blob: 52a685967c0a4dbe1317023559f15d13163721f7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:analysis_server/lsp_protocol/protocol.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/lsp/json_parsing.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
void main() {
group('toJson', () {
test('returns correct JSON for a union', () {
final num = Either2.t1(1);
final string = Either2.t2('Test');
expect(json.encode(num.toJson()), equals('1'));
expect(json.encode(string.toJson()), equals('"Test"'));
test('returns correct output for union types', () {
final message = RequestMessage(
id: Either2<int, String>.t1(1),
method: Method.shutdown,
jsonrpc: 'test');
final output = json.encode(message.toJson());
expect(output, equals('{"id":1,"jsonrpc":"test","method":"shutdown"}'));
test('returns correct output for union types containing interface types',
() {
final params = Either2<String, TextDocumentItem>.t2(TextDocumentItem(
uri: '!uri', languageId: '!language', version: 1, text: '!text'));
final output = json.encode(params);
test('returns correct output for types with lists', () {
final start = Position(line: 1, character: 1);
final end = Position(line: 2, character: 2);
final range = Range(start: start, end: end);
final location = Location(uri: 'y-uri', range: range);
final codeAction = Diagnostic(
range: range,
severity: DiagnosticSeverity.Error,
code: 'test_err',
source: '/tmp/source.dart',
message: 'err!!',
relatedInformation: [
DiagnosticRelatedInformation(location: location, message: 'message')
final output = json.encode(codeAction.toJson());
final expected = '''{
.replaceAll(RegExp('[ \n]'), '');
expect(output, equals(expected));
test('toJson() converts lists of enums to their underlying values', () {
final kind = CompletionClientCapabilitiesCompletionItemKind(
valueSet: [CompletionItemKind.Color],
final json = kind.toJson();
// The list should contain the toJson (string/int) representation of
// the color, and not the CompletionItemKind itself.
test('serialises enums to their underlying values', () {
final foldingRange = FoldingRange(
startLine: 1,
startCharacter: 2,
endLine: 3,
endCharacter: 4,
kind: FoldingRangeKind.Comment);
final output = json.encode(foldingRange.toJson());
final expected = '''{
.replaceAll(RegExp('[ \n]'), '');
expect(output, equals(expected));
test('ResponseMessage does not include an error with a result', () {
final id = Either2<int, String>.t1(1);
final result = 'my result';
final resp =
ResponseMessage(id: id, result: result, jsonrpc: jsonRpcVersion);
final jsonMap = resp.toJson();
expect(jsonMap, contains('result'));
expect(jsonMap, isNot(contains('error')));
test('canParse returns false for out-of-spec (restricted) enum values', () {
MarkupKind.canParse('NotAMarkupKind', nullLspJsonReporter),
test('canParse returns true for in-spec (restricted) enum values', () {
MarkupKind.canParse('plaintext', nullLspJsonReporter),
test('canParse returns true for out-of-spec (unrestricted) enum values',
() {
SymbolKind.canParse(-1, nullLspJsonReporter),
test('canParse allows nulls in nullable and undefinable fields', () {
// The only required field in InitializeParams is capabilities, and all
// of the fields on that are optional.
final canParse = InitializeParams.canParse({
'processId': null,
'rootUri': null,
'capabilities': <String, Object>{}
}, nullLspJsonReporter);
expect(canParse, isTrue);
test('canParse allows matching literal strings', () {
// The CreateFile type is defined with `{ kind: 'create' }` so the only
// allowed value for `kind` is "create".
final canParse = CreateFile.canParse({
'kind': 'create',
'uri': 'file:///temp/foo',
}, nullLspJsonReporter);
expect(canParse, isTrue);
test('canParse disallows non-matching literal strings', () {
// The CreateFile type is defined with `{ kind: 'create' }` so the only
// allowed value for `kind` is "create".
final canParse = CreateFile.canParse({
'kind': 'not-create',
'uri': 'file:///temp/foo',
}, nullLspJsonReporter);
expect(canParse, isFalse);
test('canParse handles unions of literals', () {
// Key = value to test
// Value whether expected to parse
const testTraceValues = {
'off': true,
'message': false,
'messages': true,
'verbose': true,
null: true,
'invalid': false,
for (final testValue in testTraceValues.keys) {
final expected = testTraceValues[testValue];
final canParse = InitializeParams.canParse({
'processId': null,
'rootUri': null,
'capabilities': <String, Object>{},
'trace': testValue,
}, nullLspJsonReporter);
expect(canParse, expected,
reason: 'InitializeParams.canParse returned $canParse with a '
'"trace" value of "$testValue" but expected $expected');
test('canParse validates optional fields', () {
RenameFileOptions.canParse(<String, Object>{}, nullLspJsonReporter),
RenameFileOptions.canParse({'overwrite': true}, nullLspJsonReporter),
RenameFileOptions.canParse({'overwrite': 1}, nullLspJsonReporter),
test('canParse ignores fields not in the spec', () {
{'overwrite': true, 'invalidField': true}, nullLspJsonReporter),
{'overwrite': 1, 'invalidField': true}, nullLspJsonReporter),
test('canParse records undefined fields', () {
final reporter = LspJsonReporter('params');
expect(CreateFile.canParse(<String, dynamic>{}, reporter), isFalse);
expect(reporter.errors, hasLength(1));
reporter.errors.first, equals('params.kind must not be undefined'));
test('canParse records null fields', () {
final reporter = LspJsonReporter('params');
expect(CreateFile.canParse({'kind': null}, reporter), isFalse);
expect(reporter.errors, hasLength(1));
expect(reporter.errors.first, equals('params.kind must not be null'));
test('canParse records fields of the wrong type', () {
final reporter = LspJsonReporter('params');
expect(RenameFileOptions.canParse({'overwrite': 1}, reporter), isFalse);
expect(reporter.errors, hasLength(1));
equals('params.overwrite must be of type bool'));
test('canParse records nested undefined fields', () {
final reporter = LspJsonReporter('params');
'position': {'line': 1, 'character': 1},
'textDocument': <String, dynamic>{},
}, reporter),
expect(reporter.errors, hasLength(greaterThanOrEqualTo(1)));
equals('params.textDocument.uri must not be undefined'));
test('canParse records nested null fields', () {
final reporter = LspJsonReporter('params');
'position': {'line': 1, 'character': 1},
'textDocument': {'uri': null},
}, reporter),
expect(reporter.errors, hasLength(greaterThanOrEqualTo(1)));
equals('params.textDocument.uri must not be null'));
test('canParse records nested fields of the wrong type', () {
final reporter = LspJsonReporter('params');
'position': {'line': 1, 'character': 1},
'textDocument': {'uri': 1},
}, reporter),
expect(reporter.errors, hasLength(greaterThanOrEqualTo(1)));
equals('params.textDocument.uri must be of type String'));
'canParse records errors when the type is not in the set of allowed types',
() {
final reporter = LspJsonReporter('params');
'documentChanges': {'uri': 1}
}, reporter),
expect(reporter.errors, hasLength(greaterThanOrEqualTo(1)));
'params.documentChanges must be of type Either2<List<Either4<CreateFile, DeleteFile, RenameFile, TextDocumentEdit>>, List<TextDocumentEdit>>'));
test('ResponseMessage can include a null result', () {
final id = Either2<int, String>.t1(1);
final resp = ResponseMessage(id: id, jsonrpc: jsonRpcVersion);
final jsonMap = resp.toJson();
expect(jsonMap, contains('result'));
expect(jsonMap, isNot(contains('error')));
test('ResponseMessage does not include a result for an error', () {
final id = Either2<int, String>.t1(1);
final error =
ResponseError(code: ErrorCodes.ParseError, message: 'Error');
final resp =
ResponseMessage(id: id, error: error, jsonrpc: jsonRpcVersion);
final jsonMap = resp.toJson();
expect(jsonMap, contains('error'));
expect(jsonMap, isNot(contains('result')));
test('ResponseMessage throws if both result and error are non-null', () {
final id = Either2<int, String>.t1(1);
final result = 'my result';
final error =
ResponseError(code: ErrorCodes.ParseError, message: 'Error');
final resp = ResponseMessage(
id: id, result: result, error: error, jsonrpc: jsonRpcVersion);
expect(resp.toJson, throwsA(TypeMatcher<String>()));
group('fromJson', () {
test('parses JSON for types with unions (left side)', () {
final input = '{"id":1,"method":"shutdown","jsonrpc":"test"}';
final message =
RequestMessage.fromJson(jsonDecode(input) as Map<String, Object?>);
expect(, equals(Either2<num, String>.t1(1)));
expect(, isTrue);
expect(message.jsonrpc, 'test');
expect(message.method, Method.shutdown);
test('parses JSON for types with unions (right side)', () {
final input = '{"id":"one","method":"shutdown","jsonrpc":"test"}';
final message =
RequestMessage.fromJson(jsonDecode(input) as Map<String, Object?>);
expect(, equals(Either2<num, String>.t2('one')));
expect('one'), isTrue);
expect(message.jsonrpc, 'test');
expect(message.method, Method.shutdown);
test('parses JSON with nulls for unions that allow null', () {
final input = '{"id":null,"jsonrpc":"test"}';
final message =
ResponseMessage.fromJson(jsonDecode(input) as Map<String, Object?>);
expect(, isNull);
test('parses JSON with nulls for unions that allow null', () {
final input = '{"method":"test","jsonrpc":"test"}';
final message = NotificationMessage.fromJson(
jsonDecode(input) as Map<String, Object?>);
expect(message.params, isNull);
test('deserialises subtypes into the correct class', () {
// Create some JSON that includes a VersionedTextDocumentIdenfitier but
// where the class definition only references a TextDocumentIdemntifier.
final input = jsonEncode(TextDocumentPositionParams(
textDocument: VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier(
version: 111, uri: 'file:///foo/bar.dart'),
position: Position(line: 1, character: 1),
final params = TextDocumentPositionParams.fromJson(
jsonDecode(input) as Map<String, Object?>);
const TypeMatcher<VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier>());
test('parses JSON with unknown fields', () {
final input =
final message =
RequestMessage.fromJson(jsonDecode(input) as Map<String, Object?>);
expect(, isTrue);
expect(message.method, equals(Method('foo')));
expect(message.params, isNull);
expect(message.jsonrpc, equals('test'));
test('objects with lists can round-trip through to json and back', () {
final workspaceFolders = [
WorkspaceFolder(uri: '!uri1', name: '!name1'),
WorkspaceFolder(uri: '!uri2', name: '!name2'),
final obj = InitializeParams(
processId: 1,
InitializeParamsClientInfo(name: 'server name', version: '1.2.3'),
rootPath: '!root',
capabilities: ClientCapabilities(),
trace: 'off',
workspaceFolders: workspaceFolders,
final json = jsonEncode(obj);
final restoredObj =
InitializeParams.fromJson(jsonDecode(json) as Map<String, Object?>);
final restoredWorkspaceFolders = restoredObj.workspaceFolders!;
expect(restoredWorkspaceFolders, hasLength(workspaceFolders.length));
for (var i = 0; i < workspaceFolders.length; i++) {
restoredWorkspaceFolders[i].name, equals(workspaceFolders[i].name));
expect(restoredWorkspaceFolders[i].uri, equals(workspaceFolders[i].uri));
test('objects with enums can round-trip through to json and back', () {
final obj = FoldingRange(
startLine: 1,
startCharacter: 2,
endLine: 3,
endCharacter: 4,
kind: FoldingRangeKind.Comment);
final json = jsonEncode(obj);
final restoredObj =
FoldingRange.fromJson(jsonDecode(json) as Map<String, Object?>);
expect(restoredObj.startLine, equals(obj.startLine));
expect(restoredObj.startCharacter, equals(obj.startCharacter));
expect(restoredObj.endLine, equals(obj.endLine));
expect(restoredObj.endCharacter, equals(obj.endCharacter));
expect(restoredObj.kind, equals(obj.kind));
test('objects with maps can round-trip through to json and back', () {
final start = Position(line: 1, character: 1);
final end = Position(line: 2, character: 2);
final range = Range(start: start, end: end);
final obj = WorkspaceEdit(changes: <String, List<TextEdit>>{
'fileA': [TextEdit(range: range, newText: 'text A')],
'fileB': [TextEdit(range: range, newText: 'text B')]
final json = jsonEncode(obj);
final restoredObj =
WorkspaceEdit.fromJson(jsonDecode(json) as Map<String, Object?>);
expect(restoredObj.documentChanges, equals(obj.documentChanges));
expect(restoredObj.changes, equals(obj.changes));
expect(restoredObj.changes!.keys, equals(obj.changes!.keys));
expect(restoredObj.changes!.values, equals(obj.changes!.values));