blob: 534cb307ab6c1259d89d59a7ebe79bff035184f7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:kernel/ast.dart';
import 'package:kernel/util/graph.dart';
import 'package:vm/kernel_front_end.dart';
import 'package:front_end/src/api_unstable/vm.dart' show FileSystem;
/// Compute the strongly connected components for JavaScript compilation.
/// Implements a Path-based strong component algorithm.
/// See
/// The file URI for each library is used as an identifier for the module
/// name. [moduleAssignment] will be populated with a mapping of library URI to
/// module name, while [modules] will be populated with a mapping of module
/// name to library set.
/// JavaScript import semantics do not permit circular imports in the same
/// manner that Dart does. When compiling a set of libraries with circular
/// imports, these must be combined into a single JavaScript module.
/// On incremental updates, we completely recompute the strongly connected
/// components, but only for the partial component produced.
class StrongComponents {
this.mainUri, [
/// The Component that is being compiled.
/// On incremental compiles, this will only contain the invalidated
/// lbraries.
final Component component;
/// The libraries loaded from a dill file that should not be processed.
final Set<Library> loadedLibraries;
/// The main URI for thiis application.
final Uri mainUri;
/// The URI of the .packages file.
final Uri packagesUri;
/// The filesystem instance for resolving files.
final FileSystem fileSystem;
/// The set of libraries for each module URI.
/// This is populated after calling [computeModules] once.
final Map<Uri, List<Library>> modules = <Uri, List<Library>>{};
/// The module URI for each library file URI.
/// This is populated after calling [computeModules] once.
final Map<Uri, Uri> moduleAssignment = <Uri, Uri>{};
/// Compute the strongly connected components for the current program.
/// Throws an [Exception] if [mainUri] cannot be located in the given
/// component.
Future<void> computeModules() async {
if (component.libraries.isEmpty) {
Uri entrypointFileUri = mainUri;
if (!entrypointFileUri.isScheme('file')) {
entrypointFileUri = await asFileUri(fileSystem,
await _convertToFileUri(fileSystem, entrypointFileUri, packagesUri));
if (entrypointFileUri == null || !entrypointFileUri.isScheme('file')) {
throw Exception(
'Unable to map ${entrypointFileUri} back to file scheme.');
// If we don't have a file uri, just use the first library in the
// component.
Library entrypoint = component.libraries.firstWhere(
(Library library) => library.fileUri == entrypointFileUri,
orElse: () => null);
if (entrypoint == null) {
throw Exception(
'Could not find entrypoint ${entrypointFileUri} in Component.');
final List<List<Library>> results =
computeStrongComponents(_LibraryGraph(entrypoint, loadedLibraries));
for (List<Library> component in results) {
assert(component.length > 0);
final Uri moduleUri = component.first.fileUri;
modules[moduleUri] = component;
for (Library componentLibrary in component) {
moduleAssignment[componentLibrary.fileUri] = moduleUri;
// Convert package URI to file URI if it is inside one of the packages.
Future<Uri> _convertToFileUri(
FileSystem fileSystem, Uri uri, Uri packagesUri) async {
if (uri == null || uri.scheme != 'package') {
return uri;
// Convert virtual URI to a real file URI.
// String uriString = (await asFileUri(fileSystem, uri)).toString();
List<String> packages;
try {
packages =
await File((await asFileUri(fileSystem, packagesUri)).toFilePath())
} on IOException {
// Can't read packages file - silently give up.
return uri;
// package:x.y/main.dart -> file:///a/b/x/y/main.dart
for (var line in packages) {
if (line.isEmpty || line.startsWith("#")) {
final colon = line.indexOf(':');
if (colon == -1) {
final packageName = line.substring(0, colon);
if (!uri.path.startsWith('$packageName/')) {
String packagePath;
try {
packagePath = (await asFileUri(
fileSystem, packagesUri.resolve(line.substring(colon + 1))))
} on FileSystemException {
// Can't resolve package path.
return Uri.parse(
'$packagePath${uri.path.substring(packageName.length + 1)}');
return uri;
class _LibraryGraph implements Graph<Library> {
_LibraryGraph(this.library, this.loadedLibraries);
final Library library;
final Set<Library> loadedLibraries;
Iterable<Library> neighborsOf(Library vertex) {
return <Library>[
for (LibraryDependency dependency in vertex.dependencies)
if (!loadedLibraries.contains(dependency.targetLibrary) &&
dependency.targetLibrary.importUri.scheme != 'dart')
Iterable<Library> get vertices => <Library>[library];