blob: 5e03fd567f3ccdc53bd2af68e25f6be28535d8d6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library fasta.messages;
import 'package:kernel/ast.dart' show Location, Program;
import 'util/relativize.dart' show relativizeUri;
import 'compiler_context.dart' show CompilerContext;
import 'errors.dart' show InputError;
import 'colors.dart' show cyan, magenta;
const bool hideNits = false;
const bool hideWarnings = false;
bool get errorsAreFatal => CompilerContext.current.options.errorsAreFatal;
bool get nitsAreFatal => CompilerContext.current.options.nitsAreFatal;
bool get warningsAreFatal => CompilerContext.current.options.warningsAreFatal;
bool get isVerbose => CompilerContext.current.options.verbose;
void warning(Uri uri, int charOffset, String message) {
if (hideWarnings) return;
print(format(uri, charOffset, colorWarning("Warning: $message")));
if (warningsAreFatal) {
if (isVerbose) print(StackTrace.current);
throw new InputError(
uri, charOffset, "Compilation aborted due to fatal warnings.");
void nit(Uri uri, int charOffset, String message) {
if (hideNits) return;
print(format(uri, charOffset, colorNit("Nit: $message")));
if (nitsAreFatal) {
if (isVerbose) print(StackTrace.current);
throw new InputError(
uri, charOffset, "Compilation aborted due to fatal nits.");
String colorWarning(String message) {
// TODO(ahe): Colors need to be optional. Doesn't work well in Emacs or on
// Windows.
return magenta(message);
String colorNit(String message) {
// TODO(ahe): Colors need to be optional. Doesn't work well in Emacs or on
// Windows.
return cyan(message);
String format(Uri uri, int charOffset, String message) {
if (uri != null) {
String path = relativizeUri(uri);
String position =
charOffset == -1 ? path : "${getLocation(path, charOffset)}";
return "$position: $message";
} else {
return message;
Location getLocation(String path, int charOffset) {
return new Program(null, CompilerContext.current.uriToSource)
.getLocation(path, charOffset);