blob: 12601f9f089f4455223e2a38958047d5a837d8ba [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io' as io;
import 'dart:isolate';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/analysis/declared_variables.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/analysis/results.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/error/error.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/file_system/file_system.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/context/context.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/byte_store.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/cache.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/driver.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/file_state.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/performance_logger.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/session.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/sdk/sdk.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/engine.dart' show AnalysisOptionsImpl;
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/engine.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/sdk.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source_io.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/source/source_resource.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary/format.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary/idl.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary/package_bundle_reader.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary/summarize_elements.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary/summary_sdk.dart' show SummaryBasedDartSdk;
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary2/link.dart' as summary2;
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary2/linked_bundle_context.dart' as summary2;
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary2/linked_element_factory.dart' as summary2;
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary2/reference.dart' as summary2;
import 'package:analyzer_cli/src/context_cache.dart';
import 'package:analyzer_cli/src/driver.dart';
import 'package:analyzer_cli/src/error_formatter.dart';
import 'package:analyzer_cli/src/error_severity.dart';
import 'package:analyzer_cli/src/has_context_mixin.dart';
import 'package:analyzer_cli/src/options.dart';
import 'package:bazel_worker/bazel_worker.dart';
import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
import 'package:convert/convert.dart';
* Persistent Bazel worker.
class AnalyzerWorkerLoop extends AsyncWorkerLoop {
final ResourceProvider resourceProvider;
final PerformanceLog logger = new PerformanceLog(null);
final String dartSdkPath;
WorkerPackageBundleCache packageBundleCache;
final StringBuffer errorBuffer = new StringBuffer();
final StringBuffer outBuffer = new StringBuffer();
AnalyzerWorkerLoop(this.resourceProvider, AsyncWorkerConnection connection,
: super(connection: connection) {
packageBundleCache = new WorkerPackageBundleCache(
resourceProvider, logger, 256 * 1024 * 1024);
factory AnalyzerWorkerLoop.sendPort(
ResourceProvider resourceProvider, SendPort sendPort,
{String dartSdkPath}) {
AsyncWorkerConnection connection =
new SendPortAsyncWorkerConnection(sendPort);
return new AnalyzerWorkerLoop(resourceProvider, connection,
dartSdkPath: dartSdkPath);
factory AnalyzerWorkerLoop.std(ResourceProvider resourceProvider,
{io.Stdin stdinStream, io.Stdout stdoutStream, String dartSdkPath}) {
AsyncWorkerConnection connection = new StdAsyncWorkerConnection(
inputStream: stdinStream, outputStream: stdoutStream);
return new AnalyzerWorkerLoop(resourceProvider, connection,
dartSdkPath: dartSdkPath);
* Performs analysis with given [options].
Future<void> analyze(
CommandLineOptions options, Map<String, WorkerInput> inputs) async {
var packageBundleProvider =
new WorkerPackageBundleProvider(packageBundleCache, inputs);
var buildMode = new BuildMode(
new AnalysisStats(),
new ContextCache(resourceProvider, options, Driver.verbosePrint),
logger: logger,
packageBundleProvider: packageBundleProvider);
await buildMode.analyze();
* Perform a single loop step.
Future<WorkResponse> performRequest(WorkRequest request) async {
return logger.runAsync('Perform request', () async {
try {
// Prepare inputs with their digests.
Map<String, WorkerInput> inputs = {};
for (var input in request.inputs) {
inputs[input.path] = new WorkerInput(input.path, input.digest);
// Add in the dart-sdk argument if `dartSdkPath` is not null,
// otherwise it will try to find the currently installed sdk.
var arguments = request.arguments.toList();
if (dartSdkPath != null &&
!arguments.any((arg) => arg.startsWith('--dart-sdk'))) {
// Prepare options.
CommandLineOptions options =
CommandLineOptions.parse(arguments, printAndFail: (String msg) {
throw new ArgumentError(msg);
// Analyze and respond.
await analyze(options, inputs);
String msg = _getErrorOutputBuffersText();
return new WorkResponse()
..exitCode = EXIT_CODE_OK
..output = msg;
} catch (e, st) {
String msg = _getErrorOutputBuffersText();
msg += '$e\n$st';
return new WorkResponse()
..exitCode = EXIT_CODE_ERROR
..output = msg;
* Run the worker loop.
Future<void> run() async {
errorSink = errorBuffer;
outSink = outBuffer;
exitHandler = (int exitCode) {
throw new StateError('Exit called: $exitCode');
String _getErrorOutputBuffersText() {
String msg = '';
if (errorBuffer.isNotEmpty) {
msg += errorBuffer.toString() + '\n';
if (outBuffer.isNotEmpty) {
msg += outBuffer.toString() + '\n';
return msg;
* Analyzer used when the "--build-mode" option is supplied.
class BuildMode with HasContextMixin {
final ResourceProvider resourceProvider;
final CommandLineOptions options;
final AnalysisStats stats;
final PerformanceLog logger;
final PackageBundleProvider packageBundleProvider;
final ContextCache contextCache;
SummaryDataStore summaryDataStore;
AnalysisOptionsImpl analysisOptions;
Map<Uri, File> uriToFileMap;
final List<Source> explicitSources = <Source>[];
final List<PackageBundle> unlinkedBundles = <PackageBundle>[];
SourceFactory sourceFactory;
DeclaredVariables declaredVariables;
AnalysisDriver analysisDriver;
PackageBundleAssembler assembler;
final Map<String, ParsedUnitResult> inputParsedUnitResults = {};
summary2.LinkedElementFactory elementFactory;
// May be null.
final DependencyTracker dependencyTracker;
BuildMode(this.resourceProvider, this.options, this.stats, this.contextCache,
{PerformanceLog logger, PackageBundleProvider packageBundleProvider})
: logger = logger ?? new PerformanceLog(null),
packageBundleProvider = packageBundleProvider ??
new DirectPackageBundleProvider(resourceProvider),
dependencyTracker = options.summaryDepsOutput != null
? DependencyTracker(options.summaryDepsOutput)
: null;
bool get _shouldOutputSummary =>
options.buildSummaryOutput != null ||
options.buildSummaryOutputSemantic != null;
* Perform package analysis according to the given [options].
Future<ErrorSeverity> analyze() async {
return await logger.runAsync('Analyze', () async {
// Write initial progress message.
if (!options.machineFormat) {
outSink.writeln("Analyzing ${options.sourceFiles.join(', ')}...");
// Create the URI to file map.
uriToFileMap = _createUriToFileMap(options.sourceFiles);
if (uriToFileMap == null) {
io.exitCode = ErrorSeverity.ERROR.ordinal;
return ErrorSeverity.ERROR;
// BuildMode expects sourceFiles in the format "<uri>|<filepath>",
// but the rest of the code base does not understand this format.
// Rewrite sourceFiles, stripping the "<uri>|" prefix, so that it
// does not cause problems with code that does not expect this format.
.map((String uriPipePath) =>
uriPipePath.substring(uriPipePath.indexOf('|') + 1))
// Prepare the analysis driver.
try {'Prepare analysis driver', () {
} on ConflictingSummaryException catch (e) {
io.exitCode = ErrorSeverity.ERROR.ordinal;
return ErrorSeverity.ERROR;
// Add sources.
for (Uri uri in uriToFileMap.keys) {
File file = uriToFileMap[uri];
if (!file.exists) {
errorSink.writeln('File not found: ${file.path}');
io.exitCode = ErrorSeverity.ERROR.ordinal;
return ErrorSeverity.ERROR;
Source source = new FileSource(file, uri);
// Write summary.
assembler = new PackageBundleAssembler();
if (_shouldOutputSummary) {
await logger.runAsync('Build and write output summary', () async {
// Prepare all unlinked units.
await logger.runAsync('Prepare unlinked units', () async {
for (var src in explicitSources) {
await _prepareUnit('${src.uri}');
// Build and assemble linked libraries.
// Write the whole package bundle.
PackageBundleBuilder bundle = assembler.assemble();
if (options.buildSummaryOutput != null) {
io.File file = new io.File(options.buildSummaryOutput);
mode: io.FileMode.writeOnly);
if (options.buildSummaryOutputSemantic != null) {
io.File file = new io.File(options.buildSummaryOutputSemantic);
mode: io.FileMode.writeOnly);
} else {
// Build the graph, e.g. associate parts with libraries.
for (var file in uriToFileMap.values) {
ErrorSeverity severity;
if (options.buildSummaryOnly) {
severity = ErrorSeverity.NONE;
} else {
// Process errors.
await _printErrors(outputPath: options.buildAnalysisOutput);
severity = await _computeMaxSeverity();
if (dependencyTracker != null) {
io.File file = new io.File(dependencyTracker.outputPath);
return severity;
* Use [elementFactory] filled with input summaries, and link prepared
* [inputParsedUnitResults] to produce linked libraries in [assembler].
void _computeLinkedLibraries2() {'Link output summary2', () {
var inputLibraries = <summary2.LinkInputLibrary>[];
for (var librarySource in explicitSources) {
var path = librarySource.fullName;
var parseResult = inputParsedUnitResults[path];
if (parseResult == null) {
throw ArgumentError('No parsed unit for $path');
var unit = parseResult.unit;
var isPart = unit.directives.any((d) => d is PartOfDirective);
if (isPart) {
var inputUnits = <summary2.LinkInputUnit>[];
summary2.LinkInputUnit(null, librarySource, false, unit),
for (var directive in unit.directives) {
if (directive is PartDirective) {
var partUri = directive.uri.stringValue;
var partSource = sourceFactory.resolveUri(librarySource, partUri);
// Add empty synthetic units for unresolved `part` URIs.
if (partSource == null) {
var unit = analysisDriver.fsState.unresolvedFile.parse();
summary2.LinkInputUnit(partUri, null, true, unit),
var partPath = partSource.fullName;
var partParseResult = inputParsedUnitResults[partPath];
if (partParseResult == null) {
throw ArgumentError('No parsed unit for part $partPath in $path');
summary2.LinkInputLibrary(librarySource, inputUnits),
var linkResult =, inputLibraries);
Future<ErrorSeverity> _computeMaxSeverity() async {
ErrorSeverity maxSeverity = ErrorSeverity.NONE;
if (!options.buildSuppressExitCode) {
for (Source source in explicitSources) {
ErrorsResult result = await analysisDriver.getErrors(source.fullName);
for (AnalysisError error in result.errors) {
ErrorSeverity processedSeverity = determineProcessedSeverity(
error, options, analysisDriver.analysisOptions);
if (processedSeverity != null) {
maxSeverity = maxSeverity.max(processedSeverity);
return maxSeverity;
void _createAnalysisDriver() {
// Read the summaries.
summaryDataStore = new SummaryDataStore(<String>[]);
// Adds a bundle at `path` to `summaryDataStore`.
PackageBundle addBundle(String path) {
PackageBundle bundle = packageBundleProvider.get(path);
summaryDataStore.addBundle(path, bundle);
return bundle;
int numInputs = options.buildSummaryInputs.length;'Add $numInputs input summaries', () {
for (var path in options.buildSummaryInputs) {
String rootPath =
options.sourceFiles.isEmpty ? null : options.sourceFiles.first;
DartSdk sdk;'Add SDK bundle', () {
PackageBundle sdkBundle;
if (options.dartSdkSummaryPath != null) {
SummaryBasedDartSdk summarySdk =
new SummaryBasedDartSdk(options.dartSdkSummaryPath, true);
sdk = summarySdk;
sdkBundle = summarySdk.bundle;
} else {
FolderBasedDartSdk dartSdk = new FolderBasedDartSdk(
resourceProvider, resourceProvider.getFolder(options.dartSdkPath));
dartSdk.analysisOptions =
createAnalysisOptionsForCommandLineOptions(options, rootPath);
dartSdk.useSummary = !options.buildSummaryOnly;
sdk = dartSdk;
sdkBundle = dartSdk.getSummarySdkBundle();
// Include SDK bundle to avoid parsing SDK sources.
summaryDataStore.addBundle(null, sdkBundle);
sourceFactory = new SourceFactory(<UriResolver>[
new DartUriResolver(sdk),
new TrackingInSummaryUriResolver(
new InSummaryUriResolver(resourceProvider, summaryDataStore),
new ExplicitSourceResolver(uriToFileMap)
analysisOptions =
createAnalysisOptionsForCommandLineOptions(options, rootPath);
AnalysisDriverScheduler scheduler = new AnalysisDriverScheduler(logger);
analysisDriver = new AnalysisDriver(
new MemoryByteStore(),
new FileContentOverlay(),
externalSummaries: summaryDataStore);
declaredVariables = new DeclaredVariables.fromMap(options.definedVariables);
analysisDriver.declaredVariables = declaredVariables;
void _createLinkedElementFactory() {
var analysisContext = AnalysisContextImpl(
SynchronousSession(analysisOptions, declaredVariables),
elementFactory = summary2.LinkedElementFactory(
for (var bundle in summaryDataStore.bundles) {
summary2.LinkedBundleContext(elementFactory, bundle.bundle2),
* Convert [sourceEntities] (a list of file specifications of the form
* "$uri|$path") to a map from URI to path. If an error occurs, report the
* error and return null.
Map<Uri, File> _createUriToFileMap(List<String> sourceEntities) {
Map<Uri, File> uriToFileMap = <Uri, File>{};
for (String sourceFile in sourceEntities) {
int pipeIndex = sourceFile.indexOf('|');
if (pipeIndex == -1) {
// TODO(paulberry): add the ability to guess the URI from the path.
'Illegal input file (must be "\$uri|\$path"): $sourceFile');
return null;
Uri uri = Uri.parse(sourceFile.substring(0, pipeIndex));
String path = sourceFile.substring(pipeIndex + 1);
path = resourceProvider.pathContext.absolute(path);
path = resourceProvider.pathContext.normalize(path);
uriToFileMap[uri] = resourceProvider.getFile(path);
return uriToFileMap;
* Ensure that the parsed unit for [absoluteUri] is available.
* If the unit is in the input [summaryDataStore], do nothing.
Future<void> _prepareUnit(String absoluteUri) async {
// Parse the source and serialize its AST.
Uri uri = Uri.parse(absoluteUri);
Source source = sourceFactory.forUri2(uri);
if (!source.exists()) {
// TODO(paulberry): we should report a warning/error because DDC
// compilations are unlikely to work.
var result = await analysisDriver.parseFile(source.fullName);
inputParsedUnitResults[result.path] = result;
* Print errors for all explicit sources. If [outputPath] is supplied, output
* is sent to a new file at that path.
Future<void> _printErrors({String outputPath}) async {
await logger.runAsync('Compute and print analysis errors', () async {
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
var severityProcessor = (AnalysisError error) =>
determineProcessedSeverity(error, options, analysisOptions);
ErrorFormatter formatter = options.machineFormat
? new MachineErrorFormatter(buffer, options, stats,
severityProcessor: severityProcessor)
: new HumanErrorFormatter(buffer, options, stats,
severityProcessor: severityProcessor);
for (Source source in explicitSources) {
var result = await analysisDriver.getErrors(source.fullName);
if (!options.machineFormat) {
if (outputPath == null) {
StringSink sink = options.machineFormat ? errorSink : outSink;
} else {
new io.File(outputPath).writeAsStringSync(buffer.toString());
* Tracks paths to dependencies, really just a thin api around a Set<String>.
class DependencyTracker {
final _dependencies = Set<String>();
/// The path to the file to create once tracking is done.
final String outputPath;
Iterable<String> get dependencies => _dependencies;
void record(String path) => _dependencies.add(path);
* [PackageBundleProvider] that always reads from the [ResourceProvider].
class DirectPackageBundleProvider implements PackageBundleProvider {
final ResourceProvider resourceProvider;
PackageBundle get(String path) {
var bytes = new io.File(path).readAsBytesSync();
return new PackageBundle.fromBuffer(bytes);
* Instances of the class [ExplicitSourceResolver] map URIs to files on disk
* using a fixed mapping provided at construction time.
class ExplicitSourceResolver extends UriResolver {
final Map<Uri, File> uriToFileMap;
final Map<String, Uri> pathToUriMap;
* Construct an [ExplicitSourceResolver] based on the given [uriToFileMap].
ExplicitSourceResolver(Map<Uri, File> uriToFileMap)
: uriToFileMap = uriToFileMap,
pathToUriMap = _computePathToUriMap(uriToFileMap);
Source resolveAbsolute(Uri uri, [Uri actualUri]) {
File file = uriToFileMap[uri];
actualUri ??= uri;
if (file == null) {
return null;
} else {
return new FileSource(file, actualUri);
Uri restoreAbsolute(Source source) {
return pathToUriMap[source.fullName];
* Build the inverse mapping of [uriToSourceMap].
static Map<String, Uri> _computePathToUriMap(Map<Uri, File> uriToSourceMap) {
Map<String, Uri> pathToUriMap = <String, Uri>{};
uriToSourceMap.forEach((Uri uri, File file) {
pathToUriMap[file.path] = uri;
return pathToUriMap;
* Provider for [PackageBundle]s by file paths.
abstract class PackageBundleProvider {
* Return the [PackageBundle] for the file with the given [path].
PackageBundle get(String path);
* Wrapper for [InSummaryUriResolver] that tracks accesses to summaries.
class TrackingInSummaryUriResolver extends UriResolver {
// May be null.
final DependencyTracker dependencyTracker;
final InSummaryUriResolver inSummaryUriResolver;
this.inSummaryUriResolver, this.dependencyTracker);
Source resolveAbsolute(Uri uri, [Uri actualUri]) {
var source = inSummaryUriResolver.resolveAbsolute(uri, actualUri);
if (dependencyTracker != null &&
source != null &&
source is InSummarySource) {
return source;
* Worker input.
* Bazel does not specify the format of the digest, so we cannot assume that
* the digest itself is enough to uniquely identify inputs. So, we use a pair
* of path + digest.
class WorkerInput {
static const _digestEquality = const ListEquality<int>();
final String path;
final List<int> digest;
WorkerInput(this.path, this.digest);
int get hashCode => _digestEquality.hash(digest);
bool operator ==(Object other) {
return other is WorkerInput &&
other.path == path &&
_digestEquality.equals(other.digest, digest);
String toString() => '$path @ ${hex.encode(digest)}';
* Value object for [WorkerPackageBundleCache].
class WorkerPackageBundle {
final List<int> bytes;
final PackageBundle bundle;
WorkerPackageBundle(this.bytes, this.bundle);
* Approximation of a bundle size in memory.
int get size => bytes.length * 3;
* Cache of [PackageBundle]s.
class WorkerPackageBundleCache {
final ResourceProvider resourceProvider;
final PerformanceLog logger;
final Cache<WorkerInput, WorkerPackageBundle> _cache;
WorkerPackageBundleCache(this.resourceProvider, this.logger, int maxSizeBytes)
: _cache = new Cache<WorkerInput, WorkerPackageBundle>(
maxSizeBytes, (value) => value.size);
* Get the [PackageBundle] from the file with the given [path] in the context
* of the given worker [inputs].
PackageBundle get(Map<String, WorkerInput> inputs, String path) {
WorkerInput input = inputs[path];
// The input must be not null, otherwise we're not expected to read
// this file, but we check anyway to be safe.
if (input == null) {
logger.writeln('Read $path outside of the inputs.');
var bytes = resourceProvider.getFile(path).readAsBytesSync();
return new PackageBundle.fromBuffer(bytes);
return _cache.get(input, () {
logger.writeln('Read $input.');
var bytes = resourceProvider.getFile(path).readAsBytesSync();
var bundle = new PackageBundle.fromBuffer(bytes);
return new WorkerPackageBundle(bytes, bundle);
* [PackageBundleProvider] that reads from [WorkerPackageBundleCache] using
* the request specific [inputs].
class WorkerPackageBundleProvider implements PackageBundleProvider {
final WorkerPackageBundleCache cache;
final Map<String, WorkerInput> inputs;
WorkerPackageBundleProvider(this.cache, this.inputs);
PackageBundle get(String path) {
return cache.get(inputs, path);