blob: 8db173a4e9f5b4e0a9d45e597e5a9eaa859885fd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the file.
import 'dart:core' hide MapEntry;
import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/flow_analysis/flow_analysis.dart';
import 'package:front_end/src/fasta/kernel/internal_ast.dart';
import 'package:front_end/src/fasta/type_inference/type_demotion.dart';
import 'package:kernel/ast.dart';
import 'package:kernel/class_hierarchy.dart' show ClassHierarchy;
import 'package:kernel/core_types.dart' show CoreTypes;
import 'package:kernel/type_algebra.dart';
import 'package:kernel/type_environment.dart';
import 'package:kernel/src/bounds_checks.dart' show calculateBounds;
import '../../base/instrumentation.dart'
import '../builder/extension_builder.dart';
import '../builder/member_builder.dart';
import '../fasta_codes.dart';
import '../kernel/internal_ast.dart'
import '../kernel/inference_visitor.dart';
import '../kernel/type_algorithms.dart' show hasAnyTypeVariables;
import '../names.dart';
import '../problems.dart' show unexpected, unhandled;
import '../source/source_library_builder.dart' show SourceLibraryBuilder;
import 'inference_helper.dart' show InferenceHelper;
import 'type_constraint_gatherer.dart' show TypeConstraintGatherer;
import 'type_inference_engine.dart';
import 'type_promotion.dart' show TypePromoter;
import 'type_schema.dart' show isKnown, UnknownType;
import 'type_schema_elimination.dart' show greatestClosure;
import 'type_schema_environment.dart'
/// Given a [FunctionNode], gets the named parameter identified by [name], or
/// `null` if there is no parameter with the given name.
VariableDeclaration getNamedFormal(FunctionNode function, String name) {
for (VariableDeclaration formal in function.namedParameters) {
if ( == name) return formal;
return null;
/// Given a [FunctionNode], gets the [i]th positional formal parameter, or
/// `null` if there is no parameter with that index.
VariableDeclaration getPositionalFormal(FunctionNode function, int i) {
if (i < function.positionalParameters.length) {
return function.positionalParameters[i];
} else {
return null;
bool isOverloadableArithmeticOperator(String name) {
return identical(name, '+') ||
identical(name, '-') ||
identical(name, '*') ||
identical(name, '%');
/// Keeps track of information about the innermost function or closure being
/// inferred.
class ClosureContext {
final bool isAsync;
final bool isGenerator;
/// The typing expectation for the subexpression of a `return` or `yield`
/// statement inside the function.
/// For non-generator async functions, this will be a "FutureOr" type (since
/// it is permissible for such a function to return either a direct value or
/// a future).
/// For generator functions containing a `yield*` statement, the expected type
/// for the subexpression of the `yield*` statement is the result of wrapping
/// this typing expectation in `Stream` or `Iterator`, as appropriate.
final DartType returnOrYieldContext;
final DartType declaredReturnType;
final bool _needToInferReturnType;
/// The type that actually appeared as the subexpression of `return` or
/// `yield` statements inside the function.
/// For non-generator async functions, this is the "unwrapped" type (e.g. if
/// the function is expected to return `Future<int>`, this is `int`).
/// For generator functions containing a `yield*` statement, the type that
/// appeared as the subexpression of the `yield*` statement was the result of
/// wrapping this type in `Stream` or `Iterator`, as appropriate.
DartType _inferredUnwrappedReturnOrYieldType;
/// Whether the function is an arrow function.
bool isArrow;
/// A list of return statements in functions whose return type is being
/// inferred.
/// The returns are checked for validity after the return type is inferred.
List<ReturnStatement> returnStatements;
/// A list of return expression types in functions whose return type is
/// being inferred.
List<DartType> returnExpressionTypes;
factory ClosureContext(TypeInferrerImpl inferrer, AsyncMarker asyncMarker,
DartType returnContext, bool needToInferReturnType) {
assert(returnContext != null);
DartType declaredReturnType =
greatestClosure(inferrer.coreTypes, returnContext);
bool isAsync = asyncMarker == AsyncMarker.Async ||
asyncMarker == AsyncMarker.AsyncStar;
bool isGenerator = asyncMarker == AsyncMarker.SyncStar ||
asyncMarker == AsyncMarker.AsyncStar;
if (isGenerator) {
if (isAsync) {
returnContext = inferrer.getTypeArgumentOf(
returnContext, inferrer.coreTypes.streamClass);
} else {
returnContext = inferrer.getTypeArgumentOf(
returnContext, inferrer.coreTypes.iterableClass);
} else if (isAsync) {
returnContext = inferrer.wrapFutureOrType(
return new ClosureContext._(isAsync, isGenerator, returnContext,
declaredReturnType, needToInferReturnType);
ClosureContext._(this.isAsync, this.isGenerator, this.returnOrYieldContext,
this.declaredReturnType, this._needToInferReturnType) {
if (_needToInferReturnType) {
returnStatements = [];
returnExpressionTypes = [];
bool checkValidReturn(TypeInferrerImpl inferrer, DartType returnType,
ReturnStatement statement, DartType expressionType) {
// The rules for valid returns for functions with return type T and possibly
// a return expression with static type S.
DartType flattenedReturnType = isAsync
? inferrer.typeSchemaEnvironment.unfutureType(returnType)
: returnType;
if (statement.expression == null) {
// Sync: return; is a valid return if T is void, dynamic, or Null.
// Async: return; is a valid return if flatten(T) is void, dynamic, or
// Null.
if (flattenedReturnType is VoidType ||
flattenedReturnType is DynamicType ||
flattenedReturnType == inferrer.coreTypes.nullType) {
return true;
statement.expression = inferrer.helper.wrapInProblem(
new NullLiteral()..fileOffset = statement.fileOffset,
..parent = statement;
return false;
// Arrow functions are valid if:
// Sync: T is void or return exp; is a valid for a block-bodied function.
// Async: flatten(T) is void or return exp; is valid for a block-bodied
// function.
if (isArrow && flattenedReturnType is VoidType) return true;
// Sync: invalid if T is void and S is not void, dynamic, or Null
// Async: invalid if T is void and flatten(S) is not void, dynamic, or Null.
DartType flattenedExpressionType = isAsync
? inferrer.typeSchemaEnvironment.unfutureType(expressionType)
: expressionType;
if (returnType is VoidType &&
flattenedExpressionType is! VoidType &&
flattenedExpressionType is! DynamicType &&
flattenedExpressionType != inferrer.coreTypes.nullType) {
statement.expression = inferrer.helper.wrapInProblem(
statement.expression, messageReturnFromVoidFunction, noLength)
..parent = statement;
return false;
// Sync: invalid if S is void and T is not void, dynamic, or Null.
// Async: invalid if flatten(S) is void and flatten(T) is not void, dynamic,
// or Null.
if (flattenedExpressionType is VoidType &&
flattenedReturnType is! VoidType &&
flattenedReturnType is! DynamicType &&
flattenedReturnType != inferrer.coreTypes.nullType) {
statement.expression = inferrer.helper
.wrapInProblem(statement.expression, messageVoidExpression, noLength)
..parent = statement;
return false;
// The caller will check that the return expression is assignable to the
// return type.
return true;
/// Updates the inferred return type based on the presence of a return
/// statement returning the given [type].
void handleReturn(TypeInferrerImpl inferrer, ReturnStatement statement,
DartType type, bool isArrow) {
if (isGenerator) return;
// The first return we see tells us if we have an arrow function.
if (this.isArrow == null) {
this.isArrow = isArrow;
} else {
assert(this.isArrow == isArrow);
if (_needToInferReturnType) {
// Add the return to a list to be checked for validity after we've
// inferred the return type.
// The return expression has to be assignable to the return type
// expectation from the downwards inference context.
if (statement.expression != null) {
Expression expression = inferrer.ensureAssignable(
returnOrYieldContext, type, statement.expression,
fileOffset: statement.fileOffset,
isReturnFromAsync: isAsync,
isVoidAllowed: true);
if (!identical(statement.expression, expression)) {
statement.expression = expression..parent = statement;
// Not assignable, use the expectation.
type = greatestClosure(inferrer.coreTypes, returnOrYieldContext);
DartType unwrappedType = type;
if (isAsync) {
unwrappedType = inferrer.typeSchemaEnvironment.unfutureType(type);
if (_inferredUnwrappedReturnOrYieldType == null) {
_inferredUnwrappedReturnOrYieldType = unwrappedType;
} else {
_inferredUnwrappedReturnOrYieldType = inferrer.typeSchemaEnvironment
_inferredUnwrappedReturnOrYieldType, unwrappedType);
// If we are not inferring a type we can immediately check that the return
// is valid.
if (checkValidReturn(inferrer, declaredReturnType, statement, type) &&
statement.expression != null) {
Expression expression = inferrer.ensureAssignable(
returnOrYieldContext, type, statement.expression,
fileOffset: statement.fileOffset,
isReturnFromAsync: isAsync,
isVoidAllowed: true);
statement.expression = expression..parent = statement;
void handleYield(TypeInferrerImpl inferrer, YieldStatement node,
ExpressionInferenceResult expressionResult) {
if (!isGenerator) {
node.expression = expressionResult.expression..parent = node;
DartType expectedType = node.isYieldStar
? _wrapAsyncOrGenerator(
inferrer, returnOrYieldContext, inferrer.library.nonNullable)
: returnOrYieldContext;
Expression expression = inferrer.ensureAssignableResult(
expectedType, expressionResult,
fileOffset: node.fileOffset, isReturnFromAsync: isAsync);
node.expression = expression..parent = node;
DartType type = expressionResult.inferredType;
if (!identical(expressionResult.expression, expression)) {
type = greatestClosure(inferrer.coreTypes, expectedType);
if (_needToInferReturnType) {
DartType unwrappedType = type;
if (node.isYieldStar) {
unwrappedType = inferrer.getDerivedTypeArgumentOf(
? inferrer.coreTypes.streamClass
: inferrer.coreTypes.iterableClass) ??
if (_inferredUnwrappedReturnOrYieldType == null) {
_inferredUnwrappedReturnOrYieldType = unwrappedType;
} else {
_inferredUnwrappedReturnOrYieldType = inferrer.typeSchemaEnvironment
_inferredUnwrappedReturnOrYieldType, unwrappedType);
DartType inferReturnType(TypeInferrerImpl inferrer) {
DartType inferredType =
if (!inferrer.typeSchemaEnvironment.isSubtypeOf(inferredType,
returnOrYieldContext, SubtypeCheckMode.ignoringNullabilities)) {
// If the inferred return type isn't a subtype of the context, we use the
// context.
inferredType = greatestClosure(inferrer.coreTypes, returnOrYieldContext);
inferredType = _wrapAsyncOrGenerator(
inferrer, inferredType, inferrer.library.nonNullable);
for (int i = 0; i < returnStatements.length; ++i) {
checkValidReturn(inferrer, inferredType, returnStatements[i],
return inferredType;
DartType _wrapAsyncOrGenerator(
TypeInferrerImpl inferrer, DartType type, Nullability nullability) {
if (isGenerator) {
if (isAsync) {
return inferrer.wrapType(
type, inferrer.coreTypes.streamClass, nullability);
} else {
return inferrer.wrapType(
type, inferrer.coreTypes.iterableClass, nullability);
} else if (isAsync) {
return inferrer.wrapFutureType(type, nullability);
} else {
return type;
/// Enum denoting the kinds of contravariance check that might need to be
/// inserted for a method call.
enum MethodContravarianceCheckKind {
/// No contravariance check is needed.
/// The return value from the method call needs to be checked.
/// The method call needs to be desugared into a getter call, followed by an
/// "as" check, followed by an invocation of the resulting function object.
/// Keeps track of the local state for the type inference that occurs during
/// compilation of a single method body or top level initializer.
/// This class describes the interface for use by clients of type inference
/// (e.g. BodyBuilder). Derived classes should derive from [TypeInferrerImpl].
abstract class TypeInferrer {
SourceLibraryBuilder get library;
/// Gets the [TypePromoter] that can be used to perform type promotion within
/// this method body or initializer.
TypePromoter get typePromoter;
/// Gets the [TypeSchemaEnvironment] being used for type inference.
TypeSchemaEnvironment get typeSchemaEnvironment;
/// The URI of the code for which type inference is currently being
/// performed--this is used for testing.
Uri get uriForInstrumentation;
AssignedVariables<TreeNode, VariableDeclaration> get assignedVariables;
/// Performs full type inference on the given field initializer.
Expression inferFieldInitializer(
InferenceHelper helper, DartType declaredType, Expression initializer);
/// Performs type inference on the given function body.
Statement inferFunctionBody(InferenceHelper helper, DartType returnType,
AsyncMarker asyncMarker, FunctionNode function, Statement body);
/// Performs type inference on the given constructor initializer.
void inferInitializer(InferenceHelper helper, Initializer initializer);
/// Performs type inference on the given metadata annotations.
void inferMetadata(
InferenceHelper helper, TreeNode parent, List<Expression> annotations);
/// Performs type inference on the given metadata annotations keeping the
/// existing helper if possible.
void inferMetadataKeepingHelper(
TreeNode parent, List<Expression> annotations);
/// Performs type inference on the given function parameter initializer
/// expression.
Expression inferParameterInitializer(
InferenceHelper helper, Expression initializer, DartType declaredType);
/// Concrete implementation of [TypeInferrer] specialized to work with kernel
/// objects.
class TypeInferrerImpl implements TypeInferrer {
/// Marker object to indicate that a function takes an unknown number
/// of arguments.
static final FunctionType unknownFunction =
new FunctionType(const [], const DynamicType(), Nullability.legacy);
final TypeInferenceEngine engine;
final TypePromoter typePromoter;
final FlowAnalysis<TreeNode, Statement, Expression, VariableDeclaration,
DartType> flowAnalysis;
final AssignedVariables<TreeNode, VariableDeclaration> assignedVariables;
final InferenceDataForTesting dataForTesting;
final Uri uriForInstrumentation;
/// Indicates whether the construct we are currently performing inference for
/// is outside of a method body, and hence top level type inference rules
/// should apply.
final bool isTopLevel;
final ClassHierarchy classHierarchy;
final Instrumentation instrumentation;
final TypeSchemaEnvironment typeSchemaEnvironment;
final InterfaceType thisType;
final SourceLibraryBuilder library;
InferenceHelper helper;
/// Context information for the current closure, or `null` if we are not
/// inside a closure.
ClosureContext closureContext;
/// The [Substitution] inferred by the last [inferInvocation], or `null` if
/// the last invocation didn't require any inference.
Substitution lastInferredSubstitution;
/// The [FunctionType] of the callee in the last [inferInvocation], or `null`
/// if the last invocation didn't require any inference.
FunctionType lastCalleeType;
TypeInferrerImpl(this.engine, this.uriForInstrumentation, bool topLevel,
this.thisType, this.library, this.assignedVariables, this.dataForTesting)
: assert(library != null),
classHierarchy = engine.classHierarchy,
instrumentation = topLevel ? null : engine.instrumentation,
typeSchemaEnvironment = engine.typeSchemaEnvironment,
isTopLevel = topLevel,
typePromoter = new TypePromoter(engine.typeSchemaEnvironment),
// TODO(dmitryas): Pass in the actual assigned variables.
flowAnalysis = new FlowAnalysis(
new TypeOperationsCfe(engine.typeSchemaEnvironment),
CoreTypes get coreTypes => engine.coreTypes;
bool get isNonNullableByDefault => library.isNonNullableByDefault;
void registerIfUnreachableForTesting(TreeNode node, {bool isReachable}) {
if (dataForTesting == null) return;
isReachable ??= flowAnalysis.isReachable;
if (!isReachable) {
void inferInitializer(InferenceHelper helper, Initializer initializer) {
this.helper = helper;
// Use polymorphic dispatch on [KernelInitializer] to perform whatever
// kind of type inference is correct for this kind of initializer.
// TODO(paulberry): experiment to see if dynamic dispatch would be better,
// so that the type hierarchy will be simpler (which may speed up "is"
// checks).
if (initializer is InitializerJudgment) {
initializer.acceptInference(new InferenceVisitor(this));
} else {
initializer.accept(new InferenceVisitor(this));
this.helper = null;
bool isDoubleContext(DartType typeContext) {
// A context is a double context if double is assignable to it but int is
// not. That is the type context is a double context if it is:
// * double
// * FutureOr<T> where T is a double context
// We check directly, rather than using isAssignable because it's simpler.
while (typeContext is InterfaceType &&
typeContext.classNode == coreTypes.futureOrClass &&
typeContext.typeArguments.isNotEmpty) {
InterfaceType type = typeContext;
typeContext = type.typeArguments.first;
return typeContext is InterfaceType &&
typeContext.classNode == coreTypes.doubleClass;
bool isAssignable(DartType expectedType, DartType actualType) {
return typeSchemaEnvironment.isSubtypeOf(
expectedType, actualType, SubtypeCheckMode.ignoringNullabilities) ||
actualType, expectedType, SubtypeCheckMode.ignoringNullabilities);
Expression ensureAssignableResult(
DartType expectedType, ExpressionInferenceResult result,
{int fileOffset,
bool isVoidAllowed: false,
bool isReturnFromAsync: false}) {
return ensureAssignable(
expectedType, result.inferredType, result.expression,
fileOffset: fileOffset,
isVoidAllowed: isVoidAllowed,
isReturnFromAsync: isReturnFromAsync);
/// Checks whether [actualType] can be assigned to the greatest closure of
/// [expectedType], and inserts an implicit downcast if appropriate.
Expression ensureAssignable(
DartType expectedType, DartType actualType, Expression expression,
{int fileOffset,
bool isReturnFromAsync: false,
bool isVoidAllowed: false,
Template<Message Function(DartType, DartType)> template}) {
assert(expectedType != null);
fileOffset ??= expression.fileOffset;
expectedType = greatestClosure(coreTypes, expectedType);
DartType initialExpectedType = expectedType;
if (isReturnFromAsync && !isAssignable(expectedType, actualType)) {
// If the body of the function is async, the expected return type has the
// shape FutureOr<T>. We check both branches for FutureOr here: both T
// and Future<T>.
DartType unfuturedExpectedType =
DartType futuredExpectedType =
wrapFutureType(unfuturedExpectedType, library.nonNullable);
if (isAssignable(unfuturedExpectedType, actualType)) {
expectedType = unfuturedExpectedType;
} else if (isAssignable(futuredExpectedType, actualType)) {
expectedType = futuredExpectedType;
// We don't need to insert assignability checks when doing top level type
// inference since top level type inference only cares about the type that
// is inferred (the kernel code is discarded).
if (isTopLevel) {
return expression;
// If an interface type is being assigned to a function type, see if we
// should tear off `.call`.
// TODO(paulberry): use resolveTypeParameter. See findInterfaceMember.
if (actualType is InterfaceType) {
Class classNode = (actualType as InterfaceType).classNode;
Member callMember =
classHierarchy.getInterfaceMember(classNode, callName);
if (callMember is Procedure && callMember.kind == ProcedureKind.Method) {
if (_shouldTearOffCall(expectedType, actualType)) {
// Replace expression with:
// `let t = expression in t == null ? null :`
VariableDeclaration t =
new VariableDeclaration.forValue(expression, type: actualType)
..fileOffset = fileOffset;
Expression nullCheck = new MethodInvocation(
new VariableGet(t),
new Arguments(
<Expression>[new NullLiteral()..fileOffset = fileOffset]))
..fileOffset = fileOffset;
PropertyGet tearOff =
new PropertyGet(new VariableGet(t), callName, callMember)
..fileOffset = fileOffset;
actualType = getGetterTypeForMemberTarget(callMember, actualType);
ConditionalExpression conditional = new ConditionalExpression(
new NullLiteral()..fileOffset = fileOffset,
Let let = new Let(t, conditional)..fileOffset = fileOffset;
expression = let;
if (actualType is VoidType && !isVoidAllowed) {
// Error: not assignable. Perform error recovery.
return helper.wrapInProblem(expression, messageVoidExpression, noLength);
if (expectedType == null ||
actualType, expectedType, SubtypeCheckMode.ignoringNullabilities)) {
// Types are compatible.
return expression;
if (!typeSchemaEnvironment.isSubtypeOf(
expectedType, actualType, SubtypeCheckMode.ignoringNullabilities)) {
// Error: not assignable. Perform error recovery.
Expression errorNode = new AsExpression(
// TODO(ahe): The outline phase doesn't correctly remove invalid
// uses of type variables, for example, on static members. Once
// that has been fixed, we should always be able to use
// [expectedType] directly here.
hasAnyTypeVariables(expectedType) ? const BottomType() : expectedType)
..isTypeError = true
..fileOffset = expression.fileOffset;
if (expectedType is! InvalidType && actualType is! InvalidType) {
errorNode = helper.wrapInProblem(
(template ?? templateInvalidAssignment)
.withArguments(actualType, expectedType),
return errorNode;
} else {
Template<Message Function(DartType, DartType)> template =
if (template != null) {
// The type of the expression is known precisely, so an implicit
// downcast is guaranteed to fail. Insert a compile-time error.
return helper.wrapInProblem(expression,
template.withArguments(actualType, expectedType), noLength);
} else {
// Insert an implicit downcast.
return new AsExpression(expression, initialExpectedType)
..isTypeError = true
..fileOffset = fileOffset;
bool isNull(DartType type) {
return type is InterfaceType && type.classNode == coreTypes.nullClass;
/// Computes the type arguments for an access to an extension instance member
/// on [extension] with the static [receiverType]. If [explicitTypeArguments]
/// are provided, these are returned, otherwise type arguments are inferred
/// using [receiverType].
List<DartType> computeExtensionTypeArgument(Extension extension,
List<DartType> explicitTypeArguments, DartType receiverType) {
if (explicitTypeArguments != null) {
assert(explicitTypeArguments.length == extension.typeParameters.length);
return explicitTypeArguments;
} else if (extension.typeParameters.isEmpty) {
assert(explicitTypeArguments == null);
return const <DartType>[];
} else {
return inferExtensionTypeArguments(extension, receiverType);
/// Infers the type arguments for an access to an extension instance member
/// on [extension] with the static [receiverType].
List<DartType> inferExtensionTypeArguments(
Extension extension, DartType receiverType) {
List<TypeParameter> typeParameters = extension.typeParameters;
DartType onType = extension.onType;
List<DartType> inferredTypes =
new List<DartType>.filled(typeParameters.length, const UnknownType());
typeSchemaEnvironment.inferGenericFunctionOrType(null, typeParameters,
[onType], [receiverType], null, inferredTypes, library.library);
return inferredTypes;
/// Finds a member of [receiverType] called [name], and if it is found,
/// reports it through instrumentation using [fileOffset].
/// For the case where [receiverType] is a [FunctionType], and the name
/// is `call`, the string 'call' is returned as a sentinel object.
/// For the case where [receiverType] is `dynamic`, and the name is declared
/// in Object, the member from Object is returned though the call may not end
/// up targeting it if the arguments do not match (the basic principle is that
/// the Object member is used for inferring types only if noSuchMethod cannot
/// be targeted due to, e.g., an incorrect argument count).
ObjectAccessTarget findInterfaceMember(
DartType receiverType, Name name, int fileOffset,
{bool setter: false,
bool instrumented: true,
bool includeExtensionMethods: false}) {
assert(receiverType != null && isKnown(receiverType));
receiverType = resolveTypeParameter(receiverType);
if (receiverType is FunctionType && name == callName) {
return const ObjectAccessTarget.callFunction();
Class classNode = receiverType is InterfaceType
? receiverType.classNode
: coreTypes.objectClass;
Member interfaceMember =
_getInterfaceMember(classNode, name, setter, fileOffset);
ObjectAccessTarget target;
if (interfaceMember != null) {
target = new ObjectAccessTarget.interfaceMember(interfaceMember);
} else if (receiverType is DynamicType) {
target = const ObjectAccessTarget.dynamic();
} else if (receiverType is InvalidType) {
target = const ObjectAccessTarget.invalid();
} else if (receiverType is InterfaceType &&
receiverType.classNode == coreTypes.functionClass &&
name == callName) {
target = const ObjectAccessTarget.callFunction();
} else {
target = const ObjectAccessTarget.missing();
if (instrumented &&
receiverType != const DynamicType() &&
target.isInstanceMember) {
instrumentation?.record(uriForInstrumentation, fileOffset, 'target',
new InstrumentationValueForMember(target.member));
if (target.isUnresolved &&
receiverType is! DynamicType &&
includeExtensionMethods) {
Name otherName = name;
bool otherIsSetter;
if (name == indexGetName) {
// [] must be checked against []=.
otherName = indexSetName;
otherIsSetter = false;
} else if (name == indexSetName) {
// []= must be checked against [].
otherName = indexGetName;
otherIsSetter = false;
} else {
otherName = name;
otherIsSetter = !setter;
Member otherMember =
_getInterfaceMember(classNode, otherName, otherIsSetter, fileOffset);
if (otherMember != null) {
// If we're looking for `foo` and `foo=` can be found or vice-versa then
// extension methods should not be found.
return target;
ExtensionAccessCandidate bestSoFar;
List<ExtensionAccessCandidate> noneMoreSpecific = [];
library.forEachExtensionInScope((ExtensionBuilder extensionBuilder) {
MemberBuilder thisBuilder =
extensionBuilder.lookupLocalMemberByName(name, setter: setter);
MemberBuilder otherBuilder = extensionBuilder
.lookupLocalMemberByName(otherName, setter: otherIsSetter);
if ((thisBuilder != null && !thisBuilder.isStatic) ||
(otherBuilder != null && !otherBuilder.isStatic)) {
DartType onType;
DartType onTypeInstantiateToBounds;
List<DartType> inferredTypeArguments;
if (extensionBuilder.extension.typeParameters.isEmpty) {
onTypeInstantiateToBounds =
onType = extensionBuilder.extension.onType;
inferredTypeArguments = const <DartType>[];
} else {
List<TypeParameter> typeParameters =
inferredTypeArguments = inferExtensionTypeArguments(
extensionBuilder.extension, receiverType);
Substitution inferredSubstitution =
Substitution.fromPairs(typeParameters, inferredTypeArguments);
for (int index = 0; index < typeParameters.length; index++) {
TypeParameter typeParameter = typeParameters[index];
DartType typeArgument = inferredTypeArguments[index];
DartType bound =
if (!typeSchemaEnvironment.isSubtypeOf(typeArgument, bound,
SubtypeCheckMode.ignoringNullabilities)) {
onType = inferredSubstitution
List<DartType> instantiateToBoundTypeArguments =
calculateBounds(typeParameters, coreTypes.objectClass);
Substitution instantiateToBoundsSubstitution =
typeParameters, instantiateToBoundTypeArguments);
onTypeInstantiateToBounds = instantiateToBoundsSubstitution
if (typeSchemaEnvironment.isSubtypeOf(
receiverType, onType, SubtypeCheckMode.ignoringNullabilities)) {
ExtensionAccessCandidate candidate = new ExtensionAccessCandidate(
thisBuilder != null &&
!thisBuilder.isField &&
? new ObjectAccessTarget.extensionMember(
? thisBuilder.writeTarget
: thisBuilder.invokeTarget,
: const ObjectAccessTarget.missing(),
isPlatform: extensionBuilder.library.uri.scheme == 'dart');
if (noneMoreSpecific.isNotEmpty) {
bool isMostSpecific = true;
for (ExtensionAccessCandidate other in noneMoreSpecific) {
bool isMoreSpecific =
candidate.isMoreSpecificThan(typeSchemaEnvironment, other);
if (isMoreSpecific != true) {
isMostSpecific = false;
if (isMostSpecific) {
bestSoFar = candidate;
} else {
} else if (bestSoFar == null) {
bestSoFar = candidate;
} else {
bool isMoreSpecific = candidate.isMoreSpecificThan(
typeSchemaEnvironment, bestSoFar);
if (isMoreSpecific == true) {
bestSoFar = candidate;
} else if (isMoreSpecific == null) {
bestSoFar = null;
if (bestSoFar != null) {
target =;
} else {
// TODO(johnniwinther): Report a better error message when more than
// one potential targets were found.
return target;
/// If target is missing on a non-dynamic receiver, an error is reported
/// using [errorTemplate] and an invalid expression is returned.
Expression reportMissingInterfaceMember(
ObjectAccessTarget target,
DartType receiverType,
Name name,
int fileOffset,
Template<Message Function(String, DartType)> errorTemplate) {
assert(receiverType != null && isKnown(receiverType));
if (!isTopLevel && target.isMissing && errorTemplate != null) {
int length =;
if (identical(, ||
identical(, {
length = 1;
return helper.buildProblem(
errorTemplate.withArguments(, resolveTypeParameter(receiverType)),
return null;
/// Returns the type of [target] when accessed as a getter on [receiverType].
/// For instance
/// class Class<T> {
/// T method() {}
/// T getter => null;
/// }
/// Class<int> c = ...
/// c.method; // The getter type is `int Function()`.
/// c.getter; // The getter type is `int`.
DartType getGetterType(ObjectAccessTarget target, DartType receiverType) {
switch (target.kind) {
case ObjectAccessTargetKind.callFunction:
return receiverType;
case ObjectAccessTargetKind.unresolved:
case ObjectAccessTargetKind.dynamic:
case ObjectAccessTargetKind.invalid:
case ObjectAccessTargetKind.missing:
return const DynamicType();
case ObjectAccessTargetKind.instanceMember:
return getGetterTypeForMemberTarget(target.member, receiverType);
case ObjectAccessTargetKind.extensionMember:
switch (target.extensionMethodKind) {
case ProcedureKind.Method:
case ProcedureKind.Operator:
FunctionType functionType = target.member.function.functionType;
List<TypeParameter> extensionTypeParameters = functionType
Substitution substitution = Substitution.fromPairs(
extensionTypeParameters, target.inferredExtensionTypeArguments);
return substitution.substituteType(new FunctionType(
namedParameters: functionType.namedParameters,
typeParameters: functionType.typeParameters
functionType.requiredParameterCount - 1));
case ProcedureKind.Getter:
FunctionType functionType = target.member.function.functionType;
List<TypeParameter> extensionTypeParameters = functionType
Substitution substitution = Substitution.fromPairs(
extensionTypeParameters, target.inferredExtensionTypeArguments);
return substitution.substituteType(functionType.returnType);
case ProcedureKind.Setter:
case ProcedureKind.Factory:
throw unhandled('$target', 'getGetterType', null, null);
/// Returns the getter type of [interfaceMember] on a receiver of type
/// [receiverType].
/// For instance
/// class Class<T> {
/// T method() {}
/// T getter => null;
/// }
/// Class<int> c = ...
/// c.method; // The getter type is `int Function()`.
/// c.getter; // The getter type is `int`.
DartType getGetterTypeForMemberTarget(
Member interfaceMember, DartType receiverType) {
Class memberClass = interfaceMember.enclosingClass;
assert(interfaceMember is Field || interfaceMember is Procedure,
"Unexpected interface member $interfaceMember.");
DartType calleeType = interfaceMember.getterType;
if (memberClass.typeParameters.isNotEmpty) {
receiverType = resolveTypeParameter(receiverType);
if (receiverType is InterfaceType) {
InterfaceType castedType =
classHierarchy.getTypeAsInstanceOf(receiverType, memberClass);
calleeType = Substitution.fromInterfaceType(castedType)
return calleeType;
/// Returns the type of [target] when accessed as an invocation on
/// [receiverType].
/// If the target is known not to be invokable [unknownFunction] is returned.
/// For instance
/// class Class<T> {
/// T method() {}
/// T Function() getter1 => null;
/// T getter2 => null;
/// }
/// Class<int> c = ...
/// c.method; // The getter type is `int Function()`.
/// c.getter1; // The getter type is `int Function()`.
/// c.getter2; // The getter type is [unknownFunction].
FunctionType getFunctionType(
ObjectAccessTarget target, DartType receiverType, bool followCall) {
switch (target.kind) {
case ObjectAccessTargetKind.callFunction:
return _getFunctionType(receiverType, followCall);
case ObjectAccessTargetKind.unresolved:
case ObjectAccessTargetKind.dynamic:
case ObjectAccessTargetKind.invalid:
case ObjectAccessTargetKind.missing:
return unknownFunction;
case ObjectAccessTargetKind.instanceMember:
return _getFunctionType(
getGetterTypeForMemberTarget(target.member, receiverType),
case ObjectAccessTargetKind.extensionMember:
switch (target.extensionMethodKind) {
case ProcedureKind.Method:
case ProcedureKind.Operator:
return target.member.function.functionType;
case ProcedureKind.Getter:
// TODO(johnniwinther): Handle implicit .call on extension getter.
return _getFunctionType(target.member.function.returnType, false);
case ProcedureKind.Setter:
case ProcedureKind.Factory:
throw unhandled('$target', 'getFunctionType', null, null);
/// Returns the type of the receiver argument in an access to an extension
/// member on [extension] with the given extension [typeArguments].
DartType getExtensionReceiverType(
Extension extension, List<DartType> typeArguments) {
DartType receiverType = extension.onType;
if (extension.typeParameters.isNotEmpty) {
Substitution substitution =
Substitution.fromPairs(extension.typeParameters, typeArguments);
return substitution.substituteType(receiverType);
return receiverType;
/// Returns the return type of the invocation of [target] on [receiverType].
// TODO(johnniwinther): Cleanup [getFunctionType], [getReturnType],
// [getIndexKeyType] and [getIndexSetValueType]. We shouldn't need that many.
DartType getReturnType(ObjectAccessTarget target, DartType receiverType) {
switch (target.kind) {
case ObjectAccessTargetKind.instanceMember:
FunctionType functionType = _getFunctionType(
getGetterTypeForMemberTarget(target.member, receiverType), false);
return functionType.returnType;
case ObjectAccessTargetKind.extensionMember:
switch (target.extensionMethodKind) {
case ProcedureKind.Operator:
FunctionType functionType = target.member.function.functionType;
DartType returnType = functionType.returnType;
if (functionType.typeParameters.isNotEmpty) {
Substitution substitution = Substitution.fromPairs(
return substitution.substituteType(returnType);
return returnType;
throw unhandled('$target', 'getFunctionType', null, null);
case ObjectAccessTargetKind.callFunction:
case ObjectAccessTargetKind.unresolved:
case ObjectAccessTargetKind.dynamic:
case ObjectAccessTargetKind.invalid:
case ObjectAccessTargetKind.missing:
return const DynamicType();
DartType getPositionalParameterTypeForTarget(
ObjectAccessTarget target, DartType receiverType, int index) {
switch (target.kind) {
case ObjectAccessTargetKind.instanceMember:
FunctionType functionType = _getFunctionType(
getGetterTypeForMemberTarget(target.member, receiverType), false);
if (functionType.positionalParameters.length > index) {
return functionType.positionalParameters[index];
case ObjectAccessTargetKind.extensionMember:
FunctionType functionType = target.member.function.functionType;
if (functionType.positionalParameters.length > index + 1) {
DartType keyType = functionType.positionalParameters[index + 1];
if (functionType.typeParameters.isNotEmpty) {
Substitution substitution = Substitution.fromPairs(
return substitution.substituteType(keyType);
return keyType;
case ObjectAccessTargetKind.callFunction:
case ObjectAccessTargetKind.unresolved:
case ObjectAccessTargetKind.dynamic:
case ObjectAccessTargetKind.invalid:
case ObjectAccessTargetKind.missing:
return const DynamicType();
/// Returns the type of the 'key' parameter in an [] or []= implementation.
/// For instance
/// class Class<K, V> {
/// V operator [](K key) => null;
/// void operator []=(K key, V value) {}
/// }
/// extension Extension<K, V> on Class<K, V> {
/// V operator [](K key) => null;
/// void operator []=(K key, V value) {}
/// }
/// new Class<int, String>()[0]; // The key type is `int`.
/// new Class<int, String>()[0] = 'foo'; // The key type is `int`.
/// Extension<int, String>(null)[0]; // The key type is `int`.
/// Extension<int, String>(null)[0] = 'foo'; // The key type is `int`.
DartType getIndexKeyType(ObjectAccessTarget target, DartType receiverType) {
switch (target.kind) {
case ObjectAccessTargetKind.instanceMember:
FunctionType functionType = _getFunctionType(
getGetterTypeForMemberTarget(target.member, receiverType), false);
if (functionType.positionalParameters.length >= 1) {
return functionType.positionalParameters[0];
case ObjectAccessTargetKind.extensionMember:
switch (target.extensionMethodKind) {
case ProcedureKind.Operator:
FunctionType functionType = target.member.function.functionType;
if (functionType.positionalParameters.length >= 2) {
DartType keyType = functionType.positionalParameters[1];
if (functionType.typeParameters.isNotEmpty) {
Substitution substitution = Substitution.fromPairs(
return substitution.substituteType(keyType);
return keyType;
throw unhandled('$target', 'getFunctionType', null, null);
case ObjectAccessTargetKind.callFunction:
case ObjectAccessTargetKind.unresolved:
case ObjectAccessTargetKind.dynamic:
case ObjectAccessTargetKind.invalid:
case ObjectAccessTargetKind.missing:
return const DynamicType();
/// Returns the type of the 'value' parameter in an []= implementation.
/// For instance
/// class Class<K, V> {
/// void operator []=(K key, V value) {}
/// }
/// extension Extension<K, V> on Class<K, V> {
/// void operator []=(K key, V value) {}
/// }
/// new Class<int, String>()[0] = 'foo'; // The value type is `String`.
/// Extension<int, String>(null)[0] = 'foo'; // The value type is `String`.
DartType getIndexSetValueType(
ObjectAccessTarget target, DartType receiverType) {
switch (target.kind) {
case ObjectAccessTargetKind.instanceMember:
FunctionType functionType = _getFunctionType(
getGetterTypeForMemberTarget(target.member, receiverType), false);
if (functionType.positionalParameters.length >= 2) {
return functionType.positionalParameters[1];
case ObjectAccessTargetKind.extensionMember:
switch (target.extensionMethodKind) {
case ProcedureKind.Operator:
FunctionType functionType = target.member.function.functionType;
if (functionType.positionalParameters.length >= 3) {
DartType indexType = functionType.positionalParameters[2];
if (functionType.typeParameters.isNotEmpty) {
Substitution substitution = Substitution.fromPairs(
return substitution.substituteType(indexType);
return indexType;
throw unhandled('$target', 'getFunctionType', null, null);
case ObjectAccessTargetKind.callFunction:
case ObjectAccessTargetKind.unresolved:
case ObjectAccessTargetKind.dynamic:
case ObjectAccessTargetKind.invalid:
case ObjectAccessTargetKind.missing:
return const DynamicType();
FunctionType _getFunctionType(DartType calleeType, bool followCall) {
if (calleeType is FunctionType) {
return calleeType;
} else if (followCall && calleeType is InterfaceType) {
Member member =
_getInterfaceMember(calleeType.classNode, callName, false, -1);
if (member != null) {
DartType callType = getGetterTypeForMemberTarget(member, calleeType);
if (callType is FunctionType) {
return callType;
return unknownFunction;
DartType getDerivedTypeArgumentOf(DartType type, Class class_) {
if (type is InterfaceType) {
InterfaceType typeAsInstanceOfClass =
classHierarchy.getTypeAsInstanceOf(type, class_);
if (typeAsInstanceOfClass != null) {
return typeAsInstanceOfClass.typeArguments[0];
return null;
/// If the [member] is a forwarding stub, return the target it forwards to.
/// Otherwise return the given [member].
Member getRealTarget(Member member) {
if (member is Procedure && member.isForwardingStub) {
return member.forwardingStubInterfaceTarget;
return member;
DartType getSetterType(ObjectAccessTarget target, DartType receiverType) {
switch (target.kind) {
case ObjectAccessTargetKind.unresolved:
case ObjectAccessTargetKind.dynamic:
case ObjectAccessTargetKind.invalid:
case ObjectAccessTargetKind.missing:
return const DynamicType();
case ObjectAccessTargetKind.instanceMember:
Member interfaceMember = target.member;
Class memberClass = interfaceMember.enclosingClass;
DartType setterType;
if (interfaceMember is Procedure) {
assert(interfaceMember.kind == ProcedureKind.Setter);
List<VariableDeclaration> setterParameters =
setterType = setterParameters.length > 0
? setterParameters[0].type
: const DynamicType();
} else if (interfaceMember is Field) {
setterType = interfaceMember.type;
} else {
throw unhandled(interfaceMember.runtimeType.toString(),
'getSetterType', null, null);
if (memberClass.typeParameters.isNotEmpty) {
receiverType = resolveTypeParameter(receiverType);
if (receiverType is InterfaceType) {
InterfaceType castedType =
classHierarchy.getTypeAsInstanceOf(receiverType, memberClass);
setterType = Substitution.fromInterfaceType(castedType)
return setterType;
case ObjectAccessTargetKind.extensionMember:
switch (target.extensionMethodKind) {
case ProcedureKind.Setter:
FunctionType functionType = target.member.function.functionType;
List<TypeParameter> extensionTypeParameters = functionType
Substitution substitution = Substitution.fromPairs(
extensionTypeParameters, target.inferredExtensionTypeArguments);
return substitution
case ProcedureKind.Method:
case ProcedureKind.Getter:
case ProcedureKind.Factory:
case ProcedureKind.Operator:
// TODO(johnniwinther): Compute the right setter type.
return const DynamicType();
case ObjectAccessTargetKind.callFunction:
throw unhandled(target.runtimeType.toString(), 'getSetterType', null, null);
DartType getTypeArgumentOf(DartType type, Class class_) {
if (type is InterfaceType && identical(type.classNode, class_)) {
return type.typeArguments[0];
} else {
return const UnknownType();
/// Adds an "as" check to a [MethodInvocation] if necessary due to
/// contravariance.
/// The returned expression is the [AsExpression], if one was added; otherwise
/// it is the [MethodInvocation].
Expression handleInvocationContravariance(
MethodContravarianceCheckKind checkKind,
MethodInvocation desugaredInvocation,
Arguments arguments,
Expression expression,
DartType inferredType,
FunctionType functionType,
int fileOffset) {
switch (checkKind) {
case MethodContravarianceCheckKind.checkMethodReturn:
AsExpression replacement = new AsExpression(expression, inferredType)
..isTypeError = true
..fileOffset = fileOffset;
if (instrumentation != null) {
int offset = arguments.fileOffset == -1
? expression.fileOffset
: arguments.fileOffset;
instrumentation.record(uriForInstrumentation, offset, 'checkReturn',
new InstrumentationValueForType(inferredType));
return replacement;
case MethodContravarianceCheckKind.checkGetterReturn:
PropertyGet propertyGet = new PropertyGet(desugaredInvocation.receiver,, desugaredInvocation.interfaceTarget);
AsExpression asExpression = new AsExpression(propertyGet, functionType)
..isTypeError = true
..fileOffset = fileOffset;
MethodInvocation replacement = new MethodInvocation(
asExpression, callName, desugaredInvocation.arguments);
if (instrumentation != null) {
int offset = arguments.fileOffset == -1
? expression.fileOffset
: arguments.fileOffset;
new InstrumentationValueForType(functionType));
return replacement;
case MethodContravarianceCheckKind.none:
return expression;
/// Modifies a type as appropriate when inferring a declared variable's type.
DartType inferDeclarationType(DartType initializerType) {
if (initializerType is BottomType ||
(initializerType is InterfaceType &&
initializerType.classNode == coreTypes.nullClass)) {
// If the initializer type is Null or bottom, the inferred type is
// dynamic.
// TODO(paulberry): this rule is inherited from analyzer behavior but is
// not spec'ed anywhere.
return const DynamicType();
return initializerType;
void inferSyntheticVariable(VariableDeclarationImpl variable) {
assert(variable.initializer != null);
ExpressionInferenceResult result = inferExpression(
variable.initializer, const UnknownType(), true,
isVoidAllowed: true);
variable.initializer = result.expression..parent = variable;
DartType inferredType = inferDeclarationType(result.inferredType);
instrumentation?.record(uriForInstrumentation, variable.fileOffset, 'type',
new InstrumentationValueForType(inferredType));
variable.type = inferredType;
/// Performs type inference on the given [expression].
/// [typeContext] is the expected type of the expression, based on surrounding
/// code. [typeNeeded] indicates whether it is necessary to compute the
/// actual type of the expression. If [typeNeeded] is `true`,
/// [ExpressionInferenceResult.inferredType] is the actual type of the
/// expression; otherwise `null`.
/// Derived classes should override this method with logic that dispatches on
/// the expression type and calls the appropriate specialized "infer" method.
ExpressionInferenceResult inferExpression(
Expression expression, DartType typeContext, bool typeNeeded,
{bool isVoidAllowed: false}) {
// `null` should never be used as the type context. An instance of
// `UnknownType` should be used instead.
assert(typeContext != null);
// For full (non-top level) inference, we need access to the
// ExpressionGeneratorHelper so that we can perform error recovery.
assert(isTopLevel || helper != null);
// When doing top level inference, we skip subexpressions whose type isn't
// needed so that we don't induce bogus dependencies on fields mentioned in
// those subexpressions.
if (!typeNeeded) return new ExpressionInferenceResult(null, expression);
InferenceVisitor visitor = new InferenceVisitor(this);
ExpressionInferenceResult result;
if (expression is ExpressionJudgment) {
result = expression.acceptInference(visitor, typeContext);
} else if (expression is InternalExpression) {
result = expression.acceptInference(visitor, typeContext);
} else {
result = expression.accept1(visitor, typeContext);
DartType inferredType = result.inferredType;
assert(inferredType != null, "No type inferred for $expression.");
if (inferredType is VoidType && !isVoidAllowed) {
if (expression.parent is! ArgumentsImpl) {
messageVoidExpression, expression.fileOffset, noLength);
if (result.inferredType is NeverType) {
return result;
Expression inferFieldInitializer(
InferenceHelper helper,
DartType context,
Expression initializer,
) {
assert(closureContext == null);
this.helper = helper;
ExpressionInferenceResult initializerResult =
inferExpression(initializer, context, true, isVoidAllowed: true);
initializer = ensureAssignableResult(context, initializerResult,
isVoidAllowed: context is VoidType);
this.helper = null;
return initializer;
Statement inferFunctionBody(InferenceHelper helper, DartType returnType,
AsyncMarker asyncMarker, FunctionNode function, Statement body) {
assert(body != null);
assert(closureContext == null);
this.helper = helper;
closureContext = new ClosureContext(this, asyncMarker, returnType, false);
if (function != null) {
for (VariableDeclaration parameter in function.positionalParameters) {
for (VariableDeclaration parameter in function.namedParameters) {
StatementInferenceResult result = inferStatement(body);
closureContext = null;
this.helper = null;
if (dataForTesting != null) {
if (!flowAnalysis.isReachable) {
return result.hasChanged ? result.statement : body;
DartType inferInvocation(DartType typeContext, int offset,
FunctionType calleeType, Arguments arguments,
{bool isOverloadedArithmeticOperator: false,
DartType returnType,
DartType receiverType,
bool skipTypeArgumentInference: false,
bool isConst: false,
bool isImplicitExtensionMember: false}) {
returnType == null || !containsFreeFunctionTypeVariables(returnType),
"Return type $returnType contains free variables."
"Provided function type: $calleeType.");
int extensionTypeParameterCount = getExtensionTypeParameterCount(arguments);
if (extensionTypeParameterCount != 0) {
assert(returnType == null,
"Unexpected explicit return type for extension method invocation.");
return _inferGenericExtensionMethodInvocation(extensionTypeParameterCount,
typeContext, offset, calleeType, arguments,
isOverloadedArithmeticOperator: isOverloadedArithmeticOperator,
receiverType: receiverType,
skipTypeArgumentInference: skipTypeArgumentInference,
isConst: isConst,
isImplicitExtensionMember: isImplicitExtensionMember);
return _inferInvocation(typeContext, offset, calleeType, arguments,
isOverloadedArithmeticOperator: isOverloadedArithmeticOperator,
receiverType: receiverType,
returnType: returnType,
skipTypeArgumentInference: skipTypeArgumentInference,
isConst: isConst,
isImplicitExtensionMember: isImplicitExtensionMember);
DartType _inferGenericExtensionMethodInvocation(
int extensionTypeParameterCount,
DartType typeContext,
int offset,
FunctionType calleeType,
Arguments arguments,
{bool isOverloadedArithmeticOperator: false,
DartType receiverType,
bool skipTypeArgumentInference: false,
bool isConst: false,
bool isImplicitExtensionMember: false}) {
FunctionType extensionFunctionType = new FunctionType(
const DynamicType(),
requiredParameterCount: 1,
typeParameters: calleeType.typeParameters
Arguments extensionArguments = engine.forest.createArguments(
arguments.fileOffset, [arguments.positional.first],
types: getExplicitExtensionTypeArguments(arguments));
const UnknownType(), offset, extensionFunctionType, extensionArguments,
skipTypeArgumentInference: skipTypeArgumentInference,
receiverType: receiverType,
isImplicitExtensionMember: isImplicitExtensionMember);
Substitution extensionSubstitution = Substitution.fromPairs(
extensionFunctionType.typeParameters, extensionArguments.types);
List<TypeParameter> targetTypeParameters = const <TypeParameter>[];
if (calleeType.typeParameters.length > extensionTypeParameterCount) {
targetTypeParameters =
FunctionType targetFunctionType = new FunctionType(
requiredParameterCount: calleeType.requiredParameterCount - 1,
namedParameters: calleeType.namedParameters,
typeParameters: targetTypeParameters);
targetFunctionType =
Arguments targetArguments = engine.forest.createArguments(
arguments.fileOffset, arguments.positional.skip(1).toList(),
named: arguments.named, types: getExplicitTypeArguments(arguments));
DartType inferredType = _inferInvocation(
typeContext, offset, targetFunctionType, targetArguments,
isOverloadedArithmeticOperator: isOverloadedArithmeticOperator,
skipTypeArgumentInference: skipTypeArgumentInference,
isConst: isConst);
setParents(arguments.positional, arguments);
// The `targetArguments.named` is the same list as `arguments.named` so
// we just need to ensure that parent relations are realigned.
setParents(arguments.named, arguments);
return inferredType;
/// Performs the type inference steps that are shared by all kinds of
/// invocations (constructors, instance methods, and static methods).
DartType _inferInvocation(DartType typeContext, int offset,
FunctionType calleeType, Arguments arguments,
{bool isOverloadedArithmeticOperator: false,
bool isBinaryOperator: false,
DartType receiverType,
DartType returnType,
bool skipTypeArgumentInference: false,
bool isConst: false,
bool isImplicitExtensionMember: false}) {
returnType == null || !containsFreeFunctionTypeVariables(returnType),
"Return type $returnType contains free variables."
"Provided function type: $calleeType.");
lastInferredSubstitution = null;
lastCalleeType = null;
List<TypeParameter> calleeTypeParameters = calleeType.typeParameters;
if (calleeTypeParameters.isNotEmpty) {
// It's possible that one of the callee type parameters might match a type
// that already exists as part of inference (e.g. the type of an
// argument). This might happen, for instance, in the case where a
// function or method makes a recursive call to itself. To avoid the
// callee type parameters accidentally matching a type that already
// exists, and creating invalid inference results, we need to create fresh
// type parameters for the callee (see
// TODO(paulberry): is it possible to find a narrower set of circumstances
// in which me must do this, to avoid a performance regression?
FreshTypeParameters fresh = getFreshTypeParameters(calleeTypeParameters);
calleeType = fresh.applyToFunctionType(calleeType);
if (returnType != null) {
returnType = fresh.substitute(returnType);
calleeTypeParameters = fresh.freshTypeParameters;
List<DartType> explicitTypeArguments = getExplicitTypeArguments(arguments);
bool inferenceNeeded = !skipTypeArgumentInference &&
explicitTypeArguments == null &&
bool typeChecksNeeded = !isTopLevel;
List<DartType> inferredTypes;
Substitution substitution;
List<DartType> formalTypes;
List<DartType> actualTypes;
if (inferenceNeeded || typeChecksNeeded) {
formalTypes = [];
actualTypes = [];
if (inferenceNeeded) {
if (isConst && typeContext != null) {
typeContext =
new TypeVariableEliminator(coreTypes).substituteType(typeContext);
inferredTypes = new List<DartType>.filled(
calleeTypeParameters.length, const UnknownType());
returnType ?? calleeType.returnType,
substitution =
Substitution.fromPairs(calleeTypeParameters, inferredTypes);
} else if (explicitTypeArguments != null &&
calleeTypeParameters.length == explicitTypeArguments.length) {
substitution =
Substitution.fromPairs(calleeTypeParameters, explicitTypeArguments);
} else if (calleeTypeParameters.length != 0) {
substitution = Substitution.fromPairs(
new List<DartType>.filled(
calleeTypeParameters.length, const DynamicType()));
// TODO(paulberry): if we are doing top level inference and type arguments
// were omitted, report an error.
for (int position = 0; position < arguments.positional.length; position++) {
DartType formalType = getPositionalParameterType(calleeType, position);
DartType inferredFormalType = substitution != null
? substitution.substituteType(formalType)
: formalType;
DartType inferredType;
if (isImplicitExtensionMember && position == 0) {
receiverType != null,
"No receiver type provided for implicit extension member "
} else {
ExpressionInferenceResult result = inferExpression(
inferenceNeeded ||
isOverloadedArithmeticOperator ||
arguments.positional[position] = result.expression..parent = arguments;
inferredType = result.inferredType;
if (inferenceNeeded || typeChecksNeeded) {
if (isOverloadedArithmeticOperator) {
returnType = typeSchemaEnvironment.getTypeOfOverloadedArithmetic(
receiverType, inferredType);
for (NamedExpression namedArgument in arguments.named) {
DartType formalType =
DartType inferredFormalType = substitution != null
? substitution.substituteType(formalType)
: formalType;
ExpressionInferenceResult result = inferExpression(
inferenceNeeded ||
isOverloadedArithmeticOperator ||
namedArgument.value = result.expression..parent = namedArgument;
DartType inferredType = result.inferredType;
if (inferenceNeeded || typeChecksNeeded) {
// Check for and remove duplicated named arguments.
List<NamedExpression> named = arguments.named;
if (named.length == 2) {
if (named[0].name == named[1].name) {
String name = named[1].name;
Expression error = helper.buildProblem(
arguments.named = [new NamedExpression(named[1].name, error)];
} else if (named.length > 2) {
Map<String, NamedExpression> seenNames = <String, NamedExpression>{};
bool hasProblem = false;
int namedTypeIndex = arguments.positional.length;
List<NamedExpression> uniqueNamed = <NamedExpression>[];
for (NamedExpression expression in named) {
String name =;
if (seenNames.containsKey(name)) {
hasProblem = true;
NamedExpression prevNamedExpression = seenNames[name];
prevNamedExpression.value = helper.buildProblem(
..parent = prevNamedExpression;
} else {
seenNames[name] = expression;
if (hasProblem) {
arguments.named = uniqueNamed;
if (inferenceNeeded) {
returnType ?? calleeType.returnType,
assert(inferredTypes.every((type) => isKnown(type)),
"Unknown type(s) in inferred types: $inferredTypes.");
assert(inferredTypes.every((type) => !hasPromotedTypeVariable(type)),
"Promoted type variable(s) in inferred types: $inferredTypes.");
substitution =
Substitution.fromPairs(calleeTypeParameters, inferredTypes);
instrumentation?.record(uriForInstrumentation, offset, 'typeArgs',
new InstrumentationValueForTypeArgs(inferredTypes));
if (typeChecksNeeded && !identical(calleeType, unknownFunction)) {
LocatedMessage argMessage =
helper.checkArgumentsForType(calleeType, arguments, offset);
if (argMessage != null) {
argMessage.messageObject, argMessage.charOffset, argMessage.length);
} else {
// Argument counts and names match. Compare types.
int numPositionalArgs = arguments.positional.length;
for (int i = 0; i < formalTypes.length; i++) {
DartType formalType = formalTypes[i];
DartType expectedType = substitution != null
? substitution.substituteType(formalType)
: formalType;
DartType actualType = actualTypes[i];
Expression expression;
NamedExpression namedExpression;
if (i < numPositionalArgs) {
expression = arguments.positional[i];
} else {
namedExpression = arguments.named[i - numPositionalArgs];
expression = namedExpression.value;
expression = ensureAssignable(expectedType, actualType, expression,
isVoidAllowed: expectedType is VoidType,
// TODO(johnniwinther): Specialize message for operator
// invocations.
template: templateArgumentTypeNotAssignable);
if (namedExpression == null) {
arguments.positional[i] = expression..parent = arguments;
} else {
namedExpression.value = expression..parent = namedExpression;
DartType inferredType;
lastInferredSubstitution = substitution;
lastCalleeType = calleeType;
if (returnType != null) {
inferredType = substitution == null
? returnType
: substitution.substituteType(returnType);
} else {
if (substitution != null) {
calleeType =
inferredType = calleeType.returnType;
"Inferred return type $inferredType contains free variables."
"Inferred function type: $calleeType.");
return inferredType;
DartType inferLocalFunction(FunctionNode function, DartType typeContext,
int fileOffset, DartType returnContext) {
bool hasImplicitReturnType = false;
if (returnContext == null) {
hasImplicitReturnType = true;
returnContext = const DynamicType();
if (!isTopLevel) {
List<VariableDeclaration> positionalParameters =
for (int i = 0; i < positionalParameters.length; i++) {
VariableDeclaration parameter = positionalParameters[i];
inferMetadataKeepingHelper(parameter, parameter.annotations);
if (parameter.initializer != null) {
ExpressionInferenceResult initializerResult = inferExpression(
parameter.initializer, parameter.type, !isTopLevel);
parameter.initializer = initializerResult.expression
..parent = parameter;
for (VariableDeclaration parameter in function.namedParameters) {
inferMetadataKeepingHelper(parameter, parameter.annotations);
ExpressionInferenceResult initializerResult =
inferExpression(parameter.initializer, parameter.type, !isTopLevel);
parameter.initializer = initializerResult.expression
..parent = parameter;
// Let `<T0, ..., Tn>` be the set of type parameters of the closure (with
// `n`=0 if there are no type parameters).
List<TypeParameter> typeParameters = function.typeParameters;
// Let `(P0 x0, ..., Pm xm)` be the set of formal parameters of the closure
// (including required, positional optional, and named optional parameters).
// If any type `Pi` is missing, denote it as `_`.
List<VariableDeclaration> formals = function.positionalParameters.toList()
// Let `B` denote the closure body. If `B` is an expression function body
// (`=> e`), treat it as equivalent to a block function body containing a
// single `return` statement (`{ return e; }`).
// Attempt to match `K` as a function type compatible with the closure (that
// is, one having n type parameters and a compatible set of formal
// parameters). If there is a successful match, let `<S0, ..., Sn>` be the
// set of matched type parameters and `(Q0, ..., Qm)` be the set of matched
// formal parameter types, and let `N` be the return type.
Substitution substitution;
List<DartType> formalTypesFromContext =
new List<DartType>.filled(formals.length, null);
if (typeContext is FunctionType) {
for (int i = 0; i < formals.length; i++) {
if (i < function.positionalParameters.length) {
formalTypesFromContext[i] =
getPositionalParameterType(typeContext, i);
} else {
formalTypesFromContext[i] =
getNamedParameterType(typeContext, formals[i].name);
returnContext = typeContext.returnType;
// Let `[T/S]` denote the type substitution where each `Si` is replaced
// with the corresponding `Ti`.
Map<TypeParameter, DartType> substitutionMap =
<TypeParameter, DartType>{};
for (int i = 0; i < typeContext.typeParameters.length; i++) {
substitutionMap[typeContext.typeParameters[i]] =
i < typeParameters.length
? new TypeParameterType.forAlphaRenaming(
typeContext.typeParameters[i], typeParameters[i])
: const DynamicType();
substitution = Substitution.fromMap(substitutionMap);
} else {
// If the match is not successful because `K` is `_`, let all `Si`, all
// `Qi`, and `N` all be `_`.
// If the match is not successful for any other reason, this will result
// in a type error, so the implementation is free to choose the best
// error recovery path.
substitution = Substitution.empty;
// Define `Ri` as follows: if `Pi` is not `_`, let `Ri` be `Pi`.
// Otherwise, if `Qi` is not `_`, let `Ri` be the greatest closure of
// `Qi[T/S]` with respect to `?`. Otherwise, let `Ri` be `dynamic`.
for (int i = 0; i < formals.length; i++) {
VariableDeclarationImpl formal = formals[i];
if (formal.isImplicitlyTyped) {
DartType inferredType;
if (formalTypesFromContext[i] == coreTypes.nullType) {
inferredType = coreTypes.objectRawType(library.nullable);
} else if (formalTypesFromContext[i] != null) {
inferredType = greatestClosure(coreTypes,
} else {
inferredType = const DynamicType();
instrumentation?.record(uriForInstrumentation, formal.fileOffset,
'type', new InstrumentationValueForType(inferredType));
formal.type = inferredType;
// Let `N'` be `N[T/S]`. The [ClosureContext] constructor will adjust
// accordingly if the closure is declared with `async`, `async*`, or
// `sync*`.
if (returnContext is! UnknownType) {
returnContext = substitution.substituteType(returnContext);
// Apply type inference to `B` in return context `N’`, with any references
// to `xi` in `B` having type `Pi`. This produces `B’`.
bool needToSetReturnType = hasImplicitReturnType;
ClosureContext oldClosureContext = this.closureContext;
ClosureContext closureContext = new ClosureContext(
this, function.asyncMarker, returnContext, needToSetReturnType);
this.closureContext = closureContext;
// If the closure is declared with `async*` or `sync*`, let `M` be the
// least upper bound of the types of the `yield` expressions in `B’`, or
// `void` if `B’` contains no `yield` expressions. Otherwise, let `M` be
// the least upper bound of the types of the `return` expressions in `B’`,
// or `void` if `B’` contains no `return` expressions.
DartType inferredReturnType;
if (needToSetReturnType) {
inferredReturnType = closureContext.inferReturnType(this);
// Then the result of inference is `<T0, ..., Tn>(R0 x0, ..., Rn xn) B` with
// type `<T0, ..., Tn>(R0, ..., Rn) -> M’` (with some of the `Ri` and `xi`
// denoted as optional or named parameters, if appropriate).
if (needToSetReturnType) {
instrumentation?.record(uriForInstrumentation, fileOffset, 'returnType',
new InstrumentationValueForType(inferredReturnType));
function.returnType = inferredReturnType;
this.closureContext = oldClosureContext;
return function.functionType;
void inferMetadata(
InferenceHelper helper, TreeNode parent, List<Expression> annotations) {
if (annotations != null) {
this.helper = helper;
inferMetadataKeepingHelper(parent, annotations);
this.helper = null;
void inferMetadataKeepingHelper(
TreeNode parent, List<Expression> annotations) {
if (annotations != null) {
for (int index = 0; index < annotations.length; index++) {
ExpressionInferenceResult result = inferExpression(
annotations[index], const UnknownType(), !isTopLevel);
annotations[index] = result.expression..parent = parent;
StaticInvocation transformExtensionMethodInvocation(int fileOffset,
ObjectAccessTarget target, Expression receiver, Arguments arguments) {
Procedure procedure = target.member;
return engine.forest.createStaticInvocation(
procedure.function.typeParameters.length -
extensionTypeArguments: target.inferredExtensionTypeArguments,
positionalArguments: arguments.positional,
namedArguments: arguments.named,
typeArguments: arguments.types));
ExpressionInferenceResult _inferDynamicInvocation(
int fileOffset,
NullAwareGuard nullAwareGuard,
Expression receiver,
Name name,
Arguments arguments,
DartType typeContext) {
DartType inferredType = inferInvocation(
typeContext, fileOffset, unknownFunction, arguments,
receiverType: const DynamicType());
assert(name != equalsName);
return new ExpressionInferenceResult.nullAware(
new MethodInvocationImpl(receiver, name, arguments)
..fileOffset = fileOffset,
ExpressionInferenceResult _inferMissingInvocation(
int fileOffset,
NullAwareGuard nullAwareGuard,
Expression receiver,
DartType receiverType,
ObjectAccessTarget target,
Name name,
Arguments arguments,
DartType typeContext,
{bool isImplicitCall}) {
assert(isImplicitCall != null);
Expression error = createMissingMethodInvocation(
fileOffset, receiver, receiverType, name, arguments,
isImplicitCall: isImplicitCall);
inferInvocation(typeContext, fileOffset, unknownFunction, arguments,
receiverType: receiverType);
assert(name != equalsName);
// TODO(johnniwinther): Use InvalidType instead.
return new ExpressionInferenceResult(const DynamicType(), error);
ExpressionInferenceResult _inferExtensionInvocation(
int fileOffset,
NullAwareGuard nullAwareGuard,
Expression receiver,
DartType receiverType,
ObjectAccessTarget target,
Name name,
Arguments arguments,
DartType typeContext) {
DartType calleeType = getGetterType(target, receiverType);
FunctionType functionType = getFunctionType(target, receiverType, false);
// TODO(johnniwinther): Disallow all implicit non-function calls?
if (calleeType is! DynamicType &&
!(calleeType is InterfaceType &&
calleeType.classNode == coreTypes.functionClass) &&
identical(functionType, unknownFunction)) {
Expression error = helper.buildProblem(
// TODO(johnniwinther): Use a different message for implicit .call.
return new ExpressionInferenceResult(const DynamicType(), error);
StaticInvocation staticInvocation = transformExtensionMethodInvocation(
fileOffset, target, receiver, arguments);
DartType inferredType = inferInvocation(
typeContext, fileOffset, functionType, staticInvocation.arguments,
receiverType: receiverType, isImplicitExtensionMember: true);
if (!isTopLevel) {
typeSchemaEnvironment, helper.uri, getTypeArgumentsInfo(arguments));
return new ExpressionInferenceResult.nullAware(
inferredType, staticInvocation, nullAwareGuard);
ExpressionInferenceResult _inferFunctionInvocation(
int fileOffset,
NullAwareGuard nullAwareGuard,
Expression receiver,
DartType receiverType,
ObjectAccessTarget target,
Arguments arguments,
DartType typeContext) {
FunctionType functionType = getFunctionType(target, receiverType, false);
DartType inferredType = inferInvocation(
typeContext, fileOffset, functionType, arguments,
receiverType: receiverType);
// TODO(johnniwinther): Check that type arguments against the bounds.
return new ExpressionInferenceResult.nullAware(
new MethodInvocation(receiver, callName, arguments)
..fileOffset = fileOffset,
ExpressionInferenceResult _inferInstanceMethodInvocation(
int fileOffset,
NullAwareGuard nullAwareGuard,
Expression receiver,
DartType receiverType,
ObjectAccessTarget target,
Arguments arguments,
DartType typeContext,
{bool isImplicitCall}) {
assert(isImplicitCall != null);
Procedure method = target.member;
assert(method.kind == ProcedureKind.Method,
"Unexpected instance method $method");
Name methodName =;
if (receiverType == const DynamicType()) {
FunctionNode signature = method.function;
if (arguments.positional.length < signature.requiredParameterCount ||
arguments.positional.length > signature.positionalParameters.length) {
target = const ObjectAccessTarget.unresolved();
method = null;
for (NamedExpression argument in arguments.named) {
if (!signature.namedParameters
.any((declaration) => == {
target = const ObjectAccessTarget.unresolved();
method = null;
if (instrumentation != null && method != null) {
instrumentation.record(uriForInstrumentation, fileOffset, 'target',
new InstrumentationValueForMember(method));
DartType calleeType = getGetterType(target, receiverType);
FunctionType functionType =
getFunctionType(target, receiverType, !isImplicitCall);
// TODO(johnniwinther): Refactor to avoid this test in multiple places,
// either by providing a shared helper method or avoiding the calleeType/
// functionType distinction altogether.
if (!target.isUnresolved &&
calleeType is! DynamicType &&
!(calleeType is InterfaceType &&
calleeType.classNode == coreTypes.functionClass) &&
identical(functionType, unknownFunction)) {
Expression error = helper.buildProblem(
return new ExpressionInferenceResult(const DynamicType(), error);
bool contravariantCheck = false;
if (receiver is! ThisExpression &&
method != null &&
method.enclosingClass, method.function.returnType)) {
contravariantCheck = true;
DartType inferredType = inferInvocation(
typeContext, fileOffset, functionType, arguments,
receiverType: receiverType);
Expression replacement;
if (contravariantCheck) {
// TODO(johnniwinther): Merge with the replacement computation below.
replacement = new AsExpression(
new MethodInvocation(receiver, methodName, arguments, method)
..fileOffset = fileOffset,
..isTypeError = true
..fileOffset = fileOffset;
if (instrumentation != null) {
int offset =
arguments.fileOffset == -1 ? fileOffset : arguments.fileOffset;
instrumentation.record(uriForInstrumentation, offset, 'checkReturn',
new InstrumentationValueForType(inferredType));
target, receiverType, calleeType, methodName, arguments, fileOffset);
replacement ??=
new MethodInvocation(receiver, methodName, arguments, method)
..fileOffset = fileOffset;
return new ExpressionInferenceResult.nullAware(
inferredType, replacement, nullAwareGuard);
ExpressionInferenceResult _inferInstanceGetterInvocation(
int fileOffset,
NullAwareGuard nullAwareGuard,
Expression receiver,
DartType receiverType,
ObjectAccessTarget target,
Arguments arguments,
DartType typeContext,
{bool isImplicitCall}) {
assert(isImplicitCall != null);
Procedure getter = target.member;
assert(getter.kind == ProcedureKind.Getter);
if (receiverType == const DynamicType() && getter is Procedure) {
FunctionNode signature = getter.function;
if (arguments.positional.length < signature.requiredParameterCount ||
arguments.positional.length > signature.positionalParameters.length) {
target = const ObjectAccessTarget.unresolved();
getter = null;
for (NamedExpression argument in arguments.named) {
if (!signature.namedParameters
.any((declaration) => == {
target = const ObjectAccessTarget.unresolved();
getter = null;
if (instrumentation != null && getter != null) {
instrumentation.record(uriForInstrumentation, fileOffset, 'target',
new InstrumentationValueForMember(getter));
DartType calleeType = getGetterType(target, receiverType);
FunctionType functionType =
getFunctionType(target, receiverType, !isImplicitCall);
if (!target.isUnresolved &&
calleeType is! DynamicType &&
!(calleeType is InterfaceType &&
calleeType.classNode == coreTypes.functionClass) &&
identical(functionType, unknownFunction)) {
Expression error = helper.buildProblem(
return new ExpressionInferenceResult(const DynamicType(), error);
bool contravariantCheck = false;
if (calleeType is! DynamicType &&
receiver is! ThisExpression &&
getter.enclosingClass, getter.function.returnType)) {
contravariantCheck = true;
DartType inferredType = inferInvocation(
typeContext, fileOffset, functionType, arguments,
receiverType: receiverType);
if (isImplicitCall) {
Expression error = helper.buildProblem(
return new ExpressionInferenceResult(const DynamicType(), error);
Expression replacement;
if (contravariantCheck) {
PropertyGet propertyGet = new PropertyGet(receiver,, getter);
AsExpression asExpression = new AsExpression(propertyGet, functionType)
..isTypeError = true
..fileOffset = fileOffset;
replacement = new MethodInvocation(asExpression, callName, arguments);
if (instrumentation != null) {
int offset =
arguments.fileOffset == -1 ? fileOffset : arguments.fileOffset;
instrumentation.record(uriForInstrumentation, offset,
'checkGetterReturn', new InstrumentationValueForType(functionType));
target, receiverType, calleeType,, arguments, fileOffset);
// TODO(johnniwinther): Always encode the call as an explicit .call and
// set the correct member on the invocation.
replacement ??=
new MethodInvocation(receiver,, arguments, getter)
..fileOffset = fileOffset;
return new ExpressionInferenceResult.nullAware(
inferredType, replacement, nullAwareGuard);
ExpressionInferenceResult _inferInstanceFieldInvocation(
int fileOffset,
NullAwareGuard nullAwareGuard,
Expression receiver,
DartType receiverType,
ObjectAccessTarget target,
Arguments arguments,
DartType typeContext,
{bool isImplicitCall}) {
assert(isImplicitCall != null);
Field field = target.member;
DartType calleeType = getGetterType(target, receiverType);
FunctionType functionType =
getFunctionType(target, receiverType, !isImplicitCall);
if (calleeType is! DynamicType &&
!(calleeType is InterfaceType &&
calleeType.classNode == coreTypes.functionClass) &&
identical(functionType, unknownFunction)) {
Expression error = helper.buildProblem(
return new ExpressionInferenceResult(const DynamicType(), error);
bool contravariantCheck = false;
if (receiver is! ThisExpression &&
calleeType is! DynamicType &&
field.enclosingClass, field.type)) {
contravariantCheck = true;
DartType inferredType = inferInvocation(
typeContext, fileOffset, functionType, arguments,
receiverType: receiverType);
if (isImplicitCall) {
Expression error = helper.buildProblem(
return new ExpressionInferenceResult(const DynamicType(), error);
Expression replacement;
if (contravariantCheck) {
PropertyGet propertyGet = new PropertyGet(receiver,, field);
AsExpression asExpression = new AsExpression(propertyGet, functionType)
..isTypeError = true
..fileOffset = fileOffset;
replacement = new MethodInvocation(asExpression, callName, arguments);
if (instrumentation != null) {
int offset =
arguments.fileOffset == -1 ? fileOffset : arguments.fileOffset;
instrumentation.record(uriForInstrumentation, offset,
'checkGetterReturn', new InstrumentationValueForType(functionType));
target, receiverType, calleeType,, arguments, fileOffset);
// TODO(johnniwinther): Always encode the call as an explicit .call and
// set the correct member on the invocation.
replacement ??= new MethodInvocation(receiver,, arguments, field)
..fileOffset = fileOffset;
return new ExpressionInferenceResult.nullAware(
inferredType, replacement, nullAwareGuard);
/// Performs the core type inference algorithm for method invocations (this
/// handles both null-aware and non-null-aware method invocations).
ExpressionInferenceResult inferMethodInvocation(
MethodInvocationImpl node, DartType typeContext) {
// First infer the receiver so we can look up the method that was invoked.
ExpressionInferenceResult result =
inferExpression(node.receiver, const UnknownType(), true);
Expression receiver;
NullAwareGuard nullAwareGuard;
if (isNonNullableByDefault) {
nullAwareGuard = result.nullAwareGuard;
receiver = result.nullAwareAction;
} else {
receiver = result.expression;
DartType receiverType = result.inferredType;
ObjectAccessTarget target = findInterfaceMember(
receiverType,, node.fileOffset,
instrumented: true, includeExtensionMethods: true);
switch (target.kind) {
case ObjectAccessTargetKind.instanceMember:
Member member = target.member;
if (member is Procedure) {
if (member.kind == ProcedureKind.Getter) {
return _inferInstanceGetterInvocation(
isImplicitCall: node.isImplicitCall);
} else {
return _inferInstanceMethodInvocation(
isImplicitCall: node.isImplicitCall);
} else {
return _inferInstanceFieldInvocation(node.fileOffset, nullAwareGuard,
receiver, receiverType, target, node.arguments, typeContext,
isImplicitCall: node.isImplicitCall);
case ObjectAccessTargetKind.callFunction:
return _inferFunctionInvocation(node.fileOffset, nullAwareGuard,
receiver, receiverType, target, node.arguments, typeContext);
case ObjectAccessTargetKind.extensionMember:
return _inferExtensionInvocation(
case ObjectAccessTargetKind.missing:
return _inferMissingInvocation(
isImplicitCall: node.isImplicitCall);
case ObjectAccessTargetKind.dynamic:
case ObjectAccessTargetKind.invalid:
case ObjectAccessTargetKind.unresolved:
return _inferDynamicInvocation(node.fileOffset, nullAwareGuard,
receiver,, node.arguments, typeContext);
return unhandled('$target', 'inferMethodInvocation', node.fileOffset,
void _checkBoundsInMethodInvocation(
ObjectAccessTarget target,
DartType receiverType,
DartType calleeType,
Name methodName,
Arguments arguments,
int fileOffset) {
// If [arguments] were inferred, check them.
// TODO(dmitryas): Figure out why [library] is sometimes null? Answer:
// because top level inference never got a library. This has changed so
// we always have a library. Should we still skip this for top level
// inference?
if (!isTopLevel) {
// [actualReceiverType], [interfaceTarget], and [actualMethodName] below
// are for a workaround for the cases like the following:
// class C1 { var f = new C2(); }
// class C2 { int call<X extends num>(X x) => 42; }
// main() { C1 c = new C1(); c.f("foobar"); }
DartType actualReceiverType;
Member interfaceTarget;
Name actualMethodName;
if (calleeType is InterfaceType) {
actualReceiverType = calleeType;
interfaceTarget = null;
actualMethodName = callName;
} else {
actualReceiverType = receiverType;
interfaceTarget = target.isInstanceMember ? target.member : null;
actualMethodName = methodName;
bool isOverloadedArithmeticOperatorAndType(
ObjectAccessTarget target, DartType receiverType) {
return target.isInstanceMember &&
target.member is Procedure &&
target.member, receiverType);
/// Performs the core type inference algorithm for super method invocations.
ExpressionInferenceResult inferSuperMethodInvocation(
SuperMethodInvocation expression,
DartType typeContext,
ObjectAccessTarget target) {
int fileOffset = expression.fileOffset;
Name methodName =;
Arguments arguments = expression.arguments;
DartType receiverType = thisType;
bool isOverloadedArithmeticOperator =
isOverloadedArithmeticOperatorAndType(target, receiverType);
DartType calleeType = getGetterType(target, receiverType);
FunctionType functionType = getFunctionType(target, receiverType, true);
if (!target.isUnresolved &&
calleeType is! DynamicType &&
!(calleeType is InterfaceType &&
calleeType.classNode == coreTypes.functionClass) &&
identical(functionType, unknownFunction)) {
Expression error = helper.wrapInProblem(expression,
templateInvokeNonFunction.withArguments(, noLength);
return new ExpressionInferenceResult(const DynamicType(), error);
DartType inferredType = inferInvocation(
typeContext, fileOffset, functionType, arguments,
isOverloadedArithmeticOperator: isOverloadedArithmeticOperator,
receiverType: receiverType,
isImplicitExtensionMember: target.isExtensionMember);
if ( == '==') {
inferredType = coreTypes.boolRawType(library.nonNullable);
target, receiverType, calleeType, methodName, arguments, fileOffset);
return new ExpressionInferenceResult(inferredType, expression);
Expression inferParameterInitializer(
InferenceHelper helper, Expression initializer, DartType declaredType) {
assert(closureContext == null);
this.helper = helper;
assert(declaredType != null);
ExpressionInferenceResult result =
inferExpression(initializer, declaredType, true);
initializer = ensureAssignableResult(declaredType, result);
this.helper = null;
return initializer;
/// Performs the core type inference algorithm for super property get.
ExpressionInferenceResult inferSuperPropertyGet(SuperPropertyGet expression,
DartType typeContext, ObjectAccessTarget readTarget) {
DartType receiverType = thisType;
DartType inferredType = getGetterType(readTarget, receiverType);
if (readTarget.isInstanceMember) {
Member member = readTarget.member;
if (member is Procedure && member.kind == ProcedureKind.Method) {
return instantiateTearOff(inferredType, typeContext, expression);
return new ExpressionInferenceResult(inferredType, expression);
/// Modifies a type as appropriate when inferring a closure return type.
DartType inferReturnType(DartType returnType) {
return returnType ?? typeSchemaEnvironment.nullType;
/// Performs type inference on the given [statement].
/// Derived classes should override this method with logic that dispatches on
/// the statement type and calls the appropriate specialized "infer" method.
StatementInferenceResult inferStatement(Statement statement) {
// For full (non-top level) inference, we need access to the
// ExpressionGeneratorHelper so that we can perform error recovery.
if (!isTopLevel) assert(helper != null);
return statement.accept(new InferenceVisitor(this));
/// Performs the type inference steps necessary to instantiate a tear-off
/// (if necessary).
ExpressionInferenceResult instantiateTearOff(
DartType tearoffType, DartType context, Expression expression) {
if (tearoffType is FunctionType &&
context is FunctionType &&
context.typeParameters.isEmpty) {
FunctionType functionType = tearoffType;
List<TypeParameter> typeParameters = functionType.typeParameters;
if (typeParameters.isNotEmpty) {
List<DartType> inferredTypes = new List<DartType>.filled(
typeParameters.length, const UnknownType());
FunctionType instantiatedType = functionType.withoutTypeParameters;
typeParameters, [], [], context, inferredTypes, library.library);
if (!isTopLevel) {
expression = new Instantiation(expression, inferredTypes)
..fileOffset = expression.fileOffset;
Substitution substitution =
Substitution.fromPairs(typeParameters, inferredTypes);
tearoffType = substitution.substituteType(instantiatedType);
return new ExpressionInferenceResult(tearoffType, expression);
/// True if the returned [type] has non-covariant occurrences of any of
/// [class_]'s type parameters.
/// A non-covariant occurrence of a type parameter is either a contravariant
/// or an invariant position.
/// A contravariant position is to the left of an odd number of arrows. For
/// example, T occurs contravariantly in T -> T0, T0 -> (T -> T1),
/// (T0 -> T) -> T1 but not in (T -> T0) -> T1.
/// An invariant position is without a bound of a type parameter. For example,
/// T occurs invariantly in `S Function<S extends T>()` and
/// `void Function<S extends C<T>>(S)`.
static bool returnedTypeParametersOccurNonCovariantly(
Class class_, DartType type) {
if (class_.typeParameters.isEmpty) return false;
IncludesTypeParametersNonCovariantly checker =
new IncludesTypeParametersNonCovariantly(class_.typeParameters,
// We are checking the returned type (field/getter type or return
// type of a method) and this is a covariant position.
initialVariance: Variance.covariant);
return type.accept(checker);
/// Determines the dispatch category of a [MethodInvocation] and returns a
/// boolean indicating whether an "as" check will need to be added due to
/// contravariance.
MethodContravarianceCheckKind preCheckInvocationContravariance(
DartType receiverType, ObjectAccessTarget target,
{bool isThisReceiver}) {
assert(isThisReceiver != null);
if (target.isInstanceMember) {
Member interfaceMember = target.member;
if (interfaceMember is Field ||
interfaceMember is Procedure &&
interfaceMember.kind == ProcedureKind.Getter) {
DartType getType = getGetterType(target, receiverType);
if (getType is DynamicType) {
return MethodContravarianceCheckKind.none;
if (!isThisReceiver) {
if ((interfaceMember is Field &&
interfaceMember.enclosingClass, interfaceMember.type)) ||
(interfaceMember is Procedure &&
interfaceMember.function.returnType))) {
return MethodContravarianceCheckKind.checkGetterReturn;
} else if (!isThisReceiver &&
interfaceMember is Procedure &&
interfaceMember.function.returnType)) {
return MethodContravarianceCheckKind.checkMethodReturn;
return MethodContravarianceCheckKind.none;
/// If the given [type] is a [TypeParameterType], resolve it to its bound.
DartType resolveTypeParameter(DartType type) {
DartType resolveOneStep(DartType type) {
if (type is TypeParameterType) {
return type.bound;
} else {
return null;
DartType resolved = resolveOneStep(type);
if (resolved == null) return type;
// Detect circularities using the tortoise-and-hare algorithm.
type = resolved;
DartType hare = resolveOneStep(type);
if (hare == null) return type;
while (true) {
if (identical(type, hare)) {
// We found a circularity. Give up and return `dynamic`.
return const DynamicType();
// Hare takes two steps
DartType step1 = resolveOneStep(hare);
if (step1 == null) return hare;
DartType step2 = resolveOneStep(step1);
if (step2 == null) return hare;
hare = step2;
// Tortoise takes one step
type = resolveOneStep(type);
DartType wrapFutureOrType(DartType type) {
if (type is InterfaceType &&
identical(type.classNode, coreTypes.futureOrClass)) {
return type;
// TODO(paulberry): If [type] is a subtype of `Future`, should we just
// return it unmodified?
if (type == null) {
return coreTypes.futureRawType(library.nullable);
return new InterfaceType(
coreTypes.futureOrClass, library.nonNullable, <DartType>[type]);
DartType wrapFutureType(DartType type, Nullability nullability) {
DartType typeWithoutFutureOr = type ?? const DynamicType();
return new InterfaceType(
coreTypes.futureClass, nullability, <DartType>[typeWithoutFutureOr]);
DartType wrapType(DartType type, Class class_, Nullability nullability) {
return new InterfaceType(
class_, nullability, <DartType>[type ?? const DynamicType()]);
Member _getInterfaceMember(
Class class_, Name name, bool setter, int charOffset) {
Member member = engine.hierarchyBuilder.getCombinedMemberSignatureKernel(
class_, name, setter, charOffset, library);
if (member == null && library.isPatch) {
// TODO(dmitryas): Hack for parts.
member ??=
classHierarchy.getInterfaceMember(class_, name, setter: setter);
return TypeInferenceEngine.resolveInferenceNode(member);
/// Determines if the given [expression]'s type is precisely known at compile
/// time.
/// If it is, an error message template is returned, which can be used by the
/// caller to report an invalid cast. Otherwise, `null` is returned.
Template<Message Function(DartType, DartType)> _getPreciseTypeErrorTemplate(
Expression expression) {
if (expression is ListLiteral) {
return templateInvalidCastLiteralList;
if (expression is MapLiteral) {
return templateInvalidCastLiteralMap;
if (expression is SetLiteral) {
return templateInvalidCastLiteralSet;
if (expression is FunctionExpression) {
return templateInvalidCastFunctionExpr;
if (expression is ConstructorInvocation) {
return templateInvalidCastNewExpr;
if (expression is StaticGet) {
Member target =;
if (target is Procedure && target.kind == ProcedureKind.Method) {
if (target.enclosingClass != null) {
return templateInvalidCastStaticMethod;
} else {
return templateInvalidCastTopLevelFunction;
return null;
if (expression is VariableGet) {
VariableDeclaration variable = expression.variable;
if (variable is VariableDeclarationImpl && variable.isLocalFunction) {
return templateInvalidCastLocalFunction;
return null;
bool _shouldTearOffCall(DartType expectedType, DartType actualType) {
if (expectedType is InterfaceType &&
expectedType.classNode == typeSchemaEnvironment.futureOrClass) {
expectedType = (expectedType as InterfaceType).typeArguments[0];
if (expectedType is FunctionType) return true;
if (expectedType == typeSchemaEnvironment.functionLegacyRawType) {
if (!typeSchemaEnvironment.isSubtypeOf(
actualType, expectedType, SubtypeCheckMode.ignoringNullabilities)) {
return true;
return false;
Expression createMissingSuperIndexGet(int fileOffset, Expression index) {
if (isTopLevel) {
return engine.forest.createSuperMethodInvocation(fileOffset, indexGetName,
null, engine.forest.createArguments(fileOffset, <Expression>[index]));
} else {
return helper.buildProblem(
Expression createMissingSuperIndexSet(
int fileOffset, Expression index, Expression value) {
if (isTopLevel) {
return engine.forest.createSuperMethodInvocation(
.createArguments(fileOffset, <Expression>[index, value]));
} else {
return helper.buildProblem(
Expression createMissingMethodInvocation(int fileOffset, Expression receiver,
DartType receiverType, Name name, Arguments arguments,
{bool isImplicitCall}) {
assert(isImplicitCall != null);
if (isTopLevel) {
return engine.forest
.createMethodInvocation(fileOffset, receiver, name, arguments);
} else {
return helper.buildProblem(
templateUndefinedMethod.withArguments(, resolveTypeParameter(receiverType)),
isImplicitCall ? noLength :;
Expression createMissingPropertyGet(int fileOffset, Expression receiver,
DartType receiverType, Name propertyName) {
if (isTopLevel) {
return engine.forest
.createPropertyGet(fileOffset, receiver, propertyName);
} else {
return helper.buildProblem(
templateUndefinedGetter.withArguments(, resolveTypeParameter(receiverType)),
Expression createMissingPropertySet(int fileOffset, Expression receiver,
DartType receiverType, Name propertyName, Expression value,
{bool forEffect}) {
assert(forEffect != null);
if (isTopLevel) {
return engine.forest.createPropertySet(
fileOffset, receiver, propertyName, value,
forEffect: forEffect);
} else {
return helper.buildProblem(
templateUndefinedSetter.withArguments(, resolveTypeParameter(receiverType)),
Expression createMissingIndexGet(int fileOffset, Expression receiver,
DartType receiverType, Expression index) {
if (isTopLevel) {
return engine.forest.createIndexGet(fileOffset, receiver, index);
} else {
return helper.buildProblem(
templateUndefinedMethod.withArguments(, resolveTypeParameter(receiverType)),
Expression createMissingIndexSet(int fileOffset, Expression receiver,
DartType receiverType, Expression index, Expression value,
{bool forEffect, bool readOnlyReceiver}) {
assert(forEffect != null);
assert(readOnlyReceiver != null);
if (isTopLevel) {
return engine.forest.createIndexSet(fileOffset, receiver, index, value,
forEffect: forEffect, readOnlyReceiver: readOnlyReceiver);
} else {
return helper.buildProblem(
templateUndefinedMethod.withArguments(, resolveTypeParameter(receiverType)),
Expression createMissingBinary(int fileOffset, Expression left,
DartType leftType, Name binaryName, Expression right) {
assert(binaryName != equalsName);
if (isTopLevel) {
return engine.forest.createMethodInvocation(fileOffset, left, binaryName,
engine.forest.createArguments(fileOffset, <Expression>[right]));
} else {
return helper.buildProblem(
templateUndefinedMethod.withArguments(, resolveTypeParameter(leftType)),
Expression createMissingUnary(int fileOffset, Expression expression,
DartType expressionType, Name unaryName) {
if (isTopLevel) {
return new UnaryExpression(unaryName, expression)
..fileOffset = fileOffset;
} else {
return helper.buildProblem(
templateUndefinedMethod.withArguments(, resolveTypeParameter(expressionType)),
fileOffset, == ? 1 :;
abstract class MixinInferrer {
final CoreTypes coreTypes;
final TypeConstraintGatherer gatherer;
MixinInferrer(this.coreTypes, this.gatherer);
Supertype asInstantiationOf(Supertype type, Class superclass);
void reportProblem(Message message, Class cls);
void generateConstraints(
Class mixinClass, Supertype baseType, Supertype mixinSupertype) {
if (mixinSupertype.typeArguments.isEmpty) {
// The supertype constraint isn't generic; it doesn't constrain anything.
} else if (mixinSupertype.classNode.isAnonymousMixin) {
// We have either a mixin declaration `mixin M<X0, ..., Xn> on S0, S1` or
// a VM-style super mixin `abstract class M<X0, ..., Xn> extends S0 with
// S1` where S0 and S1 are superclass constraints that possibly have type
// arguments.
// It has been compiled by naming the superclass to either:
// abstract class S0&S1<...> extends Object implements S0, S1 {}
// abstract class M<X0, ..., Xn> extends S0&S1<...> ...
// for a mixin declaration, or else:
// abstract class S0&S1<...> = S0 with S1;
// abstract class M<X0, ..., Xn> extends S0&S1<...>
// for a VM-style super mixin. The type parameters of S0&S1 are the X0,
// ..., Xn that occurred free in S0 and S1. Treat S0 and S1 as separate
// supertype constraints by recursively calling this algorithm.
// In the Dart VM the mixin application classes themselves are all
// eliminated by translating them to normal classes. In that case, the
// mixin appears as the only interface in the introduced class. We
// support three forms for the superclass constraints:
// abstract class S0&S1<...> extends Object implements S0, S1 {}
// abstract class S0&S1<...> = S0 with S1;
// abstract class S0&S1<...> extends S0 implements S1 {}
Class mixinSuperclass = mixinSupertype.classNode;
if (mixinSuperclass.mixedInType == null &&
mixinSuperclass.implementedTypes.length != 1 &&
(mixinSuperclass.superclass != coreTypes.objectClass ||
mixinSuperclass.implementedTypes.length != 2)) {
'Compiler-generated mixin applications have a mixin or else '
'implement exactly one type',
'$mixinSuperclass implements '
'${mixinSuperclass.implementedTypes.length} types',
Substitution substitution = Substitution.fromSupertype(mixinSupertype);
Supertype s0, s1;
if (mixinSuperclass.implementedTypes.length == 2) {
s0 = mixinSuperclass.implementedTypes[0];
s1 = mixinSuperclass.implementedTypes[1];
} else if (mixinSuperclass.implementedTypes.length == 1) {
s0 = mixinSuperclass.supertype;
s1 = mixinSuperclass.implementedTypes.first;
} else {
s0 = mixinSuperclass.supertype;
s1 = mixinSuperclass.mixedInType;
s0 = substitution.substituteSupertype(s0);
s1 = substitution.substituteSupertype(s1);
generateConstraints(mixinClass, baseType, s0);
generateConstraints(mixinClass, baseType, s1);
} else {
// Find the type U0 which is baseType as an instance of mixinSupertype's
// class.
Supertype supertype =
asInstantiationOf(baseType, mixinSupertype.classNode);
if (supertype == null) {
templateMixinInferenceNoMatchingClass.withArguments(,, mixinSupertype.asInterfaceType),
InterfaceType u0 = Substitution.fromSupertype(baseType)
// We want to solve U0 = S0 where S0 is mixinSupertype, but we only have
// a subtype constraints. Solve for equality by solving
// both U0 <: S0 and S0 <: U0.
InterfaceType s0 = mixinSupertype.asInterfaceType;
gatherer.trySubtypeMatch(u0, s0);
gatherer.trySubtypeMatch(s0, u0);
void infer(Class classNode) {
Supertype mixedInType = classNode.mixedInType;
assert(mixedInType.typeArguments.every((t) => t == const UnknownType()));
// Note that we have no anonymous mixin applications, they have all
// been named. Note also that mixin composition has been translated
// so that we only have mixin applications of the form `S with M`.
Supertype baseType = classNode.supertype;
Class mixinClass = mixedInType.classNode;
Supertype mixinSupertype = mixinClass.supertype;
// Generate constraints based on the mixin's supertype.
generateConstraints(mixinClass, baseType, mixinSupertype);
// Solve them to get a map from type parameters to upper and lower
// bounds.
Map<TypeParameter, TypeConstraint> result = gatherer.computeConstraints();
// Generate new type parameters with the solution as bounds.
List<TypeParameter> parameters = {
TypeConstraint constraint = result[p];
// Because we solved for equality, a valid solution has a parameter
// either unconstrained or else with identical upper and lower bounds.
if (constraint != null && constraint.upper != constraint.lower) {
templateMixinInferenceNoMatchingClass.withArguments(,, mixinSupertype.asInterfaceType),
return p;
assert(constraint == null || constraint.upper == constraint.lower);
bool exact =
constraint != null && constraint.upper != const UnknownType();
return new TypeParameter(, exact ? constraint.upper : p.bound, p.defaultType);
// Bounds might mention the mixin class's type parameters so we have to
// substitute them before calling instantiate to bounds.
Substitution substitution = Substitution.fromPairs(
new List<DartType>.generate(
(i) => new TypeParameterType.forAlphaRenaming(
mixinClass.typeParameters[i], parameters[i])));
for (TypeParameter p in parameters) {
p.bound = substitution.substituteType(p.bound);
// Use instantiate to bounds.
List<DartType> bounds = calculateBounds(parameters, coreTypes.objectClass);
for (int i = 0; i < mixedInType.typeArguments.length; ++i) {
mixedInType.typeArguments[i] = bounds[i];
/// The result of a statement inference.
class StatementInferenceResult {
const StatementInferenceResult();
factory StatementInferenceResult.single(Statement statement) =
factory StatementInferenceResult.multiple(
int fileOffset, List<Statement> statements) =
bool get hasChanged => false;
Statement get statement =>
throw new UnsupportedError('StatementInferenceResult.statement');
int get statementCount =>
throw new UnsupportedError('StatementInferenceResult.statementCount');
List<Statement> get statements =>
throw new UnsupportedError('StatementInferenceResult.statements');
class SingleStatementInferenceResult implements StatementInferenceResult {
final Statement statement;
bool get hasChanged => true;
int get statementCount => 1;
List<Statement> get statements =>
throw new UnsupportedError('SingleStatementInferenceResult.statements');
class MultipleStatementInferenceResult implements StatementInferenceResult {
final int fileOffset;
final List<Statement> statements;
MultipleStatementInferenceResult(this.fileOffset, this.statements);
bool get hasChanged => true;
Statement get statement => new Block(statements)..fileOffset = fileOffset;
int get statementCount => statements.length;
/// The result of an expression inference.
class ExpressionInferenceResult {
/// The inferred type of the expression.
final DartType inferredType;
/// The inferred expression.
final Expression expression;
factory ExpressionInferenceResult.nullAware(
DartType inferredType, Expression expression,
[NullAwareGuard nullAwareGuard]) {
if (nullAwareGuard != null) {
return new NullAwareExpressionInferenceResult(
inferredType, nullAwareGuard, expression);
} else {
return new ExpressionInferenceResult(inferredType, expression);
ExpressionInferenceResult(this.inferredType, this.expression)
: assert(expression != null);
/// The guard used for null-aware access if the expression is part of a
/// null-shorting, and `null` otherwise.
NullAwareGuard get nullAwareGuard => null;
/// If the expression is part of a null-shorting, the action performed on
/// the variable in [nullAwareGuard]. Otherwise, this is the same as
/// [expression].
Expression get nullAwareAction => expression;
String toString() => 'ExpressionInferenceResult($inferredType,$expression)';
/// A guard used for creating null-shorting null-aware actions.
class NullAwareGuard {
/// The variable used to guard the null-aware action.
final VariableDeclaration _nullAwareVariable;
/// The file offset used for the null-test.
int _nullAwareFileOffset;
/// The [Member] used for the == call.
final Member _nullAwareEquals;
this._nullAwareVariable, this._nullAwareFileOffset, this._nullAwareEquals)
: assert(_nullAwareVariable != null),
assert(_nullAwareFileOffset != null),
assert(_nullAwareEquals != null);
/// Creates the null-guarded application of [nullAwareAction] with the
/// [inferredType].
/// For an null-aware action `v.e` on the [_nullAwareVariable] `v` the created
/// expression is
/// let v in v == null ? null : v.e
Expression createExpression(
DartType inferredType, Expression nullAwareAction) {
MethodInvocation equalsNull = createEqualsNull(_nullAwareFileOffset,
createVariableGet(_nullAwareVariable), _nullAwareEquals);
ConditionalExpression condition = new ConditionalExpression(
new NullLiteral()..fileOffset = _nullAwareFileOffset,
return new Let(_nullAwareVariable, condition)
..fileOffset = _nullAwareFileOffset;
String toString() =>
/// The result of an expression inference that is guarded with a null aware
/// variable.
class NullAwareExpressionInferenceResult implements ExpressionInferenceResult {
/// The inferred type of the expression.
final DartType inferredType;
final NullAwareGuard nullAwareGuard;
final Expression nullAwareAction;
Expression _expression;
this.inferredType, this.nullAwareGuard, this.nullAwareAction)
: assert(nullAwareGuard != null),
assert(nullAwareAction != null);
Expression get expression {
if (_expression == null) {
_expression ??=
nullAwareGuard.createExpression(inferredType, nullAwareAction);
return _expression;
String toString() =>
enum ObjectAccessTargetKind {
// TODO(johnniwinther): Remove this.
/// Result for performing an access on an object, like ``, `` and
/// ` = ...`.
class ObjectAccessTarget {
final ObjectAccessTargetKind kind;
final Member member;
const ObjectAccessTarget.internal(this.kind, this.member);
/// Creates an access to the instance [member].
factory ObjectAccessTarget.interfaceMember(Member member) {
assert(member != null);
return new ObjectAccessTarget.internal(
ObjectAccessTargetKind.instanceMember, member);
/// Creates an access to the extension [member].
factory ObjectAccessTarget.extensionMember(
Member member,
Member tearoffTarget,
ProcedureKind kind,
List<DartType> inferredTypeArguments) = ExtensionAccessTarget;
/// Creates an access to a 'call' method on a function, i.e. a function
/// invocation.
const ObjectAccessTarget.callFunction()
: this.internal(ObjectAccessTargetKind.callFunction, null);
/// Creates an access with no known target.
const ObjectAccessTarget.unresolved()
: this.internal(ObjectAccessTargetKind.unresolved, null);
/// Creates an access on a dynamic receiver type with no known target.
const ObjectAccessTarget.dynamic()
: this.internal(ObjectAccessTargetKind.dynamic, null);
/// Creates an access with no target due to an invalid receiver type.
/// This is not in itself an error but a consequence of another error.
const ObjectAccessTarget.invalid()
: this.internal(ObjectAccessTargetKind.invalid, null);
/// Creates an access with no target.
/// This is an error case.
const ObjectAccessTarget.missing()
: this.internal(ObjectAccessTargetKind.missing, null);
/// Returns `true` if this is an access to an instance member.
bool get isInstanceMember => kind == ObjectAccessTargetKind.instanceMember;
/// Returns `true` if this is an access to an extension member.
bool get isExtensionMember => kind == ObjectAccessTargetKind.extensionMember;
/// Returns `true` if this is an access to the 'call' method on a function.
bool get isCallFunction => kind == ObjectAccessTargetKind.callFunction;
/// Returns `true` if this is an access without a known target.
bool get isUnresolved =>
kind == ObjectAccessTargetKind.unresolved ||
isDynamic ||
isInvalid ||
/// Returns `true` if this is an access on a dynamic receiver type.
bool get isDynamic => kind == ObjectAccessTargetKind.dynamic;
/// Returns `true` if this is an access on an invalid receiver type.
bool get isInvalid => kind == ObjectAccessTargetKind.invalid;
/// Returns `true` if this is an access with no target.
bool get isMissing => kind == ObjectAccessTargetKind.missing;
/// Returns the original procedure kind, if this is an extension method
/// target.
/// This is need because getters, setters, and methods are converted into
/// top level methods, but access and invocation should still be treated as
/// if they are the original procedure kind.
ProcedureKind get extensionMethodKind =>
throw new UnsupportedError('ObjectAccessTarget.extensionMethodKind');
/// Returns inferred type arguments for the type parameters of an extension
/// method that comes from the extension declaration.
List<DartType> get inferredExtensionTypeArguments =>
throw new UnsupportedError(
/// Returns the member to use for a tearoff.
/// This is currently used for extension methods.
// TODO(johnniwinther): Normalize use by having `readTarget` and
// `invokeTarget`?
Member get tearoffTarget =>
throw new UnsupportedError('ObjectAccessTarget.tearoffTarget');
String toString() => 'ObjectAccessTarget($kind,$member)';
class ExtensionAccessTarget extends ObjectAccessTarget {
final Member tearoffTarget;
final ProcedureKind extensionMethodKind;
final List<DartType> inferredExtensionTypeArguments;
ExtensionAccessTarget(Member member, this.tearoffTarget,
this.extensionMethodKind, this.inferredExtensionTypeArguments)
: super.internal(ObjectAccessTargetKind.extensionMember, member);
String toString() =>
class ExtensionAccessCandidate {
final bool isPlatform;
final DartType onType;
final DartType onTypeInstantiateToBounds;
final ObjectAccessTarget target;
this.onType, this.onTypeInstantiateToBounds,,
: assert(isPlatform != null);
bool isMoreSpecificThan(TypeSchemaEnvironment typeSchemaEnvironment,
ExtensionAccessCandidate other) {
if (this.isPlatform == other.isPlatform) {
// Both are platform or not platform.
bool thisIsSubtype = typeSchemaEnvironment.isSubtypeOf(
this.onType, other.onType, SubtypeCheckMode.ignoringNullabilities);
bool thisIsSupertype = typeSchemaEnvironment.isSubtypeOf(
other.onType, this.onType, SubtypeCheckMode.ignoringNullabilities);
if (thisIsSubtype && !thisIsSupertype) {
// This is subtype of other and not vice-versa.
return true;
} else if (thisIsSupertype && !thisIsSubtype) {
// [other] is subtype of this and not vice-versa.
return false;
} else if (thisIsSubtype || thisIsSupertype) {
thisIsSubtype = typeSchemaEnvironment.isSubtypeOf(
thisIsSupertype = typeSchemaEnvironment.isSubtypeOf(
if (thisIsSubtype && !thisIsSupertype) {
// This is subtype of other and not vice-versa.
return true;
} else if (thisIsSupertype && !thisIsSubtype) {
// [other] is subtype of this and not vice-versa.
return false;
} else if (other.isPlatform) {
// This is not platform, [other] is: this is more specific.
return true;
} else {
// This is platform, [other] is not: other is more specific.
return false;
// Neither is more specific than the other.
return null;