blob: c9263ba18bd3addb3325841603d8423bf7878e31 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.5
part of dart._runtime;
// We need to set these properties while the sdk is only partially initialized
// so we cannot use regular Dart fields.
// The default values for these properties are set when the global_ final field
// in runtime.dart is initialized.
argumentError(value) {
throw ArgumentError.value(value);
throwUnimplementedError(String message) {
throw UnimplementedError(message);
// TODO(nshahan) Cleanup embeded strings and extract file location at runtime
// from the stacktrace.
assertFailed(String message,
[String fileUri, int line, int column, String conditionSource]) {
throw AssertionErrorImpl(message, fileUri, line, column, conditionSource);
throwCyclicInitializationError([Object field]) {
throw CyclicInitializationError(field);
throwNullValueError() {
// TODO(vsm): Per spec, we should throw an NSM here. Technically, we ought
// to thread through method info, but that uglifies the code and can't
// actually be queried ... it only affects how the error is printed.
throw NoSuchMethodError(null, Symbol('<Unexpected Null Value>'), null, null);
castError(obj, expectedType, [@notNull bool isImplicit = false]) {
var actualType = getReifiedType(obj);
var message = _castErrorMessage(actualType, expectedType);
var error = isImplicit ? TypeErrorImpl(message) : CastErrorImpl(message);
throw error;
String _castErrorMessage(from, to) {
// If both types are generic classes, see if we can infer generic type
// arguments for `from` that would allow the subtype relation to work.
var fromClass = getGenericClass(from);
if (fromClass != null) {
var fromTypeFormals = getGenericTypeFormals(fromClass);
var fromType = instantiateClass(fromClass, fromTypeFormals);
var inferrer = _TypeInferrer(fromTypeFormals);
if (inferrer.trySubtypeMatch(fromType, to)) {
var inferredTypes = inferrer.getInferredTypes();
if (inferredTypes != null) {
var inferred = instantiateClass(fromClass, inferredTypes);
return "Type '${typeName(from)}' should be '${typeName(inferred)}' "
"to implement expected type '${typeName(to)}'.";
return "Expected a value of type '${typeName(to)}', "
"but got one of type '${typeName(from)}'";
/// The symbol that references the thrown Dart Object (typically but not
/// necessarily an [Error] or [Exception]), used by the [exception] function.
final Object _thrownValue = JS('', 'Symbol("_thrownValue")');
/// For a Dart [Error], this provides access to the JS Error object that
/// contains the stack trace if the error was thrown.
final Object _jsError = JS('', 'Symbol("_jsError")');
/// Gets the thrown Dart Object from an [error] caught by a JS catch.
/// If the throw originated in Dart, the result will typically be an [Error]
/// or [Exception], but it could be any Dart object.
/// If the throw originated in JavaScript, then there is not a corresponding
/// Dart value, so we just return the error object.
Object getThrown(Object error) {
if (error != null) {
// Get the Dart thrown value, if any.
var value = JS('', '#[#]', error, _thrownValue);
if (value != null) return value;
// Otherwise return the original object.
return error;
final _stackTrace = JS('', 'Symbol("_stackTrace")');
/// Returns the stack trace from an [error] caught by a JS catch.
/// If the throw originated in Dart, we should always have JS Error
/// (see [throw_]) so we can create a Dart [StackTrace] from that (or return a
/// previously created instance).
/// If the throw originated in JavaScript and was an `Error`, then we can get
/// the corresponding stack trace the same way we do for Dart throws. If the
/// throw object was not an Error, then we don't have a JS trace, so we create
/// one here.
StackTrace stackTrace(Object error) {
if (JS<bool>('!', '!(# instanceof Error)', error)) {
// We caught something that isn't a JS Error.
// We should only hit this path when a non-Error was thrown from JS. In
// case, there is no stack trace available, so create one here.
return _StackTrace.missing(error);
// If we've already created the Dart stack trace object, return it.
StackTrace trace = JS('', '#[#]', error, _stackTrace);
if (trace != null) return trace;
// Otherwise create the Dart stack trace (by parsing the JS stack), and
// cache it so we don't repeat the parsing/allocation.
return JS('', '#[#] = #', error, _stackTrace, _StackTrace(error));
StackTrace stackTraceForError(Error error) {
return stackTrace(JS('', '#[#]', error, _jsError));
/// Implements `rethrow` of [error], allowing rethrow in an expression context.
/// Note: [error] must be the raw JS error caught in the JS catch, not the
/// unwrapped value returned by [getThrown].
void rethrow_(Object error) {
JS('', 'throw #', error);
/// Subclass of JS `Error` that wraps a thrown Dart object, and evaluates the
/// message lazily by calling `toString()` on the wrapped Dart object.
/// Also creates a pointer from the thrown Dart object to the JS Error
/// (via [_jsError]). This is used to implement [Error.stackTrace], but also
/// provides a way to recover the stack trace if we lose track of it.
/// [Error] requires preserving the original stack trace if an error is
/// rethrown, so we only update the pointer if it wasn't already set.
/// TODO(jmesserly): Dart Errors should simply be JS Errors.
final Object DartError = JS(
'''class DartError extends Error {
constructor(error) {
if (error == null) error = #;
this[#] = error;
if (error != null && typeof error == "object" && error[#] == null) {
error[#] = this;
get message() {
return #(this[#]);
/// Subclass of [DartError] for cases where we're rethrowing with a different,
/// original Dart StackTrace object.
/// This includes the original stack trace in the JS Error message so it doesn't
/// get lost if the exception reaches JS.
final Object RethrownDartError = JS(
'''class RethrownDartError extends # {
constructor(error, stackTrace) {
this[#] = stackTrace;
get message() {
return super.message + "\\n " + #(this[#]) + "\\n";
/// Implements `throw` of [exception], allowing for throw in an expression
/// context, and capturing the current stack trace.
void throw_(Object exception) {
/// Wrap the object so we capture a new stack trace, and so it will print
/// nicely from JS, as if it were a normal JS error.
JS('', 'throw new #(#)', DartError, exception);
/// Returns a JS error for throwing the Dart [exception] Object and using the
/// provided stack [trace].
/// This is used by dart:async to rethrow unhandled errors in [Zone]s, and by
/// `async`/`async*` to rethrow errors from Futures/Streams into the generator
/// (so a try/catch in there can catch it).
/// If the exception and trace originated from the same Dart throw, then we can
/// simply return the original JS Error. Otherwise, we have to create a new JS
/// Error. The new error will have the correct Dart trace, but it will not have
/// the correct JS stack trace (visible if JavaScript ends up handling it). To
/// fix that, we use [RethrownDartError] to preserve the Dart trace and make
/// sure it gets displayed in the JS error message.
/// If the stack trace is null, this will preserve the original stack trace
/// on the exception, if available, otherwise it will capture the current stack
/// trace.
Object createErrorWithStack(Object exception, StackTrace trace) {
if (trace == null) {
var error = JS('', '#[#]', exception, _jsError);
return error != null ? error : JS('', 'new #(#)', DartError, exception);
if (trace is _StackTrace) {
/// Optimization: if this stack trace and exception already have a matching
/// Error, we can just rethrow it.
var originalError = trace._jsError;
if (identical(exception, getThrown(originalError))) {
return originalError;
return JS('', 'new #(#, #)', RethrownDartError, exception, trace);
// This is a utility function: it is only intended to be called from dev
// tools.
void stackPrint(Object error) {
JS('', 'console.log(#.stack ? #.stack : "No stack trace for: " + #)', error,
error, error);
class _StackTrace implements StackTrace {
final Object _jsError;
final Object _jsObjectMissingTrace;
String _trace;
_StackTrace(this._jsError) : _jsObjectMissingTrace = null;
_StackTrace.missing(Object caughtObj)
: _jsObjectMissingTrace = caughtObj != null ? caughtObj : 'null',
_jsError = JS('', 'Error()');
String toString() {
if (_trace != null) return _trace;
var e = _jsError;
String trace = '';
if (e != null && JS<bool>('!', 'typeof # === "object"', e)) {
trace = e is NativeError ? e.dartStack() : JS<String>('', '#.stack', e);
if (trace != null && stackTraceMapper != null) {
trace = stackTraceMapper(trace);
if (trace.isEmpty || _jsObjectMissingTrace != null) {
String jsToString;
try {
jsToString = JS('', '"" + #', _jsObjectMissingTrace);
} catch (_) {
jsToString = '<error converting JS object to string>';
trace = 'Non-error `$jsToString` thrown by JS does not have stack trace.'
'\nCaught in Dart at:\n\n$trace';
return _trace = trace;