blob: 5f75c6d30ebbc17efcb64c2966526fcb9086b3d8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library fasta.types;
import 'package:kernel/ast.dart'
import 'package:kernel/type_algebra.dart'
show Substitution, combineNullabilitiesForSubstitution;
import 'package:kernel/type_environment.dart';
import 'package:kernel/src/future_or.dart';
import 'kernel_builder.dart' show ClassHierarchyBuilder;
class Types implements SubtypeTester {
final ClassHierarchyBuilder hierarchy;
/// Returns true if [s] is a subtype of [t].
bool isSubtypeOfKernel(DartType s, DartType t, SubtypeCheckMode mode) {
IsSubtypeOf result = performNullabilityAwareSubtypeCheck(s, t);
switch (mode) {
case SubtypeCheckMode.withNullabilities:
return result.isSubtypeWhenUsingNullabilities();
case SubtypeCheckMode.ignoringNullabilities:
return result.isSubtypeWhenIgnoringNullabilities();
throw new StateError("Unhandled subtype checking mode '$mode'");
IsSubtypeOf performNullabilityAwareSubtypeCheck(DartType s, DartType t) {
if (s is BottomType) {
return const IsSubtypeOf.always(); // Rule 3.
if (t is DynamicType) {
return const IsSubtypeOf.always(); // Rule 2.
if (t is VoidType) {
return const IsSubtypeOf.always(); // Rule 2.
if (t is BottomType) {
return const IsSubtypeOf.never();
if (s is NeverType) {
return new IsSubtypeOf.basedSolelyOnNullabilities(s, t);
// TODO(dmitryas): Remove InvalidType from subtype relation.
if (s is InvalidType) {
// InvalidType is a bottom type.
return const IsSubtypeOf.always();
if (t is InvalidType) {
return const IsSubtypeOf.never();
if (t is InterfaceType) {
Class cls = t.classNode;
if (cls == hierarchy.objectClass &&
!(s is InterfaceType && s.classNode == hierarchy.futureOrClass)) {
return new IsSubtypeOf.basedSolelyOnNullabilities(s, t);
if (cls == hierarchy.futureOrClass) {
const IsFutureOrSubtypeOf relation = const IsFutureOrSubtypeOf();
if (s is DynamicType) {
return relation.isDynamicRelated(s, t, this);
} else if (s is VoidType) {
return relation.isVoidRelated(s, t, this);
} else if (s is InterfaceType) {
return s.classNode == hierarchy.futureOrClass
? relation.isFutureOrRelated(s, t, this)
: relation.isInterfaceRelated(s, t, this);
} else if (s is FunctionType) {
return relation.isFunctionRelated(s, t, this);
} else if (s is TypeParameterType) {
return s.promotedBound == null
? relation.isTypeParameterRelated(s, t, this)
: relation.isIntersectionRelated(s, t, this);
} else if (s is TypedefType) {
return relation.isTypedefRelated(s, t, this);
} else {
const IsInterfaceSubtypeOf relation = const IsInterfaceSubtypeOf();
if (s is DynamicType) {
return relation.isDynamicRelated(s, t, this);
} else if (s is VoidType) {
return relation.isVoidRelated(s, t, this);
} else if (s is InterfaceType) {
return s.classNode == hierarchy.futureOrClass
? relation.isFutureOrRelated(s, t, this)
: relation.isInterfaceRelated(s, t, this);
} else if (s is FunctionType) {
return relation.isFunctionRelated(s, t, this);
} else if (s is TypeParameterType) {
return s.promotedBound == null
? relation.isTypeParameterRelated(s, t, this)
: relation.isIntersectionRelated(s, t, this);
} else if (s is TypedefType) {
return relation.isTypedefRelated(s, t, this);
} else if (t is FunctionType) {
const IsFunctionSubtypeOf relation = const IsFunctionSubtypeOf();
if (s is DynamicType) {
return relation.isDynamicRelated(s, t, this);
} else if (s is VoidType) {
return relation.isVoidRelated(s, t, this);
} else if (s is InterfaceType) {
return s.classNode == hierarchy.futureOrClass
? relation.isFutureOrRelated(s, t, this)
: relation.isInterfaceRelated(s, t, this);
} else if (s is FunctionType) {
return relation.isFunctionRelated(s, t, this);
} else if (s is TypeParameterType) {
return s.promotedBound == null
? relation.isTypeParameterRelated(s, t, this)
: relation.isIntersectionRelated(s, t, this);
} else if (s is TypedefType) {
return relation.isTypedefRelated(s, t, this);
} else if (t is TypeParameterType) {
if (t.promotedBound == null) {
const IsTypeParameterSubtypeOf relation =
const IsTypeParameterSubtypeOf();
if (s is DynamicType) {
return relation.isDynamicRelated(s, t, this);
} else if (s is VoidType) {
return relation.isVoidRelated(s, t, this);
} else if (s is InterfaceType) {
return s.classNode == hierarchy.futureOrClass
? relation.isFutureOrRelated(s, t, this)
: relation.isInterfaceRelated(s, t, this);
} else if (s is FunctionType) {
return relation.isFunctionRelated(s, t, this);
} else if (s is TypeParameterType) {
return s.promotedBound == null
? relation.isTypeParameterRelated(s, t, this)
: relation.isIntersectionRelated(s, t, this);
} else if (s is TypedefType) {
return relation.isTypedefRelated(s, t, this);
} else {
const IsIntersectionSubtypeOf relation =
const IsIntersectionSubtypeOf();
if (s is DynamicType) {
return relation.isDynamicRelated(s, t, this);
} else if (s is VoidType) {
return relation.isVoidRelated(s, t, this);
} else if (s is InterfaceType) {
return s.classNode == hierarchy.futureOrClass
? relation.isFutureOrRelated(s, t, this)
: relation.isInterfaceRelated(s, t, this);
} else if (s is FunctionType) {
return relation.isFunctionRelated(s, t, this);
} else if (s is TypeParameterType) {
return s.promotedBound == null
? relation.isTypeParameterRelated(s, t, this)
: relation.isIntersectionRelated(s, t, this);
} else if (s is TypedefType) {
return relation.isTypedefRelated(s, t, this);
} else if (t is TypedefType) {
const IsTypedefSubtypeOf relation = const IsTypedefSubtypeOf();
if (s is DynamicType) {
return relation.isDynamicRelated(s, t, this);
} else if (s is VoidType) {
return relation.isVoidRelated(s, t, this);
} else if (s is InterfaceType) {
return s.classNode == hierarchy.futureOrClass
? relation.isFutureOrRelated(s, t, this)
: relation.isInterfaceRelated(s, t, this);
} else if (s is FunctionType) {
return relation.isFunctionRelated(s, t, this);
} else if (s is TypeParameterType) {
return s.promotedBound == null
? relation.isTypeParameterRelated(s, t, this)
: relation.isIntersectionRelated(s, t, this);
} else if (s is TypedefType) {
return relation.isTypedefRelated(s, t, this);
} else if (t is NeverType) {
const IsNeverTypeSubtypeOf relation = const IsNeverTypeSubtypeOf();
if (s is DynamicType) {
return relation.isDynamicRelated(s, t, this);
} else if (s is VoidType) {
return relation.isVoidRelated(s, t, this);
} else if (s is InterfaceType) {
return relation.isInterfaceRelated(s, t, this);
} else if (s is FunctionType) {
return relation.isFunctionRelated(s, t, this);
} else if (s is TypeParameterType) {
return s.promotedBound == null
? relation.isTypeParameterRelated(s, t, this)
: relation.isIntersectionRelated(s, t, this);
} else if (s is TypedefType) {
return relation.isTypedefRelated(s, t, this);
} else {
throw "Unhandled type: ${t.runtimeType}";
throw "Unhandled type combination: ${t.runtimeType} ${s.runtimeType}";
/// Returns true if all type arguments in [s] and [t] pairwise are subtypes
/// with respect to the variance of the corresponding [p] type parameter.
IsSubtypeOf areTypeArgumentsOfSubtypeKernel(
List<DartType> s, List<DartType> t, List<TypeParameter> p) {
if (s.length != t.length || s.length != p.length) {
throw "Numbers of type arguments don't match $s $t with parameters $p.";
IsSubtypeOf result = const IsSubtypeOf.always();
for (int i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
int variance = p[i].variance;
if (variance == Variance.contravariant) {
result = result.and(performNullabilityAwareSubtypeCheck(t[i], s[i]));
if (!result.isSubtypeWhenIgnoringNullabilities()) {
return const IsSubtypeOf.never();
} else if (variance == Variance.invariant) {
result = result.and(isSameTypeKernel(s[i], t[i]));
if (!result.isSubtypeWhenIgnoringNullabilities()) {
return const IsSubtypeOf.never();
} else {
result = result.and(performNullabilityAwareSubtypeCheck(s[i], t[i]));
if (!result.isSubtypeWhenIgnoringNullabilities()) {
return const IsSubtypeOf.never();
return result;
IsSubtypeOf isSameTypeKernel(DartType s, DartType t) {
return performNullabilityAwareSubtypeCheck(s, t)
.andSubtypeCheckFor(t, s, this);
bool isSubtypeOf(
DartType subtype, DartType supertype, SubtypeCheckMode mode) {
return isSubtypeOfKernel(subtype, supertype, mode);
Class get futureOrClass => hierarchy.coreTypes.futureOrClass;
Class get functionClass => hierarchy.coreTypes.functionClass;
InterfaceType get functionLegacyRawType =>
InterfaceType futureType(DartType type, Nullability nullability) {
return new InterfaceType(
hierarchy.coreTypes.futureClass, nullability, <DartType>[type]);
InterfaceType getTypeAsInstanceOf(InterfaceType type, Class superclass) {
return hierarchy.getKernelTypeAsInstanceOf(type, superclass);
bool isTop(DartType type) {
return type is DynamicType ||
type is VoidType ||
type == objectLegacyRawType ||
type == objectNullableRawType;
InterfaceType get nullType => hierarchy.coreTypes.nullType;
Class get objectClass => hierarchy.coreTypes.objectClass;
InterfaceType get objectLegacyRawType {
return hierarchy.coreTypes.objectLegacyRawType;
InterfaceType get objectNullableRawType {
return hierarchy.coreTypes.objectNullableRawType;
IsSubtypeOf performNullabilityAwareMutualSubtypesCheck(
DartType type1, DartType type2) {
return isSameTypeKernel(type1, type2);
abstract class TypeRelation<T extends DartType> {
const TypeRelation();
IsSubtypeOf isDynamicRelated(DynamicType s, T t, Types types);
IsSubtypeOf isVoidRelated(VoidType s, T t, Types types);
IsSubtypeOf isInterfaceRelated(InterfaceType s, T t, Types types);
IsSubtypeOf isIntersectionRelated(
TypeParameterType intersection, T t, Types types);
IsSubtypeOf isFunctionRelated(FunctionType s, T t, Types types);
IsSubtypeOf isFutureOrRelated(InterfaceType futureOr, T t, Types types);
IsSubtypeOf isTypeParameterRelated(TypeParameterType s, T t, Types types);
IsSubtypeOf isTypedefRelated(TypedefType s, T t, Types types);
class IsInterfaceSubtypeOf extends TypeRelation<InterfaceType> {
const IsInterfaceSubtypeOf();
IsSubtypeOf isInterfaceRelated(
InterfaceType s, InterfaceType t, Types types) {
if (s.classNode == types.hierarchy.nullClass) {
// This is an optimization, to avoid instantiating unnecessary type
// arguments in getKernelTypeAsInstanceOf.
return new IsSubtypeOf.basedSolelyOnNullabilities(s, t);
InterfaceType asSupertype =
types.hierarchy.getKernelTypeAsInstanceOf(s, t.classNode);
if (asSupertype == null) {
return const IsSubtypeOf.never();
return types
t.typeArguments, t.classNode.typeParameters)
.and(new IsSubtypeOf.basedSolelyOnNullabilities(s, t));
IsSubtypeOf isTypeParameterRelated(
TypeParameterType s, InterfaceType t, Types types) {
return types
.performNullabilityAwareSubtypeCheck(s.parameter.bound, t)
.and(new IsSubtypeOf.basedSolelyOnNullabilities(s, t));
IsSubtypeOf isFutureOrRelated(
InterfaceType futureOr, InterfaceType t, Types types) {
List<DartType> arguments = futureOr.typeArguments;
// Rules 7.1 and 7.2.
return types
.performNullabilityAwareSubtypeCheck(arguments.single, t)
new InterfaceType(types.hierarchy.futureClass,
Nullability.nonNullable, arguments),
.and(new IsSubtypeOf.basedSolelyOnNullabilities(futureOr, t));
IsSubtypeOf isIntersectionRelated(
TypeParameterType intersection, InterfaceType t, Types types) {
return types.performNullabilityAwareSubtypeCheck(
intersection.promotedBound, t); // Rule 12.
IsSubtypeOf isDynamicRelated(DynamicType s, InterfaceType t, Types types) {
return const IsSubtypeOf.never();
IsSubtypeOf isFunctionRelated(FunctionType s, InterfaceType t, Types types) {
return t.classNode == types.hierarchy.functionClass
? new IsSubtypeOf.basedSolelyOnNullabilities(s, t)
: const IsSubtypeOf.never(); // Rule 14.
IsSubtypeOf isTypedefRelated(TypedefType s, InterfaceType t, Types types) {
// Rule 5.
return types
.performNullabilityAwareSubtypeCheck(s.unalias, t)
.and(new IsSubtypeOf.basedSolelyOnNullabilities(s, t));
IsSubtypeOf isVoidRelated(VoidType s, InterfaceType t, Types types) {
return const IsSubtypeOf.never();
class IsFunctionSubtypeOf extends TypeRelation<FunctionType> {
const IsFunctionSubtypeOf();
IsSubtypeOf isFunctionRelated(FunctionType s, FunctionType t, Types types) {
List<TypeParameter> sTypeVariables = s.typeParameters;
List<TypeParameter> tTypeVariables = t.typeParameters;
if (sTypeVariables.length != tTypeVariables.length) {
return const IsSubtypeOf.never();
IsSubtypeOf result = const IsSubtypeOf.always();
if (sTypeVariables.isNotEmpty) {
// If the function types have type variables, we alpha-rename the type
// variables of [s] to use those of [t].
// As an optimization, we first check if the bounds of the type variables
// of the two types on the same positions are mutual subtypes without
// alpha-renaming them.
List<DartType> typeVariableSubstitution = <DartType>[];
for (int i = 0; i < sTypeVariables.length; i++) {
TypeParameter sTypeVariable = sTypeVariables[i];
TypeParameter tTypeVariable = tTypeVariables[i];
result = result.and(
types.isSameTypeKernel(sTypeVariable.bound, tTypeVariable.bound));
typeVariableSubstitution.add(new TypeParameterType.forAlphaRenaming(
sTypeVariable, tTypeVariable));
Substitution substitution =
Substitution.fromPairs(sTypeVariables, typeVariableSubstitution);
// If the bounds aren't the same, we need to try again after computing the
// substitution of type variables.
if (!result.isSubtypeWhenIgnoringNullabilities()) {
result = const IsSubtypeOf.always();
for (int i = 0; i < sTypeVariables.length; i++) {
TypeParameter sTypeVariable = sTypeVariables[i];
TypeParameter tTypeVariable = tTypeVariables[i];
result = result.and(types.isSameTypeKernel(
if (!result.isSubtypeWhenIgnoringNullabilities()) {
return const IsSubtypeOf.never();
s = substitution.substituteType(s.withoutTypeParameters);
result = result.and(
types.performNullabilityAwareSubtypeCheck(s.returnType, t.returnType));
if (!result.isSubtypeWhenIgnoringNullabilities()) {
return const IsSubtypeOf.never();
List<DartType> sPositional = s.positionalParameters;
List<DartType> tPositional = t.positionalParameters;
if (s.requiredParameterCount > t.requiredParameterCount) {
// Rule 15, n1 <= n2.
return const IsSubtypeOf.never();
if (sPositional.length < tPositional.length) {
// Rule 15, n1 + k1 >= n2 + k2.
return const IsSubtypeOf.never();
for (int i = 0; i < tPositional.length; i++) {
result = result.and(types.performNullabilityAwareSubtypeCheck(
tPositional[i], sPositional[i]));
if (!result.isSubtypeWhenIgnoringNullabilities()) {
// Rule 15, Tj <: Sj.
return const IsSubtypeOf.never();
List<NamedType> sNamed = s.namedParameters;
List<NamedType> tNamed = t.namedParameters;
if (sNamed.isNotEmpty || tNamed.isNotEmpty) {
// Rule 16, the number of positional parameters must be the same.
if (sPositional.length != tPositional.length) {
return const IsSubtypeOf.never();
if (s.requiredParameterCount != t.requiredParameterCount) {
return const IsSubtypeOf.never();
// Rule 16, the parameter names of [t] must be a subset of those of
// [s]. Also, for the intersection, the type of the parameter of [t] must
// be a subtype of the type of the parameter of [s].
int sCount = 0;
for (int tCount = 0; tCount < tNamed.length; tCount++) {
String name = tNamed[tCount].name;
for (; sCount < sNamed.length; sCount++) {
if (sNamed[sCount].name == name) break;
if (sCount == sNamed.length) return const IsSubtypeOf.never();
result = result.and(types.performNullabilityAwareSubtypeCheck(
tNamed[tCount].type, sNamed[sCount].type));
if (!result.isSubtypeWhenIgnoringNullabilities()) {
return const IsSubtypeOf.never();
return result.and(new IsSubtypeOf.basedSolelyOnNullabilities(s, t));
IsSubtypeOf isInterfaceRelated(InterfaceType s, FunctionType t, Types types) {
if (s.classNode == types.hierarchy.nullClass) {
// Rule 4.
return new IsSubtypeOf.basedSolelyOnNullabilities(s, t);
return const IsSubtypeOf.never();
IsSubtypeOf isDynamicRelated(DynamicType s, FunctionType t, Types types) {
return const IsSubtypeOf.never();
IsSubtypeOf isFutureOrRelated(
InterfaceType futureOr, FunctionType t, Types types) {
return const IsSubtypeOf.never();
IsSubtypeOf isIntersectionRelated(
TypeParameterType intersection, FunctionType t, Types types) {
// Rule 12.
return types.performNullabilityAwareSubtypeCheck(
intersection.promotedBound, t);
IsSubtypeOf isTypeParameterRelated(
TypeParameterType s, FunctionType t, Types types) {
// Rule 13.
return types
.performNullabilityAwareSubtypeCheck(s.parameter.bound, t)
.and(new IsSubtypeOf.basedSolelyOnNullabilities(s, t));
IsSubtypeOf isTypedefRelated(TypedefType s, FunctionType t, Types types) {
// Rule 5.
return types.performNullabilityAwareSubtypeCheck(s.unalias, t);
IsSubtypeOf isVoidRelated(VoidType s, FunctionType t, Types types) {
return const IsSubtypeOf.never();
class IsTypeParameterSubtypeOf extends TypeRelation<TypeParameterType> {
const IsTypeParameterSubtypeOf();
IsSubtypeOf isTypeParameterRelated(
TypeParameterType s, TypeParameterType t, Types types) {
IsSubtypeOf result = const IsSubtypeOf.always();
if (s.parameter != t.parameter) {
result = types.performNullabilityAwareSubtypeCheck(s.bound, t);
if (s.nullability == Nullability.undetermined &&
t.nullability == Nullability.undetermined) {
// The two nullabilities are undetermined, but are connected via
// additional constraint, namely that they will be equal at run time.
return result;
return result.and(new IsSubtypeOf.basedSolelyOnNullabilities(s, t));
IsSubtypeOf isIntersectionRelated(
TypeParameterType intersection, TypeParameterType t, Types types) {
// Nullable types aren't promoted to intersection types.
// TODO(dmitryas): Uncomment the following when the inference is updated.
//assert(intersection.typeParameterTypeNullability != Nullability.nullable);
// Rule 8.
if (intersection.parameter == t.parameter) {
if (intersection.nullability == Nullability.undetermined &&
t.nullability == Nullability.undetermined) {
// The two nullabilities are undetermined, but are connected via
// additional constraint, namely that they will be equal at run time.
return const IsSubtypeOf.always();
return new IsSubtypeOf.basedSolelyOnNullabilities(intersection, t);
// Rule 12.
return types.performNullabilityAwareSubtypeCheck(
IsSubtypeOf isInterfaceRelated(
InterfaceType s, TypeParameterType t, Types types) {
if (s.classNode == types.hierarchy.nullClass) {
// Rule 4.
return new IsSubtypeOf.basedSolelyOnNullabilities(s, t);
return const IsSubtypeOf.never();
IsSubtypeOf isDynamicRelated(
DynamicType s, TypeParameterType t, Types types) {
return const IsSubtypeOf.never();
IsSubtypeOf isFunctionRelated(
FunctionType s, TypeParameterType t, Types types) {
return const IsSubtypeOf.never();
IsSubtypeOf isFutureOrRelated(
InterfaceType futureOr, TypeParameterType t, Types types) {
return const IsSubtypeOf.never();
IsSubtypeOf isTypedefRelated(
TypedefType s, TypeParameterType t, Types types) {
return types.performNullabilityAwareSubtypeCheck(s.unalias, t);
IsSubtypeOf isVoidRelated(VoidType s, TypeParameterType t, Types types) {
return const IsSubtypeOf.never();
class IsTypedefSubtypeOf extends TypeRelation<TypedefType> {
const IsTypedefSubtypeOf();
IsSubtypeOf isInterfaceRelated(InterfaceType s, TypedefType t, Types types) {
return types.performNullabilityAwareSubtypeCheck(s, t.unalias);
IsSubtypeOf isDynamicRelated(DynamicType s, TypedefType t, Types types) {
return types.performNullabilityAwareSubtypeCheck(s, t.unalias);
IsSubtypeOf isFunctionRelated(FunctionType s, TypedefType t, Types types) {
return types.performNullabilityAwareSubtypeCheck(s, t.unalias);
IsSubtypeOf isFutureOrRelated(
InterfaceType futureOr, TypedefType t, Types types) {
return types.performNullabilityAwareSubtypeCheck(futureOr, t.unalias);
IsSubtypeOf isIntersectionRelated(
TypeParameterType intersection, TypedefType t, Types types) {
return types.performNullabilityAwareSubtypeCheck(intersection, t.unalias);
IsSubtypeOf isTypeParameterRelated(
TypeParameterType s, TypedefType t, Types types) {
return types.performNullabilityAwareSubtypeCheck(s, t.unalias);
IsSubtypeOf isTypedefRelated(TypedefType s, TypedefType t, Types types) {
return types.performNullabilityAwareSubtypeCheck(s.unalias, t.unalias);
IsSubtypeOf isVoidRelated(VoidType s, TypedefType t, Types types) {
return types.performNullabilityAwareSubtypeCheck(s, t.unalias);
class IsFutureOrSubtypeOf extends TypeRelation<InterfaceType> {
const IsFutureOrSubtypeOf();
IsSubtypeOf isInterfaceRelated(
InterfaceType s, InterfaceType futureOr, Types types) {
List<DartType> arguments = futureOr.typeArguments;
Nullability unitedNullability =
computeNullabilityOfFutureOr(futureOr, types.hierarchy.futureOrClass);
return types
// Rule 11.
s, arguments.single.withNullability(unitedNullability))
// Rule 10.
new InterfaceType(
types.hierarchy.futureClass, unitedNullability, arguments),
IsSubtypeOf isFutureOrRelated(
InterfaceType sFutureOr, InterfaceType tFutureOr, Types types) {
// This follows from combining rules 7, 10, and 11.
DartType sArgument = sFutureOr.typeArguments.single;
DartType tArgument = tFutureOr.typeArguments.single;
return types.performNullabilityAwareSubtypeCheck(sArgument, tArgument);
IsSubtypeOf isDynamicRelated(
DynamicType s, InterfaceType futureOr, Types types) {
// Rule 11.
DartType argument = futureOr.typeArguments.single;
return types.performNullabilityAwareSubtypeCheck(
futureOr, types.hierarchy.futureOrClass)));
IsSubtypeOf isVoidRelated(VoidType s, InterfaceType futureOr, Types types) {
// Rule 11.
DartType argument = futureOr.typeArguments.single;
return types.performNullabilityAwareSubtypeCheck(
futureOr, types.hierarchy.futureOrClass)));
IsSubtypeOf isTypeParameterRelated(
TypeParameterType s, InterfaceType futureOr, Types types) {
List<DartType> arguments = futureOr.typeArguments;
Nullability unitedNullability =
computeNullabilityOfFutureOr(futureOr, types.hierarchy.futureOrClass);
// TODO(dmitryas): Revise the original optimization.
return types
// Rule 11.
s, arguments.single.withNullability(unitedNullability))
// Rule 13.
s.parameter.bound.nullability, s.nullability)),
// Rule 10.
new InterfaceType(
types.hierarchy.futureClass, unitedNullability, arguments),
IsSubtypeOf isFunctionRelated(
FunctionType s, InterfaceType futureOr, Types types) {
// Rule 11.
DartType argument = futureOr.typeArguments.single;
return types.performNullabilityAwareSubtypeCheck(
futureOr, types.hierarchy.futureOrClass)));
IsSubtypeOf isIntersectionRelated(
TypeParameterType intersection, InterfaceType futureOr, Types types) {
return isTypeParameterRelated(intersection, futureOr, types) // Rule 8.
intersection.promotedBound, futureOr, types); // Rule 12.
IsSubtypeOf isTypedefRelated(
TypedefType s, InterfaceType futureOr, Types types) {
return types.performNullabilityAwareSubtypeCheck(s.unalias, futureOr);
class IsIntersectionSubtypeOf extends TypeRelation<TypeParameterType> {
const IsIntersectionSubtypeOf();
IsSubtypeOf isIntersectionRelated(TypeParameterType sIntersection,
TypeParameterType tIntersection, Types types) {
// Rule 9.
return const IsTypeParameterSubtypeOf()
.isIntersectionRelated(sIntersection, tIntersection, types)
.andSubtypeCheckFor(sIntersection, tIntersection.promotedBound, types);
IsSubtypeOf isTypeParameterRelated(
TypeParameterType s, TypeParameterType intersection, Types types) {
// Rule 9.
return const IsTypeParameterSubtypeOf()
.isTypeParameterRelated(s, intersection, types)
.andSubtypeCheckFor(s, intersection.promotedBound, types);
IsSubtypeOf isInterfaceRelated(
InterfaceType s, TypeParameterType intersection, Types types) {
if (s.classNode == types.hierarchy.nullClass) {
// Rule 4.
return new IsSubtypeOf.basedSolelyOnNullabilities(s, intersection);
return const IsSubtypeOf.never();
IsSubtypeOf isDynamicRelated(
DynamicType s, TypeParameterType intersection, Types types) {
return const IsSubtypeOf.never();
IsSubtypeOf isFunctionRelated(
FunctionType s, TypeParameterType intersection, Types types) {
return const IsSubtypeOf.never();
IsSubtypeOf isFutureOrRelated(
InterfaceType futureOr, TypeParameterType intersection, Types types) {
return const IsSubtypeOf.never();
IsSubtypeOf isTypedefRelated(
TypedefType s, TypeParameterType intersection, Types types) {
// Rule 5.
return types.performNullabilityAwareSubtypeCheck(s.unalias, intersection);
IsSubtypeOf isVoidRelated(
VoidType s, TypeParameterType intersection, Types types) {
return const IsSubtypeOf.never();
class IsNeverTypeSubtypeOf implements TypeRelation<NeverType> {
const IsNeverTypeSubtypeOf();
IsSubtypeOf isDynamicRelated(DynamicType s, NeverType t, Types types) {
return const IsSubtypeOf.never();
IsSubtypeOf isVoidRelated(VoidType s, NeverType t, Types types) {
return const IsSubtypeOf.never();
IsSubtypeOf isInterfaceRelated(InterfaceType s, NeverType t, Types types) {
if (s.classNode == types.hierarchy.nullClass) {
if (t.nullability == Nullability.nullable) {
return const IsSubtypeOf.always();
if (t.nullability == Nullability.nonNullable) {
return const IsSubtypeOf.never();
throw new StateError(
"Unexpected nullability '$t.nullability' of type Never");
return const IsSubtypeOf.never();
IsSubtypeOf isIntersectionRelated(
TypeParameterType intersection, NeverType t, Types types) {
return types.performNullabilityAwareSubtypeCheck(
intersection.promotedBound, t);
IsSubtypeOf isFunctionRelated(FunctionType s, NeverType t, Types types) {
return const IsSubtypeOf.never();
IsSubtypeOf isFutureOrRelated(
InterfaceType futureOr, NeverType t, Types types) {
return const IsSubtypeOf.never();
IsSubtypeOf isTypeParameterRelated(
TypeParameterType s, NeverType t, Types types) {
return types
.performNullabilityAwareSubtypeCheck(s.bound, t)
.and(new IsSubtypeOf.basedSolelyOnNullabilities(s, t));
IsSubtypeOf isTypedefRelated(TypedefType s, NeverType t, Types types) {
return types.performNullabilityAwareSubtypeCheck(s.unalias, t);