blob: 3f22ad0bd585cc90d4b2c52d803e0e6fc0247d2a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Class for intrinsifying functions.
#include "vm/allocation.h"
namespace dart {
// List of intrinsics:
// (class-name, function-name, intrinsification method, fingerprint).
// When adding a new function for intrinsification add a 0 as fingerprint,
// build and run to get the correct fingerprint from the mismatch error.
V(_Smi, ~, Smi_bitNegate, 824551298) \
V(_Double, >, Double_greaterThan, 1021232334) \
V(_Double, >=, Double_greaterEqualThan, 324955595) \
V(_Double, <, Double_lessThan, 978151157) \
V(_Double, <=, Double_lessEqualThan, 1169397675) \
V(_Double, ==, Double_equal, 223604237) \
V(_Double, +, Double_add, 295873577) \
V(_Double, -, Double_sub, 1180117486) \
V(_Double, *, Double_mul, 1999983053) \
V(_Double, /, Double_div, 1904009451) \
V(_Double, get:isNaN, Double_getIsNaN, 266197199) \
V(_Double, get:isNegative, Double_getIsNegative, 264643149) \
V(_Double, _mulFromInteger, Double_mulFromInteger, 930284178) \
V(_Double, .fromInteger, Double_fromInteger, 1488487599) \
V(_ObjectArray, ., ObjectArray_Allocate, 712468799) \
V(_ObjectArray, get:length, Array_getLength, 1441000484) \
V(_ObjectArray, [], Array_getIndexed, 658292540) \
V(_ObjectArray, []=, Array_setIndexed, 134661366) \
V(_GrowableObjectArray, .withData, GrowableArray_Allocate, 917195627) \
V(_GrowableObjectArray, get:length, GrowableArray_getLength, 767561362) \
V(_GrowableObjectArray, get:_capacity, GrowableArray_getCapacity, 874559046) \
V(_GrowableObjectArray, [], GrowableArray_getIndexed, 1020883940) \
V(_GrowableObjectArray, []=, GrowableArray_setIndexed, 366077215) \
V(_GrowableObjectArray, _setLength, GrowableArray_setLength, 1016226171) \
V(_GrowableObjectArray, _setData, GrowableArray_setData, 1302055339) \
V(_GrowableObjectArray, add, GrowableArray_add, 1442410650) \
V(_ImmutableArray, [], ImmutableArray_getIndexed, 1483706518) \
V(_ImmutableArray, get:length, ImmutableArray_getLength, 1430953867) \
V(Object, ==, Object_equal, 677817295) \
V(_StringBase, get:hashCode, String_getHashCode, 1654013013) \
V(_StringBase, get:isEmpty, String_getIsEmpty, 1588094430) \
V(_StringBase, get:length, String_getLength, 1158042795) \
V(_StringBase, codeUnitAt, String_codeUnitAt, 1452213966) \
V(_OneByteString, get:hashCode, OneByteString_getHashCode, 1350708273) \
V(_OneByteString, _substringUncheckedNative, \
OneByteString_substringUnchecked, 1409543330) \
V(_OneByteString, _setAt, OneByteString_setAt, 456985263) \
V(_OneByteString, _allocate, OneByteString_allocate, 1842287414) \
V(_IntegerImplementation, _addFromInteger, Integer_addFromInteger, \
1061271878) \
V(_IntegerImplementation, +, Integer_add, 714540399) \
V(_IntegerImplementation, _subFromInteger, Integer_subFromInteger, \
585090868) \
V(_IntegerImplementation, -, Integer_sub, 1880284412) \
V(_IntegerImplementation, _mulFromInteger, Integer_mulFromInteger, \
1145805333) \
V(_IntegerImplementation, *, Integer_mul, 1935440252) \
V(_IntegerImplementation, %, Integer_modulo, 1121942909) \
V(_IntegerImplementation, remainder, Integer_remainder, 2140653009) \
V(_IntegerImplementation, ~/, Integer_truncDivide, 250357385) \
V(_IntegerImplementation, unary-, Integer_negate, 732448114) \
V(_IntegerImplementation, _bitAndFromInteger, \
Integer_bitAndFromInteger, 1957162220) \
V(_IntegerImplementation, &, Integer_bitAnd, 1677634910) \
V(_IntegerImplementation, _bitOrFromInteger, \
Integer_bitOrFromInteger, 331026365) \
V(_IntegerImplementation, |, Integer_bitOr, 1062616305) \
V(_IntegerImplementation, _bitXorFromInteger, \
Integer_bitXorFromInteger, 1884970526) \
V(_IntegerImplementation, ^, Integer_bitXor, 2111001841) \
V(_IntegerImplementation, \
_greaterThanFromInteger, \
Integer_greaterThanFromInt, 1634594614) \
V(_IntegerImplementation, >, Integer_greaterThan, 195542579) \
V(_IntegerImplementation, ==, Integer_equal, 288044426) \
V(_IntegerImplementation, _equalToInteger, Integer_equalToInteger, \
45967303) \
V(_IntegerImplementation, <, Integer_lessThan, 1133694259) \
V(_IntegerImplementation, <=, Integer_lessEqualThan, 1724243945) \
V(_IntegerImplementation, >=, Integer_greaterEqualThan, 879801865) \
V(_IntegerImplementation, <<, Integer_shl, 1508088336) \
V(_IntegerImplementation, >>, Integer_sar, 1786839625) \
V(_Double, toInt, Double_toInt, 1580473283)
V(::, sqrt, Math_sqrt, 465520247) \
V(::, sin, Math_sin, 730107143) \
V(::, cos, Math_cos, 1282146521) \
V(_Random, _nextState, Random_nextState, 755413621) \
V(_TypedList, get:length, TypedData_getLength, 117589485) \
V(_Int8Array, _new, TypedData_Int8Array_new, 1133705629) \
V(_Uint8Array, _new, TypedData_Uint8Array_new, 1643490889) \
V(_Uint8ClampedArray, _new, TypedData_Uint8ClampedArray_new, 1212601488) \
V(_Int16Array, _new, TypedData_Int16Array_new, 1241260890) \
V(_Uint16Array, _new, TypedData_Uint16Array_new, 337798210) \
V(_Int32Array, _new, TypedData_Int32Array_new, 845463081) \
V(_Uint32Array, _new, TypedData_Uint32Array_new, 1406929599) \
V(_Int64Array, _new, TypedData_Int64Array_new, 408710474) \
V(_Uint64Array, _new, TypedData_Uint64Array_new, 202576356) \
V(_Float32Array, _new, TypedData_Float32Array_new, 224632748) \
V(_Float64Array, _new, TypedData_Float64Array_new, 364786883) \
V(_Float32x4Array, _new, TypedData_Float32x4Array_new, 255992094) \
V(_Int8Array, ., TypedData_Int8Array_factory, 1340298556) \
V(_Uint8Array, ., TypedData_Uint8Array_factory, 1775618642) \
V(_Uint8ClampedArray, ., TypedData_Uint8ClampedArray_factory, 264668024) \
V(_Int16Array, ., TypedData_Int16Array_factory, 1095249987) \
V(_Uint16Array, ., TypedData_Uint16Array_factory, 1275304272) \
V(_Int32Array, ., TypedData_Int32Array_factory, 523449884) \
V(_Uint32Array, ., TypedData_Uint32Array_factory, 458531362) \
V(_Int64Array, ., TypedData_Int64Array_factory, 1753070829) \
V(_Uint64Array, ., TypedData_Uint64Array_factory, 1561660391) \
V(_Float32Array, ., TypedData_Float32Array_factory, 368082071) \
V(_Float64Array, ., TypedData_Float64Array_factory, 245916452) \
V(_Float32x4Array, ., TypedData_Float32x4Array_factory, 1674296969) \
// TODO(srdjan): Implement _FixedSizeArrayIterator, get:current and
// _FixedSizeArrayIterator, moveNext.
// Forward declarations.
class Assembler;
class Function;
class Intrinsifier : public AllStatic {
// Try to intrinsify 'function'. Returns true if the function intrinsified
// completely and the code does not need to be generated (i.e., no slow
// path possible).
static bool Intrinsify(const Function& function, Assembler* assembler);
static bool CanIntrinsify(const Function& function);
static void InitializeState();
#define DECLARE_FUNCTION(test_class_name, test_function_name, destination, fp) \
static bool destination(Assembler* assembler);
} // namespace dart