blob: 304fd0e22a80139f1a629c7ceb92e7b6d034848f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library vm.bytecode.local_vars;
import 'dart:math' show min, max;
import 'package:kernel/ast.dart';
import 'package:kernel/transformations/continuation.dart'
show ContinuationVariables;
import 'package:kernel/type_environment.dart';
import 'package:vm/bytecode/generics.dart';
import 'dbc.dart';
import 'options.dart' show BytecodeOptions;
import '../metadata/direct_call.dart' show DirectCallMetadata;
class LocalVariables {
final _scopes = new Map<TreeNode, Scope>();
final _vars = new Map<VariableDeclaration, VarDesc>();
Map<TreeNode, List<int>> _temps;
Map<TreeNode, VariableDeclaration> _capturedSavedContextVars;
Map<TreeNode, VariableDeclaration> _capturedExceptionVars;
Map<TreeNode, VariableDeclaration> _capturedStackTraceVars;
Map<ForInStatement, VariableDeclaration> _capturedIteratorVars;
final BytecodeOptions options;
final StaticTypeContext staticTypeContext;
final Map<TreeNode, DirectCallMetadata> directCallMetadata;
Scope _currentScope;
Frame _currentFrame;
VarDesc _getVarDesc(VariableDeclaration variable) =>
_vars[variable] ??
(throw 'Variable descriptor is not created for $variable');
int _getVarIndex(VariableDeclaration variable, bool isCaptured) {
final v = _getVarDesc(variable);
if (v.isCaptured != isCaptured) {
throw 'Mismatch in captured state of $variable';
return v.index ?? (throw 'Variable $variable is not allocated');
bool isCaptured(VariableDeclaration variable) =>
int getVarIndexInFrame(VariableDeclaration variable) =>
_getVarIndex(variable, false);
int getVarIndexInContext(VariableDeclaration variable) =>
_getVarIndex(variable, true);
int getOriginalParamSlotIndex(VariableDeclaration variable) =>
_getVarDesc(variable).originalParamSlotIndex ??
(throw 'Variable $variable does not have originalParamSlotIndex');
int tempIndexInFrame(TreeNode node, {int tempIndex: 0}) {
final temps = _temps[node];
if (temps == null) {
throw 'Temp is not allocated for node ${node.runtimeType} $node';
return temps[tempIndex];
int get currentContextSize => _currentScope.contextSize;
int get currentContextLevel => _currentScope.contextLevel;
int get currentContextId => _currentScope.contextId;
int get contextLevelAtEntry =>
_currentFrame.contextLevelAtEntry ??
(throw "Current frame is top level and it doesn't have a context at entry");
int getContextLevelOfVar(VariableDeclaration variable) {
final v = _getVarDesc(variable);
return v.scope.contextLevel;
int getVarContextId(VariableDeclaration variable) {
final v = _getVarDesc(variable);
return v.scope.contextId;
int get closureVarIndexInFrame => getVarIndexInFrame(_currentFrame
.closureVar ??
(throw 'Closure variable is not declared in ${_currentFrame.function}'));
int get contextVarIndexInFrame => getVarIndexInFrame(_currentFrame
.contextVar ??
(throw 'Context variable is not declared in ${_currentFrame.function}'));
bool get hasContextVar => _currentFrame.contextVar != null;
int get scratchVarIndexInFrame => getVarIndexInFrame(_currentFrame
.scratchVar ??
(throw 'Scratch variable is not declared in ${_currentFrame.function}'));
int get returnVarIndexInFrame => getVarIndexInFrame(_currentFrame.returnVar ??
(throw 'Return variable is not declared in ${_currentFrame.function}'));
VariableDeclaration get functionTypeArgsVar =>
_currentFrame.functionTypeArgsVar ??
(throw 'FunctionTypeArgs variable is not declared in ${_currentFrame.function}');
int get functionTypeArgsVarIndexInFrame =>
bool get hasFunctionTypeArgsVar => _currentFrame.functionTypeArgsVar != null;
VariableDeclaration get factoryTypeArgsVar =>
_currentFrame.factoryTypeArgsVar ??
(throw 'FactoryTypeArgs variable is not declared in ${_currentFrame.function}');
bool get hasFactoryTypeArgsVar => _currentFrame.factoryTypeArgsVar != null;
VariableDeclaration get receiverVar =>
_currentFrame.receiverVar ??
(throw 'Receiver variable is not declared in ${_currentFrame.function}');
bool get hasCapturedReceiverVar => _currentFrame.capturedReceiverVar != null;
VariableDeclaration get capturedReceiverVar =>
_currentFrame.capturedReceiverVar ??
(throw 'Captured receiver variable is not declared in ${_currentFrame.function}');
bool get hasReceiver => _currentFrame.receiverVar != null;
bool get isSyncYieldingFrame => _currentFrame.isSyncYielding;
VariableDeclaration get awaitJumpVar {
return _currentFrame.parent
VariableDeclaration get awaitContextVar {
return _currentFrame.parent
VariableDeclaration get asyncStackTraceVar {
return _currentFrame.parent
VariableDeclaration capturedSavedContextVar(TreeNode node) =>
_capturedSavedContextVars != null
? _capturedSavedContextVars[node]
: null;
VariableDeclaration capturedExceptionVar(TreeNode node) =>
_capturedExceptionVars != null ? _capturedExceptionVars[node] : null;
VariableDeclaration capturedStackTraceVar(TreeNode node) =>
_capturedStackTraceVars != null ? _capturedStackTraceVars[node] : null;
VariableDeclaration capturedIteratorVar(ForInStatement node) =>
_capturedIteratorVars != null ? _capturedIteratorVars[node] : null;
int get asyncExceptionParamIndexInFrame {
final function = (_currentFrame.function as FunctionDeclaration).function;
final param = function.positionalParameters
.firstWhere((p) => == ContinuationVariables.exceptionParam);
return getVarIndexInFrame(param);
int get asyncStackTraceParamIndexInFrame {
final function = (_currentFrame.function as FunctionDeclaration).function;
final param = function.positionalParameters
.firstWhere((p) => == ContinuationVariables.stackTraceParam);
return getVarIndexInFrame(param);
int get frameSize => _currentFrame.frameSize;
int get numParameters => _currentFrame.numParameters;
int get numParentTypeArguments => _currentFrame.parent?.numTypeArguments ?? 0;
bool get hasOptionalParameters => _currentFrame.hasOptionalParameters;
bool get hasCapturedParameters => _currentFrame.hasCapturedParameters;
List<VariableDeclaration> get originalNamedParameters =>
List<VariableDeclaration> get sortedNamedParameters =>
LocalVariables(Member node, this.options, this.staticTypeContext,
this.directCallMetadata) {
final scopeBuilder = new _ScopeBuilder(this);
final allocator = new _Allocator(this);
void enterScope(TreeNode node) {
_currentScope = _scopes[node];
_currentFrame = _currentScope.frame;
void leaveScope() {
_currentScope = _currentScope.parent;
_currentFrame = _currentScope?.frame;
void withTemp(TreeNode node, int temp, void action()) {
final old = _temps[node];
assert(old == null || old.length == 1);
_temps[node] = [temp];
_temps[node] = old;
class VarDesc {
final VariableDeclaration declaration;
final Scope scope;
bool isCaptured = false;
int index;
int originalParamSlotIndex;
VarDesc(this.declaration, this.scope) {
Frame get frame => scope.frame;
bool get isAllocated => index != null;
void capture() {
isCaptured = true;
String toString() => 'var ${}';
class Frame {
final TreeNode function;
final Frame parent;
Scope topScope;
List<VariableDeclaration> originalNamedParameters;
List<VariableDeclaration> sortedNamedParameters;
int numParameters = 0;
int numTypeArguments = 0;
bool hasOptionalParameters = false;
bool hasCapturedParameters = false;
bool hasClosures = false;
AsyncMarker dartAsyncMarker = AsyncMarker.Sync;
bool isSyncYielding = false;
VariableDeclaration receiverVar;
VariableDeclaration capturedReceiverVar;
VariableDeclaration functionTypeArgsVar;
VariableDeclaration factoryTypeArgsVar;
VariableDeclaration closureVar;
VariableDeclaration contextVar;
VariableDeclaration scratchVar;
VariableDeclaration returnVar;
Map<String, VariableDeclaration> syntheticVars;
int frameSize = 0;
List<int> temporaries = <int>[];
int contextLevelAtEntry;
Frame(this.function, this.parent);
VariableDeclaration getSyntheticVar(String name) =>
syntheticVars[name] ??
(throw '${name} variable is not declared in ${function}');
class Scope {
final Scope parent;
final Frame frame;
final int loopDepth;
final List<VarDesc> vars = <VarDesc>[];
int localsUsed;
int tempsUsed;
Scope contextOwner;
int contextUsed = 0;
int contextSize = 0;
int contextLevel;
int contextId;
Scope(this.parent, this.frame, this.loopDepth);
bool get hasContext => contextSize > 0;
bool _hasReceiverParameter(TreeNode node) {
return node is Constructor ||
(node is Procedure && !node.isStatic) ||
(node is Field && !node.isStatic);
class _ScopeBuilder extends RecursiveVisitor<Null> {
final LocalVariables locals;
Scope _currentScope;
Frame _currentFrame;
List<TreeNode> _enclosingTryBlocks;
List<TreeNode> _enclosingTryCatches;
int _loopDepth;
List<VariableDeclaration> _sortNamedParameters(FunctionNode function) {
final params = function.namedParameters.toList();
params.sort((VariableDeclaration a, VariableDeclaration b) =>;
return params;
void _visitFunction(TreeNode node) {
final savedEnclosingTryBlocks = _enclosingTryBlocks;
_enclosingTryBlocks = <TreeNode>[];
final savedEnclosingTryCatches = _enclosingTryCatches;
_enclosingTryCatches = <TreeNode>[];
final saveLoopDepth = _loopDepth;
_loopDepth = 0;
if (node is Field) {
if (_hasReceiverParameter(node)) {
_currentFrame.receiverVar = new VariableDeclaration('this');
} else {
assert(node is Procedure ||
node is Constructor ||
node is FunctionDeclaration ||
node is FunctionExpression);
FunctionNode function = (node as dynamic).function;
assert(function != null);
_currentFrame.dartAsyncMarker = function.dartAsyncMarker;
_currentFrame.isSyncYielding =
function.asyncMarker == AsyncMarker.SyncYielding;
if (node is Procedure && node.isFactory) {
assert(_currentFrame.parent == null);
_currentFrame.numTypeArguments = 0;
_currentFrame.factoryTypeArgsVar =
new VariableDeclaration(':type_arguments');
} else {
_currentFrame.numTypeArguments =
(_currentFrame.parent?.numTypeArguments ?? 0) +
if (_currentFrame.numTypeArguments > 0) {
_currentFrame.functionTypeArgsVar =
new VariableDeclaration(':function_type_arguments_var')
..fileOffset = function.fileOffset;
if (_currentFrame.parent?.factoryTypeArgsVar != null) {
_currentFrame.factoryTypeArgsVar =
if (_hasReceiverParameter(node)) {
_currentFrame.receiverVar = new VariableDeclaration('this');
} else if (_currentFrame.parent?.receiverVar != null) {
_currentFrame.receiverVar = _currentFrame.parent.receiverVar;
if (node is FunctionDeclaration || node is FunctionExpression) {
_currentFrame.closureVar = new VariableDeclaration(':closure');
_currentFrame.originalNamedParameters = function.namedParameters;
_currentFrame.sortedNamedParameters = _sortNamedParameters(function);
visitList(function.positionalParameters, this);
visitList(_currentFrame.sortedNamedParameters, this);
if (_currentFrame.isSyncYielding) {
// The following variables from parent frame are used implicitly and need
// to be captured to preserve state across closure invocations.
// Debugger looks for :controller_stream variable among captured
// variables in a context, so make sure to capture it.
if (_currentFrame.parent.dartAsyncMarker == AsyncMarker.AsyncStar) {
if (locals.options.causalAsyncStacks &&
(_currentFrame.parent.dartAsyncMarker == AsyncMarker.Async ||
_currentFrame.parent.dartAsyncMarker ==
AsyncMarker.AsyncStar)) {
if (node is Constructor) {
for (var field in node.enclosingClass.fields) {
if (!field.isStatic && field.initializer != null) {
visitList(node.initializers, this);
if (node is FunctionDeclaration ||
node is FunctionExpression ||
_currentFrame.hasClosures) {
_currentFrame.contextVar = new VariableDeclaration(':context');
_currentFrame.scratchVar = new VariableDeclaration(':scratch');
if (_hasReceiverParameter(node)) {
if (locals.isCaptured(_currentFrame.receiverVar)) {
// Duplicate receiver variable for local use.
_currentFrame.capturedReceiverVar = _currentFrame.receiverVar;
_currentFrame.receiverVar = new VariableDeclaration('this');
_enclosingTryBlocks = savedEnclosingTryBlocks;
_enclosingTryCatches = savedEnclosingTryCatches;
_loopDepth = saveLoopDepth;
_enterFrame(TreeNode node) {
_currentFrame = new Frame(node, _currentFrame);
_currentFrame.topScope = _currentScope;
_leaveFrame() {
_currentFrame = _currentFrame.parent;
void _enterScope(TreeNode node) {
_currentScope = new Scope(_currentScope, _currentFrame, _loopDepth);
assert(locals._scopes[node] == null);
locals._scopes[node] = _currentScope;
void _leaveScope() {
_currentScope = _currentScope.parent;
void _declareVariable(VariableDeclaration variable, [Scope scope]) {
if (scope == null) {
scope = _currentScope;
final VarDesc v = new VarDesc(variable, scope);
assert(locals._vars[variable] == null);
locals._vars[variable] = v;
void _useVariable(VariableDeclaration variable) {
assert(variable != null);
final VarDesc v = locals._vars[variable];
if (v == null) {
throw 'Variable $variable is used before declared';
if (v.frame != _currentFrame) {
void _useThis() {
assert(_currentFrame.receiverVar != null);
void _captureAllVisibleVariablesInCurrentFrame() {
final transient = new Set<VariableDeclaration>();
transient.addAll((_currentFrame.function as FunctionDeclaration)
for (Scope scope = _currentScope;
scope != null && scope.frame == _currentFrame;
scope = scope.parent) {
for (VarDesc v in scope.vars) {
if (!transient.contains(v.declaration)) {
// Capture synthetic variables for control flow statements.
void _captureSyntheticVariables() {
int depth = 0;
for (TreeNode tryBlock in _enclosingTryBlocks) {
locals._capturedSavedContextVars ??=
new Map<TreeNode, VariableDeclaration>();
tryBlock, locals._capturedSavedContextVars);
depth = 0;
for (TreeNode tryBlock in _enclosingTryCatches) {
locals._capturedExceptionVars ??=
new Map<TreeNode, VariableDeclaration>();
locals._capturedStackTraceVars ??=
new Map<TreeNode, VariableDeclaration>();
tryBlock, locals._capturedExceptionVars);
tryBlock, locals._capturedStackTraceVars);
void _captureSyntheticVariable(
String name, TreeNode node, Map<TreeNode, VariableDeclaration> map) {
final variable = _currentFrame.parent.getSyntheticVar(name);
assert(map[node] == null || map[node] == variable);
map[node] = variable;
void _visitWithScope(TreeNode node) {
defaultMember(Member node) {
visitFunctionDeclaration(FunctionDeclaration node) {
_currentFrame.hasClosures = true;
if (_currentFrame.receiverVar != null) {
// Closure creation may load receiver to get instantiator type arguments.
visitFunctionExpression(FunctionExpression node) {
_currentFrame.hasClosures = true;
if (_currentFrame.receiverVar != null) {
// Closure creation may load receiver to get instantiator type arguments.
visitVariableDeclaration(VariableDeclaration node) {
if (_currentFrame.dartAsyncMarker != AsyncMarker.Sync &&[0] == ':') {
_currentFrame.syntheticVars ??= <String, VariableDeclaration>{};
assert(_currentFrame.syntheticVars[] == null);
_currentFrame.syntheticVars[] = node;
visitVariableGet(VariableGet node) {
if (node.variable.isLate && node.variable.initializer != null) {
visitVariableSet(VariableSet node) {
visitThisExpression(ThisExpression node) {
visitSuperMethodInvocation(SuperMethodInvocation node) {
visitSuperPropertyGet(SuperPropertyGet node) {
visitSuperPropertySet(SuperPropertySet node) {
visitTypeParameterType(TypeParameterType node) {
var parent = node.parameter.parent;
if (parent is Class) {
} else if (parent is FunctionNode) {
parent = parent.parent;
if (parent is Procedure && parent.isFactory) {
assert(_currentFrame.factoryTypeArgsVar != null);
// Erase promoted bound in type parameter types as it makes no
// difference at run time, but types which are different only in
// promoted bounds are not equal when compared using DartType.operator==,
// which prevents reusing of type arguments.
// See for context.
node.promotedBound = null;
visitBlock(Block node) {
visitBlockExpression(BlockExpression node) {
// Not using _visitWithScope as Block inside BlockExpression does not have
// a scope.
visitList(node.body.statements, this);
visitAssertStatement(AssertStatement node) {
if (!locals.options.enableAsserts) {
visitAssertBlock(AssertBlock node) {
if (!locals.options.enableAsserts) {
visitForStatement(ForStatement node) {
visitForInStatement(ForInStatement node) {
VariableDeclaration iteratorVar;
if (_currentFrame.isSyncYielding) {
// Declare a variable to hold 'iterator' so it could be captured.
iteratorVar = new VariableDeclaration(':iterator');
locals._capturedIteratorVars ??=
new Map<ForInStatement, VariableDeclaration>();
locals._capturedIteratorVars[node] = iteratorVar;
if (_currentFrame.isSyncYielding && !locals.isCaptured(iteratorVar)) {
// Iterator variable was not captured, as there are no yield points
// inside for-in statement body. The variable is needed only if captured,
// so undeclare it.
assert(_currentScope.vars.last == locals._vars[iteratorVar]);
visitCatch(Catch node) {
visitLet(Let node) {
visitYieldStatement(YieldStatement node) {
visitTryCatch(TryCatch node) {
visitList(node.catches, this);
visitTryFinally(TryFinally node) {
visitReturnStatement(ReturnStatement node) {
// If returning from within a try-finally block, need to allocate
// an extra variable to hold a return value.
// Return value can't be kept on the stack as try-catch statements
// inside finally can zap expression stack.
// Literals (including implicit 'null' in 'return;') do not require
// an extra variable as they can be generated after all finally blocks.
if (_enclosingTryBlocks.isNotEmpty &&
(node.expression != null && node.expression is! BasicLiteral)) {
_currentFrame.returnVar = new VariableDeclaration(':return');
_declareVariable(_currentFrame.returnVar, _currentFrame.topScope);
visitWhileStatement(WhileStatement node) {
visitDoStatement(DoStatement node) {
class _Allocator extends RecursiveVisitor<Null> {
final LocalVariables locals;
Scope _currentScope;
Frame _currentFrame;
int _contextIdCounter = 0;
void _enterScope(TreeNode node) {
final scope = locals._scopes[node];
assert(scope != null);
assert(scope.parent == _currentScope);
_currentScope = scope;
if (_currentScope.frame != _currentFrame) {
_currentFrame = _currentScope.frame;
if (_currentScope.parent != null) {
_currentFrame.contextLevelAtEntry = _currentScope.parent.contextLevel;
if (_currentFrame.isSyncYielding) {
// _Closure._clone(), which is used to clone sync-yielding closures
// only clones 1 level of a context. So parent frame of a
// sync-yielding closure should have exactly 1 context level.
final parentFrame = _currentFrame.parent;
final currentLevel = _currentFrame.contextLevelAtEntry;
final parentLevel = parentFrame.contextLevelAtEntry ?? -1;
if (currentLevel != parentLevel + 1) {
throw 'Unexpected context allocation in ${parentFrame.function}\n'
' - context level at parent entry: ${parentLevel}\n'
' - context level at synthetic closure entry: ${currentLevel}\n';
_currentScope.localsUsed = 0;
_currentScope.tempsUsed = 0;
} else {
_currentScope.localsUsed = _currentScope.parent.localsUsed;
_currentScope.tempsUsed = _currentScope.parent.tempsUsed;
assert(_currentScope.contextOwner == null);
assert(_currentScope.contextLevel == null);
assert(_currentScope.contextId == null);
final int parentContextLevel =
_currentScope.parent != null ? _currentScope.parent.contextLevel : -1;
final int numCaptured =
_currentScope.vars.where((v) => v.isCaptured).length;
if (numCaptured > 0) {
// Share contexts between scopes which belong to the same frame and
// have the same loop depth.
_currentScope.contextOwner = _currentScope;
for (Scope contextOwner = _currentScope;
contextOwner != null &&
contextOwner.frame == _currentScope.frame &&
contextOwner.loopDepth == _currentScope.loopDepth;
contextOwner = contextOwner.parent) {
if (contextOwner.hasContext) {
_currentScope.contextOwner = contextOwner;
_currentScope.contextOwner.contextSize += numCaptured;
if (_currentScope.contextOwner == _currentScope) {
_currentScope.contextLevel = parentContextLevel + 1;
int saturatedContextId = min(_contextIdCounter++, contextIdLimit - 1);
_currentScope.contextId = saturatedContextId;
} else {
_currentScope.contextLevel = _currentScope.contextOwner.contextLevel;
_currentScope.contextId = _currentScope.contextOwner.contextId;
} else {
_currentScope.contextLevel = parentContextLevel;
void _leaveScope() {
assert(_currentScope.contextUsed == _currentScope.contextSize);
_currentScope = _currentScope.parent;
_currentFrame = _currentScope?.frame;
// Remove temporary variables which are out of scope.
if (_currentScope != null) {
int tempsToRetain = _currentFrame.temporaries.length;
while (tempsToRetain > 0 &&
_currentFrame.temporaries[tempsToRetain - 1] >=
_currentScope.localsUsed) {
assert(tempsToRetain >= _currentScope.tempsUsed);
_currentFrame.temporaries.length = tempsToRetain;
.every((index) => index < _currentScope.localsUsed));
void _updateFrameSize() {
_currentFrame.frameSize =
max(_currentFrame.frameSize, _currentScope.localsUsed);
void _allocateTemp(TreeNode node, {int count: 1}) {
locals._temps ??= new Map<TreeNode, List<int>>();
assert(locals._temps[node] == null);
if (_currentScope.tempsUsed + count > _currentFrame.temporaries.length) {
// Allocate new local slots for temporary variables.
final int newSlots =
(_currentScope.tempsUsed + count) - _currentFrame.temporaries.length;
int local = _currentScope.localsUsed;
_currentScope.localsUsed += newSlots;
if (_currentScope.localsUsed > localVariableIndexLimit) {
throw new LocalVariableIndexOverflowException();
for (int i = 0; i < newSlots; i++) {
_currentFrame.temporaries.add(local + i);
locals._temps[node] = _currentFrame.temporaries
.sublist(_currentScope.tempsUsed, _currentScope.tempsUsed + count);
_currentScope.tempsUsed += count;
void _freeTemp(TreeNode node, {int count: 1}) {
assert(_currentScope.tempsUsed >= count);
_currentScope.tempsUsed -= count;
_currentScope.tempsUsed, _currentScope.tempsUsed + count)));
void _allocateVariable(VariableDeclaration variable, {int paramSlotIndex}) {
final VarDesc v = locals._getVarDesc(variable);
assert(v.scope == _currentScope);
if (v.isCaptured) {
v.index = _currentScope.contextOwner.contextUsed++;
if (v.index >= capturedVariableIndexLimit) {
throw new LocalVariableIndexOverflowException();
v.originalParamSlotIndex = paramSlotIndex;
if (paramSlotIndex != null) {
assert(paramSlotIndex < 0 ||
(_currentFrame.hasOptionalParameters &&
paramSlotIndex < _currentFrame.numParameters));
v.index = paramSlotIndex;
} else {
v.index = _currentScope.localsUsed++;
if (v.index >= localVariableIndexLimit) {
throw new LocalVariableIndexOverflowException();
void _ensureVariableAllocated(VariableDeclaration variable) {
if (variable != null) {
final VarDesc v = locals._getVarDesc(variable);
if (!v.isAllocated) {
void _allocateParameter(VariableDeclaration node, int i) {
final numParameters = _currentFrame.numParameters;
assert(0 <= i && i < numParameters);
int paramSlotIndex = _currentFrame.hasOptionalParameters
? i
: -kParamEndSlotFromFp - numParameters + i;
_allocateVariable(node, paramSlotIndex: paramSlotIndex);
void _allocateParameters(TreeNode node, FunctionNode function) {
final bool isFactory = node is Procedure && node.isFactory;
final bool hasReceiver = _hasReceiverParameter(node);
final bool hasClosureArg =
node is FunctionDeclaration || node is FunctionExpression;
_currentFrame.numParameters = function.positionalParameters.length +
function.namedParameters.length +
(isFactory ? 1 : 0) +
(hasReceiver ? 1 : 0) +
(hasClosureArg ? 1 : 0);
_currentFrame.hasOptionalParameters = function.requiredParameterCount <
function.positionalParameters.length ||
_currentFrame.hasCapturedParameters =
(isFactory && locals.isCaptured(_currentFrame.factoryTypeArgsVar)) ||
(hasReceiver && _currentFrame.capturedReceiverVar != null) ||
function.positionalParameters.any(locals.isCaptured) ||
int count = 0;
if (isFactory) {
_allocateParameter(_currentFrame.factoryTypeArgsVar, count++);
if (hasReceiver) {
_allocateParameter(_currentFrame.receiverVar, count++);
if (_currentFrame.capturedReceiverVar != null) {
if (hasClosureArg) {
_allocateParameter(_currentFrame.closureVar, count++);
for (var param in function.positionalParameters) {
_allocateParameter(param, count++);
for (var param in _currentFrame.sortedNamedParameters) {
_allocateParameter(param, count++);
assert(count == _currentFrame.numParameters);
if (_currentFrame.hasOptionalParameters) {
_currentScope.localsUsed = _currentFrame.numParameters;
void _allocateSpecialVariables() {
void _visitFunction(TreeNode node) {
if (node is Field) {
if (_hasReceiverParameter(node)) {
_currentFrame.numParameters = 1;
_allocateParameter(_currentFrame.receiverVar, 0);
if (_currentFrame.capturedReceiverVar != null) {
} else {
assert(node is Procedure ||
node is Constructor ||
node is FunctionDeclaration ||
node is FunctionExpression);
final FunctionNode function = (node as dynamic).function;
assert(function != null);
_allocateParameters(node, function);
if (node is Constructor) {
for (var field in node.enclosingClass.fields) {
if (!field.isStatic && field.initializer != null) {
visitList(node.initializers, this);
void _visit(TreeNode node, {bool scope: false, int temps: 0}) {
if (scope) {
if (temps > 0) {
_allocateTemp(node, count: temps);
if (temps > 0) {
_freeTemp(node, count: temps);
if (scope) {
defaultMember(Member node) {
visitFunctionDeclaration(FunctionDeclaration node) {
visitFunctionExpression(FunctionExpression node) {
visitVariableDeclaration(VariableDeclaration node) {
visitBlock(Block node) {
_visit(node, scope: true);
visitBlockExpression(BlockExpression node) {
// Not using _visit as Block inside BlockExpression does not have a scope.
visitList(node.body.statements, this);
visitAssertStatement(AssertStatement node) {
if (!locals.options.enableAsserts) {
visitAssertBlock(AssertBlock node) {
if (!locals.options.enableAsserts) {
_visit(node, scope: true);
visitForStatement(ForStatement node) {
_visit(node, scope: true);
visitForInStatement(ForInStatement node) {
if (locals._capturedIteratorVars != null) {
visitCatch(Catch node) {
_visit(node, scope: true);
visitLet(Let node) {
_visit(node, scope: true);
// -------------- Allocation of temporaries --------------
visitConstructorInvocation(ConstructorInvocation node) {
if (node.isConst) {
_visit(node, temps: 1);
visitListLiteral(ListLiteral node) {
if (node.isConst) {
_visit(node, temps: 1);
visitMapLiteral(MapLiteral node) {
if (node.isConst) {
_visit(node, temps: 1);
visitStringConcatenation(StringConcatenation node) {
_visit(node, temps: 1);
visitConditionalExpression(ConditionalExpression node) {
_visit(node, temps: 1);
visitLogicalExpression(LogicalExpression node) {
_visit(node, temps: 1);
visitMethodInvocation(MethodInvocation node) {
int numTemps = 0;
if (isUncheckedClosureCall(
node, locals.staticTypeContext, locals.options)) {
numTemps = 1;
} else if (isCallThroughGetter(node.interfaceTarget)) {
final args = node.arguments;
numTemps = 1 + args.positional.length + args.named.length;
} else if (locals.directCallMetadata != null) {
final directCall = locals.directCallMetadata[node];
if (directCall != null && directCall.checkReceiverForNull) {
numTemps = 1;
_visit(node, temps: numTemps);
visitPropertySet(PropertySet node) {
_visit(node, temps: 1);
visitPropertyGet(PropertyGet node) {
int numTemps = 0;
if (locals.directCallMetadata != null) {
final directCall = locals.directCallMetadata[node];
if (directCall != null && directCall.checkReceiverForNull) {
numTemps = 1;
_visit(node, temps: numTemps);
visitDirectPropertySet(DirectPropertySet node) {
_visit(node, temps: 1);
visitSuperMethodInvocation(SuperMethodInvocation node) {
_visit(node, temps: 1);
visitSuperPropertyGet(SuperPropertyGet node) {
_visit(node, temps: 1);
visitSuperPropertySet(SuperPropertySet node) {
_visit(node, temps: 1);
visitSwitchStatement(SwitchStatement node) {
_visit(node, temps: 1);
visitVariableGet(VariableGet node) {
_visit(node, temps: node.variable.isLate ? 1 : 0);
visitVariableSet(VariableSet node) {
final v = node.variable;
final bool needsTemp = locals.isCaptured(v) || v.isLate && v.isFinal;
_visit(node, temps: needsTemp ? 1 : 0);
visitStaticSet(StaticSet node) {
_visit(node, temps: 1);
visitTryCatch(TryCatch node) {
_visit(node, temps: 2);
visitTryFinally(TryFinally node) {
_visit(node, temps: 2);
visitInstantiation(Instantiation node) {
_visit(node, temps: 3);
visitNullCheck(NullCheck node) {
_visit(node, temps: 1);
class LocalVariableIndexOverflowException
extends BytecodeLimitExceededException {}