blob: 5068c517e0b3f3839be761d9a9b4101a8e35bd22 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// TODO(jmesserly): this file needs to be refactored, it's a port from
// package:dev_compiler's tests
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:collection';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/token.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/error/error.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/file_system/file_system.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/source/error_processor.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/byte_store.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/driver.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/file_state.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/performance_logger.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/ast/token.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/error/codes.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/file_system/file_system.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/engine.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/source/package_map_resolver.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/test_utilities/mock_sdk.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/test_utilities/resource_provider_mixin.dart';
import 'package:source_span/source_span.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
SourceSpanWithContext _createSpanHelper(
LineInfo lineInfo, int start, Source source, String content,
{int end}) {
var startLoc = _locationForOffset(lineInfo, source.uri, start);
var endLoc = _locationForOffset(lineInfo, source.uri, end ?? start);
var lineStart = startLoc.offset - startLoc.column;
// Find the end of the line. This is not exposed directly on LineInfo, but
// we can find it pretty easily.
// TODO(jmesserly): for now we do the simple linear scan. Ideally we can get
// some help from the LineInfo API.
int lineEnd = endLoc.offset;
int lineNum = lineInfo.getLocation(lineEnd).lineNumber;
while (lineEnd < content.length &&
lineInfo.getLocation(++lineEnd).lineNumber == lineNum) {}
if (end == null) {
end = lineEnd;
endLoc = _locationForOffset(lineInfo, source.uri, lineEnd);
var text = content.substring(start, end);
var lineText = content.substring(lineStart, lineEnd);
return new SourceSpanWithContext(startLoc, endLoc, text, lineText);
ErrorSeverity _errorSeverity(
AnalysisOptions analysisOptions, AnalysisError error) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Remove the if when top-level inference is made an
// error again.
if ('TOP_LEVEL_')) {
return ErrorSeverity.ERROR;
return ErrorProcessor.getProcessor(analysisOptions, error)?.severity ??
void _expectErrors(AnalysisOptions analysisOptions, CompilationUnit unit,
Iterable<AnalysisError> actualErrors) {
var expectedErrors = _findExpectedErrors(unit.beginToken);
var actualMap = new SplayTreeMap<int, List<AnalysisError>>();
for (var e in actualErrors) {
actualMap.putIfAbsent(e.offset, () => []).add(e);
var expectedMap = new SplayTreeMap<int, List<_ErrorExpectation>>();
for (var e in expectedErrors) {
expectedMap.putIfAbsent(e.offset, () => []).add(e);
// Categorize the differences, if any.
var unreported = <_ErrorExpectation>[];
var different = <List<_ErrorExpectation>, List<AnalysisError>>{};
expectedMap.forEach((offset, expectedList) {
var actualList = actualMap[offset] ?? [];
var unmatched = <_ErrorExpectation>[];
for (var expected in expectedList) {
var match = actualList.firstWhere(
(a) => expected.matches(analysisOptions, a),
orElse: () => null);
if (match != null) {
if (actualList.isEmpty) actualMap.remove(offset);
} else {
if (actualList.isEmpty) {
} else if (unmatched.isNotEmpty) {
different[unmatched] = actualList;
// Whatever is left was an unexpected error.
List<AnalysisError> unexpected = actualMap.values.expand((a) => a).toList();
if (unreported.isNotEmpty || unexpected.isNotEmpty || different.isNotEmpty) {
_reportFailure(analysisOptions, unit, unreported, unexpected, different);
List<_ErrorExpectation> _findExpectedErrors(Token beginToken) {
var expectedErrors = <_ErrorExpectation>[];
// Collect expectations like "error:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR" from comment tokens.
for (Token t = beginToken; t.type != TokenType.EOF; t = {
for (CommentToken c = t.precedingComments; c != null; c = {
if (c.type == TokenType.MULTI_LINE_COMMENT) {
String value = c.lexeme.substring(2, c.lexeme.length - 2);
if (value.contains(':')) {
int offset = t.offset;
Token previous = t.previous;
while (previous != null && previous.offset > c.offset) {
offset = previous.offset;
previous = previous.previous;
for (var expectCode in value.split(',')) {
var expected = _ErrorExpectation.parse(offset, expectCode);
if (expected != null) {
return expectedErrors;
SourceLocation _locationForOffset(LineInfo lineInfo, Uri uri, int offset) {
var loc = lineInfo.getLocation(offset);
return new SourceLocation(offset,
sourceUrl: uri, line: loc.lineNumber - 1, column: loc.columnNumber - 1);
/// Returns all libraries transitively imported or exported from [start].
Set<LibraryElement> _reachableLibraries(LibraryElement start) {
Set<LibraryElement> results = new Set<LibraryElement>();
void find(LibraryElement library) {
if (results.add(library)) {
return results;
void _reportFailure(
AnalysisOptions analysisOptions,
CompilationUnit unit,
List<_ErrorExpectation> unreported,
List<AnalysisError> unexpected,
Map<List<_ErrorExpectation>, List<AnalysisError>> different) {
// Get the source code. This reads the data again, but it's safe because
// all tests use memory file system.
var sourceCode =;
String formatActualError(AnalysisError error) {
int offset = error.offset;
int length = error.length;
var span = _createSpanHelper(
unit.lineInfo, offset, unit.declaredElement.source, sourceCode,
end: offset + length);
var levelName = _errorSeverity(analysisOptions, error).displayName;
return '@$offset $levelName:${}\n' +
String formatExpectedError(_ErrorExpectation error, {bool showSource: true}) {
int offset = error.offset;
var severity = error.severity.displayName;
var result = '@$offset $severity:${error.typeName}';
if (!showSource) return result;
var span = _createSpanHelper(
unit.lineInfo, offset, unit.declaredElement.source, sourceCode);
return '$result\n${span.message('')}';
var message = new StringBuffer();
if (unreported.isNotEmpty) {
message.writeln('Expected errors that were not reported:');;
if (unexpected.isNotEmpty) {
message.writeln('Errors that were not expected:');;
if (different.isNotEmpty) {
message.writeln('Errors that were reported, but different than expected:');
different.forEach((expected, actual) {
// The source location is the same for the expected and actual, so we only
// print it once.
message.writeln('Expected: ' +
.map((e) => formatExpectedError(e, showSource: false))
.join(', '));
message.writeln('Actual: ' +', '));
fail('Checker errors do not match expected errors:\n\n$message');
class AbstractStrongTest with ResourceProviderMixin {
bool _checkCalled = true;
AnalysisDriver _driver;
Map<String, List<Folder>> packageMap;
List<String> get enabledExperiments => [];
/// Adds a file to check. The file should contain:
/// * all expected failures are listed in the source code using comments
/// immediately in front of the AST node that should contain the error.
/// * errors are formatted as a token `severity:ErrorCode`, where
/// `severity` is the ErrorSeverity the error would be reported at, and
/// `ErrorCode` is the error code's name.
/// For example to check that an assignment produces a type error, you can
/// create a file like:
/// addFile('''
/// String x = /*error:STATIC_TYPE_ERROR*/3;
/// ''');
/// check();
/// For a single file, you may also use [checkFile].
void addFile(String content, {String name: '/main.dart'}) {
name = name.replaceFirst(RegExp('^package:'), '/packages/');
newFile(name, content: content);
_checkCalled = false;
/// Run the checker on a program, staring from '/main.dart', and verifies that
/// errors/warnings/hints match the expected value.
/// See [addFile] for more information about how to encode expectations in
/// the file text.
/// Returns the main resolved library. This can be used for further checks.
Future<CompilationUnit> check(
{bool implicitCasts: true,
bool implicitDynamic: true,
bool strictInference: false,
bool strictRawTypes: false}) async {
_checkCalled = true;
File mainFile = getFile('/main.dart');
expect(mainFile.exists, true, reason: '`/main.dart` is missing');
AnalysisOptionsImpl analysisOptions = new AnalysisOptionsImpl();
analysisOptions.strongModeHints = true;
analysisOptions.implicitCasts = implicitCasts;
analysisOptions.implicitDynamic = implicitDynamic;
analysisOptions.strictInference = strictInference;
analysisOptions.strictRawTypes = strictRawTypes;
analysisOptions.enabledExperiments = enabledExperiments;
var mockSdk = new MockSdk(
resourceProvider: resourceProvider,
analysisOptions: analysisOptions,
SourceFactory sourceFactory = new SourceFactory([
new DartUriResolver(mockSdk),
new PackageMapUriResolver(resourceProvider, packageMap),
new ResourceUriResolver(resourceProvider),
CompilationUnit mainUnit;
StringBuffer logBuffer = new StringBuffer();
FileContentOverlay fileContentOverlay = new FileContentOverlay();
PerformanceLog log = new PerformanceLog(logBuffer);
AnalysisDriverScheduler scheduler = new AnalysisDriverScheduler(log);
_driver = new AnalysisDriver(
new MemoryByteStore(),
mainUnit = (await _driver.getResult(mainFile.path)).unit;
bool isRelevantError(AnalysisError error) {
var code = error.errorCode;
// We don't care about these.
if (code == HintCode.UNUSED_ELEMENT ||
code == HintCode.UNUSED_FIELD ||
code == HintCode.UNUSED_IMPORT ||
code == TodoCode.TODO) {
return false;
if (strictInference || strictRawTypes) {
// When testing strict-inference or strict-raw-types, ignore anything
// else.
return code.errorSeverity.ordinal > ErrorSeverity.INFO.ordinal ||
code == HintCode.STRICT_RAW_TYPE;
return true;
// Extract expectations from the comments in the test files, and
// check that all errors we emit are included in the expected map.
LibraryElement mainLibrary = mainUnit.declaredElement.library;
Set<LibraryElement> allLibraries = _reachableLibraries(mainLibrary);
for (LibraryElement library in allLibraries) {
for (CompilationUnitElement unit in library.units) {
var source = unit.source;
if (source.uri.scheme == 'dart') {
var analysisResult = await _resolve(source);
Iterable<AnalysisError> errors =
_expectErrors(analysisOptions, analysisResult.unit, errors);
return mainUnit;
/// Adds a file using [addFile] and calls [check].
/// Also returns the resolved compilation unit.
Future<CompilationUnit> checkFile(String content,
{bool implicitCasts: true, bool implicitDynamic: true}) async {
return await check(
implicitCasts: implicitCasts,
implicitDynamic: implicitDynamic,
void setUp() {
packageMap = {
'meta': [getFolder('/.pub-cache/meta/lib')],
void tearDown() {
// This is a sanity check, in case only addFile is called.
expect(_checkCalled, true, reason: 'must call check() method in test case');
Future<_TestAnalysisResult> _resolve(Source source) async {
var result = await _driver.getResult(source.fullName);
return new _TestAnalysisResult(source, result.unit, result.errors);
/// Describes an expected message that should be produced by the checker.
class _ErrorExpectation {
final int offset;
final ErrorSeverity severity;
final String typeName;
_ErrorExpectation(this.offset, this.severity, this.typeName);
bool matches(AnalysisOptions options, AnalysisError e) {
return _errorSeverity(options, e) == severity && == typeName;
String toString() => '@$offset ${severity.displayName}: [$typeName]';
static _ErrorExpectation parse(int offset, String descriptor) {
descriptor = descriptor.trim();
var tokens = descriptor.split(' ');
if (tokens.length == 1) return _parse(offset, tokens[0]);
expect(tokens.length, 4, reason: 'invalid error descriptor');
expect(tokens[1], "should", reason: 'invalid error descriptor');
expect(tokens[2], "be", reason: 'invalid error descriptor');
if (tokens[0] == "pass") return null;
// TODO(leafp) For now, we just use whatever the current expectation is,
// eventually we could do more automated reporting here.
return _parse(offset, tokens[0]);
static _ErrorExpectation _parse(offset, String descriptor) {
var tokens = descriptor.split(':');
expect(tokens.length, 2, reason: 'invalid error descriptor');
var name = tokens[0].toUpperCase();
var typeName = tokens[1];
var level = ErrorSeverity.values
.firstWhere((l) => == name, orElse: () => null);
expect(level, isNotNull,
reason: 'invalid severity in error descriptor: `${tokens[0]}`');
expect(typeName, isNotNull,
reason: 'invalid type in error descriptor: ${tokens[1]}');
return new _ErrorExpectation(offset, level, typeName);
class _TestAnalysisResult {
final Source source;
final CompilationUnit unit;
final List<AnalysisError> errors;
_TestAnalysisResult(this.source, this.unit, this.errors);