blob: 23c804b9c2fef7b6a1ce62fed0650e1a70813b95 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/standard_resolution_map.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/syntactic_entity.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/token.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/visitor.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/type.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/visitor.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/file_system/file_system.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/inheritance_manager2.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/bazel.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/gn.dart';
import 'package:analyzer_plugin/protocol/protocol_common.dart'
show KytheEntry, KytheVName;
import 'schema.dart' as schema;
const int _notFound = -1;
/// Given some [ConstructorElement], this method returns '<class-name>' as the
/// name of the constructor, unless the constructor is a named constructor in
/// which '<class-name>.<constructor-name>' is returned.
String _computeConstructorElementName(ConstructorElement element) {
assert(element != null);
var name =;
var constructorName =;
if (!constructorName.isEmpty) {
name = name + '.' + constructorName;
return name;
/// Create an anchor signature of the form '<start>-<end>'.
String _getAnchorSignature(int start, int end) {
return '$start-$end';
String _getPath(ResourceProvider provider, Element e) {
// TODO(jwren) This method simply serves to provide the WORKSPACE relative
// path for sources in Elements, it needs to be written in a more robust way.
// TODO(jwren) figure out what source generates a e != null, but
// e.source == null to ensure that it is not a bug somewhere in the stack.
if (e == null || e.source == null) {
// null sometimes when the element is used to generate the node type
// "dynamic"
return '';
String path = e.source.fullName;
BazelWorkspace bazelWorkspace = BazelWorkspace.find(provider, path);
if (bazelWorkspace != null) {
return provider.pathContext.relative(path, from: bazelWorkspace.root);
GnWorkspace gnWorkspace = GnWorkspace.find(provider, path);
if (gnWorkspace != null) {
return provider.pathContext.relative(path, from: gnWorkspace.root);
if (path.lastIndexOf('CORPUS_NAME') != -1) {
return path.substring(path.lastIndexOf('CORPUS_NAME') + 12);
return path;
/// If a non-null element is passed, the [SignatureElementVisitor] is used to
/// generate and return a [String] signature, otherwise [schema.DYNAMIC_KIND] is
/// returned.
String _getSignature(ResourceProvider provider, Element element,
String nodeKind, String corpus) {
assert(nodeKind != schema.ANCHOR_KIND); // Call _getAnchorSignature instead
if (element == null) {
return schema.DYNAMIC_KIND;
if (element is CompilationUnitElement) {
return _getPath(provider, element);
return '$nodeKind:${element.accept(SignatureElementVisitor.instance)}';
class CodedBufferWriter {
CodedBufferWriter(var v);
toBuffer() {}
/// This visitor writes out Kythe facts and edges as specified by the Kythe
/// Schema here This visitor handles all nodes,
/// facts and edges.
class KytheDartVisitor extends GeneralizingAstVisitor with OutputUtils {
final ResourceProvider resourceProvider;
final List<KytheEntry> entries;
final String corpus;
final InheritanceManager2 _inheritanceManager;
final String _contents;
String _enclosingFilePath = '';
Element _enclosingElement;
ClassElement _enclosingClassElement;
KytheVName _enclosingVName;
KytheVName _enclosingFileVName;
KytheVName _enclosingClassVName;
KytheDartVisitor(this.resourceProvider, this.entries, this.corpus,
this._inheritanceManager, this._contents);
String get enclosingFilePath => _enclosingFilePath;
visitAnnotation(Annotation node) {
// TODO(jwren) To get the full set of cross refs correct, additional ref
// edges are needed, example: from "A" in "A.namedConstructor()"
var start =;
var end =;
if (node.constructorName != null) {
end = node.constructorName.end;
var refVName = _handleRefEdge(
const <String>[schema.REF_EDGE],
start: start,
end: end,
if (refVName != null) {
var parentNode = node.parent;
if (parentNode is Declaration) {
Element parentElement = parentNode.declaredElement;
if (parentNode is TopLevelVariableDeclaration) {
parentNode.variables, refVName);
} else if (parentNode is FieldDeclaration) {
parentNode.fields, refVName);
} else if (parentElement != null) {
var parentVName =
_vNameFromElement(parentElement, _getNodeKind(parentElement));
addEdge(parentVName, schema.ANNOTATED_BY_EDGE, refVName);
} else {
// parentAstNode is not a variable declaration node and
// parentElement == null
} else {
// parentAstNode is not a Declaration
// TODO(jwren) investigate
// throw new Exception('parentAstNode.runtimeType = ${parentAstNode.runtimeType}');
// assert(false);
// visit children
visitAssignmentExpression(AssignmentExpression node) {
// operator
// NOTE: usage node only written out if assignment is not the '=' operator,
// we are looking for an operator such as +=, -=, *=, /=
Token operator = node.operator;
MethodElement element = node.staticElement;
if (operator.type != TokenType.EQ && element != null) {
// method
_vNameFromElement(element, schema.FUNCTION_KIND);
// anchor- ref/call
syntacticEntity: node.operator, enclosingTarget: _enclosingVName);
// TODO (jwren) Add function type information
// visit children
visitBinaryExpression(BinaryExpression node) {
// operators such as +, -, *, /
MethodElement element = node.staticElement;
if (element != null) {
// method
_vNameFromElement(element, schema.FUNCTION_KIND);
// anchor- ref/call
syntacticEntity: node.operator, enclosingTarget: _enclosingVName);
// TODO (jwren) Add function type information
// visit children
visitClassDeclaration(ClassDeclaration node) {
return _withEnclosingElement(node.declaredElement, () {
// record/ class node
nodeVName: _enclosingClassVName,
subKind: schema.CLASS_SUBKIND,
completeFact: schema.DEFINITION);
// anchor- defines/binding
edges: [
target: _enclosingClassVName,
enclosingTarget: _enclosingFileVName);
// anchor- defines
syntacticEntity: node,
edges: [
target: _enclosingClassVName);
// extends
var supertype = _enclosingClassElement.supertype;
if (supertype?.element != null) {
var recordSupertypeVName =
_vNameFromElement(supertype.element, schema.RECORD_KIND);
_enclosingClassVName, schema.EXTENDS_EDGE, recordSupertypeVName);
// implements
var interfaces = _enclosingClassElement.interfaces;
for (var interface in interfaces) {
if (interface.element != null) {
var recordInterfaceVName =
_vNameFromElement(interface.element, schema.RECORD_KIND);
_enclosingClassVName, schema.EXTENDS_EDGE, recordInterfaceVName);
// mixins
var mixins = _enclosingClassElement.mixins;
for (var mixin in mixins) {
if (mixin.element != null) {
var recordMixinVName =
_vNameFromElement(mixin.element, schema.RECORD_KIND);
addEdge(_enclosingClassVName, schema.EXTENDS_EDGE, recordMixinVName);
// TODO (jwren) type parameters
// visit children
visitClassTypeAlias(ClassTypeAlias node) {
return _withEnclosingElement(node.declaredElement, () {
// record/ class node
nodeVName: _enclosingClassVName,
subKind: schema.CLASS_SUBKIND,
completeFact: schema.DEFINITION);
// anchor
edges: [
target: _enclosingClassVName,
enclosingTarget: _enclosingFileVName);
// superclass
// The super type is not in an ExtendsClause (as is the case with
// ClassDeclarations) and super.visitClassTypeAlias is not sufficient.
const <String>[schema.REF_EDGE],
syntacticEntity: node.superclass,
// TODO(jwren) refactor the following lines into a method that can be used
// by visitClassDeclaration()
// extends
var recordSupertypeVName = _vNameFromElement(, schema.RECORD_KIND);
addEdge(_enclosingClassVName, schema.EXTENDS_EDGE, recordSupertypeVName);
// implements
var interfaces = _enclosingClassElement.interfaces;
for (var interface in interfaces) {
if (interface.element != null) {
var recordInterfaceVName =
_vNameFromElement(interface.element, schema.RECORD_KIND);
_enclosingClassVName, schema.EXTENDS_EDGE, recordInterfaceVName);
// mixins
var mixins = _enclosingClassElement.mixins;
for (var mixin in mixins) {
if (mixin.element != null) {
var recordMixinVName =
_vNameFromElement(mixin.element, schema.RECORD_KIND);
addEdge(_enclosingClassVName, schema.EXTENDS_EDGE, recordMixinVName);
// visit children
visitCompilationUnit(CompilationUnit node) {
_enclosingFilePath = _getPath(resourceProvider, node.declaredElement);
return _withEnclosingElement(node.declaredElement, () {
addFact(_enclosingFileVName, schema.NODE_KIND_FACT,
addFact(_enclosingFileVName, schema.TEXT_FACT, _encode(_contents));
addFact(_enclosingFileVName, schema.TEXT_ENCODING_FACT,
// handle LibraryDirective:
// A "package" VName in Kythe, schema.PACKAGE_KIND, is a Dart "library".
// Don't use visitLibraryDirective as this won't generate a package
// VName for libraries that don't have a library directive.
var libraryElement =
if (libraryElement.definingCompilationUnit == node.declaredElement) {
LibraryDirective libraryDirective;
for (var directive in node.directives) {
if (directive is LibraryDirective) {
libraryDirective = directive;
var start = 0;
var end = 0;
if (libraryDirective != null) {
start =;
end =;
// package node
var packageVName = addNodeAndFacts(schema.PACKAGE_KIND,
element: libraryElement, completeFact: schema.DEFINITION);
// anchor
start: start,
end: end,
edges: [
target: packageVName,
enclosingTarget: _enclosingFileVName);
visitConstructorDeclaration(ConstructorDeclaration node) {
return _withEnclosingElement(node.declaredElement, () {
// function/ constructor node
var constructorVName = addNodeAndFacts(schema.FUNCTION_KIND,
element: node.declaredElement,
completeFact: schema.DEFINITION);
// anchor
var start = node.returnType.offset;
var end = node.returnType.end;
if ( != null) {
end =;
start: start,
end: end,
edges: [
target: constructorVName,
enclosingTarget: _enclosingClassVName);
// function type
addFunctionType(node.declaredElement, node.parameters, constructorVName,
returnNode: node.returnType);
// TODO(jwren) handle implicit constructor case
// TODO(jwren) handle redirected constructor case
// visit children
visitDeclaredIdentifier(DeclaredIdentifier node) {
_handleVariableDeclaration(node.declaredElement, node.identifier,
subKind: schema.LOCAL_SUBKIND,
type: resolutionMap.elementDeclaredByDeclaredIdentifier(node).type);
// no children
visitEnumConstantDeclaration(EnumConstantDeclaration node) {
// constant node
var constDeclVName =
addNodeAndFacts(schema.CONSTANT_KIND, element: node.declaredElement);
// anchor- defines/binding, defines
edges: [
target: constDeclVName,
enclosingTarget: _enclosingClassVName);
// no children
visitEnumDeclaration(EnumDeclaration node) {
return _withEnclosingElement(node.declaredElement, () {
// record/ enum node
nodeVName: _enclosingClassVName,
subKind: schema.ENUM_CLASS_SUBKIND,
completeFact: schema.DEFINITION);
// anchor- defines/binding
edges: [
target: _enclosingClassVName,
enclosingTarget: _enclosingFileVName);
// anchor- defines
syntacticEntity: node,
edges: [
target: _enclosingClassVName);
// visit children
visitFieldFormalParameter(FieldFormalParameter node) {
// identifier
// Specified as Element, not var, so that the type can be changed in the
// if-block.
Element element = node.declaredElement;
if (element is FieldFormalParameterElement) {
element = (element as FieldFormalParameterElement).field;
const <String>[schema.REF_EDGE],
syntacticEntity: node.identifier,
// visit children
visitFunctionDeclaration(FunctionDeclaration node) {
return _withEnclosingElement(node.declaredElement, () {
// function node
var functionVName = addNodeAndFacts(schema.FUNCTION_KIND,
element: node.declaredElement, completeFact: schema.DEFINITION);
// anchor- defines/binding
edges: [
target: functionVName,
enclosingTarget: _enclosingFileVName);
// anchor- defines
syntacticEntity: node,
edges: [
target: functionVName);
// function type
addFunctionType(node.declaredElement, node.functionExpression.parameters,
returnNode: node.returnType);
visitFunctionExpression(FunctionExpression node) {
return _withEnclosingElement(
node.declaredElement, () => super.visitFunctionExpression(node));
visitFunctionTypeAlias(FunctionTypeAlias node) {
// return type
var returnType = node.returnType;
if (returnType is TypeName) {
const <String>[schema.REF_EDGE],
} else if (returnType is GenericFunctionType) {
// TODO(jwren): add support for generic function types.
throw new UnimplementedError();
} else if (returnType != null) {
throw new StateError(
'Unexpected TypeAnnotation subtype: ${returnType.runtimeType}');
// visit children
visitFunctionTypedFormalParameter(FunctionTypedFormalParameter node) {
// TODO(jwren) Missing graph coverage on FunctionTypedFormalParameters
// visit children
visitImportDirective(ImportDirective node) {
// uri
_handleUriReference(node.uri, node.uriElement);
// prefix
var prefixIdentifier = node.prefix;
if (prefixIdentifier != null) {
// variable
prefixIdentifier.staticElement, prefixIdentifier);
// visit children
visitIndexExpression(IndexExpression node) {
// index method ref/call
var element = node.staticElement;
var start = node.leftBracket.offset;
var end = node.rightBracket.end;
// anchor- ref/call
start: start, end: end, enclosingTarget: _enclosingVName);
// visit children
visitInstanceCreationExpression(InstanceCreationExpression node) {
// constructorName
var constructorName = node.constructorName;
var constructorElement =
if (constructorElement != null) {
// anchor- ref/call
syntacticEntity: constructorName, enclosingTarget: _enclosingVName);
// Now write out a ref edge from the same anchor (constructorName) to the
// enclosing class of the called constructor, this will make the
// invocation of a constructor discoverable when someone inquires about
// references to the class.
// We can't call _handleRefEdge as the anchor node has already been
// written out.
var enclosingEltVName = _vNameFromElement(
constructorElement.enclosingElement, schema.RECORD_KIND);
var anchorVName =
_vNameAnchor(constructorName.offset, constructorName.end);
addEdge(anchorVName, schema.REF_EDGE, enclosingEltVName);
// TODO(jwren): investigate
// assert (element.enclosingElement != null);
// visit children
visitMethodDeclaration(MethodDeclaration node) {
return _withEnclosingElement(node.declaredElement, () {
// function node
var methodVName = addNodeAndFacts(schema.FUNCTION_KIND,
element: node.declaredElement, completeFact: schema.DEFINITION);
// anchor- defines/binding
edges: [
target: methodVName,
enclosingTarget: _enclosingClassVName);
// anchor- defines
syntacticEntity: node,
edges: [
target: methodVName);
// function type
addFunctionType(node.declaredElement, node.parameters, methodVName,
returnNode: node.returnType);
// override edges
var overriddenSignatures = _inheritanceManager.getOverridden(
new Name(
for (FunctionType signature in overriddenSignatures) {
_vNameFromElement(signature.element, schema.FUNCTION_KIND),
// visit children
visitMethodInvocation(MethodInvocation node) {
var element = node.methodName?.staticElement;
// anchor- ref/call
_handleRefCallEdge(element, syntacticEntity: node.methodName);
// visit children
visitSimpleFormalParameter(SimpleFormalParameter node) {
// parameter node
var paramVName = addNodeAndFacts(schema.VARIABLE_KIND,
element: node.declaredElement,
completeFact: schema.DEFINITION);
// node.identifier can be null in cases with the new generic function type
// syntax
// TODO(jwren) add test cases for this situation
if (node.identifier != null) {
// The anchor and anchor edges generation are broken into two cases, the
// first case is "method(parameter_name) ...", where the the parameter
// character range only includes a parameter name. The second case is for
// parameter declarations which are prefixed with a type, 'var', or
// 'dynamic', as in "method(var parameter_name) ...".
// With the first case a single anchor range is created, for the second
// case an anchor is created on parameter_name, as well as the range
// including any prefixes.
if (node.offset == node.identifier.offset &&
node.length == node.identifier.length) {
// anchor- defines/binding, defines
syntacticEntity: node.identifier,
edges: [
target: paramVName,
enclosingTarget: _enclosingVName);
} else {
// anchor- defines/binding
syntacticEntity: node.identifier,
edges: [
target: paramVName,
enclosingTarget: _enclosingVName);
// anchor- defines
syntacticEntity: node,
edges: [
target: paramVName);
// type
// visit children
visitSimpleIdentifier(SimpleIdentifier node) {
// Most simple identifiers are "ref" edges. In cases some cases, there may
// be other ref/* edges.
if (node.getAncestor((node) => node is CommentReference) != null) {
// The identifier is in a comment, add just the "ref" edge.
const <String>[schema.REF_EDGE],
syntacticEntity: node,
} else if (node.inDeclarationContext()) {
// The node is in a declaration context, and should have
// "ref/defines/binding" edge as well as the default "ref" edge.
const <String>[schema.DEFINES_BINDING_EDGE, schema.REF_EDGE],
syntacticEntity: node,
} else {
_handleRefCallEdge(node.staticElement, syntacticEntity: node);
// no children to visit
visitSuperExpression(SuperExpression node) {
visitThisExpression(ThisExpression node) {
visitUriBasedDirective(UriBasedDirective node) {
_handleUriReference(node.uri, node.uriElement);
// visit children
visitVariableDeclaration(VariableDeclaration node) {
var isLocal = _enclosingVName != _enclosingClassVName &&
_enclosingVName != _enclosingFileVName;
// variable
subKind: isLocal ? schema.LOCAL_SUBKIND : schema.FIELD_SUBKIND,
type: resolutionMap.elementDeclaredByVariableDeclaration(node).type);
// visit children
Element _findNonSyntheticElement(Element element) {
if (element == null || !element.isSynthetic) {
return element;
if (element is PropertyAccessorElement) {
if (!element.variable.isSynthetic) {
return element.variable;
} else if (element.correspondingGetter != null &&
!element.correspondingGetter.isSynthetic) {
return element.correspondingGetter;
} else if (element.correspondingSetter != null &&
!element.correspondingSetter.isSynthetic) {
return element.correspondingSetter;
return null;
String _getNodeKind(Element e) {
if (e is FieldElement && e.isEnumConstant) {
// FieldElement is a kind of VariableElement, so this test case must be
// before the e is VariableElement check.
return schema.CONSTANT_KIND;
} else if (e is VariableElement || e is PrefixElement) {
return schema.VARIABLE_KIND;
} else if (e is ExecutableElement) {
return schema.FUNCTION_KIND;
} else if (e is ClassElement || e is TypeParameterElement) {
// TODO(jwren): this should be using absvar instead, see
return schema.RECORD_KIND;
return null;
Element element, {
SyntacticEntity syntacticEntity: null,
int start: _notFound,
int end: _notFound,
KytheVName enclosingTarget: null,
}) {
if (element is ExecutableElement &&
_enclosingVName != _enclosingFileVName) {
const <String>[schema.REF_CALL_EDGE, schema.REF_EDGE],
syntacticEntity: syntacticEntity,
start: start,
end: end,
enclosingTarget: enclosingTarget,
enclosingAnchor: _enclosingVName,
} else {
const <String>[schema.REF_EDGE],
syntacticEntity: syntacticEntity,
start: start,
end: end,
enclosingTarget: enclosingTarget,
/// This is a convenience method for adding ref edges. If the [start] and
/// [end] offsets are provided, they are used, otherwise the offsets are
/// computed by using the [syntacticEntity]. The list of edges is assumed to
/// be non-empty, and are added from the anchor to the target generated using
/// the passed [Element]. The created [KytheVName] is returned, if not `null`
/// is returned.
KytheVName _handleRefEdge(
Element element,
List<String> refEdgeTypes, {
SyntacticEntity syntacticEntity: null,
int start: _notFound,
int end: _notFound,
KytheVName enclosingTarget: null,
KytheVName enclosingAnchor: null,
}) {
element = _findNonSyntheticElement(element);
if (element == null) {
return null;
// vname
var nodeKind = _getNodeKind(element);
if (nodeKind == null || nodeKind.isEmpty) {
return null;
var vName = _vNameFromElement(element, nodeKind);
assert(vName != null);
// anchor
start: start,
end: end,
syntacticEntity: syntacticEntity,
edges: refEdgeTypes,
target: vName,
enclosingTarget: enclosingTarget,
enclosingAnchor: enclosingAnchor,
return vName;
void _handleThisOrSuper(Expression thisOrSuperNode) {
DartType type = thisOrSuperNode.staticType;
if (type != null && type.element != null) {
// Expected SuperExpression.staticType to return the type of the
// supertype, but it returns the type of the enclosing class (same as
// ThisExpression), do some additional work to correct assumption:
if (thisOrSuperNode is SuperExpression && type.element is ClassElement) {
DartType supertype = (type.element as ClassElement).supertype;
if (supertype != null) {
type = supertype;
// vname
var vName = _vNameFromElement(type.element, schema.RECORD_KIND);
// anchor
var anchorVName = addAnchorEdgesContainingEdge(
syntacticEntity: thisOrSuperNode,
edges: [schema.REF_EDGE],
target: vName);
// childof from the anchor
addEdge(anchorVName, schema.CHILD_OF_EDGE, _enclosingVName);
// no children to visit
/// Add a "ref/imports" edge from the passed [uriNode] location to the
/// [referencedElement] [Element]. If the passed element is null, the edge is
/// not written out.
void _handleUriReference(StringLiteral uriNode, Element referencedElement) {
if (referencedElement != null) {
var start = uriNode.offset;
var end = uriNode.end;
// The following is the expected and common case.
// The contents between the quotes is used as the location to work well
// with CodeSearch.
if (uriNode is SimpleStringLiteral) {
start = uriNode.contentsOffset;
end = uriNode.contentsEnd;
// package node
var packageVName =
_vNameFromElement(referencedElement, schema.PACKAGE_KIND);
// anchor
start: start,
end: end,
edges: [schema.REF_IMPORTS_EDGE],
target: packageVName,
enclosingTarget: _enclosingFileVName);
void _handleVariableDeclaration(
Element element, SyntacticEntity syntacticEntity,
{String subKind, DartType type}) {
// variable
var variableVName = addNodeAndFacts(schema.VARIABLE_KIND,
element: element, subKind: subKind, completeFact: schema.DEFINITION);
// anchor
syntacticEntity: syntacticEntity,
edges: [
target: variableVName,
enclosingTarget: _enclosingVName);
// type
if (type != null) {
addEdge(variableVName, schema.TYPED_EDGE, _vNameFromType(type));
VariableDeclarationList variableDeclarationList, KytheVName refVName) {
assert(refVName != null);
for (var varDecl in variableDeclarationList.variables) {
if (varDecl.declaredElement != null) {
var parentVName =
_vNameFromElement(varDecl.declaredElement, schema.VARIABLE_KIND);
addEdge(parentVName, schema.ANNOTATED_BY_EDGE, refVName);
} else {
// The element out of the VarDeclarationList is null
/// If the given [node] is not `null`, accept this visitor.
void _safelyVisit(AstNode node) {
if (node != null) {
/// If the given [nodeList] is not `null`, accept this visitor.
void _safelyVisitList(NodeList nodeList) {
if (nodeList != null) {
_withEnclosingElement(Element element, f()) {
Element outerEnclosingElement = _enclosingElement;
Element outerEnclosingClassElement = _enclosingClassElement;
var outerEnclosingVName = _enclosingVName;
var outerEnclosingClassVName = _enclosingClassVName;
try {
_enclosingElement = element;
if (element is CompilationUnitElement) {
_enclosingFileVName = _enclosingVName = _vNameFile();
} else if (element is ClassElement) {
_enclosingClassElement = element;
_enclosingClassVName = _enclosingVName =
_vNameFromElement(_enclosingClassElement, schema.RECORD_KIND);
} else if (element is MethodElement ||
element is FunctionElement ||
element is ConstructorElement) {
_enclosingVName =
_vNameFromElement(_enclosingElement, schema.FUNCTION_KIND);
return f();
} finally {
_enclosingElement = outerEnclosingElement;
_enclosingClassElement = outerEnclosingClassElement;
_enclosingClassVName = outerEnclosingClassVName;
_enclosingVName = outerEnclosingVName;
/// This class is meant to be a mixin to concrete visitor methods to walk the
/// [Element] or [AstNode]s produced by the Dart Analyzer to output Kythe
/// [KytheEntry] protos.
abstract class OutputUtils {
/// A set of [String]s which have already had a name [KytheVName] created.
final Set<String> nameNodes = new Set<String>();
String get corpus;
KytheVName get dynamicBuiltin => _vName(schema.DYNAMIC_KIND, '', '', '');
String get enclosingFilePath;
List<KytheEntry> get entries;
KytheVName get fnBuiltin => _vName(schema.FN_BUILTIN, '', '', '');
ResourceProvider get resourceProvider;
KytheVName get voidBuiltin => _vName(schema.VOID_BUILTIN, '', '', '');
/// This is a convenience method for adding anchors. If the [start] and [end]
/// offsets are provided, they are used, otherwise the offsets are computed by
/// using the [syntacticEntity]. If a non-empty list of edges is provided, as
/// well as a target, then this method also adds the edges from the anchor to
/// target. The anchor [KytheVName] is returned.
/// If a [target] and [enclosingTarget] are provided, a childof edge is
/// written out from the target to the enclosing target.
/// If an [enclosingAnchor] is provided a childof edge is written out from the
/// anchor to the enclosing anchor. In cases where ref/call is an edge, this
/// is required to generate the callgraph.
/// Finally, for all anchors, a childof edge with a target of the enclosing
/// file is written out.
KytheVName addAnchorEdgesContainingEdge({
SyntacticEntity syntacticEntity: null,
int start: _notFound,
int end: _notFound,
List<String> edges: const [],
KytheVName target: null,
KytheVName enclosingTarget: null,
KytheVName enclosingAnchor: null,
}) {
if (start == _notFound && end == _notFound) {
if (syntacticEntity != null) {
start = syntacticEntity.offset;
end = syntacticEntity.end;
} else {
throw new Exception('Offset positions were not provided when calling '
// TODO(jwren) investigate
// assert(start < end);
var anchorVName = _vNameAnchor(start, end);
addFact(anchorVName, schema.NODE_KIND_FACT, _encode(schema.ANCHOR_KIND));
addFact(anchorVName, schema.ANCHOR_START_FACT, _encodeInt(start));
addFact(anchorVName, schema.ANCHOR_END_FACT, _encodeInt(end));
if (target != null) {
for (String edge in edges) {
addEdge(anchorVName, edge, target);
if (enclosingTarget != null) {
addEdge(target, schema.CHILD_OF_EDGE, enclosingTarget);
// If provided, write out the childof edge to the enclosing anchor
if (enclosingAnchor != null) {
addEdge(anchorVName, schema.CHILD_OF_EDGE, enclosingAnchor);
// Assert that if ref/call is one of the edges, that and enclosing anchor
// was provided for the callgraph.
// Documentation at
if (edges.contains(schema.REF_CALL_EDGE)) {
assert(enclosingAnchor != null);
// Finally add the childof edge to the enclosing file VName.
addEdge(anchorVName, schema.CHILD_OF_EDGE, _vNameFile());
return anchorVName;
/// TODO(jwren): for cases where the target is a name, we need the same kind
/// of logic as [addNameFact] to prevent the edge from being written out.
/// This is a convenience method for visitors to add an edge Entry.
KytheEntry addEdge(KytheVName source, String edgeKind, KytheVName target,
{int ordinalIntValue: _notFound}) {
if (ordinalIntValue == _notFound) {
return addEntry(source, edgeKind, target, "/", new List<int>());
} else {
return addEntry(source, edgeKind, target, schema.ORDINAL,
KytheEntry addEntry(KytheVName source, String edgeKind, KytheVName target,
String factName, List<int> factValue) {
assert(source != null);
assert(factName != null);
assert(factValue != null);
// factValue may be an empty array, the fact may be that a file text or
// document text is empty
if (edgeKind == null || edgeKind.isEmpty) {
edgeKind = null;
target = null;
var entry = new KytheEntry(source, factName,
kind: edgeKind, target: target, value: factValue);
return entry;
/// This is a convenience method for visitors to add a fact [KytheEntry].
KytheEntry addFact(KytheVName source, String factName, List<int> factValue) {
return addEntry(source, null, null, factName, factValue);
/// This is a convenience method for adding function types.
KytheVName addFunctionType(
Element functionElement,
FormalParameterList paramNodes,
KytheVName functionVName, {
AstNode returnNode: null,
}) {
var i = 0;
var funcTypeVName =
addNodeAndFacts(schema.TAPP_KIND, element: functionElement);
addEdge(funcTypeVName, schema.PARAM_EDGE, fnBuiltin, ordinalIntValue: i++);
var returnTypeVName;
if (returnNode is TypeName) {
// MethodDeclaration and FunctionDeclaration both return a TypeName from
// returnType
if (resolutionMap.typeForTypeName(returnNode).isVoid) {
returnTypeVName = voidBuiltin;
} else {
returnTypeVName =
_vNameFromElement(, schema.TAPP_KIND);
} else if (returnNode is Identifier) {
// ConstructorDeclaration returns an Identifier from returnType
if (resolutionMap.staticTypeForExpression(returnNode).isVoid) {
returnTypeVName = voidBuiltin;
} else {
returnTypeVName =
_vNameFromElement(returnNode.staticElement, schema.TAPP_KIND);
// else: return type is null, void, unresolved.
if (returnTypeVName != null) {
addEdge(funcTypeVName, schema.PARAM_EDGE, returnTypeVName,
ordinalIntValue: i++);
if (paramNodes != null) {
for (FormalParameter paramNode in paramNodes.parameters) {
var paramTypeVName = dynamicBuiltin;
if (!resolutionMap
.isDynamic) {
paramTypeVName = _vNameFromElement(
addEdge(funcTypeVName, schema.PARAM_EDGE, paramTypeVName,
ordinalIntValue: i++);
addEdge(functionVName, schema.TYPED_EDGE, funcTypeVName);
return funcTypeVName;
/// This is a convenience method for adding nodes with facts.
/// If an [KytheVName] is passed, it is used, otherwise an element is required
/// which is used to create a [KytheVName]. Either [nodeVName] must be non-null or
/// [element] must be non-null. Other optional parameters if passed are then
/// used to set the associated facts on the [KytheVName]. This method does not
/// currently guarantee that the inputs to these fact kinds are valid for the
/// associated nodeKind- if a non-null, then it will set.
KytheVName addNodeAndFacts(String nodeKind,
{Element element: null,
KytheVName nodeVName: null,
String subKind: null,
String completeFact: null}) {
if (nodeVName == null) {
nodeVName = _vNameFromElement(element, nodeKind);
addFact(nodeVName, schema.NODE_KIND_FACT, _encode(nodeKind));
if (subKind != null) {
addFact(nodeVName, schema.SUBKIND_FACT, _encode(subKind));
if (completeFact != null) {
addFact(nodeVName, schema.COMPLETE_FACT, _encode(completeFact));
return nodeVName;
List<int> _encode(String str) {
return utf8.encode(str);
List<int> _encodeInt(int i) {
return utf8.encode(i.toString());
/// Given all parameters for a [KytheVName] this method creates and returns a
/// [KytheVName].
KytheVName _vName(String signature, String corpus, String root, String path,
[String language = schema.DART_LANG]) {
return new KytheVName(signature, corpus, root, path, language);
/// Returns an anchor [KytheVName] corresponding to the given start and end
/// offsets.
KytheVName _vNameAnchor(int start, int end) {
return _vName(
_getAnchorSignature(start, end), corpus, '', enclosingFilePath);
/// Return the [KytheVName] for this file.
KytheVName _vNameFile() {
// file vnames, the signature and language are not set
return _vName('', corpus, '', enclosingFilePath, '');
/// Given some [Element] and Kythe node kind, this method generates and
/// returns the [KytheVName].
KytheVName _vNameFromElement(Element e, String nodeKind) {
assert(nodeKind != schema.FILE_KIND);
// general case
return _vName(_getSignature(resourceProvider, e, nodeKind, corpus), corpus,
'', _getPath(resourceProvider, e));
/// Returns a [KytheVName] corresponding to the given [DartType].
KytheVName _vNameFromType(DartType type) {
if (type == null || type.isDynamic) {
return dynamicBuiltin;
} else if (type.isVoid) {
return voidBuiltin;
} else if (type.element is ClassElement) {
return _vNameFromElement(type.element, schema.RECORD_KIND);
} else {
return dynamicBuiltin;
/// This visitor class should be used by [_getSignature].
/// This visitor is an [GeneralizingElementVisitor] which builds up a [String]
/// signature for a given [Element], uniqueness is guaranteed within the
/// enclosing file.
class SignatureElementVisitor extends GeneralizingElementVisitor<StringBuffer> {
static SignatureElementVisitor instance = new SignatureElementVisitor();
StringBuffer visitCompilationUnitElement(CompilationUnitElement e) {
return new StringBuffer();
StringBuffer visitElement(Element e) {
assert(e is! MultiplyInheritedExecutableElement);
var enclosingElt = e.enclosingElement;
var buffer = enclosingElt.accept(this);
if (buffer.isNotEmpty) {
if (e is MethodElement && == '-' && e.parameters.length == 1) {
} else if (e is ConstructorElement) {
} else {
if (enclosingElt is ExecutableElement) {
buffer..write('@')..write(e.nameOffset - enclosingElt.nameOffset);
return buffer;
StringBuffer visitLibraryElement(LibraryElement e) {
return new StringBuffer('library:${e.displayName}');
StringBuffer visitTypeParameterElement(TypeParameterElement e) {
// It is legal to have a named constructor with the same name as a type
// parameter. So we distinguish them by using '.' between the class (or
// typedef) name and the type parameter name.
return e.enclosingElement.accept(this)..write('.')..write(;