blob: 6793265be66da1df671b0f12e651b6a8b26a0dcd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/flow_analysis/flow_analysis.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/token.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/visitor.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/nullability_suffix.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/type.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/type.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/type_algebra.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/type_provider.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/resolver/flow_analysis_visitor.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/resolver.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source.dart';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:nnbd_migration/src/decorated_class_hierarchy.dart';
import 'package:nnbd_migration/src/utilities/resolution_utils.dart';
import 'package:nnbd_migration/src/variables.dart';
/// Information about the target of an assignment expression analyzed by
/// [FixBuilder].
class AssignmentTargetInfo {
/// The type that the assignment target has when read. This is only relevant
/// for compound assignments (since they both read and write the assignment
/// target)
final DartType readType;
/// The type that the assignment target has when written to.
final DartType writeType;
AssignmentTargetInfo(this.readType, this.writeType);
/// Problem reported by [FixBuilder] when encountering a compound assignment
/// for which the combination result is nullable. This occurs if the compound
/// assignment resolves to a user-defined operator that returns a nullable type,
/// but the target of the assignment expects a non-nullable type. We need to
/// add a null check but it's nontrivial to do so because we would have to
/// rewrite the assignment as an ordinary assignment (e.g. change `x += y` to
/// `x = (x + y)!`), but that might change semantics by causing subexpressions
/// of the target to be evaluated twice.
/// TODO(paulberry): consider alternatives.
/// See
class CompoundAssignmentCombinedNullable implements Problem {
const CompoundAssignmentCombinedNullable();
/// Problem reported by [FixBuilder] when encountering a compound assignment
/// for which the value read from the target of the assignment has a nullable
/// type. We need to add a null check but it's nontrivial to do so because we
/// would have to rewrite the assignment as an ordinary assignment (e.g. change
/// `x += y` to `x = x! + y`), but that might change semantics by causing
/// subexpressions of the target to be evaluated twice.
/// TODO(paulberry): consider alternatives.
/// See
class CompoundAssignmentReadNullable implements Problem {
const CompoundAssignmentReadNullable();
/// This class visits the AST of code being migrated, after graph propagation,
/// to figure out what changes need to be made to the code. It doesn't actually
/// make the changes; it simply reports what changes are necessary through
/// abstract methods.
abstract class FixBuilder extends GeneralizingAstVisitor<DartType>
with ResolutionUtils {
/// The decorated class hierarchy for this migration run.
final DecoratedClassHierarchy _decoratedClassHierarchy;
/// Type provider providing non-nullable types.
final TypeProvider typeProvider;
/// The type system.
final TypeSystemImpl _typeSystem;
/// Variables for this migration run.
final Variables _variables;
/// If we are visiting a function body or initializer, instance of flow
/// analysis. Otherwise `null`.
FlowAnalysis<AstNode, Statement, Expression, PromotableElement, DartType>
/// If we are visiting a function body or initializer, assigned variable
/// information used in flow analysis. Otherwise `null`.
AssignedVariables<AstNode, PromotableElement> _assignedVariables;
/// If we are visiting a subexpression, the context type used for type
/// inference. This is used to determine when `!` needs to be inserted.
DartType _contextType;
/// The file being analyzed.
final Source source;
FixBuilder(this.source, this._decoratedClassHierarchy,
TypeProvider typeProvider, this._typeSystem, this._variables)
: typeProvider =
(typeProvider as TypeProviderImpl).asNonNullableByDefault;
/// Called whenever an AST node is found that needs to be changed.
void addChange(AstNode node, NodeChange change);
/// Called whenever code is found that can't be automatically fixed.
void addProblem(AstNode node, Problem problem);
/// Initializes flow analysis for a function node.
void createFlowAnalysis(Declaration node, FormalParameterList parameters) {
assert(_flowAnalysis == null);
assert(_assignedVariables == null);
_assignedVariables =
FlowAnalysisHelper.computeAssignedVariables(node, parameters);
_flowAnalysis = FlowAnalysis<
DartType>(TypeSystemTypeOperations(_typeSystem), _assignedVariables);
DartType visitArgumentList(ArgumentList node) {
for (var argument in node.arguments) {
Expression expression;
if (argument is NamedExpression) {
expression = argument.expression;
} else {
expression = argument;
visitSubexpression(expression, UnknownInferredType.instance);
return null;
DartType visitAssignmentExpression(AssignmentExpression node) {
var operatorType = node.operator.type;
var targetInfo =
visitAssignmentTarget(node.leftHandSide, operatorType != TokenType.EQ);
if (operatorType == TokenType.EQ) {
return visitSubexpression(node.rightHandSide, targetInfo.writeType);
} else if (operatorType == TokenType.QUESTION_QUESTION_EQ) {
// TODO(paulberry): if targetInfo.readType is non-nullable, then the
// assignment is dead code.
// See
var rhsType =
visitSubexpression(node.rightHandSide, targetInfo.writeType);
return _typeSystem.leastUpperBound(
_typeSystem.promoteToNonNull(targetInfo.readType as TypeImpl),
} else {
var combiner = node.staticElement;
DartType combinedType;
if (combiner == null) {
visitSubexpression(node.rightHandSide, typeProvider.dynamicType);
combinedType = typeProvider.dynamicType;
} else {
if (_typeSystem.isNullable(targetInfo.readType)) {
addProblem(node, const CompoundAssignmentReadNullable());
var combinerType = _computeMigratedType(combiner) as FunctionType;
visitSubexpression(node.rightHandSide, combinerType.parameters[0].type);
combinedType =
_fixNumericTypes(combinerType.returnType, node.staticType);
if (_doesAssignmentNeedCheck(
from: combinedType, to: targetInfo.writeType)) {
addProblem(node, const CompoundAssignmentCombinedNullable());
combinedType = _typeSystem.promoteToNonNull(combinedType as TypeImpl);
return combinedType;
/// Recursively visits an assignment target, returning information about the
/// target's read and write types.
/// If [isCompound] is true, the target is being both read from and written
/// to. If it is false, then only the write type is needed.
AssignmentTargetInfo visitAssignmentTarget(Expression node, bool isCompound) {
if (node is SimpleIdentifier) {
var writeType = _computeMigratedType(node.staticElement);
DartType readType;
var element = node.staticElement;
if (element is PromotableElement) {
readType = _flowAnalysis.variableRead(node, element) ??
} else {
var auxiliaryElements = node.auxiliaryElements;
readType = auxiliaryElements == null
? writeType
: _computeMigratedType(auxiliaryElements.staticElement);
return AssignmentTargetInfo(isCompound ? readType : null, writeType);
} else if (node is IndexExpression) {
var targetType = visitSubexpression(, typeProvider.objectType);
var writeElement = node.staticElement;
DartType indexContext;
DartType writeType;
DartType readType;
if (writeElement == null) {
indexContext = UnknownInferredType.instance;
writeType = typeProvider.dynamicType;
readType = isCompound ? typeProvider.dynamicType : null;
} else {
var writerType =
_computeMigratedType(writeElement, targetType: targetType)
as FunctionType;
writeType = writerType.parameters[1].type;
if (isCompound) {
var readerType = _computeMigratedType(
targetType: targetType) as FunctionType;
readType = readerType.returnType;
indexContext = readerType.parameters[0].type;
} else {
indexContext = writerType.parameters[0].type;
visitSubexpression(node.index, indexContext);
return AssignmentTargetInfo(readType, writeType);
} else if (node is PropertyAccess) {
return _handleAssignmentTargetForPropertyAccess(
node,, node.propertyName, node.isNullAware, isCompound);
} else if (node is PrefixedIdentifier) {
if (node.prefix.staticElement is ImportElement) {
// TODO(paulberry)
throw UnimplementedError(
'TODO(paulberry): PrefixedIdentifier with a prefix');
} else {
return _handleAssignmentTargetForPropertyAccess(
node, node.prefix, node.identifier, false, isCompound);
} else {
throw UnimplementedError('TODO(paulberry)');
DartType visitBinaryExpression(BinaryExpression node) {
var leftOperand = node.leftOperand;
var rightOperand = node.rightOperand;
var operatorType = node.operator.type;
var staticElement = node.staticElement;
switch (operatorType) {
case TokenType.BANG_EQ:
case TokenType.EQ_EQ:
visitSubexpression(leftOperand, typeProvider.dynamicType);
visitSubexpression(rightOperand, typeProvider.dynamicType);
_flowAnalysis.equalityOp_end(node, rightOperand,
notEqual: operatorType == TokenType.BANG_EQ);
return typeProvider.boolType;
case TokenType.BAR_BAR:
var isAnd = operatorType == TokenType.AMPERSAND_AMPERSAND;
visitSubexpression(leftOperand, typeProvider.boolType);
_flowAnalysis.logicalBinaryOp_rightBegin(leftOperand, isAnd: isAnd);
visitSubexpression(rightOperand, typeProvider.boolType);
_flowAnalysis.logicalBinaryOp_end(node, rightOperand, isAnd: isAnd);
return typeProvider.boolType;
// If `a ?? b` is used in a non-nullable context, we don't want to
// migrate it to `(a ?? b)!`. We want to migrate it to `a ?? b!`.
var leftType = visitSubexpression(node.leftOperand,
_typeSystem.makeNullable(_contextType as TypeImpl));
var rightType = visitSubexpression(node.rightOperand, _contextType);
return _typeSystem.leastUpperBound(
_typeSystem.promoteToNonNull(leftType as TypeImpl), rightType);
var targetType =
visitSubexpression(leftOperand, typeProvider.objectType);
DartType contextType;
DartType returnType;
if (staticElement == null) {
contextType = typeProvider.dynamicType;
returnType = typeProvider.dynamicType;
} else {
var methodType =
_computeMigratedType(staticElement, targetType: targetType)
as FunctionType;
contextType = methodType.parameters[0].type;
returnType = methodType.returnType;
visitSubexpression(rightOperand, contextType);
return _fixNumericTypes(returnType, node.staticType);
DartType visitBlock(Block node) {
for (var statement in node.statements) {
return null;
DartType visitConditionalExpression(ConditionalExpression node) {
visitSubexpression(node.condition, typeProvider.boolType);
var thenType = visitSubexpression(node.thenExpression, _contextType);
var elseType = visitSubexpression(node.elseExpression, _contextType);
_flowAnalysis.conditional_end(node, node.elseExpression);
return _typeSystem.leastUpperBound(thenType, elseType);
DartType visitExpressionStatement(ExpressionStatement node) {
visitSubexpression(node.expression, UnknownInferredType.instance);
return null;
DartType visitFunctionExpressionInvocation(
FunctionExpressionInvocation node) {
var targetType = visitSubexpression(node.function, typeProvider.objectType);
if (targetType is FunctionType) {
return _handleInvocationArguments(node, node.argumentList.arguments,
node.typeArguments, node.typeArgumentTypes, targetType, null,
invokeType: node.staticInvokeType);
} else {
// Dynamic dispatch. The return type is `dynamic`.
return typeProvider.dynamicType;
DartType visitIfStatement(IfStatement node) {
visitSubexpression(node.condition, typeProvider.boolType);
bool hasElse = node.elseStatement != null;
if (hasElse) {
return null;
DartType visitIndexExpression(IndexExpression node) {
var target =;
var staticElement = node.staticElement;
var index = node.index;
var targetType = visitSubexpression(target, typeProvider.objectType);
DartType contextType;
DartType returnType;
if (staticElement == null) {
contextType = typeProvider.dynamicType;
returnType = typeProvider.dynamicType;
} else {
var methodType =
_computeMigratedType(staticElement, targetType: targetType)
as FunctionType;
contextType = methodType.parameters[0].type;
returnType = methodType.returnType;
visitSubexpression(index, contextType);
return returnType;
DartType visitListLiteral(ListLiteral node) {
DartType contextType;
var typeArguments = node.typeArguments;
if (typeArguments != null) {
var typeArgumentTypes = _visitTypeArgumentList(typeArguments);
if (typeArgumentTypes.isNotEmpty) {
contextType = typeArgumentTypes[0];
} else {
contextType = UnknownInferredType.instance;
} else {
throw UnimplementedError(
'TODO(paulberry): extract from surrounding context');
for (var listElement in node.elements) {
if (listElement is Expression) {
visitSubexpression(listElement, contextType);
} else {
throw UnimplementedError(
'TODO(paulberry): handle spread and control flow');
if (typeArguments != null) {
return typeProvider.listType2(contextType);
} else {
throw UnimplementedError(
'TODO(paulberry): infer list type based on contents');
DartType visitLiteral(Literal node) {
if (node is AdjacentStrings) {
// TODO(paulberry): need to visit interpolations
throw UnimplementedError('TODO(paulberry)');
if (node is TypedLiteral) {
throw UnimplementedError('TODO(paulberry)');
return (node.staticType as TypeImpl)
DartType visitMethodInvocation(MethodInvocation node) {
var target = node.realTarget;
var callee = node.methodName.staticElement;
bool isNullAware = node.isNullAware;
DartType targetType;
if (target != null) {
if (callee is ExecutableElement && callee.isStatic) {
} else {
targetType = visitSubexpression(
isNullAware || isDeclaredOnObject(
? typeProvider.dynamicType
: typeProvider.objectType);
if (callee == null) {
// Dynamic dispatch. The return type is `dynamic`.
return typeProvider.dynamicType;
var calleeType = _computeMigratedType(callee, targetType: targetType);
var expressionType = _handleInvocationArguments(
calleeType as FunctionType,
invokeType: node.staticInvokeType);
if (isNullAware) {
expressionType = _typeSystem.makeNullable(expressionType as TypeImpl);
return expressionType;
DartType visitNode(AstNode node) {
// Every node type needs its own visit method.
throw UnimplementedError('No visit method for ${node.runtimeType}');
DartType visitNullLiteral(NullLiteral node) {
return typeProvider.nullType;
DartType visitParenthesizedExpression(ParenthesizedExpression node) {
var result = node.expression.accept(this);
_flowAnalysis.parenthesizedExpression(node, node.expression);
return result;
DartType visitPostfixExpression(PostfixExpression node) {
if (node.operator.type == TokenType.BANG) {
throw UnimplementedError(
'TODO(paulberry): re-migration of already migrated code not '
'supported yet');
} else {
var targetInfo = visitAssignmentTarget(node.operand, true);
node.staticElement, targetInfo, node, node.operand);
return targetInfo.readType;
DartType visitPrefixedIdentifier(PrefixedIdentifier node) {
if (node.prefix.staticElement is ImportElement) {
// TODO(paulberry)
throw UnimplementedError(
'TODO(paulberry): PrefixedIdentifier with a prefix');
} else {
return _handlePropertyAccess(node, node.prefix, node.identifier, false);
DartType visitPrefixExpression(PrefixExpression node) {
var operand = node.operand;
switch (node.operator.type) {
case TokenType.BANG:
visitSubexpression(operand, typeProvider.boolType);
_flowAnalysis.logicalNot_end(node, operand);
return typeProvider.boolType;
case TokenType.MINUS:
case TokenType.TILDE:
var targetType = visitSubexpression(operand, typeProvider.objectType);
var staticElement = node.staticElement;
if (staticElement == null) {
return typeProvider.dynamicType;
} else {
var methodType =
_computeMigratedType(staticElement, targetType: targetType)
as FunctionType;
return methodType.returnType;
case TokenType.PLUS_PLUS:
case TokenType.MINUS_MINUS:
return _handleIncrementOrDecrement(node.staticElement,
visitAssignmentTarget(operand, true), node, node.operand);
throw StateError('Unexpected prefix operator: ${node.operator}');
DartType visitPropertyAccess(PropertyAccess node) {
return _handlePropertyAccess(
node,, node.propertyName, node.isNullAware);
DartType visitSimpleIdentifier(SimpleIdentifier node) {
'Should use visitAssignmentTarget in setter contexts');
var element = node.staticElement;
if (element == null) return typeProvider.dynamicType;
if (element is PromotableElement) {
var promotedType = _flowAnalysis.variableRead(node, element);
if (promotedType != null) return promotedType;
return _computeMigratedType(element);
/// Recursively visits a subexpression, providing a context type.
DartType visitSubexpression(Expression subexpression, DartType contextType) {
var oldContextType = _contextType;
try {
_contextType = contextType;
var type = subexpression.accept(this);
if (_doesAssignmentNeedCheck(from: type, to: contextType)) {
addChange(subexpression, NullCheck());
return _typeSystem.promoteToNonNull(type as TypeImpl);
} else {
return type;
} finally {
_contextType = oldContextType;
DartType visitThrowExpression(ThrowExpression node) {
visitSubexpression(node.expression, typeProvider.objectType);
return typeProvider.neverType;
DartType visitTypeName(TypeName node) {
var decoratedType = _variables.decoratedTypeAnnotation(source, node);
assert(decoratedType != null);
List<DartType> arguments = [];
if (node.typeArguments != null) {
for (var argument in node.typeArguments.arguments) {
if (decoratedType.type.isDynamic || decoratedType.type.isVoid) {
// Already nullable. Nothing to do.
return decoratedType.type;
} else {
var element = decoratedType.type.element as ClassElement;
bool isNullable = decoratedType.node.isNullable;
if (isNullable) {
addChange(node, MakeNullable());
return InterfaceTypeImpl.explicit(element, arguments,
isNullable ? NullabilitySuffix.question : NullabilitySuffix.none);
DartType visitVariableDeclarationList(VariableDeclarationList node) {
DartType contextType;
var typeAnnotation = node.type;
if (typeAnnotation != null) {
contextType = typeAnnotation.accept(this);
assert(contextType != null);
} else {
contextType = UnknownInferredType.instance;
for (var variable in node.variables) {
if (variable.initializer != null) {
visitSubexpression(variable.initializer, contextType);
return null;
DartType visitVariableDeclarationStatement(
VariableDeclarationStatement node) {
return null;
/// Computes the type that [element] will have after migration.
/// If [targetType] is present, and [element] is a class member, it is the
/// type of the class within which [element] is being accessed; this is used
/// to perform the correct substitutions.
DartType _computeMigratedType(Element element, {DartType targetType}) {
element = element.declaration;
DartType type;
if (element is ClassElement || element is TypeParameterElement) {
return typeProvider.typeType;
} else if (element is PropertyAccessorElement) {
if (element.isSynthetic) {
type = _variables
} else {
var functionType = _variables.decoratedElementType(element);
var decoratedType = element.isGetter
? functionType.returnType
: functionType.positionalParameters[0];
type = decoratedType.toFinalType(typeProvider);
} else {
type = _variables.decoratedElementType(element).toFinalType(typeProvider);
if (targetType is InterfaceType && targetType.typeArguments.isNotEmpty) {
var superclass = element.enclosingElement as ClassElement;
var class_ = targetType.element;
if (class_ != superclass) {
var supertype = _decoratedClassHierarchy
.getDecoratedSupertype(class_, superclass)
.toFinalType(typeProvider) as InterfaceType;
type = Substitution.fromInterfaceType(supertype).substituteType(type);
return substitute(type, {
for (int i = 0; i < targetType.typeArguments.length; i++)
class_.typeParameters[i]: targetType.typeArguments[i]
} else {
return type;
/// Determines whether a null check is needed when assigning a value of type
/// [from] to a context of type [to].
bool _doesAssignmentNeedCheck(
{@required DartType from, @required DartType to}) {
return !from.isDynamic &&
_typeSystem.isNullable(from) &&
/// Determines whether a `num` type originating from a call to a
/// user-definable operator needs to be changed to `int`. [type] is the type
/// determined by naive operator lookup; [originalType] is the type that was
/// determined by the analyzer's full resolution algorithm when analyzing the
/// pre-migrated code.
DartType _fixNumericTypes(DartType type, DartType originalType) {
if (type.isDartCoreNum && originalType.isDartCoreInt) {
return (originalType as TypeImpl)
.withNullability((type as TypeImpl).nullabilitySuffix);
} else {
return type;
AssignmentTargetInfo _handleAssignmentTargetForPropertyAccess(
Expression node,
Expression target,
SimpleIdentifier propertyName,
bool isNullAware,
bool isCompound) {
var targetType = visitSubexpression(target,
isNullAware ? typeProvider.dynamicType : typeProvider.objectType);
var writeElement = propertyName.staticElement;
DartType writeType;
DartType readType;
if (writeElement == null) {
writeType = typeProvider.dynamicType;
readType = isCompound ? typeProvider.dynamicType : null;
} else {
writeType = _computeMigratedType(writeElement, targetType: targetType);
if (isCompound) {
readType = _computeMigratedType(
targetType: targetType);
return AssignmentTargetInfo(readType, writeType);
return AssignmentTargetInfo(readType, writeType);
DartType _handleIncrementOrDecrement(MethodElement combiner,
AssignmentTargetInfo targetInfo, Expression node, Expression operand) {
DartType combinedType;
if (combiner == null) {
combinedType = typeProvider.dynamicType;
} else {
if (_typeSystem.isNullable(targetInfo.readType)) {
addProblem(node, const CompoundAssignmentReadNullable());
var combinerType = _computeMigratedType(combiner) as FunctionType;
combinedType = _fixNumericTypes(combinerType.returnType, node.staticType);
if (_doesAssignmentNeedCheck(
from: combinedType, to: targetInfo.writeType)) {
addProblem(node, const CompoundAssignmentCombinedNullable());
combinedType = _typeSystem.promoteToNonNull(combinedType as TypeImpl);
if (operand is SimpleIdentifier) {
var element = operand.staticElement;
if (element is PromotableElement) {
_flowAnalysis.write(element, combinedType);
return combinedType;
DartType _handleInvocationArguments(
AstNode node,
Iterable<AstNode> arguments,
TypeArgumentList typeArguments,
List<DartType> typeArgumentTypes,
FunctionType calleeType,
List<TypeParameterElement> constructorTypeParameters,
{DartType invokeType}) {
var typeFormals = constructorTypeParameters ?? calleeType.typeFormals;
if (typeFormals.isNotEmpty) {
throw UnimplementedError('TODO(paulberry): Invocation of generic method');
int i = 0;
var namedParameterTypes = <String, DartType>{};
var positionalParameterTypes = <DartType>[];
for (var parameter in calleeType.parameters) {
if (parameter.isNamed) {
namedParameterTypes[] = parameter.type;
} else {
for (var argument in arguments) {
String name;
Expression expression;
if (argument is NamedExpression) {
name =;
expression = argument.expression;
} else {
expression = argument as Expression;
DartType parameterType;
if (name != null) {
parameterType = namedParameterTypes[name];
assert(parameterType != null, 'Missing type for named parameter');
} else {
assert(i < positionalParameterTypes.length,
'Missing positional parameter at $i');
parameterType = positionalParameterTypes[i++];
visitSubexpression(expression, parameterType);
return calleeType.returnType;
DartType _handlePropertyAccess(Expression node, Expression target,
SimpleIdentifier propertyName, bool isNullAware) {
var staticElement = propertyName.staticElement;
var isNullOk = isNullAware || isDeclaredOnObject(;
var targetType = visitSubexpression(
target, isNullOk ? typeProvider.dynamicType : typeProvider.objectType);
if (staticElement == null) {
return typeProvider.dynamicType;
} else {
var type = _computeMigratedType(staticElement, targetType: targetType);
if (isNullAware) {
return _typeSystem.makeNullable(type as TypeImpl);
} else {
return type;
/// Visits all the type arguments in a [TypeArgumentList] and returns the
/// types they ger migrated to.
List<DartType> _visitTypeArgumentList(TypeArgumentList arguments) =>
[for (var argument in arguments.arguments) argument.accept(this)];
/// [NodeChange] reprensenting a type annotation that needs to have a question
/// mark added to it, to make it nullable.
class MakeNullable implements NodeChange {
factory MakeNullable() => const MakeNullable._();
const MakeNullable._();
/// Base class representing a change the FixBuilder wishes to make to an AST
/// node.
abstract class NodeChange {}
/// [NodeChange] representing an expression that needs to have a null check
/// added to it.
class NullCheck implements NodeChange {
factory NullCheck() => const NullCheck._();
const NullCheck._();
/// Common supertype for problems reported by [FixBuilder.addProblem].
abstract class Problem {}