blob: a5cee441ab83f6e7ca4a8e269ae7833f639050cc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import '../common/names.dart';
import '../common_elements.dart';
import '../util/util.dart' show equalElements;
import 'entities.dart';
/// Hierarchy to describe types in Dart.
/// This hierarchy is a super hierarchy of the use-case specific hierarchies
/// used in different parts of the compiler. This hierarchy abstracts details
/// not generally needed or required for the Dart type hierarchy. For instance,
/// the hierarchy in 'resolution_types.dart' has properties supporting lazy
/// computation (like computeAlias) and distinctions between 'Foo' and
/// 'Foo<dynamic>', features that are not needed for code generation and not
/// supported from kernel.
/// Current only 'resolution_types.dart' implement this hierarchy but when the
/// compiler moves to use [Entity] instead of [Element] this hierarchy can be
/// implemented directly but other entity systems, for instance based directly
/// on kernel ir without the need for [Element].
abstract class DartType {
const DartType();
/// Returns the unaliased type of this type.
/// The unaliased type of a typedef'd type is the unaliased type to which its
/// name is bound. The unaliased version of any other type is the type itself.
/// For example, the unaliased type of `typedef A Func<A,B>(B b)` is the
/// function type `(B) -> A` and the unaliased type of `Func<int,String>`
/// is the function type `(String) -> int`.
DartType get unaliased => this;
/// Is `true` if this type is a top type.
// TODO(fishythefish): Update this for normalization.
bool get isTop => false;
/// Is `true` if this type has no non-dynamic type arguments.
bool get treatAsRaw => true;
/// Is `true` if this type should be treated as the dynamic type.
bool get treatAsDynamic => false;
/// Whether this type contains a type variable.
bool get containsTypeVariables => false;
/// Whether this type contains a free class type variable or function type
/// variable.
// TODO(sra): Review uses of [containsTypeVariables] for update with
// [containsFreeTypeVariables].
bool get containsFreeTypeVariables =>
/// Is `true` if this type is the 'Object' type defined in 'dart:core'.
bool get isObject => false;
/// Applies [f] to each occurrence of a [TypeVariableType] within this
/// type. This excludes function type variables, whether free or bound.
void forEachTypeVariable(f(TypeVariableType variable)) {}
/// Performs the substitution `[arguments[i]/parameters[i]]this`.
/// The notation is known from this lambda calculus rule:
/// (lambda x.e0)e1 -> [e1/x]e0.
/// See [TypeVariableType] for a motivation for this method.
/// Invariant: There must be the same number of [arguments] and [parameters].
DartType subst(List<DartType> arguments, List<DartType> parameters) {
assert(arguments.length == parameters.length);
if (parameters.isEmpty) return this;
return SimpleDartTypeSubstitutionVisitor(arguments, parameters)
/// Calls the visit method on [visitor] corresponding to this type.
R accept<R, A>(DartTypeVisitor<R, A> visitor, A argument);
bool _equals(DartType other, _Assumptions assumptions);
String toString() => _DartTypeToStringVisitor().run(this);
/// Pairs of [FunctionTypeVariable]s that are currently assumed to be
/// equivalent.
/// This is used to compute the equivalence relation on types coinductively.
class _Assumptions {
Map<FunctionTypeVariable, Set<FunctionTypeVariable>> _assumptionMap =
<FunctionTypeVariable, Set<FunctionTypeVariable>>{};
void _addAssumption(FunctionTypeVariable a, FunctionTypeVariable b) {
.putIfAbsent(a, () => new Set<FunctionTypeVariable>.identity())
/// Assume that [a] and [b] are equivalent.
void assume(FunctionTypeVariable a, FunctionTypeVariable b) {
_addAssumption(a, b);
_addAssumption(b, a);
void _removeAssumption(FunctionTypeVariable a, FunctionTypeVariable b) {
Set<FunctionTypeVariable> set = _assumptionMap[a];
if (set != null) {
if (set.isEmpty) {
/// Remove the assumption that [a] and [b] are equivalent.
void forget(FunctionTypeVariable a, FunctionTypeVariable b) {
_removeAssumption(a, b);
_removeAssumption(b, a);
/// Returns `true` if [a] and [b] are assumed to be equivalent.
bool isAssumed(FunctionTypeVariable a, FunctionTypeVariable b) {
return _assumptionMap[a]?.contains(b) ?? false;
String toString() {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
String comma = '';
.forEach((FunctionTypeVariable a, Set<FunctionTypeVariable> set) {
sb.write('$comma$a (${identityHashCode(a)})->'
'{${ => '$b (${identityHashCode(b)})').join(',')}}');
comma = ',';
return sb.toString();
class LegacyType extends DartType {
final DartType baseType;
bool get containsTypeVariables => baseType.containsTypeVariables;
void forEachTypeVariable(f(TypeVariableType variable)) {
R accept<R, A>(DartTypeVisitor<R, A> visitor, A argument) =>
visitor.visitLegacyType(this, argument);
int get hashCode => baseType.hashCode * 31;
bool operator ==(other) {
if (identical(this, other)) return true;
if (other is! LegacyType) return false;
return _equalsInternal(other, null);
bool _equals(DartType other, _Assumptions assumptions) {
if (identical(this, other)) return true;
if (other is! LegacyType) return false;
return _equalsInternal(other, assumptions);
bool _equalsInternal(LegacyType other, _Assumptions assumptions) =>
baseType._equals(other.baseType, assumptions);
class NullableType extends DartType {
final DartType baseType;
bool get containsTypeVariables => baseType.containsTypeVariables;
void forEachTypeVariable(f(TypeVariableType variable)) {
R accept<R, A>(DartTypeVisitor<R, A> visitor, A argument) =>
visitor.visitNullableType(this, argument);
int get hashCode => baseType.hashCode * 37;
bool operator ==(other) {
if (identical(this, other)) return true;
if (other is! NullableType) return false;
return _equalsInternal(other, null);
bool _equals(DartType other, _Assumptions assumptions) {
if (identical(this, other)) return true;
if (other is! NullableType) return false;
return _equalsInternal(other, assumptions);
bool _equalsInternal(NullableType other, _Assumptions assumptions) =>
baseType._equals(other.baseType, assumptions);
class InterfaceType extends DartType {
final ClassEntity element;
final List<DartType> typeArguments;
InterfaceType(this.element, this.typeArguments)
: assert(typeArguments.every((e) => e != null));
bool get isTop => isObject;
bool get isObject {
return == 'Object' &&
element.library.canonicalUri == Uris.dart_core;
bool get containsTypeVariables =>
typeArguments.any((type) => type.containsTypeVariables);
void forEachTypeVariable(f(TypeVariableType variable)) {
typeArguments.forEach((type) => type.forEachTypeVariable(f));
bool get treatAsRaw {
for (DartType type in typeArguments) {
if (!type.treatAsDynamic) return false;
return true;
R accept<R, A>(DartTypeVisitor<R, A> visitor, A argument) =>
visitor.visitInterfaceType(this, argument);
int get hashCode {
int hash = element.hashCode;
for (DartType argument in typeArguments) {
int argumentHash = argument != null ? argument.hashCode : 0;
hash = 17 * hash + 3 * argumentHash;
return hash;
bool operator ==(other) {
if (identical(this, other)) return true;
if (other is! InterfaceType) return false;
return _equalsInternal(other, null);
bool _equals(DartType other, _Assumptions assumptions) {
if (identical(this, other)) return true;
if (other is! InterfaceType) return false;
return _equalsInternal(other, assumptions);
bool _equalsInternal(InterfaceType other, _Assumptions assumptions) {
return identical(element, other.element) &&
_equalTypes(typeArguments, other.typeArguments, assumptions);
class TypedefType extends DartType {
final TypedefEntity element;
final List<DartType> typeArguments;
final FunctionType unaliased;
TypedefType(this.element, this.typeArguments, this.unaliased);
bool get isTop => unaliased.isTop;
bool get containsTypeVariables =>
typeArguments.any((type) => type.containsTypeVariables);
void forEachTypeVariable(f(TypeVariableType variable)) {
typeArguments.forEach((type) => type.forEachTypeVariable(f));
bool get treatAsRaw {
for (DartType type in typeArguments) {
if (!type.treatAsDynamic) return false;
return true;
R accept<R, A>(DartTypeVisitor<R, A> visitor, A argument) =>
visitor.visitTypedefType(this, argument);
int get hashCode {
int hash = element.hashCode;
for (DartType argument in typeArguments) {
int argumentHash = argument != null ? argument.hashCode : 0;
hash = 17 * hash + 3 * argumentHash;
return hash;
bool operator ==(other) {
if (identical(this, other)) return true;
if (other is! TypedefType) return false;
return _equalsInternal(other, null);
bool _equals(DartType other, _Assumptions assumptions) {
if (identical(this, other)) return true;
if (other is! TypedefType) return false;
return _equalsInternal(other, assumptions);
bool _equalsInternal(TypedefType other, _Assumptions assumptions) {
return identical(element, other.element) &&
_equalTypes(typeArguments, other.typeArguments, assumptions);
class TypeVariableType extends DartType {
final TypeVariableEntity element;
bool get containsTypeVariables => true;
void forEachTypeVariable(f(TypeVariableType variable)) {
R accept<R, A>(DartTypeVisitor<R, A> visitor, A argument) =>
visitor.visitTypeVariableType(this, argument);
int get hashCode => 17 * element.hashCode;
bool operator ==(other) {
if (other is! TypeVariableType) return false;
return identical(other.element, element);
bool _equals(DartType other, _Assumptions assumptions) {
if (other is TypeVariableType) {
return identical(other.element, element);
return false;
/// A type variable declared on a function type.
/// For instance `T` in
/// void Function<T>(T t)
/// Such a type variable is different from a [TypeVariableType] because it
/// doesn't have a unique identity; is is equal to any other
/// [FunctionTypeVariable] used similarly in another structurally equivalent
/// function type.
class FunctionTypeVariable extends DartType {
/// The index of this type within the type variables of the declaring function
/// type.
final int index;
/// The bound of this function type variable.
DartType _bound;
DartType get bound {
assert(_bound != null, "Bound has not been set.");
return _bound;
void set bound(DartType value) {
assert(_bound == null, "Bound has already been set.");
_bound = value;
int get hashCode => index.hashCode * 19;
bool operator ==(other) {
if (identical(this, other)) return true;
if (other is! FunctionTypeVariable) return false;
return false;
bool _equals(DartType other, _Assumptions assumptions) {
if (identical(this, other)) return true;
if (other is! FunctionTypeVariable) return false;
if (assumptions != null) return assumptions.isAssumed(this, other);
return false;
R accept<R, A>(DartTypeVisitor<R, A> visitor, A argument) =>
visitor.visitFunctionTypeVariable(this, argument);
class NeverType extends DartType {
const NeverType._();
factory NeverType() => const NeverType._();
R accept<R, A>(DartTypeVisitor<R, A> visitor, A argument) =>
visitor.visitNeverType(this, argument);
int get hashCode => 41;
bool _equals(DartType other, _Assumptions assumptions) =>
identical(this, other);
class VoidType extends DartType {
const VoidType._();
factory VoidType() => const VoidType._();
bool get isTop => true;
R accept<R, A>(DartTypeVisitor<R, A> visitor, A argument) =>
visitor.visitVoidType(this, argument);
int get hashCode => 6007;
bool _equals(DartType other, _Assumptions assumptions) {
return identical(this, other);
class DynamicType extends DartType {
const DynamicType._();
factory DynamicType() => const DynamicType._();
bool get isTop => true;
bool get treatAsDynamic => true;
R accept<R, A>(DartTypeVisitor<R, A> visitor, A argument) =>
visitor.visitDynamicType(this, argument);
int get hashCode => 91;
bool _equals(DartType other, _Assumptions assumptions) {
return identical(this, other);
class ErasedType extends DartType {
const ErasedType._();
factory ErasedType() => const ErasedType._();
bool get isTop => true;
bool get treatAsDynamic => true;
R accept<R, A>(DartTypeVisitor<R, A> visitor, A argument) =>
visitor.visitErasedType(this, argument);
int get hashCode => 119;
bool _equals(DartType other, _Assumptions assumptions) =>
identical(this, other);
/// Represents a type which is simultaneously top and bottom.
/// This is not a standard Dart type, but an extension of the standard Dart type
/// system for dart2js. Because 'any' is both top and bottom, it is useful for
/// ensuring that type checks succeed so that we can avoid spurious failures
/// when our analysis is incorrect or incomplete.
/// Use cases include:
/// * Representing inscrutable JS-interop types.
/// * Representing types appearing as generic method bounds which contain type
/// variables. (See issue 33422.)
class AnyType extends DartType {
const AnyType._();
factory AnyType() => const AnyType._();
bool get isTop => true;
R accept<R, A>(DartTypeVisitor<R, A> visitor, A argument) =>
visitor.visitAnyType(this, argument);
int get hashCode => 95;
bool _equals(DartType other, _Assumptions assumptions) =>
identical(this, other);
class FunctionType extends DartType {
final DartType returnType;
final List<DartType> parameterTypes;
final List<DartType> optionalParameterTypes;
/// The names of the named parameters ordered lexicographically.
final List<String> namedParameters;
/// The types of the named parameters in the order corresponding to the
/// [namedParameters].
final List<DartType> namedParameterTypes;
final List<FunctionTypeVariable> typeVariables;
this.typeVariables) {
assert(returnType != null, "Invalid return type in $this.");
assert(!parameterTypes.contains(null), "Invalid parameter types in $this.");
"Invalid optional parameter types in $this.");
!namedParameters.contains(null), "Invalid named parameters in $this.");
"Invalid named parameter types in $this.");
assert(!typeVariables.contains(null), "Invalid type variables in $this.");
bool get containsTypeVariables {
return typeVariables.any((type) => type.bound.containsTypeVariables) ||
returnType.containsTypeVariables ||
parameterTypes.any((type) => type.containsTypeVariables) ||
optionalParameterTypes.any((type) => type.containsTypeVariables) ||
namedParameterTypes.any((type) => type.containsTypeVariables);
void forEachTypeVariable(f(TypeVariableType variable)) {
typeVariables.forEach((type) => type.bound.forEachTypeVariable(f));
parameterTypes.forEach((type) => type.forEachTypeVariable(f));
optionalParameterTypes.forEach((type) => type.forEachTypeVariable(f));
namedParameterTypes.forEach((type) => type.forEachTypeVariable(f));
FunctionType instantiate(List<DartType> arguments) {
return subst(arguments, typeVariables);
R accept<R, A>(DartTypeVisitor<R, A> visitor, A argument) =>
visitor.visitFunctionType(this, argument);
int get hashCode {
int hash = 3 * returnType.hashCode;
for (DartType parameter in parameterTypes) {
hash = 17 * hash + 5 * parameter.hashCode;
for (DartType parameter in optionalParameterTypes) {
hash = 19 * hash + 7 * parameter.hashCode;
for (String name in namedParameters) {
hash = 23 * hash + 11 * name.hashCode;
for (DartType parameter in namedParameterTypes) {
hash = 29 * hash + 13 * parameter.hashCode;
return hash;
bool operator ==(other) {
if (identical(this, other)) return true;
if (other is! FunctionType) return false;
return _equalsInternal(other, null);
bool _equals(DartType other, _Assumptions assumptions) {
if (identical(this, other)) return true;
if (other is! FunctionType) return false;
return _equalsInternal(other, assumptions);
bool _equalsInternal(FunctionType other, _Assumptions assumptions) {
if (typeVariables.length != other.typeVariables.length) return false;
if (typeVariables.isNotEmpty) {
assumptions ??= new _Assumptions();
for (int index = 0; index < typeVariables.length; index++) {
assumptions.assume(typeVariables[index], other.typeVariables[index]);
for (int index = 0; index < typeVariables.length; index++) {
if (!typeVariables[index]
._equals(other.typeVariables[index].bound, assumptions)) {
return false;
bool result = returnType._equals(other.returnType, assumptions) &&
_equalTypes(parameterTypes, other.parameterTypes, assumptions) &&
_equalTypes(optionalParameterTypes, other.optionalParameterTypes,
assumptions) &&
equalElements(namedParameters, other.namedParameters) &&
namedParameterTypes, other.namedParameterTypes, assumptions);
if (typeVariables.isNotEmpty) {
for (int index = 0; index < typeVariables.length; index++) {
assumptions.forget(typeVariables[index], other.typeVariables[index]);
return result;
class FutureOrType extends DartType {
final DartType typeArgument;
bool get isTop => typeArgument.isTop;
bool get containsTypeVariables => typeArgument.containsTypeVariables;
void forEachTypeVariable(f(TypeVariableType variable)) {
R accept<R, A>(DartTypeVisitor<R, A> visitor, A argument) =>
visitor.visitFutureOrType(this, argument);
int get hashCode => typeArgument.hashCode * 13;
bool operator ==(other) {
if (identical(this, other)) return true;
if (other is! FutureOrType) return false;
return _equalsInternal(other, null);
bool _equals(DartType other, _Assumptions assumptions) {
if (identical(this, other)) return true;
if (other is! FutureOrType) return false;
return _equalsInternal(other, assumptions);
bool _equalsInternal(FutureOrType other, _Assumptions assumptions) {
return typeArgument._equals(other.typeArgument, assumptions);
bool _equalTypes(List<DartType> a, List<DartType> b, _Assumptions assumptions) {
if (a.length != b.length) return false;
for (int index = 0; index < a.length; index++) {
if (!a[index]._equals(b[index], assumptions)) {
return false;
return true;
abstract class DartTypeVisitor<R, A> {
const DartTypeVisitor();
R visit(covariant DartType type, A argument) => type.accept(this, argument);
R visitLegacyType(covariant LegacyType type, A argument) => null;
R visitNullableType(covariant NullableType type, A argument) => null;
R visitNeverType(covariant NeverType type, A argument) => null;
R visitVoidType(covariant VoidType type, A argument) => null;
R visitTypeVariableType(covariant TypeVariableType type, A argument) => null;
R visitFunctionTypeVariable(
covariant FunctionTypeVariable type, A argument) =>
R visitFunctionType(covariant FunctionType type, A argument) => null;
R visitInterfaceType(covariant InterfaceType type, A argument) => null;
R visitTypedefType(covariant TypedefType type, A argument) => null;
R visitDynamicType(covariant DynamicType type, A argument) => null;
R visitErasedType(covariant ErasedType type, A argument) => null;
R visitAnyType(covariant AnyType type, A argument) => null;
R visitFutureOrType(covariant FutureOrType type, A argument) => null;
abstract class BaseDartTypeVisitor<R, A> extends DartTypeVisitor<R, A> {
const BaseDartTypeVisitor();
R visitType(covariant DartType type, A argument);
R visitLegacyType(covariant LegacyType type, A argument) =>
visitType(type, argument);
R visitNullableType(covariant NullableType type, A argument) =>
visitType(type, argument);
R visitNeverType(covariant NeverType type, A argument) =>
visitType(type, argument);
R visitVoidType(covariant VoidType type, A argument) =>
visitType(type, argument);
R visitTypeVariableType(covariant TypeVariableType type, A argument) =>
visitType(type, argument);
R visitFunctionTypeVariable(
covariant FunctionTypeVariable type, A argument) =>
visitType(type, argument);
R visitFunctionType(covariant FunctionType type, A argument) =>
visitType(type, argument);
R visitInterfaceType(covariant InterfaceType type, A argument) =>
visitType(type, argument);
R visitDynamicType(covariant DynamicType type, A argument) =>
visitType(type, argument);
R visitErasedType(covariant ErasedType type, A argument) =>
visitType(type, argument);
R visitAnyType(covariant AnyType type, A argument) =>
visitType(type, argument);
R visitFutureOrType(covariant FutureOrType type, A argument) =>
visitType(type, argument);
abstract class DartTypeSubstitutionVisitor<A>
extends DartTypeVisitor<DartType, A> {
// The input type is a DAG and we must preserve the sharing.
Map<DartType, DartType> _map = Map.identity();
DartType _mapped(DartType oldType, DartType newType) {
assert(_map[oldType] == null);
return _map[oldType] = newType;
/// Returns the replacement for the type variable [type]. Returns the original
/// [type] if not substituted. The substitution algorithm sometimes visits the
/// same subterm more than once. When this happens, [freshReference] is `true`
/// on only one visit. This allows the substitution visitor to count the
/// number of times the replacement term occurs in the final term.
DartType substituteTypeVariableType(
TypeVariableType type, A argument, bool freshReference);
/// Returns the replacement for the function type variable [type]. Returns the
/// original [type] if not substituted. The substitution algorithm sometimes
/// visits the same subterm more than once. When this happens,
/// [freshReference] is `true` on only one visit. This allows the substitution
/// visitor to count the number of times the replacement term occurs in the
/// final term.
DartType substituteFunctionTypeVariable(
FunctionTypeVariable type, A argument, bool freshReference) =>
DartType visitLegacyType(covariant LegacyType type, A argument) {
DartType probe = _map[type];
if (probe != null) return probe;
DartType newBaseType = visit(type.baseType, argument);
// Create a new type only if necessary.
if (identical(type.baseType, newBaseType)) {
return _mapped(type, type);
return _mapped(type, LegacyType(newBaseType));
DartType visitNullableType(covariant NullableType type, A argument) {
DartType probe = _map[type];
if (probe != null) return probe;
DartType newBaseType = visit(type.baseType, argument);
// Create a new type only if necessary.
if (identical(type.baseType, newBaseType)) {
return _mapped(type, type);
return _mapped(type, NullableType(newBaseType));
DartType visitNeverType(covariant NeverType type, A argument) => type;
DartType visitTypeVariableType(covariant TypeVariableType type, A argument) {
return substituteTypeVariableType(type, argument, true);
DartType visitFunctionTypeVariable(
covariant FunctionTypeVariable type, A argument) {
// Function type variables are added to the map only for type variables that
// need to be replaced with updated bounds.
DartType probe = _map[type];
if (probe != null) return probe;
return substituteFunctionTypeVariable(type, argument, true);
DartType visitVoidType(covariant VoidType type, A argument) => type;
DartType visitFunctionType(covariant FunctionType type, A argument) {
DartType probe = _map[type];
if (probe != null) return probe;
List<FunctionTypeVariable> newTypeVariables =
_handleFunctionTypeVariables(type.typeVariables, argument);
DartType newReturnType = visit(type.returnType, argument);
List<DartType> newParameterTypes =
_substTypes(type.parameterTypes, argument);
List<DartType> newOptionalParameterTypes =
_substTypes(type.optionalParameterTypes, argument);
List<DartType> newNamedParameterTypes =
_substTypes(type.namedParameterTypes, argument);
// Create a new type only if necessary.
if (identical(type.typeVariables, newTypeVariables) &&
identical(type.returnType, newReturnType) &&
identical(type.parameterTypes, newParameterTypes) &&
identical(type.optionalParameterTypes, newOptionalParameterTypes) &&
identical(type.namedParameterTypes, newNamedParameterTypes)) {
return _mapped(type, type);
return _mapped(
List<FunctionTypeVariable> _handleFunctionTypeVariables(
List<FunctionTypeVariable> variables, A argument) {
if (variables.isEmpty) return variables;
// Are the function type variables being substituted (i.e. generic function
// type instantiation).
// TODO(sra): This should happen only from via
// [FunctionType.instantiate]. Perhaps it would be handled better there.
int count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < variables.length; i++) {
FunctionTypeVariable variable = variables[i];
if (variable !=
substituteFunctionTypeVariable(variable, argument, false)) {
if (count == variables.length) return const <FunctionTypeVariable>[];
assert(count == 0, 'Generic function type instantiation is all-or-none');
// Type variables may depend on each other. Consider:
// <A extends List<B>,
// B extends Set<A>,
// C extends D,
// D extends Map<B, F>>(){}
// A and B have a cycle but are not changed by the subsitution of F->G. C is
// indirectly changed by the substitution of F. When D is replaced by `D2
// extends Map<B,G>`, C must be replaced by `C2 extends D2`.
List<FunctionTypeVariable> undecided = variables.toList();
List<FunctionTypeVariable> newVariables;
_DependencyCheck<A> dependencyCheck = _DependencyCheck<A>(this, argument);
bool changed = true;
while (changed) {
changed = false;
for (int i = 0; i < undecided.length; i++) {
FunctionTypeVariable variable = undecided[i];
if (variable == null) continue;
if ( {
changed = true;
undecided[i] = null;
newVariables ??= variables.toList();
FunctionTypeVariable newVariable =
newVariables[i] = newVariable;
_mapped(variable, newVariable);
if (newVariables == null) return variables;
// Substitute the bounds of the new variables;
for (int i = 0; i < newVariables.length; i++) {
FunctionTypeVariable oldVariable = variables[i];
FunctionTypeVariable newVariable = newVariables[i];
if (identical(oldVariable, newVariable)) continue;
newVariable.bound = visit(oldVariable.bound, argument);
return newVariables;
DartType visitInterfaceType(covariant InterfaceType type, A argument) {
List<DartType> typeArguments = type.typeArguments;
if (typeArguments.isEmpty) {
// Return fast on non-generic types.
return type;
DartType probe = _map[type];
if (probe != null) return probe;
List<DartType> newTypeArguments = _substTypes(typeArguments, argument);
// Create a new type only if necessary.
if (identical(typeArguments, newTypeArguments)) {
return _mapped(type, type);
return _mapped(type, InterfaceType(type.element, newTypeArguments));
DartType visitTypedefType(covariant TypedefType type, A argument) {
DartType probe = _map[type];
if (probe != null) return probe;
List<DartType> newTypeArguments = _substTypes(type.typeArguments, argument);
FunctionType newUnaliased = visit(type.unaliased, argument);
// Create a new type only if necessary.
if (identical(type.typeArguments, newTypeArguments) &&
identical(type.unaliased, newUnaliased)) {
return _mapped(type, type);
return _mapped(
type, TypedefType(type.element, newTypeArguments, newUnaliased));
DartType visitDynamicType(covariant DynamicType type, A argument) => type;
DartType visitErasedType(covariant ErasedType type, A argument) => type;
DartType visitAnyType(covariant AnyType type, A argument) => type;
DartType visitFutureOrType(covariant FutureOrType type, A argument) {
DartType probe = _map[type];
if (probe != null) return probe;
DartType newTypeArgument = visit(type.typeArgument, argument);
// Create a new type only if necessary.
if (identical(type.typeArgument, newTypeArgument)) {
return _mapped(type, type);
return _mapped(type, FutureOrType(newTypeArgument));
List<DartType> _substTypes(List<DartType> types, A argument) {
List<DartType> result;
for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) {
DartType oldType = types[i];
DartType newType = visit(oldType, argument);
if (!identical(newType, oldType)) {
result ??= types.sublist(0, i);
return result ?? types;
class _DependencyCheck<A> extends DartTypeStructuralPredicateVisitor {
final DartTypeSubstitutionVisitor<A> _substitutionVisitor;
final A argument;
_DependencyCheck(this._substitutionVisitor, this.argument);
bool handleTypeVariableType(TypeVariableType type) {
return !identical(type,
_substitutionVisitor.substituteTypeVariableType(type, argument, false));
bool handleFreeFunctionTypeVariable(FunctionTypeVariable type) {
// Function type variables are added to the map for type variables that need
// to be replaced with updated bounds.
DartType probe = _substitutionVisitor._map[type];
if (probe != null) return probe != type;
return !identical(
type, argument, false));
/// A visitor that by default visits the substructure of the type until some
/// visit returns `true`. The default handlers return `false` which will search
/// the whole structure unless overridden.
abstract class DartTypeStructuralPredicateVisitor
extends DartTypeVisitor<bool, List<FunctionTypeVariable>> {
const DartTypeStructuralPredicateVisitor();
bool run(DartType type) => visit(type, null);
bool handleLegacyType(LegacyType type) => false;
bool handleNullableType(NullableType type) => false;
bool handleNeverType(NeverType type) => false;
bool handleVoidType(VoidType type) => false;
bool handleTypeVariableType(TypeVariableType type) => false;
bool handleBoundFunctionTypeVariable(FunctionTypeVariable type) => false;
bool handleFreeFunctionTypeVariable(FunctionTypeVariable type) => false;
bool handleFunctionType(FunctionType type) => false;
bool handleInterfaceType(InterfaceType type) => false;
bool handleTypedefType(TypedefType type) => false;
bool handleDynamicType(DynamicType type) => false;
bool handleErasedType(ErasedType type) => false;
bool handleAnyType(AnyType type) => false;
bool handleFutureOrType(FutureOrType type) => false;
bool visitLegacyType(LegacyType type, List<FunctionTypeVariable> bindings) =>
handleLegacyType(type) || visit(type.baseType, bindings);
bool visitNullableType(
NullableType type, List<FunctionTypeVariable> bindings) =>
handleNullableType(type) || visit(type.baseType, bindings);
bool visitNeverType(NeverType type, List<FunctionTypeVariable> bindings) =>
bool visitVoidType(VoidType type, List<FunctionTypeVariable> bindings) =>
bool visitTypeVariableType(
TypeVariableType type, List<FunctionTypeVariable> bindings) =>
bool visitFunctionTypeVariable(
FunctionTypeVariable type, List<FunctionTypeVariable> bindings) {
return bindings != null && bindings.indexOf(type) >= 0
? handleBoundFunctionTypeVariable(type)
: handleFreeFunctionTypeVariable(type);
bool visitFunctionType(
FunctionType type, List<FunctionTypeVariable> bindings) {
if (handleFunctionType(type)) return true;
List<FunctionTypeVariable> typeVariables = type.typeVariables;
if (typeVariables.isNotEmpty) {
bindings ??= <FunctionTypeVariable>[];
bool result = visit(type.returnType, bindings);
result = result ||
_visitAll( => variable.bound).toList(),
result = result || _visitAll(type.parameterTypes, bindings);
result = result || _visitAll(type.optionalParameterTypes, bindings);
result = result || _visitAll(type.namedParameterTypes, bindings);
bindings?.length -= typeVariables.length;
return result;
bool visitInterfaceType(
InterfaceType type, List<FunctionTypeVariable> bindings) {
if (handleInterfaceType(type)) return true;
return _visitAll(type.typeArguments, bindings);
bool visitTypedefType(TypedefType type, List<FunctionTypeVariable> bindings) {
if (handleTypedefType(type)) return true;
if (_visitAll(type.typeArguments, bindings)) return true;
return visit(type.unaliased, bindings);
bool visitDynamicType(
DynamicType type, List<FunctionTypeVariable> bindings) =>
bool visitErasedType(ErasedType type, List<FunctionTypeVariable> bindings) =>
bool visitAnyType(AnyType type, List<FunctionTypeVariable> bindings) =>
bool visitFutureOrType(
FutureOrType type, List<FunctionTypeVariable> bindings) {
if (handleFutureOrType(type)) return true;
return visit(type.typeArgument, bindings);
bool _visitAll(List<DartType> types, List<FunctionTypeVariable> bindings) {
for (DartType type in types) {
if (visit(type, bindings)) return true;
return false;
class _ContainsFreeTypeVariablesVisitor
extends DartTypeStructuralPredicateVisitor {
bool handleTypeVariableType(TypeVariableType type) => true;
bool handleFreeFunctionTypeVariable(FunctionTypeVariable type) => true;
class SimpleDartTypeSubstitutionVisitor
extends DartTypeSubstitutionVisitor<Null> {
final List<DartType> arguments;
final List<DartType> parameters;
SimpleDartTypeSubstitutionVisitor(this.arguments, this.parameters);
DartType substitute(DartType input) => visit(input, null);
DartType substituteTypeVariableType(
TypeVariableType type, Null _, bool freshReference) {
int index = this.parameters.indexOf(type);
if (index != -1) {
return this.arguments[index];
// The type variable was not substituted.
return type;
DartType substituteFunctionTypeVariable(
covariant FunctionTypeVariable type, Null _, bool freshReference) {
int index = this.parameters.indexOf(type);
if (index != -1) {
return this.arguments[index];
// The function type variable was not substituted.
return type;
class _DeferredName {
String name;
String toString() => name;
class _DartTypeToStringVisitor extends DartTypeVisitor<void, void> {
final List _fragments = []; // Strings and _DeferredNames
bool _lastIsIdentifier = false;
List<FunctionTypeVariable> _boundVariables;
Map<FunctionTypeVariable, _DeferredName> _variableToName;
Set<FunctionType> _genericFunctions;
String run(DartType type) {
if (_variableToName != null &&
_variableToName.values.any((deferred) => == null)) {
// Assign names to _DeferredNames that were not assigned while visiting a
// generic function type.
Set<String> usedNames = =>;
int startGroup = (_genericFunctions?.length ?? 0) + 1;
for (var entry in _variableToName.entries) {
if ( != null) continue;
for (int group = startGroup;; group++) {
String name = _functionTypeVariableName(entry.key, group);
if (!usedNames.add(name)) continue; = name;
return _fragments.join();
String _functionTypeVariableName(FunctionTypeVariable variable, int group) {
String prefix = String.fromCharCode(0x41 + variable.index);
String suffix = group == 1 ? '' : '$group';
return prefix + suffix;
void _identifier(String text) {
if (_lastIsIdentifier) _fragments.add(' ');
_lastIsIdentifier = true;
void _deferredNameIdentifier(_DeferredName name) {
if (_lastIsIdentifier) _fragments.add(' ');
_lastIsIdentifier = true;
void _token(String text) {
_lastIsIdentifier = false;
bool _comma(bool needsComma) {
if (needsComma) _token(',');
return true;
void _visit(DartType type) {
type.accept(this, null);
void visitLegacyType(covariant LegacyType type, _) {
void visitNullableType(covariant NullableType type, _) {
void visitNeverType(covariant NeverType type, _) {
void visitVoidType(covariant VoidType type, _) {
void visitDynamicType(covariant DynamicType type, _) {
void visitErasedType(covariant ErasedType type, _) {
void visitAnyType(covariant AnyType type, _) {
void visitTypeVariableType(covariant TypeVariableType type, _) {
_DeferredName _nameFor(FunctionTypeVariable type) {
_variableToName ??= Map.identity();
return _variableToName[type] ??= _DeferredName();
void visitFunctionTypeVariable(covariant FunctionTypeVariable type, _) {
// The first letter of the variable name indicates the 'index'. Names have
// suffixes corresponding to the different generic function types (A, A2,
// A3, etc).
if (_boundVariables == null || !_boundVariables.contains(type)) {
void visitFunctionType(covariant FunctionType type, _) {
if (type.typeVariables.isNotEmpty) {
// Enter function type variable scope.
_boundVariables ??= [];
// Assign names for the function type variables. We could have already
// assigned names for this node if we are printing a DAG.
_genericFunctions ??= Set.identity();
if (_genericFunctions.add(type)) {
int group = _genericFunctions.length;
for (FunctionTypeVariable variable in type.typeVariables) {
_DeferredName deferredName = _nameFor(variable);
// If there is a structural error where one FunctionTypeVariable is
// used in two [FunctionType]s it might already have a name. ??= _functionTypeVariableName(variable, group);
_token(' ');
if (type.typeVariables.isNotEmpty) {
bool needsComma = false;
for (FunctionTypeVariable typeVariable in type.typeVariables) {
needsComma = _comma(needsComma);
DartType bound = typeVariable.bound;
if (!bound.isObject) {
_token(' extends ');
bool needsComma = false;
for (DartType parameterType in type.parameterTypes) {
needsComma = _comma(needsComma);
if (type.optionalParameterTypes.isNotEmpty) {
needsComma = _comma(needsComma);
bool needsOptionalComma = false;
for (DartType typeArgument in type.optionalParameterTypes) {
needsOptionalComma = _comma(needsOptionalComma);
if (type.namedParameters.isNotEmpty) {
needsComma = _comma(needsComma);
bool needsNamedComma = false;
for (int index = 0; index < type.namedParameters.length; index++) {
needsNamedComma = _comma(needsNamedComma);
_token(' ');
// Exit function type variable scope.
_boundVariables?.length -= type.typeVariables.length;
void visitInterfaceType(covariant InterfaceType type, _) {
void visitTypedefType(covariant TypedefType type, _) {
void _optionalTypeArguments(List<DartType> types) {
if (types.isNotEmpty) {
bool needsComma = false;
for (DartType typeArgument in types) {
needsComma = _comma(needsComma);
void visitFutureOrType(covariant FutureOrType type, _) {
/// Abstract visitor for determining relations between types.
// TODO(fishythefish): Rewrite type relations to support NNBD types and new
// subtyping algorithm structure.
abstract class AbstractTypeRelation<T extends DartType>
extends BaseDartTypeVisitor<bool, T> {
CommonElements get commonElements;
final _Assumptions assumptions = new _Assumptions();
/// Ensures that the super hierarchy of [type] is computed.
void ensureResolved(InterfaceType type) {}
/// Returns the unaliased version of [type].
T getUnaliased(T type) => type.unaliased;
/// Returns [type] as an instance of [cls], or `null` if [type] is not subtype
/// if [cls].
InterfaceType asInstanceOf(InterfaceType type, ClassEntity cls);
/// Returns the type of the `call` method on [type], or `null` if the class
/// of [type] does not have a `call` method.
FunctionType getCallType(InterfaceType type);
/// Returns the declared bound of [element].
DartType getTypeVariableBound(TypeVariableEntity element);
bool visitType(T t, T s) {
throw 'internal error: unknown type ${t}';
bool visitVoidType(VoidType t, T s) {
assert(s is! VoidType);
return false;
bool invalidTypeArguments(T t, T s);
bool invalidFunctionReturnTypes(T t, T s);
bool invalidFunctionParameterTypes(T t, T s);
bool invalidTypeVariableBounds(T bound, T s);
bool invalidCallableType(covariant DartType callType, covariant DartType s);
bool visitInterfaceType(InterfaceType t, covariant DartType s) {
bool checkTypeArguments(InterfaceType instance, InterfaceType other) {
List<T> tTypeArgs = instance.typeArguments;
List<T> sTypeArgs = other.typeArguments;
assert(tTypeArgs.length == sTypeArgs.length);
for (int i = 0; i < tTypeArgs.length; i++) {
if (invalidTypeArguments(tTypeArgs[i], sTypeArgs[i])) {
return false;
return true;
if (s is InterfaceType) {
InterfaceType instance = asInstanceOf(t, s.element);
if (instance != null && checkTypeArguments(instance, s)) {
return true;
FunctionType callType = getCallType(t);
if (s == commonElements.functionType && callType != null) {
return true;
} else if (s is FunctionType) {
return callType != null && !invalidCallableType(callType, s);
return false;
bool visitFunctionType(FunctionType t, DartType s) {
if (s == commonElements.functionType) {
return true;
if (s is! FunctionType) return false;
FunctionType tf = t;
FunctionType sf = s;
int typeVariablesCount = getCommonTypeVariablesCount(tf, sf);
if (typeVariablesCount == null) {
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < typeVariablesCount; i++) {
assumptions.assume(tf.typeVariables[i], sf.typeVariables[i]);
for (int i = 0; i < typeVariablesCount; i++) {
if (!tf.typeVariables[i].bound
._equals(sf.typeVariables[i].bound, assumptions)) {
return false;
if (invalidFunctionReturnTypes(tf.returnType, sf.returnType)) {
return false;
bool result = visitFunctionTypeInternal(tf, sf);
for (int i = 0; i < typeVariablesCount; i++) {
assumptions.forget(tf.typeVariables[i], sf.typeVariables[i]);
return result;
int getCommonTypeVariablesCount(FunctionType t, FunctionType s) {
if (t.typeVariables.length == s.typeVariables.length) {
return t.typeVariables.length;
return null;
bool visitFunctionTypeInternal(FunctionType tf, FunctionType sf) {
// TODO(johnniwinther): Rewrite the function subtyping to be more readable
// but still as efficient.
// For the comments we use the following abbreviations:
// x.p : parameterTypes on [:x:],
// x.o : optionalParameterTypes on [:x:], and
// len(xs) : length of list [:xs:].
Iterator<T> tps = tf.parameterTypes.iterator;
Iterator<T> sps = sf.parameterTypes.iterator;
bool sNotEmpty = sps.moveNext();
bool tNotEmpty = tps.moveNext();
tNext() => (tNotEmpty = tps.moveNext());
sNext() => (sNotEmpty = sps.moveNext());
bool incompatibleParameters() {
while (tNotEmpty && sNotEmpty) {
if (invalidFunctionParameterTypes(tps.current, sps.current)) {
return true;
return false;
if (incompatibleParameters()) return false;
if (tNotEmpty) {
// We must have [: len(t.p) <= len(s.p) :].
return false;
if (!sf.namedParameters.isEmpty) {
// We must have [: len(t.p) == len(s.p) :].
if (sNotEmpty) {
return false;
// Since named parameters are globally ordered we can determine the
// subset relation with a linear search for [:sf.namedParameters:]
// within [:tf.namedParameters:].
List<String> tNames = tf.namedParameters;
List<T> tTypes = tf.namedParameterTypes;
List<String> sNames = sf.namedParameters;
List<T> sTypes = sf.namedParameterTypes;
int tIndex = 0;
int sIndex = 0;
while (tIndex < tNames.length && sIndex < sNames.length) {
if (tNames[tIndex] == sNames[sIndex]) {
if (invalidFunctionParameterTypes(tTypes[tIndex], sTypes[sIndex])) {
return false;
if (sIndex < sNames.length) {
// We didn't find all names.
return false;
} else {
// Check the remaining [: s.p :] against [: t.o :].
tps = tf.optionalParameterTypes.iterator;
if (incompatibleParameters()) return false;
if (sNotEmpty) {
// We must have [: len(t.p) + len(t.o) >= len(s.p) :].
return false;
if (!sf.optionalParameterTypes.isEmpty) {
// Check the remaining [: s.o :] against the remaining [: t.o :].
sps = sf.optionalParameterTypes.iterator;
if (incompatibleParameters()) return false;
if (sNotEmpty) {
// We didn't find enough parameters:
// We must have [: len(t.p) + len(t.o) <= len(s.p) + len(s.o) :].
return false;
} else {
if (sNotEmpty) {
// We must have [: len(t.p) + len(t.o) >= len(s.p) :].
return false;
return true;
bool visitTypeVariableType(TypeVariableType t, T s) {
// Identity check is handled in [isSubtype].
DartType bound = getTypeVariableBound(t.element);
if (bound is TypeVariableType) {
// The bound is potentially cyclic so we need to be extra careful.
Set<TypeVariableEntity> seenTypeVariables = new Set<TypeVariableEntity>();
while (bound is TypeVariableType) {
TypeVariableType typeVariable = bound;
if (bound == s) {
// [t] extends [s].
return true;
if (seenTypeVariables.contains(typeVariable.element)) {
// We have a cycle and have already checked all bounds in the cycle
// against [s] and can therefore conclude that [t] is not a subtype
// of [s].
return false;
bound = getTypeVariableBound(typeVariable.element);
if (invalidTypeVariableBounds(bound, s)) return false;
return true;
bool visitFunctionTypeVariable(FunctionTypeVariable t, DartType s) {
if (s is! FunctionTypeVariable) return false;
return assumptions.isAssumed(t, s);
abstract class MoreSpecificVisitor<T extends DartType>
extends AbstractTypeRelation<T> {
bool isMoreSpecific(T t, T s) {
if (identical(t, s) ||
t is AnyType ||
s is AnyType ||
s.treatAsDynamic ||
s is VoidType ||
s == commonElements.objectType ||
t == commonElements.nullType) {
return true;
if (t.treatAsDynamic) {
return false;
t = getUnaliased(t);
s = getUnaliased(s);
return t.accept(this, s);
bool invalidTypeArguments(T t, T s) {
return !isMoreSpecific(t, s);
bool invalidFunctionReturnTypes(T t, T s) {
if (s.treatAsDynamic && t is VoidType) return true;
return s is! VoidType && !isMoreSpecific(t, s);
bool invalidFunctionParameterTypes(T t, T s) {
return !isMoreSpecific(t, s);
bool invalidTypeVariableBounds(T bound, T s) {
return !isMoreSpecific(bound, s);
bool invalidCallableType(covariant DartType callType, covariant DartType s) {
return !isMoreSpecific(callType, s);
bool visitFutureOrType(FutureOrType t, covariant DartType s) {
return false;
/// Type visitor that determines the subtype relation two types.
abstract class SubtypeVisitor<T extends DartType>
extends MoreSpecificVisitor<T> {
bool isSubtype(DartType t, DartType s) {
if (t is AnyType || s is AnyType) return true;
if (s is FutureOrType) {
FutureOrType sFutureOr = s;
if (isSubtype(t, sFutureOr.typeArgument)) {
return true;
} else if (t is InterfaceType) {
InterfaceType tInterface = t;
if (tInterface.element == commonElements.futureClass &&
tInterface.typeArguments.single, sFutureOr.typeArgument)) {
return true;
return isMoreSpecific(t, s);
bool isAssignable(T t, T s) {
return isSubtype(t, s) || isSubtype(s, t);
bool invalidTypeArguments(T t, T s) {
return !isSubtype(t, s);
bool invalidFunctionReturnTypes(T t, T s) {
return !isSubtype(t, s);
bool invalidFunctionParameterTypes(T t, T s) {
return !isSubtype(s, t);
bool invalidTypeVariableBounds(T bound, T s) {
return !isSubtype(bound, s);
bool invalidCallableType(covariant DartType callType, covariant DartType s) {
return !isSubtype(callType, s);
bool visitFutureOrType(FutureOrType t, covariant DartType s) {
if (s is FutureOrType) {
FutureOrType sFutureOr = s;
return isSubtype(t.typeArgument, sFutureOr.typeArgument);
return false;
/// Type visitor that determines one type could a subtype of another given the
/// right type variable substitution. The computation is approximate and returns
/// `false` only if we are sure no such substitution exists.
abstract class PotentialSubtypeVisitor<T extends DartType>
extends SubtypeVisitor<T> {
bool _assumeInstantiations = true;
bool isSubtype(DartType t, DartType s) {
if (t is AnyType || s is AnyType) return true;
if (t is TypeVariableType || s is TypeVariableType) {
return true;
if ((t is FunctionTypeVariable || s is FunctionTypeVariable) &&
_assumeInstantiations) {
return true;
return super.isSubtype(t, s);
int getCommonTypeVariablesCount(FunctionType t, FunctionType s) {
if (t.typeVariables.length == s.typeVariables.length) {
return t.typeVariables.length;
if (_assumeInstantiations && s.typeVariables.length == 0) {
return 0;
return null;
bool isPotentialSubtype(DartType t, DartType s,
{bool assumeInstantiations: true}) {
_assumeInstantiations = assumeInstantiations;
return isSubtype(t, s);
/// Basic interface for the Dart type system.
abstract class DartTypes {
/// The types defined in 'dart:core'.
CommonElements get commonElements;
/// Returns `true` if [t] is a subtype of [s].
bool isSubtype(DartType t, DartType s);
/// Returns `true` if [t] is assignable to [s].
bool isAssignable(DartType t, DartType s);
/// Returns `true` if [t] might be a subtype of [s] for some values of
/// type variables in [s] and [t].
/// If [assumeInstantiations], generic function types are assumed to be
/// potentially instantiated.
bool isPotentialSubtype(DartType t, DartType s,
{bool assumeInstantiations: true});
static const int IS_SUBTYPE = 1;
static const int MAYBE_SUBTYPE = 0;
static const int NOT_SUBTYPE = -1;
/// Returns [IS_SUBTYPE], [MAYBE_SUBTYPE], or [NOT_SUBTYPE] if [t] is a
/// (potential) subtype of [s]
int computeSubtypeRelation(DartType t, DartType s) {
// TODO(johnniwinther): Compute this directly in [isPotentialSubtype].
if (isSubtype(t, s)) return IS_SUBTYPE;
return isPotentialSubtype(t, s) ? MAYBE_SUBTYPE : NOT_SUBTYPE;
/// Returns [type] as an instance of [cls] or `null` if [type] is not a
/// subtype of [cls].
/// For example: `asInstanceOf(List<String>, Iterable) = Iterable<String>`.
InterfaceType asInstanceOf(InterfaceType type, ClassEntity cls);
/// Return [base] where the type variable of `context.element` are replaced
/// by the type arguments of [context].
/// For instance
/// substByContext(Iterable<List.E>, List<String>) = Iterable<String>
DartType substByContext(DartType base, InterfaceType context);
/// Returns the 'this type' of [cls]. That is, the instantiation of [cls]
/// where the type arguments are the type variables of [cls].
InterfaceType getThisType(ClassEntity cls);
/// Returns the supertype of [cls], i.e. the type in the `extends` clause of
/// [cls].
InterfaceType getSupertype(ClassEntity cls);
/// Returns all supertypes of [cls].
// TODO(johnniwinther): This should include `Function` if [cls] declares
// a `call` method.
Iterable<InterfaceType> getSupertypes(ClassEntity cls);
/// Returns all types directly implemented by [cls].
Iterable<InterfaceType> getInterfaces(ClassEntity cls);
/// Returns the type of the `call` method on [type], or `null` if the class
/// of [type] does not have a `call` method.
FunctionType getCallType(InterfaceType type);
/// Checks the type arguments of [type] against the type variable bounds
/// declared on `type.element`. Calls [checkTypeVariableBound] on each type
/// argument and bound.
void checkTypeVariableBounds<T>(
T context,
List<DartType> typeArguments,
List<DartType> typeVariables,
void checkTypeVariableBound(T context, DartType typeArgument,
TypeVariableType typeVariable, DartType bound));
/// Returns the [ClassEntity] which declares the type variables occurring in
// [type], or `null` if [type] does not contain class type variables.
static ClassEntity getClassContext(DartType type) {
ClassEntity contextClass;
type.forEachTypeVariable((TypeVariableType typeVariable) {
if (typeVariable.element.typeDeclaration is! ClassEntity) return;
contextClass = typeVariable.element.typeDeclaration;
// GENERIC_METHODS: When generic method support is complete enough to
// include a runtime value for method type variables this must be updated.
// For full support the global assumption that all type variables are
// declared by the same enclosing class will not hold: Both an enclosing
// method and an enclosing class may define type variables, so the return
// type cannot be [ClassElement] and the caller must be prepared to look in
// two locations, not one. Currently we ignore method type variables by
// returning in the next statement.
return contextClass;