blob: e2783e69251a8939e039f736be5ec16376fe7df2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// This test checks that the greatest lower bound between two types is
// calculated correctly, in case one of them is a FutureOr.
/*cfe.library: nnbd=false*/
/*cfe:nnbd.library: nnbd=true*/
import 'dart:async';
class Foo {}
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Tests rule GLB(FutureOr<A>, B) == GLB(A, B).
void func1<T extends Foo>(T t) {
// Here and in the test cases below 'context' provides the typing context via
// the type of its parameter. The context is imposed onto the return type of
// 'expr' that is a type-parameter type. It leads to evaluation of GLB of the
// typing context and the bound of the type parameter. The computed GLB is
// inserted as both the type argument and the return type of 'expr' by the
// type inference.
void context(FutureOr<T> x) {}
S expr<S extends Foo>() => /*Null*/ null;
// Type of the expression is GLB(FutureOr<T>, Foo) = T.
/*invoke: void*/ context(
/*cfe|dart2js.invoke: T*/ /*cfe:nnbd.invoke: T!*/ expr
/*cfe:nnbd.<T!>*/ ());
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Tests rule GLB(FutureOr<A>, Future<B>) == Future<GLB(A, B)>.
void func2<T extends Foo>() {
void context(FutureOr<T> x) {}
S expr<S extends Future<Foo>>() => /*Null*/ null;
// Type of the expression is GLB(FutureOr<T>, Future<Foo>) = Future<T>.
/*invoke: void*/ context(
/*cfe|dart2js.invoke: Future<T>*/
/*cfe:nnbd.invoke: Future<T!>!*/ expr
/*cfe:nnbd.<Future<T!>!>*/ ());
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Tests rule GLB(A, FutureOr<B>) == GLB(B, A).
void func3<T extends Foo>() {
void context(T x) {}
S expr<S extends FutureOr<Foo>>() => /*Null*/ null;
// Type of the expression is GLB(T, FutureOr<Foo>) = T.
/*invoke: void*/ context(
/*cfe|dart2js.invoke: T*/ /*cfe:nnbd.invoke: T!*/ expr
/*cfe:nnbd.<T!>*/ ());
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Tests rule GLB(Future<A>, FutureOr<B>) == Future<GLB(B, A)>.
void func4<T extends Foo>() {
void context(Future<T> x) {}
S expr<S extends FutureOr<Foo>>() => /*Null*/ null;
// Type of the expression is GLB(Future<T>, FutureOr<Foo>) = Future<T>.
/*invoke: void*/ context(
/*cfe|dart2js.invoke: Future<T>*/
/*cfe:nnbd.invoke: Future<T!>!*/ expr
/*cfe:nnbd.<Future<T!>!>*/ ());
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Tests rule GLB(FutureOr<A>, FutureOr<B>) == FutureOr<GLB(A, B)> in the
// non-trivial case when neither A <: B, nor B <: A.
void func5<T extends Foo>() {
void context(FutureOr<FutureOr<T>> x) {}
S expr<S extends FutureOr<Future<Foo>>>() => /*Null*/ null;
// Type of the expression is GLB(FutureOr<FutureOr<T>>, FutureOr<Future<Foo>>)
// = FutureOr<Future<T>>.
/*invoke: void*/ context(
/*cfe|dart2js.invoke: FutureOr<Future<T>>*/
/*cfe:nnbd.invoke: FutureOr<Future<T!>!>!*/ expr
/*cfe:nnbd.<FutureOr<Future<T!>!>!>*/ ());
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
main() {}