blob: 8174aeacd619f6d61d4c972cc1172bfbae95a55e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.6
/// This library contains support for runtime type information.
library rti;
import 'dart:_foreign_helper'
import 'dart:_interceptors' show JSArray, JSUnmodifiableArray;
import 'dart:_js_names' show unmangleGlobalNameIfPreservedAnyways;
import 'dart:_js_embedded_names'
import 'dart:_recipe_syntax';
/// An Rti object represents both a type (e.g `Map<int, String>`) and a type
/// environment (`Map<int, String>` binds `Map.K=int` and `Map.V=String`).
/// There is a single [Rti] class to help reduce polymorphism in the JavaScript
/// runtime. The class has a default constructor and no final fields so it can
/// be created before much of the runtime exists.
/// The fields are declared in an order that gets shorter minified names for the
/// more commonly used fields. (TODO: we should exploit the fact that an Rti
/// instance never appears in a dynamic context, so does not need field names to
/// be distinct from dynamic selectors).
class Rti {
/// JavaScript method for 'as' check. The method is called from generated code,
/// e.g. `o as T` generates something like `rtiForT._as(o)`.
dynamic _as;
/// JavaScript method for type check. The method is called from generated
/// code, e.g. parameter check for `T param` generates something like
/// `rtiForT._check(param)`.
dynamic _check;
/// JavaScript method for 'is' test. The method is called from generated
/// code, e.g. `o is T` generates something like `rtiForT._is(o)`.
dynamic _is;
static void _setAsCheckFunction(Rti rti, fn) {
rti._as = fn;
static void _setTypeCheckFunction(Rti rti, fn) {
rti._check = fn;
static void _setIsTestFunction(Rti rti, fn) {
rti._is = fn;
static bool _isCheck(Rti rti, object) {
return JS(
'bool', '#.#(#)', rti, JS_GET_NAME(JsGetName.RTI_FIELD_IS), object);
/// Method called from generated code to evaluate a type environment recipe in
/// `this` type environment.
Rti _eval(recipe) {
// TODO(sra): Clone the fast-path of _Universe.evalInEnvironment to here.
return _rtiEval(this, _Utils.asString(recipe));
/// Method called from generated code to extend `this` type environment (an
/// interface or binding Rti) with function type arguments (a singleton
/// argument or tuple of arguments).
Rti _bind(typeOrTuple) => _rtiBind(this, _castToRti(typeOrTuple));
/// Method called from generated code to extend `this` type (as a singleton
/// type environment) with function type arguments (a singleton argument or
/// tuple of arguments).
Rti _bind1(Rti typeOrTuple) => _rtiBind1(this, typeOrTuple);
// Precomputed derived types. These fields are used to hold derived types that
// are computed eagerly.
// TODO(sra): Implement precomputed type optimizations.
dynamic _precomputed1;
dynamic _precomputed2;
dynamic _precomputed3;
dynamic _precomputed4;
static void _setPrecomputed1(Rti rti, Rti precomputed) {
rti._precomputed1 = precomputed;
// Data value used by some tests.
Object _specializedTestResource;
static Object _getSpecializedTestResource(Rti rti) {
return rti._specializedTestResource;
static void _setSpecializedTestResource(Rti rti, Object value) {
rti._specializedTestResource = value;
// The Type object corresponding to this Rti.
Object _cachedRuntimeType;
static _Type _getCachedRuntimeType(Rti rti) =>
JS('_Type|Null', '#', rti._cachedRuntimeType);
static void _setCachedRuntimeType(Rti rti, _Type type) {
rti._cachedRuntimeType = type;
/// The kind of Rti `this` is, one of the kindXXX constants below.
/// We don't use an enum since we need to create Rti objects very early.
/// The zero initializer ensures dart2js type analysis considers [_kind] is
/// non-nullable.
Object /*int*/ _kind = 0;
static int _getKind(Rti rti) => _Utils.asInt(rti._kind);
static void _setKind(Rti rti, int kind) {
rti._kind = kind;
// Terminal terms.
static const kindNever = 1;
static const kindDynamic = 2;
static const kindVoid = 3; // TODO(sra): Use `dynamic` instead?
static const kindAny = 4; // Dart1-style 'dynamic' for JS-interop.
static const kindErased = 5;
// Unary terms.
static const kindStar = 6;
static const kindQuestion = 7;
static const kindFutureOr = 8;
// More complex terms.
static const kindInterface = 9;
// A vector of type parameters from enclosing functions and closures.
static const kindBinding = 10;
static const kindFunction = 11;
static const kindGenericFunction = 12;
static const kindGenericFunctionParameter = 13;
static bool _isUnionOfFunctionType(Rti rti) {
int kind = Rti._getKind(rti);
if (kind == kindStar || kind == kindQuestion || kind == kindFutureOr) {
return _isUnionOfFunctionType(_castToRti(_getPrimary(rti)));
return kind == kindFunction || kind == kindGenericFunction;
/// Primary data associated with type.
/// - Minified name of interface for interface types.
/// - Underlying type for unary terms.
/// - Class part of a type environment inside a generic class, or `null` for
/// type tuple.
/// - Return type of a function type.
/// - Underlying function type for a generic function.
/// - de Bruijn index for a generic function parameter.
dynamic _primary;
static Object _getPrimary(Rti rti) => rti._primary;
static void _setPrimary(Rti rti, value) {
rti._primary = value;
/// Additional data associated with type.
/// - The type arguments of an interface type.
/// - The type arguments from enclosing functions and closures for a
/// kindBinding.
/// - The [_FunctionParameters] of a function type.
/// - The type parameter bounds of a generic function.
dynamic _rest;
static Object _getRest(Rti rti) => rti._rest;
static void _setRest(Rti rti, value) {
rti._rest = value;
static String _getInterfaceName(Rti rti) {
assert(_getKind(rti) == kindInterface);
return _Utils.asString(_getPrimary(rti));
static JSArray _getInterfaceTypeArguments(Rti rti) {
// The array is a plain JavaScript Array, otherwise we would need the type
// `JSArray<Rti>` to exist before we could create the type `JSArray<Rti>`.
assert(_getKind(rti) == kindInterface);
return JS('JSUnmodifiableArray', '#', _getRest(rti));
static Rti _getBindingBase(Rti rti) {
assert(_getKind(rti) == kindBinding);
return _castToRti(_getPrimary(rti));
static JSArray _getBindingArguments(Rti rti) {
assert(_getKind(rti) == kindBinding);
return JS('JSUnmodifiableArray', '#', _getRest(rti));
static Rti _getStarArgument(Rti rti) {
assert(_getKind(rti) == kindStar);
return _castToRti(_getPrimary(rti));
static Rti _getQuestionArgument(Rti rti) {
assert(_getKind(rti) == kindQuestion);
return _castToRti(_getPrimary(rti));
static Rti _getFutureOrArgument(Rti rti) {
assert(_getKind(rti) == kindFutureOr);
return _castToRti(_getPrimary(rti));
static Rti _getReturnType(Rti rti) {
assert(_getKind(rti) == kindFunction);
return _castToRti(_getPrimary(rti));
static _FunctionParameters _getFunctionParameters(Rti rti) {
assert(_getKind(rti) == kindFunction);
return JS('_FunctionParameters', '#', _getRest(rti));
static Rti _getGenericFunctionBase(Rti rti) {
assert(_getKind(rti) == kindGenericFunction);
return _castToRti(_getPrimary(rti));
static JSArray _getGenericFunctionBounds(Rti rti) {
assert(_getKind(rti) == kindGenericFunction);
return JS('JSUnmodifiableArray', '#', _getRest(rti));
static int _getGenericFunctionParameterIndex(Rti rti) {
assert(_getKind(rti) == kindGenericFunctionParameter);
return _Utils.asInt(_getPrimary(rti));
/// On [Rti]s that are type environments*, derived types are cached on the
/// environment to ensure fast canonicalization. Ground-term types (i.e. not
/// dependent on class or function type parameters) are cached in the
/// universe. This field starts as `null` and the cache is created on demand.
/// *Any Rti can be a type environment, since we use the type for a function
/// type environment. The ambiguity between 'generic class is the environment'
/// and 'generic class is a singleton type argument' is resolved by using
/// different indexing in the recipe.
Object _evalCache;
static Object _getEvalCache(Rti rti) => rti._evalCache;
static void _setEvalCache(Rti rti, value) {
rti._evalCache = value;
/// On [Rti]s that are type environments*, extended environments are cached on
/// the base environment to ensure fast canonicalization.
/// This field starts as `null` and the cache is created on demand.
/// *This is valid only on kindInterface and kindBinding Rtis. The ambiguity
/// between 'generic class is the base environment' and 'generic class is a
/// singleton type argument' is resolved [TBD] (either (1) a bind1 cache, or
/// (2)using `env._eval("@<0>")._bind(args)` in place of `env._bind1(args)`).
/// On [Rti]s that are generic function types, results of instantiation are
/// cached on the generic function type to ensure fast repeated
/// instantiations.
Object _bindCache;
static Object _getBindCache(Rti rti) => rti._bindCache;
static void _setBindCache(Rti rti, value) {
rti._bindCache = value;
static Rti allocate() {
return new Rti();
Object _canonicalRecipe;
static String _getCanonicalRecipe(Rti rti) {
Object s = rti._canonicalRecipe;
assert(_Utils.isString(s), 'Missing canonical recipe');
return _Utils.asString(s);
static void _setCanonicalRecipe(Rti rti, String s) {
rti._canonicalRecipe = s;
class _FunctionParameters {
// TODO(fishythefish): Support required named parameters.
static _FunctionParameters allocate() => _FunctionParameters();
Object _requiredPositional;
static JSArray _getRequiredPositional(_FunctionParameters parameters) =>
JS('JSUnmodifiableArray', '#', parameters._requiredPositional);
static void _setRequiredPositional(
_FunctionParameters parameters, Object requiredPositional) {
parameters._requiredPositional = requiredPositional;
Object _optionalPositional;
static JSArray _getOptionalPositional(_FunctionParameters parameters) =>
JS('JSUnmodifiableArray', '#', parameters._optionalPositional);
static void _setOptionalPositional(
_FunctionParameters parameters, Object optionalPositional) {
parameters._optionalPositional = optionalPositional;
/// These are alternating name/type pairs; that is, the optional named
/// parameters of the function
/// void foo({int bar, double baz})
/// would be encoded as ["bar", int, "baz", double], where the even indices are
/// the name [String]s and the odd indices are the type [Rti]s.
/// Invariant: These pairs are sorted by name in lexicographically ascending order.
Object _optionalNamed;
static JSArray _getOptionalNamed(_FunctionParameters parameters) =>
JS('JSUnmodifiableArray', '#', parameters._optionalNamed);
static void _setOptionalNamed(
_FunctionParameters parameters, Object optionalNamed) {
parameters._optionalNamed = optionalNamed;
Object _theUniverse() => JS_EMBEDDED_GLOBAL('', RTI_UNIVERSE);
Rti _rtiEval(Rti environment, String recipe) {
return _Universe.evalInEnvironment(_theUniverse(), environment, recipe);
Rti _rtiBind1(Rti environment, Rti types) {
return _Universe.bind1(_theUniverse(), environment, types);
Rti _rtiBind(Rti environment, Rti types) {
return _Universe.bind(_theUniverse(), environment, types);
/// Evaluate a ground-term type.
/// Called from generated code.
Rti findType(String recipe) {
return _Universe.eval(_theUniverse(), recipe);
/// Evaluate a type recipe in the environment of an instance.
Rti evalInInstance(instance, String recipe) {
return _rtiEval(instanceType(instance), recipe);
/// Returns [genericFunctionRti] with type parameters bound to those specified
/// by [instantiationRti].
/// [genericFunctionRti] must be an rti representation with a number of generic
/// type parameters matching the number of types provided by [instantiationRti].
/// Called from generated code.
Rti instantiatedGenericFunctionType(
Rti genericFunctionRti, Rti instantiationRti) {
// If --lax-runtime-type-to-string is enabled and we never check the function
// type, then the function won't have a signature, so its RTI will be null. In
// this case, there is nothing to instantiate, so we return `null` and the
// instantiation appears to be an interface type instead.
if (genericFunctionRti == null) return null;
var bounds = Rti._getGenericFunctionBounds(genericFunctionRti);
var typeArguments = Rti._getInterfaceTypeArguments(instantiationRti);
assert(_Utils.arrayLength(bounds) == _Utils.arrayLength(typeArguments));
var cache = Rti._getBindCache(genericFunctionRti);
if (cache == null) {
cache = JS('', 'new Map()');
Rti._setBindCache(genericFunctionRti, cache);
String key = Rti._getCanonicalRecipe(instantiationRti);
var probe = _Utils.mapGet(cache, key);
if (probe != null) return _castToRti(probe);
Rti rti = _instantiate(_theUniverse(),
Rti._getGenericFunctionBase(genericFunctionRti), typeArguments, 0);
_Utils.mapSet(cache, key, rti);
return rti;
/// Substitutes [typeArguments] for generic function parameters in [rti].
/// Generic function parameters are de Bruijn indices counting up through the
/// parameters' scopes to index into [typeArguments].
/// [depth] is the number of subsequent generic function parameters that are in
/// scope. This is subtracted off the de Bruijn index for the type parameter to
/// arrive at an potential index into [typeArguments].
Rti _instantiate(universe, Rti rti, Object typeArguments, int depth) {
int kind = Rti._getKind(rti);
switch (kind) {
case Rti.kindErased:
case Rti.kindNever:
case Rti.kindDynamic:
case Rti.kindVoid:
case Rti.kindAny:
return rti;
case Rti.kindStar:
Rti baseType = _castToRti(Rti._getPrimary(rti));
Rti instantiatedBaseType =
_instantiate(universe, baseType, typeArguments, depth);
if (_Utils.isIdentical(instantiatedBaseType, baseType)) return rti;
return _Universe._lookupStarRti(universe, instantiatedBaseType);
case Rti.kindQuestion:
Rti baseType = _castToRti(Rti._getPrimary(rti));
Rti instantiatedBaseType =
_instantiate(universe, baseType, typeArguments, depth);
if (_Utils.isIdentical(instantiatedBaseType, baseType)) return rti;
return _Universe._lookupQuestionRti(universe, instantiatedBaseType);
case Rti.kindFutureOr:
Rti baseType = _castToRti(Rti._getPrimary(rti));
Rti instantiatedBaseType =
_instantiate(universe, baseType, typeArguments, depth);
if (_Utils.isIdentical(instantiatedBaseType, baseType)) return rti;
return _Universe._lookupFutureOrRti(universe, instantiatedBaseType);
case Rti.kindInterface:
Object interfaceTypeArguments = Rti._getInterfaceTypeArguments(rti);
Object instantiatedInterfaceTypeArguments = _instantiateArray(
universe, interfaceTypeArguments, typeArguments, depth);
if (_Utils.isIdentical(
instantiatedInterfaceTypeArguments, interfaceTypeArguments))
return rti;
return _Universe._lookupInterfaceRti(universe, Rti._getInterfaceName(rti),
case Rti.kindBinding:
Rti base = Rti._getBindingBase(rti);
Rti instantiatedBase = _instantiate(universe, base, typeArguments, depth);
Object arguments = Rti._getBindingArguments(rti);
Object instantiatedArguments =
_instantiateArray(universe, arguments, typeArguments, depth);
if (_Utils.isIdentical(instantiatedBase, base) &&
_Utils.isIdentical(instantiatedArguments, arguments)) return rti;
return _Universe._lookupBindingRti(
universe, instantiatedBase, instantiatedArguments);
case Rti.kindFunction:
Rti returnType = Rti._getReturnType(rti);
Rti instantiatedReturnType =
_instantiate(universe, returnType, typeArguments, depth);
_FunctionParameters functionParameters = Rti._getFunctionParameters(rti);
_FunctionParameters instantiatedFunctionParameters =
universe, functionParameters, typeArguments, depth);
if (_Utils.isIdentical(instantiatedReturnType, returnType) &&
instantiatedFunctionParameters, functionParameters)) return rti;
return _Universe._lookupFunctionRti(
universe, instantiatedReturnType, instantiatedFunctionParameters);
case Rti.kindGenericFunction:
Object bounds = Rti._getGenericFunctionBounds(rti);
depth += _Utils.arrayLength(bounds);
Object instantiatedBounds =
_instantiateArray(universe, bounds, typeArguments, depth);
Rti base = Rti._getGenericFunctionBase(rti);
Rti instantiatedBase = _instantiate(universe, base, typeArguments, depth);
if (_Utils.isIdentical(instantiatedBounds, bounds) &&
_Utils.isIdentical(instantiatedBase, base)) return rti;
return _Universe._lookupGenericFunctionRti(
universe, instantiatedBase, instantiatedBounds);
case Rti.kindGenericFunctionParameter:
int index = Rti._getGenericFunctionParameterIndex(rti);
if (index < depth) return null;
return _castToRti(_Utils.arrayAt(typeArguments, index - depth));
throw AssertionError(
'Attempted to instantiate unexpected RTI kind $kind');
Object _instantiateArray(
universe, Object rtiArray, Object typeArguments, int depth) {
bool changed = false;
int length = _Utils.arrayLength(rtiArray);
Object result = JS('', '[]');
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
Rti rti = _castToRti(_Utils.arrayAt(rtiArray, i));
Rti instantiatedRti = _instantiate(universe, rti, typeArguments, depth);
if (!_Utils.isIdentical(instantiatedRti, rti)) {
changed = true;
_Utils.arrayPush(result, instantiatedRti);
return changed ? result : rtiArray;
Object _instantiateNamed(
universe, Object namedArray, Object typeArguments, int depth) {
bool changed = false;
int length = _Utils.arrayLength(namedArray);
Object result = JS('', '[]');
for (int i = 0; i < length; i += 2) {
String name = _Utils.asString(_Utils.arrayAt(namedArray, i));
Rti rti = _castToRti(_Utils.arrayAt(namedArray, i + 1));
Rti instantiatedRti = _instantiate(universe, rti, typeArguments, depth);
if (!_Utils.isIdentical(instantiatedRti, rti)) {
changed = true;
_Utils.arrayPush(result, name);
_Utils.arrayPush(result, instantiatedRti);
return changed ? result : namedArray;
// TODO(fishythefish): Support required named parameters.
_FunctionParameters _instantiateFunctionParameters(universe,
_FunctionParameters functionParameters, Object typeArguments, int depth) {
Object requiredPositional =
Object instantiatedRequiredPositional =
_instantiateArray(universe, requiredPositional, typeArguments, depth);
Object optionalPositional =
Object instantiatedOptionalPositional =
_instantiateArray(universe, optionalPositional, typeArguments, depth);
Object optionalNamed =
Object instantiatedOptionalNamed =
_instantiateNamed(universe, optionalNamed, typeArguments, depth);
if (_Utils.isIdentical(instantiatedRequiredPositional, requiredPositional) &&
_Utils.isIdentical(instantiatedOptionalPositional, optionalPositional) &&
_Utils.isIdentical(instantiatedOptionalNamed, optionalNamed))
return functionParameters;
_FunctionParameters result = _FunctionParameters.allocate();
result, instantiatedRequiredPositional);
result, instantiatedOptionalPositional);
_FunctionParameters._setOptionalNamed(result, instantiatedOptionalNamed);
return result;
bool _isDartObject(object) => _Utils.instanceOf(object,
JS_BUILTIN('depends:none;effects:none;', JsBuiltin.dartObjectConstructor));
bool _isClosure(object) => _Utils.instanceOf(object,
JS_BUILTIN('depends:none;effects:none;', JsBuiltin.dartClosureConstructor));
/// Returns the structural function [Rti] of [closure], or `null`.
/// [closure] must be a subclass of [Closure].
/// Called from generated code.
Rti closureFunctionType(closure) {
var signatureName = JS_GET_NAME(JsGetName.SIGNATURE_NAME);
var signature = JS('', '#[#]', closure, signatureName);
if (signature != null) {
if (JS('bool', 'typeof # == "number"', signature)) {
return getTypeFromTypesTable(_Utils.asInt(signature));
return _castToRti(JS('', '#[#]()', closure, signatureName));
return null;
/// Returns the Rti type of [object]. Closures have both an interface type
/// (Closures implement `Function`) and a structural function type. Uses
/// [testRti] to choose the appropriate type.
/// Called from generated code.
Rti instanceOrFunctionType(object, Rti testRti) {
if (Rti._isUnionOfFunctionType(testRti)) {
if (_isClosure(object)) {
// If [testRti] is e.g. `FutureOr<Action>` (where `Action` is some
// function type), we don't need to worry about the `Future<Action>`
// branch because closures can't be `Future`s.
Rti rti = closureFunctionType(object);
if (rti != null) return rti;
return instanceType(object);
/// Returns the Rti type of [object].
/// This is the general entry for obtaining the interface type of any value.
/// Called from generated code.
Rti instanceType(object) {
// TODO(sra): Add interceptor-based specializations of this method. Inject a
// _getRti method into (Dart)Object, JSArray, and Interceptor. Then calls to
// this method can be generated as `getInterceptor(o)._getRti(o)`, allowing
// interceptor optimizations to select the specialization. If the only use of
// `getInterceptor` is for calling `_getRti`, then `instanceType` can be
// called, similar to a one-shot interceptor call. This would improve type
// lookup in ListMixin code as the interceptor is JavaScript 'this'.
if (_isDartObject(object)) {
return _instanceType(object);
if (_Utils.isArray(object)) {
return _arrayInstanceType(object);
var interceptor = getInterceptor(object);
return _instanceTypeFromConstructor(interceptor);
/// Returns the Rti type of JavaScript Array [object].
/// Called from generated code.
Rti _arrayInstanceType(object) {
// TODO(sra): Do we need to protect against an Array passed between two Dart
// programs loaded into the same JavaScript isolate (e.g. via JS-interop).
// FWIW, the legacy rti has this problem too. Perhaps JSArrays should use a
// program-local `symbol` for the type field.
var rti = JS('', r'#[#]', object, JS_GET_NAME(JsGetName.RTI_NAME));
return rti != null ? _castToRti(rti) : _castToRti(getJSArrayInteropRti());
/// Returns the Rti type of user-defined class [object].
/// [object] must not be an intercepted class or a closure.
/// Called from generated code.
Rti _instanceType(object) {
var rti = JS('', r'#[#]', object, JS_GET_NAME(JsGetName.RTI_NAME));
return rti != null ? _castToRti(rti) : _instanceTypeFromConstructor(object);
String instanceTypeName(object) {
Rti rti = instanceType(object);
return _rtiToString(rti, null);
Rti _instanceTypeFromConstructor(instance) {
var constructor = JS('', '#.constructor', instance);
var probe = JS('', r'#[#]', constructor, CONSTRUCTOR_RTI_CACHE_PROPERTY_NAME);
if (probe != null) return _castToRti(probe);
return _instanceTypeFromConstructorMiss(instance, constructor);
Rti _instanceTypeFromConstructorMiss(instance, constructor) {
// Subclasses of Closure are synthetic classes. The synthetic classes all
// extend a 'normal' class (Closure, BoundClosure, StaticClosure), so make
// them appear to be the superclass. Instantiations have a `$ti` field so
// don't reach here.
// TODO(39214): This will need fixing if we ever use instances of
// StaticClosure for static tear-offs.
// TODO(sra): Can this test be avoided, e.g. by putting $ti on the
// prototype of Closure/BoundClosure/StaticClosure classes?
var effectiveConstructor = _isClosure(instance)
? JS('', '#.__proto__.__proto__.constructor', instance)
: constructor;
Rti rti = _Universe.findErasedType(
_theUniverse(), JS('String', '', effectiveConstructor));
JS('', r'#[#] = #', constructor, CONSTRUCTOR_RTI_CACHE_PROPERTY_NAME, rti);
return rti;
/// Returns the structural function type of [object], or `null` if the object is
/// not a closure.
Rti _instanceFunctionType(object) =>
_isClosure(object) ? closureFunctionType(object) : null;
/// Returns Rti from types table. The types table is initialized with recipe
/// strings.
Rti getTypeFromTypesTable(/*int*/ _index) {
int index = _Utils.asInt(_index);
var table = JS_EMBEDDED_GLOBAL('', TYPES);
var type = _Utils.arrayAt(table, index);
if (_Utils.isString(type)) {
Rti rti = findType(_Utils.asString(type));
_Utils.arraySetAt(table, index, rti);
return rti;
return _castToRti(type);
Type getRuntimeType(object) {
Rti rti = _instanceFunctionType(object) ?? instanceType(object);
return createRuntimeType(rti);
/// Called from generated code.
Type createRuntimeType(Rti rti) {
_Type type = Rti._getCachedRuntimeType(rti);
if (type != null) return type;
// TODO( For NNBD transition,
// canonicalization may be needed. It might be possible to generate a
// star-free recipe from the canonical recipe and evaluate that.
type = _Type(rti);
Rti._setCachedRuntimeType(rti, type);
return type;
/// Called from generated code in the constant pool.
Type typeLiteral(String recipe) {
return createRuntimeType(findType(recipe));
/// Implementation of [Type] based on Rti.
class _Type implements Type {
final Rti _rti;
int _hashCode;
int get hashCode => _hashCode ??= Rti._getCanonicalRecipe(_rti).hashCode;
bool operator ==(other) {
return (other is _Type) && identical(_rti, other._rti);
String toString() => _rtiToString(_rti, null);
/// Called from generated code.
/// The first time the default `_is` method is called, it replaces itself with a
/// specialized version.
// TODO(sra): Emit code to force-replace the `_is` method, generated dependent
// on the types used in the program. e.g.
// findType("bool")._is = H._isBool;
// This could be omitted if (1) the `bool` rti is not used directly for a test
// (e.g. we lower a check to a direct helper), and (2) `bool` does not flow to a
// tested type parameter. The trick will be to ensure that `H._isBool` is
// generated.
bool _installSpecializedIsTest(object) {
// This static method is installed on an Rti object as a JavaScript instance
// method. The Rti object is 'this'.
Rti testRti = _castToRti(JS('', 'this'));
int kind = Rti._getKind(testRti);
var isFn = RAW_DART_FUNCTION_REF(_generalIsTestImplementation);
if (isTopType(testRti)) {
var asFn = RAW_DART_FUNCTION_REF(_asTop);
Rti._setAsCheckFunction(testRti, asFn);
Rti._setTypeCheckFunction(testRti, asFn);
} else if (kind == Rti.kindInterface) {
String key = Rti._getCanonicalRecipe(testRti);
if (JS_GET_NAME(JsGetName.INT_RECIPE) == key) {
} else if (JS_GET_NAME(JsGetName.DOUBLE_RECIPE) == key) {
} else if (JS_GET_NAME(JsGetName.NUM_RECIPE) == key) {
} else if (JS_GET_NAME(JsGetName.STRING_RECIPE) == key) {
isFn = RAW_DART_FUNCTION_REF(_isString);
} else if (JS_GET_NAME(JsGetName.BOOL_RECIPE) == key) {
} else {
String name = Rti._getInterfaceName(testRti);
var arguments = Rti._getInterfaceTypeArguments(testRti);
if (JS(
'bool', '#.every(#)', arguments, RAW_DART_FUNCTION_REF(isTopType))) {
String propertyName =
Rti._setSpecializedTestResource(testRti, propertyName);
isFn = RAW_DART_FUNCTION_REF(_isTestViaProperty);
Rti._setIsTestFunction(testRti, isFn);
return Rti._isCheck(testRti, object);
/// Called from generated code.
bool _generalIsTestImplementation(object) {
// This static method is installed on an Rti object as a JavaScript instance
// method. The Rti object is 'this'.
Rti testRti = _castToRti(JS('', 'this'));
Rti objectRti = instanceOrFunctionType(object, testRti);
return isSubtype(_theUniverse(), objectRti, testRti);
/// Called from generated code.
bool _isTestViaProperty(object) {
// This static method is installed on an Rti object as a JavaScript instance
// method. The Rti object is 'this'.
Rti testRti = _castToRti(JS('', 'this'));
var tag = Rti._getSpecializedTestResource(testRti);
// This test is redundant with getInterceptor below, but getInterceptor does
// the tests in the wrong order for most tags, so it is usually faster to have
// this check.
if (_isDartObject(object)) {
return JS('bool', '!!#[#]', object, tag);
var interceptor = getInterceptor(object);
return JS('bool', '!!#[#]', interceptor, tag);
/// Called from generated code.
_generalAsCheckImplementation(object) {
if (object == null) return object;
// This static method is installed on an Rti object as a JavaScript instance
// method. The Rti object is 'this'.
Rti testRti = _castToRti(JS('', 'this'));
if (Rti._isCheck(testRti, object)) return object;
Rti objectRti = instanceOrFunctionType(object, testRti);
String message =
_Error.compose(object, objectRti, _rtiToString(testRti, null));
throw _CastError.fromMessage(message);
/// Called from generated code.
_generalTypeCheckImplementation(object) {
if (object == null) return object;
// This static method is installed on an Rti object as a JavaScript instance
// method. The Rti object is 'this'.
Rti testRti = _castToRti(JS('', 'this'));
if (Rti._isCheck(testRti, object)) return object;
Rti objectRti = instanceOrFunctionType(object, testRti);
String message =
_Error.compose(object, objectRti, _rtiToString(testRti, null));
throw _TypeError.fromMessage(message);
/// Called from generated code.
checkTypeBound(Rti type, Rti bound, variable) {
if (isSubtype(_theUniverse(), type, bound)) return type;
String message = "Type '${_rtiToString(type, null)}'"
" is not a subtype of type '${_rtiToString(bound, null)}'"
" of '${_Utils.asString(variable)}'";
throw _TypeError.fromMessage(message);
/// Base class to _CastError and _TypeError.
class _Error extends Error {
final String _message;
static String compose(object, objectRti, checkedTypeDescription) {
String objectDescription = Error.safeToString(object);
objectRti ??= instanceType(object);
String objectTypeDescription = _rtiToString(objectRti, null);
return "${objectDescription}:"
" type '${objectTypeDescription}'"
" is not a subtype of type '${checkedTypeDescription}'";
String toString() => _message;
class _CastError extends _Error implements CastError {
_CastError.fromMessage(String message) : super('CastError: $message');
factory _CastError.forType(object, String type) {
return _CastError.fromMessage(_Error.compose(object, null, type));
class _TypeError extends _Error implements TypeError {
_TypeError.fromMessage(String message) : super('TypeError: $message');
factory _TypeError.forType(object, String type) {
return _TypeError.fromMessage(_Error.compose(object, null, type));
String get message => _message;
// Specializations.
// Specializations can be placed on Rti objects as the _as, _check and _is
// 'methods'. They can also be called directly called from generated code.
/// Specialization for 'is dynamic' and other top types.
/// Called from generated code via Rti `_is` method.
bool _isTop(object) {
return true;
/// Specialization for 'as dynamic' and other top types.
/// Called from generated code via Rti `_as` and `_check` methods.
dynamic _asTop(object) {
return object;
/// Specialization for 'is bool'.
/// Called from generated code.
bool _isBool(object) {
return true == object || false == object;
/// Specialization for 'as bool?'.
/// Called from generated code.
bool /*?*/ _asBoolNullable(object) {
if (_isBool(object)) return _Utils.asBool(object);
if (object == null) return object;
throw _CastError.forType(object, 'bool');
/// Specialization for check on 'bool?'.
/// Called from generated code.
bool /*?*/ _checkBoolNullable(object) {
if (_isBool(object)) return _Utils.asBool(object);
if (object == null) return object;
throw _TypeError.forType(object, 'bool');
/// Specialization for 'as double?'.
/// Called from generated code.
double /*?*/ _asDoubleNullable(object) {
if (_isNum(object)) return _Utils.asDouble(object);
if (object == null) return object;
throw _CastError.forType(object, 'double');
/// Specialization for check on 'double?'.
/// Called from generated code.
double /*?*/ _checkDoubleNullable(object) {
if (_isNum(object)) return _Utils.asDouble(object);
if (object == null) return object;
throw _TypeError.forType(object, 'double');
/// Specialization for 'is int'.
/// Called from generated code.
bool _isInt(object) {
return JS('bool', 'typeof # == "number"', object) &&
JS('bool', 'Math.floor(#) === #', object, object);
/// Specialization for 'as int?'.
/// Called from generated code.
int /*?*/ _asIntNullable(object) {
if (_isInt(object)) return _Utils.asInt(object);
if (object == null) return object;
throw _CastError.forType(object, 'int');
/// Specialization for check on 'int?'.
/// Called from generated code.
int /*?*/ _checkIntNullable(object) {
if (_isInt(object)) return _Utils.asInt(object);
if (object == null) return object;
throw _TypeError.forType(object, 'int');
/// Specialization for 'is num' and 'is double'.
/// Called from generated code.
bool _isNum(object) {
return JS('bool', 'typeof # == "number"', object);
/// Specialization for 'as num?'.
/// Called from generated code.
num /*?*/ _asNumNullable(object) {
if (_isNum(object)) return _Utils.asNum(object);
if (object == null) return object;
throw _CastError.forType(object, 'num');
/// Specialization for check on 'num?'.
/// Called from generated code.
num /*?*/ _checkNumNullable(object) {
if (_isNum(object)) return _Utils.asNum(object);
if (object == null) return object;
throw _TypeError.forType(object, 'num');
/// Specialization for 'is String'.
/// Called from generated code.
bool _isString(object) {
return JS('bool', 'typeof # == "string"', object);
/// Specialization for 'as String?'.
/// Called from generated code.
String /*?*/ _asStringNullable(object) {
if (_isString(object)) return _Utils.asString(object);
if (object == null) return object;
throw _CastError.forType(object, 'String');
/// Specialization for check on 'String?'.
/// Called from generated code.
String /*?*/ _checkStringNullable(object) {
if (_isString(object)) return _Utils.asString(object);
if (object == null) return object;
throw _TypeError.forType(object, 'String');
String _rtiArrayToString(Object array, List<String> genericContext) {
String s = '', sep = '';
for (int i = 0; i < _Utils.arrayLength(array); i++) {
s += sep +
_rtiToString(_castToRti(_Utils.arrayAt(array, i)), genericContext);
sep = ', ';
return s;
String _functionRtiToString(Rti functionType, List<String> genericContext,
{Object bounds = null}) {
String typeParametersText = '';
int outerContextLength;
if (bounds != null) {
int boundsLength = _Utils.arrayLength(bounds);
if (genericContext == null) {
genericContext = <String>[];
} else {
outerContextLength = genericContext.length;
int offset = genericContext.length;
for (int i = boundsLength; i > 0; i--) {
genericContext.add('T${offset + i}');
String typeSep = '';
typeParametersText = '<';
for (int i = 0; i < boundsLength; i++) {
typeParametersText += typeSep;
typeParametersText += genericContext[genericContext.length - 1 - i];
Rti boundRti = _castToRti(_Utils.arrayAt(bounds, i));
if (!isTopType(boundRti)) {
typeParametersText +=
' extends ' + _rtiToString(boundRti, genericContext);
typeSep = ', ';
typeParametersText += '>';
// TODO(fishythefish): Support required named parameters.
Rti returnType = Rti._getReturnType(functionType);
_FunctionParameters parameters = Rti._getFunctionParameters(functionType);
var requiredPositional =
int requiredPositionalLength = _Utils.arrayLength(requiredPositional);
var optionalPositional =
int optionalPositionalLength = _Utils.arrayLength(optionalPositional);
var optionalNamed = _FunctionParameters._getOptionalNamed(parameters);
int optionalNamedLength = _Utils.arrayLength(optionalNamed);
assert(optionalPositionalLength == 0 || optionalNamedLength == 0);
String returnTypeText = _rtiToString(returnType, genericContext);
String argumentsText = '';
String sep = '';
for (int i = 0; i < requiredPositionalLength; i++) {
argumentsText += sep +
_castToRti(_Utils.arrayAt(requiredPositional, i)), genericContext);
sep = ', ';
if (optionalPositionalLength > 0) {
argumentsText += sep + '[';
sep = '';
for (int i = 0; i < optionalPositionalLength; i++) {
argumentsText += sep +
_rtiToString(_castToRti(_Utils.arrayAt(optionalPositional, i)),
sep = ', ';
argumentsText += ']';
if (optionalNamedLength > 0) {
argumentsText += sep + '{';
sep = '';
for (int i = 0; i < optionalNamedLength; i += 2) {
argumentsText += sep +
_rtiToString(_castToRti(_Utils.arrayAt(optionalNamed, i + 1)),
genericContext) +
' ' +
_Utils.asString(_Utils.arrayAt(optionalNamed, i));
sep = ', ';
argumentsText += '}';
if (outerContextLength != null) {
// Pop all of the generic type parameters.
JS('', '#.length = #', genericContext, outerContextLength);
// TODO(fishythefish): Below is the same format as the VM. Change to:
// return '${returnTypeText} Function${typeParametersText}(${argumentsText})';
return '${typeParametersText}(${argumentsText}) => ${returnTypeText}';
String _rtiToString(Rti rti, List<String> genericContext) {
int kind = Rti._getKind(rti);
if (kind == Rti.kindErased) return 'erased';
if (kind == Rti.kindDynamic) return 'dynamic';
if (kind == Rti.kindVoid) return 'void';
if (kind == Rti.kindNever) return 'Never';
if (kind == Rti.kindAny) return 'any';
if (kind == Rti.kindStar) {
Rti starArgument = Rti._getStarArgument(rti);
return '${_rtiToString(starArgument, genericContext)}*';
if (kind == Rti.kindQuestion) {
Rti questionArgument = Rti._getQuestionArgument(rti);
return '${_rtiToString(questionArgument, genericContext)}?';
if (kind == Rti.kindFutureOr) {
Rti futureOrArgument = Rti._getFutureOrArgument(rti);
return 'FutureOr<${_rtiToString(futureOrArgument, genericContext)}>';
if (kind == Rti.kindInterface) {
String name = Rti._getInterfaceName(rti);
name = _unminifyOrTag(name);
var arguments = Rti._getInterfaceTypeArguments(rti);
if (arguments.length != 0) {
name += '<' + _rtiArrayToString(arguments, genericContext) + '>';
return name;
if (kind == Rti.kindFunction) {
return _functionRtiToString(rti, genericContext);
if (kind == Rti.kindGenericFunction) {
Rti baseFunctionType = Rti._getGenericFunctionBase(rti);
Object bounds = Rti._getGenericFunctionBounds(rti);
return _functionRtiToString(baseFunctionType, genericContext,
bounds: bounds);
if (kind == Rti.kindGenericFunctionParameter) {
int index = Rti._getGenericFunctionParameterIndex(rti);
return genericContext[genericContext.length - 1 - index];
return '?';
String _unminifyOrTag(String rawClassName) {
String preserved = unmangleGlobalNameIfPreservedAnyways(rawClassName);
if (preserved != null) return preserved;
return JS_GET_FLAG('MINIFIED') ? 'minified:$rawClassName' : rawClassName;
String _rtiArrayToDebugString(Object array) {
String s = '[', sep = '';
for (int i = 0; i < _Utils.arrayLength(array); i++) {
s += sep + _rtiToDebugString(_castToRti(_Utils.arrayAt(array, i)));
sep = ', ';
return s + ']';
String functionParametersToString(_FunctionParameters parameters) {
// TODO(fishythefish): Support required named parameters.
String s = '(', sep = '';
var requiredPositional =
int requiredPositionalLength = _Utils.arrayLength(requiredPositional);
var optionalPositional =
int optionalPositionalLength = _Utils.arrayLength(optionalPositional);
var optionalNamed = _FunctionParameters._getOptionalNamed(parameters);
int optionalNamedLength = _Utils.arrayLength(optionalNamed);
assert(optionalPositionalLength == 0 || optionalNamedLength == 0);
for (int i = 0; i < requiredPositionalLength; i++) {
s += sep +
_rtiToDebugString(_castToRti(_Utils.arrayAt(requiredPositional, i)));
sep = ', ';
if (optionalPositionalLength > 0) {
s += sep + '[';
sep = '';
for (int i = 0; i < optionalPositionalLength; i++) {
s += sep +
_rtiToDebugString(_castToRti(_Utils.arrayAt(optionalPositional, i)));
sep = ', ';
s += ']';
if (optionalNamedLength > 0) {
s += sep + '{';
sep = '';
for (int i = 0; i < optionalNamedLength; i += 2) {
s += sep +
_rtiToDebugString(_castToRti(_Utils.arrayAt(optionalNamed, i + 1))) +
' ' +
_Utils.asString(_Utils.arrayAt(optionalNamed, i));
sep = ', ';
s += '}';
return s + ')';
String _rtiToDebugString(Rti rti) {
int kind = Rti._getKind(rti);
if (kind == Rti.kindErased) return 'erased';
if (kind == Rti.kindDynamic) return 'dynamic';
if (kind == Rti.kindVoid) return 'void';
if (kind == Rti.kindNever) return 'Never';
if (kind == Rti.kindAny) return 'any';
if (kind == Rti.kindStar) {
Rti starArgument = Rti._getStarArgument(rti);
return 'star(${_rtiToDebugString(starArgument)})';
if (kind == Rti.kindQuestion) {
Rti questionArgument = Rti._getQuestionArgument(rti);
return 'question(${_rtiToDebugString(questionArgument)})';
if (kind == Rti.kindFutureOr) {
Rti futureOrArgument = Rti._getFutureOrArgument(rti);
return 'FutureOr(${_rtiToDebugString(futureOrArgument)})';
if (kind == Rti.kindInterface) {
String name = Rti._getInterfaceName(rti);
var arguments = Rti._getInterfaceTypeArguments(rti);
if (_Utils.arrayLength(arguments) == 0) {
return 'interface("$name")';
} else {
return 'interface("$name", ${_rtiArrayToDebugString(arguments)})';
if (kind == Rti.kindBinding) {
Rti base = Rti._getBindingBase(rti);
var arguments = Rti._getBindingArguments(rti);
return 'binding(${_rtiToDebugString(base)}, ${_rtiArrayToDebugString(arguments)})';
if (kind == Rti.kindFunction) {
Rti returnType = Rti._getReturnType(rti);
_FunctionParameters parameters = Rti._getFunctionParameters(rti);
return 'function(${_rtiToDebugString(returnType)}, ${functionParametersToString(parameters)})';
if (kind == Rti.kindGenericFunction) {
Rti baseFunctionType = Rti._getGenericFunctionBase(rti);
Object bounds = Rti._getGenericFunctionBounds(rti);
return 'genericFunction(${_rtiToDebugString(baseFunctionType)}, ${_rtiArrayToDebugString(bounds)})';
if (kind == Rti.kindGenericFunctionParameter) {
int index = Rti._getGenericFunctionParameterIndex(rti);
return 'genericFunctionParameter($index)';
return 'other(kind=$kind)';
/// Class of static methods for the universe of Rti objects.
/// The universe is the manager object for the Rti instances.
/// The universe itself is allocated at startup before any types or Dart objects
/// can be created, so it does not have a Dart type.
class _Universe {
_Universe._() {
throw UnimplementedError('_Universe is static methods only');
static Object create() {
// This needs to be kept in sync with `FragmentEmitter.createRtiUniverse` in
// `fragment_emitter.dart`.
return JS(
'#: new Map(),'
'#: {},'
'#: {},'
'#: [],' // shared empty array.
// Field accessors.
static evalCache(universe) =>
JS('', '#.#', universe, RtiUniverseFieldNames.evalCache);
static Object typeRules(universe) =>
JS('', '#.#', universe, RtiUniverseFieldNames.typeRules);
static Object erasedTypes(universe) =>
JS('', '#.#', universe, RtiUniverseFieldNames.erasedTypes);
static Object _findRule(universe, String targetType) =>
JS('', '#.#', typeRules(universe), targetType);
static Object findRule(universe, String targetType) {
Object rule = _findRule(universe, targetType);
while (_Utils.isString(rule)) {
rule = _findRule(universe, _Utils.asString(rule));
return rule;
static Rti findErasedType(universe, String cls) {
Object metadata = erasedTypes(universe);
var probe = JS('', '#.#', metadata, cls);
if (probe == null) {
return eval(universe, cls);
} else if (_Utils.isNum(probe)) {
int length = _Utils.asInt(probe);
Rti erased = _lookupErasedRti(universe);
Object arguments = JS('', '[]');
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
_Utils.arrayPush(arguments, erased);
Rti interface = _lookupInterfaceRti(universe, cls, arguments);
JS('', '#.# = #', metadata, cls, interface);
return interface;
} else {
return _castToRti(probe);
static void addRules(universe, rules) =>
_Utils.objectAssign(typeRules(universe), rules);
static void addErasedTypes(universe, types) =>
_Utils.objectAssign(erasedTypes(universe), types);
static Object sharedEmptyArray(universe) =>
JS('JSArray', '#.#', universe, RtiUniverseFieldNames.sharedEmptyArray);
/// Evaluates [recipe] in the global environment.
static Rti eval(Object universe, String recipe) {
var cache = evalCache(universe);
var probe = _cacheGet(cache, recipe);
if (probe != null) return _castToRti(probe);
Rti rti = _parseRecipe(universe, null, recipe);
_cacheSet(cache, recipe, rti);
return rti;
static Rti evalInEnvironment(
Object universe, Rti environment, String recipe) {
var cache = Rti._getEvalCache(environment);
if (cache == null) {
cache = JS('', 'new Map()');
Rti._setEvalCache(environment, cache);
var probe = _cacheGet(cache, recipe);
if (probe != null) return _castToRti(probe);
Rti rti = _parseRecipe(universe, environment, recipe);
_cacheSet(cache, recipe, rti);
return rti;
static Rti bind(Object universe, Rti environment, Rti argumentsRti) {
var cache = Rti._getBindCache(environment);
if (cache == null) {
cache = JS('', 'new Map()');
Rti._setBindCache(environment, cache);
String argumentsRecipe = Rti._getCanonicalRecipe(argumentsRti);
var probe = _cacheGet(cache, argumentsRecipe);
if (probe != null) return _castToRti(probe);
var argumentsArray;
if (Rti._getKind(argumentsRti) == Rti.kindBinding) {
argumentsArray = Rti._getBindingArguments(argumentsRti);
} else {
argumentsArray = JS('', '[#]', argumentsRti);
Rti rti = _lookupBindingRti(universe, environment, argumentsArray);
_cacheSet(cache, argumentsRecipe, rti);
return rti;
static Rti bind1(Object universe, Rti environment, Rti argumentsRti) {
throw UnimplementedError('_Universe.bind1');
static Rti evalTypeVariable(Object universe, Rti environment, String name) {
if (Rti._getKind(environment) == Rti.kindBinding) {
environment = Rti._getBindingBase(environment);
assert(Rti._getKind(environment) == Rti.kindInterface);
String interfaceName = Rti._getInterfaceName(environment);
Object rule = _Universe.findRule(universe, interfaceName);
assert(rule != null);
String recipe = TypeRule.lookupTypeVariable(rule, name);
return _Universe.evalInEnvironment(universe, environment, recipe);
static _cacheGet(cache, key) => JS('', '#.get(#)', cache, key);
static void _cacheSet(cache, key, value) {
JS('', '#.set(#, #)', cache, key, value);
static Rti _parseRecipe(Object universe, Object environment, String recipe) {
Object parser = _Parser.create(universe, environment, recipe);
Rti rti = _Parser.parse(parser);
if (rti != null) return rti;
throw UnimplementedError('_Universe._parseRecipe("$recipe")');
static Rti _finishRti(Object universe, Rti rti) {
// Enter fresh Rti in global table under it's canonical recipe.
String key = Rti._getCanonicalRecipe(rti);
_cacheSet(evalCache(universe), key, rti);
// Set up methods to perform type tests. The general as-check / type-check
// methods use the is-test method. The is-test method on first use
// overwrites itself, and possibly the as-check / type-check methods, with a
// specialized version.
var checkFn = RAW_DART_FUNCTION_REF(_generalTypeCheckImplementation);
var asFn = RAW_DART_FUNCTION_REF(_generalAsCheckImplementation);
var isFn = RAW_DART_FUNCTION_REF(_installSpecializedIsTest);
Rti._setAsCheckFunction(rti, asFn);
Rti._setTypeCheckFunction(rti, checkFn);
Rti._setIsTestFunction(rti, isFn);
return rti;
// For each kind of Rti there are three methods:
// * `lookupXXX` which takes the component parts and returns an existing Rti
// object if it exists.
// * `canonicalRecipeOfXXX` that returns the compositional canonical recipe
// for the proposed type.
// * `createXXX` to create the type if it does not exist.
static String _canonicalRecipeOfErased() => Recipe.pushErasedString;
static String _canonicalRecipeOfDynamic() => Recipe.pushDynamicString;
static String _canonicalRecipeOfVoid() => Recipe.pushVoidString;
static String _canonicalRecipeOfNever() =>
Recipe.pushNeverExtensionString + Recipe.extensionOpString;
static String _canonicalRecipeOfAny() =>
Recipe.pushAnyExtensionString + Recipe.extensionOpString;
static String _canonicalRecipeOfStar(Rti baseType) =>
Rti._getCanonicalRecipe(baseType) + Recipe.wrapStarString;
static String _canonicalRecipeOfQuestion(Rti baseType) =>
Rti._getCanonicalRecipe(baseType) + Recipe.wrapQuestionString;
static String _canonicalRecipeOfFutureOr(Rti baseType) =>
Rti._getCanonicalRecipe(baseType) + Recipe.wrapFutureOrString;
static String _canonicalRecipeOfGenericFunctionParameter(int index) =>
'$index' + Recipe.genericFunctionTypeParameterIndexString;
static Rti _lookupErasedRti(universe) {
return _lookupTerminalRti(
universe, Rti.kindErased, _canonicalRecipeOfErased());
static Rti _lookupDynamicRti(universe) {
return _lookupTerminalRti(
universe, Rti.kindDynamic, _canonicalRecipeOfDynamic());
static Rti _lookupVoidRti(universe) {
return _lookupTerminalRti(universe, Rti.kindVoid, _canonicalRecipeOfVoid());
static Rti _lookupNeverRti(universe) {
return _lookupTerminalRti(
universe, Rti.kindNever, _canonicalRecipeOfNever());
static Rti _lookupAnyRti(universe) {
return _lookupTerminalRti(universe, Rti.kindAny, _canonicalRecipeOfAny());
static Rti _lookupTerminalRti(universe, int kind, String canonicalRecipe) {
var cache = evalCache(universe);
var probe = _cacheGet(cache, canonicalRecipe);
if (probe != null) return _castToRti(probe);
return _createTerminalRti(universe, kind, canonicalRecipe);
static Rti _createTerminalRti(universe, int kind, String canonicalRecipe) {
Rti rti = Rti.allocate();
Rti._setKind(rti, kind);
Rti._setCanonicalRecipe(rti, canonicalRecipe);
return _finishRti(universe, rti);
static Rti _lookupStarRti(universe, Rti baseType) => _lookupUnaryRti(
universe, Rti.kindStar, baseType, _canonicalRecipeOfStar(baseType));
static Rti _lookupQuestionRti(universe, Rti baseType) => _lookupUnaryRti(
static Rti _lookupFutureOrRti(universe, Rti baseType) => _lookupUnaryRti(
static Rti _lookupUnaryRti(
universe, int kind, Rti baseType, String canonicalRecipe) {
var cache = evalCache(universe);
var probe = _cacheGet(cache, canonicalRecipe);
if (probe != null) return _castToRti(probe);
return _createUnaryRti(universe, kind, baseType, canonicalRecipe);
static Rti _createUnaryRti(
universe, int kind, Rti baseType, String canonicalRecipe) {
Rti rti = Rti.allocate();
Rti._setKind(rti, kind);
Rti._setPrimary(rti, baseType);
Rti._setCanonicalRecipe(rti, canonicalRecipe);
return _finishRti(universe, rti);
static Rti _lookupGenericFunctionParameterRti(universe, int index) {
String canonicalRecipe = _canonicalRecipeOfGenericFunctionParameter(index);
var cache = evalCache(universe);
var probe = _cacheGet(cache, canonicalRecipe);
if (probe != null) return _castToRti(probe);
return _createGenericFunctionParameterRti(universe, index, canonicalRecipe);
static Rti _createGenericFunctionParameterRti(
universe, int index, String canonicalRecipe) {
Rti rti = Rti.allocate();
Rti._setKind(rti, Rti.kindGenericFunctionParameter);
Rti._setPrimary(rti, index);
Rti._setCanonicalRecipe(rti, canonicalRecipe);
return _finishRti(universe, rti);
static String _canonicalRecipeJoin(Object arguments) {
String s = '', sep = '';
int length = _Utils.arrayLength(arguments);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
Rti argument = _castToRti(_Utils.arrayAt(arguments, i));
String subrecipe = Rti._getCanonicalRecipe(argument);
s += sep + subrecipe;
sep = Recipe.separatorString;
return s;
static String _canonicalRecipeJoinNamed(Object arguments) {
String s = '', sep = '';
int length = _Utils.arrayLength(arguments);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i += 2) {
String name = _Utils.asString(_Utils.arrayAt(arguments, i));
Rti type = _castToRti(_Utils.arrayAt(arguments, i + 1));
String subrecipe = Rti._getCanonicalRecipe(type);
s += sep + name + Recipe.nameSeparatorString + subrecipe;
sep = Recipe.separatorString;
return s;
static String _canonicalRecipeOfInterface(String name, Object arguments) {
String s = _Utils.asString(name);
int length = _Utils.arrayLength(arguments);
if (length != 0) {
s += Recipe.startTypeArgumentsString +
_canonicalRecipeJoin(arguments) +
return s;
static Rti _lookupInterfaceRti(
Object universe, String name, Object arguments) {
String key = _canonicalRecipeOfInterface(name, arguments);
var cache = evalCache(universe);
var probe = _cacheGet(cache, key);
if (probe != null) return _castToRti(probe);
return _createInterfaceRti(universe, name, arguments, key);
static Rti _createInterfaceRti(
Object universe, String name, Object typeArguments, String key) {
Rti rti = Rti.allocate();
Rti._setKind(rti, Rti.kindInterface);
Rti._setPrimary(rti, name);
Rti._setRest(rti, typeArguments);
int length = _Utils.arrayLength(typeArguments);
if (length > 0) {
Rti._setPrecomputed1(rti, _castToRti(_Utils.arrayAt(typeArguments, 0)));
Rti._setCanonicalRecipe(rti, key);
return _finishRti(universe, rti);
static String _canonicalRecipeOfBinding(Rti base, Object arguments) {
String s = Rti._getCanonicalRecipe(base);
s += Recipe
.toTypeString; // TODO(sra): Omit when base encoding is Rti without ToType.
s += Recipe.startTypeArgumentsString +
_canonicalRecipeJoin(arguments) +
return s;
/// [arguments] becomes owned by the created Rti.
static Rti _lookupBindingRti(Object universe, Rti base, Object arguments) {
Rti newBase = base;
Object newArguments = arguments;
if (Rti._getKind(base) == Rti.kindBinding) {
newBase = Rti._getBindingBase(base);
newArguments =
_Utils.arrayConcat(Rti._getBindingArguments(base), arguments);
String key = _canonicalRecipeOfBinding(newBase, newArguments);
var cache = evalCache(universe);
var probe = _cacheGet(cache, key);
if (probe != null) return _castToRti(probe);
return _createBindingRti(universe, newBase, newArguments, key);
static Rti _createBindingRti(
Object universe, Rti base, Object arguments, String key) {
Rti rti = Rti.allocate();
Rti._setKind(rti, Rti.kindBinding);
Rti._setPrimary(rti, base);
Rti._setRest(rti, arguments);
Rti._setCanonicalRecipe(rti, key);
return _finishRti(universe, rti);
static String _canonicalRecipeOfFunction(
Rti returnType, _FunctionParameters parameters) =>
Rti._getCanonicalRecipe(returnType) +
// TODO(fishythefish): Support required named parameters.
static String _canonicalRecipeOfFunctionParameters(
_FunctionParameters parameters) {
var requiredPositional =
int requiredPositionalLength = _Utils.arrayLength(requiredPositional);
var optionalPositional =
int optionalPositionalLength = _Utils.arrayLength(optionalPositional);
var optionalNamed = _FunctionParameters._getOptionalNamed(parameters);
int optionalNamedLength = _Utils.arrayLength(optionalNamed);
assert(optionalPositionalLength == 0 || optionalNamedLength == 0);
String recipe = Recipe.startFunctionArgumentsString +
if (optionalPositionalLength > 0) {
String sep = requiredPositionalLength > 0 ? Recipe.separatorString : '';
recipe += sep +
Recipe.startOptionalGroupString +
_canonicalRecipeJoin(optionalPositional) +
if (optionalNamedLength > 0) {
String sep = requiredPositionalLength > 0 ? Recipe.separatorString : '';
recipe += sep +
Recipe.startNamedGroupString +
_canonicalRecipeJoinNamed(optionalNamed) +
return recipe + Recipe.endFunctionArgumentsString;
static Rti _lookupFunctionRti(
Object universe, Rti returnType, _FunctionParameters parameters) {
String key = _canonicalRecipeOfFunction(returnType, parameters);
var cache = evalCache(universe);
var probe = _cacheGet(cache, key);
if (probe != null) return _castToRti(probe);
return _createFunctionRti(universe, returnType, parameters, key);
static Rti _createFunctionRti(Object universe, Rti returnType,
_FunctionParameters parameters, String canonicalRecipe) {
Rti rti = Rti.allocate();
Rti._setKind(rti, Rti.kindFunction);
Rti._setPrimary(rti, returnType);
Rti._setRest(rti, parameters);
Rti._setCanonicalRecipe(rti, canonicalRecipe);
return _finishRti(universe, rti);
static String _canonicalRecipeOfGenericFunction(
Rti baseFunctionType, Object bounds) =>
Rti._getCanonicalRecipe(baseFunctionType) +
Recipe.startTypeArgumentsString +
_canonicalRecipeJoin(bounds) +
static Rti _lookupGenericFunctionRti(
Object universe, Rti baseFunctionType, Object bounds) {
String key = _canonicalRecipeOfGenericFunction(baseFunctionType, bounds);
var cache = evalCache(universe);
var probe = _cacheGet(cache, key);
if (probe != null) return _castToRti(probe);
return _createGenericFunctionRti(universe, baseFunctionType, bounds, key);
static Rti _createGenericFunctionRti(Object universe, Rti baseFunctionType,
Object bounds, String canonicalRecipe) {
Rti rti = Rti.allocate();
Rti._setKind(rti, Rti.kindGenericFunction);
Rti._setPrimary(rti, baseFunctionType);
Rti._setRest(rti, bounds);
Rti._setCanonicalRecipe(rti, canonicalRecipe);
return _finishRti(universe, rti);
/// Class of static methods implementing recipe parser.
/// The recipe is a sequence of operations on a stack machine. The operations
/// are described below using the format
/// operation: stack elements before --- stack elements after
/// integer: --- integer-value
/// identifier: --- string-value
/// identifier-with-one-period: --- type-variable-value
/// Period may be in any position, including first and last e.g. `.x`.
/// ',': ---
/// Ignored. Used to separate elements.
/// ';': item --- ToType(item)
/// Used to separate elements.
/// '#': --- erasedType
/// '@': --- dynamicType
/// '~': --- voidType
/// '?': type --- type?
/// '&': 0 --- NeverType
/// '&': 1 --- anyType
/// Escape op-code with small integer values for encoding rare operations.
/// '<': --- position
/// Saves (pushes) position register, sets position register to end of stack.
/// '>': name saved-position type ... type --- name<type, ..., type>
/// '>': type saved-position type ... type --- binding(type, type, ..., type)
/// When first element is a String: Creates interface type from string 'name'
/// and the types pushed since the position register was last set. The types
/// are converted with a ToType operation. Restores position register to
/// previous saved value.
/// When first element is an Rti: Creates binding Rti wrapping the first
/// element. Binding Rtis are flattened: if the first element is a binding
/// Rti, the new binding Rti has the concatentation of the first element
/// bindings and new type.
/// The ToType operation coerces an item to an Rti. This saves encoding looking
/// up simple interface names and indexed variables.
/// ToType(string): Creates an interface Rti for the non-generic class.
/// ToType(integer): Indexes into the environment.
/// ToType(Rti): Same Rti
/// Notes on enviroments and indexing.
/// To avoid creating a binding Rti for a single function type parameter, the
/// type is passed without creating a 1-tuple object. This means that the
/// interface Rti for, say, `Map<num,dynamic>` serves as two environments with
/// different shapes. It is a class environment (K=num, V=dynamic) and a simple
/// 1-tuple environment. This is supported by index '0' refering to the whole
/// type, and '1 and '2' refering to K and V positionally:
/// interface("Map", [num,dynamic])
/// 0 1 2
/// Thus the type expression `List<K>` encodes as `List<1>` and in this
/// environment evaluates to `List<num>`. `List<Map<K,V>>` could be encoded as
/// either `List<0>` or `List<Map<1,2>>` (and in this environment evaluates to
/// `List<Map<num,dynamic>>`).
/// When `Map<num,dynamic>` is combined with a binding `<int,bool>` (e.g. inside
/// the instance method `Map<K,V>.cast<RK,RV>()`), '0' refers to the base object
/// of the binding, and then the numbering counts the bindings followed by the
/// class parameters.
/// binding(interface("Map", [num,dynamic]), [int, bool])
/// 0 3 4 1 2
/// Any environment can be reconstructed via a recipe. The above enviroment for
/// method `cast` can be constructed as the ground term
/// `Map<num,dynamic><int,bool>`, or (somewhat pointlessly) reconstructed via
/// `0<1,2>` or `Map<3,4><1,2>`. The ability to construct an environment
/// directly rather than via `bind` calls is used in folding sequences of `eval`
/// and `bind` calls.
/// While a single type parameter is passed as the type, multiple type
/// parameters are passed as a tuple. Tuples are encoded as a binding with an
/// ignored base. `dynamic` can be used as the base, giving an encoding like
/// `@<int,bool>`.
/// Bindings flatten, so `@<int><bool><num>` is the same as `@<int,bool,num>`.
/// The base of a binding does not have to have type parameters. Consider
/// `CodeUnits`, which mixes in `ListMixin<int>`. The environment inside of
/// `ListMixin.fold` (from the call `x.codeUnits.fold<bool>(...)`) would be
/// binding(interface("CodeUnits", []), [bool])
/// This can be encoded as `CodeUnits;<bool>` (note the `;` to force ToType to
/// avoid creating an interface type Rti with a single class type
/// argument). Metadata about the supertypes is used to resolve the recipe
/// `ListMixin.E` to `int`.
class _Parser {
_Parser._() {
throw UnimplementedError('_Parser is static methods only');
/// Creates a parser object for parsing a recipe against an environment in a
/// universe.
/// Marked as no-inline so the object literal is not cloned by inlining.
static Object create(Object universe, Object environment, String recipe) {
return JS(
'u:#,' // universe
'e:#,' // environment
'r:#,' // recipe
's:[],' // stack
'p:0,' // position of sequence start.
// Field accessors for the parser.
static Object universe(Object parser) => JS('', '#.u', parser);
static Rti environment(Object parser) => JS('Rti', '#.e', parser);
static String recipe(Object parser) => JS('String', '#.r', parser);
static Object stack(Object parser) => JS('', '#.s', parser);
static int position(Object parser) => JS('int', '#.p', parser);
static void setPosition(Object parser, int p) {
JS('', '#.p = #', parser, p);
static int charCodeAt(String s, int i) => JS('int', '#.charCodeAt(#)', s, i);
static void push(Object stack, Object value) {
JS('', '#.push(#)', stack, value);
static Object pop(Object stack) => JS('', '#.pop()', stack);
static Rti parse(Object parser) {
String source = _Parser.recipe(parser);
Object stack = _Parser.stack(parser);
int i = 0;
while (i < source.length) {
int ch = charCodeAt(source, i);
if (Recipe.isDigit(ch)) {
i = handleDigit(i + 1, ch, source, stack);
} else if (Recipe.isIdentifierStart(ch)) {
i = handleIdentifer(parser, i, source, stack, false);
} else if (ch == Recipe.period) {
i = handleIdentifer(parser, i, source, stack, true);
} else {
switch (ch) {
case Recipe.separator:
case Recipe.nameSeparator:
case Recipe.toType:
toType(universe(parser), environment(parser), pop(stack)));
case Recipe.genericFunctionTypeParameterIndex:
toGenericFunctionParameter(universe(parser), pop(stack)));
case Recipe.pushErased:
push(stack, _Universe._lookupErasedRti(universe(parser)));
case Recipe.pushDynamic:
push(stack, _Universe._lookupDynamicRti(universe(parser)));
case Recipe.pushVoid:
push(stack, _Universe._lookupVoidRti(universe(parser)));
case Recipe.startTypeArguments:
pushStackFrame(parser, stack);
case Recipe.endTypeArguments:
handleTypeArguments(parser, stack);
case Recipe.extensionOp:
handleExtendedOperations(parser, stack);
case Recipe.wrapStar:
Object u = universe(parser);
u, toType(u, environment(parser), pop(stack))));
case Recipe.wrapQuestion:
Object u = universe(parser);
u, toType(u, environment(parser), pop(stack))));
case Recipe.wrapFutureOr:
Object u = universe(parser);
u, toType(u, environment(parser), pop(stack))));
case Recipe.startFunctionArguments:
pushStackFrame(parser, stack);
case Recipe.endFunctionArguments:
handleFunctionArguments(parser, stack);
case Recipe.startOptionalGroup:
pushStackFrame(parser, stack);
case Recipe.endOptionalGroup:
handleOptionalGroup(parser, stack);
case Recipe.startNamedGroup:
pushStackFrame(parser, stack);
case Recipe.endNamedGroup:
handleNamedGroup(parser, stack);
JS('', 'throw "Bad character " + #', ch);
Object item = pop(stack);
return toType(universe(parser), environment(parser), item);
static void pushStackFrame(Object parser, Object stack) {
push(stack, position(parser));
setPosition(parser, _Utils.arrayLength(stack));
static int handleDigit(int i, int digit, String source, Object stack) {
int value = Recipe.digitValue(digit);
for (; i < source.length; i++) {
int ch = charCodeAt(source, i);
if (!Recipe.isDigit(ch)) break;
value = value * 10 + Recipe.digitValue(ch);
push(stack, value);
return i;
static int handleIdentifer(
Object parser, int start, String source, Object stack, bool hasPeriod) {
int i = start + 1;
for (; i < source.length; i++) {
int ch = charCodeAt(source, i);
if (ch == Recipe.period) {
if (hasPeriod) break;
hasPeriod = true;
} else if (Recipe.isIdentifierStart(ch) || Recipe.isDigit(ch)) {
// Accept.
} else {
String string = _Utils.substring(source, start, i);
if (hasPeriod) {
universe(parser), environment(parser), string));
} else {
push(stack, string);
return i;
static void handleTypeArguments(Object parser, Object stack) {
Object universe = _Parser.universe(parser);
Object arguments = collectArray(parser, stack);
Object head = pop(stack);
if (_Utils.isString(head)) {
String name = _Utils.asString(head);
push(stack, _Universe._lookupInterfaceRti(universe, name, arguments));
} else {
Rti base = toType(universe, environment(parser), head);
switch (Rti._getKind(base)) {
case Rti.kindFunction:
_Universe._lookupGenericFunctionRti(universe, base, arguments));
push(stack, _Universe._lookupBindingRti(universe, base, arguments));
static const int optionalPositionalSentinel = -1;
static const int optionalNamedSentinel = -2;
static void handleFunctionArguments(Object parser, Object stack) {
Object universe = _Parser.universe(parser);
_FunctionParameters parameters = _FunctionParameters.allocate();
var optionalPositional = _Universe.sharedEmptyArray(universe);
var optionalNamed = _Universe.sharedEmptyArray(universe);
Object head = pop(stack);
if (_Utils.isNum(head)) {
int sentinel = _Utils.asInt(head);
switch (sentinel) {
case optionalPositionalSentinel:
optionalPositional = pop(stack);
case optionalNamedSentinel:
optionalNamed = pop(stack);
push(stack, head);
} else {
push(stack, head);
parameters, collectArray(parser, stack));
_FunctionParameters._setOptionalPositional(parameters, optionalPositional);
_FunctionParameters._setOptionalNamed(parameters, optionalNamed);
Rti returnType = toType(universe, environment(parser), pop(stack));
push(stack, _Universe._lookupFunctionRti(universe, returnType, parameters));
static void handleOptionalGroup(Object parser, Object stack) {
Object parameters = collectArray(parser, stack);
push(stack, parameters);
push(stack, optionalPositionalSentinel);
static void handleNamedGroup(Object parser, Object stack) {
Object parameters = collectNamed(parser, stack);
push(stack, parameters);
push(stack, optionalNamedSentinel);
static void handleExtendedOperations(Object parser, Object stack) {
Object top = pop(stack);
if (0 == top) {
push(stack, _Universe._lookupNeverRti(universe(parser)));
if (1 == top) {
push(stack, _Universe._lookupAnyRti(universe(parser)));
throw AssertionError('Unexpected extended operation $top');
static Object collectArray(Object parser, Object stack) {
var array = _Utils.arraySplice(stack, position(parser));
toTypes(_Parser.universe(parser), environment(parser), array);
setPosition(parser, _Utils.asInt(pop(stack)));
return array;
static Object collectNamed(Object parser, Object stack) {
var array = _Utils.arraySplice(stack, position(parser));
toTypesNamed(_Parser.universe(parser), environment(parser), array);
setPosition(parser, _Utils.asInt(pop(stack)));
return array;
/// Coerce a stack item into an Rti object. Strings are converted to interface
/// types, integers are looked up in the type environment.
static Rti toType(Object universe, Rti environment, Object item) {
if (_Utils.isString(item)) {
String name = _Utils.asString(item);
return _Universe._lookupInterfaceRti(
universe, name, _Universe.sharedEmptyArray(universe));
} else if (_Utils.isNum(item)) {
return _Parser.indexToType(universe, environment, _Utils.asInt(item));
} else {
return _castToRti(item);
static void toTypes(Object universe, Rti environment, Object items) {
int length = _Utils.arrayLength(items);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
var item = _Utils.arrayAt(items, i);
Rti type = toType(universe, environment, item);
_Utils.arraySetAt(items, i, type);
static void toTypesNamed(Object universe, Rti environment, Object items) {
int length = _Utils.arrayLength(items);
for (int i = 1; i < length; i += 2) {
var item = _Utils.arrayAt(items, i);
Rti type = toType(universe, environment, item);
_Utils.arraySetAt(items, i, type);
static Rti indexToType(Object universe, Rti environment, int index) {
int kind = Rti._getKind(environment);
if (kind == Rti.kindBinding) {
if (index == 0) return Rti._getBindingBase(environment);
var typeArguments = Rti._getBindingArguments(environment);
int len = _Utils.arrayLength(typeArguments);
if (index <= len) {
return _castToRti(_Utils.arrayAt(typeArguments, index - 1));
// Is index into interface Rti in base.
index -= len;
environment = Rti._getBindingBase(environment);
kind = Rti._getKind(environment);
} else {
if (index == 0) return environment;
if (kind != Rti.kindInterface) {
throw AssertionError('Indexed base must be an interface type');
var typeArguments = Rti._getInterfaceTypeArguments(environment);
int len = _Utils.arrayLength(typeArguments);
if (index <= len) {
return _castToRti(_Utils.arrayAt(typeArguments, index - 1));
throw AssertionError('Bad index $index for $environment');
static Rti toGenericFunctionParameter(Object universe, Object item) {
return _Universe._lookupGenericFunctionParameterRti(
universe, _Utils.asInt(item));
/// Represents the set of supertypes and type variable bindings for a given
/// target type. The target type itself is not stored on the [TypeRule].
class TypeRule {
TypeRule._() {
throw UnimplementedError("TypeRule is static methods only.");
static String lookupTypeVariable(rule, String typeVariable) =>
JS('', '#.#', rule, typeVariable);
static JSArray lookupSupertype(rule, String supertype) =>
JS('', '#.#', rule, supertype);
// -------- Subtype tests ------------------------------------------------------
// Future entry point from compiled code.
bool isSubtype(universe, Rti s, Rti t) {
return _isSubtype(universe, s, null, t, null);
bool _isSubtype(universe, Rti s, sEnv, Rti t, tEnv) {
// TODO(fishythefish): Update for NNBD. See
// Subtyping is reflexive.
if (_Utils.isIdentical(s, t)) return true;
// Erased types are treated like `dynamic` and handled by the top type case.
if (isTopType(t)) return true;
if (isJsInteropType(s)) return true;
if (isTopType(s)) {
if (isGenericFunctionTypeParameter(t)) return false;
if (isFutureOrType(t)) {
// [t] is FutureOr<T>. Check [s] <: T.
Rti tTypeArgument = Rti._getFutureOrArgument(t);
return _isSubtype(universe, s, sEnv, tTypeArgument, tEnv);
return false;
if (isNullType(s)) return true;
if (isFutureOrType(t)) {
// [t] is FutureOr<T>.
Rti tTypeArgument = Rti._getFutureOrArgument(t);
if (isFutureOrType(s)) {
// [s] is FutureOr<S>. Check S <: T.
Rti sTypeArgument = Rti._getFutureOrArgument(s);
return _isSubtype(universe, sTypeArgument, sEnv, tTypeArgument, tEnv);
} else if (_isSubtype(universe, s, sEnv, tTypeArgument, tEnv)) {
// `true` because [s] <: T.
return true;
} else {
// Check [s] <: Future<T>.
String futureClass = JS_GET_NAME(JsGetName.FUTURE_CLASS_TYPE_NAME);
var argumentsArray = JS('', '[#]', tTypeArgument);
return _isSubtypeOfInterface(
universe, s, sEnv, futureClass, argumentsArray, tEnv);
// If [s] and [t] are both generic function type parameters, they must be
// equal (as de Bruijn indices). This case is taken care of by the reflexivity
// check above, so it suffices to check that B <: [t] where B is the bound of
// [s].
if (isGenericFunctionTypeParameter(s)) {
int index = Rti._getGenericFunctionParameterIndex(s);
Rti bound = _castToRti(_Utils.arrayAt(sEnv, index));
return _isSubtype(universe, bound, sEnv, t, tEnv);
if (isGenericFunctionTypeParameter(t)) return false;
// TODO(fishythefish): Disallow JavaScriptFunction as a subtype of function
// types using features inaccessible from JavaScript.
if (isGenericFunctionKind(t)) {
if (isJsFunctionType(s)) return true;
return _isGenericFunctionSubtype(universe, s, sEnv, t, tEnv);
if (isFunctionKind(t)) {
if (isJsFunctionType(s)) return true;
return _isFunctionSubtype(universe, s, sEnv, t, tEnv);
if (isFunctionKind(s) || isGenericFunctionKind(s)) {
return isFunctionType(t);
assert(Rti._getKind(t) == Rti.kindInterface);
String tName = Rti._getInterfaceName(t);
var tArgs = Rti._getInterfaceTypeArguments(t);
return _isSubtypeOfInterface(universe, s, sEnv, tName, tArgs, tEnv);
bool _isGenericFunctionSubtype(universe, Rti s, sEnv, Rti t, tEnv) {
if (!isGenericFunctionKind(s)) return false;
var sBounds = Rti._getGenericFunctionBounds(s);
var tBounds = Rti._getGenericFunctionBounds(t);
if (!typesEqual(sBounds, tBounds)) return false;
sEnv = sEnv == null ? sBounds : _Utils.arrayConcat(sBounds, sEnv);
tEnv = tEnv == null ? tBounds : _Utils.arrayConcat(tBounds, tEnv);
return _isFunctionSubtype(universe, Rti._getGenericFunctionBase(s), sEnv,
Rti._getGenericFunctionBase(t), tEnv);
// TODO(fishythefish): Support required named parameters.
bool _isFunctionSubtype(universe, Rti s, sEnv, Rti t, tEnv) {
if (!isFunctionKind(s)) return false;
Rti sReturnType = Rti._getReturnType(s);
Rti tReturnType = Rti._getReturnType(t);
if (!_isSubtype(universe, sReturnType, sEnv, tReturnType, tEnv)) return false;
_FunctionParameters sParameters = Rti._getFunctionParameters(s);
_FunctionParameters tParameters = Rti._getFunctionParameters(t);
var sRequiredPositional =
var tRequiredPositional =
int sRequiredPositionalLength = _Utils.arrayLength(sRequiredPositional);
int tRequiredPositionalLength = _Utils.arrayLength(tRequiredPositional);
if (sRequiredPositionalLength > tRequiredPositionalLength) return false;
int requiredPositionalDelta =
tRequiredPositionalLength - sRequiredPositionalLength;
var sOptionalPositional =
var tOptionalPositional =
int sOptionalPositionalLength = _Utils.arrayLength(sOptionalPositional);
int tOptionalPositionalLength = _Utils.arrayLength(tOptionalPositional);
if (sRequiredPositionalLength + sOptionalPositionalLength <
tRequiredPositionalLength + tOptionalPositionalLength) return false;
for (int i = 0; i < sRequiredPositionalLength; i++) {
Rti sParameter = _castToRti(_Utils.arrayAt(sRequiredPositional, i));
Rti tParameter = _castToRti(_Utils.arrayAt(tRequiredPositional, i));
if (!_isSubtype(universe, tParameter, tEnv, sParameter, sEnv)) return false;
for (int i = 0; i < requiredPositionalDelta; i++) {
Rti sParameter = _castToRti(_Utils.arrayAt(sOptionalPositional, i));
Rti tParameter = _castToRti(
_Utils.arrayAt(tRequiredPositional, sRequiredPositionalLength + i));
if (!_isSubtype(universe, tParameter, tEnv, sParameter, sEnv)) return false;
for (int i = 0; i < tOptionalPositionalLength; i++) {
Rti sParameter = _castToRti(
_Utils.arrayAt(sOptionalPositional, requiredPositionalDelta + i));
Rti tParameter = _castToRti(_Utils.arrayAt(tOptionalPositional, i));
if (!_isSubtype(universe, tParameter, tEnv, sParameter, sEnv)) return false;
var sOptionalNamed = _FunctionParameters._getOptionalNamed(sParameters);
var tOptionalNamed = _FunctionParameters._getOptionalNamed(tParameters);
int sOptionalNamedLength = _Utils.arrayLength(sOptionalNamed);
int tOptionalNamedLength = _Utils.arrayLength(tOptionalNamed);
for (int i = 0, j = 0; j < tOptionalNamedLength; j += 2) {
String sName;
String tName = _Utils.asString(_Utils.arrayAt(tOptionalNamed, j));
do {
if (i >= sOptionalNamedLength) return false;
sName = _Utils.asString(_Utils.arrayAt(sOptionalNamed, i));
i += 2;
} while (_Utils.stringLessThan(sName, tName));
if (_Utils.stringLessThan(tName, sName)) return false;
Rti sType = _castToRti(_Utils.arrayAt(sOptionalNamed, i - 1));
Rti tType = _castToRti(_Utils.arrayAt(tOptionalNamed, j + 1));
if (!_isSubtype(universe, tType, tEnv, sType, sEnv)) return false;
return true;
bool _isSubtypeOfInterface(
universe, Rti s, sEnv, String tName, Object tArgs, tEnv) {
assert(Rti._getKind(s) == Rti.kindInterface);
String sName = Rti._getInterfaceName(s);
if (sName == tName) {
var sArgs = Rti._getInterfaceTypeArguments(s);
int length = _Utils.arrayLength(sArgs);
assert(length == _Utils.arrayLength(tArgs));
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
Rti sArg = _castToRti(_Utils.arrayAt(sArgs, i));
Rti tArg = _castToRti(_Utils.arrayAt(tArgs, i));
if (!_isSubtype(universe, sArg, sEnv, tArg, tEnv)) return false;
return true;
Object rule = _Universe.findRule(universe, sName);
if (rule == null) return false;
var supertypeArgs = TypeRule.lookupSupertype(rule, tName);
if (supertypeArgs == null) return false;
int length = _Utils.arrayLength(supertypeArgs);
assert(length == _Utils.arrayLength(tArgs));
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
String recipe = _Utils.asString(_Utils.arrayAt(supertypeArgs, i));
Rti supertypeArg = _Universe.evalInEnvironment(universe, s, recipe);
Rti tArg = _castToRti(_Utils.arrayAt(tArgs, i));
if (!_isSubtype(universe, supertypeArg, sEnv, tArg, tEnv)) return false;
return true;
/// Types are equal if they are structurally equal up to renaming of bound type
/// variables and equating all top types.
/// We ignore renaming of bound type variables because we operate on de Bruijn
/// indices, not names.
bool typeEqual(Rti s, Rti t) {
if (_Utils.isIdentical(s, t)) return true;
if (isTopType(s)) return isTopType(t);
int sKind = Rti._getKind(s);
int tKind = Rti._getKind(t);
if (sKind != tKind) return false;
switch (sKind) {
case Rti.kindStar:
case Rti.kindQuestion:
case Rti.kindFutureOr:
return typeEqual(
_castToRti(Rti._getPrimary(s)), _castToRti(Rti._getPrimary(t)));
case Rti.kindInterface:
if (Rti._getInterfaceName(s) != Rti._getInterfaceName(t)) return false;
return typesEqual(
Rti._getInterfaceTypeArguments(s), Rti._getInterfaceTypeArguments(t));
case Rti.kindBinding:
return typeEqual(Rti._getBindingBase(s), Rti._getBindingBase(t)) &&
typesEqual(Rti._getBindingArguments(s), Rti._getBindingArguments(t));
case Rti.kindFunction:
return typeEqual(Rti._getReturnType(s), Rti._getReturnType(t)) &&
Rti._getFunctionParameters(s), Rti._getFunctionParameters(t));
case Rti.kindGenericFunction:
return typeEqual(
Rti._getGenericFunctionBase(s), Rti._getGenericFunctionBase(t)) &&
return false;
bool typesEqual(Object sArray, Object tArray) {
int sLength = _Utils.arrayLength(sArray);
int tLength = _Utils.arrayLength(tArray);
if (sLength != tLength) return false;
for (int i = 0; i < sLength; i++) {
if (!typeEqual(_castToRti(_Utils.arrayAt(sArray, i)),
_castToRti(_Utils.arrayAt(tArray, i)))) return false;
return true;
bool namedTypesEqual(Object sArray, Object tArray) {
int sLength = _Utils.arrayLength(sArray);
int tLength = _Utils.arrayLength(tArray);
if (sLength != tLength) return false;
for (int i = 0; i < sLength; i += 2) {
if (_Utils.asString(_Utils.arrayAt(sArray, i)) !=
_Utils.asString(_Utils.arrayAt(tArray, i))) return false;
if (!typeEqual(_castToRti(_Utils.arrayAt(sArray, i + 1)),
_castToRti(_Utils.arrayAt(tArray, i + 1)))) return false;
return true;
// TODO(fishythefish): Support required named parameters.
bool functionParametersEqual(
_FunctionParameters sParameters, _FunctionParameters tParameters) =>
_FunctionParameters._getRequiredPositional(tParameters)) &&
_FunctionParameters._getOptionalPositional(tParameters)) &&
bool isTopType(Rti t) =>
isErasedType(t) ||
isDynamicType(t) ||
isVoidType(t) ||
isObjectType(t) ||
bool isErasedType(Rti t) => Rti._getKind(t) == Rti.kindErased;
bool isDynamicType(Rti t) => Rti._getKind(t) == Rti.kindDynamic;
bool isVoidType(Rti t) => Rti._getKind(t) == Rti.kindVoid;
bool isJsInteropType(Rti t) => Rti._getKind(t) == Rti.kindAny;
bool isFutureOrType(Rti t) => Rti._getKind(t) == Rti.kindFutureOr;
bool isFunctionKind(Rti t) => Rti._getKind(t) == Rti.kindFunction;
bool isGenericFunctionKind(Rti t) => Rti._getKind(t) == Rti.kindGenericFunction;
bool isGenericFunctionTypeParameter(Rti t) =>
Rti._getKind(t) == Rti.kindGenericFunctionParameter;
bool isObjectType(Rti t) =>
Rti._getKind(t) == Rti.kindInterface &&
Rti._getInterfaceName(t) == JS_GET_NAME(JsGetName.OBJECT_CLASS_TYPE_NAME);
// TODO(fishythefish): Which representation should we use for NNBD?
// Do we also need to check for `Never?`, etc.?
bool isNullType(Rti t) =>
Rti._getKind(t) == Rti.kindInterface &&
Rti._getInterfaceName(t) == JS_GET_NAME(JsGetName.NULL_CLASS_TYPE_NAME);
bool isFunctionType(Rti t) =>
Rti._getKind(t) == Rti.kindInterface &&
Rti._getInterfaceName(t) == JS_GET_NAME(JsGetName.FUNCTION_CLASS_TYPE_NAME);
bool isJsFunctionType(Rti t) =>
Rti._getKind(t) == Rti.kindInterface &&
Rti._getInterfaceName(t) ==
/// Unchecked cast to Rti.
Rti _castToRti(s) => JS('Rti', '#', s);
class _Utils {
static bool asBool(Object o) => JS('bool', '#', o);
static double asDouble(Object o) => JS('double', '#', o);
static int asInt(Object o) => JS('int', '#', o);
static num asNum(Object o) => JS('num', '#', o);
static String asString(Object o) => JS('String', '#', o);
static bool isString(Object o) => JS('bool', 'typeof # == "string"', o);
static bool isNum(Object o) => JS('bool', 'typeof # == "number"', o);
static bool instanceOf(Object o, Object constructor) =>
JS('bool', '# instanceof #', o, constructor);
static bool isIdentical(s, t) => JS('bool', '# === #', s, t);
static JSArray objectKeys(Object o) =>
JS('returns:JSArray;new:true;', 'Object.keys(#)', o);
static void objectAssign(Object o, Object other) {
// TODO(fishythefish): Use `Object.assign()` when IE11 is deprecated.
var keys = objectKeys(other);
int length = arrayLength(keys);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
String key = asString(arrayAt(keys, i));
JS('', '#[#] = #[#]', o, key, other, key);
static bool isArray(Object o) => JS('bool', 'Array.isArray(#)', o);
static int arrayLength(Object array) => JS('int', '#.length', array);
static Object arrayAt(Object array, int i) => JS('', '#[#]', array, i);
static void arraySetAt(Object array, int i, Object value) {
JS('', '#[#] = #', array, i, value);
static JSArray arrayShallowCopy(Object array) =>
JS('JSArray', '#.slice()', array);
static JSArray arraySplice(Object array, int position) =>
JS('JSArray', '#.splice(#)', array, position);
static JSArray arrayConcat(Object a1, Object a2) =>
JS('JSArray', '#.concat(#)', a1, a2);
static void arrayPush(Object array, Object value) {
JS('', '#.push(#)', array, value);
static String substring(String s, int start, int end) =>
JS('String', '#.substring(#, #)', s, start, end);
static bool stringLessThan(String s1, String s2) =>
JS('bool', '# < #', s1, s2);
static mapGet(cache, key) => JS('', '#.get(#)', cache, key);
static void mapSet(cache, key, value) {
JS('', '#.set(#, #)', cache, key, value);
// -------- Entry points for testing -------------------------------------------
String testingCanonicalRecipe(rti) {
return Rti._getCanonicalRecipe(rti);
String testingRtiToString(rti) {
return _rtiToString(_castToRti(rti), null);
String testingRtiToDebugString(rti) {
return _rtiToDebugString(_castToRti(rti));
Object testingCreateUniverse() {
return _Universe.create();
void testingAddRules(universe, rules) {
_Universe.addRules(universe, rules);
bool testingIsSubtype(universe, rti1, rti2) {
return isSubtype(universe, _castToRti(rti1), _castToRti(rti2));
Object testingUniverseEval(universe, String recipe) {
return _Universe.eval(universe, recipe);
Object testingEnvironmentEval(universe, environment, String recipe) {
return _Universe.evalInEnvironment(universe, _castToRti(environment), recipe);
Object testingEnvironmentBind(universe, environment, arguments) {
return _Universe.bind(
universe, _castToRti(environment), _castToRti(arguments));