blob: a2b39a603dbbdbb3b5baf3a200e31d5b1ca87791 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Test the Path class in dart:io.
void main() {
void testBaseFunctions() {
testGetters(new Path("/foo/bar/fisk.hest"),
['/foo/bar', 'fisk.hest', 'fisk', 'hest'],
'absolute canonical');
testGetters(new Path(''),
['', '', '', ''],
// This corner case leaves a trailing slash for the root.
testGetters(new Path('/'),
['/', '', '', ''],
'absolute canonical trailing');
testGetters(new Path('.'),
['', '.', '.', ''],
testGetters(new Path('..'),
['', '..', '..', ''],
testGetters(new Path('/ab,;- .c.d'),
['/', 'ab,;- .c.d', 'ab,;- .c', 'd'],
'absolute canonical');
// Canonical and non-canonical cases
testGetters(new Path("a/b/../c/./d/e"),
['a/b/../c/./d', 'e', 'e', ''],
testGetters(new Path("a./b../..c/.d/e"),
['a./b../..c/.d', 'e', 'e', ''],
// .. is allowed at the beginning of a canonical relative path.
testGetters(new Path("../../a/b/c/d/"),
['../../a/b/c/d', '', '', ''],
'canonical trailing');
// '.' at the end of a path is not considered an extension.
testGetters(new Path("a/b.c/."),
['a/b.c', '.', '.', ''],
// '..' at the end of a path is not considered an extension.
testGetters(new Path("a/bc/../.."),
['a/bc/..', '..', '..', ''],
// Test the special path cleaning operations on the Windows platform.
if (Platform.operatingSystem == 'windows') {
testGetters(new Path.fromNative(r"c:\foo\bar\fisk.hest"),
['/c:/foo/bar', 'fisk.hest', 'fisk', 'hest'],
'absolute canonical');
testGetters(new Path.fromNative("\\foo\\bar\\"),
['/foo/bar', '', '', ''],
'absolute canonical trailing');
testGetters(new Path.fromNative("\\foo\\bar\\hest"),
['/foo/bar', 'hest', 'hest', ''],
'absolute canonical');
testGetters(new Path.fromNative(r"foo/bar\hest/.fisk"),
['foo/bar/hest', '.fisk', '', 'fisk'],
testGetters(new Path.fromNative(r"foo//bar\\hest/\/.fisk."),
['foo//bar//hest', '.fisk.', '.fisk', ''],
} else {
// Make sure that backslashes are uninterpreted on other platforms.
testGetters(new Path.fromNative(r"/foo\bar/bif/fisk.hest"),
[r'/foo\bar/bif', 'fisk.hest', 'fisk', 'hest'],
'absolute canonical');
testGetters(new Path.fromNative(r"//foo\bar///bif////fisk.hest"),
[r'//foo\bar///bif', 'fisk.hest', 'fisk', 'hest'],
testGetters(new Path.fromNative(r"/foo\ bar/bif/gule\ fisk.hest"),
[r'/foo\ bar/bif', r'gule\ fisk.hest', r'gule\ fisk', 'hest'],
'absolute canonical');
void testGetters(Path path, List components, String properties) {
final int DIRNAME = 0;
final int FILENAME = 1;
final int EXTENSION = 3;
Expect.equals(components[DIRNAME], path.directoryPath.toString());
Expect.equals(components[FILENAME], path.filename);
Expect.equals(components[EXTENSION], path.extension);
Expect.equals(path.isCanonical, properties.contains('canonical'));
Expect.equals(path.isAbsolute, properties.contains('absolute'));
Expect.equals(path.hasTrailingSeparator, properties.contains('trailing'));
void testCanonicalize() {
Function t = (input, canonicalized) {
Expect.equals(canonicalized, new Path(input).canonicalize().toString());
t('.', '.');
t('./.', '.');
t('foo/..', '.');
t('../foo', '../foo');
t('/../foo', '/foo');
t('/foo/..', '/');
t('/foo/../', '/');
t('/c:/../foo', '/c:/foo');
t('/c:/foo/..', '/c:/');
t('/c:/foo/../', '/c:/');
t('/c:/foo/../..', '/c:/');
t('/c:/foo/../../', '/c:/');
t('..', '..');
t('', '.');
t('/', '/');
t('../foo/bar/..', '../foo');
t('/../foo/bar/..', '/foo');
t('foo/bar/../../../joe/../..', '../..');
t('a/b/c/../../..d/./.e/f././', 'a/..d/.e/f./');
t('/%:/foo/../..', '/%:/');
t('c:/foo/../../..', '..');
t('c:/foo/../../bad/dad/./..', 'bad');
void testJoinAppend() {
void testJoin(String a, String b, String c) {
Expect.equals(new Path(a).join(new Path(b)).toString(), c);
testJoin('/a/b', 'c/d', '/a/b/c/d');
testJoin('a/', 'b/c/', 'a/b/c/');
testJoin('a/b/./c/..//', 'd/.././..//e/f//', 'a/e/f/');
testJoin('a/b', 'c/../../../..', '..');
testJoin('a/b', 'c/../../../', '.');
testJoin('/a/b', 'c/../../../..', '/');
testJoin('/a/b', 'c/../../../', '/');
testJoin('a/b', 'c/../../../../../', '../../');
testJoin('a/b/c', '../../d', 'a/d');
testJoin('/a/b/c', '../../d', '/a/d');
testJoin('/a/b/c', '../../d/', '/a/d/');
testJoin('a/b/c', '../../d/', 'a/d/');
void testAppend(String a, String b, String c) {
Expect.equals(new Path(a).append(b).toString(), c);
testAppend('/a/b', 'c', '/a/b/c');
testAppend('a/b/', 'cd', 'a/b/cd');
testAppend('.', '..', './..');
testAppend('a/b', '/c/d', 'a/b//c/d');
testAppend('', 'foo/bar', 'foo/bar');
testAppend('/foo', '', '/foo/');
// .join can only join a relative path to a path.
// It cannot join an absolute path to a path.
Expect.throws(() => new Path('/a/b/').join(new Path('/c/d')));
void testRelativeTo() {
new Path('/a/b/c/d').relativeTo(new Path('/a/b')).toString());
new Path('/a/b/c/d').relativeTo(new Path('/a/b/')).toString());
new Path('/a').relativeTo(new Path('/a')).toString());
// Trailing / in base path represents directory
new Path('/a/b/z/x/y').relativeTo(new Path('/a/b/c/d/')).toString());
new Path('/a/b/z/x/y').relativeTo(new Path('/a/b/c/d')).toString());
new Path('/a/b/z/x/y/').relativeTo(new Path('/a/b/c/d')).toString());
new Path('/z/x/y').relativeTo(new Path('/a/b/c')).toString());
new Path('/z/x/y').relativeTo(new Path('/a/b/c/')).toString());
// Not implemented yet. Should return new Path('../b/c/d/').
Expect.throws(() =>
new Path('b/c/d/').relativeTo(new Path('a/')));
// Should always throw - no relative path can be constructed.
Expect.throws(() =>
new Path('a/b').relativeTo(new Path('../../d')));