blob: 7c491da340d3ed3076aa6ea97cfe18f5ab1bd567 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:frontend_server/src/javascript_bundle.dart';
import 'package:frontend_server/src/strong_components.dart';
import 'package:kernel/ast.dart';
import 'package:kernel/class_hierarchy.dart';
import 'package:kernel/core_types.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
/// Additional indexed types required by the dev_compiler's NativeTypeSet.
final Map<String, List<String>> additionalRequiredClasses = {
'dart:core': ['Comparable'],
'dart:async': [
'dart:_interceptors': [
'dart:_native_typed_data': [],
'dart:collection': [
'dart:math': ['Rectangle'],
'dart:html': [],
'dart:indexed_db': [],
'dart:svg': [],
'dart:web_audio': [],
'dart:web_gl': [],
'dart:web_sql': [],
'dart:_js_helper': [
void main() {
final allRequiredTypes =
_combineMaps(CoreTypes.requiredClasses, additionalRequiredClasses);
final testCoreLibraries = [
for (String requiredLibrary in allRequiredTypes.keys)
Library(Uri.parse(requiredLibrary), classes: [
for (String requiredClass in allRequiredTypes[requiredLibrary])
Class(name: requiredClass),
test('compiles JavaScript code', () async {
final library = Library(
fileUri: Uri.file('/c.dart'),
procedures: [
Procedure(Name('ArbitrarilyChosen'), ProcedureKind.Method,
final testComponent = Component(libraries: [library, ...testCoreLibraries]);
final strongComponents =
StrongComponents(testComponent, {}, Uri.file('/c.dart'));
final javaScriptBundler =
JavaScriptBundler(testComponent, strongComponents);
final manifestSink = _MemorySink();
final codeSink = _MemorySink();
final sourcemapSink = _MemorySink();
CoreTypes(testComponent), {}, codeSink, manifestSink, sourcemapSink);
final Map manifest = json.decode(utf8.decode(manifestSink.buffer));
final String code = utf8.decode(codeSink.buffer);
expect(manifest, {
'/c.dart.js': {
'code': [0, codeSink.buffer.length],
'sourcemap': [0, sourcemapSink.buffer.length],
expect(code, contains('ArbitrarilyChosen'));
// verify source map url is correct.
expect(code, contains(''));
test('can combine strongly connected components', () {
// Create three libraries A, B, C where A is the entrypoint and B & C
// circularly import each other.
final libraryC = Library(Uri.file('/c.dart'), fileUri: Uri.file('/c.dart'));
final libraryB = Library(Uri.file('/b.dart'), fileUri: Uri.file('/b.dart'));
final libraryA = Library(
fileUri: Uri.file('/a.dart'),
dependencies: [
procedures: [
Procedure(Name('ArbitrarilyChosen'), ProcedureKind.Method,
final testComponent = Component(
libraries: [libraryA, libraryB, libraryC, ...testCoreLibraries]);
final strongComponents =
StrongComponents(testComponent, {}, Uri.file('/a.dart'));
final javaScriptBundler =
JavaScriptBundler(testComponent, strongComponents);
final manifestSink = _MemorySink();
final codeSink = _MemorySink();
final sourcemapSink = _MemorySink();
CoreTypes(testComponent), {}, codeSink, manifestSink, sourcemapSink);
final code = utf8.decode(codeSink.buffer);
final manifest = json.decode(utf8.decode(manifestSink.buffer));
// There should only be two modules since C and B should be combined.
const moduleHeader = r"define(['dart_sdk'], function(dart_sdk) {";
expect(moduleHeader.allMatches(code), hasLength(2));
// verify source map url is correct.
expect(code, contains(''));
final offsets = manifest['/a.dart.js']['sourcemap'];
final sourcemapModuleA = json.decode(
utf8.decode(sourcemapSink.buffer.sublist(offsets.first, offsets.last)));
// verify source maps are pointing at correct source files.
expect(sourcemapModuleA['file'], 'a.dart');
class _MemorySink implements IOSink {
final List<int> buffer = <int>[];
void add(List<int> data) {
Future<void> close() => Future.value();
void noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) {
throw UnsupportedError(invocation.memberName.toString());
Map<String, List<String>> _combineMaps(
Map<String, List<String>> left,
Map<String, List<String>> right,
) {
final result = Map<String, List<String>>.from(left);
for (String key in right.keys) {
result[key] ??= [];
return result;