| # Build artifacts and dependencies. |
| /.children |
| /.project |
| /Makefile |
| /base |
| /benchmarks |
| /buildtools |
| /ipch |
| /out |
| /xcodebuild |
| /.flaky.log |
| /.debug.log |
| *.Makefile |
| *.opensdf |
| *.sdf |
| *.sln |
| *.suo |
| *.target.mk |
| *.host.mk |
| *.vcproj |
| *.vcxproj |
| *.vcxproj.filters |
| /*.vcxproj.user |
| *.stamp |
| |
| # Gyp generated files |
| *.xcodeproj |
| *.intermediate |
| |
| # Eclipse config files - also in all subdirectories. |
| .children |
| .project |
| .settings |
| |
| # IntelliJ project files |
| *.iml |
| .idea |
| CMakeLists.txt |
| .clang_complete |
| |
| # Built by chromebot and downloaded from Google Storage |
| client/tests/drt |
| |
| # Compiled python binaries |
| *.pyc |
| |
| # pydev project file. |
| .pydevproject |
| |
| # From the Mac OS X Finder |
| .DS_Store |
| |
| # Pub generated "packages" directories and files |
| packages |
| pubspec.lock |
| |
| # Local pub storage |
| .pub |
| |
| # Vim temporary swap files. |
| *.swp |
| |
| # Kate temporary files. |
| *~ |
| *.kate-swp |
| |
| # Merge files. |
| *.orig |
| *.rej |
| |
| # Generated files. |
| tools/dartium/out |
| tools/out |
| tools/xcodebuild |
| editor/util/testing/mac/CodeLab.suite/Results |
| editor/util/testing/mac/DartEditor.suite/Results |
| editor/util/testing/mac/Samples.suite/Results |
| .test-outcome.log |
| /outline.dill |
| /generated/ |
| /crash_logs/ |