blob: 564405927e8a985a4c6d1af02516ebc16811fdf9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library fasta.tool.command_line;
import 'dart:async' show Future;
import 'dart:io' show exit, stderr;
import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/messages/severity.dart' show Severity;
import 'package:build_integration/file_system/single_root.dart'
show SingleRootFileSystem;
import 'package:front_end/src/api_prototype/compiler_options.dart'
show CompilerOptions, parseExperimentalFlags;
import 'package:front_end/src/api_prototype/compiler_options.dart';
import 'package:front_end/src/api_prototype/experimental_flags.dart'
show ExperimentalFlag;
import 'package:front_end/src/api_prototype/file_system.dart' show FileSystem;
import 'package:front_end/src/api_prototype/standard_file_system.dart'
show StandardFileSystem;
import 'package:front_end/src/base/processed_options.dart'
show ProcessedOptions;
import 'package:front_end/src/compute_platform_binaries_location.dart'
show computePlatformBinariesLocation;
import 'package:front_end/src/fasta/compiler_context.dart' show CompilerContext;
import 'package:front_end/src/fasta/fasta_codes.dart'
import 'package:front_end/src/fasta/problems.dart' show DebugAbort, unhandled;
import 'package:front_end/src/fasta/resolve_input_uri.dart'
show resolveInputUri;
import 'package:front_end/src/scheme_based_file_system.dart'
show SchemeBasedFileSystem;
import 'package:kernel/target/targets.dart'
show Target, getTarget, TargetFlags, targets;
class CommandLineProblem {
final Message message;
CommandLineProblem.deprecated(String message)
: this(templateUnspecified.withArguments(message));
class ParsedArguments {
final Map<String, dynamic> options = <String, dynamic>{};
final List<String> arguments = <String>[];
final Map<String, String> defines = <String, String>{};
toString() => "ParsedArguments($options, $arguments)";
/// Parses a list of command-line [arguments] into options and arguments.
/// An /option/ is something that, normally, starts with `-` or `--` (one or
/// two dashes). However, as a special case `/?` and `/h` are also recognized
/// as options for increased compatibility with Windows. An option can have a
/// value.
/// An /argument/ is something that isn't an option, for example, a file name.
/// The specification is a map of options to one of the following values:
/// * the type literal `Uri`, representing an option value of type [Uri],
/// * the type literal `int`, representing an option value of type [int],
/// * the bool literal `false`, representing a boolean option that is turned
/// off by default,
/// * the bool literal `true, representing a boolean option that is turned on
/// by default,
/// * or the string literal `","`, representing a comma-separated list of
/// values.
/// If [arguments] contains `"--"`, anything before is parsed as options, and
/// arguments; anything following is treated as arguments (even if starting
/// with, for example, a `-`).
/// If an option isn't found in [specification], an error is thrown.
/// Boolean options do not require an option value, but an optional value can
/// be provided using the forms `--option=value` where `value` can be `true`
/// or `yes` to turn on the option, or `false` or `no` to turn it off. If no
/// option value is specified, a boolean option is turned on.
/// All other options require an option value, either on the form `--option
/// value` or `--option=value`.
static ParsedArguments parse(
List<String> arguments, Map<String, dynamic> specification) {
specification ??= const <String, dynamic>{};
ParsedArguments result = new ParsedArguments();
int index = arguments.indexOf("--");
Iterable<String> nonOptions = const <String>[];
Iterator<String> iterator = arguments.iterator;
if (index != -1) {
nonOptions = arguments.skip(index + 1);
iterator = arguments.take(index).iterator;
while (iterator.moveNext()) {
String argument = iterator.current;
if (argument.startsWith("-") || argument == "/?" || argument == "/h") {
String value;
if (argument.startsWith("-D")) {
value = argument.substring("-D".length);
argument = "-D";
} else {
index = argument.indexOf("=");
if (index != -1) {
value = argument.substring(index + 1);
argument = argument.substring(0, index);
var valueSpecification = specification[argument];
if (valueSpecification == null) {
throw new CommandLineProblem.deprecated(
"Unknown option '$argument'.");
String canonicalArgument = argument;
if (valueSpecification is String &&
valueSpecification != "," &&
valueSpecification != "<define>") {
canonicalArgument = valueSpecification;
valueSpecification = specification[valueSpecification];
if (valueSpecification == true || valueSpecification == false) {
valueSpecification = bool;
if (valueSpecification is! String && valueSpecification is! Type) {
throw new CommandLineProblem.deprecated("Unrecognized type of value "
"specification: ${valueSpecification.runtimeType}.");
final bool requiresValue = valueSpecification != bool;
if (requiresValue && value == null) {
if (!iterator.moveNext()) {
throw new CommandLineProblem(
value = iterator.current;
switch ("$valueSpecification") {
case ",":
.putIfAbsent(argument, () => <String>[])
case "<define>":
int index = value.indexOf('=');
String name;
String expression;
if (index != -1) {
name = value.substring(0, index);
expression = value.substring(index + 1);
} else {
name = value;
expression = value;
result.defines[name] = expression;
case "int":
case "bool":
case "String":
case "Uri":
if (result.options.containsKey(canonicalArgument)) {
return throw new CommandLineProblem.deprecated(
"Multiple values for '$argument': "
"'${result.options[canonicalArgument]}' and '$value'.");
var parsedValue;
if (valueSpecification == int) {
parsedValue = int.tryParse(value);
if (parsedValue == null) {
return throw new CommandLineProblem.deprecated(
"Value for '$argument', '$value', isn't an int.");
} else if (valueSpecification == bool) {
if (value == null || value == "true" || value == "yes") {
parsedValue = true;
} else if (value == "false" || value == "no") {
parsedValue = false;
} else {
return throw new CommandLineProblem.deprecated(
"Value for '$argument' is '$value', "
"but expected one of: 'true', 'false', 'yes', or 'no'.");
} else if (valueSpecification == Uri) {
// TODO(ahe): resolve Uris lazily, so that schemes provided by
// other flags can be used for parsed command-line arguments too.
parsedValue = resolveInputUri(value);
} else if (valueSpecification == String) {
parsedValue = value;
} else if (valueSpecification is String) {
return throw new CommandLineProblem.deprecated(
"Unrecognized value specification: "
"'$valueSpecification', try using a type literal instead.");
} else {
// All possible cases should have been handled above.
return unhandled("${valueSpecification.runtimeType}",
"CommandLine.parse", -1, null);
result.options[canonicalArgument] = parsedValue;
return throw new CommandLineProblem.deprecated(
"Unrecognized value specification: '$valueSpecification'.");
} else {
specification.forEach((String key, value) {
if (value == bool) {
result.options[key] ??= false;
} else if (value is bool) {
result.options[key] ??= value;
return result;
// Before adding new options here, you must:
// * Document the option.
// * Get an explicit approval from the front-end team.
const Map<String, dynamic> optionSpecification = const <String, dynamic>{
"--bytecode": false,
"--compile-sdk": Uri,
"--dump-ir": false,
"--enable-experiment": ",",
"--exclude-source": false,
"--omit-platform": false,
"--fatal": ",",
"--fatal-skip": String,
"--force-late-lowering": false,
"--help": false,
// TODO(johnniwinther): Remove legacy option flags. Legacy mode is no longer
// supported.
"--legacy": "--legacy-mode",
"--legacy-mode": false,
"--libraries-json": Uri,
"--no-defines": false,
"--output": Uri,
"--packages": Uri,
"--platform": Uri,
"--sdk": Uri,
"--single-root-base": Uri,
"--single-root-scheme": String,
"--supermixin": true,
"--target": String,
"--enable-asserts": false,
"--verbose": false,
"--verify": false,
"-D": "<define>",
"-h": "--help",
"-o": "--output",
"-t": "--target",
"-v": "--verbose",
"/?": "--help",
"/h": "--help",
void throwCommandLineProblem(String message) {
throw new CommandLineProblem.deprecated(message);
ProcessedOptions analyzeCommandLine(
String programName,
ParsedArguments parsedArguments,
bool areRestArgumentsInputs,
bool verbose) {
final Map<String, dynamic> options = parsedArguments.options;
final List<String> arguments = parsedArguments.arguments;
final bool help = options["--help"];
if (help) {
print(computeUsage(programName, verbose).message);
if (options.containsKey("--compile-sdk") &&
options.containsKey("--platform")) {
return throw new CommandLineProblem.deprecated(
"Can't specify both '--compile-sdk' and '--platform'.");
final String targetName = options["--target"] ?? "vm";
final TargetFlags flags = new TargetFlags(
forceLateLoweringForTesting: options["--force-late-lowering"]);
final Target target = getTarget(targetName, flags);
if (target == null) {
return throw new CommandLineProblem.deprecated(
"Target '${targetName}' not recognized. "
"Valid targets are:\n ${targets.keys.join("\n ")}");
final bool noDefines = options["--no-defines"];
final bool verify = options["--verify"];
final bool dumpIr = options["--dump-ir"];
final bool excludeSource = options["--exclude-source"];
final bool omitPlatform = options["--omit-platform"];
final Uri packages = options["--packages"];
final Set<String> fatal =
new Set<String>.from(options["--fatal"] ?? <String>[]);
final bool errorsAreFatal = fatal.contains("errors");
final bool warningsAreFatal = fatal.contains("warnings");
final int fatalSkip = int.tryParse(options["--fatal-skip"] ?? "0") ?? -1;
final bool bytecode = options["--bytecode"];
final bool compileSdk = options.containsKey("--compile-sdk");
final String singleRootScheme = options["--single-root-scheme"];
final Uri singleRootBase = options["--single-root-base"];
FileSystem fileSystem = StandardFileSystem.instance;
if (singleRootScheme != null) {
fileSystem = new SchemeBasedFileSystem({
'file': fileSystem,
'data': fileSystem,
// TODO(askesc): remove also when fixing StandardFileSystem (empty schemes
// should have been handled elsewhere).
'': fileSystem,
singleRootScheme: new SingleRootFileSystem(
singleRootScheme, singleRootBase, fileSystem),
Map<ExperimentalFlag, bool> experimentalFlags = parseExperimentalFlags(
onError: throwCommandLineProblem,
onWarning: print);
if (programName == "compile_platform") {
if (arguments.length != 5) {
return throw new CommandLineProblem.deprecated(
"Expected five arguments.");
if (compileSdk) {
return throw new CommandLineProblem.deprecated(
"Cannot specify '--compile-sdk' option to compile_platform.");
if (options.containsKey("--output")) {
return throw new CommandLineProblem.deprecated(
"Cannot specify '--output' option to compile_platform.");
return new ProcessedOptions(
options: new CompilerOptions()
..sdkSummary = options["--platform"]
..librariesSpecificationUri = resolveInputUri(arguments[1])
..setExitCodeOnProblem = true
..fileSystem = fileSystem
..packagesFileUri = packages = target
..throwOnErrorsForDebugging = errorsAreFatal
..throwOnWarningsForDebugging = warningsAreFatal
..skipForDebugging = fatalSkip
..embedSourceText = !excludeSource
..debugDump = dumpIr
..omitPlatform = omitPlatform
..verbose = verbose
..verify = verify
..bytecode = bytecode
..experimentalFlags = experimentalFlags
..environmentDefines = noDefines ? null : parsedArguments.defines,
inputs: <Uri>[Uri.parse(arguments[0])],
output: resolveInputUri(arguments[3]));
} else if (arguments.isEmpty) {
return throw new CommandLineProblem.deprecated("No Dart file specified.");
final Uri defaultOutput = resolveInputUri("${arguments.first}.dill");
final Uri output = options["-o"] ?? options["--output"] ?? defaultOutput;
final Uri sdk = options["--sdk"] ?? options["--compile-sdk"];
String computePlatformDillName() {
switch ( {
case 'dartdevc':
return 'dartdevc.dill';
case 'dart2js':
return 'dart2js_platform.dill';
case 'dart2js_server':
return 'dart2js_platform.dill';
case 'vm':
// TODO(johnniwinther): Stop generating 'vm_platform.dill' and rename
// 'vm_platform_strong.dill' to 'vm_platform.dill'.
return "vm_platform_strong.dill";
case 'none':
return "vm_platform_strong.dill";
'Target "${}" requires an explicit --platform option.');
return null;
final Uri platform = compileSdk
? null
: (options["--platform"] ??
computePlatformBinariesLocation(forceBuildDir: true)
CompilerOptions compilerOptions = new CompilerOptions()
..compileSdk = compileSdk
..fileSystem = fileSystem
..sdkRoot = sdk
..sdkSummary = platform
..packagesFileUri = packages = target
..throwOnErrorsForDebugging = errorsAreFatal
..throwOnWarningsForDebugging = warningsAreFatal
..skipForDebugging = fatalSkip
..embedSourceText = !excludeSource
..debugDump = dumpIr
..omitPlatform = omitPlatform
..verbose = verbose
..verify = verify
..experimentalFlags = experimentalFlags
..environmentDefines = noDefines ? null : parsedArguments.defines;
// TODO(ahe): What about chase dependencies?
List<Uri> inputs = <Uri>[];
if (areRestArgumentsInputs) {
for (String argument in arguments) {
return new ProcessedOptions(
options: compilerOptions, inputs: inputs, output: output);
Future<T> withGlobalOptions<T>(
String programName,
List<String> arguments,
bool areRestArgumentsInputs,
Future<T> f(CompilerContext context, List<String> restArguments)) {
bool verbose = false;
for (String argument in arguments) {
if (argument == "--") break;
if (argument == "-v" || argument == "--verbose") {
verbose = true;
ParsedArguments parsedArguments;
ProcessedOptions options;
CommandLineProblem problem;
try {
if (arguments.contains("--strong") &&
arguments.contains("--target=flutter")) {
// TODO(ahe): Temporarily ignore option to unbreak flutter build.
arguments = new List<String>.from(arguments);
stderr.writeln("Note: the option '--strong' is deprecated.");
parsedArguments = ParsedArguments.parse(arguments, optionSpecification);
options = analyzeCommandLine(
programName, parsedArguments, areRestArgumentsInputs, verbose);
} on CommandLineProblem catch (e) {
options = new ProcessedOptions();
problem = e;
return CompilerContext.runWithOptions<T>(options, (c) {
if (problem != null) {
print(computeUsage(programName, verbose).message);
print(c.formatWithoutLocation(problem.message, Severity.error));
return f(c, parsedArguments.arguments);
Message computeUsage(String programName, bool verbose) {
String basicUsage = "Usage: $programName [options] dartfile\n";
String summary;
String options =
(verbose ? messageFastaUsageLong.message : messageFastaUsageShort.message)
switch (programName) {
case "outline":
summary =
"Creates an outline of a Dart program in the Dill/Kernel IR format.";
case "compile":
summary = "Compiles a Dart program to the Dill/Kernel IR format.";
case "run":
summary = "Runs a Dart program.";
case "compile_platform":
summary = "Compiles Dart SDK platform to the Dill/Kernel IR format.";
basicUsage = "Usage: $programName [options]"
" dart-library-uri libraries.json vm_outline_strong.dill"
" platform.dill outline.dill\n";
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(basicUsage);
if (summary != null) {
// TODO(ahe): Don't use [templateUnspecified].
return templateUnspecified.withArguments("$sb");
Future<T> runProtectedFromAbort<T>(Future<T> Function() action,
[T failingValue]) async {
if (CompilerContext.isActive) {
throw "runProtectedFromAbort should be called from 'main',"
" that is, outside a compiler context.";
try {
return await action();
} on DebugAbort catch (e) {
// DebugAbort should never happen in production code, so we want to
// treat this as a crash which is signalled by exiting with 255.
return failingValue;