = 0; // Nesting depth for try-blocks.
int currentCatchDepth = 0; // Nesting depth for catch-blocks.
int capturedTryDepth = 0; // Deepest yield point within a try-block.
int capturedCatchDepth = 0; // Deepest yield point within a catch-block.
ContinuationRewriterBase(HelperNodes helper, this.enclosingFunction)
: super(helper);
Statement createContinuationPoint([Expression value]) {
if (value == null) value = new NullLiteral();
capturedTryDepth = math.max(capturedTryDepth, currentTryDepth);
capturedCatchDepth = math.max(capturedCatchDepth, currentCatchDepth);
return new YieldStatement(value, isNative: true);
TreeNode visitTryCatch(TryCatch node) {
if (node.body != null) {
node.body = node.body.accept(this);
node.body?.parent = node;
transformList(node.catches, this, node);
return node;
TreeNode visitTryFinally(TryFinally node) {
if (node.body != null) {
node.body = node.body.accept(this);
node.body?.parent = node;
if (node.finalizer != null) {
node.finalizer = node.finalizer.accept(this);
node.finalizer?.parent = node;
return node;
Iterable<VariableDeclaration> createCapturedTryVariables() =>
new Iterable.generate(capturedTryDepth,
(depth) => new VariableDeclaration(":saved_try_context_var${depth}"));
Iterable<VariableDeclaration> createCapturedCatchVariables() =>
new Iterable.generate(capturedCatchDepth).expand((depth) => [
new VariableDeclaration(":exception${depth}"),
new VariableDeclaration(":stack_trace${depth}"),
List<VariableDeclaration> variableDeclarations() =>
[asyncJumpVariable, asyncContextVariable]
class SyncStarFunctionRewriter extends ContinuationRewriterBase {
final VariableDeclaration iteratorVariable;
SyncStarFunctionRewriter(helper, enclosingFunction)
: iteratorVariable = new VariableDeclaration(':iterator')
..type = helper.iteratorClass.rawType,
super(helper, enclosingFunction);
FunctionNode rewrite() {
// :sync_body(:iterator) {
// modified <node.body>;
// }
// Note: SyncYielding functions have no Dart equivalent. Since they are
// synchronous, we use Sync. (Note also that the Dart VM backend uses the
// Dart async marker to decide if functions are debuggable.)
final nestedClosureVariable = new VariableDeclaration(":sync_op");
final function = new FunctionNode(buildClosureBody(),
positionalParameters: [iteratorVariable],
requiredParameterCount: 1,
asyncMarker: AsyncMarker.SyncYielding,
dartAsyncMarker: AsyncMarker.Sync)
..fileOffset = enclosingFunction.fileOffset
..fileEndOffset = enclosingFunction.fileEndOffset
..returnType = helper.coreTypes.boolClass.rawType;
final closureFunction =
new FunctionDeclaration(nestedClosureVariable, function)
..fileOffset = enclosingFunction.parent.fileOffset;
// return new _SyncIterable(:sync_body);
final arguments = new Arguments([new VariableGet(nestedClosureVariable)]);
final returnStatement = new ReturnStatement(
new ConstructorInvocation(helper.syncIterableConstructor, arguments));
enclosingFunction.body = new Block([]
..addAll([closureFunction, returnStatement]));
enclosingFunction.body.parent = enclosingFunction;
enclosingFunction.asyncMarker = AsyncMarker.Sync;
return enclosingFunction;
Statement buildClosureBody() {
// The body will insert calls to
// :iterator.current_=
// :iterator.isYieldEach=
// and return `true` as long as it did something and `false` when it's done.
return new Block(<Statement>[
new ReturnStatement(new BoolLiteral(false))
visitYieldStatement(YieldStatement node) {
var transformedExpression = node.expression.accept(this);
var statements = <Statement>[];
if (node.isYieldStar) {
var markYieldEach = new ExpressionStatement(new PropertySet(
new VariableGet(iteratorVariable),
new Name("isYieldEach", helper.coreLibrary),
new BoolLiteral(true)));
var setCurrentIteratorValue = new ExpressionStatement(new PropertySet(
new VariableGet(iteratorVariable),
new Name("_current", helper.coreLibrary),
statements.add(createContinuationPoint(new BoolLiteral(true)));
return new Block(statements);
TreeNode visitReturnStatement(ReturnStatement node) {
// sync* functions cannot return a value.
assert(node.expression == null || node.expression is NullLiteral);
node.expression = new BoolLiteral(false)..parent = node;
return node;
abstract class AsyncRewriterBase extends ContinuationRewriterBase {
final VariableDeclaration nestedClosureVariable =
new VariableDeclaration(":async_op");
final VariableDeclaration thenContinuationVariable =
new VariableDeclaration(":async_op_then");
final VariableDeclaration catchErrorContinuationVariable =
new VariableDeclaration(":async_op_error");
LabeledStatement labeledBody;
ExpressionLifter expressionRewriter;
AsyncRewriterBase(helper, enclosingFunction)
: super(helper, enclosingFunction) {}
void setupAsyncContinuations(List<Statement> statements) {
expressionRewriter = new ExpressionLifter(this);
// var :async_op_then;
// var :async_op_error;
// :async_op([:result, :exception, :stack_trace]) {
// modified <node.body>;
// }
final parameters = <VariableDeclaration>[
new VariableDeclaration(':exception'),
new VariableDeclaration(':stack_trace'),
// Note: SyncYielding functions have no Dart equivalent. Since they are
// synchronous, we use Sync. (Note also that the Dart VM backend uses the
// Dart async marker to decide if functions are debuggable.)
final function = new FunctionNode(buildWrappedBody(),
positionalParameters: parameters,
requiredParameterCount: 0,
asyncMarker: AsyncMarker.SyncYielding,
dartAsyncMarker: AsyncMarker.Sync)
..fileOffset = enclosingFunction.fileOffset
..fileEndOffset = enclosingFunction.fileEndOffset;
// The await expression lifter might have created a number of
// [VariableDeclarations].
// TODO(kustermann): If we didn't need any variables we should not emit
// these.
// Now add the closure function itself.
final closureFunction =
new FunctionDeclaration(nestedClosureVariable, function)
..fileOffset = enclosingFunction.parent.fileOffset;
// :async_op_then = _asyncThenWrapperHelper(asyncBody);
final boundThenClosure = new StaticInvocation(helper.asyncThenWrapper,
new Arguments(<Expression>[new VariableGet(nestedClosureVariable)]));
final thenClosureVariableAssign = new ExpressionStatement(
new VariableSet(thenContinuationVariable, boundThenClosure));
// :async_op_error = _asyncErrorWrapperHelper(asyncBody);
final boundCatchErrorClosure = new StaticInvocation(
new Arguments(<Expression>[new VariableGet(nestedClosureVariable)]));
final catchErrorClosureVariableAssign = new ExpressionStatement(
new VariableSet(
catchErrorContinuationVariable, boundCatchErrorClosure));
Statement buildWrappedBody() {
labeledBody = new LabeledStatement(null);
labeledBody.body = visitDelimited(enclosingFunction.body)
..parent = labeledBody;
var exceptionVariable = new VariableDeclaration(":exception");
var stackTraceVariable = new VariableDeclaration(":stack_trace");
return new TryCatch(buildReturn(labeledBody), <Catch>[
new Catch(
new Block(<Statement>[
buildCatchBody(exceptionVariable, stackTraceVariable)
stackTrace: stackTraceVariable)
Statement buildCatchBody(
Statement exceptionVariable, Statement stackTraceVariable);
Statement buildReturn(Statement body);
List<Statement> statements = <Statement>[];
TreeNode visitInvalidStatement(InvalidStatement stmt) {
return null;
TreeNode visitExpressionStatement(ExpressionStatement stmt) {
stmt.expression = expressionRewriter.rewrite(stmt.expression, statements)
..parent = stmt;
return null;
TreeNode visitBlock(Block stmt) {
var saved = statements;
statements = <Statement>[];
for (var statement in stmt.statements) {
saved.add(new Block(statements));
statements = saved;
return null;
TreeNode visitEmptyStatement(EmptyStatement stmt) {
return null;
TreeNode visitAssertStatement(AssertStatement stmt) {
// TODO!
return null;
Statement visitDelimited(Statement stmt) {
var saved = statements;
statements = <Statement>[];
Statement result =
statements.length == 1 ? statements.first : new Block(statements);
statements = saved;
return result;
Statement visitLabeledStatement(LabeledStatement stmt) {
stmt.body = visitDelimited(stmt.body)..parent = stmt;
return null;
Statement visitBreakStatement(BreakStatement stmt) {
return null;
TreeNode visitWhileStatement(WhileStatement stmt) {
Statement body = visitDelimited(stmt.body);
List<Statement> effects = <Statement>[];
Expression cond = expressionRewriter.rewrite(stmt.condition, effects);
if (effects.isEmpty) {
stmt.condition = cond..parent = stmt;
stmt.body = body..parent = stmt;
} else {
// The condition rewrote to a non-empty sequence of statements S* and
// value V. Rewrite the loop to:
// L: while (true) {
// S*
// if (V) {
// [body]
// else {
// break L;
// }
// }
LabeledStatement labeled = new LabeledStatement(stmt);
stmt.condition = new BoolLiteral(true)..parent = stmt;
effects.add(new IfStatement(cond, body, new BreakStatement(labeled)));
stmt.body = new Block(effects)..parent = stmt;
return null;
TreeNode visitDoStatement(DoStatement stmt) {
Statement body = visitDelimited(stmt.body);
List<Statement> effects = <Statement>[];
stmt.condition = expressionRewriter.rewrite(stmt.condition, effects)
..parent = stmt;
if (effects.isNotEmpty) {
// The condition rewrote to a non-empty sequence of statements S* and
// value V. Add the statements to the end of the loop body.
Block block = body is Block ? body : body = new Block(<Statement>[body]);
for (var effect in effects) {
effect.parent = body;
stmt.body = body..parent = stmt;
return null;
TreeNode visitForStatement(ForStatement stmt) {
// Because of for-loop scoping and variable capture, it is tricky to deal
// with await in the loop's variable initializers or update expressions.
bool isSimple = true;
int length = stmt.variables.length;
List<List<Statement>> initEffects = new List<List<Statement>>(length);
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
VariableDeclaration decl = stmt.variables[i];
initEffects[i] = <Statement>[];
if (decl.initializer != null) {
decl.initializer = expressionRewriter.rewrite(
decl.initializer, initEffects[i])..parent = decl;
isSimple = isSimple && initEffects[i].isEmpty;
length = stmt.updates.length;
List<List<Statement>> updateEffects = new List<List<Statement>>(length);
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
updateEffects[i] = <Statement>[];
stmt.updates[i] = expressionRewriter.rewrite(
stmt.updates[i], updateEffects[i])..parent = stmt;
isSimple = isSimple && updateEffects[i].isEmpty;
Statement body = visitDelimited(stmt.body);
Expression cond = stmt.condition;
List<Statement> condEffects;
if (cond != null) {
condEffects = <Statement>[];
cond = expressionRewriter.rewrite(stmt.condition, condEffects);
if (isSimple) {
// If the condition contains await, we use a translation like the one for
// while loops, but leaving the variable declarations and the update
// expressions in place.
if (condEffects == null || condEffects.isEmpty) {
if (cond != null) stmt.condition = cond..parent = stmt;
stmt.body = body..parent = stmt;
} else {
LabeledStatement labeled = new LabeledStatement(stmt);
// No condition in a for loop is the same as true.
stmt.condition = null;
.add(new IfStatement(cond, body, new BreakStatement(labeled)));
stmt.body = new Block(condEffects)..parent = stmt;
return null;
// If the rewrite of the initializer or update expressions produces a
// non-empty sequence of statements then the loop is desugared. If the loop
// has the form:
// label: for (Type x = init; cond; update) body
// it is translated as if it were:
// {
// bool first = true;
// Type temp;
// label: while (true) {
// Type x;
// if (first) {
// first = false;
// x = init;
// } else {
// x = temp;
// update;
// }
// if (cond) {
// body;
// temp = x;
// } else {
// break;
// }
// }
// }
// Place the loop variable declarations at the beginning of the body
// statements and move their initializers to a guarded list of statements.
// Add assignments to the loop variables from the previous iteration's temp
// variables before the updates.
// temps.first is the flag 'first'.
// TODO(kmillikin) bool type for first.
List<VariableDeclaration> temps = <VariableDeclaration>[
new VariableDeclaration.forValue(new BoolLiteral(true), isFinal: false)
List<Statement> loopBody = <Statement>[];
List<Statement> initializers = <Statement>[
new ExpressionStatement(
new VariableSet(temps.first, new BoolLiteral(false)))
List<Statement> updates = <Statement>[];
List<Statement> newBody = <Statement>[body];
for (int i = 0; i < stmt.variables.length; ++i) {
VariableDeclaration decl = stmt.variables[i];
temps.add(new VariableDeclaration(null, type: decl.type));
if (decl.initializer != null) {
new ExpressionStatement(new VariableSet(decl, decl.initializer)));
decl.initializer = null;
updates.add(new ExpressionStatement(
new VariableSet(decl, new VariableGet(temps.last))));
newBody.add(new ExpressionStatement(
new VariableSet(temps.last, new VariableGet(decl))));
// Add the updates to their guarded list of statements.
for (int i = 0; i < stmt.updates.length; ++i) {
updates.add(new ExpressionStatement(stmt.updates[i]));
// Initializers or updates could be empty.
loopBody.add(new IfStatement(new VariableGet(temps.first),
new Block(initializers), new Block(updates)));
LabeledStatement labeled = new LabeledStatement(null);
if (cond != null) {
} else {
cond = new BoolLiteral(true);
new IfStatement(cond, new Block(newBody), new BreakStatement(labeled)));
labeled.body = new WhileStatement(
new BoolLiteral(true), new Block(loopBody))..parent = labeled;
statements.add(new Block(<Statement>[]
return null;
TreeNode visitForInStatement(ForInStatement stmt) {
if (stmt.isAsync) {
// Transform
// await for (var variable in <stream-expression>) { ... }
// To:
// {
// var :for-iterator = new StreamIterator(<stream-expression>);
// try {
// while (await :for-iterator.moveNext()) {
// var <variable> = :for-iterator.current;
// ...
// }
// } finally {
// :for-iterator.cancel();
// }
// }
var iteratorVariable = new VariableDeclaration(':for-iterator',
initializer: new ConstructorInvocation(
new Arguments(<Expression>[stmt.iterable],
types: [const DynamicType()])));
// await iterator.moveNext()
var condition = new AwaitExpression(new MethodInvocation(
new VariableGet(iteratorVariable),
new Name('moveNext'),
new Arguments(<Expression>[])))..fileOffset = stmt.fileOffset;
// var <variable> = iterator.current;
var valueVariable = stmt.variable;
valueVariable.initializer = new PropertyGet(
new VariableGet(iteratorVariable), new Name('current'));
valueVariable.initializer.parent = valueVariable;
var whileBody = new Block(<Statement>[valueVariable, stmt.body]);
var tryBody = new WhileStatement(condition, whileBody);
// iterator.cancel();
var tryFinalizer = new ExpressionStatement(new MethodInvocation(
new VariableGet(iteratorVariable),
new Name('cancel'),
new Arguments(<Expression>[])));
var tryFinally = new TryFinally(tryBody, tryFinalizer);
var block = new Block(<Statement>[iteratorVariable, tryFinally]);
} else {
stmt.iterable = expressionRewriter.rewrite(stmt.iterable, statements)
..parent = stmt;
stmt.body = visitDelimited(stmt.body)..parent = stmt;
return null;
TreeNode visitSwitchStatement(SwitchStatement stmt) {
stmt.expression = expressionRewriter.rewrite(stmt.expression, statements)
..parent = stmt;
for (var switchCase in stmt.cases) {
// Expressions in switch cases cannot contain await so they do not need to
// be translated.
switchCase.body = visitDelimited(switchCase.body)..parent = switchCase;
return null;
TreeNode visitContinueSwitchStatement(ContinueSwitchStatement stmt) {
return null;
TreeNode visitIfStatement(IfStatement stmt) {
stmt.condition = expressionRewriter.rewrite(stmt.condition, statements)
..parent = stmt;
stmt.then = visitDelimited(stmt.then)..parent = stmt;
if (stmt.otherwise != null) {
stmt.otherwise = visitDelimited(stmt.otherwise)..parent = stmt;
return null;
TreeNode visitTryCatch(TryCatch stmt) {
stmt.body = visitDelimited(stmt.body)..parent = stmt;
for (var clause in stmt.catches) {
clause.body = visitDelimited(clause.body)..parent = clause;
return null;
TreeNode visitTryFinally(TryFinally stmt) {
stmt.body = visitDelimited(stmt.body)..parent = stmt;
stmt.finalizer = visitDelimited(stmt.finalizer)..parent = stmt;
return null;
TreeNode visitYieldStatement(YieldStatement stmt) {
stmt.expression = expressionRewriter.rewrite(stmt.expression, statements)
..parent = stmt;
return null;
TreeNode visitVariableDeclaration(VariableDeclaration stmt) {
if (stmt.initializer != null) {
stmt.initializer = expressionRewriter.rewrite(
stmt.initializer, statements)..parent = stmt;
return null;
TreeNode visitFunctionDeclaration(FunctionDeclaration stmt) {
stmt.function = stmt.function.accept(this)..parent = stmt;
return null;
defaultExpression(TreeNode node) => throw 'unreachable';
class AsyncStarFunctionRewriter extends AsyncRewriterBase {
VariableDeclaration controllerVariable;
AsyncStarFunctionRewriter(helper, enclosingFunction)
: super(helper, enclosingFunction);
FunctionNode rewrite() {
var statements = <Statement>[];
// var :controller;
controllerVariable = new VariableDeclaration(":controller");
// :controller = new _AsyncController(:async_op);
var arguments =
new Arguments(<Expression>[new VariableGet(nestedClosureVariable)]);
var buildController =
new ConstructorInvocation(helper.streamControllerConstructor, arguments)
..fileOffset = enclosingFunction.fileOffset;
var setController = new ExpressionStatement(
new VariableSet(controllerVariable, buildController));
// return;
var completerGet = new VariableGet(controllerVariable);
var returnStatement = new ReturnStatement(
new PropertyGet(completerGet, new Name('stream', helper.asyncLibrary)));
enclosingFunction.body = new Block(statements);
enclosingFunction.body.parent = enclosingFunction;
enclosingFunction.asyncMarker = AsyncMarker.Sync;
return enclosingFunction;
Statement buildWrappedBody() {
Statement body = super.buildWrappedBody();
var finallyBody = new ExpressionStatement(new MethodInvocation(
new VariableGet(controllerVariable),
new Name("close", helper.asyncLibrary),
new Arguments(<Expression>[])));
var tryFinally = new TryFinally(body, new Block(<Statement>[finallyBody]));
return tryFinally;
Statement buildCatchBody(exceptionVariable, stackTraceVariable) {
return new ExpressionStatement(new MethodInvocation(
new VariableGet(controllerVariable),
new Name("addError", helper.asyncLibrary),
new Arguments(<Expression>[
new VariableGet(exceptionVariable),
new VariableGet(stackTraceVariable)
Statement buildReturn(Statement body) {
// Async* functions cannot return a value. The returns from the function
// have been translated into breaks from the labeled body.
return new Block(<Statement>[
new ReturnStatement()..fileOffset = enclosingFunction.fileEndOffset,
TreeNode visitYieldStatement(YieldStatement stmt) {
Expression expr = expressionRewriter.rewrite(stmt.expression, statements);
var addExpression = new MethodInvocation(
new VariableGet(controllerVariable),
new Name(stmt.isYieldStar ? 'addStream' : 'add', helper.asyncLibrary),
new Arguments(<Expression>[expr]))..fileOffset = stmt.fileOffset;
statements.add(new IfStatement(
new ReturnStatement(new NullLiteral()),
createContinuationPoint()..fileOffset = stmt.fileOffset));
return null;
TreeNode visitReturnStatement(ReturnStatement node) {
// Async* functions cannot return a value.
assert(node.expression == null || node.expression is NullLiteral);
.add(new BreakStatement(labeledBody)..fileOffset = node.fileOffset);
return null;
class AsyncFunctionRewriter extends AsyncRewriterBase {
VariableDeclaration completerVariable;
VariableDeclaration returnVariable;
AsyncFunctionRewriter(helper, enclosingFunction)
: super(helper, enclosingFunction);
FunctionNode rewrite() {
var statements = <Statement>[];
// The original function return type should be Future<T> because the
// function is async. If it was, we make a Completer<T>. Otherwise
// We will make a malformed type.
var future_type = enclosingFunction.returnType;
DartType returnType = const DynamicType();
if (future_type is InterfaceType) {
if (future_type.classNode == helper.futureClass) {
if (future_type.typeArguments.length == 0) {
returnType = const DynamicType();
} else if (future_type.typeArguments.length == 1) {
returnType = future_type.typeArguments[0];
} else {
returnType = const InvalidType();
var completerTypeArguments = <DartType>[returnType];
var completerType =
new InterfaceType(helper.completerClass, completerTypeArguments);
// final Completer<T> :completer = new Completer<T>.sync();
completerVariable = new VariableDeclaration(":completer",
initializer: new StaticInvocation(helper.completerConstructor,
new Arguments([], types: completerTypeArguments))
..fileOffset = enclosingFunction.body.fileOffset,
isFinal: true,
type: completerType);
returnVariable = new VariableDeclaration(":return_value", type: returnType);
// new Future.microtask(:async_op);
var newMicrotaskStatement = new ExpressionStatement(new StaticInvocation(
new Arguments([new VariableGet(nestedClosureVariable)],
types: [const DynamicType()]))
..fileOffset = enclosingFunction.fileOffset);
// return :completer.future;
var completerGet = new VariableGet(completerVariable);
var returnStatement = new ReturnStatement(
new PropertyGet(completerGet, new Name('future', helper.asyncLibrary)));
enclosingFunction.body = new Block(statements);
enclosingFunction.body.parent = enclosingFunction;
enclosingFunction.asyncMarker = AsyncMarker.Sync;
return enclosingFunction;
Statement buildCatchBody(exceptionVariable, stackTraceVariable) {
return new ExpressionStatement(new MethodInvocation(
new VariableGet(completerVariable),
new Name("completeError", helper.asyncLibrary),
new Arguments([
new VariableGet(exceptionVariable),
new VariableGet(stackTraceVariable)
Statement buildReturn(Statement body) {
// Returns from the body have all been translated into assignments to the
// return value variable followed by a break from the labeled body.
return new Block(<Statement>[
new ExpressionStatement(new MethodInvocation(
new VariableGet(completerVariable),
new Name("complete", helper.asyncLibrary),
new Arguments([new VariableGet(returnVariable)]))),
new ReturnStatement()..fileOffset = enclosingFunction.fileEndOffset
visitReturnStatement(ReturnStatement node) {
var expr = node.expression == null
? new NullLiteral()
: expressionRewriter.rewrite(node.expression, statements);
statements.add(new ExpressionStatement(
new VariableSet(returnVariable, expr)..fileOffset = node.fileOffset));
statements.add(new BreakStatement(labeledBody));
return null;
class HelperNodes {
final Library asyncLibrary;
final Library coreLibrary;
final Class iteratorClass;
final Class futureClass;
final Class completerClass;
final Procedure printProcedure;
final Procedure completerConstructor;
final Procedure futureMicrotaskConstructor;
final Constructor streamControllerConstructor;
final Constructor syncIterableConstructor;
final Constructor streamIteratorConstructor;
final Procedure asyncThenWrapper;
final Procedure asyncErrorWrapper;
final Procedure awaitHelper;
final CoreTypes coreTypes;
factory HelperNodes.fromProgram(Program program) {
var coreTypes = new CoreTypes(program);
return new HelperNodes(
coreTypes.getClass('dart:core', 'Iterator'),
coreTypes.getClass('dart:async', 'Future'),
coreTypes.getClass('dart:async', 'Completer'),
coreTypes.getTopLevelMember('dart:core', 'print'),
coreTypes.getMember('dart:async', 'Completer', 'sync'),
coreTypes.getMember('dart:core', '_SyncIterable', ''),
coreTypes.getMember('dart:async', '_StreamIterator', ''),
coreTypes.getMember('dart:async', 'Future', 'microtask'),
coreTypes.getMember('dart:async', '_AsyncStarStreamController', ''),
coreTypes.getTopLevelMember('dart:async', '_asyncThenWrapperHelper'),
coreTypes.getTopLevelMember('dart:async', '_asyncErrorWrapperHelper'),
coreTypes.getTopLevelMember('dart:async', '_awaitHelper'),