blob: f8598a179808c5304ea1a9f2ac3366c75edd5a51 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the file.
import 'package:kernel/ast.dart' as ir;
import 'package:kernel/frontend/accessors.dart'
import 'package:kernel/transformations/flags.dart';
import '../common.dart';
import '../common/names.dart';
import '../constants/expressions.dart'
import '../elements/resolution_types.dart'
show ResolutionDartType, ResolutionInterfaceType;
import '../diagnostics/spannable.dart' show Spannable;
import '../elements/elements.dart'
import '../resolution/operators.dart'
show AssignmentOperator, BinaryOperator, IncDecOperator, UnaryOperator;
import '../resolution/semantic_visitor.dart'
import '../resolution/send_resolver.dart' show DeclarationResolverMixin;
import '../resolution/send_structure.dart'
import '../resolution/tree_elements.dart' show TreeElements;
import '../tree/tree.dart'
import '../universe/call_structure.dart' show CallStructure;
import '../universe/selector.dart' show Selector;
import '../util/util.dart' show Link;
import 'error.dart' show KernelError;
import 'kernel.dart' show ConstructorTarget, Kernel;
import 'unavailable.dart' show UnavailableVisitor;
import 'unresolved.dart' show UnresolvedVisitor;
/// Translates dart2js AST nodes [Node] into Kernel IR [ir.TreeNode].
/// Most methods in this class have a prefix that follows these conventions:
/// * `visit` for overridden visitor methods.
/// * `handle` for methods that implement common behavior for several `visit`
/// methods. These methods are called by `visit` methods implemented by
/// various mixins below.
/// * `build` helper method that builds a new Kernel IR tree.
/// * `get` helper method that use a cache to build exactly one Kernel IR
/// tree for a given element.
/// We reserve the prefixes `visit` and `handle` for superclasses of this
/// class. So those methods should always have an @override annotation. Use
/// `build` instead of `handle` when adding a new helper method to this class.
class KernelVisitor extends Object
SemanticDeclarationVisitor {
TreeElements elements;
AstElement currentElement;
final Kernel kernel;
int transformerFlags = 0;
final Map<JumpTarget, ir.LabeledStatement> continueTargets =
<JumpTarget, ir.LabeledStatement>{};
final Map<JumpTarget, ir.SwitchCase> continueSwitchTargets =
<JumpTarget, ir.SwitchCase>{};
final Map<JumpTarget, ir.LabeledStatement> breakTargets =
<JumpTarget, ir.LabeledStatement>{};
final Map<LocalElement, ir.VariableDeclaration> locals =
<LocalElement, ir.VariableDeclaration>{};
final Map<CascadeReceiver, ir.VariableGet> cascadeReceivers =
<CascadeReceiver, ir.VariableGet>{};
// This maps underlying Library elements to the corresponding DeferredImport
// object, via the prefix name (aka "bar" in
// "import foo.dart deferred as bar"). LibraryElement corresponds to the
// imported library element.
final Map<LibraryElement, Map<String, ir.DeferredImport>> deferredImports =
<LibraryElement, Map<String, ir.DeferredImport>>{};
ir.Node associateElement(ir.Node node, Element element) {
kernel.nodeToElement[node] = element;
return node;
ir.Node associateNode(ir.Node node, Node ast) {
kernel.nodeToAst[node] = ast;
return node;
bool isVoidContext = false;
/// If non-null, reference to a deferred library that a subsequent getter is
/// using.
ir.DeferredImport _deferredLibrary;
KernelVisitor(this.currentElement, this.elements, this.kernel);
KernelVisitor get sendVisitor => this;
KernelVisitor get declVisitor => this;
ir.TreeNode visitForValue(Expression node) {
bool wasVoidContext = isVoidContext;
isVoidContext = false;
try {
return node?.accept(this);
} finally {
isVoidContext = wasVoidContext;
ir.TreeNode visitForEffect(Expression node) {
bool wasVoidContext = isVoidContext;
isVoidContext = true;
try {
return node?.accept(this);
} finally {
isVoidContext = wasVoidContext;
ir.TreeNode visitWithCurrentContext(Expression node) => node?.accept(this);
withCurrentElement(AstElement element, f()) {
assert(element.library == kernel.compiler.currentElement.library);
Element previousElement = currentElement;
currentElement = element;
try {
return f();
} finally {
currentElement = previousElement;
ir.DartType computeType(TypeAnnotation node) {
if (node == null) return const ir.DynamicType();
return kernel.typeToIr(elements.getType(node));
// This works around a bug in dart2js.
// TODO(ahe): Fix the bug in dart2js and remove this function.
ir.DartType typeToIrHack(ResolutionDartType type) {
if (currentElement.isSynthesized &&
currentElement.enclosingClass.isMixinApplication &&
!kernel.hasHierarchyProblem(currentElement.enclosingClass)) {
// Dart2js doesn't compute the correct functionSignature for synthetic
// constructors in mixin applications. So we compute the correct type:
// First, find the first superclass that isn't a mixin.
ClassElement superclass = currentElement.enclosingClass.superclass;
while (superclass.isMixinApplication) {
superclass = superclass.superclass;
// Then translate the "this type" of the mixin application to its
// supertype with the correct type arguments.
// Consider this example:
// class Super<S> {}
// class Sub<T> extends Object with Super<T> {}
// Here the problem is that dart2js has created a constructor that refers
// to S (not T) in Sub (for example, the return type of the constructor
// is Super<S> and it should be Sub<T>, but we settle for Super<T> for
// now). So we need to translate Sub<T> to an instance of Super, which is
// Super<T> (not Super<S>).
ResolutionInterfaceType supertype =
// Once we have [supertype], we know how to substitute S with T: the type
// arguments of [supertype] corresponds to T, and the type variables of
// its element correspond to S.
type =
type.subst(supertype.typeArguments, supertype.element.typeVariables);
return kernel.typeToIr(type);
// TODO(ahe): Hack. Fix dart2js instead.
ir.Name nameToIrName(Name name) {
assert(!name.isPrivate || name.library == currentElement.library);
return kernel.irName(name.text, currentElement);
List<ir.DartType> computeTypesFromTypes(NodeList nodes, {int expected}) {
if (expected == null) {
throw "[expected] is null";
List<ir.DartType> types = new List<ir.DartType>(expected);
Iterator<Node> iterator = nodes?.iterator;
for (int i = 0; i < expected; i++) {
TypeAnnotation type = null;
if (iterator != null && iterator.moveNext()) {
type = iterator.current;
types[i] = computeType(type);
if (iterator != null && iterator.moveNext()) {
// Should already have been reported by resolution.
// TODO(ahe): Delete this debug message.
kernel.debugMessage(iterator.current, "Extra type arguments.");
return types;
ir.DartType computeTypeFromTypes(NodeList node) {
return computeTypesFromTypes(node, expected: 1).single;
ir.MethodInvocation buildInvokeSelector(
ir.Expression receiver, Selector selector, ir.Arguments arguments) {
return new ir.MethodInvocation(
receiver, nameToIrName(selector.memberName), arguments);
ir.MethodInvocation buildCall(
ir.Expression receiver, CallStructure callStructure, NodeList arguments) {
return buildInvokeSelector(
receiver, callStructure.callSelector, buildArguments(arguments));
ir.Expression visitIdentifier(Identifier node) {
// TODO(ahe): Shouldn't have to override this method, but
// [SemanticSendResolvedMixin.visitIdentifier] may return `null` on errors.
if (node.isThis()) {
return sendVisitor.visitThisGet(node, null);
} else {
return new ir.InvalidExpression();
ir.InvalidExpression handleUnresolved(Node node) {
return new ir.InvalidExpression();
ir.Expression handleError(Node node) => new ir.InvalidExpression();
void apply(Node node, _) {
throw new UnsupportedError("apply");
void previsitDeferredAccess(Send node, PrefixElement prefix, _) {
// This is visited before any element access, and if it is deferred,
// prefix.isDeferred = true.
if (prefix != null && prefix.isDeferred) {
_deferredLibrary = getDeferredImport(prefix);
} else {
_deferredLibrary = null;
internalError(Spannable spannable, String message) {
kernel.internalError(spannable, message);
applyParameters(NodeList parameters, _) {
throw new UnsupportedError("applyParameters");
applyInitializers(FunctionExpression constructor, _) {
throw new UnsupportedError("applyInitializers");
ir.AssertStatement visitAssert(Assert node) {
return new ir.AssertStatement(
visitForValue(node.condition), visitForValue(node.message));
ir.LabeledStatement getBreakTarget(JumpTarget target) {
return breakTargets.putIfAbsent(target,
() => associateNode(new ir.LabeledStatement(null), target.statement));
ir.LabeledStatement getContinueTarget(JumpTarget target) {
return continueTargets.putIfAbsent(target,
() => associateNode(new ir.LabeledStatement(null), target.statement));
ir.SwitchCase getContinueSwitchTarget(JumpTarget target) {
return continueSwitchTargets[target];
/// The optional positional parameter isBreakTarget can be added in cases
/// where a break statement was added but the element model and underlying
/// JumpTargets don't know about it.
ir.Statement buildBreakTarget(
ir.Statement statement, Node node, JumpTarget jumpTarget,
[bool isBreakTarget = false]) {
assert(jumpTarget == elements.getTargetDefinition(node));
associateNode(statement, node);
if (jumpTarget != null && (jumpTarget.isBreakTarget || isBreakTarget)) {
ir.LabeledStatement breakTarget = getBreakTarget(jumpTarget);
breakTarget.body = statement;
statement.parent = breakTarget;
return breakTarget;
} else {
return statement;
ir.Statement buildContinueTarget(
ir.Statement statement, Node node, JumpTarget jumpTarget) {
assert(jumpTarget == elements.getTargetDefinition(node));
if (jumpTarget != null && jumpTarget.isContinueTarget) {
ir.LabeledStatement continueTarget = getContinueTarget(jumpTarget);
continueTarget.body = statement;
statement.parent = continueTarget;
return continueTarget;
} else {
return statement;
ir.Statement buildForInCommon(
ForIn node, ir.VariableDeclaration variable, ir.Statement body,
{bool isAsync}) {
ir.Expression iterable = visitForValue(node.expression);
JumpTarget jumpTarget = elements.getTargetDefinition(node);
body = buildContinueTarget(body, node, jumpTarget);
return buildBreakTarget(
new ir.ForInStatement(variable, iterable, body, isAsync: isAsync),
/// Builds a for-in statement for this case:
/// for (constOrVarOrType loopVariable in expression) body
ir.Statement buildForInWithDeclaration(
ForIn node, VariableDefinitions declaration,
{bool isAsync}) {
if (declaration.definitions.slowLength() != 1) {
// It's not legal to declare more than one variable in a for-in loop.
return new ir.InvalidStatement();
ir.VariableDeclaration variable = declaration.accept(this);
return buildForInCommon(node, variable, buildStatementInBlock(node.body),
isAsync: isAsync);
Accessor buildStaticAccessor(Element getter, [Element setter]) {
if (setter == null &&
getter != null &&
getter.isField &&
!getter.isFinal &&
!getter.isConst) {
setter = getter;
return new StaticAccessor(
(getter == null) ? null : kernel.elementToIr(getter),
(setter == null) ? null : kernel.elementToIr(setter));
Accessor computeAccessor(ForIn node, Element element) {
if (element == null) {
Send send = node.declaredIdentifier.asSend();
if (send == null) {
return buildStaticAccessor(null);
// This should be the situation where `node.declaredIdentifier` is
// unresolved, but in an instance method context. If it is some different
// situation, the assignment to [ir.PropertyGet] should act as an
// assertion.
ir.PropertyGet expression = visitForValue(send);
return PropertyAccessor.make(
expression.receiver,, null, null);
} else if (kernel.isSyntheticError(element)) {
return buildStaticAccessor(null);
} else if (element.isGetter) {
if (element.isInstanceMember) {
return new ThisPropertyAccessor(
kernel.irName(, element), null, null);
} else {
GetterElement getter = element;
Element setter = getter.setter;
return buildStaticAccessor(getter, setter);
} else if (element.isLocal) {
return new VariableAccessor(getLocal(element));
} else if (element.isField) {
return buildStaticAccessor(element);
} else {
return buildStaticAccessor(null);
/// Builds a for-in statement for this case:
/// for (element in expression) body
/// This is normalized to:
/// for (final #t in expression) {
/// element = #t;
/// body;
/// }
ir.Statement buildForInWithoutDeclaration(ForIn node, Element element,
{bool isAsync}) {
Accessor accessor = computeAccessor(node, elements.getForInVariable(node));
// Since we've created [variable], we know it's only assigned to in the
// loop header and can be final.
ir.VariableDeclaration variable =
new ir.VariableDeclaration.forValue(null, isFinal: true);
ir.Statement assigment = new ir.ExpressionStatement(accessor
.buildAssignment(new ir.VariableGet(variable), voidContext: true));
ir.Block body = buildStatementInBlock(node.body, forceBlock: true);
List<ir.Statement> statements = <ir.Statement>[assigment]
return buildForInCommon(node, variable, new ir.Block(statements),
isAsync: isAsync);
ir.Statement buildForIn(ForIn node, {bool isAsync}) {
VariableDefinitions declaration =
if (declaration != null) {
return buildForInWithDeclaration(node, declaration, isAsync: isAsync);
} else {
Element element = elements.getForInVariable(node);
return buildForInWithoutDeclaration(node, element, isAsync: isAsync);
ir.Statement visitAsyncForIn(AsyncForIn node) {
return buildForIn(node, isAsync: true);
ir.AwaitExpression visitAwait(Await node) {
return new ir.AwaitExpression(visitForValue(node.expression));
ir.Statement visitBlock(Block node) {
return buildBreakTarget(
buildStatementInBlock(node), node, elements.getTargetDefinition(node));
bool buildStatement(Statement statement, List<ir.Statement> statements) {
ir.Node irNode = statement.accept(this);
bool hasVariableDeclaration = false;
if (irNode is VariableDeclarations) {
hasVariableDeclaration = true;
} else {
if (irNode is ir.VariableDeclaration) {
hasVariableDeclaration = true;
return hasVariableDeclaration;
ir.Statement buildStatementInBlock(Statement node, {bool forceBlock: false}) {
if (node == null) return null;
List<ir.Statement> statements = <ir.Statement>[];
if (node is Block) {
for (Node statement in node.statements.nodes) {
buildStatement(statement, statements);
} else {
if (buildStatement(node, statements)) forceBlock = true;
if (!forceBlock && statements.length == 1) {
return statements.single;
// One VariableDefinitions statement node (dart2js AST) may generate
// multiple statements in Kernel IR so we sometimes fall through here.
return associateNode(new ir.Block(statements), node);
ir.Statement visitBreakStatement(BreakStatement node) {
JumpTarget target = elements.getTargetOf(node);
if (target == null || !target.statement.isValidBreakTarget()) {
// This is a break in an invalid position.
return new ir.InvalidStatement();
// A break can break to itself in the degenerate case `label: break
// label'`.
return buildBreakTarget(new ir.BreakStatement(getBreakTarget(target)), node,
CascadeReceiver computeCascadeReceiver(Cascade cascade) {
CascadeReceiver receiver;
Expression send = cascade.expression.asSend();
while (send != null && (receiver = send.asCascadeReceiver()) == null) {
Expression possibleReceiver = send.asSend()?.receiver;
if (possibleReceiver != null) {
send = possibleReceiver;
} else {
// Can happen in this case: `a..add(foo)('WHAT')`.
send = send.asSend()?.selector;
if (receiver == null) {
internalError(cascade, "Can't find cascade receiver");
return receiver;
ir.Let visitCascade(Cascade node) {
// Given this cascade expression `receiver..cascade1()..cascade2()`, the
// parser has produced a tree like this:
// Cascade(Send(
// CascadeReceiver(Cascade(Send(
// CascadeRecevier(receiver), 'cascade1', []))),
// 'cascade2', []))
// If viewed as a tree, `CascadeReceiver(receiver)` is the left-most leaf
// node. Below, we create this:
// cascades = [
// Cascade(Send(CascadeReceiver(...), 'cascade2', [])),
// Cascade(Send(CascadeReceiver(...), 'cascade1', []))]
// Notice that the cascades are in reverse order, which we use to build a
// `let` expression bottom up.
// First iteration of the loop produces:
// let dummy = rcv.cascade2() in
// rcv
// Second iteration:
// let dummy = rcv.cascade1() in
// let dummy = rcv.cascade2() in
// rcv
// Finally we return:
// let rcv = receiver in
// let dummy = rcv.cascade1() in
// let dummy = rcv.cascade2() in
// rcv
int startLength;
assert((startLength = cascadeReceivers.length) >= 0);
Cascade cascade = node;
List<Cascade> cascades = <Cascade>[];
CascadeReceiver receiver;
ir.VariableDeclaration receiverVariable = makeOrReuseVariable(null);
do {
receiver = computeCascadeReceiver(cascade);
cascadeReceivers[receiver] = new ir.VariableGet(receiverVariable);
cascade = receiver.expression.asCascade();
} while (cascade != null);
// At this point, all nested [Cascades] targeting the same receiver have
// been collected in [cascades] in reverse order. [receiver] is the
// left-most receiver. [receiverVariable] will hold the value of evaluating
// [receiver]. Each [CascadeReceiver] has a getter for [receiverVariable]
// in [cascadeReceivers].
receiverVariable.initializer = visitForValue(receiver.expression);
receiverVariable.initializer.parent = receiverVariable;
ir.Expression result = new ir.VariableGet(receiverVariable); // rcv.
for (Cascade cascade in cascades) {
// When evaluating `cascade.expression`, we stop the recursion at
// [visitCascadeReceiver] and instead returns an [ir.VariableGet].
// TODO(ahe): Use visitForEffect here?
ir.Expression value = visitForValue(cascade.expression);
result = new ir.Let(makeOrReuseVariable(value), result);
assert(startLength == cascadeReceivers.length);
return new ir.Let(receiverVariable, result);
ir.VariableGet visitCascadeReceiver(CascadeReceiver node) {
return cascadeReceivers.remove(node);
visitCaseMatch(CaseMatch node) {
// Shouldn't be called. Handled by [visitSwitchCase].
return internalError(node, "CaseMatch");
ir.Catch visitCatchBlock(CatchBlock node) {
ir.VariableDeclaration exception =
(node.exception == null) ? null : getLocal(elements[node.exception]);
ir.VariableDeclaration trace =
(node.trace == null) ? null : getLocal(elements[node.trace]);
ir.DartType guard = computeType(node.type);
return new ir.Catch(exception, buildStatementInBlock(node.block),
guard: guard, stackTrace: trace);
ir.ConditionalExpression visitConditional(Conditional node) {
return new ir.ConditionalExpression(
ir.Statement visitContinueStatement(ContinueStatement node) {
JumpTarget target = elements.getTargetOf(node);
if (target == null || !target.statement.isValidContinueTarget()) {
// This is a continue in an invalid position.
return new ir.InvalidStatement();
ir.SwitchCase switchCase = getContinueSwitchTarget(target);
return (switchCase == null)
? new ir.BreakStatement(getContinueTarget(target))
: new ir.ContinueSwitchStatement(switchCase);
ir.Statement visitDoWhile(DoWhile node) {
JumpTarget jumpTarget = elements.getTargetDefinition(node);
ir.Statement body =
buildContinueTarget(buildStatementInBlock(node.body), node, jumpTarget);
ir.Expression condition = visitForValue(node.condition);
return buildBreakTarget(
new ir.DoStatement(body, condition), node, jumpTarget);
ir.EmptyStatement visitEmptyStatement(EmptyStatement node) {
return new ir.EmptyStatement();
visitEnum(Enum node) {
// Not called normally. In dart2js, enums are represented as class
// elements, so `classToIr` handles enums. All the synthetic members of an
// enum class have already been installed by dart2js and we don't have to
// do anything special.
return internalError(node, "Enum");
ir.ExpressionStatement visitExpressionStatement(ExpressionStatement node) {
return new ir.ExpressionStatement(visitForEffect(node.expression));
ir.Statement visitFor(For node) {
VariableDefinitions initializers =
ir.Expression initializer;
List<ir.VariableDeclaration> variables;
if (initializers != null) {
ir.Block block = buildStatementInBlock(initializers, forceBlock: true);
variables = new List<ir.VariableDeclaration>.from(block.statements);
} else {
if (node.initializer != null) {
initializer = visitForValue(node.initializer);
variables = const <ir.VariableDeclaration>[];
ir.Expression condition = visitForValue(node.condition);
List<ir.Expression> updates = <ir.Expression>[];
for (Expression update in node.update) {
JumpTarget jumpTarget = elements.getTargetDefinition(node);
ir.Statement body =
buildContinueTarget(buildStatementInBlock(node.body), node, jumpTarget);
ir.ForStatement forStatement = associateNode(
new ir.ForStatement(variables, condition, updates, body), node);
ir.Statement result = buildBreakTarget(forStatement, node, jumpTarget);
if (initializer != null) {
result = associateNode(
new ir.Block(
<ir.Statement>[new ir.ExpressionStatement(initializer), result]),
return result;
ir.FunctionDeclaration visitFunctionDeclaration(FunctionDeclaration node) {
return node.function.accept(this);
ir.Statement visitIf(If node) {
return buildBreakTarget(
new ir.IfStatement(
visitLabel(Label node) {
// Shouldn't be called. Handled by visitLabeledStatement and
// visitSwitchCase.
return internalError(node, "Label");
ir.Statement visitLabeledStatement(LabeledStatement node) {
Statement statement = node.statement;
ir.Statement result = (statement is Block)
// If [statement] is a Block, we need to ensure that we don't bypass
// its visit method (so it can build break targets correctly).
? statement.accept(this)
: buildStatementInBlock(statement);
associateNode(result, statement);
// A [LabeledStatement] isn't the actual jump target, instead, [statement]
// is the target. This allows uniform handling of break and continue in
// loops. The following code simply assert that [result] has been generated
// correctly with respect to jump targets.
JumpTarget jumpTarget = elements.getTargetDefinition(node.statement);
if (jumpTarget != null) {
if (jumpTarget.isBreakTarget) {
ir.LabeledStatement target = breakTargets[jumpTarget];
if (target != null && target != result && target.parent == null) {
internalError(node, "no parent");
if (jumpTarget.isContinueTarget) {
ir.LabeledStatement target = continueTargets[jumpTarget];
if (target != null && target != result && target.parent == null) {
internalError(node, "no parent");
return result;
ir.BoolLiteral visitLiteralBool(LiteralBool node) {
return associateNode(new ir.BoolLiteral(node.value), node);
ir.DoubleLiteral visitLiteralDouble(LiteralDouble node) {
return associateNode(new ir.DoubleLiteral(node.value), node);
ir.IntLiteral visitLiteralInt(LiteralInt node) {
return associateNode(new ir.IntLiteral(node.value), node);
ir.ListLiteral visitLiteralList(LiteralList node) {
// TODO(ahe): Type arguments.
List<ir.Expression> elements = <ir.Expression>[];
for (Expression element in node.elements.nodes) {
return associateNode(
new ir.ListLiteral(elements,
typeArgument: computeTypeFromTypes(node.typeArguments),
// TODO(ahe): Should constness be validated?
isConst: node.isConst),
ir.MapLiteral visitLiteralMap(LiteralMap node) {
// TODO(ahe): Type arguments.
List<ir.MapEntry> entries = <ir.MapEntry>[];
for (LiteralMapEntry entry in node.entries.nodes) {
entries.add(new ir.MapEntry(
visitForValue(entry.key), visitForValue(entry.value)));
List<ir.DartType> typeArguments =
computeTypesFromTypes(node.typeArguments, expected: 2);
return associateNode(
new ir.MapLiteral(entries,
keyType: typeArguments.first,
valueType: typeArguments.last,
// TODO(ahe): Should Constness be validated?
isConst: node.isConst),
visitLiteralMapEntry(LiteralMapEntry node) {
// Shouldn't be called. Handled by [visitLiteralMap].
return internalError(node, "LiteralMapEntry");
ir.NullLiteral visitLiteralNull(LiteralNull node) {
return new ir.NullLiteral();
ir.Expression visitLiteralString(LiteralString node) {
if (node.dartString == null) return new ir.InvalidExpression();
return associateNode(
new ir.StringLiteral(node.dartString.slowToString()), node);
ir.SymbolLiteral visitLiteralSymbol(LiteralSymbol node) {
var result = new ir.SymbolLiteral(node.slowNameString);
return associateNode(result, node);
visitMetadata(Metadata node) {
// Shouldn't be called. Metadata should already have been analyzed and
// converted to a constant expression in the resolver.
return internalError(node, "Metadata not handled as constant.");
ir.NamedExpression visitNamedArgument(NamedArgument node) {
return new ir.NamedExpression(, visitForValue(node.expression));
visitOperator(Operator node) {
// This is a special subclass of [Identifier], and we should never see that
// in the semantic visitor.
return internalError(node, "Operator");
ir.Expression visitParenthesizedExpression(ParenthesizedExpression node) {
return visitWithCurrentContext(node.expression);
ir.InvalidStatement visitRedirectingFactoryBody(RedirectingFactoryBody node) {
// Not implemented yet, only serves to recover from parser errors as
// dart2js is lenient in parsing something that looks like a redirecting
// factory method.
return new ir.InvalidStatement();
ir.ExpressionStatement visitRethrow(Rethrow node) {
return new ir.ExpressionStatement(new ir.Rethrow());
ir.ReturnStatement visitReturn(Return node) {
return new ir.ReturnStatement(visitForValue(node.expression));
ir.StringConcatenation visitStringInterpolation(StringInterpolation node) {
List<ir.Expression> expressions = <ir.Expression>[];
for (StringInterpolationPart part in {
return new ir.StringConcatenation(expressions);
ir.StringConcatenation visitStringJuxtaposition(StringJuxtaposition node) {
return new ir.StringConcatenation(
<ir.Expression>[visitForValue(node.first), visitForValue(node.second)]);
ir.SwitchCase visitSwitchCase(SwitchCase node) {
List<ir.Expression> expressions = <ir.Expression>[];
for (var labelOrCase in node.labelsAndCases.nodes) {
CaseMatch match = labelOrCase.asCaseMatch();
if (match != null) {
} else {
// Assert that labelOrCase is one of two known types: [CaseMatch] or
// [Label]. We ignore cases, as any users have been resolved to use the
// case directly.
assert(labelOrCase.asLabel() != null);
// We ignore the node's statements here, they're generated below in
// [visitSwitchStatement] once we've set up all the jump targets.
return associateNode(
new ir.SwitchCase(expressions, null, isDefault: node.isDefaultCase),
/// Returns true if [node] would let execution reach the next node (aka
/// fall-through in switch cases).
bool fallsThrough(ir.Statement node) {
return !(node is ir.BreakStatement ||
node is ir.ReturnStatement ||
node is ir.ContinueSwitchStatement ||
(node is ir.ExpressionStatement && node.expression is ir.Throw));
ir.Statement visitSwitchStatement(SwitchStatement node) {
ir.Expression expression = visitForValue(node.expression);
List<ir.SwitchCase> cases = <ir.SwitchCase>[];
bool switchIsBreakTarget = elements.getTargetDefinition(node).isBreakTarget;
for (SwitchCase caseNode in node.cases.nodes) {
JumpTarget jumpTarget = elements.getTargetDefinition(caseNode);
if (jumpTarget != null) {
continueSwitchTargets[jumpTarget] = cases.last;
Iterator<ir.SwitchCase> casesIterator = cases.iterator;
for (Link<Node> link = node.cases.nodes;
link = link.tail) {
SwitchCase caseNode = link.head;
bool isLastCase = link.tail.isEmpty;
if (!casesIterator.moveNext()) {
internalError(caseNode, "case node mismatch");
ir.SwitchCase irCase = casesIterator.current;
List<ir.Statement> statements = <ir.Statement>[];
for (Statement statement in caseNode.statements.nodes) {
buildStatement(statement, statements);
if (statements.isEmpty || fallsThrough(statements.last)) {
if (isLastCase) {
if (!caseNode.isDefaultCase) {
statements.add(new ir.BreakStatement(
// Because we "helpfully" add a break here, in the underlying
// element model the jump target doesn't actually know it's a break
// target, so we have to pass that information.
switchIsBreakTarget = true;
} else {
statements.add(new ir.ExpressionStatement(new ir.Throw(
new ir.ConstructorInvocation(
new ir.Arguments.empty()))));
ir.Statement body = new ir.Block(statements);
irCase.body = body;
body.parent = irCase;
return buildBreakTarget(new ir.SwitchStatement(expression, cases), node,
elements.getTargetDefinition(node), switchIsBreakTarget);
ir.Statement visitSyncForIn(SyncForIn node) {
return buildForIn(node, isAsync: false);
ir.Throw visitThrow(Throw node) {
return new ir.Throw(visitForValue(node?.expression));
ir.Statement visitTryStatement(TryStatement node) {
ir.Statement result = buildStatementInBlock(node.tryBlock);
if (node.catchBlocks != null && !node.catchBlocks.isEmpty) {
List<ir.Catch> catchBlocks = <ir.Catch>[];
for (CatchBlock block in node.catchBlocks.nodes) {
result = new ir.TryCatch(result, catchBlocks);
if (node.finallyBlock != null) {
result =
new ir.TryFinally(result, buildStatementInBlock(node.finallyBlock));
return buildBreakTarget(result, node, elements.getTargetDefinition(node));
visitTypeAnnotation(TypeAnnotation node) {
// Shouldn't be called, as the resolver has already resolved types and
// created [DartType] objects.
return internalError(node, "TypeAnnotation");
visitNominalTypeAnnotation(NominalTypeAnnotation node) {
// Shouldn't be called, as the resolver has already resolved types and
// created [DartType] objects.
return internalError(node, "NominalTypeAnnotation");
visitFunctionTypeAnnotation(FunctionTypeAnnotation node) {
// Shouldn't be called, as the resolver has already resolved types and
// created [DartType] objects.
return internalError(node, "FunctionTypeAnnotation");
visitTypeVariable(TypeVariable node) {
// Shouldn't be called, as the resolver has already resolved types and
// created [DartType] objects.
return internalError(node, "TypeVariable");
ir.Statement visitWhile(While node) {
ir.Expression condition = visitForValue(node.condition);
JumpTarget jumpTarget = elements.getTargetDefinition(node);
ir.Statement body =
buildContinueTarget(buildStatementInBlock(node.body), node, jumpTarget);
return buildBreakTarget(
new ir.WhileStatement(condition, body), node, jumpTarget);
ir.YieldStatement visitYield(Yield node) {
return new ir.YieldStatement(visitForValue(node.expression),
isYieldStar: node.hasStar);
ir.InvalidExpression visitAbstractClassConstructorInvoke(
NewExpression node,
ConstructorElement element,
ResolutionInterfaceType type,
NodeList arguments,
CallStructure callStructure,
_) {
return new ir.InvalidExpression();
IrFunction buildIrFunction(
ir.ProcedureKind kind, FunctionElement function, Node body) {
return new IrFunction.procedure(kind, buildFunctionNode(function, body));
IrFunction visitAbstractGetterDeclaration(
FunctionExpression node, MethodElement getter, _) {
return buildIrFunction(ir.ProcedureKind.Getter, getter, null);
IrFunction visitAbstractSetterDeclaration(
FunctionExpression node, MethodElement setter, NodeList parameters, _) {
return buildIrFunction(ir.ProcedureKind.Setter, setter, null);
ir.AsExpression visitAs(
Send node, Node expression, ResolutionDartType type, _) {
return new ir.AsExpression(
visitForValue(expression), kernel.typeToIr(type));
ir.MethodInvocation visitBinary(
Send node, Node left, BinaryOperator operator, Node right, _) {
return associateNode(
buildBinaryOperator(left, operator.selectorName, right), node);
ir.Expression buildConstructorInvoke(NewExpression node, {bool isConst}) {
ConstructorElement constructor = elements[node.send];
ConstructorTarget target =
kernel.computeEffectiveTarget(constructor, elements.getType(node));
NodeList arguments = node.send.argumentsNode;
if (kernel.isSyntheticError(target.element)) {
return new ir.MethodInvocation(new ir.InvalidExpression(),
kernel.irName("call", currentElement), buildArguments(arguments));
ir.InvocationExpression invoke = target.element.isGenerativeConstructor
? buildGenerativeConstructorInvoke(target.element, arguments,
isConst: isConst)
: buildStaticInvoke(target.element, arguments, isConst: isConst);
if (target.type.isInterfaceType) {
ResolutionInterfaceType type = target.type;
if (type.isGeneric) {
return invoke;
ir.InvocationExpression visitBoolFromEnvironmentConstructorInvoke(
NewExpression node, BoolFromEnvironmentConstantExpression constant, _) {
return buildConstructorInvoke(node, isConst: true);
ir.TypeLiteral buildTypeLiteral(TypeConstantExpression constant) {
return new ir.TypeLiteral(kernel.typeLiteralToIr(constant));
ir.Expression visitClassTypeLiteralGet(
Send node, ConstantExpression constant, _) {
var loadedCheckFunc =
_deferredLibrary = null;
return loadedCheckFunc(buildTypeLiteral(constant));
ir.MethodInvocation visitClassTypeLiteralInvoke(
Send node,
ConstantExpression constant,
NodeList arguments,
CallStructure callStructure,
_) {
return associateNode(
buildCall(buildTypeLiteral(constant), callStructure, arguments), node);
ir.Expression buildTypeLiteralSet(TypeConstantExpression constant, Node rhs) {
return new ReadOnlyAccessor(buildTypeLiteral(constant))
.buildAssignment(visitForValue(rhs), voidContext: isVoidContext);
ir.Expression visitClassTypeLiteralSet(
SendSet node, ConstantExpression constant, Node rhs, _) {
return buildTypeLiteralSet(constant, rhs);
ir.FunctionExpression visitClosureDeclaration(FunctionExpression node,
LocalFunctionElement closure, NodeList parameters, Node body, _) {
return withCurrentElement(closure, () {
ir.FunctionExpression function =
new ir.FunctionExpression(buildFunctionNode(closure, body));
kernel.localFunctions[closure] = function;
return function;
ir.Expression visitCompoundIndexSet(SendSet node, Node receiver, Node index,
AssignmentOperator operator, Node rhs, _) {
return buildCompoundAssignment(
buildIndexAccessor(receiver, index),
kernel.irName(operator.selectorName, currentElement),
ir.InvocationExpression visitConstConstructorInvoke(
NewExpression node, ConstructedConstantExpression constant, _) {
return associateNode(buildConstructorInvoke(node, isConst: true), node);
visitConstantGet(Send node, ConstantExpression constant, _) {
// TODO(ahe): This method is never called. Is it a bug in semantic visitor?
return internalError(node, "ConstantGet");
visitConstantInvoke(Send node, ConstantExpression constant,
NodeList arguments, CallStructure callStructure, _) {
// TODO(ahe): This method is never called. Is it a bug in semantic visitor?
return internalError(node, "ConstantInvoke");
ir.InvalidExpression visitConstructorIncompatibleInvoke(
NewExpression node,
ConstructorElement constructor,
ResolutionInterfaceType type,
NodeList arguments,
CallStructure callStructure,
_) {
return new ir.InvalidExpression();
ir.PropertyGet visitDynamicPropertyGet(
Send node, Node receiver, Name name, _) {
return associateNode(
new ir.PropertyGet(visitForValue(receiver), nameToIrName(name)), node);
ir.MethodInvocation visitDynamicPropertyInvoke(
Send node, Node receiver, NodeList arguments, Selector selector, _) {
return associateNode(
visitForValue(receiver), selector, buildArguments(arguments)),
ir.Expression handleDynamicCompounds(
Send node, Node receiver, Name name, CompoundRhs rhs, _) {
ir.Expression receiverNode =
receiver == null ? new ir.ThisExpression() : visitForValue(receiver);
ir.Expression compound = buildCompound(
PropertyAccessor.make(receiverNode, nameToIrName(name), null, null),
if (compound is ir.VariableSet) {
associateNode(compound.value, node);
} else {
associateNode(compound, node);
return compound;
ir.PropertySet visitDynamicPropertySet(
SendSet node, Node receiver, Name name, Node rhs, _) {
ir.Expression value = visitForValue(rhs);
return new ir.PropertySet(
visitForValue(receiver), nameToIrName(name), value);
ir.Expression handleDynamicSetIfNulls(
Send node, Node receiver, Name name, Node rhs, _) {
ir.Name irName = nameToIrName(name);
Accessor accessor = (receiver == null)
? new ThisPropertyAccessor(irName, null, null)
: PropertyAccessor.make(visitForValue(receiver), irName, null, null);
return _finishSetIfNull(node, accessor, rhs);
ir.Expression _finishSetIfNull(Send node, Accessor accessor, Node rhs) {
ir.Expression result = accessor.buildNullAwareAssignment(
visitForValue(rhs), null,
voidContext: isVoidContext);
if (accessor.builtGetter != null) {
kernel.nodeToAst[accessor.builtGetter] = node;
return result;
ir.TypeLiteral visitDynamicTypeLiteralGet(
Send node, ConstantExpression constant, _) {
return buildTypeLiteral(constant);
ir.MethodInvocation visitDynamicTypeLiteralInvoke(
Send node,
ConstantExpression constant,
NodeList arguments,
CallStructure callStructure,
_) {
return buildCall(buildTypeLiteral(constant), callStructure, arguments);
ir.Expression visitDynamicTypeLiteralSet(
SendSet node, ConstantExpression constant, Node rhs, _) {
return buildTypeLiteralSet(constant, rhs);
ir.MethodInvocation buildBinaryOperator(
Node left, String operator, Node right) {
ir.Name name = kernel.irName(operator, currentElement);
return makeBinary(visitForValue(left), name, null, visitForValue(right));
ir.MethodInvocation visitEquals(Send node, Node left, Node right, _) {
return associateNode(buildBinaryOperator(left, '==', right), node);
ir.MethodInvocation visitExpressionInvoke(Send node, Node expression,
NodeList arguments, CallStructure callStructure, _) {
return associateNode(
buildCall(visitForValue(expression), callStructure, arguments), node);
IrFunction visitFactoryConstructorDeclaration(FunctionExpression node,
ConstructorElement constructor, NodeList parameters, Node body, _) {
return buildIrFunction(ir.ProcedureKind.Factory, constructor, body);
ir.InvocationExpression visitFactoryConstructorInvoke(
NewExpression node,
ConstructorElement constructor,
ResolutionInterfaceType type,
NodeList arguments,
CallStructure callStructure,
_) {
return buildConstructorInvoke(node, isConst: false);
ir.Initializer visitFieldInitializer(
SendSet node, FieldElement field, Node expression, _) {
if (kernel.isSyntheticError(field)) {
return new ir.InvalidInitializer();
} else {
return new ir.FieldInitializer(
kernel.fieldToIr(field), visitForValue(expression));
ir.Expression buildStaticFieldSet(FieldElement field, Node rhs) {
return buildStaticAccessor(field)
.buildAssignment(visitForValue(rhs), voidContext: isVoidContext);
ir.Expression handleFinalStaticFieldSet(
SendSet node, FieldElement field, Node rhs, _) {
return buildStaticFieldSet(field, rhs);
ir.Expression visitFinalSuperFieldSet(
SendSet node, FieldElement field, Node rhs, _) {
return buildSuperPropertyAccessor(field)
.buildAssignment(visitForValue(rhs), voidContext: isVoidContext);
IrFunction buildGenerativeConstructor(
ConstructorElement constructor, NodeList parameters, Node body) {
List<ir.Initializer> constructorInitializers = <ir.Initializer>[];
if (kernel.hasHierarchyProblem(constructor.enclosingClass)) {
constructorInitializers.add(new ir.InvalidInitializer());
} else if (constructor.isSynthesized) {
List<ir.Expression> arguments = const <ir.Expression>[];
List<ir.NamedExpression> named = const <ir.NamedExpression>[];
FunctionSignature signature = constructor.functionSignature;
if (signature.parameterCount != 0) {
// Mixin application implicit super call.
arguments = <ir.Expression>[];
named = <ir.NamedExpression>[];
signature.orderedForEachParameter((ParameterElement parameter) {
ir.VariableGet argument = buildLocalGet(parameter);
if (parameter.isNamed) {
named.add(new ir.NamedExpression(, argument));
} else {
if (kernel.isSyntheticError(constructor.definingConstructor)) {
constructorInitializers.add(new ir.InvalidInitializer());
} else {
constructorInitializers.add(new ir.SuperInitializer(
new ir.Arguments(arguments, named: named, types: null)));
} else {
if (parameters != null) {
// TODO(ahe): the following is a (modified) copy of
// [SemanticDeclarationResolvedMixin.visitParameters].
List<ParameterStructure> structures =
for (ParameterStructure structure in structures) {
if (structure.parameter.isInitializingFormal) {
constructorInitializers.add(structure.dispatch(declVisitor, null));
// TODO(ahe): the following is a (modified) copy of
// [SemanticDeclarationResolvedMixin.visitInitializers].
InitializersStructure initializers =
for (InitializerStructure structure in initializers.initializers) {
constructorInitializers.add(structure.dispatch(declVisitor, null));
return new IrFunction.constructor(
buildFunctionNode(constructor, body), constructorInitializers);
IrFunction visitGenerativeConstructorDeclaration(
FunctionExpression node,
ConstructorElement constructor,
NodeList parameters,
NodeList initializers,
Node body,
_) {
return buildGenerativeConstructor(constructor, parameters, body);
ir.ConstructorInvocation buildGenerativeConstructorInvoke(
ConstructorElement constructor, NodeList arguments,
{bool isConst}) {
if (const bool.fromEnvironment("require_kernel_arguments")) {
// Check that all constructors from kernel/ast.dart (that are invoked
// from this package) provide all arguments (including optional
// arguments).
// TODO(ahe): Remove this when the implementation has matured.
if (("package:kernel/ast.dart" ==
"${constructor.library.canonicalUri}") &&
.startsWith("package:rasta/")) {
if (constructor.functionSignature.parameterCount !=
arguments.slowLength()) {
kernel.debugMessage(arguments, "Missing arguments");
kernel.debugMessage(constructor, "When calling the constructor");
ir.Arguments argumentsNode = buildArguments(arguments);
ir.Constructor target = kernel.functionToIr(constructor);
return new ir.ConstructorInvocation(target, argumentsNode,
isConst: isConst);
ir.InvocationExpression visitGenerativeConstructorInvoke(
NewExpression node,
ConstructorElement constructor,
ResolutionInterfaceType type,
NodeList arguments,
CallStructure callStructure,
_) {
return buildConstructorInvoke(node, isConst: false);
Accessor buildNullAwarePropertyAccessor(Node receiver, Name name) {
return new NullAwarePropertyAccessor(
visitForValue(receiver), nameToIrName(name), null, null, null);
ir.Expression visitIfNotNullDynamicPropertyGet(
Send node, Node receiver, Name name, _) {
Accessor accessor = buildNullAwarePropertyAccessor(receiver, name);
ir.Expression result = accessor.buildSimpleRead();
if (accessor.builtGetter != null) {
kernel.nodeToAst[accessor.builtGetter] = node;
return result;
ir.Let visitIfNotNullDynamicPropertyInvoke(
Send node, Node receiverNode, NodeList arguments, Selector selector, _) {
ir.VariableDeclaration receiver =
return makeLet(
new ir.ConditionalExpression(
buildIsNull(new ir.VariableGet(receiver)),
new ir.NullLiteral(),
buildInvokeSelector(new ir.VariableGet(receiver), selector,
ir.Expression visitIfNotNullDynamicPropertySet(
SendSet node, Node receiver, Name name, Node rhs, _) {
return buildNullAwarePropertyAccessor(receiver, name)
.buildAssignment(visitForValue(rhs), voidContext: isVoidContext);
ir.Expression visitIfNotNullDynamicPropertySetIfNull(
Send node, Node receiver, Name name, Node rhs, _) {
return _finishSetIfNull(
node, buildNullAwarePropertyAccessor(receiver, name), rhs);
ir.LogicalExpression buildLogicalExpression(
Node left, Operator operator, Node right) {
return new ir.LogicalExpression(
visitForValue(left), operator.source, visitForValue(right));
ir.Expression visitIfNull(Send node, Node left, Node right, _) {
var leftValue = new ir.VariableDeclaration.forValue(visitForValue(left));
return new ir.Let(
new ir.ConditionalExpression(buildIsNull(new ir.VariableGet(leftValue)),
visitForValue(right), new ir.VariableGet(leftValue), null));
ir.Initializer visitImplicitSuperConstructorInvoke(FunctionExpression node,
ConstructorElement superConstructor, ResolutionInterfaceType type, _) {
if (superConstructor == null) {
// TODO(ahe): Semantic visitor shouldn't call this.
return new ir.InvalidInitializer();
return new ir.SuperInitializer(
kernel.functionToIr(superConstructor), new ir.Arguments.empty());
Accessor buildIndexAccessor(Node receiver, Node index) {
return IndexAccessor.make(
visitForValue(receiver), visitForValue(index), null, null);
ir.Expression visitIndex(Send node, Node receiver, Node index, _) {
return associateNode(
buildIndexAccessor(receiver, index).buildSimpleRead(), node);
ir.Expression buildIndexPostfix(
Send node, Accessor accessor, IncDecOperator operator) {
ir.Name name = kernel.irName(operator.selectorName, currentElement);
return buildPostfixIncrement(node, accessor, name);
ir.Expression visitIndexPostfix(
Send node, Node receiver, Node index, IncDecOperator operator, _) {
return buildIndexPostfix(
node, buildIndexAccessor(receiver, index), operator);
ir.Expression buildIndexPrefix(
Send node, Accessor accessor, IncDecOperator operator) {
ir.Name name = kernel.irName(operator.selectorName, currentElement);
return buildPrefixIncrement(node, accessor, name);
ir.Expression visitIndexPrefix(
Send node, Node receiver, Node index, IncDecOperator operator, _) {
return buildIndexPrefix(
node, buildIndexAccessor(receiver, index), operator);
ir.Expression visitIndexSet(
SendSet node, Node receiver, Node index, Node rhs, _) {
return associateNode(
buildIndexAccessor(receiver, index)
.buildAssignment(visitForValue(rhs), voidContext: isVoidContext),
ir.Initializer buildInitializingFormal(InitializingFormalElement parameter) {
FieldElement field = parameter.fieldElement;
if (kernel.isSyntheticError(field)) {
return new ir.InvalidInitializer();
} else {
return new ir.FieldInitializer(
kernel.fieldToIr(field), buildLocalGet(parameter));
ir.Initializer visitInitializingFormalDeclaration(VariableDefinitions node,
Node definition, InitializingFormalElement parameter, int index, _) {
return buildInitializingFormal(parameter);
visitInstanceFieldDeclaration(VariableDefinitions node, Node definition,
FieldElement field, Node initializer, _) {
// Shouldn't be called, handled by fieldToIr.
return internalError(node, "InstanceFieldDeclaration");
IrFunction visitInstanceGetterDeclaration(
FunctionExpression node, MethodElement getter, Node body, _) {
return buildIrFunction(ir.ProcedureKind.Getter, getter, body);
IrFunction visitInstanceSetterDeclaration(FunctionExpression node,
MethodElement setter, NodeList parameters, Node body, _) {
return buildIrFunction(ir.ProcedureKind.Setter, setter, body);
ir.InvocationExpression visitIntFromEnvironmentConstructorInvoke(
NewExpression node, IntFromEnvironmentConstantExpression constant, _) {
return buildConstructorInvoke(node, isConst: true);
ir.IsExpression buildIs(Node expression, ResolutionDartType type) {
return new ir.IsExpression(
visitForValue(expression), kernel.typeToIr(type));
ir.IsExpression visitIs(
Send node, Node expression, ResolutionDartType type, _) {
return buildIs(expression, type);
ir.Not visitIsNot(Send node, Node expression, ResolutionDartType type, _) {
return new ir.Not(buildIs(expression, type));
ir.VariableDeclaration buildLocalVariableDeclaration(
LocalVariableElement variable, Node initializer) {
ir.Expression initializerNode = visitForValue(initializer);
ir.VariableDeclaration local = getLocal(variable);
if (initializer != null) {
local.initializer = initializerNode;
initializerNode.parent = local;
return local;
ir.VariableDeclaration visitLocalConstantDeclaration(
VariableDefinitions node,
Node definition,
LocalVariableElement variable,
ConstantExpression constant,
_) {
// TODO(ahe): Use [constant]?
return buildLocalVariableDeclaration(variable, variable.initializer)
..isConst = true;
ir.FunctionDeclaration visitLocalFunctionDeclaration(FunctionExpression node,
LocalFunctionElement localFunction, NodeList parameters, Node body, _) {
return withCurrentElement(localFunction, () {
ir.VariableDeclaration local = getLocal(localFunction)..isFinal = true;
ir.FunctionDeclaration function = new ir.FunctionDeclaration(
local, buildFunctionNode(localFunction, body));
// Closures can escape their context and we must therefore store them
// globally to include them in the world computation.
kernel.localFunctions[localFunction] = function;
return function;
ir.VariableDeclaration visitLocalVariableDeclaration(VariableDefinitions node,
Node definition, LocalVariableElement variable, Node initializer, _) {
return buildLocalVariableDeclaration(variable, initializer);
ir.VariableGet buildLocalGet(LocalElement local) {
return new ir.VariableGet(getLocal(local));
ir.VariableGet handleLocalGet(Send node, LocalElement element, _) {
return buildLocalGet(element);
ir.Expression buildCompound(
Accessor accessor, CompoundRhs rhs, SendSet node) {
ir.Name name = kernel.irName(rhs.operator.selectorName, currentElement);
switch (rhs.kind) {
case CompoundKind.POSTFIX:
return buildPostfixIncrement(node, accessor, name);
case CompoundKind.PREFIX:
return buildPrefixIncrement(node, accessor, name);
case CompoundKind.ASSIGNMENT:
return buildCompoundAssignment(
node, accessor, name, visitForValue(rhs.rhs));
ir.Expression buildCompoundAssignment(
SendSet node, Accessor accessor, ir.Name name, ir.Expression rhs) {
ir.Expression result =
accessor.buildCompoundAssignment(name, rhs, voidContext: isVoidContext);
associateCompoundComponents(accessor, node);
return result;
ir.Expression buildPrefixIncrement(
SendSet node, Accessor accessor, ir.Name name) {
ir.Expression result =
accessor.buildPrefixIncrement(name, voidContext: isVoidContext);
associateCompoundComponents(accessor, node);
return result;
ir.Expression buildPostfixIncrement(
SendSet node, Accessor accessor, ir.Name name) {
ir.Expression result =
accessor.buildPostfixIncrement(name, voidContext: isVoidContext);
associateCompoundComponents(accessor, node);
return result;
void associateCompoundComponents(Accessor accessor, Node node) {
assert(accessor.builtBinary != null);
kernel.nodeToAstOperator[accessor.builtBinary] = node;
if (accessor.builtGetter != null) {
kernel.nodeToAst[accessor.builtGetter] = node;
ir.Expression handleLocalCompounds(
SendSet node, LocalElement local, CompoundRhs rhs, _,
{bool isSetterValid}) {
ir.Expression compound =
buildCompound(new VariableAccessor(getLocal(local)), rhs, node);
if (compound is ir.VariableSet) {
associateNode(compound.value, node);
} else {
associateNode(compound, node);
return compound;
ir.VariableSet handleLocalSet(
SendSet node, LocalElement element, Node rhs, _) {
return new ir.VariableSet(getLocal(element), visitForValue(rhs));
ir.VariableSet handleImmutableLocalSet(
SendSet node, LocalElement element, Node rhs, _) {
// TODO(ahe): Build invalid?
return handleLocalSet(node, element, rhs, _);
ir.LogicalExpression visitLogicalAnd(Send node, Node left, Node right, _) {
return buildLogicalExpression(left, node.selector, right);
ir.LogicalExpression visitLogicalOr(Send node, Node left, Node right, _) {
return buildLogicalExpression(left, node.selector, right);
ir.Initializer visitNamedInitializingFormalDeclaration(
VariableDefinitions node,
Node definition,
InitializingFormalElement parameter,
ConstantExpression defaultValue,
_) {
return buildInitializingFormal(parameter);
visitNamedParameterDeclaration(VariableDefinitions node, Node definition,
ParameterElement parameter, ConstantExpression defaultValue, _) {
// Shouldn't be called, we handle parameters via [FunctionSignture].
return internalError(node, "NamedParameterDeclaration");
ir.Not visitNot(Send node, Node expression, _) {
return new ir.Not(visitForValue(expression));
ir.Not visitNotEquals(Send node, Node left, Node right, _) {
return associateNode(
new ir.Not(associateNode(buildBinaryOperator(left, '==', right), node)),
ir.Initializer visitOptionalInitializingFormalDeclaration(
VariableDefinitions node,
Node definition,
InitializingFormalElement parameter,
ConstantExpression defaultValue,
int index,
_) {
return buildInitializingFormal(parameter);
VariableDefinitions node,
Node definition,
ParameterElement parameter,
ConstantExpression defaultValue,
int index,
_) {
// Shouldn't be called, we handle parameters via [FunctionSignture].
return internalError(node, "OptionalParameterDeclaration");
visitParameterDeclaration(VariableDefinitions node, Node definition,
ParameterElement parameter, int index, _) {
// Shouldn't be called, we handle parameters via [FunctionSignture].
return internalError(node, "ParameterDeclaration");
ir.MethodInvocation handleLocalInvoke(Send node, LocalElement element,
NodeList arguments, CallStructure callStructure, _) {
return associateNode(
buildCall(buildLocalGet(element), callStructure, arguments), node);
ir.Expression handleLocalSetIfNulls(
SendSet node, LocalElement local, Node rhs, _,
{bool isSetterValid}) {
return _finishSetIfNull(node, new VariableAccessor(getLocal(local)), rhs);
IrFunction visitRedirectingFactoryConstructorDeclaration(
FunctionExpression node,
ConstructorElement constructor,
NodeList parameters,
ResolutionDartType redirectionType, // TODO(ahe): Should be InterfaceType.
ConstructorElement redirectionTarget,
_) {
if (!constructor.isFactoryConstructor) {
// TODO(ahe): This seems like a bug in semantic visitor and how it
// recovers from a bad constructor.
return new IrFunction.constructor(buildFunctionNode(constructor, null),
<ir.Initializer>[new ir.InvalidInitializer()]);
ir.Statement body = null;
if (kernel.isSyntheticError(redirectionTarget)) {
body = new ir.InvalidStatement();
} else {
// TODO(ahe): This should be implemented, but doesn't matter much unless
// we support reflection. At the call-site, we bypass this factory and
// call its effective target directly. So this factory is only necessary
// for reflection.
body = new ir.InvalidStatement();
IrFunction function =
buildIrFunction(ir.ProcedureKind.Factory, constructor, null);
function.node.body = body..parent = function.node;
return function;
ir.InvocationExpression visitRedirectingFactoryConstructorInvoke(
NewExpression node,
ConstructorElement constructor,
ResolutionInterfaceType type,
ConstructorElement effectiveTarget,
ResolutionInterfaceType effectiveTargetType,
NodeList arguments,
CallStructure callStructure,
_) {
return buildConstructorInvoke(node, isConst: false);
IrFunction visitRedirectingGenerativeConstructorDeclaration(
FunctionExpression node,
ConstructorElement constructor,
NodeList parameters,
NodeList initializers,
_) {
return buildGenerativeConstructor(constructor, parameters, null);
ir.InvocationExpression visitRedirectingGenerativeConstructorInvoke(
NewExpression node,
ConstructorElement constructor,
ResolutionInterfaceType type,
NodeList arguments,
CallStructure callStructure,
_) {
return buildConstructorInvoke(node, isConst: false);
visitStaticConstantDeclaration(VariableDefinitions node, Node definition,
FieldElement field, ConstantExpression constant, _) {
// Shouldn't be called, handled by fieldToIr.
return internalError(node, "StaticConstantDeclaration");
visitStaticFieldDeclaration(VariableDefinitions node, Node definition,
FieldElement field, Node initializer, _) {
// Shouldn't be called, handled by fieldToIr.
return internalError(node, "StaticFieldDeclaration");
ir.Expression buildStaticGet(Element element) {
var loadedCheckFunc =
_deferredLibrary = null;
return loadedCheckFunc(buildStaticAccessor(element).buildSimpleRead());
ir.Expression handleStaticFieldGet(Send node, FieldElement field, _) {
return associateNode(buildStaticGet(field), node);
ir.MethodInvocation handleStaticFieldInvoke(Send node, FieldElement field,
NodeList arguments, CallStructure callStructure, _) {
return associateNode(
buildCall(buildStaticGet(field), callStructure, arguments), node);
ir.Expression handleStaticFieldSet(
SendSet node, FieldElement field, Node rhs, _) {
return buildStaticFieldSet(field, rhs);
ir.Expression handleStaticSetIfNulls(
SendSet node,
Element getter,
CompoundGetter getterKind,
Element setter,
CompoundSetter setterKind,
Node rhs,
_) {
if (setterKind == CompoundSetter.INVALID) {
setter = null;
return _finishSetIfNull(node, buildStaticAccessor(getter, setter), rhs);
ir.VariableDeclaration getLocal(LocalElement local) {
return locals.putIfAbsent(local, () {
// Currently, initializing formals are not final.
bool isFinal = local.isFinal && !local.isInitializingFormal;
return associateElement(
new ir.VariableDeclaration(,
initializer: null,
type: typeToIrHack(local.type),
isFinal: isFinal,
isConst: local.isConst),
ir.FunctionNode buildFunctionNode(FunctionElement function, Node bodyNode) {
List<ir.TypeParameter> typeParameters = <ir.TypeParameter>[];
List<ir.VariableDeclaration> positionalParameters =
List<ir.VariableDeclaration> namedParameters = <ir.VariableDeclaration>[];
int requiredParameterCount = 0;
ir.DartType returnType = const ir.DynamicType();
if (function.hasFunctionSignature) {
FunctionSignature signature = function.functionSignature;
requiredParameterCount = signature.requiredParameterCount;
signature.forEachParameter((ParameterElement parameter) {
ir.VariableDeclaration variable = getLocal(parameter);
if (parameter.isNamed) {
} else {
signature.forEachParameter((ParameterElement parameter) {
if (!parameter.isOptional) return;
ir.Expression initializer = visitForValue(parameter.initializer);
ir.VariableDeclaration variable = getLocal(parameter);
if (initializer != null) {
variable.initializer = initializer;
initializer.parent = variable;
kernel.parameterInitializerNodeToConstant[initializer] =
if (function.isGenerativeConstructor) {
returnType = const ir.VoidType();
} else {
returnType = typeToIrHack(signature.type.returnType);
if (function.isFactoryConstructor) {
ResolutionInterfaceType type = function.enclosingClass.thisType;
if (type.isGeneric) {
typeParameters = new List<ir.TypeParameter>();
for (ResolutionDartType parameter in type.typeArguments) {
ir.AsyncMarker asyncMarker = ir.AsyncMarker.Sync;
if (!kernel.isSyntheticError(function)) {
switch (function.asyncMarker) {
case AsyncMarker.SYNC:
asyncMarker = ir.AsyncMarker.Sync;
case AsyncMarker.SYNC_STAR:
asyncMarker = ir.AsyncMarker.SyncStar;
case AsyncMarker.ASYNC:
asyncMarker = ir.AsyncMarker.Async;
case AsyncMarker.ASYNC_STAR:
asyncMarker = ir.AsyncMarker.AsyncStar;
function, "Unknown async maker: ${function.asyncMarker}");
ir.Statement body;
if (function.isExternal) {
// [body] must be `null`.
} else if (function.isConstructor) {
// TODO(johnniwinther): Clean this up pending kernel issue #28.
if (bodyNode == null || bodyNode.asEmptyStatement() != null) {
body = new ir.EmptyStatement();
} else {
body = buildStatementInBlock(bodyNode);
} else if (bodyNode != null) {
Return returnStatement = bodyNode.asReturn();
if ((function.isSetter || == Names.INDEX_SET_NAME.text) &&
returnStatement != null) {
// Avoid encoding the implicit return of setters with arrow body:
// set setter(value) => this.value = value;
// operator []=(index, value) => this[index] = value;
body = new ir.ExpressionStatement(
} else {
body = buildStatementInBlock(bodyNode);
return associateElement(
new ir.FunctionNode(body,
asyncMarker: asyncMarker,
returnType: returnType,
typeParameters: typeParameters,
positionalParameters: positionalParameters,
namedParameters: namedParameters,
requiredParameterCount: requiredParameterCount),
IrFunction visitStaticFunctionDeclaration(FunctionExpression node,
MethodElement function, NodeList parameters, Node body, _) {
return buildIrFunction(ir.ProcedureKind.Method, function, body);
ir.ProcedureKind computeInstanceMethodKind(MethodElement method) {
return method.isOperator
? ir.ProcedureKind.Operator
: ir.ProcedureKind.Method;
IrFunction visitInstanceMethodDeclaration(FunctionExpression node,
MethodElement method, NodeList parameters, Node body, _) {
return buildIrFunction(
computeInstanceMethodKind(currentElement), currentElement, body);
IrFunction visitAbstractMethodDeclaration(
FunctionExpression node, MethodElement method, NodeList parameters, _) {
return buildIrFunction(
computeInstanceMethodKind(currentElement), currentElement, null);
ir.Expression handleStaticFunctionGet(Send node, MethodElement function, _) {
return buildStaticGet(function);
ir.Expression handleStaticFunctionIncompatibleInvoke(
Send node,
MethodElement function,
NodeList arguments,
CallStructure callStructure,
_) {
if (!kernel.compiler.resolution.hasBeenResolved(function) &&
!function.isMalformed) {
// TODO(sigmund): consider calling nSM or handle recovery differently
// here. This case occurs only when this call was the only call to
// function, and knowing that the call was erroneous, our resolver didn't
// enqueue function itself.
return new ir.InvalidExpression();
return buildStaticInvoke(function, arguments, isConst: false);
ir.StaticInvocation buildStaticInvoke(
FunctionElement function, NodeList arguments,
{bool isConst}) {
ir.Arguments argumentsNode = buildArguments(arguments);
return new ir.StaticInvocation(kernel.functionToIr(function), argumentsNode,
isConst: isConst);
ir.Expression handleStaticFunctionInvoke(Send node, MethodElement function,
NodeList arguments, CallStructure callStructure, _) {
var loadedCheckFunc =
_deferredLibrary = null;
return loadedCheckFunc(associateNode(
buildStaticInvoke(function, arguments, isConst: false), node));
ir.Expression handleStaticFunctionSet(
Send node, MethodElement function, Node rhs, _) {
return buildStaticAccessor(function)
.buildAssignment(visitForValue(rhs), voidContext: isVoidContext);
IrFunction visitStaticGetterDeclaration(
FunctionExpression node, MethodElement getter, Node body, _) {
return buildIrFunction(ir.ProcedureKind.Getter, getter, body);
ir.DeferredImport getDeferredImport(PrefixElement prefix) {
var map = deferredImports[prefix.deferredImport.importedLibrary] ??=
<String, ir.DeferredImport>{};
return map[] ??= associateElement(
new ir.DeferredImport(
ir.Expression handleStaticGetterGet(Send node, FunctionElement getter, _) {
if (getter.isDeferredLoaderGetter) {
return new ir.LoadLibrary(getDeferredImport(getter.enclosingElement));
var expression = buildStaticGet(getter);
return expression;
ir.Expression handleStaticGetterInvoke(Send node, FunctionElement getter,
NodeList arguments, CallStructure callStructure, _) {
var expression;
if (getter.isDeferredLoaderGetter) {
expression =
new ir.LoadLibrary(getDeferredImport(getter.enclosingElement));
} else {
expression = buildStaticGet(getter);
return associateNode(buildCall(expression, callStructure, arguments), node);
ir.Expression handleStaticGetterSet(
SendSet node, FunctionElement getter, Node rhs, _) {
return buildStaticAccessor(getter)
.buildAssignment(visitForValue(rhs), voidContext: isVoidContext);
IrFunction visitStaticSetterDeclaration(FunctionExpression node,
MethodElement setter, NodeList parameters, Node body, _) {
return buildIrFunction(ir.ProcedureKind.Setter, setter, body);
ir.Expression handleStaticSetterGet(Send node, FunctionElement setter, _) {
return buildStaticAccessor(null, setter).buildSimpleRead();
ir.Expression handleStaticSetterInvoke(Send node, FunctionElement setter,
NodeList arguments, CallStructure callStructure, _) {
return new ir.InvalidExpression();
ir.Expression handleStaticSetterSet(
SendSet node, FunctionElement setter, Node rhs, _) {
return buildStaticAccessor(null, setter)
.buildAssignment(visitForValue(rhs), voidContext: isVoidContext);
ir.InvocationExpression visitStringFromEnvironmentConstructorInvoke(
NewExpression node, StringFromEnvironmentConstantExpression constant, _) {
return buildConstructorInvoke(node, isConst: true);
ir.SuperMethodInvocation visitSuperBinary(Send node, FunctionElement function,
BinaryOperator operator, Node argument, _) {
transformerFlags |= TransformerFlag.superCalls;
return new ir.SuperMethodInvocation(
kernel.irName(operator.selectorName, currentElement),
new ir.Arguments(<ir.Expression>[visitForValue(argument)]),
ir.Expression visitSuperCompoundIndexSet(
SendSet node,
MethodElement getter,
MethodElement setter,
Node index,
AssignmentOperator operator,
Node rhs,
_) {
return buildCompoundAssignment(
buildSuperIndexAccessor(index, getter, setter),
kernel.irName(operator.selectorName, currentElement),
ir.Initializer visitSuperConstructorInvoke(
Send node,
ConstructorElement superConstructor,
ResolutionInterfaceType type,
NodeList arguments,
CallStructure callStructure,
_) {
if (kernel.isSyntheticError(superConstructor)) {
// TODO(ahe): Semantic visitor shouldn't call in this case.
return new ir.InvalidInitializer();
return new ir.SuperInitializer(
kernel.functionToIr(superConstructor), buildArguments(arguments));
ir.SuperMethodInvocation buildSuperEquals(
FunctionElement function, Node argument) {
transformerFlags |= TransformerFlag.superCalls;
return new ir.SuperMethodInvocation(
kernel.irName(, function),
new ir.Arguments(<ir.Expression>[visitForValue(argument)],
types: null, named: null),
ir.SuperMethodInvocation visitSuperEquals(
Send node, FunctionElement function, Node argument, _) {
return buildSuperEquals(function, argument);
ir.Expression handleSuperCompounds(
SendSet node,
Element getter,
CompoundGetter getterKind,
Element setter,
CompoundSetter setterKind,
CompoundRhs rhs,
_) {
if (setterKind == CompoundSetter.INVALID) {
setter = null;
return buildCompound(buildSuperPropertyAccessor(getter, setter), rhs, node);
ir.Expression handleStaticCompounds(
SendSet node,
Element getter,
CompoundGetter getterKind,
Element setter,
CompoundSetter setterKind,
CompoundRhs rhs,
_) {
if (setterKind == CompoundSetter.INVALID) {
setter = null;
return buildCompound(buildStaticAccessor(getter, setter), rhs, node);
ir.Expression handleTypeLiteralConstantCompounds(
SendSet node, ConstantExpression constant, CompoundRhs rhs, _) {
return buildCompound(
new ReadOnlyAccessor(buildTypeLiteral(constant)), rhs, node);
ir.TypeLiteral buildTypeVariable(TypeVariableElement element) {
return new ir.TypeLiteral(kernel.typeToIr(element.type));
ir.Expression handleTypeVariableTypeLiteralCompounds(
SendSet node, TypeVariableElement element, CompoundRhs rhs, _) {
return buildCompound(
new ReadOnlyAccessor(buildTypeVariable(element)), rhs, node);
ir.SuperPropertyGet visitSuperFieldGet(Send node, FieldElement field, _) {
return buildSuperPropertyAccessor(field).buildSimpleRead();
ir.MethodInvocation visitSuperFieldInvoke(Send node, FieldElement field,
NodeList arguments, CallStructure callStructure, _) {
return buildCall(buildSuperPropertyAccessor(field).buildSimpleRead(),
callStructure, arguments);
ir.Expression visitSuperFieldSet(
SendSet node, FieldElement field, Node rhs, _) {
return buildSuperPropertyAccessor(field)
.buildAssignment(visitForValue(rhs), voidContext: isVoidContext);
Accessor buildSuperPropertyAccessor(Element getter, [Element setter]) {
transformerFlags |= TransformerFlag.superCalls;
if (setter == null &&
getter.isField &&
!getter.isFinal &&
!getter.isConst) {
setter = getter;
Element element = getter ?? setter;
return new SuperPropertyAccessor(
kernel.irName(, element),
(getter == null) ? null : kernel.elementToIr(getter),
(setter == null) ? null : kernel.elementToIr(setter));
Accessor buildSuperIndexAccessor(Expression index, Element getter,
[Element setter]) {
if (setter == null &&
getter.isField &&
!getter.isFinal &&
!getter.isConst) {
setter = getter;
return new SuperIndexAccessor(
(getter == null) ? null : kernel.elementToIr(getter),
(setter == null) ? null : kernel.elementToIr(setter));
ir.SuperPropertyGet visitSuperGetterGet(
Send node, FunctionElement getter, _) {
return buildSuperPropertyAccessor(getter).buildSimpleRead();
ir.MethodInvocation visitSuperGetterInvoke(Send node, FunctionElement getter,
NodeList arguments, CallStructure callStructure, _) {
return buildCall(buildSuperPropertyAccessor(getter).buildSimpleRead(),
callStructure, arguments);
ir.Expression visitSuperGetterSet(
SendSet node, FunctionElement getter, Node rhs, _) {
return buildSuperPropertyAccessor(getter)
.buildAssignment(visitForValue(rhs), voidContext: isVoidContext);
ir.Expression handleSuperSetIfNulls(
SendSet node,
Element getter,
CompoundGetter getterKind,
Element setter,
CompoundSetter setterKind,
Node rhs,
_) {
if (setterKind == CompoundSetter.INVALID) {
setter = null;
return _finishSetIfNull(
node, buildSuperPropertyAccessor(getter, setter), rhs);
ir.SuperMethodInvocation visitSuperIndex(
Send node, FunctionElement function, Node index, _) {
return buildSuperIndexAccessor(index, function).buildSimpleRead();
ir.Expression visitSuperIndexPostfix(Send node, MethodElement indexFunction,
MethodElement indexSetFunction, Node index, IncDecOperator operator, _) {
Accessor accessor =
buildSuperIndexAccessor(index, indexFunction, indexSetFunction);
return buildIndexPostfix(node, accessor, operator);
ir.Expression visitSuperIndexPrefix(Send node, MethodElement indexFunction,
MethodElement indexSetFunction, Node index, IncDecOperator operator, _) {
Accessor accessor =
buildSuperIndexAccessor(index, indexFunction, indexSetFunction);
return buildIndexPrefix(node, accessor, operator);
ir.Expression visitSuperIndexSet(
SendSet node, FunctionElement function, Node index, Node rhs, _) {
return buildSuperIndexAccessor(index, null, function)
.buildAssignment(visitForValue(rhs), voidContext: isVoidContext);
ir.Expression visitSuperMethodGet(Send node, MethodElement method, _) {
return buildSuperPropertyAccessor(method).buildSimpleRead();
ir.SuperMethodInvocation buildSuperMethodInvoke(
MethodElement method, NodeList arguments) {
transformerFlags |= TransformerFlag.superCalls;
return new ir.SuperMethodInvocation(kernel.irName(, method),
buildArguments(arguments), kernel.functionToIr(method));
ir.SuperMethodInvocation visitSuperMethodIncompatibleInvoke(
Send node,
MethodElement method,
NodeList arguments,
CallStructure callStructure,
_) {
return buildSuperMethodInvoke(method, arguments);
ir.SuperMethodInvocation visitSuperMethodInvoke(
Send node,
MethodElement method,
NodeList arguments,
CallStructure callStructure,
_) {
return associateNode(buildSuperMethodInvoke(method, arguments), node);
ir.Expression visitSuperMethodSet(
Send node, MethodElement method, Node rhs, _) {
return buildSuperPropertyAccessor(method)
.buildAssignment(visitForValue(rhs), voidContext: isVoidContext);
ir.Not visitSuperNotEquals(
Send node, FunctionElement function, Node argument, _) {
return new ir.Not(buildSuperEquals(function, argument));
ir.Expression visitSuperSetterGet(Send node, FunctionElement setter, _) {
return buildSuperPropertyAccessor(null, setter).buildSimpleRead();
ir.MethodInvocation visitSuperSetterInvoke(Send node, FunctionElement setter,
NodeList arguments, CallStructure callStructure, _) {
return buildCall(buildSuperPropertyAccessor(null, setter).buildSimpleRead(),
callStructure, arguments);
ir.Expression visitSuperSetterSet(
SendSet node, FunctionElement setter, Node rhs, _) {
return buildSuperPropertyAccessor(null, setter)
.buildAssignment(visitForValue(rhs), voidContext: isVoidContext);
ir.SuperMethodInvocation visitSuperUnary(
Send node, UnaryOperator operator, FunctionElement function, _) {
transformerFlags |= TransformerFlag.superCalls;
return new ir.SuperMethodInvocation(kernel.irName(, function),
new ir.Arguments.empty(), kernel.functionToIr(function));
ir.Initializer visitThisConstructorInvoke(
Send node,
ConstructorElement thisConstructor,
NodeList arguments,
CallStructure callStructure,
_) {
if (kernel.isSyntheticError(thisConstructor)) {
return new ir.InvalidInitializer();
} else {
return new ir.RedirectingInitializer(
kernel.functionToIr(thisConstructor), buildArguments(arguments));
ir.ThisExpression visitThisGet(Identifier node, _) {
return new ir.ThisExpression();
ir.MethodInvocation visitThisInvoke(
Send node, NodeList arguments, CallStructure callStructure, _) {
return associateNode(
buildCall(new ir.ThisExpression(), callStructure, arguments), node);
Accessor buildThisPropertyAccessor(Name name) {
return new ThisPropertyAccessor(nameToIrName(name), null, null);
ir.Expression visitThisPropertyGet(Send node, Name name, _) {
return associateNode(
buildThisPropertyAccessor(name).buildSimpleRead(), node);
ir.MethodInvocation visitThisPropertyInvoke(
Send node, NodeList arguments, Selector selector, _) {
return associateNode(
new ir.ThisExpression(), selector, buildArguments(arguments)),
ir.Expression visitThisPropertySet(SendSet node, Name name, Node rhs, _) {
return buildThisPropertyAccessor(name)
.buildAssignment(visitForValue(rhs), voidContext: isVoidContext);
ir.Expression visitTopLevelConstantDeclaration(VariableDefinitions node,
Node definition, FieldElement field, ConstantExpression constant, _) {
// Shouldn't be called, handled by fieldToIr.
return internalError(node, "TopLevelFieldDeclaration");
ir.Expression visitTopLevelFieldDeclaration(VariableDefinitions node,
Node definition, FieldElement field, Node initializer, _) {
// Shouldn't be called, handled by fieldToIr.
return internalError(node, "TopLevelFieldDeclaration");
IrFunction visitTopLevelFunctionDeclaration(FunctionExpression node,
MethodElement function, NodeList parameters, Node body, _) {
return buildIrFunction(ir.ProcedureKind.Method, function, body);
ir.Arguments buildArguments(NodeList arguments) {
List<ir.Expression> positional = <ir.Expression>[];
List<ir.NamedExpression> named = <ir.NamedExpression>[];
for (Expression expression in arguments.nodes) {
ir.TreeNode argument = visitForValue(expression);
if (argument is ir.NamedExpression) {
} else {
return new ir.Arguments(positional, named: named, types: null);
IrFunction visitTopLevelGetterDeclaration(
FunctionExpression node, MethodElement getter, Node body, _) {
return buildIrFunction(ir.ProcedureKind.Getter, getter, body);
IrFunction visitTopLevelSetterDeclaration(FunctionExpression node,
MethodElement setter, NodeList parameters, Node body, _) {
return buildIrFunction(ir.ProcedureKind.Setter, setter, body);
/// Return a function that accepts an expression and returns an expression. If
/// deferredImport is null, then the function returned is the identity
/// expression. Otherwise, it inserts a CheckLibraryIsLoaded call before
/// evaluating the expression.
_createCheckLibraryLoadedFuncIfNeeded(ir.DeferredImport deferredImport) {
if (deferredImport != null) {
return (ir.Expression inputExpression) => new ir.Let(
makeOrReuseVariable(new ir.CheckLibraryIsLoaded(deferredImport)),
} else {
return (ir.Expression expr) => expr;
ir.Expression visitTypeVariableTypeLiteralGet(
Send node, TypeVariableElement element, _) {
var loadedCheckFunc =
_deferredLibrary = null;
return loadedCheckFunc(buildTypeVariable(element));
ir.MethodInvocation visitTypeVariableTypeLiteralInvoke(
Send node,
TypeVariableElement element,
NodeList arguments,
CallStructure callStructure,
_) {
return associateNode(
buildCall(buildTypeVariable(element), callStructure, arguments), node);
ir.Expression visitTypeVariableTypeLiteralSet(
SendSet node, TypeVariableElement element, Node rhs, _) {
return new ReadOnlyAccessor(buildTypeVariable(element))
.buildAssignment(visitForValue(rhs), voidContext: isVoidContext);
ir.Expression visitTypeVariableTypeLiteralSetIfNull(
Send node, TypeVariableElement element, Node rhs, _) {
return _finishSetIfNull(
node, new ReadOnlyAccessor(buildTypeVariable(element)), rhs);
ir.Expression visitTypedefTypeLiteralGet(
Send node, ConstantExpression constant, _) {
var loadedCheckFunc =
_deferredLibrary = null;
return loadedCheckFunc(buildTypeLiteral(constant));
ir.MethodInvocation visitTypedefTypeLiteralInvoke(
Send node,
ConstantExpression constant,
NodeList arguments,
CallStructure callStructure,
_) {
return associateNode(
buildCall(buildTypeLiteral(constant), callStructure, arguments), node);
ir.Expression visitTypedefTypeLiteralSet(
SendSet node, ConstantExpression constant, Node rhs, _) {
return buildTypeLiteralSet(constant, rhs);
ir.Expression handleTypeLiteralConstantSetIfNulls(
SendSet node, ConstantExpression constant, Node rhs, _) {
// Degenerate case: ignores [rhs] as a type literal is never null.
return buildTypeLiteral(constant);
ir.MethodInvocation visitUnary(
Send node, UnaryOperator operator, Node expression, _) {
return associateNode(
new ir.MethodInvocation(
kernel.irName(operator.selectorName, currentElement),
new ir.Arguments.empty()),
visitConditionalUri(ConditionalUri node) {
// Shouldn't be called, handled by library loader.
return internalError(node, "ConditionalUri");
visitDottedName(DottedName node) {
// Shouldn't be called, handled by library loader.
return internalError(node, "DottedName");
visitForIn(ForIn node) {
// Shouldn't be called, handled by [visitAsyncForIn] or [visitSyncForIn].
return internalError(node, "ForIn");
ir.Expression visitIndexSetIfNull(
SendSet node, Node receiver, Node index, Node rhs, _) {
return _finishSetIfNull(node, buildIndexAccessor(receiver, index), rhs);
ir.Expression visitSuperIndexSetIfNull(SendSet node, MethodElement getter,
MethodElement setter, Node index, Node rhs, _) {
return _finishSetIfNull(
node, buildSuperIndexAccessor(index, getter, setter), rhs);
ir.Node visitVariableDefinitions(VariableDefinitions definitions) {
// TODO(ahe): This method is copied from [SemanticDeclarationResolvedMixin]
// and modified. Perhaps we can find a way to avoid code duplication.
List<ir.VariableDeclaration> variables = <ir.VariableDeclaration>[];
(Node node, VariableStructure structure) {
if (structure == null) {
return internalError(node, 'No structure for $node');
} else {
ir.VariableDeclaration variable =
structure.dispatch(declVisitor, node, null);
return variable;
if (variables.length == 1) return variables.single;
return new VariableDeclarations(variables);
IrFunction buildFunction() {
return kernel.compiler.reporter.withCurrentElement(currentElement, () {
if (kernel.isSyntheticError(currentElement)) {
"Can't build synthetic function element: $currentElement");
} else if (currentElement.isMalformed) {
ir.FunctionNode node = buildFunctionNode(currentElement, null);
if (currentElement.isGenerativeConstructor) {
return new IrFunction.constructor(
node, <ir.Initializer>[new ir.InvalidInitializer()]);
} else {
node.body = new ir.InvalidStatement()..parent = node;
return new IrFunction.procedure(ir.ProcedureKind.Method, node);
} else if (currentElement.isSynthesized) {
if (currentElement.isGenerativeConstructor) {
return buildGenerativeConstructor(currentElement, null, null);
} else {
return internalError(currentElement, "Unhandled synthetic function.");
} else {
Node node = currentElement.node;
if (node.isErroneous) {
return internalError(currentElement, "Unexpected syntax error.");
} else {
return node.accept(this);
ir.Expression buildInitializer() {
return kernel.compiler.reporter.withCurrentElement(currentElement, () {
FieldElement field = currentElement;
return field.isMalformed
? new ir.InvalidExpression()
: associateNode(visitForValue(field.initializer), field.initializer);
class VariableDeclarations implements ir.Node {
final List<ir.VariableDeclaration> variables;
accept(ir.Visitor v) => throw "unsupported";
visitChildren(ir.Visitor v) => throw "unsupported";
String toString() => "VariableDeclarations($variables)";
class IrFunction implements ir.Node {
final ir.ProcedureKind kind;
final bool isConstructor;
final ir.FunctionNode node;
final List<ir.Initializer> initializers;
IrFunction(this.kind, this.isConstructor, this.node, this.initializers);
IrFunction.procedure(ir.ProcedureKind kind, ir.FunctionNode node)
: this(kind, false, node, null);
ir.FunctionNode node, List<ir.Initializer> initializers)
: this(null, true, node, initializers);
accept(ir.Visitor v) => throw "unsupported";
visitChildren(ir.Visitor v) => throw "unsupported";
String toString() {
return "IrFunction($kind, $isConstructor, $node, $initializers)";