blob: c24a396d2d32901493644df1c70bac771e8d0414 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.6
import 'dart:_internal' show patch;
import "dart:nativewrappers" show NativeFieldWrapperClass1;
import 'dart:typed_data';
class Int32 {}
class Int64 {}
class Float {}
class Double {}
class Void {}
class WasmModule {
factory WasmModule(Uint8List data) {
return _NativeWasmModule(data);
class WasmMemory {
factory WasmMemory(int initialPages, [int maxPages]) {
return _NativeWasmMemory(initialPages, maxPages);
class WasmImports {
factory WasmImports() {
return _NativeWasmImports();
class _NativeWasmModule extends NativeFieldWrapperClass1 implements WasmModule {
_NativeWasmModule(Uint8List data) {
WasmInstance instantiate(covariant _NativeWasmImports imports) {
return _NativeWasmInstance(this, imports);
void _init(Uint8List data) native 'Wasm_initModule';
String describe() native 'Wasm_describeModule';
class _NativeWasmImports extends NativeFieldWrapperClass1
implements WasmImports {
List<WasmMemory> _memories;
List<Function> _fns;
: _memories = [],
_fns = [] {
void addMemory(String moduleName, String name, WasmMemory memory) {
_addMemory(moduleName, name, memory);
void addGlobal<T>(String moduleName, String name, num value, bool mutable) {
_addGlobal(moduleName, name, value, T, mutable);
void addFunction<T extends Function>(
String moduleName, String name, Function fn) {
int id = _fns.length;
_addFunction(moduleName, name, id, T);
static Function getFunction(_NativeWasmImports imp, int id) {
return imp._fns[id];
void _init() native 'Wasm_initImports';
void _addMemory(String moduleName, String name, WasmMemory memory)
native 'Wasm_addMemoryImport';
void _addGlobal(String moduleName, String name, num value, Type type,
bool mutable) native 'Wasm_addGlobalImport';
void _addFunction(String moduleName, String name, int id, Type type)
native 'Wasm_addFunctionImport';
class _NativeWasmMemory extends NativeFieldWrapperClass1 implements WasmMemory {
int _pages;
Uint8List _buffer;
_NativeWasmMemory(int initialPages, int maxPages) : _pages = initialPages {
_buffer = _init(initialPages, maxPages);
_NativeWasmMemory.fromInstance(_NativeWasmInstance inst) {
_buffer = _initFromInstance(inst);
_pages = _getPages();
int get lengthInPages => _pages;
int get lengthInBytes => _buffer.lengthInBytes;
int operator [](int index) => _buffer[index];
void operator []=(int index, int value) {
_buffer[index] = value;
int grow(int deltaPages) {
int oldPages = _pages;
_buffer = _grow(deltaPages);
_pages += deltaPages;
return oldPages;
Uint8List _init(int initialPages, int maxPages) native 'Wasm_initMemory';
Uint8List _grow(int deltaPages) native 'Wasm_growMemory';
Uint8List _initFromInstance(_NativeWasmInstance inst)
native 'Wasm_initMemoryFromInstance';
int _getPages() native 'Wasm_getMemoryPages';
class _NativeWasmInstance extends NativeFieldWrapperClass1
implements WasmInstance {
_NativeWasmModule _module;
_NativeWasmImports _imports;
_NativeWasmInstance(_NativeWasmModule module, _NativeWasmImports imports)
: _module = module,
_imports = imports {
_init(module, imports);
WasmFunction<T> lookupFunction<T extends Function>(String name) {
return _NativeWasmFunction<T>(this, name);
WasmMemory get memory {
return _NativeWasmMemory.fromInstance(this);
void _init(_NativeWasmModule module, _NativeWasmImports imports)
native 'Wasm_initInstance';
class _NativeWasmFunction<T extends Function> extends NativeFieldWrapperClass1
implements WasmFunction<T> {
_NativeWasmInstance _inst;
_NativeWasmFunction(_NativeWasmInstance inst, String name) : _inst = inst {
_init(inst, name, T);
num call(List<num> args) {
var arg_copy = List<num>.from(args, growable: false);
return _call(arg_copy);
void _init(_NativeWasmInstance inst, String name, Type fnType)
native 'Wasm_initFunction';
num _call(List<num> args) native 'Wasm_callFunction';