blob: dabc13c88b456a86f4fc6469285192fcefdd8449 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library kernel.type_environment;
import 'ast.dart';
import 'class_hierarchy.dart';
import 'core_types.dart';
import 'type_algebra.dart';
import 'src/future_or.dart';
import 'src/hierarchy_based_type_environment.dart'
show HierarchyBasedTypeEnvironment;
typedef void ErrorHandler(TreeNode node, String message);
abstract class TypeEnvironment extends SubtypeTester {
final CoreTypes coreTypes;
/// An error handler for use in debugging, or `null` if type errors should not
/// be tolerated. See [typeError].
ErrorHandler errorHandler;
factory TypeEnvironment(CoreTypes coreTypes, ClassHierarchy hierarchy) {
return new HierarchyBasedTypeEnvironment(coreTypes, hierarchy);
Class get intClass => coreTypes.intClass;
Class get numClass => coreTypes.numClass;
Class get functionClass => coreTypes.functionClass;
Class get futureOrClass => coreTypes.futureOrClass;
Class get objectClass => coreTypes.objectClass;
InterfaceType get objectLegacyRawType => coreTypes.objectLegacyRawType;
InterfaceType get objectNullableRawType => coreTypes.objectNullableRawType;
InterfaceType get nullType => coreTypes.nullType;
InterfaceType get functionLegacyRawType => coreTypes.functionLegacyRawType;
InterfaceType literalListType(DartType elementType, Nullability nullability) {
return new InterfaceType(
coreTypes.listClass, nullability, <DartType>[elementType]);
InterfaceType literalSetType(DartType elementType, Nullability nullability) {
return new InterfaceType(
coreTypes.setClass, nullability, <DartType>[elementType]);
InterfaceType literalMapType(
DartType key, DartType value, Nullability nullability) {
return new InterfaceType(
coreTypes.mapClass, nullability, <DartType>[key, value]);
InterfaceType iterableType(DartType type, Nullability nullability) {
return new InterfaceType(
coreTypes.iterableClass, nullability, <DartType>[type]);
InterfaceType streamType(DartType type, Nullability nullability) {
return new InterfaceType(
coreTypes.streamClass, nullability, <DartType>[type]);
InterfaceType futureType(DartType type, Nullability nullability) {
return new InterfaceType(
coreTypes.futureClass, nullability, <DartType>[type]);
/// Removes a level of `Future<>` types wrapping a type.
/// This implements the function `flatten` from the spec, which unwraps a
/// layer of Future or FutureOr from a type.
DartType unfutureType(DartType type) {
if (type is InterfaceType) {
if (type.classNode == coreTypes.futureOrClass ||
type.classNode == coreTypes.futureClass) {
return type.typeArguments[0];
// It is a compile-time error to implement, extend, or mixin FutureOr so
// we aren't concerned with it. If a class implements multiple
// instantiations of Future, getTypeAsInstanceOf is responsible for
// picking the least one in the sense required by the spec.
InterfaceType future = getTypeAsInstanceOf(type, coreTypes.futureClass);
if (future != null) {
return future.typeArguments[0];
return type;
/// Called if the computation of a static type failed due to a type error.
/// This should never happen in production. The frontend should report type
/// errors, and either recover from the error during translation or abort
/// compilation if unable to recover.
/// By default, this throws an exception, since programs in kernel are assumed
/// to be correctly typed.
/// An [errorHandler] may be provided in order to override the default
/// behavior and tolerate the presence of type errors. This can be useful for
/// debugging IR producers which are required to produce a strongly typed IR.
void typeError(TreeNode node, String message) {
if (errorHandler != null) {
errorHandler(node, message);
} else {
throw '$message in $node';
/// True if [member] is a binary operator that returns an `int` if both
/// operands are `int`, and otherwise returns `double`.
/// This is a case of type-based overloading, which in Dart is only supported
/// by giving special treatment to certain arithmetic operators.
bool isOverloadedArithmeticOperator(Procedure member) {
Class class_ = member.enclosingClass;
if (class_ == coreTypes.intClass || class_ == coreTypes.numClass) {
String name =;
return name == '+' ||
name == '-' ||
name == '*' ||
name == 'remainder' ||
name == '%';
return false;
/// Returns the static return type of an overloaded arithmetic operator
/// (see [isOverloadedArithmeticOperator]) given the static type of the
/// operands.
/// If both types are `int`, the returned type is `int`.
/// If either type is `double`, the returned type is `double`.
/// If both types refer to the same type variable (typically with `num` as
/// the upper bound), then that type variable is returned.
/// Otherwise `num` is returned.
DartType getTypeOfOverloadedArithmetic(DartType type1, DartType type2) {
if (type1 == type2) return type1;
if (type1 is InterfaceType && type2 is InterfaceType) {
if (type1.classNode == type2.classNode) {
return type1;
if (type1.classNode == coreTypes.doubleClass ||
type2.classNode == coreTypes.doubleClass) {
return coreTypes.doubleRawType(type1.nullability);
return coreTypes.numRawType(type1.nullability);
/// Returns the possibly abstract interface member of [class_] with the given
/// [name].
/// If [setter] is `false`, only fields, methods, and getters with that name
/// will be found. If [setter] is `true`, only non-final fields and setters
/// will be found.
/// If multiple members with that name are inherited and not overridden, the
/// member from the first declared supertype is returned.
Member getInterfaceMember(Class cls, Name name, {bool setter: false});
/// Tri-state logical result of a nullability-aware subtype check.
class IsSubtypeOf {
/// Internal value constructed via [IsSubtypeOf.never].
/// The integer values of [_valueNever], [_valueOnlyIfIgnoringNullabilities],
/// and [_valueAlways] are important for the implementations of [_andValues],
/// [_all], and [and]. They should be kept in sync.
static const int _valueNever = 0;
/// Internal value constructed via [IsSubtypeOf.onlyIfIgnoringNullabilities].
static const int _valueOnlyIfIgnoringNullabilities = 1;
/// Internal value constructed via [IsSubtypeOf.always].
static const int _valueAlways = 3;
static const List<IsSubtypeOf> _all = const <IsSubtypeOf>[
const IsSubtypeOf.never(),
const IsSubtypeOf.onlyIfIgnoringNullabilities(),
null, // Deliberately left empty because there's no index value for that.
const IsSubtypeOf.always()
/// Combines results of subtype checks on parts into the overall result.
/// It's an implementation detail for [and]. See the comment on [and] for
/// more details and examples. Both [value1] and [value2] should be chosen
/// from [_valueNever], [_valueOnlyIfIgnoringNullabilities], and
/// [_valueAlways]. The method produces the result which is one of
/// [_valueNever], [_valueOnlyIfIgnoringNullabilities], and [_valueAlways].
static int _andValues(int value1, int value2) => value1 & value2;
/// Combines results of the checks on alternatives into the overall result.
/// It's an implementation detail for [or]. See the comment on [or] for more
/// details and examples. Both [value1] and [value2] should be chosen from
/// [_valueNever], [_valueOnlyIfIgnoringNullabilities], and [_valueAlways].
/// The method produces the result which is one of [_valueNever],
/// [_valueOnlyIfIgnoringNullabilities], and [_valueAlways].
static int _orValues(int value1, int value2) => value1 | value2;
/// The only state of an [IsSubtypeOf] object.
final int _value;
const IsSubtypeOf._internal(int value) : _value = value;
/// Subtype check succeeds in both modes.
const IsSubtypeOf.always() : this._internal(_valueAlways);
/// Subtype check succeeds only if the nullability markers are ignored.
/// It is assumed that if a subtype check succeeds for two types in full-NNBD
/// mode, it also succeeds for those two types if the nullability markers on
/// the types and all of their sub-terms are ignored (that is, in the pre-NNBD
/// mode). By contraposition, if a subtype check fails for two types when the
/// nullability markers are ignored, it should also fail for those types in
/// full-NNBD mode.
const IsSubtypeOf.onlyIfIgnoringNullabilities()
: this._internal(_valueOnlyIfIgnoringNullabilities);
/// Subtype check fails in both modes.
const IsSubtypeOf.never() : this._internal(_valueNever);
/// Checks if two types are in relation based solely on their nullabilities.
/// This is useful on its own if the types are known to be the same modulo the
/// nullability attribute, but mostly it's useful to combine the result from
/// [IsSubtypeOf.basedSolelyOnNullabilities] via [and] with the partial
/// results obtained from other type parts. For example, the overall result
/// for `List<int>? <: List<num>*` can be computed as `Ra.join(Rn)` where `Ra`
/// is the result of a subtype check on the arguments `int` and `num`, and
/// `Rn` is the result of [IsSubtypeOf.basedSolelyOnNullabilities] on the
/// types `List<int>?` and `List<num>*`.
factory IsSubtypeOf.basedSolelyOnNullabilities(
DartType subtype, DartType supertype) {
if (subtype is InvalidType) {
if (supertype is InvalidType) {
return const IsSubtypeOf.always();
return const IsSubtypeOf.onlyIfIgnoringNullabilities();
if (supertype is InvalidType) {
return const IsSubtypeOf.onlyIfIgnoringNullabilities();
if (subtype.isPotentiallyNullable && supertype.isPotentiallyNonNullable) {
return const IsSubtypeOf.onlyIfIgnoringNullabilities();
return const IsSubtypeOf.always();
/// Combines results for the type parts into the overall result for the type.
/// For example, the result of `A<B1, C1> <: A<B2, C2>` can be computed from
/// the results of the checks `B1 <: B2` and `C1 <: C2`. Using the binary
/// outcome of the checks, the combination of the check results on parts is
/// simply done via `&&`, and [and] is the analog to `&&` for the ternary
/// outcome. So, in the example above the overall result is computed as
/// `Rb.and(Rc)` where `Rb` is the result of `B1 <: B2`, `Rc` is the result
/// of `C1 <: C2`.
IsSubtypeOf and(IsSubtypeOf other) {
return _all[_andValues(_value, other._value)];
/// Shorts the computation of [and] if `this` is [IsSubtypeOf.never].
/// Use this instead of [and] for optimization in case the argument to [and]
/// is, for example, a potentially expensive subtype check. Unlike [and],
/// [andSubtypeCheckFor] will immediately return if `this` was constructed as
/// [IsSubtypeOf.never] because the right-hand side will not change the
/// overall result anyway.
IsSubtypeOf andSubtypeCheckFor(
DartType subtype, DartType supertype, SubtypeTester tester) {
if (_value == _valueNever) return this;
return this
.and(tester.performNullabilityAwareSubtypeCheck(subtype, supertype));
/// Combines results of the checks on alternatives into the overall result.
/// For example, the result of `T <: FutureOr<S>` can be computed from the
/// results of the checks `T <: S` and `T <: Future<S>`. Using the binary
/// outcome of the checks, the combination of the check results on parts is
/// simply done via logical "or", and [or] is the analog to "or" for the
/// ternary outcome. So, in the example above the overall result is computed
/// as `Rs.or(Rf)` where `Rs` is the result of `T <: S`, `Rf` is the result of
/// `T <: Future<S>`.
IsSubtypeOf or(IsSubtypeOf other) {
return _all[_orValues(_value, other._value)];
/// Shorts the computation of [or] if `this` is [IsSubtypeOf.always].
/// Use this instead of [or] for optimization in case the argument to [or] is,
/// for example, a potentially expensive subtype check. Unlike [or],
/// [orSubtypeCheckFor] will immediately return if `this` was constructed
/// as [IsSubtypeOf.always] because the right-hand side will not change the
/// overall result anyway.
IsSubtypeOf orSubtypeCheckFor(
DartType subtype, DartType supertype, SubtypeTester tester) {
if (_value == _valueAlways) return this;
return this
.or(tester.performNullabilityAwareSubtypeCheck(subtype, supertype));
bool isSubtypeWhenIgnoringNullabilities() {
return _value != _valueNever;
bool isSubtypeWhenUsingNullabilities() {
return _value == _valueAlways;
String toString() {
switch (_value) {
case _valueAlways:
return "IsSubtypeOf.always";
case _valueNever:
return "IsSubtypeOf.never";
case _valueOnlyIfIgnoringNullabilities:
return "IsSubtypeOf.onlyIfIgnoringNullabilities";
return "IsSubtypeOf.<unknown value '${_value}'>";
enum SubtypeCheckMode {
/// The part of [TypeEnvironment] that deals with subtype tests.
/// This lives in a separate class so it can be tested independently of the SDK.
abstract class SubtypeTester {
InterfaceType get objectLegacyRawType;
InterfaceType get objectNullableRawType;
InterfaceType get nullType;
InterfaceType get functionLegacyRawType;
Class get objectClass;
Class get functionClass;
Class get futureOrClass;
InterfaceType futureType(DartType type, Nullability nullability);
static List<Object> typeChecks;
InterfaceType getTypeAsInstanceOf(InterfaceType type, Class superclass);
/// Determines if the given type is at the top of the type hierarchy. May be
/// overridden in subclasses.
bool isTop(DartType type) {
return type is DynamicType ||
type is VoidType ||
type == objectLegacyRawType ||
type == objectNullableRawType;
/// Can be use to collect type checks. To use:
/// 1. Rename `isSubtypeOf` to `_isSubtypeOf`.
/// 2. Rename `_collect_isSubtypeOf` to `isSubtypeOf`.
/// 3. Comment out the call to `_isSubtypeOf` below.
// ignore:unused_element
bool _collect_isSubtypeOf(
DartType subtype, DartType supertype, SubtypeCheckMode mode) {
bool result = true;
//result = _isSubtypeOf(subtype, supertype, mode);
typeChecks ??= <Object>[];
typeChecks.add([subtype, supertype, result]);
return result;
/// Returns true if [subtype] is a subtype of [supertype].
bool isSubtypeOf(
DartType subtype, DartType supertype, SubtypeCheckMode mode) {
IsSubtypeOf result =
performNullabilityAwareSubtypeCheck(subtype, supertype);
switch (mode) {
case SubtypeCheckMode.ignoringNullabilities:
return result.isSubtypeWhenIgnoringNullabilities();
case SubtypeCheckMode.withNullabilities:
return result.isSubtypeWhenUsingNullabilities();
throw new StateError("Unhandled subtype checking mode '$mode'");
/// Performs a nullability-aware subtype check.
/// The outcome is described in the comments to [IsSubtypeOf].
IsSubtypeOf performNullabilityAwareSubtypeCheck(
DartType subtype, DartType supertype) {
subtype = subtype.unalias;
supertype = supertype.unalias;
if (identical(subtype, supertype)) return const IsSubtypeOf.always();
if (subtype is BottomType) return const IsSubtypeOf.always();
if (subtype is NeverType) {
return supertype is BottomType
? const IsSubtypeOf.never()
: new IsSubtypeOf.basedSolelyOnNullabilities(subtype, supertype);
if (subtype == nullType) {
// TODO(dmitryas): Remove InvalidType from subtype relation.
if (supertype is InvalidType) {
// The return value is supposed to keep the backward compatibility.
return const IsSubtypeOf.always();
Nullability supertypeNullability =
computeNullability(supertype, futureOrClass);
if (supertypeNullability == Nullability.nullable ||
supertypeNullability == Nullability.legacy) {
return const IsSubtypeOf.always();
// See rule 4 of the subtype rules from the Dart Language Specification.
return supertype is BottomType || supertype is NeverType
? const IsSubtypeOf.never()
: const IsSubtypeOf.onlyIfIgnoringNullabilities();
if (isTop(supertype)) return const IsSubtypeOf.always();
// Handle FutureOr<T> union type.
if (subtype is InterfaceType &&
identical(subtype.classNode, futureOrClass)) {
var subtypeArg = subtype.typeArguments[0];
if (supertype is InterfaceType &&
identical(supertype.classNode, futureOrClass)) {
var supertypeArg = supertype.typeArguments[0];
// FutureOr<A> <: FutureOr<B> iff A <: B
return performNullabilityAwareSubtypeCheck(subtypeArg, supertypeArg);
// given t1 is Future<A> | A, then:
// (Future<A> | A) <: t2 iff Future<A> <: t2 and A <: t2.
return performNullabilityAwareSubtypeCheck(subtypeArg, supertype)
futureType(subtypeArg, Nullability.nonNullable), supertype, this)
.and(new IsSubtypeOf.basedSolelyOnNullabilities(subtype, supertype));
if (supertype is InterfaceType && supertype.classNode == objectClass) {
assert(supertype.nullability == Nullability.nonNullable);
return new IsSubtypeOf.basedSolelyOnNullabilities(subtype, supertype);
if (supertype is InterfaceType &&
identical(supertype.classNode, futureOrClass)) {
// given t2 is Future<A> | A, then:
// t1 <: (Future<A> | A) iff t1 <: Future<A> or t1 <: A
Nullability unitedNullability =
computeNullabilityOfFutureOr(supertype, futureOrClass);
DartType supertypeArg = supertype.typeArguments[0];
DartType supertypeFuture = futureType(supertypeArg, unitedNullability);
return performNullabilityAwareSubtypeCheck(subtype, supertypeFuture)
subtype, supertypeArg.withNullability(unitedNullability), this);
if (subtype is InterfaceType && supertype is InterfaceType) {
var upcastType = getTypeAsInstanceOf(subtype, supertype.classNode);
if (upcastType == null) return const IsSubtypeOf.never();
IsSubtypeOf result = const IsSubtypeOf.always();
for (int i = 0; i < upcastType.typeArguments.length; ++i) {
// Termination: the 'supertype' parameter decreases in size.
int variance = upcastType.classNode.typeParameters[i].variance;
DartType leftType = upcastType.typeArguments[i];
DartType rightType = supertype.typeArguments[i];
if (variance == Variance.contravariant) {
result = result
.and(performNullabilityAwareSubtypeCheck(rightType, leftType));
if (!result.isSubtypeWhenIgnoringNullabilities()) {
return const IsSubtypeOf.never();
} else if (variance == Variance.invariant) {
result = result.and(
performNullabilityAwareMutualSubtypesCheck(leftType, rightType));
if (!result.isSubtypeWhenIgnoringNullabilities()) {
return const IsSubtypeOf.never();
} else {
result = result
.and(performNullabilityAwareSubtypeCheck(leftType, rightType));
if (!result.isSubtypeWhenIgnoringNullabilities()) {
return const IsSubtypeOf.never();
return result
.and(new IsSubtypeOf.basedSolelyOnNullabilities(subtype, supertype));
if (subtype is TypeParameterType) {
if (supertype is TypeParameterType) {
IsSubtypeOf result = const IsSubtypeOf.always();
if (subtype.parameter == supertype.parameter) {
if (supertype.promotedBound != null) {
return performNullabilityAwareSubtypeCheck(
new TypeParameterType(supertype.parameter,
.andSubtypeCheckFor(subtype, supertype.bound, this);
} else {
// Promoted bound should always be a subtype of the declared bound.
// TODO(dmitryas): Use the following assertion when type promotion
// is updated.
// assert(subtype.promotedBound == null ||
// performNullabilityAwareSubtypeCheck(
// subtype.bound, supertype.bound)
// .isSubtypeWhenUsingNullabilities());
assert(subtype.promotedBound == null ||
subtype.bound, supertype.bound)
result = const IsSubtypeOf.always();
} else {
result =
performNullabilityAwareSubtypeCheck(subtype.bound, supertype);
if (subtype.nullability == Nullability.undetermined &&
supertype.nullability == Nullability.undetermined) {
// The two nullabilities are undetermined, but are connected via
// additional constraint, namely that they will be equal at run time.
return result;
return result.and(
new IsSubtypeOf.basedSolelyOnNullabilities(subtype, supertype));
// Termination: if there are no cyclically bound type parameters, this
// recursive call can only occur a finite number of times, before reaching
// a shrinking recursive call (or terminating).
return performNullabilityAwareSubtypeCheck(subtype.bound, supertype)
.and(new IsSubtypeOf.basedSolelyOnNullabilities(subtype, supertype));
if (subtype is FunctionType) {
if (supertype is InterfaceType && supertype.classNode == functionClass) {
return new IsSubtypeOf.basedSolelyOnNullabilities(subtype, supertype);
if (supertype is FunctionType) {
return _performNullabilityAwareFunctionSubtypeCheck(subtype, supertype);
return const IsSubtypeOf.never();
IsSubtypeOf performNullabilityAwareMutualSubtypesCheck(
DartType type1, DartType type2) {
// TODO(dmitryas): Replace it with one recursive descent instead of two.
return performNullabilityAwareSubtypeCheck(type1, type2)
.andSubtypeCheckFor(type2, type1, this);
IsSubtypeOf _performNullabilityAwareFunctionSubtypeCheck(
FunctionType subtype, FunctionType supertype) {
if (subtype.requiredParameterCount > supertype.requiredParameterCount) {
return const IsSubtypeOf.never();
if (subtype.positionalParameters.length <
supertype.positionalParameters.length) {
return const IsSubtypeOf.never();
if (subtype.typeParameters.length != supertype.typeParameters.length) {
return const IsSubtypeOf.never();
IsSubtypeOf result = const IsSubtypeOf.always();
if (subtype.typeParameters.isNotEmpty) {
var substitution = <TypeParameter, DartType>{};
for (int i = 0; i < subtype.typeParameters.length; ++i) {
var subParameter = subtype.typeParameters[i];
var superParameter = supertype.typeParameters[i];
substitution[subParameter] = new TypeParameterType.forAlphaRenaming(
subParameter, superParameter);
for (int i = 0; i < subtype.typeParameters.length; ++i) {
var subParameter = subtype.typeParameters[i];
var superParameter = supertype.typeParameters[i];
var subBound = substitute(subParameter.bound, substitution);
// Termination: if there are no cyclically bound type parameters, this
// recursive call can only occur a finite number of times before
// reaching a shrinking recursive call (or terminating).
result = result.and(performNullabilityAwareMutualSubtypesCheck(
superParameter.bound, subBound));
if (!result.isSubtypeWhenIgnoringNullabilities()) {
return const IsSubtypeOf.never();
subtype = substitute(subtype.withoutTypeParameters, substitution);
result = result.and(performNullabilityAwareSubtypeCheck(
subtype.returnType, supertype.returnType));
if (!result.isSubtypeWhenIgnoringNullabilities()) {
return const IsSubtypeOf.never();
for (int i = 0; i < supertype.positionalParameters.length; ++i) {
var supertypeParameter = supertype.positionalParameters[i];
var subtypeParameter = subtype.positionalParameters[i];
// Termination: Both types shrink in size.
result = result.and(performNullabilityAwareSubtypeCheck(
supertypeParameter, subtypeParameter));
if (!result.isSubtypeWhenIgnoringNullabilities()) {
return const IsSubtypeOf.never();
int subtypeNameIndex = 0;
for (NamedType supertypeParameter in supertype.namedParameters) {
while (subtypeNameIndex < subtype.namedParameters.length &&
subtype.namedParameters[subtypeNameIndex].name != {
if (subtypeNameIndex == subtype.namedParameters.length) {
return const IsSubtypeOf.never();
NamedType subtypeParameter = subtype.namedParameters[subtypeNameIndex];
// Termination: Both types shrink in size.
result = result.and(performNullabilityAwareSubtypeCheck(
supertypeParameter.type, subtypeParameter.type));
if (!result.isSubtypeWhenIgnoringNullabilities()) {
return const IsSubtypeOf.never();
return result
.and(new IsSubtypeOf.basedSolelyOnNullabilities(subtype, supertype));
/// Context object needed for computing `Expression.getStaticType`.
/// The [StaticTypeContext] provides access to the [TypeEnvironment] and the
/// current 'this type' as well as determining the nullability state of the
/// enclosing library.
// TODO(johnniwinther): Support static type caching through [StaticTypeContext].
class StaticTypeContext {
/// The [TypeEnvironment] used for the static type computation.
/// This provides access to the core types and the class hierarchy.
final TypeEnvironment typeEnvironment;
/// The library in which the static type is computed.
/// The `library.isNonNullableByDefault` property is used to determine the
/// nullabilities of the static types.
final Library _library;
/// The static type of a `this` expression.
final InterfaceType thisType;
/// Creates a static type context for computing static types in the body
/// of [member].
StaticTypeContext(Member member, this.typeEnvironment)
: _library = member.enclosingLibrary,
thisType = member.enclosingClass?.getThisType(
typeEnvironment.coreTypes, member.enclosingLibrary.nonNullable);
/// Creates a static type context for computing static types of annotations
/// in [library].
StaticTypeContext.forAnnotations(this._library, this.typeEnvironment)
: thisType = null;
/// The [Nullability] used for non-nullable types.
/// For opt out libraries this is [Nullability.legacy].
Nullability get nonNullable => _library.nonNullable;
/// The [Nullability] used for nullable types.
/// For opt out libraries this is [Nullability.legacy].
Nullability get nullable => _library.nullable;
/// Implementation of [StaticTypeContext] that update its state when entering
/// and leaving libraries and members.
abstract class StatefulStaticTypeContext implements StaticTypeContext {
final TypeEnvironment typeEnvironment;
/// Creates a [StatefulStaticTypeContext] that supports entering multiple
/// libraries and/or members successively.
factory StatefulStaticTypeContext.stacked(TypeEnvironment typeEnvironment) =
/// Creates a [StatefulStaticTypeContext] that only supports entering one
/// library and/or member at a time.
factory StatefulStaticTypeContext.flat(TypeEnvironment typeEnvironment) =
/// Updates the [nonNullable] and [thisType] to match static type context for
/// the member [node].
/// This should be called before computing static types on the body of member
/// [node].
void enterMember(Member node);
/// Reverts the [nonNullable] and [thisType] values to the previous state.
/// This should be called after computing static types on the body of member
/// [node].
void leaveMember(Member node);
/// Updates the [nonNullable] and [thisType] to match static type context for
/// the library [node].
/// This should be called before computing static types on annotations in the
/// library [node].
void enterLibrary(Library node);
/// Reverts the [nonNullable] and [thisType] values to the previous state.
/// This should be called after computing static types on annotations in the
/// library [node].
void leaveLibrary(Library node);
/// Implementation of [StatefulStaticTypeContext] that only supports entering
/// one library and/or at a time.
class _FlatStatefulStaticTypeContext extends StatefulStaticTypeContext {
Library _currentLibrary;
Member _currentMember;
_FlatStatefulStaticTypeContext(TypeEnvironment typeEnvironment)
: super._internal(typeEnvironment);
Library get _library {
Library library = _currentLibrary ?? _currentMember?.enclosingLibrary;
assert(library != null,
"No library currently associated with StaticTypeContext.");
return library;
InterfaceType get thisType {
assert(_currentMember != null,
"No member currently associated with StaticTypeContext.");
return _currentMember?.enclosingClass?.getThisType(
typeEnvironment.coreTypes, _currentMember.enclosingLibrary.nonNullable);
Nullability get nonNullable => _library?.nonNullable;
Nullability get nullable => _library?.nullable;
/// Updates the [nonNullable] and [thisType] to match static type context for
/// the member [node].
/// This should be called before computing static types on the body of member
/// [node].
/// Only one member can be entered at a time.
void enterMember(Member node) {
assert(_currentMember == null, "Already in context of $_currentMember");
_currentMember = node;
/// Reverts the [nonNullable] and [thisType] values to the previous state.
/// This should be called after computing static types on the body of member
/// [node].
void leaveMember(Member node) {
_currentMember == node,
"Inconsistent static type context stack: "
"Trying to leave $node but current is ${_currentMember}.");
_currentMember = null;
/// Updates the [nonNullable] and [thisType] to match static type context for
/// the library [node].
/// This should be called before computing static types on annotations in the
/// library [node].
/// Only one library can be entered at a time, and not while a member is
/// entered through [enterMember].
void enterLibrary(Library node) {
assert(_currentLibrary == null, "Already in context of $_currentLibrary");
assert(_currentMember == null, "Already in context of $_currentMember");
_currentLibrary = node;
/// Reverts the [nonNullable] and [thisType] values to the previous state.
/// This should be called after computing static types on annotations in the
/// library [node].
void leaveLibrary(Library node) {
_currentLibrary == node,
"Inconsistent static type context stack: "
"Trying to leave $node but current is ${_currentLibrary}.");
_currentLibrary = null;
/// Implementation of [StatefulStaticTypeContext] that use a stack to change state
/// when entering and leaving libraries and members.
class _StackedStatefulStaticTypeContext extends StatefulStaticTypeContext {
final List<_StaticTypeContextState> _contextStack =
_StackedStatefulStaticTypeContext(TypeEnvironment typeEnvironment)
: super._internal(typeEnvironment);
Library get _library {
"No library currently associated with StaticTypeContext.");
return _contextStack.last._library;
InterfaceType get thisType {
"No this type currently associated with StaticTypeContext.");
return _contextStack.last._thisType;
Nullability get nonNullable => _library?.nonNullable;
Nullability get nullable => _library?.nullable;
/// Updates the [library] and [thisType] to match static type context for
/// the member [node].
/// This should be called before computing static types on the body of member
/// [node].
void enterMember(Member node) {
_contextStack.add(new _StaticTypeContextState(
typeEnvironment.coreTypes, node.enclosingLibrary.nonNullable)));
/// Reverts the [library] and [thisType] values to the previous state.
/// This should be called after computing static types on the body of member
/// [node].
void leaveMember(Member node) {
_StaticTypeContextState state = _contextStack.removeLast();
state._node == node,
"Inconsistent static type context stack: "
"Trying to leave $node but current is ${state._node}.");
/// Updates the [library] and [thisType] to match static type context for
/// the library [node].
/// This should be called before computing static types on annotations in the
/// library [node].
void enterLibrary(Library node) {
_contextStack.add(new _StaticTypeContextState(node, node, null));
/// Reverts the [library] and [thisType] values to the previous state.
/// This should be called after computing static types on annotations in the
/// library [node].
void leaveLibrary(Library node) {
_StaticTypeContextState state = _contextStack.removeLast();
state._node == node,
"Inconsistent static type context stack: "
"Trying to leave $node but current is ${state._node}.");
class _StaticTypeContextState {
final TreeNode _node;
final Library _library;
final InterfaceType _thisType;
_StaticTypeContextState(this._node, this._library, this._thisType);