blob: 4112c3c56d76d5392d0010b284ac13b6480300fd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.6
part of dart._http;
final _httpOverridesToken = new Object();
const _asyncRunZoned = runZoned;
/// This class facilitates overriding [HttpClient] with a mock implementation.
/// It should be extended by another class in client code with overrides
/// that construct a mock implementation. The implementation in this base class
/// defaults to the actual [HttpClient] implementation. For example:
/// ```
/// class MyHttpClient implements HttpClient {
/// ...
/// // An implementation of the HttpClient interface
/// ...
/// }
/// main() {
/// HttpOverrides.runZoned(() {
/// ...
/// // Operations will use MyHttpClient instead of the real HttpClient
/// // implementation whenever HttpClient is used.
/// ...
/// }, createHttpClient: (SecurityContext c) => new MyHttpClient(c));
/// }
/// ```
abstract class HttpOverrides {
static HttpOverrides _global;
static HttpOverrides get current {
return Zone.current[_httpOverridesToken] ?? _global;
/// The [HttpOverrides] to use in the root [Zone].
/// These are the [HttpOverrides] that will be used in the root Zone, and in
/// Zone's that do not set [HttpOverrides] and whose ancestors up to the root
/// Zone do not set [HttpOverrides].
static set global(HttpOverrides overrides) {
_global = overrides;
/// Runs [body] in a fresh [Zone] using the provided overrides.
static R runZoned<R>(R body(),
{HttpClient Function(SecurityContext) createHttpClient,
String Function(Uri uri, Map<String, String> environment)
ZoneSpecification zoneSpecification,
Function onError}) {
HttpOverrides overrides =
new _HttpOverridesScope(createHttpClient, findProxyFromEnvironment);
return _asyncRunZoned<R>(body,
zoneValues: {_httpOverridesToken: overrides},
zoneSpecification: zoneSpecification,
onError: onError);
/// Runs [body] in a fresh [Zone] using the overrides found in [overrides].
/// Note that [overrides] should be an instance of a class that extends
/// [HttpOverrides].
static R runWithHttpOverrides<R>(R body(), HttpOverrides overrides,
{ZoneSpecification zoneSpecification, Function onError}) {
return _asyncRunZoned<R>(body,
zoneValues: {_httpOverridesToken: overrides},
zoneSpecification: zoneSpecification,
onError: onError);
/// Returns a new [HttpClient] using the given [context].
/// When this override is installed, this function overrides the behavior of
/// `new HttpClient`.
HttpClient createHttpClient(SecurityContext context) {
return new _HttpClient(context);
/// Resolves the proxy server to be used for HTTP connections.
/// When this override is installed, this function overrides the behavior of
/// `HttpClient.findProxyFromEnvironment`.
String findProxyFromEnvironment(Uri url, Map<String, String> environment) {
return _HttpClient._findProxyFromEnvironment(url, environment);
class _HttpOverridesScope extends HttpOverrides {
final HttpOverrides _previous = HttpOverrides.current;
final HttpClient Function(SecurityContext) _createHttpClient;
final String Function(Uri uri, Map<String, String> environment)
_HttpOverridesScope(this._createHttpClient, this._findProxyFromEnvironment);
HttpClient createHttpClient(SecurityContext context) {
if (_createHttpClient != null) return _createHttpClient(context);
if (_previous != null) return _previous.createHttpClient(context);
return super.createHttpClient(context);
String findProxyFromEnvironment(Uri url, Map<String, String> environment) {
if (_findProxyFromEnvironment != null) {
return _findProxyFromEnvironment(url, environment);
if (_previous != null) {
return _previous.findProxyFromEnvironment(url, environment);
return super.findProxyFromEnvironment(url, environment);