blob: 50628f89723ec76c070d9d2b70ed58fc5cac8f3e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import '../common.dart';
import '../elements/elements.dart';
import '../tree/tree.dart' as ast;
import 'graph_builder.dart';
import 'locals_handler.dart';
import 'nodes.dart';
/// A single break/continue instruction.
class _JumpHandlerEntry {
final HJump jumpInstruction;
final LocalsHandler locals;
bool isBreak() => jumpInstruction is HBreak;
bool isContinue() => jumpInstruction is HContinue;
_JumpHandlerEntry(this.jumpInstruction, this.locals);
abstract class JumpHandler {
factory JumpHandler(GraphBuilder builder, JumpTarget target) {
return new TargetJumpHandler(builder, target);
void generateBreak([LabelDefinition label]);
void generateContinue([LabelDefinition label]);
void forEachBreak(void action(HBreak instruction, LocalsHandler locals));
void forEachContinue(
void action(HContinue instruction, LocalsHandler locals));
bool hasAnyContinue();
bool hasAnyBreak();
void close();
final JumpTarget target;
List<LabelDefinition> get labels;
/// Jump handler used to avoid null checks when a target isn't used as the
/// target of a break, and therefore doesn't need a break handler associated
/// with it.
class NullJumpHandler implements JumpHandler {
final DiagnosticReporter reporter;
void generateBreak([LabelDefinition label]) {
'NullJumpHandler.generateBreak should not be called.');
void generateContinue([LabelDefinition label]) {
'NullJumpHandler.generateContinue should not be called.');
void forEachBreak(Function ignored) {}
void forEachContinue(Function ignored) {}
void close() {}
bool hasAnyContinue() => false;
bool hasAnyBreak() => false;
List<LabelDefinition> get labels => const <LabelDefinition>[];
JumpTarget get target => null;
/// Jump handler that records breaks until a target block is available.
/// Breaks are always forward jumps. Continues in loops are implemented as
/// breaks of the body. Continues in switches is currently not handled.
class TargetJumpHandler implements JumpHandler {
final GraphBuilder builder;
final JumpTarget target;
final List<_JumpHandlerEntry> jumps;
TargetJumpHandler(GraphBuilder builder,
: this.builder = builder,
jumps = <_JumpHandlerEntry>[] {
assert(builder.jumpTargets[target] == null);
builder.jumpTargets[target] = this;
void generateBreak([LabelDefinition label]) {
HInstruction breakInstruction;
if (label == null) {
breakInstruction = new HBreak(target);
} else {
breakInstruction = new HBreak.toLabel(label);
LocalsHandler locals = new LocalsHandler.from(builder.localsHandler);
jumps.add(new _JumpHandlerEntry(breakInstruction, locals));
void generateContinue([LabelDefinition label]) {
HInstruction continueInstruction;
if (label == null) {
continueInstruction = new HContinue(target);
} else {
continueInstruction = new HContinue.toLabel(label);
// Switch case continue statements must be handled by the
// [SwitchCaseJumpHandler].
assert( is! ast.SwitchCase);
LocalsHandler locals = new LocalsHandler.from(builder.localsHandler);
jumps.add(new _JumpHandlerEntry(continueInstruction, locals));
void forEachBreak(Function action) {
for (_JumpHandlerEntry entry in jumps) {
if (entry.isBreak()) action(entry.jumpInstruction, entry.locals);
void forEachContinue(Function action) {
for (_JumpHandlerEntry entry in jumps) {
if (entry.isContinue()) action(entry.jumpInstruction, entry.locals);
bool hasAnyContinue() {
for (_JumpHandlerEntry entry in jumps) {
if (entry.isContinue()) return true;
return false;
bool hasAnyBreak() {
for (_JumpHandlerEntry entry in jumps) {
if (entry.isBreak()) return true;
return false;
void close() {
// The mapping from TargetElement to JumpHandler is no longer needed.
List<LabelDefinition> get labels {
List<LabelDefinition> result = null;
for (LabelDefinition element in target.labels) {
result ??= <LabelDefinition>[];
return result ?? const <LabelDefinition>[];
/// Special [JumpHandler] implementation used to handle continue statements
/// targeting switch cases.
abstract class SwitchCaseJumpHandler extends TargetJumpHandler {
/// Map from switch case targets to indices used to encode the flow of the
/// switch case loop.
final Map<JumpTarget, int> targetIndexMap = new Map<JumpTarget, int>();
SwitchCaseJumpHandler(GraphBuilder builder, JumpTarget target)
: super(builder, target);
void generateBreak([LabelDefinition label]) {
if (label == null) {
// Creates a special break instruction for the synthetic loop generated
// for a switch statement with continue statements. See
// [SsaFromAstMixin.buildComplexSwitchStatement] for detail.
HInstruction breakInstruction =
new HBreak(target, breakSwitchContinueLoop: true);
LocalsHandler locals = new LocalsHandler.from(builder.localsHandler);
jumps.add(new _JumpHandlerEntry(breakInstruction, locals));
} else {
bool isContinueToSwitchCase(LabelDefinition label) {
return label != null && targetIndexMap.containsKey(;
void generateContinue([LabelDefinition label]) {
if (isContinueToSwitchCase(label)) {
// Creates the special instructions 'label = i; continue l;' used in
// switch statements with continue statements. See
// [SsaFromAstMixin.buildComplexSwitchStatement] for detail.
assert(label != null);
// TODO(het): change the graph 'addConstantXXX' to take a ConstantSystem
// instead of a Compiler.
HInstruction value = builder.graph
.addConstantInt(targetIndexMap[], builder.closedWorld);
builder.localsHandler.updateLocal(target, value);
HInstruction continueInstruction = new HContinue(target);
LocalsHandler locals = new LocalsHandler.from(builder.localsHandler);
jumps.add(new _JumpHandlerEntry(continueInstruction, locals));
} else {
void close() {
// The mapping from TargetElement to JumpHandler is no longer needed.
for (JumpTarget target in targetIndexMap.keys) {
/// Special [JumpHandler] implementation used to handle continue statements
/// targeting switch cases.
class AstSwitchCaseJumpHandler extends SwitchCaseJumpHandler {
GraphBuilder builder, JumpTarget target, ast.SwitchStatement node)
: super(builder, target) {
// The switch case indices must match those computed in
// [SsaFromAstMixin.buildSwitchCaseConstants].
// Switch indices are 1-based so we can bypass the synthetic loop when no
// cases match simply by branching on the index (which defaults to null).
int switchIndex = 1;
for (ast.SwitchCase switchCase in node.cases) {
for (ast.Node labelOrCase in switchCase.labelsAndCases) {
ast.Node label = labelOrCase.asLabel();
if (label != null) {
LabelDefinition labelElement =
if (labelElement != null && labelElement.isContinueTarget) {
JumpTarget continueTarget =;
targetIndexMap[continueTarget] = switchIndex;
assert(builder.jumpTargets[continueTarget] == null);
builder.jumpTargets[continueTarget] = this;