blob: e14a90b27be0b4eec4b6507cbf03ce9d39c82c0e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import '../common.dart';
import '../common/names.dart' show Identifiers, Names, Selectors;
import '../compiler.dart' show Compiler;
import '../elements/elements.dart';
import '../tree/tree.dart';
import 'backend.dart';
* Categorizes `noSuchMethod` implementations.
* If user code includes `noSuchMethod` implementations, type inference is
* hindered because (for instance) any selector where the type of the
* receiver is not known all implementations of `noSuchMethod` must be taken
* into account when inferring the return type.
* The situation can be ameliorated with some heuristics for disregarding some
* `noSuchMethod` implementations during type inference. We can partition
* `noSuchMethod` implementations into 4 categories.
* Implementations in category A are the default implementations
* `Object.noSuchMethod` and `Interceptor.noSuchMethod`.
* Implementations in category B syntactically immediately throw, for example:
* noSuchMethod(x) => throw 'not implemented'
* Implementations in category C are not applicable, for example:
* noSuchMethod() { /* missing parameter */ }
* noSuchMethod(a, b) { /* too many parameters */ }
* Implementations that do not fall into category A, B or C are in category D.
* They are the only category of implementation that are considered during type
* inference.
* Implementations that syntactically just forward to the super implementation,
* for example:
* noSuchMethod(x) => super.noSuchMethod(x);
* are in the same category as the superclass implementation. This covers a
* common case, where users implement `noSuchMethod` with these dummy
* implementations to avoid warnings.
class NoSuchMethodRegistry {
/// The implementations that fall into category A, described above.
final Set<MethodElement> defaultImpls = new Set<MethodElement>();
/// The implementations that fall into category B, described above.
final Set<MethodElement> throwingImpls = new Set<MethodElement>();
/// The implementations that fall into category C, described above.
final Set<MethodElement> notApplicableImpls = new Set<MethodElement>();
/// The implementations that fall into category D, described above.
final Set<MethodElement> otherImpls = new Set<MethodElement>();
/// The implementations that fall into category D1
final Set<MethodElement> complexNoReturnImpls = new Set<MethodElement>();
/// The implementations that fall into category D2
final Set<MethodElement> complexReturningImpls = new Set<MethodElement>();
/// The implementations that have not yet been categorized.
final Set<MethodElement> _uncategorizedImpls = new Set<MethodElement>();
final JavaScriptBackend _backend;
final Compiler _compiler;
NoSuchMethodRegistry(JavaScriptBackend backend)
: this._backend = backend,
this._compiler = backend.compiler;
DiagnosticReporter get reporter => _compiler.reporter;
bool get hasThrowingNoSuchMethod => throwingImpls.isNotEmpty;
bool get hasComplexNoSuchMethod => otherImpls.isNotEmpty;
void registerNoSuchMethod(MethodElement noSuchMethodElement) {
void onQueueEmpty() {
/// Now that type inference is complete, split category D into two
/// subcategories: D1, those that have no return type, and D2, those
/// that have a return type.
void onTypeInferenceComplete() {
/// Emits a diagnostic
void emitDiagnostic() {
throwingImpls.forEach((e) {
if (!_hasForwardingSyntax(e)) {
reporter.reportHintMessage(e, MessageKind.DIRECTLY_THROWING_NSM);
complexNoReturnImpls.forEach((e) {
if (!_hasForwardingSyntax(e)) {
reporter.reportHintMessage(e, MessageKind.COMPLEX_THROWING_NSM);
complexReturningImpls.forEach((e) {
if (!_hasForwardingSyntax(e)) {
reporter.reportHintMessage(e, MessageKind.COMPLEX_RETURNING_NSM);
/// Returns [true] if the given element is a complex [noSuchMethod]
/// implementation. An implementation is complex if it falls into
/// category D, as described above.
bool isComplex(MethodElement element) {
assert( == Identifiers.noSuchMethod_);
return otherImpls.contains(element);
_subcategorizeOther(MethodElement element) {
if (_compiler.globalInference.results.resultOf(element).throwsAlways) {
} else {
NsmCategory _categorizeImpl(MethodElement element) {
assert( == Identifiers.noSuchMethod_);
if (defaultImpls.contains(element)) {
return NsmCategory.DEFAULT;
if (throwingImpls.contains(element)) {
return NsmCategory.THROWING;
if (otherImpls.contains(element)) {
return NsmCategory.OTHER;
if (notApplicableImpls.contains(element)) {
return NsmCategory.NOT_APPLICABLE;
if (!Selectors.noSuchMethod_.signatureApplies(element)) {
return NsmCategory.NOT_APPLICABLE;
if (isDefaultNoSuchMethodImplementation(element)) {
return NsmCategory.DEFAULT;
} else if (_hasForwardingSyntax(element)) {
// If the implementation is 'noSuchMethod(x) => super.noSuchMethod(x);'
// then it is in the same category as the super call.
Element superCall =
NsmCategory category = _categorizeImpl(superCall);
switch (category) {
case NsmCategory.DEFAULT:
case NsmCategory.THROWING:
case NsmCategory.OTHER:
case NsmCategory.NOT_APPLICABLE:
// If the super method is not applicable, the call is redirected to
// `Object.noSuchMethod`.
category = NsmCategory.DEFAULT;
return category;
} else if (_hasThrowingSyntax(element)) {
return NsmCategory.THROWING;
} else {
return NsmCategory.OTHER;
bool isDefaultNoSuchMethodImplementation(MethodElement element) {
ClassElement classElement = element.enclosingClass;
return classElement == _compiler.commonElements.objectClass ||
classElement == _backend.helpers.jsInterceptorClass ||
classElement == _backend.helpers.jsNullClass;
bool _hasForwardingSyntax(MethodElement element) {
// At this point we know that this is signature-compatible with
// Object.noSuchMethod, but it may have more than one argument as long as
// it only has one required argument.
if (!element.hasResolvedAst) {
// TODO(johnniwinther): Why do we see unresolved elements here?
return false;
ResolvedAst resolvedAst = element.resolvedAst;
if (resolvedAst.kind != ResolvedAstKind.PARSED) {
return false;
String param =;
Statement body = resolvedAst.body;
Expression expr;
if (body is Return && body.isArrowBody) {
expr = body.expression;
} else if (body is Block &&
!body.statements.isEmpty &&
body.statements.nodes.tail.isEmpty) {
Statement stmt = body.statements.nodes.head;
if (stmt is Return && stmt.hasExpression) {
expr = stmt.expression;
if (expr is Send && expr.isTypeCast) {
Send sendExpr = expr;
var typeAnnotation = sendExpr.typeAnnotationFromIsCheckOrCast;
var typeName = typeAnnotation.asNominalTypeAnnotation()?.typeName;
if (typeName is Identifier && typeName.source == "dynamic") {
expr = sendExpr.receiver;
if (expr is Send &&
expr.isSuperCall &&
expr.selector is Identifier &&
(expr.selector as Identifier).source == Identifiers.noSuchMethod_) {
var arg = expr.arguments.head;
if (expr.arguments.tail.isEmpty &&
arg is Send &&
arg.argumentsNode == null &&
arg.receiver == null &&
arg.selector is Identifier &&
arg.selector.source == param) {
return true;
return false;
bool _hasThrowingSyntax(MethodElement element) {
if (!element.hasResolvedAst) {
// TODO(johnniwinther): Why do we see unresolved elements here?
return false;
ResolvedAst resolvedAst = element.resolvedAst;
if (resolvedAst.kind != ResolvedAstKind.PARSED) {
return false;
Statement body = resolvedAst.body;
if (body is Return && body.isArrowBody) {
if (body.expression is Throw) {
return true;
} else if (body is Block &&
!body.statements.isEmpty &&
body.statements.nodes.tail.isEmpty) {
if (body.statements.nodes.head is ExpressionStatement) {
ExpressionStatement stmt = body.statements.nodes.head;
return stmt.expression is Throw;
return false;
enum NsmCategory {