blob: 028707f269a53683e469b1e9d0ff6210b3e8b1c8 [file] [log] [blame]
// @dart = 2.6
part of html_common;
/// Converts a JavaScript object with properties into a Dart Map.
/// Not suitable for nested objects.
Map<String, dynamic> convertNativeToDart_Dictionary(object) {
if (object == null) return null;
var dict = <String, dynamic>{};
var keys = JS('JSExtendableArray', 'Object.getOwnPropertyNames(#)', object);
for (final key in keys) {
dict[key] = JS('var', '#[#]', object, key);
return dict;
/// Converts a flat Dart map into a JavaScript object with properties.
convertDartToNative_Dictionary(Map dict, [void postCreate(Object f)]) {
if (dict == null) return null;
var object = JS('var', '{}');
if (postCreate != null) {
dict.forEach((key, value) {
JS('void', '#[#] = #', object, key, value);
return object;
* Ensures that the input is a JavaScript Array.
* Creates a new JavaScript array if necessary, otherwise returns the original.
List convertDartToNative_StringArray(List<String> input) {
// TODO(sra). Implement this.
return input;
DateTime convertNativeToDart_DateTime(date) {
var millisSinceEpoch = JS('int', '#.getTime()', date);
return new DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(millisSinceEpoch, isUtc: true);
convertDartToNative_DateTime(DateTime date) {
return JS('', 'new Date(#)', date.millisecondsSinceEpoch);
convertDartToNative_PrepareForStructuredClone(value) =>
new _StructuredCloneDart2Js()
convertNativeToDart_AcceptStructuredClone(object, {mustCopy: false}) =>
new _AcceptStructuredCloneDart2Js()
.convertNativeToDart_AcceptStructuredClone(object, mustCopy: mustCopy);
class _StructuredCloneDart2Js extends _StructuredClone {
JSObject newJsObject() => JS('JSObject', '{}');
void forEachObjectKey(object, action(key, value)) {
for (final key
in JS('returns:JSExtendableArray;new:true', 'Object.keys(#)', object)) {
action(key, JS('var', '#[#]', object, key));
void putIntoObject(object, key, value) =>
JS('void', '#[#] = #', object, key, value);
newJsMap() => JS('var', '{}');
putIntoMap(map, key, value) => JS('void', '#[#] = #', map, key, value);
newJsList(length) => JS('JSExtendableArray', 'new Array(#)', length);
cloneNotRequired(e) =>
(e is NativeByteBuffer || e is NativeTypedData || e is MessagePort);
class _AcceptStructuredCloneDart2Js extends _AcceptStructuredClone {
List newJsList(length) => JS('JSExtendableArray', 'new Array(#)', length);
List newDartList(length) => newJsList(length);
bool identicalInJs(a, b) => identical(a, b);
void forEachJsField(object, action(key, value)) {
for (final key in JS('JSExtendableArray', 'Object.keys(#)', object)) {
action(key, JS('var', '#[#]', object, key));
bool isJavaScriptDate(value) => JS('bool', '# instanceof Date', value);
bool isJavaScriptRegExp(value) => JS('bool', '# instanceof RegExp', value);
bool isJavaScriptArray(value) => JS('bool', '# instanceof Array', value);
bool isJavaScriptSimpleObject(value) {
var proto = JS('', 'Object.getPrototypeOf(#)', value);
return JS('bool', '# === Object.prototype', proto) ||
JS('bool', '# === null', proto);
bool isImmutableJavaScriptArray(value) =>
JS('bool', r'!!(#.immutable$list)', value);
bool isJavaScriptPromise(value) =>
JS('bool', r'typeof Promise != "undefined" && # instanceof Promise', value);
const String _serializedScriptValue = 'num|String|bool|'
// TODO(sra): Add Date, RegExp.
const annotation_Creates_SerializedScriptValue =
const Creates(_serializedScriptValue);
const annotation_Returns_SerializedScriptValue =
const Returns(_serializedScriptValue);