blob: b03f94349ef32341916332866b825d76fa1248e7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// Global type flow analysis.
library kernel.transformations.analysis;
import 'dart:collection';
import 'dart:core' hide Type;
import 'dart:math' show max;
import 'package:kernel/target/targets.dart' show Target;
import 'package:kernel/ast.dart' hide Statement, StatementVisitor;
import 'package:kernel/class_hierarchy.dart' show ClosedWorldClassHierarchy;
import 'package:kernel/library_index.dart' show LibraryIndex;
import 'package:kernel/core_types.dart' show CoreTypes;
import 'package:kernel/type_environment.dart';
import 'calls.dart';
import 'native_code.dart';
import 'summary.dart';
import 'summary_collector.dart';
import 'types.dart';
import 'utils.dart';
import '../pragma.dart';
// TODO(alexmarkov)
// Unordered list of various improvements in type flow analysis,
// organized in several categories:
// === Correctness ===
// * Verify incremental re-calculation by fresh analysis starting with known
// allocated classes.
// === Precision ===
// * Handle '==' with null.
// * Special type inference rules for binary int operators.
// * Support function types, better handle closures.
// * Support generic types: substitution, passing type arguments. Figure out
// when generic type should be approximated.
// === Efficiency of the analysis ===
// * Add benchmark to measure analysis time continuously.
// * Figure out better strategy of processing an invocation if its result is
// not used. Consider creating summaries eagerly (to discover allocated
// classes early) but analyzing them lazily.
/// Maintains set of dependent invocations.
class _DependencyTracker {
Set<_Invocation> _dependentInvocations;
void addDependentInvocation(_Invocation invocation) {
if (!identical(invocation, this)) {
_dependentInvocations ??= new Set<_Invocation>();
void invalidateDependentInvocations(_WorkList workList) {
if (_dependentInvocations != null) {
if (kPrintTrace) {
tracePrint(' - CHANGED: $this');
for (var di in _dependentInvocations) {
tracePrint(' - invalidating $di');
/// _Invocation class represents the in-flight invocation detached from a
/// particular call site, e.g. it is a selector and arguments.
/// This is the basic unit of processing in type flow analysis.
/// Call sites calling the same method with the same argument types
/// may reuse results of the analysis through the same _Invocation instance.
abstract class _Invocation extends _DependencyTracker
with LinkedListEntry<_Invocation> {
final Selector selector;
final Args<Type> args;
Type result;
/// Result of the invocation calculated before invocation was invalidated.
/// Used to check if the re-analysis of the invocation yields the same
/// result or not (to avoid invalidation of callers if result hasn't changed).
Type invalidatedResult;
/// Number of times result of this invocation was invalidated.
int invalidationCounter = 0;
/// Whether a call-site directed to this invocation can call through the
/// unchecked entry-point.
bool typeChecksNeeded = false;
/// If an invocation is invalidated more than [invalidationLimit] times,
/// its result is saturated in order to guarantee convergence.
static const int invalidationLimit = 1000;
_Invocation(this.selector, this.args);
Type process(TypeFlowAnalysis typeFlowAnalysis);
/// Returns result of this invocation if its available without
/// further analysis, or `null` if it's not available.
/// Used for recursive calls while this invocation is being processed.
Type get resultForRecursiveInvocation => result;
// Only take selector and args into account as _Invocation objects
// are cached in _InvocationsCache using selector and args as a key.
bool operator ==(other) =>
identical(this, other) ||
(other is _Invocation) &&
(this.selector == other.selector) &&
(this.args == other.args);
int get hashCode => (selector.hashCode ^ args.hashCode + 31) & kHashMask;
String toString() => "_Invocation $selector $args";
/// Processes noSuchMethod() invocation and returns its result.
/// Used if target is not found or number of arguments is incorrect.
Type _processNoSuchMethod(Type receiver, TypeFlowAnalysis typeFlowAnalysis) {
tracePrint("Processing noSuchMethod for receiver $receiver");
final nsmSelector = new InterfaceSelector(
callKind: CallKind.Method);
final nsmArgs = new Args<Type>([
typeFlowAnalysis.environment.coreTypes.invocationLegacyRawType, false)
final nsmInvocation =
typeFlowAnalysis._invocationsCache.getInvocation(nsmSelector, nsmArgs);
final Type type =
// Result of this invocation depends on the result of noSuchMethod
// invocation.
return type;
class _DirectInvocation extends _Invocation {
_DirectInvocation(DirectSelector selector, Args<Type> args)
: super(selector, args) {
// We don't emit [TypeCheck] statements for bounds checks of type
// parameters, so if there are any type parameters, we must assume
// they could fail bounds checks.
// TODO(sjindel): Use [TypeCheck] to avoid bounds checks.
if (selector.member.function != null) {
typeChecksNeeded = selector.member.function.typeParameters
.any((t) => t.isGenericCovariantImpl);
Type process(TypeFlowAnalysis typeFlowAnalysis) {
assertx(typeFlowAnalysis.currentInvocation == this);
if (selector.member is Field) {
return _processField(typeFlowAnalysis);
} else {
return _processFunction(typeFlowAnalysis);
Type _processField(TypeFlowAnalysis typeFlowAnalysis) {
final Field field = selector.member as Field;
final int firstParamIndex = field.isStatic ? 0 : 1;
final _FieldValue fieldValue = typeFlowAnalysis.getFieldValue(field);
switch (selector.callKind) {
case CallKind.PropertyGet:
assertx(args.values.length == firstParamIndex);
return fieldValue.getValue(
typeFlowAnalysis, field.isStatic ? null : args.values[0]);
case CallKind.PropertySet:
assertx(args.values.length == firstParamIndex + 1);
final Type setterArg = args.values[firstParamIndex];
setterArg, typeFlowAnalysis, field.isStatic ? null : args.receiver);
return const EmptyType();
case CallKind.Method:
// Call via field.
// TODO(alexmarkov): support function types and use inferred type
// to get more precise return type.
final receiver = fieldValue.getValue(
typeFlowAnalysis, field.isStatic ? null : args.values[0]);
if (receiver != const EmptyType()) {
typeFlowAnalysis.applyCall(/* callSite = */ null,
DynamicSelector.kCall, new Args.withReceiver(args, receiver),
isResultUsed: false, processImmediately: false);
return new Type.nullableAny();
case CallKind.FieldInitializer:
assertx(args.values.length == firstParamIndex);
Type initializerResult = typeFlowAnalysis
.apply(args, typeFlowAnalysis.hierarchyCache, typeFlowAnalysis);
if (field.isStatic &&
!field.isConst &&
initializerResult is! NullableType) {
// If initializer of a static field throws an exception,
// then field is initialized with null value.
// TODO(alexmarkov): Try to prove that static field initializer
// does not throw exception.
initializerResult = new Type.nullable(initializerResult);
fieldValue.setValue(initializerResult, typeFlowAnalysis,
field.isStatic ? null : args.receiver);
fieldValue.isInitialized = true;
return const EmptyType();
// Make dartanalyzer happy.
throw 'Unexpected call kind ${selector.callKind}';
Type _processFunction(TypeFlowAnalysis typeFlowAnalysis) {
final Member member = selector.member;
if (selector.memberAgreesToCallKind(member)) {
if (_argumentsValid()) {
final summary = typeFlowAnalysis.getSummary(member);
// If result type is known upfront (doesn't depend on the flow),
// set it eagerly so recursive invocations are able to use it.
final summaryResult = summary.result;
if (summaryResult is Type &&
!typeFlowAnalysis.workList._isPending(this)) {
assertx(result == null || result == summaryResult);
result = summaryResult;
return summary.apply(
args, typeFlowAnalysis.hierarchyCache, typeFlowAnalysis);
} else {
assertx(selector.callKind == CallKind.Method);
return _processNoSuchMethod(args.receiver, typeFlowAnalysis);
} else {
if (selector.callKind == CallKind.PropertyGet) {
// Tear-off.
// TODO(alexmarkov): capture receiver type
assertx((member is Procedure) && !member.isGetter && !member.isSetter);
typeFlowAnalysis.addRawCall(new DirectSelector(member));
return new Type.nullableAny();
} else {
// Call via getter.
// TODO(alexmarkov): capture receiver type
assertx((selector.callKind == CallKind.Method) &&
(member is Procedure) &&
new DirectSelector(member, callKind: CallKind.PropertyGet));
typeFlowAnalysis.applyCall(/* callSite = */ null, DynamicSelector.kCall,
new Args.withReceiver(args, new Type.nullableAny()),
isResultUsed: false, processImmediately: false);
return new Type.nullableAny();
bool _argumentsValid() {
final function = selector.member.function;
assertx(function != null);
final int positionalArguments = args.positionalCount;
final int firstParamIndex = numTypeParams(selector.member) +
(hasReceiverArg(selector.member) ? 1 : 0);
final int requiredParameters =
firstParamIndex + function.requiredParameterCount;
if (positionalArguments < requiredParameters) {
return false;
final int positionalParameters =
firstParamIndex + function.positionalParameters.length;
if (positionalArguments > positionalParameters) {
return false;
if (args.names.isNotEmpty) {
// TODO( make sure parameters are sorted in kernel AST
// and iterate parameters in parallel, without lookup.
for (var name in args.names) {
if (findNamedParameter(function, name) == null) {
return false;
return true;
class _DispatchableInvocation extends _Invocation {
bool _isPolymorphic = false;
Set<Call> _callSites; // Populated only if not polymorphic.
Member _monomorphicTarget;
_DirectInvocation _monomorphicDirectInvocation;
set typeChecksNeeded(bool value) {
if (typeChecksNeeded) return;
if (value) {
super.typeChecksNeeded = true;
/// Marker for noSuchMethod() invocation in the map of invocation targets.
static final Member kNoSuchMethodMarker =
new Procedure(new Name('noSuchMethod&&'), ProcedureKind.Method, null);
_DispatchableInvocation(Selector selector, Args<Type> args)
: super(selector, args) {
assertx(selector is! DirectSelector);
Type process(TypeFlowAnalysis typeFlowAnalysis) {
assertx(typeFlowAnalysis.currentInvocation == this);
// Collect all possible targets for this invocation,
// along with more accurate receiver types for each target.
final targets = <Member, _ReceiverTypeBuilder>{};
_collectTargetsForReceiverType(args.receiver, targets, typeFlowAnalysis);
// Calculate result as a union of results of direct invocations
// corresponding to each target.
Type result = const EmptyType();
if (targets.isEmpty) {
tracePrint("No targets...");
} else {
if (targets.length == 1) {
final target = targets.keys.single;
if (target != kNoSuchMethodMarker) {
} else {
} else {
.forEach((Member target, _ReceiverTypeBuilder receiverTypeBuilder) {
Type receiver = receiverTypeBuilder.toType();
Type type;
if (target == kNoSuchMethodMarker) {
// Non-dynamic call-sites must hit NSM-forwarders in Dart 2.
assertx(selector is DynamicSelector);
type = _processNoSuchMethod(receiver, typeFlowAnalysis);
} else {
final directSelector =
new DirectSelector(target, callKind: selector.callKind);
Args<Type> directArgs = args;
if (args.receiver != receiver) {
directArgs = new Args<Type>.withReceiver(args, receiver);
final directInvocation = typeFlowAnalysis._invocationsCache
.getInvocation(directSelector, directArgs);
if (!_isPolymorphic) {
assertx(target == _monomorphicTarget);
_monomorphicDirectInvocation = directInvocation;
type = typeFlowAnalysis.workList.processInvocation(directInvocation);
if (kPrintTrace) {
tracePrint('Dispatch: $directInvocation, result: $type');
// Result of this invocation depends on the results of direct
// invocations corresponding to each target.
if (selector.callKind != CallKind.PropertyGet) {
if (selector is DynamicSelector) {
} else if (selector is VirtualSelector) {
} else {
if (directInvocation.typeChecksNeeded) {
typeChecksNeeded = true;
result = result.union(type, typeFlowAnalysis.hierarchyCache);
// TODO(alexmarkov): handle closures more precisely
if ((selector is DynamicSelector) && ( == "call")) {
tracePrint("Possible closure call, result is dynamic");
result = new Type.nullableAny();
return result;
void _collectTargetsForReceiverType(
Type receiver,
Map<Member, _ReceiverTypeBuilder> targets,
TypeFlowAnalysis typeFlowAnalysis) {
assertx(receiver != const EmptyType()); // should be filtered earlier
final bool isNullableReceiver = receiver is NullableType;
if (isNullableReceiver) {
receiver = (receiver as NullableType).baseType;
assertx(receiver is! NullableType);
if (selector is InterfaceSelector) {
final staticReceiverType = new ConeType(typeFlowAnalysis.hierarchyCache
receiver = receiver.intersection(
staticReceiverType, typeFlowAnalysis.hierarchyCache);
assertx(receiver is! NullableType);
if (kPrintTrace) {
tracePrint("Narrowed down receiver type: $receiver");
if (receiver is ConeType) {
// Specialization of type cone will add dependency of the current
// invocation to the receiver class. A new allocated class discovered
// in the receiver cone will invalidate this invocation.
receiver = typeFlowAnalysis.hierarchyCache
.specializeTypeCone((receiver as ConeType).cls);
if (receiver is ConcreteType) {
_collectTargetsForConcreteType(receiver, targets, typeFlowAnalysis);
} else if (receiver is SetType) {
for (var type in receiver.types) {
_collectTargetsForConcreteType(type, targets, typeFlowAnalysis);
} else if (receiver is AnyType) {
_collectTargetsForSelector(targets, typeFlowAnalysis);
} else {
assertx(receiver is EmptyType);
if (isNullableReceiver) {
_collectTargetsForNull(targets, typeFlowAnalysis);
// TODO(alexmarkov): Consider caching targets for Null type.
void _collectTargetsForNull(Map<Member, _ReceiverTypeBuilder> targets,
TypeFlowAnalysis typeFlowAnalysis) {
Class nullClass = typeFlowAnalysis.environment.coreTypes.nullClass;
Member target = typeFlowAnalysis.hierarchyCache.hierarchy
.getDispatchTarget(nullClass,, setter: selector.isSetter);
if (target != null) {
if (kPrintTrace) {
tracePrint("Found $target for null receiver");
_getReceiverTypeBuilder(targets, target).addNull();
void _collectTargetsForConcreteType(
ConcreteType receiver,
Map<Member, _ReceiverTypeBuilder> targets,
TypeFlowAnalysis typeFlowAnalysis) {
final TFClass cls = receiver.cls;
Member target = typeFlowAnalysis.hierarchyCache.hierarchy.getDispatchTarget(
setter: selector.isSetter);
if (target != null) {
if (kPrintTrace) {
tracePrint("Found $target for concrete receiver $receiver");
_getReceiverTypeBuilder(targets, target).addConcreteType(receiver);
} else {
if (typeFlowAnalysis.hierarchyCache.hasNonTrivialNoSuchMethod(cls)) {
if (kPrintTrace) {
tracePrint("Found non-trivial noSuchMethod for receiver $receiver");
_getReceiverTypeBuilder(targets, kNoSuchMethodMarker)
} else if (selector is DynamicSelector) {
if (kPrintTrace) {
"Dynamic selector - adding noSuchMethod for receiver $receiver");
_getReceiverTypeBuilder(targets, kNoSuchMethodMarker)
} else {
if (kPrintTrace) {
tracePrint("Target is not found for receiver $receiver");
void _collectTargetsForSelector(Map<Member, _ReceiverTypeBuilder> targets,
TypeFlowAnalysis typeFlowAnalysis) {
Selector selector = this.selector;
if (selector is InterfaceSelector) {
// TODO(alexmarkov): support generic types and make sure inferred types
// are always same or better than static types.
// assertx(selector.member.enclosingClass ==
// _typeFlowAnalysis.environment.coreTypes.objectClass, details: selector);
selector = new DynamicSelector(selector.callKind,;
final receiver = args.receiver;
final _DynamicTargetSet dynamicTargetSet = typeFlowAnalysis.hierarchyCache
.getDynamicTargetSet(selector as DynamicSelector);
for (Member target in dynamicTargetSet.targets) {
_getReceiverTypeBuilder(targets, target).addType(receiver);
// Conservatively include noSuchMethod if selector is not from Object,
// as class might miss the implementation.
if (!dynamicTargetSet.isObjectMember) {
_getReceiverTypeBuilder(targets, kNoSuchMethodMarker).addType(receiver);
_ReceiverTypeBuilder _getReceiverTypeBuilder(
Map<Member, _ReceiverTypeBuilder> targets, Member member) =>
targets[member] ??= new _ReceiverTypeBuilder();
void _setPolymorphic() {
if (!_isPolymorphic) {
_isPolymorphic = true;
_monomorphicTarget = null;
typeChecksNeeded = true;
_callSites = null;
void _setMonomorphicTarget(Member target) {
assertx((_monomorphicTarget == null) || (_monomorphicTarget == target));
_monomorphicTarget = target;
void addCallSite(Call callSite) {
if (!callSite.isPolymorphic) {
(_callSites ??= new Set<Call>()).add(callSite);
/// Notify call site about changes in polymorphism or checkedness of this
/// invocation.
void _notifyCallSite(Call callSite) {
if (_isPolymorphic) {
} else {
if (_monomorphicTarget != null) {
if (typeChecksNeeded) {
/// Notify call sites monitoring this invocation about changes in
/// polymorphism of this invocation.
void _notifyCallSites() {
if (_callSites != null) {
Type get resultForRecursiveInvocation {
if (result != null) {
return result;
if (_monomorphicDirectInvocation != null) {
return _monomorphicDirectInvocation.resultForRecursiveInvocation;
return null;
/// Efficient builder of receiver type.
/// Supports the following operations:
/// 1) Add 1..N concrete types ordered by classId OR add 1 arbitrary type.
/// 2) Make type nullable.
class _ReceiverTypeBuilder {
Type _type;
List<ConcreteType> _list;
bool _nullable = false;
/// Appends a ConcreteType. May be called multiple times.
/// Should not be used in conjunction with [addType].
void addConcreteType(ConcreteType type) {
if (_list == null) {
if (_type == null) {
_type = type;
assertx(_type is ConcreteType);
assertx(_type != type);
_list = new List<ConcreteType>();
_type = null;
assertx( <;
/// Appends an arbitrary Type. May be called only once.
/// Should not be used in conjunction with [addConcreteType].
void addType(Type type) {
assertx(_type == null && _list == null);
_type = type;
/// Makes the resulting type nullable.
void addNull() {
_nullable = true;
/// Returns union of added types.
Type toType() {
Type t = _type;
if (t == null) {
if (_list == null) {
t = const EmptyType();
} else {
t = new SetType(_list);
} else {
assertx(_list == null);
if (_nullable) {
if (t is! NullableType) {
t = new NullableType(t);
return t;
/// Keeps track of number of cached [_Invocation] objects with
/// a particular selector and provides approximation if needed.
class _SelectorApproximation {
/// Approximation [_Invocation] with raw arguments is created and used
/// after number of [_Invocation] objects with same selector but
/// different arguments reaches this limit.
static const int maxInvocationsPerSelector = 5000;
int count = 0;
_Invocation approximation;
/// Maintains ([Selector], [Args]) => [_Invocation] cache.
/// Invocations are cached in order to reuse previously calculated result.
class _InvocationsCache {
final TypeFlowAnalysis _typeFlowAnalysis;
final Set<_Invocation> _invocations = new Set<_Invocation>();
final Map<Selector, _SelectorApproximation> _approximations =
<Selector, _SelectorApproximation>{};
_Invocation getInvocation(Selector selector, Args<Type> args) {
_Invocation invocation = (selector is DirectSelector)
? new _DirectInvocation(selector, args)
: new _DispatchableInvocation(selector, args);
_Invocation result = _invocations.lookup(invocation);
if (result != null) {
return result;
if (selector is InterfaceSelector) {
// Detect if there are too many invocations per selector. In such case,
// approximate extra invocations with a single invocation with raw
// arguments.
final sa = (_approximations[selector] ??= new _SelectorApproximation());
if (sa.count >= _SelectorApproximation.maxInvocationsPerSelector) {
if (sa.approximation == null) {
final rawArgs =
sa.approximation = new _DispatchableInvocation(selector, rawArgs);
return sa.approximation;
Statistics.maxInvocationsCachedPerSelector =
max(Statistics.maxInvocationsCachedPerSelector, sa.count);
bool added = _invocations.add(invocation);
return invocation;
class _FieldValue extends _DependencyTracker {
final Field field;
final Type staticType;
final Summary typeGuardSummary;
Type value;
/// Flag indicating if field initializer was executed.
bool isInitialized = false;
_FieldValue(this.field, this.typeGuardSummary, TypesBuilder typesBuilder)
: staticType = typesBuilder.fromStaticType(field.type, true) {
if (field.initializer == null && _isDefaultValueOfFieldObservable()) {
value = new Type.nullable(const EmptyType());
} else {
value = const EmptyType();
bool _isDefaultValueOfFieldObservable() {
if (field.isStatic) {
return true;
final enclosingClass = field.enclosingClass;
assertx(enclosingClass != null);
// Default value is not observable if every generative constructor
// is redirecting or initializes the field.
return !enclosingClass.constructors.every((Constructor constr) {
for (var initializer in constr.initializers) {
if ((initializer is RedirectingInitializer) ||
((initializer is FieldInitializer) &&
(initializer.field == field))) {
return true;
return false;
void ensureInitialized(TypeFlowAnalysis typeFlowAnalysis, Type receiverType) {
if (field.initializer != null) {
assertx(field.isStatic == (receiverType == null));
final args = !field.isStatic ? <Type>[receiverType] : const <Type>[];
final initializerInvocation = typeFlowAnalysis._invocationsCache
new DirectSelector(field, callKind: CallKind.FieldInitializer),
new Args<Type>(args));
// It may update the field value.
Type getValue(TypeFlowAnalysis typeFlowAnalysis, Type receiverType) {
ensureInitialized(typeFlowAnalysis, receiverType);
return value;
void setValue(
Type newValue, TypeFlowAnalysis typeFlowAnalysis, Type receiverType) {
// Make sure type cones are specialized before putting them into field
// value, in order to ensure that dependency is established between
// cone's base type and corresponding field setter.
// This ensures correct invalidation in the following scenario:
// 1) setValue(Cone(X)).
// It sets field value to Cone(X).
// 2) setValue(Y).
// It calculates Cone(X) U Y, specializing Cone(X).
// This establishes class X --> setter(Y) dependency.
// If X does not have allocated subclasses, then Cone(X) is specialized
// to Empty and the new field value is Y.
// 3) A new allocated subtype is added to X.
// This invalidates setter(Y). However, recalculation of setter(Y)
// does not yield correct field value, as value calculated on step 1 is
// already lost, and repeating setValue(Y) will not change field value.
// The eager specialization of field value ensures that specialization
// will happen on step 1 and dependency class X --> setter(Cone(X))
// is established.
final hierarchy = typeFlowAnalysis.hierarchyCache;
// TODO(sjindel/tfa): Perform narrowing inside 'TypeCheck'.
final narrowedNewValue = typeGuardSummary != null
? typeGuardSummary
new Args([receiverType, newValue]), hierarchy, typeFlowAnalysis)
.intersection(staticType, hierarchy)
: newValue.specialize(hierarchy).intersection(staticType, hierarchy);
Type newType =
value.union(narrowedNewValue, hierarchy).specialize(hierarchy);
if (newType != value) {
if (kPrintTrace) {
tracePrint("Set field $field value $newType");
value = newType;
String toString() => "_FieldValue $field => $value";
class _DynamicTargetSet extends _DependencyTracker {
final DynamicSelector selector;
final Set<Member> targets = new Set<Member>();
final bool isObjectMember;
_DynamicTargetSet(this.selector, this.isObjectMember);
class _TFClassImpl extends TFClass {
final Set<_TFClassImpl> supertypes; // List of super-types including this.
final Set<_TFClassImpl> _allocatedSubtypes = new Set<_TFClassImpl>();
final _DependencyTracker dependencyTracker = new _DependencyTracker();
/// Flag indicating if this class has a noSuchMethod() method not inherited
/// from Object.
/// Lazy initialized by ClassHierarchyCache.hasNonTrivialNoSuchMethod().
bool hasNonTrivialNoSuchMethod;
_TFClassImpl(int id, Class classNode, this.supertypes)
: super(id, classNode) {
ConcreteType _concreteType;
ConcreteType get concreteType =>
_concreteType ??= new ConcreteType(this, null);
Type _specializedConeType;
Type get specializedConeType =>
_specializedConeType ??= _calculateConeTypeSpecialization();
Type _calculateConeTypeSpecialization() {
final int numSubTypes = _allocatedSubtypes.length;
if (numSubTypes == 0) {
return const EmptyType();
} else if (numSubTypes == 1) {
return _allocatedSubtypes.single.concreteType;
} else {
List<ConcreteType> types = new List<ConcreteType>();
for (var sub in _allocatedSubtypes) {
// SetType constructor expects a list of ConcreteTypes sorted by classId
// (for faster intersections and unions).
return new SetType(types);
void addAllocatedSubtype(_TFClassImpl subType) {
_specializedConeType = null; // Reset cached specialization.
String dump() => "$this {supers: $supertypes}";
class GenericInterfacesInfoImpl implements GenericInterfacesInfo {
final ClosedWorldClassHierarchy hierarchy;
final supertypeOffsetsCache = <SubtypePair, int>{};
final cachedFlattenedTypeArgs = <Class, List<DartType>>{};
final cachedFlattenedTypeArgsForNonGeneric = <Class, List<Type>>{};
RuntimeTypeTranslator closedTypeTranslator;
GenericInterfacesInfoImpl(this.hierarchy) {
closedTypeTranslator = RuntimeTypeTranslator.forClosedTypes(this);
List<DartType> flattenedTypeArgumentsFor(Class klass, {bool useCache: true}) {
final cached = useCache ? cachedFlattenedTypeArgs[klass] : null;
if (cached != null) return cached;
final flattenedTypeArguments = List<DartType>.from(klass.typeParameters
.map((t) => new TypeParameterType(t, Nullability.legacy)));
for (final Supertype intf in hierarchy.genericSupertypesOf(klass)) {
int offset = findOverlap(flattenedTypeArguments, intf.typeArguments);
intf.typeArguments.skip(flattenedTypeArguments.length - offset));
supertypeOffsetsCache[SubtypePair(klass, intf.classNode)] = offset;
return flattenedTypeArguments;
int genericInterfaceOffsetFor(Class klass, Class iface) {
if (klass == iface) return 0;
final pair = new SubtypePair(klass, iface);
int offset = supertypeOffsetsCache[pair];
if (offset != null) return offset;
offset = supertypeOffsetsCache[pair];
if (offset == null) {
throw "Invalid call to genericInterfaceOffsetFor.";
return offset;
List<Type> flattenedTypeArgumentsForNonGeneric(Class klass) {
List<Type> result = cachedFlattenedTypeArgsForNonGeneric[klass];
if (result != null) return result;
List<DartType> flattenedTypeArgs =
flattenedTypeArgumentsFor(klass, useCache: false);
result = new List<Type>(flattenedTypeArgs.length);
for (int i = 0; i < flattenedTypeArgs.length; ++i) {
final translated = closedTypeTranslator.translate(flattenedTypeArgs[i]);
assertx(translated is RuntimeType || translated is AnyType);
result[i] = translated;
cachedFlattenedTypeArgsForNonGeneric[klass] = result;
return result;
// TODO(alexmarkov): Rename to _TypeHierarchyImpl.
class _ClassHierarchyCache extends TypeHierarchy {
final TypeFlowAnalysis _typeFlowAnalysis;
final ClosedWorldClassHierarchy hierarchy;
final TypeEnvironment environment;
final Set<Class> allocatedClasses = new Set<Class>();
final Map<Class, _TFClassImpl> classes = <Class, _TFClassImpl>{};
final GenericInterfacesInfo genericInterfacesInfo;
/// Object.noSuchMethod().
final Member objectNoSuchMethod;
static final Name noSuchMethodName = new Name("noSuchMethod");
/// Class hierarchy is sealed after analysis is finished.
/// Once it is sealed, no new allocated classes may be added and no new
/// targets of invocations may appear.
/// It also means that there is no need to add dependencies on classes.
bool _sealed = false;
int _classIdCounter = 0;
final Map<DynamicSelector, _DynamicTargetSet> _dynamicTargets =
<DynamicSelector, _DynamicTargetSet>{};
_ClassHierarchyCache(this._typeFlowAnalysis, this.hierarchy,
this.genericInterfacesInfo, this.environment)
: objectNoSuchMethod = hierarchy.getDispatchTarget(
environment.coreTypes.objectClass, noSuchMethodName),
super(environment.coreTypes) {
assertx(objectNoSuchMethod != null);
_TFClassImpl getTFClass(Class c) {
return classes[c] ??= _createTFClass(c);
_TFClassImpl _createTFClass(Class c) {
final supertypes = new Set<_TFClassImpl>();
for (var sup in c.supers) {
return new _TFClassImpl(++_classIdCounter, c, supertypes);
ConcreteType addAllocatedClass(Class cl) {
final _TFClassImpl classImpl = getTFClass(cl);
if (allocatedClasses.add(cl)) {
for (var supertype in classImpl.supertypes) {
for (var targetSet in _dynamicTargets.values) {
_addDynamicTarget(cl, targetSet);
return classImpl.concreteType;
void seal() {
_sealed = true;
bool isSubtype(Class sub, Class sup) {
if (kPrintTrace) {
tracePrint("isSubtype for sub = $sub, sup = $sup");
if (identical(sub, sup)) {
return true;
// TODO(alexmarkov): handle FutureOr more precisely.
if (sup == coreTypes.futureOrClass) {
return true;
_TFClassImpl subClassData = getTFClass(sub);
_TFClassImpl superClassData = getTFClass(sup);
return subClassData.supertypes.contains(superClassData);
Type specializeTypeCone(TFClass baseClass) {
if (kPrintTrace) {
tracePrint("specializeTypeCone for $baseClass");
// TODO(alexmarkov): consider approximating type if number of allocated
// subtypes is too large
// TODO(alexmarkov): handle FutureOr more precisely.
if (baseClass.classNode == coreTypes.objectClass ||
baseClass.classNode == coreTypes.futureOrClass) {
return const AnyType();
final _TFClassImpl cls = baseClass as _TFClassImpl;
if (!_sealed) {
return cls.specializedConeType;
bool hasNonTrivialNoSuchMethod(TFClass c) {
final classImpl = c as _TFClassImpl;
classImpl.hasNonTrivialNoSuchMethod ??=
(hierarchy.getDispatchTarget(c.classNode, noSuchMethodName) !=
return classImpl.hasNonTrivialNoSuchMethod;
_DynamicTargetSet getDynamicTargetSet(DynamicSelector selector) {
return (_dynamicTargets[selector] ??= _createDynamicTargetSet(selector));
_DynamicTargetSet _createDynamicTargetSet(DynamicSelector selector) {
// TODO(alexmarkov): consider caching the set of Object selectors.
final isObjectMethod = (hierarchy.getDispatchTarget(
setter: selector.isSetter) !=
final targetSet = new _DynamicTargetSet(selector, isObjectMethod);
for (Class c in allocatedClasses) {
_addDynamicTarget(c, targetSet);
return targetSet;
void _addDynamicTarget(Class c, _DynamicTargetSet targetSet) {
final selector = targetSet.selector;
final member = hierarchy.getDispatchTarget(c,,
setter: selector.isSetter);
if (member != null) {
if (targetSet.targets.add(member)) {
List<DartType> flattenedTypeArgumentsFor(Class klass) =>
int genericInterfaceOffsetFor(Class klass, Class iface) =>
genericInterfacesInfo.genericInterfaceOffsetFor(klass, iface);
List<Type> flattenedTypeArgumentsForNonGeneric(Class klass) =>
String toString() {
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
buf.write("ClassHierarchyCache {\n");
buf.write(" allocated classes:\n");
allocatedClasses.forEach((c) {
buf.write(" $c\n");
buf.write(" classes:\n");
classes.values.forEach((c) {
buf.write(" ${c.dump()}\n");
return buf.toString();
class _WorkList {
final TypeFlowAnalysis _typeFlowAnalysis;
final LinkedList<_Invocation> pending = new LinkedList<_Invocation>();
final Set<_Invocation> processing = new Set<_Invocation>();
final List<_Invocation> callStack = <_Invocation>[];
bool _isPending(_Invocation invocation) => invocation.list != null;
void enqueueInvocation(_Invocation invocation) {
assertx(invocation.result == null);
if (_isPending(invocation)) {
// Re-add the invocation to the tail of the pending queue.
void invalidateInvocation(_Invocation invocation) {
if (invocation.result != null) {
invocation.invalidatedResult = invocation.result;
invocation.result = null;
void process() {
while (pending.isNotEmpty) {
assertx(callStack.isEmpty && processing.isEmpty);
Type processInvocation(_Invocation invocation) {
if (invocation.result != null) {
// Already processed.
return invocation.result;
// Test if tracing is enabled to avoid expensive message formatting.
if (kPrintTrace) {
tracePrint('PROCESSING $invocation');
if (processing.add(invocation)) {
Type result = invocation.process(_typeFlowAnalysis);
assertx(result != null);
invocation.result = result;
if (invocation.invalidatedResult != null) {
if (invocation.invalidatedResult != result) {
Statistics.maxInvalidationsPerInvocation = max(
// In rare cases, loops in dependencies and approximation of
// recursive invocations may cause infinite bouncing of result
// types. To prevent infinite looping and guarantee convergence of
// the analysis, result is saturated after invocation is invalidated
// at least [_Invocation.invalidationLimit] times.
if (invocation.invalidationCounter > _Invocation.invalidationLimit) {
result = result.union(
invocation.invalidatedResult, _typeFlowAnalysis.hierarchyCache);
invocation.result = result;
invocation.invalidatedResult = null;
// Invocation is still pending - it was invalidated while being processed.
// Move result to invalidatedResult.
if (_isPending(invocation)) {
invocation.invalidatedResult = result;
invocation.result = null;
final last = callStack.removeLast();
assertx(identical(last, invocation));
if (kPrintTrace) {
tracePrint('END PROCESSING $invocation, RESULT $result');
return result;
} else {
// Recursive invocation.
final result = invocation.resultForRecursiveInvocation;
if (result != null) {
if (kPrintTrace) {
tracePrint("Already known type for recursive invocation: $result");
tracePrint('END PROCESSING $invocation, RESULT $result');
return result;
// Fall back to static type.
final staticType = _typeFlowAnalysis.hierarchyCache
.fromStaticType(invocation.selector.staticReturnType, true);
if (kPrintTrace) {
"Approximated recursive invocation with static type $staticType");
tracePrint('END PROCESSING $invocation, RESULT $staticType');
return staticType;
class TypeFlowAnalysis implements EntryPointsListener, CallHandler {
final Target target;
final TypeEnvironment environment;
final LibraryIndex libraryIndex;
final PragmaAnnotationParser annotationMatcher;
NativeCodeOracle nativeCodeOracle;
_ClassHierarchyCache hierarchyCache;
SummaryCollector summaryCollector;
_InvocationsCache _invocationsCache;
_WorkList workList;
GenericInterfacesInfo _genericInterfacesInfo;
final Map<Member, Summary> _summaries = <Member, Summary>{};
final Map<Field, _FieldValue> _fieldValues = <Field, _FieldValue>{};
final Set<Member> _tearOffTaken = new Set<Member>();
final Set<Member> _calledViaDynamicSelector = new Set<Member>();
final Set<Member> _calledViaInterfaceSelector = new Set<Member>();
final Set<Member> _calledViaThis = new Set<Member>();
Component component,
CoreTypes coreTypes,
ClosedWorldClassHierarchy hierarchy,
{PragmaAnnotationParser matcher})
: annotationMatcher =
matcher ?? new ConstantPragmaAnnotationParser(coreTypes) {
nativeCodeOracle = new NativeCodeOracle(libraryIndex, annotationMatcher);
hierarchyCache = new _ClassHierarchyCache(
this, hierarchy, _genericInterfacesInfo, environment);
summaryCollector = new SummaryCollector(target, environment, hierarchy,
this, hierarchyCache, nativeCodeOracle, hierarchyCache);
_invocationsCache = new _InvocationsCache(this);
workList = new _WorkList(this);
component.accept(new PragmaEntryPointsVisitor(
this, nativeCodeOracle, annotationMatcher));
_Invocation get currentInvocation => workList.callStack.last;
Summary getSummary(Member member) {
return _summaries[member] ??= summaryCollector.createSummary(member);
_FieldValue getFieldValue(Field field) {
Summary setterSummary = null;
if (field.isGenericCovariantImpl) {
setterSummary = summaryCollector.createSummary(field,
fieldSummaryType: FieldSummaryType.kFieldGuard);
return _fieldValues[field] ??=
new _FieldValue(field, setterSummary, hierarchyCache);
void process() {
/// Returns true if analysis found that given member
/// could be executed / field could be accessed.
bool isMemberUsed(Member member) {
if (member is Field) {
return _fieldValues.containsKey(member);
} else {
return _summaries.containsKey(member);
/// Returns true if analysis found that initializer of the given [field]
/// could be executed.
bool isFieldInitializerUsed(Field field) {
final fieldValue = _fieldValues[field];
if (fieldValue != null) {
return fieldValue.isInitialized;
return false;
bool isClassAllocated(Class c) => hierarchyCache.allocatedClasses.contains(c);
Call callSite(TreeNode node) => summaryCollector.callSites[node];
TypeCheck explicitCast(AsExpression cast) =>
Type fieldType(Field field) => _fieldValues[field]?.value;
Args<Type> argumentTypes(Member member) => _summaries[member]?.argumentTypes;
List<VariableDeclaration> uncheckedParameters(Member member) =>
bool isTearOffTaken(Member member) => _tearOffTaken.contains(member);
/// Returns true if this member is called dynamically.
/// Getters are not tracked. For fields, only setter is tracked.
bool isCalledDynamically(Member member) =>
/// Returns true if this member is called via this call.
/// Getters are not tracked. For fields, only setter is tracked.
bool isCalledViaThis(Member member) => _calledViaThis.contains(member);
/// Returns true if this member is called via non-this call.
/// Getters are not tracked. For fields, only setter is tracked.
bool isCalledNotViaThis(Member member) =>
_calledViaDynamicSelector.contains(member) ||
/// ---- Implementation of [CallHandler] interface. ----
Type applyCall(Call callSite, Selector selector, Args<Type> args,
{bool isResultUsed: true, bool processImmediately: true}) {
_Invocation invocation = _invocationsCache.getInvocation(selector, args);
// Test if tracing is enabled to avoid expensive message formatting.
if (kPrintTrace) {
tracePrint("APPLY $invocation");
if ((callSite != null) && (invocation is _DispatchableInvocation)) {
// TODO(alexmarkov): Figure out better strategy of processing
// an invocation if its result is not used.
// Enqueueing such invocations regresses the analysis time considerably.
if (processImmediately) {
if (isResultUsed) {
return workList.processInvocation(invocation);
} else {
if (invocation.result == null) {
return null;
void typeCheckTriggered() {
currentInvocation.typeChecksNeeded = true;
/// ---- Implementation of [EntryPointsListener] interface. ----
void addDirectFieldAccess(Field field, Type value) {
final fieldValue = getFieldValue(field);
if (field.isStatic) {
fieldValue.setValue(value, this, /*receiver_type=*/ null);
} else {
final receiver = new ConeType(hierarchyCache.getTFClass(field.parent));
fieldValue.setValue(value, this, receiver);
void addRawCall(Selector selector) {
if (kPrintDebug) {
debugPrint("ADD RAW CALL: $selector");
assertx(selector is! DynamicSelector); // TODO(alexmarkov)
applyCall(null, selector, summaryCollector.rawArguments(selector),
isResultUsed: false, processImmediately: false);
ConcreteType addAllocatedClass(Class c) {
if (kPrintDebug) {
debugPrint("ADD ALLOCATED CLASS: $c");
return hierarchyCache.addAllocatedClass(c);
void recordMemberCalledViaInterfaceSelector(Member target) {
void recordMemberCalledViaThis(Member target) {