blob: 7795c8f1fe547b3fc2713327e4a16eeeba5e6ec8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.6
// Patch library for dart:mirrors.
import 'dart:_js_helper' show patch;
import 'dart:_js_mirrors' as js;
import 'dart:_runtime' as dart;
class MirrorSystem {
LibraryMirror findLibrary(Symbol libraryName) {
return libraries.values
.singleWhere((library) => library.simpleName == libraryName);
static String getName(Symbol symbol) => js.getName(symbol);
static Symbol getSymbol(String name, [LibraryMirror library]) {
return js.getSymbol(name, library);
MirrorSystem currentMirrorSystem() => js.currentJsMirrorSystem;
InstanceMirror reflect(Object reflectee) => js.reflect(reflectee);
ClassMirror reflectClass(Type key) {
if (key is! Type || key == dynamic) {
throw ArgumentError('$key does not denote a class');
TypeMirror tm = reflectType(key);
if (tm is! ClassMirror) {
throw ArgumentError("$key does not denote a class");
return (tm as ClassMirror).originalDeclaration;
TypeMirror reflectType(Type type, [List<Type> typeArguments]) {
if (typeArguments != null) {
type = _instantiateClass(type, typeArguments);
return js.reflectType(type);
/// Instantiates the generic class [type] with [typeArguments] and returns the
/// result.
/// [type] may be instantiated with type arguments already. In that case, they
/// are ignored. For example calling this function with `(List<int>, [String])`
/// and `(List<dynamic>, [String])` will produce `List<String>` in both cases.
Type _instantiateClass(Type type, List<Type> typeArguments) {
var unwrapped = dart.unwrapType(type);
var genericClass = dart.getGenericClass(unwrapped);
if (genericClass == null) {
throw ArgumentError('Type `$type` must be generic to apply '
'type arguments: `$typeArguments`.');
var typeArgsLenth = typeArguments.length;
var unwrappedArgs = List(typeArgsLenth);
for (int i = 0; i < typeArgsLenth; i++) {
unwrappedArgs[i] = dart.unwrapType(typeArguments[i]);
var typeFormals = dart.getGenericTypeFormals(genericClass);
if (typeFormals.length != typeArgsLenth) {
throw ArgumentError('Type `$type` has ${typeFormals.length} type '
'parameters, but $typeArgsLenth type arguments were '
'passed: `$typeArguments`.');
// TODO(jmesserly): this does not validate bounds, as we don't have them
// available at runtime. Consider storing them when dart:mirrors is enabled.
return dart.wrapType(dart.instantiateClass(genericClass, unwrappedArgs));