blob: 9e366a5fdfcc1b4d634dfc94512d5e809a9b5989 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of csslib.parser;
// TODO(terry): Detect invalid directive usage. All @imports must occur before
// all rules other than @charset directive. Any @import directive
// after any non @charset or @import directive are ignored. e.g.,
// @import "a.css";
// div { color: red; }
// @import "b.css";
// becomes:
// @import "a.css";
// div { color: red; }
// <>
* Analysis phase will validate/fixup any new CSS feature or any SASS style
* feature.
class Analyzer {
final List<StyleSheet> _styleSheets;
final Messages _messages;
VarDefinitions varDefs;
Analyzer(this._styleSheets, this._messages);
void run() {
varDefs = new VarDefinitions(_styleSheets);
// Any cycles?
var cycles = findAllCycles();
for (var cycle in cycles) {
_messages.warning("var cycle detected var-${cycle.definedName}",
// TODO(terry): What if no var definition for a var usage an error?
// TODO(terry): Ensure a var definition imported from a different style
// sheet works.
// Remove any var definition from the stylesheet that has a cycle.
_styleSheets.forEach((styleSheet) =>
new RemoveVarDefinitions(cycles).visitStyleSheet(styleSheet));
// Expand any nested selectors using selector desendant combinator to
// signal CSS inheritance notation.
_styleSheets.forEach((styleSheet) => new ExpandNestedSelectors()
List<VarDefinition> findAllCycles() {
var cycles = []; {
if (hasCycle( cycles.add(value);
// Update our local list of known varDefs remove any varDefs with a cycle.
// So the same varDef cycle isn't reported for each style sheet processed.
for (var cycle in cycles) {;
return cycles;
Iterable<VarUsage> variablesOf(Expressions exprs) =>
exprs.expressions.where((e) => e is VarUsage);
bool hasCycle(String varName, {Set<String> visiting, Set<String> visited}) {
if (visiting == null) visiting = new Set();
if (visited == null) visited = new Set();
if (visiting.contains(varName)) return true;
if (visited.contains(varName)) return false;
bool cycleDetected = false;
if ([varName] != null) {
for (var usage in variablesOf([varName].expression)) {
if (hasCycle(, visiting: visiting, visited: visited)) {
cycleDetected = true;
return cycleDetected;
// TODO(terry): Need to start supporting @host, custom pseudo elements,
// composition, intrinsics, etc.
/** Find all var definitions from a list of stylesheets. */
class VarDefinitions extends Visitor {
/** Map of variable name key to it's definition. */
final Map<String, VarDefinition> map = new Map<String, VarDefinition>();
VarDefinitions(List<StyleSheet> styleSheets) {
for (var styleSheet in styleSheets) {
void visitVarDefinition(VarDefinition node) {
// Replace with latest variable definition.
map[node.definedName] = node;
void visitVarDefinitionDirective(VarDefinitionDirective node) {
* Remove the var definition from the stylesheet where it is defined; if it is
* a definition from the list to delete.
class RemoveVarDefinitions extends Visitor {
final List<VarDefinition> _varDefsToRemove;
void visitStyleSheet(StyleSheet ss) {
var idx = ss.topLevels.length;
while(--idx >= 0) {
var topLevel = ss.topLevels[idx];
if (topLevel is VarDefinitionDirective &&
_varDefsToRemove.contains(topLevel.def)) {
void visitDeclarationGroup(DeclarationGroup node) {
var idx = node.declarations.length;
while (--idx >= 0) {
var decl = node.declarations[idx];
if (decl is VarDefinition && _varDefsToRemove.contains(decl)) {
* Traverse all rulesets looking for nested ones. If a ruleset is in a
* declaration group (implies nested selector) then generate new ruleset(s) at
* level 0 of CSS using selector inheritance syntax (flattens the nesting).
* How the AST works for a rule [RuleSet] and nested rules. First of all a
* CSS rule [RuleSet] consist of a selector and a declaration e.g.,
* selector {
* declaration
* }
* AST structure of a [RuleSet] is:
* RuleSet
* SelectorGroup
* List<Selector>
* List<SimpleSelectorSequence>
* Combinator // +, >, ~, DESCENDENT, or NONE
* SimpleSelector // class, id, element, namespace, attribute
* DeclarationGroup
* List // Declaration or RuleSet
* For the simple rule:
* div + span { color: red; }
* the AST [RuleSet] is:
* RuleSet
* SelectorGroup
* List<Selector>
* [0]
* List<SimpleSelectorSequence>
* [0] Combinator = COMBINATOR_NONE
* ElementSelector (name = div)
* [1] Combinator = COMBINATOR_PLUS
* ElementSelector (name = span)
* DeclarationGroup
* List // Declarations or RuleSets
* [0]
* Declaration (property = color, expression = red)
* Usually a SelectorGroup contains 1 Selector. Consider the selectors:
* div { color: red; }
* a { color: red; }
* are equivalent to
* div, a { color : red; }
* In the above the RuleSet would have a SelectorGroup with 2 selectors e.g.,
* RuleSet
* SelectorGroup
* List<Selector>
* [0]
* List<SimpleSelectorSequence>
* [0] Combinator = COMBINATOR_NONE
* ElementSelector (name = div)
* [1]
* List<SimpleSelectorSequence>
* [0] Combinator = COMBINATOR_NONE
* ElementSelector (name = a)
* DeclarationGroup
* List // Declarations or RuleSets
* [0]
* Declaration (property = color, expression = red)
* For a nested rule e.g.,
* div {
* color : blue;
* a { color : red; }
* }
* Would map to the follow CSS rules:
* div { color: blue; }
* div a { color: red; }
* The AST for the former nested rule is:
* RuleSet
* SelectorGroup
* List<Selector>
* [0]
* List<SimpleSelectorSequence>
* [0] Combinator = COMBINATOR_NONE
* ElementSelector (name = div)
* DeclarationGroup
* List // Declarations or RuleSets
* [0]
* Declaration (property = color, expression = blue)
* [1]
* RuleSet
* SelectorGroup
* List<Selector>
* [0]
* List<SimpleSelectorSequence>
* [0] Combinator = COMBINATOR_NONE
* ElementSelector (name = a)
* DeclarationGroup
* List // Declarations or RuleSets
* [0]
* Declaration (property = color, expression = red)
* Nested rules is a terse mechanism to describe CSS inheritance. The analyzer
* will flatten and expand the nested rules to it's flatten strucure. Using the
* all parent [RuleSets] (selector expressions) and applying each nested
* [RuleSet] to the list of [Selectors] in a [SelectorGroup].
* Then result is a style sheet where all nested rules have been flatten and
* expanded.
class ExpandNestedSelectors extends Visitor {
/** Parent [RuleSet] if a nested rule otherwise [null]. */
RuleSet _parentRuleSet;
/** Top-most rule if nested rules. */
SelectorGroup _topLevelSelectorGroup;
/** SelectorGroup at each nesting level. */
SelectorGroup _nestedSelectorGroup;
/** Declaration (sans the nested selectors). */
DeclarationGroup _flatDeclarationGroup;
/** Each nested selector get's a flatten RuleSet. */
List<RuleSet> _expandedRuleSets = [];
/** Maping of a nested rule set to the fully expanded list of RuleSet(s). */
final Map<RuleSet, List<RuleSet>> _expansions = new Map();
void visitRuleSet(RuleSet node) {
final oldParent = _parentRuleSet;
var oldNestedSelectorGroups = _nestedSelectorGroup;
if (_nestedSelectorGroup == null) {
// Create top-level selector (may have nested rules).
final newSelectors = node.selectorGroup.selectors.toList();
_topLevelSelectorGroup = new SelectorGroup(newSelectors, node.span);
_nestedSelectorGroup = _topLevelSelectorGroup;
} else {
// Generate new selector groups from the nested rules.
_nestedSelectorGroup = _mergeToFlatten(node);
_parentRuleSet = node;
_parentRuleSet = oldParent;
// Remove nested rules; they're all flatten and in the _expandedRuleSets.
node.declarationGroup.declarations.removeWhere((declaration) =>
declaration is RuleSet);
_nestedSelectorGroup = oldNestedSelectorGroups;
// If any expandedRuleSets and we're back at the top-level rule set then
// there were nested rule set(s).
if (_parentRuleSet == null) {
if (!_expandedRuleSets.isEmpty) {
// Remember ruleset to replace with these flattened rulesets.
_expansions[node] = _expandedRuleSets;
_expandedRuleSets = [];
assert(_flatDeclarationGroup == null);
assert(_nestedSelectorGroup == null);
* Build up the list of all inherited sequences from the parent selector
* [node] is the current nested selector and it's parent is the last entry in
* the [_nestedSelectorGroup].
SelectorGroup _mergeToFlatten(RuleSet node) {
// Create a new SelectorGroup for this nesting level.
var nestedSelectors = _nestedSelectorGroup.selectors;
var selectors = node.selectorGroup.selectors;
// Create a merged set of previous parent selectors and current selectors.
var newSelectors = [];
for (Selector selector in selectors) {
for (Selector nestedSelector in nestedSelectors) {
var seq = _mergeNestedSelector(nestedSelector.simpleSelectorSequences,
newSelectors.add(new Selector(seq, node.span));
return new SelectorGroup(newSelectors, node.span);
* Merge the nested selector sequences [current] to the [parent] sequences or
* substitue any & with the parent selector.
List<SimpleSelectorSequence> _mergeNestedSelector(
List<SimpleSelectorSequence> parent,
List<SimpleSelectorSequence> current) {
// If any & operator then the parent selector will be substituted otherwise
// the parent selector is pre-pended to the current selector.
var hasThis = current.any((s) => s.simpleSelector.isThis);
var newSequence = [];
if (!hasThis) {
// If no & in the sector group then prefix with the parent selector.
} else {
for (var sequence in current) {
if (sequence.simpleSelector.isThis) {
// Substitue the & with the parent selector and only use a combinator
// descendant if & is prefix by a sequence with an empty name e.g.,
// "... + &", "&", "... ~ &", etc.
var hasPrefix = !newSequence.isEmpty &&
hasPrefix ? _convertToDescendentSequence(parent) : parent);
} else {
return newSequence;
* Return selector sequences with first sequence combinator being a
* descendant. Used for nested selectors when the parent selector needs to
* be prefixed to a nested selector or to substitute the this (&) with the
* parent selector.
List<SimpleSelectorSequence> _convertToDescendentSequence(
List<SimpleSelectorSequence> sequences) {
if (sequences.isEmpty) return sequences;
var newSequences = [];
var first = sequences.first;
newSequences.add(new SimpleSelectorSequence(first.simpleSelector,
first.span, TokenKind.COMBINATOR_DESCENDANT));
return newSequences;
void visitDeclarationGroup(DeclarationGroup node) {
var span = node.span;
var currentGroup = new DeclarationGroup([], span);
var oldGroup = _flatDeclarationGroup;
_flatDeclarationGroup = currentGroup;
var expandedLength = _expandedRuleSets.length;
// We're done with the group.
_flatDeclarationGroup = oldGroup;
// No nested rule to process it's a top-level rule.
if (_nestedSelectorGroup == _topLevelSelectorGroup) return;
// If flatten selector's declaration is empty skip this selector, no need
// to emit an empty nested selector.
if (currentGroup.declarations.isEmpty) return;
var selectorGroup = _nestedSelectorGroup;
// Build new rule set from the nested selectors and declarations.
var newRuleSet = new RuleSet(selectorGroup, currentGroup, span);
// Place in order so outer-most rule is first.
if (expandedLength == _expandedRuleSets.length) {
} else {
_expandedRuleSets.insert(expandedLength, newRuleSet);
// Record all declarations in a nested selector (Declaration, VarDefinition
// and MarginGroup) but not the nested rule in the Declaration.
void visitDeclaration(Declaration node) {
if (_parentRuleSet != null) {
void visitVarDefinition(VarDefinition node) {
if (_parentRuleSet != null) {
void visitMarginGroup(MarginGroup node) {
if (_parentRuleSet != null) {
* Replace the rule set that contains nested rules with the flatten rule sets.
void flatten(StyleSheet styleSheet) {
// TODO(terry): Iterate over topLevels instead of _expansions it's already
// a map (this maybe quadratic).
_expansions.forEach((RuleSet ruleSet, List<RuleSet> newRules) {
var index = styleSheet.topLevels.indexOf(ruleSet);
if (index == -1) {
// Check any @media directives for nested rules and replace them.
var found = _MediaRulesReplacer.replace(styleSheet, ruleSet, newRules);
} else {
styleSheet.topLevels.insertAll(index + 1, newRules);
class _MediaRulesReplacer extends Visitor {
RuleSet _ruleSet;
List<RuleSet> _newRules;
bool _foundAndReplaced = false;
* Look for the [ruleSet] inside of an @media directive; if found then replace
* with the [newRules]. If [ruleSet] is found and replaced return true.
static bool replace(StyleSheet styleSheet, RuleSet ruleSet,
List<RuleSet>newRules) {
var visitor = new _MediaRulesReplacer(ruleSet, newRules);
return visitor._foundAndReplaced;
_MediaRulesReplacer(this._ruleSet, this._newRules);
visitMediaDirective(MediaDirective node) {
var index = node.rulesets.indexOf(_ruleSet);
if (index != -1) {
node.rulesets.insertAll(index + 1, _newRules);
_foundAndReplaced = true;