blob: bc232b44310f48500c7990a68e4879d65212153d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library elements;
import '../common.dart';
import '../common/resolution.dart' show Resolution;
import '../constants/constructors.dart';
import '../constants/expressions.dart';
import '../common_elements.dart' show CommonElements;
import '../ordered_typeset.dart' show OrderedTypeSet;
import '../resolution/scope.dart' show Scope;
import '../resolution/tree_elements.dart' show TreeElements;
import '../script.dart';
import 'package:front_end/src/fasta/scanner.dart'
show Token, isUserDefinableOperator, isMinusOperator;
import '../tree/tree.dart';
import '../universe/call_structure.dart';
import 'package:front_end/src/fasta/scanner/characters.dart' show $_;
import '../util/util.dart';
import '../world.dart' show ClosedWorld;
import 'entities.dart';
import 'resolution_types.dart';
import 'visitor.dart' show ElementVisitor;
part 'names.dart';
const int STATE_NOT_STARTED = 0;
const int STATE_STARTED = 1;
const int STATE_DONE = 2;
class ElementCategory {
* Represents things that we don't expect to find when looking in a
* scope.
static const int NONE = 0;
/** Field, parameter, or variable. */
static const int VARIABLE = 1;
/** Function, method, or foreign function. */
static const int FUNCTION = 2;
static const int CLASS = 4;
static const int PREFIX = 8;
/** Constructor or factory. */
static const int FACTORY = 16;
static const int ALIAS = 32;
static const int SUPER = 64;
/** Type variable */
static const int TYPE_VARIABLE = 128;
class ElementKind {
final String id;
final int category;
const ElementKind(String, this.category);
static const ElementKind VARIABLE =
const ElementKind('variable', ElementCategory.VARIABLE);
static const ElementKind PARAMETER =
const ElementKind('parameter', ElementCategory.VARIABLE);
// Parameters in constructors that directly initialize fields. For example:
// [:A(this.field):].
static const ElementKind INITIALIZING_FORMAL =
const ElementKind('initializing_formal', ElementCategory.VARIABLE);
static const ElementKind FUNCTION =
const ElementKind('function', ElementCategory.FUNCTION);
static const ElementKind CLASS =
const ElementKind('class', ElementCategory.CLASS);
static const ElementKind GENERATIVE_CONSTRUCTOR =
const ElementKind('generative_constructor', ElementCategory.FACTORY);
static const ElementKind FACTORY_CONSTRUCTOR =
const ElementKind('factory_constructor', ElementCategory.FACTORY);
static const ElementKind FIELD =
const ElementKind('field', ElementCategory.VARIABLE);
static const ElementKind GENERATIVE_CONSTRUCTOR_BODY =
const ElementKind('generative_constructor_body', ElementCategory.NONE);
static const ElementKind COMPILATION_UNIT =
const ElementKind('compilation_unit', ElementCategory.NONE);
static const ElementKind GETTER =
const ElementKind('getter', ElementCategory.NONE);
static const ElementKind SETTER =
const ElementKind('setter', ElementCategory.NONE);
static const ElementKind TYPE_VARIABLE =
const ElementKind('type_variable', ElementCategory.TYPE_VARIABLE);
static const ElementKind ABSTRACT_FIELD =
const ElementKind('abstract_field', ElementCategory.VARIABLE);
static const ElementKind LIBRARY =
const ElementKind('library', ElementCategory.NONE);
static const ElementKind IMPORT =
const ElementKind('import', ElementCategory.NONE);
static const ElementKind EXPORT =
const ElementKind('export', ElementCategory.NONE);
static const ElementKind PREFIX =
const ElementKind('prefix', ElementCategory.PREFIX);
static const ElementKind TYPEDEF =
const ElementKind('typedef', ElementCategory.ALIAS);
static const ElementKind AMBIGUOUS =
const ElementKind('ambiguous', ElementCategory.NONE);
static const ElementKind WARN_ON_USE =
const ElementKind('warn_on_use', ElementCategory.NONE);
static const ElementKind ERROR =
const ElementKind('error', ElementCategory.NONE);
toString() => id;
* A declared element of a program.
* The declared elements of a program include classes, methods,
* fields, variables, parameters, etc.
* Sometimes it makes sense to construct "synthetic" elements that
* have not been declared anywhere in a program, for example, there
* are elements corresponding to "dynamic", "null", and unresolved
* references.
* Elements are distinct from types ([ResolutionDartType]). For example, there
* is one declaration of the class List, but several related types,
* for example, List, List<int>, List<String>, etc.
* Elements are distinct from AST nodes ([Node]), and there normally is a
* one-to-one correspondence between an AST node and an element
* (except that not all kinds of AST nodes have an associated
* element).
* AST nodes represent precisely what is written in source code, for
* example, when a user writes "class MyClass {}", the corresponding
* AST node does not have a superclass. On the other hand, the
* corresponding element (once fully resolved) will record the
* information about the implicit superclass as defined by the
* language semantics.
* Generally, the contents of a method are represented as AST nodes
* without additional elements, but things like local functions, local
* variables, and labels have a corresponding element.
* We generally say that scanning, parsing, resolution, and type
* checking comprise the "front-end" of the compiler. The "back-end"
* includes things like SSA graph construction, optimizations, and
* code generation.
* The front-end data structures are designed to be reusable by
* several back-ends. For example, we may want to support emitting
* minified Dart and JavaScript code in one go. Also, we're planning
* on adding an incremental compilation server that should be able to
* reuse elements between compilations. So to keep things simple, it
* is best if the backends avoid setting state directly in elements.
* It is better to keep such state in a table on the side.
abstract class Element implements Entity {
String get name;
ElementKind get kind;
Element get enclosingElement;
Iterable<MetadataAnnotation> get metadata;
/// `true` if this element is a library.
bool get isLibrary;
/// `true` if this element is an import declaration.
bool get isImport => kind == ElementKind.IMPORT;
/// `true` if this element is an export declaration.
bool get isExport => kind == ElementKind.EXPORT;
/// `true` if this element is a compilation unit.
bool get isCompilationUnit;
/// `true` if this element is defines the scope of prefix used by one or
/// more import declarations.
bool get isPrefix;
/// `true` if this element is a class declaration or a mixin application.
bool get isClass;
/// `true` if this element is a type variable declaration.
bool get isTypeVariable;
/// `true` if this element is a typedef declaration.
bool get isTypedef;
/// `true` if this element is a top level function, static or instance
/// method, local function or closure defined by a function expression.
/// This property is `true` for operator methods but `false` for getter and
/// setter methods, and generative and factory constructors.
/// See also [isConstructor], [isGenerativeConstructor], and
/// [isFactoryConstructor] for constructor properties, and [isAccessor],
/// [isGetter] and [isSetter] for getter/setter properties.
bool get isFunction;
/// `true` if this element is an operator method.
bool get isOperator;
/// `true` if this element is an accessor, that is either an explicit
/// getter or an explicit setter.
bool get isAccessor;
/// `true` if this element is an explicit getter method.
bool get isGetter;
/// `true` if this element is an explicit setter method.
bool get isSetter;
/// `true` if this element is a generative or factory constructor.
bool get isConstructor;
/// `true` if this element is a generative constructor, potentially
/// redirecting.
bool get isGenerativeConstructor;
/// `true` if this element is the body of a generative constructor.
/// This is a synthetic element kind used only by the JavaScript backend.
bool get isGenerativeConstructorBody;
/// `true` if this element is a factory constructor,
/// potentially redirecting.
bool get isFactoryConstructor;
/// `true` if this element is a local variable.
bool get isVariable;
/// `true` if this element is a top level variable, static or instance field.
bool get isField;
/// `true` if this element is the abstract field implicitly defined by an
/// explicit getter and/or setter.
bool get isAbstractField;
/// `true` if this element is a formal parameter from a constructor,
/// a method, a typedef declaration, or from an inlined function typed
/// parameter.
/// This property is `false` if this element is an initializing formal.
/// See [isInitializingFormal].
bool get isRegularParameter;
/// `true` if this element is an initializing formal of constructor, that
/// is a formal of the form ``.
bool get isInitializingFormal;
/// `true` if this element is a formal parameter, either regular or
/// initializing.
bool get isParameter => isRegularParameter || isInitializingFormal;
/// `true` if this element represents a resolution error.
bool get isError;
/// `true` if this element represents an ambiguous name.
/// Ambiguous names occur when two imports/exports contain different entities
/// by the same name. If an ambiguous name is resolved an warning or error
/// is produced.
bool get isAmbiguous;
/// True if there has been errors during resolution or parsing of this
/// element.
bool get isMalformed;
/// `true` if this element represents an entity whose access causes one or
/// more warnings.
bool get isWarnOnUse;
bool get isClosure;
/// `true` if the element is a (static or instance) member of a class.
/// Members are constructors, methods and fields.
bool get isClassMember;
/// `true` if the element is a nonstatic member of a class.
/// Instance members are methods and fields but not constructors.
bool get isInstanceMember;
/// Returns true if this [Element] is a top level element.
/// That is, if it is not defined within the scope of a class.
/// This means whether the enclosing element is a compilation unit.
/// With the exception of [ClosureClassElement] that is considered top level
/// as all other classes.
bool get isTopLevel;
bool get isAssignable;
bool get isDeferredLoaderGetter;
/// True if the element is declared in a patch library but has no
/// corresponding declaration in the origin library.
bool get isInjected;
/// `true` if this element is a constructor, top level or local variable,
/// or static field that is declared `const`.
bool get isConst;
/// `true` if this element is a top level or local variable, static or
/// instance field, or parameter that is declared `final`.
bool get isFinal;
/// `true` if this element is a method, getter, setter or field that
/// is declared `static`.
bool get isStatic;
/// `true` if this element is local element, that is, a local variable,
/// local function or parameter.
bool get isLocal;
bool get impliesType;
/// The character offset of the declaration of this element within its
/// compilation unit, if available.
/// This is used to sort the elements.
int get sourceOffset;
// TODO(johnniwinther): Remove this.
Token get position;
/// The position of the declaration of this element, if available.
SourceSpan get sourcePosition;
CompilationUnitElement get compilationUnit;
LibraryElement get library;
LibraryElement get implementationLibrary;
ClassElement get enclosingClass;
Element get enclosingClassOrCompilationUnit;
Element get outermostEnclosingMemberOrTopLevel;
// TODO(johnniwinther): Replace uses of this with [enclosingClass] when
// [ClosureClassElement] has been removed.
/// The enclosing class that defines the type environment for this element.
ClassElement get contextClass;
FunctionElement asFunctionElement();
/// Is [:true:] if this element has a corresponding patch.
/// If [:true:] this element has a non-null [patch] field.
/// See [:patch_parser.dart:] for a description of the terminology.
bool get isPatched;
/// Is [:true:] if this element is a patch.
/// If [:true:] this element has a non-null [origin] field.
/// See [:patch_parser.dart:] for a description of the terminology.
bool get isPatch;
/// Is [:true:] if this element defines the implementation for the entity of
/// this element.
/// See [:patch_parser.dart:] for a description of the terminology.
bool get isImplementation;
/// Is [:true:] if this element introduces the entity of this element.
/// See [:patch_parser.dart:] for a description of the terminology.
bool get isDeclaration;
/// Returns the element which defines the implementation for the entity of
/// this element.
/// See [:patch_parser.dart:] for a description of the terminology.
Element get implementation;
/// Returns the element which introduces the entity of this element.
/// See [:patch_parser.dart:] for a description of the terminology.
Element get declaration;
/// Returns the patch for this element if this element is patched.
/// See [:patch_parser.dart:] for a description of the terminology.
Element get patch;
/// Returns the origin for this element if this element is a patch.
/// See [:patch_parser.dart:] for a description of the terminology.
Element get origin;
bool get isSynthesized;
bool get isMixinApplication;
bool get isAbstract;
Scope buildScope();
// TODO(johnniwinther): Move this to [AstElement].
/// Returns the [Element] that holds the [TreeElements] for this element.
AnalyzableElement get analyzableElement;
accept(ElementVisitor visitor, arg);
class Elements {
static bool isUnresolved(Element e) {
return e == null || e.isMalformed;
static bool isError(Element e) {
return e != null && e.isError;
static bool isMalformed(Element e) {
return e != null && e.isMalformed;
/// Unwraps [element] reporting any warnings attached to it, if any.
static Element unwrap(
Element element, DiagnosticReporter listener, Spannable spannable) {
if (element != null && element.isWarnOnUse) {
WarnOnUseElement wrappedElement = element;
element = wrappedElement.unwrap(listener, spannable);
return element;
static bool isClass(Element e) => e != null && e.kind == ElementKind.CLASS;
static bool isTypedef(Element e) {
return e != null && e.kind == ElementKind.TYPEDEF;
static bool isLocal(Element element) {
return !Elements.isUnresolved(element) && element.isLocal;
static bool isInstanceField(Element element) {
return !Elements.isUnresolved(element) &&
element.isInstanceMember &&
(identical(element.kind, ElementKind.FIELD) ||
identical(element.kind, ElementKind.GETTER) ||
identical(element.kind, ElementKind.SETTER));
static bool isStaticOrTopLevel(Element element) {
// TODO(johnniwinther): Clean this up. This currently returns true for a
// PartialConstructorElement, SynthesizedConstructorElementX, and
// TypeVariableElementX though neither `element.isStatic` nor
// `element.isTopLevel` is true.
if (Elements.isUnresolved(element)) return false;
if (element.isStatic || element.isTopLevel) return true;
return !element.isAmbiguous &&
!element.isInstanceMember &&
!element.isPrefix &&
element.enclosingElement != null &&
(element.enclosingElement.kind == ElementKind.CLASS ||
element.enclosingElement.kind == ElementKind.COMPILATION_UNIT ||
element.enclosingElement.kind == ElementKind.LIBRARY ||
element.enclosingElement.kind == ElementKind.PREFIX);
static bool isInStaticContext(Element element) {
if (isUnresolved(element)) return true;
if (element.enclosingElement.isClosure) {
var closureClass = element.enclosingElement;
element = closureClass.methodElement;
Element outer = element.outermostEnclosingMemberOrTopLevel;
if (isUnresolved(outer)) return true;
if (outer.isTopLevel) return true;
if (outer.isGenerativeConstructor) return false;
if (outer.isInstanceMember) return false;
return true;
static bool hasAccessToTypeVariable(
Element element, TypeVariableElement typeVariable) {
GenericElement declaration = typeVariable.typeDeclaration;
if (declaration is FunctionElement || declaration is ParameterElement) {
return true;
Element outer = element.outermostEnclosingMemberOrTopLevel;
return (outer != null && outer.isFactoryConstructor) ||
static bool isStaticOrTopLevelField(Element element) {
return isStaticOrTopLevel(element) &&
(identical(element.kind, ElementKind.FIELD) ||
identical(element.kind, ElementKind.GETTER) ||
identical(element.kind, ElementKind.SETTER));
static bool isStaticOrTopLevelFunction(Element element) {
return isStaticOrTopLevel(element) && element.isFunction;
static bool isInstanceMethod(Element element) {
return !Elements.isUnresolved(element) &&
element.isInstanceMember &&
(identical(element.kind, ElementKind.FUNCTION));
/// Also returns true for [ConstructorBodyElement]s and getters/setters.
static bool isNonAbstractInstanceMember(Element element) {
// The generative constructor body is not a function. We therefore treat
// it specially.
if (element.isGenerativeConstructorBody) return true;
return !Elements.isUnresolved(element) &&
!element.isAbstract &&
element.isInstanceMember &&
(element.isFunction || element.isAccessor);
static bool isInstanceSend(Send send, TreeElements elements) {
Element element = elements[send];
if (element == null) return !isClosureSend(send, element);
return isInstanceMethod(element) ||
isInstanceField(element) ||
(send.isConditional && !element.isStatic);
static bool isClosureSend(Send send, Element element) {
if (send.isPropertyAccess) return false;
if (send.receiver != null) return false;
Node selector = send.selector;
// this().
if (selector.isThis()) return true;
// (o)() or foo()().
if (element == null && selector.asIdentifier() == null) return true;
if (element == null) return false;
// foo() with foo a local or a parameter.
return isLocal(element);
static String reconstructConstructorNameSourceString(Element element) {
if ( == '') {
} else {
return reconstructConstructorName(element);
// TODO(johnniwinther): Remove this method.
static String reconstructConstructorName(Element element) {
String className =;
if ( == '') {
return className;
} else {
return '$className\$${}';
static String constructorNameForDiagnostics(
String className, String constructorName) {
String classNameString = className;
String constructorNameString = constructorName;
return (constructorName == '')
? classNameString
: "$classNameString.$constructorNameString";
/// Returns `true` if [name] is the name of an operator method.
static bool isOperatorName(String name) {
return name == 'unary-' || isUserDefinableOperator(name);
* Map an operator-name to a valid JavaScript identifier.
* For non-operator names, this method just returns its input.
* The results returned from this method are guaranteed to be valid
* JavaScript identifers, except it may include reserved words for
* non-operator names.
static String operatorNameToIdentifier(String name) {
if (name == null) {
return name;
} else if (name == '==') {
return r'operator$eq';
} else if (name == '~') {
return r'operator$not';
} else if (name == '[]') {
return r'operator$index';
} else if (name == '[]=') {
return r'operator$indexSet';
} else if (name == '*') {
return r'operator$mul';
} else if (name == '/') {
return r'operator$div';
} else if (name == '%') {
return r'operator$mod';
} else if (name == '~/') {
return r'operator$tdiv';
} else if (name == '+') {
return r'operator$add';
} else if (name == '<<') {
return r'operator$shl';
} else if (name == '>>') {
return r'operator$shr';
} else if (name == '>=') {
return r'operator$ge';
} else if (name == '>') {
return r'operator$gt';
} else if (name == '<=') {
return r'operator$le';
} else if (name == '<') {
return r'operator$lt';
} else if (name == '&') {
return r'operator$and';
} else if (name == '^') {
return r'operator$xor';
} else if (name == '|') {
return r'operator$or';
} else if (name == '-') {
return r'operator$sub';
} else if (name == 'unary-') {
return r'operator$negate';
} else {
return name;
static String constructOperatorNameOrNull(String op, bool isUnary) {
if (isMinusOperator(op)) {
return isUnary ? 'unary-' : op;
} else if (isUserDefinableOperator(op) || op == '??') {
return op;
} else {
return null;
static String constructOperatorName(String op, bool isUnary) {
String operatorName = constructOperatorNameOrNull(op, isUnary);
if (operatorName == null)
throw 'Unhandled operator: $op';
return operatorName;
static String mapToUserOperatorOrNull(String op) {
if (identical(op, '!=')) return '==';
if (identical(op, '*=')) return '*';
if (identical(op, '/=')) return '/';
if (identical(op, '%=')) return '%';
if (identical(op, '~/=')) return '~/';
if (identical(op, '+=')) return '+';
if (identical(op, '-=')) return '-';
if (identical(op, '<<=')) return '<<';
if (identical(op, '>>=')) return '>>';
if (identical(op, '&=')) return '&';
if (identical(op, '^=')) return '^';
if (identical(op, '|=')) return '|';
if (identical(op, '??=')) return '??';
return null;
/// A `compareTo` function that places [Element]s in a consistent order based
/// on the source code order.
static int compareByPosition(Element a, Element b) {
if (identical(a, b)) return 0;
int r = _compareLibraries(a.library, b.library);
if (r != 0) return r;
r = _compareCompilationUnits(a.compilationUnit, b.compilationUnit);
if (r != 0) return r;
int offsetA = a.sourceOffset ?? -1;
int offsetB = b.sourceOffset ?? -1;
r = offsetA.compareTo(offsetB);
if (r != 0) return r;
r =;
if (r != 0) return r;
// Same file, position and name. If this happens, we should find out why
// and make the order total and independent of hashCode.
return a.hashCode.compareTo(b.hashCode);
// Somewhat stable ordering for [LibraryElement]s
static int _compareLibraries(LibraryElement a, LibraryElement b) {
if (a == b) return 0;
int byCanonicalUriPath() {
return a.canonicalUri.path.compareTo(b.canonicalUri.path);
// Order: platform < package < other.
if (a.isPlatformLibrary) {
if (b.isPlatformLibrary) return byCanonicalUriPath();
return -1;
if (b.isPlatformLibrary) return 1;
if (a.isPackageLibrary) {
if (b.isPackageLibrary) return byCanonicalUriPath();
return -1;
if (b.isPackageLibrary) return 1;
return _compareCanonicalUri(a.canonicalUri, b.canonicalUri);
static int _compareCanonicalUri(Uri a, Uri b) {
int r = a.scheme.compareTo(b.scheme);
if (r != 0) return r;
// We would like the order of 'file:' Uris to be stable across different
// users or different builds from temporary directories. We sort by
// pathSegments elements from the last to the first since that tends to find
// a stable distinction regardless of directory root.
List<String> aSegments = a.pathSegments;
List<String> bSegments = b.pathSegments;
int aI = aSegments.length;
int bI = bSegments.length;
while (aI > 0 && bI > 0) {
String aSegment = aSegments[--aI];
String bSegment = bSegments[--bI];
r = aSegment.compareTo(bSegment);
if (r != 0) return r;
return aI.compareTo(bI); // Shortest first.
static int _compareCompilationUnits(
CompilationUnitElement a, CompilationUnitElement b) {
if (a == b) return 0;
// Compilation units are compared only within the same library so we expect
// the Uris to usually be clustered together with a common scheme and path
// prefix.
Uri aUri = a.script.readableUri;
Uri bUri = b.script.readableUri;
return '${aUri}'.compareTo('${bUri}');
static List<Element> sortedByPosition(Iterable<Element> elements) {
return elements.toList()..sort(compareByPosition);
static bool isFixedListConstructorCall(
ConstructorEntity element, Send node, CommonElements commonElements) {
return commonElements.isUnnamedListConstructor(element) &&
node.isCall &&
!node.arguments.isEmpty &&
static bool isGrowableListConstructorCall(
ConstructorEntity element, Send node, CommonElements commonElements) {
return commonElements.isUnnamedListConstructor(element) &&
node.isCall &&
static bool isFilledListConstructorCall(
ConstructorEntity element, Send node, CommonElements commonElements) {
return commonElements.isFilledListConstructor(element) &&
node.isCall &&
!node.arguments.isEmpty &&
!node.arguments.tail.isEmpty &&
static bool isConstructorOfTypedArraySubclass(
Element element, ClosedWorld closedWorld) {
if (closedWorld.commonElements.typedDataLibrary == null) return false;
if (!element.isConstructor) return false;
ConstructorElement constructor = element.implementation;
constructor = constructor.effectiveTarget;
ClassElement cls = constructor.enclosingClass;
return cls.library == closedWorld.commonElements.typedDataLibrary &&
closedWorld.backendClasses.isNativeClass(cls) &&
cls, closedWorld.commonElements.typedDataClass) &&
closedWorld.isSubtypeOf(cls, closedWorld.commonElements.listClass) && == '';
static bool switchStatementHasContinue(
SwitchStatement node, TreeElements elements) {
for (SwitchCase switchCase in node.cases) {
for (Node labelOrCase in switchCase.labelsAndCases) {
Node label = labelOrCase.asLabel();
if (label != null) {
LabelDefinition labelElement = elements.getLabelDefinition(label);
if (labelElement != null && labelElement.isContinueTarget) {
return true;
return false;
static bool isUnusedLabel(LabeledStatement node, TreeElements elements) {
Node body = node.statement;
JumpTarget element = elements.getTargetDefinition(body);
// Labeled statements with no element on the body have no breaks.
// A different target statement only happens if the body is itself
// a break or continue for a different target. In that case, this
// label is also always unused.
return element == null || element.statement != body;
* Returns a `List` with the evaluated arguments in the normalized order.
* [compileDefaultValue] is a function that returns a compiled constant
* of an optional argument that is not in [compiledArguments].
* Precondition: `callStructure.signatureApplies(element.type)`.
* Invariant: [element] must be the implementation element.
static List<T> makeArgumentsList<T>(
CallStructure callStructure,
Link<Node> arguments,
FunctionElement element,
T compileArgument(Node argument),
T compileDefaultValue(ParameterElement element)) {
assert(invariant(element, element.isImplementation));
List<T> result = <T>[];
FunctionSignature parameters = element.functionSignature;
parameters.forEachRequiredParameter((ParameterElement element) {
arguments = arguments.tail;
if (!parameters.optionalParametersAreNamed) {
parameters.forEachOptionalParameter((ParameterElement element) {
if (!arguments.isEmpty) {
arguments = arguments.tail;
} else {
} else {
// Visit named arguments and add them into a temporary list.
List compiledNamedArguments = [];
for (; !arguments.isEmpty; arguments = arguments.tail) {
NamedArgument namedArgument = arguments.head;
// Iterate over the optional parameters of the signature, and try to
// find them in [compiledNamedArguments]. If found, we use the
// value in the temporary list, otherwise the default value.
parameters.orderedOptionalParameters.forEach((ParameterElement element) {
int foundIndex = callStructure.namedArguments.indexOf(;
if (foundIndex != -1) {
} else {
return result;
* Fills [list] with the arguments in the order expected by
* [callee], and where [caller] is a synthesized element
* [compileArgument] is a function that returns a compiled version
* of a parameter of [callee].
* [compileConstant] is a function that returns a compiled constant
* of an optional argument that is not in the parameters of [callee].
* Returns [:true:] if the signature of the [caller] matches the
* signature of the [callee], [:false:] otherwise.
static bool addForwardingElementArgumentsToList<T>(
ConstructorElement caller,
List<T> list,
ConstructorElement callee,
T compileArgument(ParameterElement element),
T compileConstant(ParameterElement element)) {
assert(invariant(caller, !callee.isMalformed,
message: "Cannot compute arguments to malformed constructor: "
"$caller calling $callee."));
FunctionSignature signature = caller.functionSignature;
Map<Node, ParameterElement> mapping = <Node, ParameterElement>{};
// TODO(ngeoffray): This is a hack that fakes up AST nodes, so
// that we can call [addArgumentsToList].
Link<Node> computeCallNodesFromParameters() {
LinkBuilder<Node> builder = new LinkBuilder<Node>();
signature.forEachRequiredParameter((ParameterElement element) {
Node node = element.node;
mapping[node] = element;
if (signature.optionalParametersAreNamed) {
signature.forEachOptionalParameter((ParameterElement element) {
mapping[element.initializer] = element;
builder.addLast(new NamedArgument(null, null, element.initializer));
} else {
signature.forEachOptionalParameter((ParameterElement element) {
Node node = element.node;
mapping[node] = element;
return builder.toLink();
T internalCompileArgument(Node node) {
return compileArgument(mapping[node]);
Link<Node> nodes = computeCallNodesFromParameters();
// Synthesize a structure for the call.
// TODO(ngeoffray): Should the resolver do it instead?
CallStructure callStructure = new CallStructure(
signature.parameterCount, signature.type.namedParameters);
if (!callStructure.signatureApplies(signature.type)) {
return false;
list.addAll(makeArgumentsList<T>(callStructure, nodes, callee,
internalCompileArgument, compileConstant));
return true;
/// An element representing an erroneous resolution.
/// An [ErroneousElement] is used instead of `null` to provide additional
/// information about the error that caused the element to be unresolvable
/// or otherwise invalid.
/// Accessing any field or calling any method defined on [ErroneousElement]
/// except [isError] will currently throw an exception. (This might
/// change when we actually want more information on the erroneous element,
/// e.g., the name of the element we were trying to resolve.)
/// Code that cannot not handle an [ErroneousElement] should use
/// `Element.isUnresolved(element)` to check for unresolvable elements instead
/// of `element == null`.
abstract class ErroneousElement extends Element implements ConstructorElement {
MessageKind get messageKind;
Map get messageArguments;
String get message;
/// An [Element] whose usage should cause one or more warnings.
abstract class WarnOnUseElement extends Element {
/// The element whose usage cause a warning.
Element get wrappedElement;
/// Reports the attached warning and returns the wrapped element.
/// [usageSpannable] is used to report messages on the reference of
/// [wrappedElement].
Element unwrap(DiagnosticReporter listener, Spannable usageSpannable);
/// An ambiguous element represents multiple elements accessible by the same
/// name.
/// Ambiguous elements are created during handling of import/export scopes. If
/// an ambiguous element is encountered during resolution a warning/error is
/// reported.
abstract class AmbiguousElement extends Element {
MessageKind get messageKind;
Map get messageArguments;
Element get existingElement;
Element get newElement;
/// Compute the info messages associated with an error/warning on [context].
List<DiagnosticMessage> computeInfos(
Element context, DiagnosticReporter listener);
// TODO(kasperl): This probably shouldn't be called an element. It's
// just an interface shared by classes and libraries.
abstract class ScopeContainerElement implements Element {
Element localLookup(String elementName);
void forEachLocalMember(f(Element element));
abstract class CompilationUnitElement extends Element {
/// Use [library] instead.
get enclosingElement;
Script get script;
void forEachLocalMember(f(Element element));
abstract class ImportElement extends Element {
Uri get uri;
LibraryElement get importedLibrary;
bool get isDeferred;
PrefixElement get prefix;
// TODO(johnniwinther): Remove this when no longer needed in source mirrors.
Import get node;
abstract class ExportElement extends Element {
Uri get uri;
LibraryElement get exportedLibrary;
// TODO(johnniwinther): Remove this when no longer needed in source mirrors.
Export get node;
abstract class LibraryElement extends Element
implements ScopeContainerElement, AnalyzableElement, LibraryEntity {
* The canonical uri for this library.
* For user libraries the canonical uri is the script uri. For platform
* libraries the canonical uri is of the form [:dart:x:].
Uri get canonicalUri;
/// Returns `true` if this library is 'dart:core'.
bool get isDartCore;
CompilationUnitElement get entryCompilationUnit;
Link<CompilationUnitElement> get compilationUnits;
/// The import declarations in this library, including the implicit import of
/// 'dart:core', if present.
Iterable<ImportElement> get imports;
/// The export declarations in this library.
Iterable<ExportElement> get exports;
* [:true:] if this library is part of the platform, that is, its canonical
* uri has the scheme 'dart'.
bool get isPlatformLibrary;
* [:true:] if this library is from a package, that is, its canonical uri has
* the scheme 'package'.
bool get isPackageLibrary;
* [:true:] if this library is a platform library whose path starts with
* an underscore.
bool get isInternalLibrary;
bool get exportsHandled;
LibraryElement get implementation;
Element find(String elementName);
Element findLocal(String elementName);
Element findExported(String elementName);
void forEachExport(f(Element element));
/// Calls [f] for each [Element] imported into this library.
void forEachImport(f(Element element));
/// Returns the imports that import element into this library.
Iterable<ImportElement> getImportsFor(Element element);
/// `true` if this library has name as given through a library tag.
bool get hasLibraryName;
/// The library name, which is either the name given in the library tag
/// or the empty string if there is no library tag.
String get libraryName;
/// Returns the library name (as defined by the library tag) or for scripts
/// (which have no library tag) the script file name.
/// Note: the returned filename is still escaped ("a%20b.dart" instead of
/// "a b.dart").
String get name;
/// The implicit scope defined by a import declaration with a prefix clause.
abstract class PrefixElement extends Element {
Element lookupLocalMember(String memberName);
void forEachLocalMember(void f(Element member));
/// Is true if this prefix belongs to a deferred import.
bool get isDeferred;
/// Import that declared this deferred prefix.
ImportElement get deferredImport;
/// The `loadLibrary` getter implicitly defined on deferred prefixes.
GetterElement get loadLibrary;
/// A type alias definition.
abstract class TypedefElement extends Element
implements AstElement, TypeDeclarationElement, FunctionTypedElement {
/// The type defined by this typedef with the type variables as its type
/// arguments.
/// For instance `F<T>` for `typedef void F<T>(T t)`.
ResolutionTypedefType get thisType;
/// The type defined by this typedef with `dynamic` as its type arguments.
/// For instance `F<dynamic>` for `typedef void F<T>(T t)`.
ResolutionTypedefType get rawType;
/// The type, function type if well-defined, for which this typedef is an
/// alias.
/// For instance `(int)->void` for `typedef void F(int)`.
ResolutionDartType get alias;
void checkCyclicReference(Resolution resolution);
/// An executable element is an element that can hold code.
/// These elements variables (fields, parameters and locals), which can hold
/// code in their initializer, and functions (including methods and
/// constructors), which can hold code in their body.
abstract class ExecutableElement extends Element
implements TypedElement, AstElement {
/// The outermost member that contains this element.
/// For top level, static or instance members, the member context is the
/// element itself. For parameters, local variables and nested closures, the
/// member context is the top level, static or instance member in which it is
/// defined.
MemberElement get memberContext;
/// A top-level, static or instance field or method, or a constructor.
/// A [MemberElement] is the outermost executable element for any executable
/// context.
abstract class MemberElement extends Element
implements ExecutableElement, MemberEntity {
/// The local functions defined within this member.
List<FunctionElement> get nestedClosures;
/// The name of this member, taking privacy into account.
Name get memberName;
/// A function, variable or parameter defined in an executable context.
abstract class LocalElement extends Element
implements AstElement, TypedElement, Local {
ExecutableElement get executableContext;
/// A top level, static or instance field, a formal parameter or local variable.
abstract class VariableElement extends ExecutableElement {
VariableDefinitions get node;
Expression get initializer;
bool get hasConstant;
/// The constant expression defining the (initial) value of the variable.
/// If the variable is `const` the value is always non-null, possibly an
/// [ErroneousConstantExpression], otherwise, the value is null when the
/// initializer isn't a constant expression.
ConstantExpression get constant;
/// A variable or parameter that is local to an executable context.
/// The executable context is the [ExecutableElement] in which this variable
/// is defined.
abstract class LocalVariableElement extends VariableElement
implements LocalElement {}
/// A top-level, static or instance field.
abstract class FieldElement extends VariableElement
implements MemberElement, FieldEntity {}
/// A parameter-like element of a function signature.
/// If the function signature comes from a typedef or an inline function-typed
/// parameter (e.g. the parameter 'f' in `method(void f())`), then its
/// parameters are not real parameters in that they can take no argument and
/// hold no value. Such parameter-like elements are modeled by [FormalElement].
/// If the function signature comes from a function or constructor, its
/// parameters are real parameters and are modeled by [ParameterElement].
abstract class FormalElement extends Element
implements FunctionTypedElement, TypedElement, AstElement {
/// Use [functionDeclaration] instead.
get enclosingElement;
/// The function, typedef or inline function-typed parameter on which
/// this parameter is declared.
FunctionTypedElement get functionDeclaration;
VariableDefinitions get node;
/// Whether the parameter is unnamed in a function type.
bool get isUnnamed;
/// A formal parameter of a function or constructor.
/// Normal parameter that introduce a local variable are modeled by
/// [LocalParameterElement] whereas initializing formals, that is parameter of
/// the form `this.x`, are modeled by [InitializingFormalElement].
abstract class ParameterElement extends Element
implements VariableElement, FormalElement, LocalElement {
/// Use [functionDeclaration] instead.
get enclosingElement;
/// The function on which this parameter is declared.
FunctionElement get functionDeclaration;
/// `true` if this parameter is named.
bool get isNamed;
/// `true` if this parameter is optional.
bool get isOptional;
/// A formal parameter on a function or constructor that introduces a local
/// variable in the scope of the function or constructor.
abstract class LocalParameterElement extends ParameterElement
implements LocalVariableElement {}
/// A formal parameter in a constructor that directly initializes a field.
/// For example: `A(this.field)`.
abstract class InitializingFormalElement extends LocalParameterElement {
/// The field initialized by this initializing formal.
FieldElement get fieldElement;
/// The function on which this parameter is declared.
ConstructorElement get functionDeclaration;
* A synthetic element which holds a getter and/or a setter.
* This element unifies handling of fields and getters/setters. When
* looking at code like "foo.x", we don't have to look for both a
* field named "x", a getter named "x", and a setter named "x=".
abstract class AbstractFieldElement extends Element {
GetterElement get getter;
SetterElement get setter;
abstract class FunctionSignature {
ResolutionFunctionType get type;
ResolutionDartType get returnType;
List<ResolutionDartType> get typeVariables;
List<FormalElement> get requiredParameters;
List<FormalElement> get optionalParameters;
int get requiredParameterCount;
int get optionalParameterCount;
bool get optionalParametersAreNamed;
bool get hasOptionalParameters;
int get parameterCount;
List<FormalElement> get orderedOptionalParameters;
void forEachParameter(void function(FormalElement parameter));
void forEachRequiredParameter(void function(FormalElement parameter));
void forEachOptionalParameter(void function(FormalElement parameter));
void orderedForEachParameter(void function(FormalElement parameter));
bool isCompatibleWith(FunctionSignature constructorSignature);
/// A top level, static or instance method, constructor, local function, or
/// closure (anonymous local function).
abstract class FunctionElement extends Element
GenericElement {
FunctionExpression get node;
FunctionElement get patch;
FunctionElement get origin;
bool get hasFunctionSignature;
/// The parameters of this function.
List<ParameterElement> get parameters;
/// The type of this function.
ResolutionFunctionType get type;
/// The synchronous/asynchronous marker on this function.
AsyncMarker get asyncMarker;
/// `true` if this function is external.
bool get isExternal;
/// A getter or setter.
abstract class AccessorElement extends MethodElement {
/// Used to retrieve a link to the abstract field element representing this
/// element.
AbstractFieldElement get abstractField;
/// A getter.
abstract class GetterElement extends AccessorElement {
/// The setter corresponding to this getter, if any.
SetterElement get setter;
/// A setter.
abstract class SetterElement extends AccessorElement {
/// The getter corresponding to this setter, if any.
GetterElement get getter;
/// Enum for the synchronous/asynchronous function body modifiers.
class AsyncMarker {
/// The default function body marker.
static const AsyncMarker SYNC = const AsyncMarker._();
/// The `sync*` function body marker.
static const AsyncMarker SYNC_STAR = const AsyncMarker._(isYielding: true);
/// The `async` function body marker.
static const AsyncMarker ASYNC = const AsyncMarker._(isAsync: true);
/// The `async*` function body marker.
static const AsyncMarker ASYNC_STAR =
const AsyncMarker._(isAsync: true, isYielding: true);
/// Is `true` if this marker defines the function body to have an
/// asynchronous result, that is, either a [Future] or a [Stream].
final bool isAsync;
/// Is `true` if this marker defines the function body to have a plural
/// result, that is, either an [Iterable] or a [Stream].
final bool isYielding;
const AsyncMarker._({this.isAsync: false, this.isYielding: false});
String toString() {
return '${isAsync ? 'async' : 'sync'}${isYielding ? '*' : ''}';
/// Canonical list of marker values.
/// Added to make [AsyncMarker] enum-like.
static const List<AsyncMarker> values = const <AsyncMarker>[
/// Index to this marker within [values].
/// Added to make [AsyncMarker] enum-like.
int get index => values.indexOf(this);
/// A top level, static or instance function.
abstract class MethodElement extends FunctionElement
implements MemberElement, FunctionEntity {}
/// A local function or closure (anonymous local function).
abstract class LocalFunctionElement extends FunctionElement
implements LocalElement {}
/// A constructor.
abstract class ConstructorElement extends MethodElement
implements ConstructorEntity {
/// Returns `true` if [effectiveTarget] has been computed for this
/// constructor.
bool get hasEffectiveTarget;
/// The effective target of this constructor, that is the non-redirecting
/// constructor that is called on invocation of this constructor.
/// Consider for instance this hierarchy:
/// class C { factory C.c() = D.d; }
/// class D { factory D.d() = E.e2; }
/// class E { E.e1();
/// E.e2() : this.e1(); }
/// The effective target of both `C.c`, `D.d`, and `E.e2` is `E.e2`, and the
/// effective target of `E.e1` is `E.e1` itself.
ConstructorElement get effectiveTarget;
/// The immediate redirection target of a redirecting factory constructor.
/// Consider for instance this hierarchy:
/// class C { factory C() = D; }
/// class D { factory D() = E; }
/// class E { E(); }
/// The immediate redirection target of `C` is `D` and the immediate
/// redirection target of `D` is `E`. `E` is not a redirecting factory
/// constructor so its immediate redirection target is `null`.
ConstructorElement get immediateRedirectionTarget;
/// The prefix of the immediateRedirectionTarget, if it is deferred.
/// [null] if it is not deferred.
PrefixElement get redirectionDeferredPrefix;
/// Is `true` if this constructor is a redirecting generative constructor.
bool get isRedirectingGenerative;
/// Is `true` if this constructor is a redirecting factory constructor.
bool get isRedirectingFactory;
/// Is `true` if this constructor is a redirecting factory constructor that is
/// part of a redirection cycle.
bool get isCyclicRedirection;
/// Is `true` if the effective target of this constructor is malformed.
/// A constructor is considered malformed if any of the following applies:
/// * the constructor is undefined,
/// * the type of the constructor is undefined,
/// * the constructor is a redirecting factory and either
/// - it is part of a redirection cycle,
/// - the effective target is a generative constructor on an abstract
/// class, or
/// - this constructor is constant but the effective target is not,
/// - the arguments to this constructor are incompatible with the
/// parameters of the effective target.
bool get isEffectiveTargetMalformed;
/// Compute the type of the effective target of this constructor for an
/// instantiation site with type [:newType:].
ResolutionInterfaceType computeEffectiveTargetType(
ResolutionInterfaceType newType);
/// If this is a synthesized constructor [definingConstructor] points to
/// the generative constructor from which this constructor was created.
/// Otherwise [definingConstructor] is `null`.
/// Consider for instance this hierarchy:
/// class C { C.c(a, {b});
/// class D {}
/// class E = C with D;
/// Class `E` has a synthesized constructor, `E.c`, whose defining constructor
/// is `C.c`.
ConstructorElement get definingConstructor;
/// Returns `true` if this constructor is an implicit default constructor.
bool get isDefaultConstructor;
/// The constant constructor defining the binding of fields if `const`,
/// `null` otherwise.
ConstantConstructor get constantConstructor;
/// `true` if this constructor is one of `bool.fromEnvironment`,
/// `int.fromEnvironment`, or `String.fromEnvironment`.
bool get isFromEnvironmentConstructor;
/// `true` if this constructor is `int.fromEnvironment`.
bool get isIntFromEnvironmentConstructor;
/// `true` if this constructor is `bool.fromEnvironment`.
bool get isBoolFromEnvironmentConstructor;
/// `true` if this constructor is `String.fromEnvironment`.
bool get isStringFromEnvironmentConstructor;
/// Use [enclosingClass] instead.
get enclosingElement;
/// JavaScript backend specific element for the body of constructor.
// TODO(johnniwinther): Remove this class from the element model.
abstract class ConstructorBodyElement extends MethodElement {
FunctionElement get constructor;
/// [GenericElement] defines the common interface for generic functions and
/// [TypeDeclarationElement].
abstract class GenericElement extends Element implements AstElement {
/// Do not use [computeType] outside of the resolver.
/// Trying to access a type that has not been computed in resolution is an
/// error and calling [computeType] covers that error.
/// This method will go away!
ResolutionDartType computeType(Resolution resolution);
* The type variables declared on this declaration. The type variables are not
* available until the type of the element has been computed through
* [computeType].
List<ResolutionDartType> get typeVariables;
/// [TypeDeclarationElement] defines the common interface for class/interface
/// declarations and typedefs.
abstract class TypeDeclarationElement extends GenericElement {
/// The name of this type declaration, taking privacy into account.
Name get memberName;
/// Do not use [computeType] outside of the resolver; instead retrieve the
/// type from the [thisType] or [rawType], depending on the use case.
/// Trying to access a type that has not been computed in resolution is an
/// error and calling [computeType] covers that error.
/// This method will go away!
GenericType computeType(Resolution resolution);
* The `this type` for this type declaration.
* The type of [:this:] is the generic type based on this element in which
* the type arguments are the declared type variables. For instance,
* [:List<E>:] for [:List:] and [:Map<K,V>:] for [:Map:].
* For a class declaration this is the type of [:this:].
GenericType get thisType;
* The raw type for this type declaration.
* The raw type is the generic type base on this element in which the type
* arguments are all [dynamic]. For instance [:List<dynamic>:] for [:List:]
* and [:Map<dynamic,dynamic>:] for [:Map:]. For non-generic classes [rawType]
* is the same as [thisType].
* The [rawType] field is a canonicalization of the raw type and should be
* used to distinguish explicit and implicit uses of the [dynamic]
* type arguments. For instance should [:List:] be the [rawType] of the
* [:List:] class element whereas [:List<dynamic>:] should be its own
* instantiation of [ResolutionInterfaceType] with [:dynamic:] as type
* argument. Using this distinction, we can print the raw type with type
* arguments only when the input source has used explicit type arguments.
GenericType get rawType;
bool get isResolved;
void ensureResolved(Resolution resolution);
abstract class ClassElement extends TypeDeclarationElement
implements ScopeContainerElement, ClassEntity {
/// The length of the longest inheritance path from [:Object:].
int get hierarchyDepth;
ResolutionInterfaceType get rawType;
ResolutionInterfaceType get thisType;
ClassElement get superclass;
/// The direct supertype of this class.
ResolutionDartType get supertype;
/// Ordered set of all supertypes of this class including the class itself.
OrderedTypeSet get allSupertypesAndSelf;
/// A list of all supertypes of this class excluding the class itself.
Link<ResolutionDartType> get allSupertypes;
/// Returns the this type of this class as an instance of [cls].
ResolutionInterfaceType asInstanceOf(ClassElement cls);
/// A list of all direct superinterfaces of this class.
Link<ResolutionDartType> get interfaces;
bool get hasConstructor;
Link<Element> get constructors;
ClassElement get patch;
ClassElement get origin;
ClassElement get declaration;
ClassElement get implementation;
/// `true` if this class is an enum declaration.
bool get isEnumClass;
/// `true` if this class is a mixin application, either named or unnamed.
bool get isMixinApplication;
/// `true` if this class is a named mixin application, e.g.
/// class NamedMixinApplication = SuperClass with MixinClass;
bool get isNamedMixinApplication;
/// `true` if this class is an unnamed mixin application, e.g. the synthesized
/// `SuperClass+MixinClass` mixin application class in:
/// class Class extends SuperClass with MixinClass {}
bool get isUnnamedMixinApplication;
bool get hasBackendMembers;
bool get hasLocalScopeMembers;
/// Returns `true` if this class is `Object` from dart:core.
bool get isObject;
/// Returns `true` if this class implements [Function] either by directly
/// implementing the interface or by providing a [call] method.
bool implementsFunction(CommonElements commonElements);
/// Returns `true` if this class extends [cls] directly or indirectly.
/// This method is not to be used for checking type hierarchy and assignments,
/// because it does not take parameterized types into account.
bool isSubclassOf(ClassElement cls);
/// Returns `true` if this class explicitly implements [intrface].
/// Note that, if [intrface] is the `Function` class, this method returns
/// false for a class that has a `call` method but does not explicitly
/// implement `Function`.
bool implementsInterface(ClassElement intrface);
bool hasFieldShadowedBy(Element fieldMember);
/// Returns `true` if this class has a @proxy annotation.
bool get isProxy;
/// Returns `true` if the class hierarchy for this class contains errors.
bool get hasIncompleteHierarchy;
void addBackendMember(Element element);
void reverseBackendMembers();
Element lookupMember(String memberName);
/// Looks up a class instance member declared or inherited in this class
/// using [memberName] to match the (private) name and getter/setter property.
/// This method recursively visits superclasses until the member is found or
/// [stopAt] is reached.
Element lookupByName(Name memberName, {ClassElement stopAt});
Element lookupSuperByName(Name memberName);
Element lookupLocalMember(String memberName);
Element lookupBackendMember(String memberName);
Element lookupSuperMember(String memberName);
Element lookupSuperMemberInLibrary(String memberName, LibraryElement library);
// TODO(johnniwinther): Clean up semantics. Can the default constructor take
// optional arguments? Must it be resolved?
ConstructorElement lookupDefaultConstructor();
ConstructorElement lookupConstructor(String name);
void forEachMember(void f(ClassElement enclosingClass, Element member),
{bool includeBackendMembers: false,
bool includeSuperAndInjectedMembers: false});
void forEachInstanceField(
void f(ClassElement enclosingClass, FieldElement field),
{bool includeSuperAndInjectedMembers: false});
/// Similar to [forEachInstanceField] but visits static fields.
void forEachStaticField(void f(ClassElement enclosingClass, Element field));
void forEachBackendMember(void f(Element member));
/// Looks up the member [name] in this class.
Member lookupClassMember(Name name);
/// Calls [f] with each member of this class.
void forEachClassMember(f(Member member));
/// Looks up the member [name] in the interface of this class.
MemberSignature lookupInterfaceMember(Name name);
/// Calls [f] with each member of the interface of this class.
void forEachInterfaceMember(f(MemberSignature member));
/// Returns the type of the 'call' method in the interface of this class, or
/// `null` if the interface has no 'call' method.
ResolutionFunctionType get callType;
abstract class MixinApplicationElement extends ClassElement {
ClassElement get mixin;
ResolutionInterfaceType get mixinType;
/// If this is an unnamed mixin application [subclass] is the subclass for
/// which this mixin application is created.
ClassElement get subclass;
/// Enum declaration.
abstract class EnumClassElement extends ClassElement {
/// The static fields implied by the enum values.
List<EnumConstantElement> get enumValues;
/// An enum constant value.
abstract class EnumConstantElement extends FieldElement {
/// The enum that declared this constant.
EnumClassElement get enclosingClass;
/// The index of this constant within the values of the enum.
int get index;
/// The label entity defined by a labeled statement.
abstract class LabelDefinition extends Entity {
Label get label;
String get labelName;
JumpTarget get target;
bool get isTarget;
bool get isBreakTarget;
bool get isContinueTarget;
void setBreakTarget();
void setContinueTarget();
/// A jump target is the reference point of a statement or switch-case,
/// either by label or as the default target of a break or continue.
abstract class JumpTarget extends Local {
Node get statement;
int get nestingLevel;
List<LabelDefinition> get labels;
bool get isTarget;
bool get isBreakTarget;
bool get isContinueTarget;
bool get isSwitch;
// TODO(kasperl): Try to get rid of these.
void set isBreakTarget(bool value);
void set isContinueTarget(bool value);
LabelDefinition addLabel(Label label, String labelName);
/// The [Element] for a type variable declaration on a generic class or typedef.
abstract class TypeVariableElement extends Element
implements AstElement, TypedElement, TypeVariableEntity {
/// The name of this type variable, taking privacy into account.
Name get memberName;
/// Use [typeDeclaration] instead.
get enclosingElement;
/// The class, typedef, function, method, or function typed parameter on
/// which this type variable is defined.
GenericElement get typeDeclaration;
/// The index of this type variable within its type declaration.
int get index;
/// The [type] defined by the type variable.
ResolutionTypeVariableType get type;
/// The upper bound on the type variable. If not explicitly declared, this is
/// `Object`.
ResolutionDartType get bound;
abstract class MetadataAnnotation implements Spannable {
/// The front-end constant of this metadata annotation.
ConstantExpression get constant;
Element get annotatedElement;
SourceSpan get sourcePosition;
bool get hasNode;
Node get node;
MetadataAnnotation ensureResolved(Resolution resolution);
/// An [Element] that has a type.
abstract class TypedElement extends Element {
/// Do not use [computeType] outside of the resolver; instead retrieve the
/// type from [type] property.
/// Trying to access a type that has not been computed in resolution is an
/// error and calling [computeType] covers that error.
/// This method will go away!
ResolutionDartType computeType(Resolution resolution);
ResolutionDartType get type;
/// An [Element] that can define a function type.
abstract class FunctionTypedElement extends Element implements GenericElement {
/// The function signature for the function type defined by this element,
/// if any.
FunctionSignature get functionSignature;
/// An [Element] that holds a [TreeElements] mapping.
abstract class AnalyzableElement extends Element {
/// Return `true` if [treeElements] have been (partially) computed for this
/// element.
bool get hasTreeElements;
/// Returns the [TreeElements] that hold the resolution information for the
/// AST nodes of this element.
TreeElements get treeElements;
/// An [Element] that (potentially) has a node.
/// Synthesized elements may return `null` from [node].
abstract class AstElement extends AnalyzableElement {
/// `true` if [node] is available and non-null.
bool get hasNode;
/// The AST node of this element.
Node get node;
/// `true` if [resolvedAst] is available.
bool get hasResolvedAst;
/// The defining AST node of this element with is corresponding
/// [TreeElements]. This is not available if [hasResolvedAst] is `false`.
ResolvedAst get resolvedAst;
/// Enum values for different ways of defining semantics for an element.
enum ResolvedAstKind {
/// The semantics of the element is defined in terms of an AST with resolved
/// data mapped in [TreeElements].
/// The element is an implicit default constructor. No AST or [TreeElements]
/// are provided.
/// The element is an implicit forwarding constructor on a mixin application.
/// No AST or [TreeElements] are provided.
/// The element is the `loadLibrary` getter implicitly defined on a deferred
/// prefix.
/// [ResolvedAst] contains info that define the semantics of an element.
abstract class ResolvedAst {
/// The element whose semantics is defined.
Element get element;
/// The kind of semantics definition used for this object.
ResolvedAstKind get kind;
/// The root AST node for the declaration of [element]. This only available if
/// [kind] is `ResolvedAstKind.PARSED`.
Node get node;
/// The AST node for the 'body' of [element].
/// For functions and constructors this is the root AST node of the method
/// body, and for variables this is the root AST node of the initializer, if
/// available.
/// This only available if [kind] is `ResolvedAstKind.PARSED`.
Node get body;
/// The [TreeElements] containing the resolution data for [node]. This only
/// available of [kind] is `ResolvedAstKind.PARSED`.
TreeElements get elements;
/// Returns the uri for the source file defining [node] and [body]. This
/// only available if [kind] is `ResolvedAstKind.PARSED`.
Uri get sourceUri;
/// [ResolvedAst] implementation used for elements whose semantics is defined in
/// terms an AST and a [TreeElements].
class ParsedResolvedAst implements ResolvedAst {
final Element element;
final Node node;
final Node body;
final TreeElements elements;
final Uri sourceUri;
this.element, this.node, this.body, this.elements, this.sourceUri);
ResolvedAstKind get kind => ResolvedAstKind.PARSED;
String toString() => '$kind:$element:$node';
/// [ResolvedAst] implementation used for synthesized elements whose semantics
/// is not defined in terms an AST and a [TreeElements].
class SynthesizedResolvedAst implements ResolvedAst {
final Element element;
final ResolvedAstKind kind;
SynthesizedResolvedAst(this.element, this.kind);
TreeElements get elements {
throw new UnsupportedError('$this does not provide a TreeElements');
Node get node {
throw new UnsupportedError('$this does not have a root AST node');
Node get body {
throw new UnsupportedError('$this does not have a body AST node');
Uri get sourceUri {
throw new UnsupportedError('$this does not have a source URI');
String toString() => '$kind:$element';
/// A [MemberSignature] is a member of an interface.
/// A signature is either a method or a getter or setter, possibly implicitly
/// defined by a field declarations. Fields themselves are not members of an
/// interface.
/// A [MemberSignature] may be defined by a member declaration or may be
/// synthetized from a set of declarations.
abstract class MemberSignature {
/// The name of this member.
Name get name;
/// The type of the member when accessed. For getters and setters this is the
/// return type and argument type, respectively. For methods the type is the
/// [functionType] defined by the return type and parameters.
ResolutionDartType get type;
/// The function type of the member. For a getter `Foo get foo` this is
/// `() -> Foo`, for a setter `void set foo(Foo _)` this is `(Foo) -> void`.
/// For methods the function type is defined by the return type and
/// parameters.
ResolutionFunctionType get functionType;
/// Returns `true` if this member is a getter, possibly implictly defined by a
/// field declaration.
bool get isGetter;
/// Returns `true` if this member is a setter, possibly implictly defined by a
/// field declaration.
bool get isSetter;
/// Returns `true` if this member is a method, that is neither a getter nor
/// setter.
bool get isMethod;
/// Returns an iterable of the declarations that define this member.
Iterable<Member> get declarations;
/// A [Member] is a member of a class, that is either a method or a getter or
/// setter, possibly implicitly defined by a field declarations. Fields
/// themselves are not members of a class.
/// A [Member] of a class also defines a signature which is a member of the
/// corresponding interface type.
/// A [Member] is implicitly concrete. An abstract declaration only declares
/// a signature in the interface of its class.
/// A [Member] is always declared by an [Element] which is accessibly through
/// the [element] getter.
abstract class Member extends MemberSignature {
/// The [Element] that declared this member, possibly implicitly in case of
/// a getter or setter defined by a field.
MemberElement get element;
/// The instance of the class that declared this member.
/// For instance:
/// class A<T> { T m() {} }
/// class B<S> extends A<S> {}
/// The declarer of `m` in `A` is `A<T>` whereas the declarer of `m` in `B` is
/// `A<S>`.
ResolutionInterfaceType get declarer;
/// Returns `true` if this member is static.
bool get isStatic;
/// Returns `true` if this member is a getter or setter implicitly declared
/// by a field.
bool get isDeclaredByField;
/// Returns `true` if this member is abstract.
bool get isAbstract;
/// If abstract, [implementation] points to the overridden concrete member,
/// if any. Otherwise [implementation] points to the member itself.
Member get implementation;