blob: 767eced6e36ea684990259ebfb2b0c92156d034c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.6
library dart._js_names;
import 'dart:_js_embedded_names'
import 'dart:_foreign_helper' show JS, JS_EMBEDDED_GLOBAL, JS_GET_NAME;
import 'dart:_js_helper' show JsCache, NoInline;
import 'dart:_interceptors' show JSArray;
/// No-op method that is called to inform the compiler that unmangled named
/// must be preserved.
preserveNames() {}
/// A map from mangled names to "reflective" names, that is, unmangled names
/// with some additional information, such as, number of required arguments.
/// This map is for mangled names used as instance members.
final _LazyMangledNamesMap mangledNames = new _LazyMangledInstanceNamesMap(
/// A map from "reflective" names to mangled names (the reverse of
/// [mangledNames]).
final _LazyReflectiveNamesMap reflectiveNames = new _LazyReflectiveNamesMap(
/// A map from mangled names to "reflective" names (see [mangledNames]). This
/// map is for globals, that is, static and top-level members.
final _LazyMangledNamesMap mangledGlobalNames = new _LazyMangledNamesMap(
/// A map from "reflective" names to mangled names (the reverse of
/// [mangledGlobalNames]).
final _LazyReflectiveNamesMap reflectiveGlobalNames =
new _LazyReflectiveNamesMap(
/// Implements a mapping from mangled names to their reflective counterparts.
/// The propertiy names of [_jsMangledNames] are the mangled names, and the
/// values are the "reflective" names.
class _LazyMangledNamesMap {
/// [_jsMangledNames] is a JavaScript object literal.
var _jsMangledNames;
String operator [](String key) {
var result = JS('var', '#[#]', _jsMangledNames, key);
// Filter out all non-string values to protect against polution from
// ancillary fields in [_jsMangledNames].
bool filter = JS('bool', 'typeof # !== "string"', result);
// To ensure that the inferrer sees that result is a String, we explicitly
// give it a better type here.
return filter ? null : JS('String', '#', result);
/// Extends [_LazyMangledNamesMap] with additional support for adding mappings
/// from mangled setter names to their reflective counterpart by rewriting a
/// corresponding entry for a getter name, if it exists.
class _LazyMangledInstanceNamesMap extends _LazyMangledNamesMap {
_LazyMangledInstanceNamesMap(_jsMangledNames) : super(_jsMangledNames);
String operator [](String key) {
String result = super[key];
String setterPrefix = JS_GET_NAME(JsGetName.SETTER_PREFIX);
if (result == null && key.startsWith(setterPrefix)) {
String getterPrefix = JS_GET_NAME(JsGetName.GETTER_PREFIX);
int setterPrefixLength = setterPrefix.length;
// Generate the setter name from the getter name.
key = '$getterPrefix${key.substring(setterPrefixLength)}';
result = super[key];
return (result != null) ? "${result}=" : null;
return result;
/// Implements the inverse of [_LazyMangledNamesMap]. As it would be too
/// expensive to search the mangled names map for a value that corresponds to
/// the lookup key on each invocation, we compute the full mapping in demand
/// and cache it. The cache is invalidated when the underlying [_jsMangledNames]
/// object changes its length. This condition is sufficient as the name mapping
/// can only grow over time.
/// When [_isInstance] is true, we also apply the inverse of the setter/getter
/// name conversion implemented by [_LazyMangledInstanceNamesMap].
class _LazyReflectiveNamesMap {
/// [_jsMangledNames] is a JavaScript object literal.
final _jsMangledNames;
final bool _isInstance;
int _cacheLength = 0;
Map<String, String> _cache;
_LazyReflectiveNamesMap(this._jsMangledNames, this._isInstance);
Map<String, String> _updateReflectiveNames() {
Map<String, String> result = <String, String>{};
List keys = JS('List', 'Object.keys(#)', _jsMangledNames);
for (String key in keys) {
var reflectiveName = JS('var', '#[#]', _jsMangledNames, key);
// Filter out all non-string values to protect against polution from
// ancillary fields in [_jsMangledNames].
bool filter = JS('bool', 'typeof # !== "string"', reflectiveName);
if (filter) continue;
result[reflectiveName] = JS('String', '#', key);
String getterPrefix = JS_GET_NAME(JsGetName.GETTER_PREFIX);
if (_isInstance && key.startsWith(getterPrefix)) {
int getterPrefixLength = getterPrefix.length;
String setterPrefix = JS_GET_NAME(JsGetName.SETTER_PREFIX);
result['$reflectiveName='] =
return result;
int get _jsMangledNamesLength =>
JS('int', 'Object.keys(#).length', _jsMangledNames);
String operator [](String key) {
if (_cache == null || _jsMangledNamesLength != _cacheLength) {
_cache = _updateReflectiveNames();
_cacheLength = _jsMangledNamesLength;
return _cache[key];
List extractKeys(victim) {
var result = JS('', '# ? Object.keys(#) : []', victim, victim);
return new JSArray.markFixed(result);
/// Returns the (global) unmangled version of [name].
/// Normally, you should use [mangledGlobalNames] directly, but this method
/// doesn't tell the compiler to preserve names. So this method only returns a
/// non-null value if some other component has made the compiler preserve names.
/// This is used, for example, to return unmangled names from TypeImpl.toString
/// *if* names are being preserved for other reasons (use of dart:mirrors, for
/// example).
String unmangleGlobalNameIfPreservedAnyways(String name) {
return JS('String|Null', '#', JsCache.fetch(names, name));
String unmangleAllIdentifiersIfPreservedAnyways(String str) {
return JS(
(function(str, names) {
return str.replace(
/[^<,> ]+/g,
function(m) { return names[m] || m; });
})(#, #)''',