blob: 3385c0806ea24bb6079ac98cd30faf94bb53002e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// Creation of type flow summaries out of kernel AST.
library vm.transformations.type_flow.summary_collector;
import 'dart:core' hide Type;
import 'package:kernel/target/targets.dart';
import 'package:kernel/ast.dart' hide Statement, StatementVisitor;
import 'package:kernel/ast.dart' as ast show Statement, StatementVisitor;
import 'package:kernel/class_hierarchy.dart' show ClassHierarchy;
import 'package:kernel/type_environment.dart'
show StaticTypeContext, TypeEnvironment;
import 'package:kernel/type_algebra.dart' show Substitution;
import 'calls.dart';
import 'native_code.dart';
import 'summary.dart';
import 'types.dart';
import 'utils.dart';
/// Summary collector relies on either full or partial mixin resolution.
/// Currently VmTarget.performModularTransformationsOnLibraries performs
/// partial mixin resolution.
const bool kPartialMixinResolution = true;
/// Normalizes and optimizes summary after it is created.
/// More specifically:
/// * Breaks loops between statements.
/// * Removes unused statements (except parameters and calls).
/// * Eliminates joins with a single input.
class _SummaryNormalizer extends StatementVisitor {
final Summary _summary;
final TypesBuilder _typesBuilder;
Set<Statement> _processed = new Set<Statement>();
Set<Statement> _pending = new Set<Statement>();
bool _inLoop = false;
_SummaryNormalizer(this._summary, this._typesBuilder);
void normalize() {
final List<Statement> statements = _summary.statements;
for (int i = 0; i < _summary.positionalParameterCount; i++) {
// Sort named parameters.
// TODO( make sure parameters are sorted in kernel AST
// and remove this sorting.
if (_summary.positionalParameterCount < _summary.parameterCount) {
List<Statement> namedParams = statements.sublist(
_summary.positionalParameterCount, _summary.parameterCount);
namedParams.sort((Statement s1, Statement s2) =>
(s1 as Parameter).name.compareTo((s2 as Parameter).name));
namedParams.forEach((Statement st) {
for (Statement st in statements) {
if (st is Call || st is TypeCheck) {
_normalizeExpr(st, false);
} else if (st is Use) {
_normalizeExpr(st.arg, true);
_summary.result = _normalizeExpr(_summary.result, true);
TypeExpr _normalizeExpr(TypeExpr st, bool isResultUsed) {
assertx(st is! Use);
if (st is Statement) {
if (isResultUsed && (st is Call)) {
if (_processed.contains(st)) {
return st;
if (_pending.add(st)) {
if (_inLoop) {
return _handleLoop(st);
if (st is Join) {
final n = st.values.length;
if (n == 0) {
return const EmptyType();
} else if (n == 1) {
return st.values.single;
} else {
final first = st.values.first;
if (first is Type) {
bool allMatch = true;
for (int i = 1; i < n; ++i) {
if (first != st.values[i]) {
allMatch = false;
if (allMatch) {
return first;
return st;
} else {
// Cyclic expression.
return _handleLoop(st);
} else {
assertx(st is Type);
return st;
TypeExpr _handleLoop(Statement st) {
if (st is Join) {
// Approximate Join with static type.
_inLoop = false;
debugPrint("Approximated ${st} with ${st.staticType}");
return _typesBuilder.fromStaticType(st.staticType, true);
} else {
// Step back until Join is found.
_inLoop = true;
return st;
void visitNarrow(Narrow expr) {
expr.arg = _normalizeExpr(expr.arg, true);
void visitJoin(Join expr) {
for (int i = 0; i < expr.values.length; i++) {
expr.values[i] = _normalizeExpr(expr.values[i], true);
if (_inLoop) {
void visitUse(Use expr) {
throw '\'Use\' statement should not be referenced: $expr';
void visitCall(Call expr) {
for (int i = 0; i < expr.args.values.length; i++) {
expr.args.values[i] = _normalizeExpr(expr.args.values[i], true);
if (_inLoop) {
void visitCreateConcreteType(CreateConcreteType expr) {
for (int i = 0; i < expr.flattenedTypeArgs.length; ++i) {
expr.flattenedTypeArgs[i] =
_normalizeExpr(expr.flattenedTypeArgs[i], true);
if (_inLoop) return;
void visitCreateRuntimeType(CreateRuntimeType expr) {
for (int i = 0; i < expr.flattenedTypeArgs.length; ++i) {
expr.flattenedTypeArgs[i] =
_normalizeExpr(expr.flattenedTypeArgs[i], true);
if (_inLoop) return;
void visitTypeCheck(TypeCheck expr) {
expr.arg = _normalizeExpr(expr.arg, true);
if (_inLoop) return;
expr.type = _normalizeExpr(expr.type, true);
void visitExtract(Extract expr) {
expr.arg = _normalizeExpr(expr.arg, true);
/// Detects whether the control flow can pass through the function body and
/// reach its end. Returns 'false' if it can prove that control never reaches
/// the end. Otherwise, conservatively returns 'true'.
class _FallthroughDetector extends ast.StatementVisitor<bool> {
// This fallthrough detector does not build control flow graph nor detect if
// a function has unreachable code. For simplicity, it assumes that all
// statements are reachable, so it just inspects the last statements of a
// function and checks if control can fall through them or not.
bool controlCanFallThrough(FunctionNode function) {
return function.body.accept(this);
bool defaultStatement(ast.Statement node) =>
throw "Unexpected statement of type ${node.runtimeType}";
bool visitExpressionStatement(ExpressionStatement node) =>
(node.expression is! Throw) && (node.expression is! Rethrow);
bool visitBlock(Block node) =>
node.statements.isEmpty || node.statements.last.accept(this);
bool visitEmptyStatement(EmptyStatement node) => true;
bool visitAssertStatement(AssertStatement node) => true;
bool visitLabeledStatement(LabeledStatement node) => true;
bool visitBreakStatement(BreakStatement node) => false;
bool visitWhileStatement(WhileStatement node) => true;
bool visitDoStatement(DoStatement node) => true;
bool visitForStatement(ForStatement node) => true;
bool visitForInStatement(ForInStatement node) => true;
bool visitSwitchStatement(SwitchStatement node) => true;
bool visitContinueSwitchStatement(ContinueSwitchStatement node) => false;
bool visitIfStatement(IfStatement node) =>
node.then == null ||
node.otherwise == null ||
node.then.accept(this) ||
bool visitReturnStatement(ReturnStatement node) => false;
bool visitTryCatch(TryCatch node) =>
node.body.accept(this) ||
node.catches.any((Catch catch_) => catch_.body.accept(this));
bool visitTryFinally(TryFinally node) =>
node.body.accept(this) && node.finalizer.accept(this);
bool visitYieldStatement(YieldStatement node) => true;
bool visitVariableDeclaration(VariableDeclaration node) => true;
bool visitFunctionDeclaration(FunctionDeclaration node) => true;
enum FieldSummaryType { kFieldGuard, kInitializer }
/// Create a type flow summary for a member from the kernel AST.
class SummaryCollector extends RecursiveVisitor<TypeExpr> {
final Target target;
final TypeEnvironment _environment;
final ClassHierarchy _hierarchy;
final EntryPointsListener _entryPointsListener;
final TypesBuilder _typesBuilder;
final NativeCodeOracle _nativeCodeOracle;
final GenericInterfacesInfo _genericInterfacesInfo;
final Map<TreeNode, Call> callSites = <TreeNode, Call>{};
final Map<AsExpression, TypeCheck> explicitCasts =
<AsExpression, TypeCheck>{};
final _FallthroughDetector _fallthroughDetector = new _FallthroughDetector();
Summary _summary;
Map<VariableDeclaration, Join> _variableJoins;
Map<VariableDeclaration, TypeExpr> _variables;
Join _returnValue;
Parameter _receiver;
ConstantAllocationCollector constantAllocationCollector;
RuntimeTypeTranslator _translator;
StaticTypeContext _staticTypeContext;
// Currently only used for factory constructors.
Map<TypeParameter, TypeExpr> _fnTypeVariables;
this._genericInterfacesInfo) {
assertx(_genericInterfacesInfo != null);
constantAllocationCollector = new ConstantAllocationCollector(this);
Summary createSummary(Member member,
{fieldSummaryType: FieldSummaryType.kInitializer}) {
debugPrint("===== ${member} =====");
_staticTypeContext = new StaticTypeContext(member, _environment);
_variableJoins = <VariableDeclaration, Join>{};
_variables = <VariableDeclaration, TypeExpr>{};
_returnValue = null;
_receiver = null;
final hasReceiver = hasReceiverArg(member);
if (member is Field) {
if (hasReceiver) {
final int numArgs =
fieldSummaryType == FieldSummaryType.kInitializer ? 1 : 2;
_summary = new Summary(
parameterCount: numArgs, positionalParameterCount: numArgs);
// TODO(alexmarkov): subclass cone
_receiver = _declareParameter("this",
_environment.coreTypes.legacyRawType(member.enclosingClass), null,
isReceiver: true);
} else {
_summary = new Summary();
_translator = new RuntimeTypeTranslator(
_summary, _receiver, null, _genericInterfacesInfo);
if (fieldSummaryType == FieldSummaryType.kInitializer) {
assertx(member.initializer != null);
_summary.result = _visit(member.initializer);
} else {
Parameter valueParam = _declareParameter("value", member.type, null);
TypeExpr runtimeType = _translator.translate(member.type);
final check = new TypeCheck(valueParam, runtimeType, member,
_typesBuilder.fromStaticType(member.type, true));
_summary.result = check;
} else {
FunctionNode function = member.function;
final numTypeParameters = numTypeParams(member);
final firstParamIndex = (hasReceiver ? 1 : 0) + numTypeParameters;
_summary = new Summary(
parameterCount: firstParamIndex +
function.positionalParameters.length +
firstParamIndex + function.positionalParameters.length,
firstParamIndex + function.requiredParameterCount);
if (numTypeParameters > 0) {
_fnTypeVariables = <TypeParameter, TypeExpr>{};
for (int i = 0; i < numTypeParameters; ++i) {
_fnTypeVariables[function.typeParameters[i]] =
_declareParameter(function.typeParameters[i].name, null, null);
if (hasReceiver) {
// TODO(alexmarkov): subclass cone
_receiver = _declareParameter("this",
_environment.coreTypes.legacyRawType(member.enclosingClass), null,
isReceiver: true);
_translator = new RuntimeTypeTranslator(
_summary, _receiver, _fnTypeVariables, _genericInterfacesInfo);
// Handle forwarding stubs. We need to check types against the types of
// the forwarding stub's target, [member.forwardingStubSuperTarget].
FunctionNode useTypesFrom = member.function;
if (member is Procedure &&
member.isForwardingStub &&
member.forwardingStubSuperTarget != null) {
final target = member.forwardingStubSuperTarget;
if (target is Field) {
useTypesFrom = FunctionNode(null, positionalParameters: [
VariableDeclaration("value", type: target.type)
} else {
useTypesFrom = member.forwardingStubSuperTarget.function;
for (int i = 0; i < function.positionalParameters.length; ++i) {
final decl = function.positionalParameters[i];
? null
: useTypesFrom.positionalParameters[i].type,
for (int i = 0; i < function.namedParameters.length; ++i) {
final decl = function.namedParameters[i];
? null
: useTypesFrom.namedParameters[i].type,
int count = firstParamIndex;
for (int i = 0; i < function.positionalParameters.length; ++i) {
final decl = function.positionalParameters[i];
Join v = _declareVariable(decl,
useTypeCheck: _useTypeCheckForParameter(decl),
checkType: useTypesFrom.positionalParameters[i].type);
for (int i = 0; i < function.namedParameters.length; ++i) {
final decl = function.namedParameters[i];
Join v = _declareVariable(decl,
useTypeCheck: _useTypeCheckForParameter(decl),
checkType: useTypesFrom.namedParameters[i].type);
assertx(count == _summary.parameterCount);
_returnValue = new Join("%result", function.returnType);
if (member is Constructor) {
// Make sure instance field initializers are visited.
for (var f in member.enclosingClass.members) {
if ((f is Field) && !f.isStatic && (f.initializer != null)) {
new DirectSelector(f, callKind: CallKind.FieldInitializer));
if (function.body == null) {
Type type = _nativeCodeOracle.handleNativeProcedure(
member, _entryPointsListener, _typesBuilder);
if (type is! ConcreteType) {
// Runtime type could be more precise than static type, so
// calculate intersection.
final runtimeType = _translator.translate(function.returnType);
final typeCheck = new TypeCheck(type, runtimeType, function, type);
} else {
} else {
if (_fallthroughDetector.controlCanFallThrough(function)) {
_summary.result = _returnValue;
_staticTypeContext = null;
debugPrint("------------ SUMMARY ------------");
new _SummaryNormalizer(_summary, _typesBuilder).normalize();
debugPrint("---------- NORM SUMMARY ---------");
return _summary;
bool _useTypeCheckForParameter(VariableDeclaration decl) {
return decl.isCovariant || decl.isGenericCovariantImpl;
Args<Type> rawArguments(Selector selector) {
final member = selector.member;
assertx(member != null);
final List<Type> args = <Type>[];
final List<String> names = <String>[];
final numTypeParameters = numTypeParams(member);
for (int i = 0; i < numTypeParameters; ++i) {
args.add(const AnyType());
if (hasReceiverArg(member)) {
assertx(member.enclosingClass != null);
final receiver =
new ConeType(_typesBuilder.getTFClass(member.enclosingClass));
switch (selector.callKind) {
case CallKind.Method:
if (member is! Field) {
final function = member.function;
assertx(function != null);
final int paramCount = function.positionalParameters.length +
for (int i = 0; i < paramCount; i++) {
args.add(new Type.nullableAny());
if (function.namedParameters.isNotEmpty) {
for (var param in function.namedParameters) {
// TODO( make sure parameters are sorted in
// kernel AST and remove this sorting.
case CallKind.PropertyGet:
case CallKind.PropertySet:
args.add(new Type.nullableAny());
case CallKind.FieldInitializer:
return new Args<Type>(args, names: names);
TypeExpr _visit(TreeNode node) => node.accept(this);
Args<TypeExpr> _visitArguments(TypeExpr receiver, Arguments arguments,
{bool passTypeArguments: false}) {
final args = <TypeExpr>[];
if (passTypeArguments) {
for (var type in arguments.types) {
if (receiver != null) {
for (Expression arg in arguments.positional) {
if (arguments.named.isNotEmpty) {
final names = <String>[];
final map = <String, TypeExpr>{};
for (NamedExpression arg in arguments.named) {
final name =;
map[name] = _visit(arg.value);
for (var name in names) {
return new Args<TypeExpr>(args, names: names);
} else {
return new Args<TypeExpr>(args);
Parameter _declareParameter(
String name, DartType type, Expression initializer,
{bool isReceiver: false}) {
Type staticType;
if (type != null) {
staticType = _typesBuilder.fromStaticType(type, !isReceiver);
final param = new Parameter(name, staticType);
assertx(param.index < _summary.parameterCount);
if (param.index >= _summary.requiredParameterCount) {
if (initializer != null) {
if (initializer is ConstantExpression) {
param.defaultValue =
} else {
param.defaultValue = _staticType(initializer);
} else {
param.defaultValue = _nullType;
} else {
assertx(initializer == null);
return param;
Join _declareVariable(VariableDeclaration decl,
{bool addInitType: false,
bool useTypeCheck: false,
DartType checkType: null}) {
final type = checkType ?? decl.type;
Join join = new Join(, type);
_variableJoins[decl] = join;
TypeExpr variable = join;
if (useTypeCheck) {
TypeExpr runtimeType = _translator.translate(type);
variable = new TypeCheck(variable, runtimeType, decl,
_typesBuilder.fromStaticType(decl.type, true));
_variables[decl] = variable;
if (decl.initializer != null) {
TypeExpr initType = _visit(decl.initializer);
if (addInitType) {
return join;
// TODO(alexmarkov): Avoid declaring variables with static types.
void _declareVariableWithStaticType(VariableDeclaration decl) {
Join v = _declareVariable(decl);
v.values.add(_typesBuilder.fromStaticType(v.staticType, true));
Call _makeCall(TreeNode node, Selector selector, Args<TypeExpr> args) {
Call call = new Call(selector, args);
if (node != null) {
callSites[node] = call;
return call;
TypeExpr _makeNarrow(TypeExpr arg, Type type) {
if (arg is Type) {
// TODO(alexmarkov): more constant folding
if ((arg is NullableType) && (arg.baseType == const AnyType())) {
debugPrint("Optimized _Narrow of dynamic");
return type;
Narrow narrow = new Narrow(arg, type);
return narrow;
// Add an artificial use of given expression in order to make it possible to
// infer its type even if it is not used in a summary.
void _addUse(TypeExpr arg) {
if (arg is Narrow) {
} else if (arg is Join || arg is Call || arg is TypeCheck) {
_summary.add(new Use(arg));
} else {
assertx(arg is Type || arg is Parameter);
DartType _staticDartType(Expression node) =>
Type _staticType(Expression node) =>
_typesBuilder.fromStaticType(_staticDartType(node), true);
Type _cachedBoolType;
Type get _boolType => _cachedBoolType ??=
new ConeType(_typesBuilder.getTFClass(_environment.coreTypes.boolClass));
Type _cachedDoubleType;
Type get _doubleType => _cachedDoubleType ??= new ConeType(
Type _cachedIntType;
Type get _intType => _cachedIntType ??=
new ConeType(_typesBuilder.getTFClass(_environment.coreTypes.intClass));
Type _cachedStringType;
Type get _stringType => _cachedStringType ??= new ConeType(
Type _cachedSymbolType;
Type get _symbolType => _cachedSymbolType ??= new ConeType(
Type _cachedTypeType;
Type get _typeType => _cachedTypeType ??=
new ConeType(_typesBuilder.getTFClass(_environment.coreTypes.typeClass));
Type _cachedNullType;
Type get _nullType =>
_cachedNullType ??= new Type.nullable(const EmptyType());
Class get _superclass => _staticTypeContext.thisType.classNode.superclass;
Type _intLiteralType(int value) {
Class concreteClass =
target.concreteIntLiteralClass(_environment.coreTypes, value);
return concreteClass != null
? _entryPointsListener.addAllocatedClass(concreteClass)
: _intType;
Type _stringLiteralType(String value) {
Class concreteClass =
target.concreteStringLiteralClass(_environment.coreTypes, value);
return concreteClass != null
? _entryPointsListener.addAllocatedClass(concreteClass)
: _stringType;
void _handleNestedFunctionNode(FunctionNode node) {
final oldReturn = _returnValue;
final oldVariableJoins = _variableJoins;
final oldVariables = _variables;
_returnValue = null;
_variableJoins = <VariableDeclaration, Join>{};
_variables = <VariableDeclaration, TypeExpr>{};
// Approximate parameters of nested functions with static types.
// TODO(sjindel/tfa): Use TypeCheck for closure parameters.
_returnValue = oldReturn;
_variableJoins = oldVariableJoins;
_variables = oldVariables;
defaultTreeNode(TreeNode node) =>
throw 'Unexpected node ${node.runtimeType}: $node at ${node.location}';
TypeExpr visitAsExpression(AsExpression node) {
TypeExpr operand = _visit(node.operand);
Type type = _typesBuilder.fromStaticType(node.type, true);
TypeExpr runtimeType = _translator.translate(node.type);
TypeExpr result = new TypeCheck(operand, runtimeType, node, type);
explicitCasts[node] = result;
return result;
TypeExpr visitBoolLiteral(BoolLiteral node) {
return _boolType;
TypeExpr visitIntLiteral(IntLiteral node) {
return _intLiteralType(node.value);
TypeExpr visitDoubleLiteral(DoubleLiteral node) {
return _doubleType;
TypeExpr visitConditionalExpression(ConditionalExpression node) {
Join v = new Join(null, _staticDartType(node));
return _makeNarrow(v, _staticType(node));
TypeExpr visitConstructorInvocation(ConstructorInvocation node) {
ConcreteType klass =
TypeExpr receiver =
_translator.instantiateConcreteType(klass, node.arguments.types);
final args = _visitArguments(receiver, node.arguments);
_makeCall(node, new DirectSelector(, args);
return receiver;
TypeExpr visitDirectMethodInvocation(DirectMethodInvocation node) {
final receiver = _visit(node.receiver);
final args = _visitArguments(receiver, node.arguments);
final target =;
assertx(target is! Field);
assertx(!target.isGetter && !target.isSetter);
if (receiver is ThisExpression) {
} else {
// Conservatively record direct invocations with non-this receiver
// as being done via interface selectors.
return _makeCall(node, new DirectSelector(target), args);
TypeExpr visitDirectPropertyGet(DirectPropertyGet node) {
final receiver = _visit(node.receiver);
final args = new Args<TypeExpr>([receiver]);
final target =;
// No need to record this invocation as performed via this or via interface
// selector as PropertyGet invocations are not tracked at all.
return _makeCall(
node, new DirectSelector(target, callKind: CallKind.PropertyGet), args);
TypeExpr visitDirectPropertySet(DirectPropertySet node) {
final receiver = _visit(node.receiver);
final value = _visit(node.value);
final args = new Args<TypeExpr>([receiver, value]);
final target =;
assertx((target is Field) || ((target is Procedure) && target.isSetter));
if (receiver is ThisExpression) {
} else {
// Conservatively record direct invocations with non-this receiver
// as being done via interface selectors.
node, new DirectSelector(target, callKind: CallKind.PropertySet), args);
return value;
TypeExpr visitFunctionExpression(FunctionExpression node) {
// TODO(alexmarkov): support function types.
// return _concreteType(node.function.functionType);
return _staticType(node);
visitInstantiation(Instantiation node) {
// TODO(alexmarkov): support generic & function types.
return _staticType(node);
TypeExpr visitInvalidExpression(InvalidExpression node) {
return const EmptyType();
TypeExpr visitIsExpression(IsExpression node) {
return _boolType;
TypeExpr visitLet(Let node) {
_declareVariable(node.variable, addInitType: true);
return _visit(node.body);
TypeExpr visitBlockExpression(BlockExpression node) {
return _visit(node.value);
TypeExpr visitListLiteral(ListLiteral node) {
Class concreteClass =
if (concreteClass != null) {
return _translator.instantiateConcreteType(
return _staticType(node);
TypeExpr visitLogicalExpression(LogicalExpression node) {
return _boolType;
TypeExpr visitMapLiteral(MapLiteral node) {
for (var entry in node.entries) {
Class concreteClass =
if (concreteClass != null) {
return _translator.instantiateConcreteType(
[node.keyType, node.valueType]);
return _staticType(node);
TypeExpr visitMethodInvocation(MethodInvocation node) {
final receiverNode = node.receiver;
final receiver = _visit(receiverNode);
final args = _visitArguments(receiver, node.arguments);
final target = node.interfaceTarget;
if (receiverNode is ConstantExpression && == '[]') {
Constant constant = receiverNode.constant;
if (constant is ListConstant) {
return _handleIndexingIntoListConstant(constant);
if (target == null) {
if ( == '==') {
assertx(args.values.length == 2);
if ((args.values[0] == _nullType) || (args.values[1] == _nullType)) {
return _boolType;
_makeCall(node, new DynamicSelector(CallKind.Method,, args);
return new Type.nullable(_boolType);
if ( == 'call') {
final recvType = _staticDartType(node.receiver);
if ((recvType is FunctionType) ||
(recvType == _environment.functionLegacyRawType)) {
// Call to a Function.
return _staticType(node);
return _makeCall(
node, new DynamicSelector(CallKind.Method,, args);
// TODO( Once front-end desugars calls via
// fields/getters, handling of field and getter targets here
// can be turned into assertions.
if ((target is Field) || ((target is Procedure) && target.isGetter)) {
// Call via field/getter.
final value = _makeCall(
(node.receiver is ThisExpression)
? new VirtualSelector(target, callKind: CallKind.PropertyGet)
: new InterfaceSelector(target, callKind: CallKind.PropertyGet),
new Args<TypeExpr>([receiver]));
null, DynamicSelector.kCall, new Args.withReceiver(args, value));
return _staticType(node);
} else {
// TODO(alexmarkov): overloaded arithmetic operators
return _makeCall(
(node.receiver is ThisExpression)
? new VirtualSelector(target)
: new InterfaceSelector(target),
TypeExpr _handleIndexingIntoListConstant(ListConstant list) {
final elementTypes = new Set<Type>();
for (var element in list.entries) {
switch (elementTypes.length) {
case 0:
return const EmptyType();
case 1:
return elementTypes.single;
final join = new Join(null, list.typeArgument);
return join;
TypeExpr visitPropertyGet(PropertyGet node) {
var receiver = _visit(node.receiver);
var args = new Args<TypeExpr>([receiver]);
final target = node.interfaceTarget;
if (target == null) {
return _makeCall(
node, new DynamicSelector(CallKind.PropertyGet,, args);
return _makeCall(
(node.receiver is ThisExpression)
? new VirtualSelector(target, callKind: CallKind.PropertyGet)
: new InterfaceSelector(target, callKind: CallKind.PropertyGet),
TypeExpr visitPropertySet(PropertySet node) {
var receiver = _visit(node.receiver);
var value = _visit(node.value);
var args = new Args<TypeExpr>([receiver, value]);
final target = node.interfaceTarget;
if (target == null) {
node, new DynamicSelector(CallKind.PropertySet,, args);
} else {
assertx((target is Field) || ((target is Procedure) && target.isSetter));
(node.receiver is ThisExpression)
? new VirtualSelector(target, callKind: CallKind.PropertySet)
: new InterfaceSelector(target, callKind: CallKind.PropertySet),
return value;
TypeExpr visitSuperMethodInvocation(SuperMethodInvocation node) {
assertx(_receiver != null, details: node);
final args = _visitArguments(_receiver, node.arguments);
// Re-resolve target due to partial mixin resolution.
final target = _hierarchy.getDispatchTarget(_superclass,;
if (target == null) {
return const EmptyType();
} else {
if ((target is Field) || ((target is Procedure) && target.isGetter)) {
// Call via field/getter.
// TODO(alexmarkov): Consider cleaning up this code as it duplicates
// processing in DirectInvocation.
final fieldValue = _makeCall(
new DirectSelector(target, callKind: CallKind.PropertyGet),
new Args<TypeExpr>([_receiver]));
_makeCall(null, DynamicSelector.kCall,
new Args.withReceiver(args, fieldValue));
return _staticType(node);
} else {
return _makeCall(node, new DirectSelector(target), args);
TypeExpr visitSuperPropertyGet(SuperPropertyGet node) {
assertx(_receiver != null, details: node);
final args = new Args<TypeExpr>([_receiver]);
// Re-resolve target due to partial mixin resolution.
final target = _hierarchy.getDispatchTarget(_superclass,;
if (target == null) {
return const EmptyType();
} else {
return _makeCall(node,
new DirectSelector(target, callKind: CallKind.PropertyGet), args);
TypeExpr visitSuperPropertySet(SuperPropertySet node) {
assertx(_receiver != null, details: node);
final value = _visit(node.value);
final args = new Args<TypeExpr>([_receiver, value]);
// Re-resolve target due to partial mixin resolution.
final target =
_hierarchy.getDispatchTarget(_superclass,, setter: true);
if (target != null) {
assertx((target is Field) || ((target is Procedure) && target.isSetter));
new DirectSelector(target, callKind: CallKind.PropertySet), args);
return value;
TypeExpr visitNot(Not node) {
return _boolType;
TypeExpr visitNullLiteral(NullLiteral node) {
return _nullType;
TypeExpr visitRethrow(Rethrow node) {
return const EmptyType();
TypeExpr visitStaticGet(StaticGet node) {
final args = new Args<TypeExpr>(const <TypeExpr>[]);
final target =;
return _makeCall(
node, new DirectSelector(target, callKind: CallKind.PropertyGet), args);
TypeExpr visitStaticInvocation(StaticInvocation node) {
final args = _visitArguments(null, node.arguments,
final target =;
assertx((target is! Field) && !target.isGetter && !target.isSetter);
return _makeCall(node, new DirectSelector(target), args);
TypeExpr visitStaticSet(StaticSet node) {
final value = _visit(node.value);
final args = new Args<TypeExpr>([value]);
final target =;
assertx((target is Field) || (target is Procedure) && target.isSetter);
node, new DirectSelector(target, callKind: CallKind.PropertySet), args);
return value;
TypeExpr visitStringConcatenation(StringConcatenation node) {
return _stringType;
TypeExpr visitStringLiteral(StringLiteral node) {
return _stringLiteralType(node.value);
TypeExpr visitSymbolLiteral(SymbolLiteral node) {
return _staticType(node);
TypeExpr visitThisExpression(ThisExpression node) {
assertx(_receiver != null, details: node);
return _receiver;
TypeExpr visitThrow(Throw node) {
return const EmptyType();
TypeExpr visitTypeLiteral(TypeLiteral node) {
return _typeType;
TypeExpr visitVariableGet(VariableGet node) {
final v = _variables[node.variable];
if (v == null) {
throw 'Unable to find variable ${node.variable}';
if ((node.promotedType != null) &&
(node.promotedType != const DynamicType())) {
return _makeNarrow(
v, _typesBuilder.fromStaticType(node.promotedType, false));
return v;
TypeExpr visitVariableSet(VariableSet node) {
Join v = _variableJoins[node.variable];
assertx(v != null, details: node);
TypeExpr value = _visit(node.value);
return value;
TypeExpr visitLoadLibrary(LoadLibrary node) {
return _staticType(node);
TypeExpr visitCheckLibraryIsLoaded(CheckLibraryIsLoaded node) {
return _staticType(node);
TypeExpr visitAssertStatement(AssertStatement node) {
if (!kRemoveAsserts) {
if (node.message != null) {
return null;
TypeExpr visitBlock(Block node) {
return null;
TypeExpr visitAssertBlock(AssertBlock node) {
if (!kRemoveAsserts) {
return null;
TypeExpr visitBreakStatement(BreakStatement node) => null;
TypeExpr visitContinueSwitchStatement(ContinueSwitchStatement node) => null;
TypeExpr visitDoStatement(DoStatement node) {
return null;
TypeExpr visitEmptyStatement(EmptyStatement node) => null;
TypeExpr visitExpressionStatement(ExpressionStatement node) {
return null;
TypeExpr visitForInStatement(ForInStatement node) {
// TODO(alexmarkov): try to infer more precise type from 'iterable'
return null;
TypeExpr visitForStatement(ForStatement node) {
if (node.condition != null) {
return null;
TypeExpr visitFunctionDeclaration(FunctionDeclaration node) {
Join v = _declareVariable(node.variable);
// TODO(alexmarkov): support function types.
// v.values.add(_concreteType(node.function.functionType));
v.values.add(_typesBuilder.fromStaticType(v.staticType, true));
return null;
TypeExpr visitIfStatement(IfStatement node) {
if (node.otherwise != null) {
return null;
TypeExpr visitLabeledStatement(LabeledStatement node) {
return null;
TypeExpr visitReturnStatement(ReturnStatement node) {
TypeExpr ret =
(node.expression != null) ? _visit(node.expression) : _nullType;
if (_returnValue != null) {
return null;
TypeExpr visitSwitchStatement(SwitchStatement node) {
for (var switchCase in node.cases) {
return null;
TypeExpr visitTryCatch(TryCatch node) {
for (var catchClause in node.catches) {
if (catchClause.exception != null) {
if (catchClause.stackTrace != null) {
return null;
TypeExpr visitTryFinally(TryFinally node) {
return null;
TypeExpr visitVariableDeclaration(VariableDeclaration node) {
final v = _declareVariable(node, addInitType: true);
if (node.initializer == null) {
return null;
TypeExpr visitWhileStatement(WhileStatement node) {
return null;
TypeExpr visitYieldStatement(YieldStatement node) {
return null;
TypeExpr visitFieldInitializer(FieldInitializer node) {
final value = _visit(node.value);
final args = new Args<TypeExpr>([_receiver, value]);
new DirectSelector(node.field, callKind: CallKind.PropertySet), args);
return null;
TypeExpr visitRedirectingInitializer(RedirectingInitializer node) {
final args = _visitArguments(_receiver, node.arguments);
_makeCall(node, new DirectSelector(, args);
return null;
TypeExpr visitSuperInitializer(SuperInitializer node) {
final args = _visitArguments(_receiver, node.arguments);
Constructor target = null;
if (kPartialMixinResolution) {
// Re-resolve target due to partial mixin resolution.
for (var replacement in _superclass.constructors) {
if ( == {
target = replacement;
} else {
target =;
assertx(target != null);
_makeCall(node, new DirectSelector(target), args);
return null;
TypeExpr visitLocalInitializer(LocalInitializer node) {
return null;
TypeExpr visitAssertInitializer(AssertInitializer node) {
if (!kRemoveAsserts) {
return null;
TypeExpr visitInvalidInitializer(InvalidInitializer node) {
return null;
TypeExpr visitConstantExpression(ConstantExpression node) {
return constantAllocationCollector.typeFor(node.constant);
class RuntimeTypeTranslator extends DartTypeVisitor<TypeExpr> {
final Summary summary;
final Map<TypeParameter, TypeExpr> functionTypeVariables;
final Map<DartType, TypeExpr> typesCache = <DartType, TypeExpr>{};
final TypeExpr receiver;
final GenericInterfacesInfo genericInterfacesInfo;
RuntimeTypeTranslator(this.summary, this.receiver, this.functionTypeVariables,
this.genericInterfacesInfo) {}
// Create a type translator which can be used only for types with no free type
// variables.
: summary = null,
functionTypeVariables = null,
receiver = null {}
TypeExpr instantiateConcreteType(ConcreteType type, List<DartType> typeArgs) {
if (typeArgs.isEmpty) return type;
// This function is very similar to 'visitInterfaceType', but with
// many small differences.
final klass = type.cls.classNode;
final substitution = Substitution.fromPairs(klass.typeParameters, typeArgs);
final flattenedTypeArgs =
final flattenedTypeExprs = new List<TypeExpr>(flattenedTypeArgs.length);
bool createConcreteType = true;
bool allAnyType = true;
for (int i = 0; i < flattenedTypeArgs.length; ++i) {
final typeExpr =
if (typeExpr != const AnyType()) allAnyType = false;
if (typeExpr is Statement) createConcreteType = false;
flattenedTypeExprs[i] = typeExpr;
if (allAnyType) return type;
if (createConcreteType) {
return new ConcreteType(
type.cls, new List<Type>.from(flattenedTypeExprs));
} else {
final instantiate = new CreateConcreteType(type.cls, flattenedTypeExprs);
return instantiate;
// Creates a TypeExpr representing the set of types which can flow through a
// given DartType.
// Will return AnyType, RuntimeType or Statement.
TypeExpr translate(DartType type) {
final cached = typesCache[type];
if (cached != null) return cached;
// During type translation, loops can arise via super-bounded types:
// class A<T> extends Comparable<A<T>> {}
// Creating the factored type arguments of A will lead to an infinite loop.
// We break such loops by inserting an 'AnyType' in place of the currently
// processed type, ensuring we try to build 'A<T>' in the process of
// building 'A<T>'.
typesCache[type] = const AnyType();
final result = type.accept(this);
assertx(result is AnyType || result is RuntimeType || result is Statement);
typesCache[type] = result;
return result;
TypeExpr defaultDartType(DartType node) => const AnyType();
TypeExpr visitDynamicType(DynamicType type) => new RuntimeType(type, null);
TypeExpr visitVoidType(VoidType type) => new RuntimeType(type, null);
TypeExpr visitBottomType(BottomType type) => new RuntimeType(type, null);
TypeExpr visitNeverType(NeverType type) => new RuntimeType(type, null);
visitTypedefType(TypedefType node) => translate(node.unalias);
visitInterfaceType(InterfaceType type) {
if (type.typeArguments.isEmpty) return new RuntimeType(type, null);
final substitution = Substitution.fromPairs(
type.classNode.typeParameters, type.typeArguments);
final flattenedTypeArgs =
final flattenedTypeExprs = new List<TypeExpr>(flattenedTypeArgs.length);
bool createRuntimeType = true;
for (var i = 0; i < flattenedTypeArgs.length; ++i) {
final typeExpr =
if (typeExpr == const AnyType()) return const AnyType();
if (typeExpr is! RuntimeType) createRuntimeType = false;
flattenedTypeExprs[i] = typeExpr;
if (createRuntimeType) {
return new RuntimeType(
new InterfaceType(type.classNode, Nullability.legacy),
new List<RuntimeType>.from(flattenedTypeExprs));
} else {
final instantiate =
new CreateRuntimeType(type.classNode, flattenedTypeExprs);
return instantiate;
visitTypeParameterType(TypeParameterType type) {
if (functionTypeVariables != null) {
final result = functionTypeVariables[type.parameter];
if (result != null) return result;
if (type.parameter.parent is! Class) return const AnyType();
final interfaceClass = type.parameter.parent as Class;
assertx(receiver != null);
final extract = new Extract(receiver, interfaceClass,
return extract;
class ConstantAllocationCollector extends ConstantVisitor<Type> {
final SummaryCollector summaryCollector;
final Map<Constant, Type> constants = <Constant, Type>{};
// Ensures the transtive graph of [constant] got scanned for potential
// allocations and field types. Returns the [Type] of this constant.
Type typeFor(Constant constant) {
return constants.putIfAbsent(constant, () => constant.accept(this));
Type _getStaticType(Constant constant) =>
constant.getType(summaryCollector._staticTypeContext), false);
defaultConstant(Constant constant) {
throw 'There is no support for constant "$constant" in TFA yet!';
Type visitNullConstant(NullConstant constant) {
return summaryCollector._nullType;
Type visitBoolConstant(BoolConstant constant) {
return summaryCollector._boolType;
Type visitIntConstant(IntConstant constant) {
return summaryCollector._intLiteralType(constant.value);
Type visitDoubleConstant(DoubleConstant constant) {
return summaryCollector._doubleType;
Type visitStringConstant(StringConstant constant) {
return summaryCollector._stringLiteralType(constant.value);
visitSymbolConstant(SymbolConstant constant) {
return summaryCollector._symbolType;
Type visitMapConstant(MapConstant node) {
throw 'The kernel2kernel constants transformation desugars const maps!';
Type visitListConstant(ListConstant constant) {
for (final Constant entry in constant.entries) {
Class concreteClass =
return concreteClass != null
? summaryCollector._entryPointsListener.addAllocatedClass(concreteClass)
: _getStaticType(constant);
Type visitInstanceConstant(InstanceConstant constant) {
final resultType = summaryCollector._entryPointsListener
constant.fieldValues.forEach((Reference fieldReference, Constant value) {
.addDirectFieldAccess(fieldReference.asField, typeFor(value));
return resultType;
Type visitTearOffConstant(TearOffConstant constant) {
final Procedure procedure = constant.procedure;
.addRawCall(new DirectSelector(procedure));
return _getStaticType(constant);
Type visitPartialInstantiationConstant(
PartialInstantiationConstant constant) {
return _getStaticType(constant);
Type visitTypeLiteralConstant(TypeLiteralConstant constant) {
return summaryCollector._typeType;