blob: 546aea36c4f8c563ed0c180bdeba20cd67c2fed2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
//import 'package:analyzer/src/error/codes.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/analysis/features.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/member.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/error/syntactic_errors.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/engine.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/test_utilities/find_element.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:test_reflective_loader/test_reflective_loader.dart';
import '../dart/resolution/driver_resolution.dart';
main() {
defineReflectiveSuite(() {
class NonNullOptOutTest extends DriverResolutionTest {
AnalysisOptionsImpl get analysisOptions => AnalysisOptionsImpl()
..contextFeatures = new FeatureSet.forTesting(
sdkVersion: '2.6.0', additionalFeatures: [Feature.non_nullable]);
bool get typeToStringWithNullability => true;
ImportFindElement get _import_a {
return findElement.importFind('package:test/a.dart');
test_assignment_indexExpression() async {
newFile('/test/lib/a.dart', content: r'''
class A {
void operator[]=(int a, int b) {}
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
// @dart = 2.5
import 'a.dart';
main(A a) {
a[null] = null;
var assignment = findNode.assignment('= null;');
assertType(assignment, 'Null*');
var indexExpression = assignment.leftHandSide as IndexExpression;
assertType(indexExpression, 'int*');
var element = indexExpression.staticElement;
_assertLegacyMember(element, _import_a.method('[]='));
test_assignment_prefixedIdentifier_instanceTarget_class_field() async {
newFile('/test/lib/a.dart', content: r'''
class A {
int foo = 0;
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
// @dart = 2.5
import 'a.dart';
main(A a) { = 0;
var assignment = findNode.assignment('foo = 0');
assertType(assignment, 'int*');
PrefixedIdentifier prefixedIdentifier = assignment.leftHandSide;
assertType(prefixedIdentifier, 'int*');
var identifier = prefixedIdentifier.identifier;
assertType(identifier, 'int*');
PropertyAccessorElement setter = identifier.staticElement;
_assertLegacyMember(setter, _import_a.setter('foo'));
test_assignment_prefixedIdentifier_instanceTarget_extension_setter() async {
newFile('/test/lib/a.dart', content: r'''
class A {}
extension E on A {
void set foo(int _) {}
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
// @dart = 2.5
import 'a.dart';
main(A a) { = 0;
var assignment = findNode.assignment('foo = 0');
assertType(assignment, 'int*');
PrefixedIdentifier prefixedIdentifier = assignment.leftHandSide;
assertType(prefixedIdentifier, 'int*');
var identifier = prefixedIdentifier.identifier;
assertType(identifier, 'int*');
PropertyAccessorElement setter = identifier.staticElement;
_assertLegacyMember(setter, _import_a.setter('foo'));
test_assignment_prefixedIdentifier_staticTarget_class_field() async {
newFile('/test/lib/a.dart', content: r'''
class A {
static int foo = 0;
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
// @dart = 2.5
import 'a.dart';
main() { = 0;
var assignment = findNode.assignment('foo = 0');
assertType(assignment, 'int*');
PrefixedIdentifier prefixedIdentifier = assignment.leftHandSide;
assertType(prefixedIdentifier, 'int*');
var identifier = prefixedIdentifier.identifier;
assertType(identifier, 'int*');
PropertyAccessorElement setter = identifier.staticElement;
_assertLegacyMember(setter, _import_a.setter('foo'));
test_assignment_prefixedIdentifier_staticTarget_extension_field() async {
newFile('/test/lib/a.dart', content: r'''
extension E on int {
static int foo = 0;
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
// @dart = 2.5
import 'a.dart';
main() { = 0;
var assignment = findNode.assignment('foo = 0');
assertType(assignment, 'int*');
PrefixedIdentifier prefixedIdentifier = assignment.leftHandSide;
assertType(prefixedIdentifier, 'int*');
var identifier = prefixedIdentifier.identifier;
assertType(identifier, 'int*');
PropertyAccessorElement setter = identifier.staticElement;
_assertLegacyMember(setter, _import_a.setter('foo'));
test_assignment_prefixedIdentifier_topLevelVariable() async {
newFile('/test/lib/a.dart', content: r'''
int foo = 0;
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
// @dart = 2.5
import 'a.dart' as p;
main() { = 0;
var assignment = findNode.assignment('foo = 0');
assertType(assignment, 'int*');
PrefixedIdentifier prefixedIdentifier = assignment.leftHandSide;
assertType(prefixedIdentifier, 'int*');
PropertyAccessorElement setter = prefixedIdentifier.staticElement;
_assertLegacyMember(setter, _import_a.topSet('foo'));
test_assignment_propertyAccess_class_field() async {
newFile('/test/lib/a.dart', content: r'''
class A {
int foo = 0;
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
// @dart = 2.5
import 'a.dart';
main() {
A().foo = 0;
var assignment = findNode.assignment('foo = 0');
assertType(assignment, 'int*');
PropertyAccess propertyAccess = assignment.leftHandSide;
assertType(propertyAccess, 'int*');
PropertyAccessorElement setter = propertyAccess.propertyName.staticElement;
_assertLegacyMember(setter, _import_a.setter('foo'));
test_assignment_propertyAccess_extension_setter() async {
newFile('/test/lib/a.dart', content: r'''
class A {}
extension E on A {
void set foo(int a) {}
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
// @dart = 2.5
import 'a.dart';
main() {
A().foo = 0;
var assignment = findNode.assignment('foo = 0');
assertType(assignment, 'int*');
PropertyAccess propertyAccess = assignment.leftHandSide;
assertType(propertyAccess, 'int*');
PropertyAccessorElement setter = propertyAccess.propertyName.staticElement;
_assertLegacyMember(setter, _import_a.setter('foo'));
test_assignment_propertyAccess_extensionOverride_setter() async {
newFile('/test/lib/a.dart', content: r'''
class A {}
extension E on A {
void set foo(int a) {}
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
// @dart = 2.5
import 'a.dart';
main(A a) {
E(a).foo = 0;
var assignment = findNode.assignment('foo = 0');
assertType(assignment, 'int*');
PropertyAccess propertyAccess = assignment.leftHandSide;
assertType(propertyAccess, 'int*');
PropertyAccessorElement setter = propertyAccess.propertyName.staticElement;
_assertLegacyMember(setter, _import_a.setter('foo'));
test_assignment_propertyAccess_superTarget() async {
newFile('/test/lib/a.dart', content: r'''
class A {
int foo = 0;
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
// @dart = 2.5
import 'a.dart';
class B extends A {
void bar() { = 0;
var assignment = findNode.assignment('foo = 0');
assertType(assignment, 'int*');
PropertyAccess propertyAccess = assignment.leftHandSide;
assertType(propertyAccess, 'int*');
PropertyAccessorElement setter = propertyAccess.propertyName.staticElement;
_assertLegacyMember(setter, _import_a.setter('foo'));
test_assignment_simpleIdentifier_topLevelVariable() async {
newFile('/test/lib/a.dart', content: r'''
int foo = 0;
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
// @dart = 2.5
import 'a.dart';
main() {
foo = null;
var assignment = findNode.assignment('foo =');
assertType(assignment, 'Null*');
SimpleIdentifier identifier = assignment.leftHandSide;
assertType(identifier, 'int*');
PropertyAccessorElement setter = identifier.staticElement;
_assertLegacyMember(setter, _import_a.topSet('foo'));
test_binaryExpression() async {
newFile('/test/lib/a.dart', content: r'''
class A {
int operator+(int a) => 0;
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
// @dart = 2.5
import 'a.dart';
main(A a) {
a + null;
var binaryExpression = findNode.binary('a +');
assertInvokeType(binaryExpression, 'int* Function(int*)*');
assertType(binaryExpression, 'int*');
MethodElement element = binaryExpression.staticElement;
_assertLegacyMember(element, _import_a.method('+'));
test_functionExpressionInvocation() async {
newFile('/test/lib/a.dart', content: r'''
int Function(int, int?)? foo;
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
// @dart = 2.5
import 'a.dart';
main() {
foo(null, null);
var invocation = findNode.functionExpressionInvocation('foo');
assertInvokeType(invocation, 'int* Function(int*, int*)*');
assertType(invocation, 'int*');
var identifier = findNode.simple('foo');
assertType(identifier, 'int* Function(int*, int*)*');
PropertyAccessorElement element = identifier.staticElement;
_assertLegacyMember(element, _import_a.topGet('foo'));
test_functionExpressionInvocation_call() async {
newFile('/test/lib/a.dart', content: r'''
class A {
int call(int a, int? b) => 0;
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
// @dart = 2.5
import 'a.dart';
main(A a) {
a(null, null);
var invocation = findNode.functionExpressionInvocation('a(null');
assertInvokeType(invocation, 'int* Function(int*, int*)*');
assertType(invocation, 'int*');
var identifier = invocation.function;
assertType(identifier, 'A*');
MethodElement element = invocation.staticElement;
_assertLegacyMember(element, _import_a.method('call'));
test_functionExpressionInvocation_extension_staticTarget() async {
newFile('/test/lib/a.dart', content: r'''
extension E on int {
static int Function(int) get foo => (_) => 0;
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
// @dart = 2.5
import 'a.dart';
main() {;
var invocation = findNode.functionExpressionInvocation('foo');
assertInvokeType(invocation, 'int* Function(int*)*');
assertType(invocation, 'int*');
var identifier = findNode.simple('foo');
assertType(identifier, 'int* Function(int*)*');
PropertyAccessorElement element = identifier.staticElement;
_assertLegacyMember(element, _import_a.getter('foo'));
test_instanceCreation() async {
newFile('/test/lib/a.dart', content: r'''
class A {
A(int a, int? b);
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
// @dart = 2.5
import 'a.dart';
main() {
A(null, null);
var instanceCreation = findNode.instanceCreation('A(null');
assertType(instanceCreation, 'A*');
test_instanceCreation_generic() async {
newFile('/test/lib/a.dart', content: r'''
class A<T> {
A(T a, T? b);
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
// @dart = 2.5
import 'a.dart';
main() {
A<int>(null, null);
var instanceCreation = findNode.instanceCreation('A<int>(null');
assertType(instanceCreation, 'A<int*>*');
expectedSubstitution: {'T': 'int'},
test_methodInvocation_extension_functionTarget() async {
newFile('/test/lib/a.dart', content: r'''
extension E on void Function() {
int foo(int a) => 0;
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
// @dart = 2.5
import 'a.dart';
main(void Function() a) {;
var invocation = findNode.methodInvocation('foo');
assertInvokeType(invocation, 'int* Function(int*)*');
assertType(invocation, 'int*');
var identifier = findNode.simple('foo');
assertType(identifier, 'int* Function(int*)*');
MethodElement element = identifier.staticElement;
_assertLegacyMember(element, _import_a.method('foo'));
test_methodInvocation_extension_interfaceTarget() async {
newFile('/test/lib/a.dart', content: r'''
extension E on int {
int foo(int a) => 0;
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
// @dart = 2.5
import 'a.dart';
main() {;
var invocation = findNode.methodInvocation('foo');
assertInvokeType(invocation, 'int* Function(int*)*');
assertType(invocation, 'int*');
var identifier = findNode.simple('foo');
assertType(identifier, 'int* Function(int*)*');
MethodElement element = identifier.staticElement;
_assertLegacyMember(element, _import_a.method('foo'));
test_methodInvocation_extension_nullTarget() async {
newFile('/test/lib/a.dart', content: r'''
class A {}
extension E on A {
int foo(int a) => 0;
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
// @dart = 2.5
import 'a.dart';
class B extends A {
void bar() {
var invocation = findNode.methodInvocation('foo');
assertInvokeType(invocation, 'int* Function(int*)*');
assertType(invocation, 'int*');
var identifier = findNode.simple('foo');
assertType(identifier, 'int* Function(int*)*');
MethodElement element = identifier.staticElement;
_assertLegacyMember(element, _import_a.method('foo'));
test_methodInvocation_extension_staticTarget() async {
newFile('/test/lib/a.dart', content: r'''
extension E on int {
static int foo(int a) => 0;
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
// @dart = 2.5
import 'a.dart';
main() {;
var invocation = findNode.methodInvocation('foo');
assertInvokeType(invocation, 'int* Function(int*)*');
assertType(invocation, 'int*');
var identifier = findNode.simple('foo');
assertType(identifier, 'int* Function(int*)*');
MethodElement element = identifier.staticElement;
_assertLegacyMember(element, _import_a.method('foo'));
test_methodInvocation_extensionOverride() async {
newFile('/test/lib/a.dart', content: r'''
extension E on int {
int foo(int a) => 0;
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
// @dart = 2.5
import 'a.dart';
main() {
var invocation = findNode.methodInvocation('foo');
assertInvokeType(invocation, 'int* Function(int*)*');
assertType(invocation, 'int*');
var identifier = findNode.simple('foo');
assertType(identifier, 'int* Function(int*)*');
MethodElement element = identifier.staticElement;
_assertLegacyMember(element, _import_a.method('foo'));
test_methodInvocation_function() async {
newFile('/test/lib/a.dart', content: r'''
int foo(int a, int? b) => 0;
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
// @dart = 2.5
import 'a.dart';
main() {
foo(null, null);
var invocation = findNode.methodInvocation('foo');
assertInvokeType(invocation, 'int* Function(int*, int*)*');
assertType(invocation, 'int*');
var identifier = findNode.simple('foo');
assertType(identifier, 'int* Function(int*, int*)*');
FunctionElement element = identifier.staticElement;
_assertLegacyMember(element, _import_a.topFunction('foo'));
test_methodInvocation_function_prefixed() async {
newFile('/test/lib/a.dart', content: r'''
int foo(int a, int? b) => 0;
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
// @dart = 2.5
import 'a.dart' as p;
main() {, null);
var invocation = findNode.methodInvocation('foo');
assertInvokeType(invocation, 'int* Function(int*, int*)*');
assertType(invocation, 'int*');
var identifier = findNode.simple('foo');
assertType(identifier, 'int* Function(int*, int*)*');
FunctionElement element = identifier.staticElement;
_assertLegacyMember(element, _import_a.topFunction('foo'));
test_methodInvocation_method_cascade() async {
newFile('/test/lib/a.dart', content: r'''
class A {
int foo(int a, int? b) => 0;
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
// @dart = 2.5
import 'a.dart';
main(A a) {, null);
var invocation = findNode.methodInvocation('foo(');
assertInvokeType(invocation, 'int* Function(int*, int*)*');
assertType(invocation, 'int*');
var identifier = findNode.simple('foo');
assertType(identifier, 'int* Function(int*, int*)*');
MethodElement element = identifier.staticElement;
assertElementTypeString(element.type, 'int* Function(int*, int*)*');
test_methodInvocation_method_interfaceTarget() async {
newFile('/test/lib/a.dart', content: r'''
class A {
int foo(int a, int? b) => 0;
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
// @dart = 2.5
import 'a.dart';
main(A a) {, null);
var invocation = findNode.methodInvocation('');
assertInvokeType(invocation, 'int* Function(int*, int*)*');
assertType(invocation, 'int*');
var identifier = findNode.simple('foo');
assertType(identifier, 'int* Function(int*, int*)*');
MethodElement element = identifier.staticElement;
assertElementTypeString(element.type, 'int* Function(int*, int*)*');
test_methodInvocation_method_nullTarget() async {
newFile('/test/lib/a.dart', content: r'''
class A {
int foo(int a, int? b) => 0;
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
// @dart = 2.5
import 'a.dart';
class B extends A {
m() {
foo(null, null);
var invocation = findNode.methodInvocation('foo');
assertInvokeType(invocation, 'int* Function(int*, int*)*');
assertType(invocation, 'int*');
var identifier = findNode.simple('foo');
assertType(identifier, 'int* Function(int*, int*)*');
MethodElement element = identifier.staticElement;
assertElementTypeString(element.type, 'int* Function(int*, int*)*');
test_methodInvocation_method_staticTarget() async {
newFile('/test/lib/a.dart', content: r'''
class A {
static int foo(int a, int? b) => 0;
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
// @dart = 2.5
import 'a.dart';
main() {, null);
var invocation = findNode.methodInvocation('');
assertInvokeType(invocation, 'int* Function(int*, int*)*');
assertType(invocation, 'int*');
var identifier = findNode.simple('foo');
assertType(identifier, 'int* Function(int*, int*)*');
MethodElement element = identifier.staticElement;
assertElementTypeString(element.type, 'int* Function(int*, int*)*');
test_methodInvocation_method_superTarget() async {
newFile('/test/lib/a.dart', content: r'''
class A {
int foo(int a, int? b) => 0;
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
// @dart = 2.5
import 'a.dart';
class B extends A {
m() {, null);
var invocation = findNode.methodInvocation('foo');
assertInvokeType(invocation, 'int* Function(int*, int*)*');
assertType(invocation, 'int*');
var identifier = findNode.simple('foo');
assertType(identifier, 'int* Function(int*, int*)*');
MethodElement element = identifier.staticElement;
assertElementTypeString(element.type, 'int* Function(int*, int*)*');
test_nnbd_optOut_invalidSyntax() async {
await assertErrorsInCode('''
// @dart = 2.2
// NNBD syntax is not allowed
f(x, z) { (x is String?) ? x : z; }
''', [error(ParserErrorCode.EXPERIMENT_NOT_ENABLED, 67, 1)]);
test_nnbd_optOut_late() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode('''
// @dart = 2.2
class C {
// "late" is allowed as an identifier
int late;
test_nnbd_optOut_transformsOptedInSignatures() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode('''
// @dart = 2.2
f(String x) {
x + null; // OK because we're in a nullable library.
test_postfixExpression() async {
newFile('/test/lib/a.dart', content: r'''
class A {
A operator+(int a) => this;
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
// @dart = 2.5
import 'a.dart';
main(A a) {
var prefixExpression = findNode.postfix('a++');
assertType(prefixExpression, 'A*');
MethodElement element = prefixExpression.staticElement;
_assertLegacyMember(element, _import_a.method('+'));
test_prefixExpression() async {
newFile('/test/lib/a.dart', content: r'''
class A {
int operator-() => 0;
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
// @dart = 2.5
import 'a.dart';
main(A a) {
var prefixExpression = findNode.prefix('-a');
assertType(prefixExpression, 'int*');
MethodElement element = prefixExpression.staticElement;
_assertLegacyMember(element, _import_a.method('unary-'));
test_read_indexExpression_class() async {
newFile('/test/lib/a.dart', content: r'''
class A {
int operator[](int a) => 0;
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
// @dart = 2.5
import 'a.dart';
main(A a) {
var indexExpression = findNode.index('a[');
assertType(indexExpression, 'int*');
MethodElement element = indexExpression.staticElement;
_assertLegacyMember(element, _import_a.method('[]'));
test_read_prefixedIdentifier_instanceTarget_class_field() async {
newFile('/test/lib/a.dart', content: r'''
class A {
int foo;
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
// @dart = 2.5
import 'a.dart';
main(A a) {;
var prefixedIdentifier = findNode.prefixed('');
assertType(prefixedIdentifier, 'int*');
var identifier = prefixedIdentifier.identifier;
assertType(identifier, 'int*');
PropertyAccessorElement element = identifier.staticElement;
_assertLegacyMember(element, _import_a.getter('foo'));
test_read_prefixedIdentifier_instanceTarget_extension_getter() async {
newFile('/test/lib/a.dart', content: r'''
class A {}
extension E on A {
int get foo => 0;
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
// @dart = 2.5
import 'a.dart';
main(A a) {;
var prefixedIdentifier = findNode.prefixed('');
assertType(prefixedIdentifier, 'int*');
var identifier = prefixedIdentifier.identifier;
assertType(identifier, 'int*');
PropertyAccessorElement element = identifier.staticElement;
_assertLegacyMember(element, _import_a.getter('foo'));
test_read_prefixedIdentifier_staticTarget_class_field() async {
newFile('/test/lib/a.dart', content: r'''
class A {
static int foo;
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
// @dart = 2.5
import 'a.dart';
main() {;
var prefixedIdentifier = findNode.prefixed('');
assertType(prefixedIdentifier, 'int*');
var identifier = prefixedIdentifier.identifier;
assertType(identifier, 'int*');
PropertyAccessorElement element = identifier.staticElement;
_assertLegacyMember(element, _import_a.getter('foo'));
test_read_prefixedIdentifier_staticTarget_class_method() async {
newFile('/test/lib/a.dart', content: r'''
class A {
static int foo(int a) => 0;
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
// @dart = 2.5
import 'a.dart';
main() {;
var prefixedIdentifier = findNode.prefixed('');
assertType(prefixedIdentifier, 'int* Function(int*)*');
var identifier = prefixedIdentifier.identifier;
assertType(identifier, 'int* Function(int*)*');
MethodElement element = identifier.staticElement;
_assertLegacyMember(element, _import_a.method('foo'));
test_read_prefixedIdentifier_staticTarget_extension_field() async {
newFile('/test/lib/a.dart', content: r'''
extension E {
static int foo;
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
// @dart = 2.5
import 'a.dart';
main() {;
var prefixedIdentifier = findNode.prefixed('');
assertType(prefixedIdentifier, 'int*');
var identifier = prefixedIdentifier.identifier;
assertType(identifier, 'int*');
PropertyAccessorElement element = identifier.staticElement;
_assertLegacyMember(element, _import_a.getter('foo'));
test_read_prefixedIdentifier_staticTarget_extension_method() async {
newFile('/test/lib/a.dart', content: r'''
extension E {
static int foo(int a) => 0;
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
// @dart = 2.5
import 'a.dart';
main() {;
var prefixedIdentifier = findNode.prefixed('');
assertType(prefixedIdentifier, 'int* Function(int*)*');
var identifier = prefixedIdentifier.identifier;
assertType(identifier, 'int* Function(int*)*');
MethodElement element = identifier.staticElement;
_assertLegacyMember(element, _import_a.method('foo'));
test_read_prefixedIdentifier_topLevelVariable() async {
newFile('/test/lib/a.dart', content: r'''
int foo = 0;
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
// @dart = 2.5
import 'a.dart' as p;
main() {;
var prefixedIdentifier = findNode.prefixed('');
assertType(prefixedIdentifier, 'int*');
var identifier = prefixedIdentifier.identifier;
assertType(identifier, 'int*');
PropertyAccessorElement element = identifier.staticElement;
_assertLegacyMember(element, _import_a.topGet('foo'));
test_read_propertyAccessor_class_field() async {
newFile('/test/lib/a.dart', content: r'''
class A {
int foo = 0;
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
// @dart = 2.5
import 'a.dart';
main() {
var propertyAccess = findNode.propertyAccess('foo');
assertType(propertyAccess, 'int*');
var identifier = propertyAccess.propertyName;
assertType(identifier, 'int*');
PropertyAccessorElement element = identifier.staticElement;
_assertLegacyMember(element, _import_a.getter('foo'));
test_read_propertyAccessor_class_method() async {
newFile('/test/lib/a.dart', content: r'''
class A {
int foo() => 0;
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
// @dart = 2.5
import 'a.dart';
main() {
var propertyAccess = findNode.propertyAccess('foo');
assertType(propertyAccess, 'int* Function()*');
var identifier = propertyAccess.propertyName;
assertType(identifier, 'int* Function()*');
MethodElement element = identifier.staticElement;
_assertLegacyMember(element, _import_a.method('foo'));
test_read_propertyAccessor_extensionOverride_getter() async {
newFile('/test/lib/a.dart', content: r'''
class A {}
extension E on A {
int get foo => 0;
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
// @dart = 2.5
import 'a.dart';
main(A a) {
var propertyAccess = findNode.propertyAccess('foo');
assertType(propertyAccess, 'int*');
var identifier = propertyAccess.propertyName;
assertType(identifier, 'int*');
PropertyAccessorElement element = identifier.staticElement;
_assertLegacyMember(element, _import_a.getter('foo'));
test_read_propertyAccessor_superTarget() async {
newFile('/test/lib/a.dart', content: r'''
class A {
int foo = 0;
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
// @dart = 2.5
import 'a.dart';
class B extends A {
void bar() {;
var propertyAccess = findNode.propertyAccess('foo');
assertType(propertyAccess, 'int*');
var identifier = propertyAccess.propertyName;
assertType(identifier, 'int*');
PropertyAccessorElement element = identifier.staticElement;
_assertLegacyMember(element, _import_a.getter('foo'));
test_read_simpleIdentifier_class_field() async {
newFile('/test/lib/a.dart', content: r'''
class A {
int foo = 0;
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
// @dart = 2.5
import 'a.dart';
class B extends A {
void bar() {
var identifier = findNode.simple('foo');
assertType(identifier, 'int*');
PropertyAccessorElement element = identifier.staticElement;
_assertLegacyMember(element, _import_a.getter('foo'));
test_read_simpleIdentifier_class_method() async {
newFile('/test/lib/a.dart', content: r'''
class A {
int foo(int a) => 0;
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
// @dart = 2.5
import 'a.dart';
class B extends A {
void bar() {
var identifier = findNode.simple('foo');
assertType(identifier, 'int* Function(int*)*');
MethodElement element = identifier.staticElement;
_assertLegacyMember(element, _import_a.method('foo'));
test_read_simpleIdentifier_extension_getter() async {
newFile('/test/lib/a.dart', content: r'''
class A {}
extension E on A {
int get foo => 0;
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
// @dart = 2.5
import 'a.dart';
class B extends A {
void bar() {
var identifier = findNode.simple('foo');
assertType(identifier, 'int*');
PropertyAccessorElement element = identifier.staticElement;
_assertLegacyMember(element, _import_a.getter('foo'));
test_read_simpleIdentifier_extension_method() async {
newFile('/test/lib/a.dart', content: r'''
class A {}
extension E on A {
int foo(int a) => 0;
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
// @dart = 2.5
import 'a.dart';
class B extends A {
void bar() {
var identifier = findNode.simple('foo');
assertType(identifier, 'int* Function(int*)*');
MethodElement element = identifier.staticElement;
_assertLegacyMember(element, _import_a.method('foo'));
test_read_simpleIdentifier_topLevelVariable() async {
newFile('/test/lib/a.dart', content: r'''
int foo = 0;
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
// @dart = 2.5
import 'a.dart';
main() {
var identifier = findNode.simple('foo');
assertType(identifier, 'int*');
PropertyAccessorElement element = identifier.staticElement;
_assertLegacyMember(element, _import_a.topGet('foo'));
test_superConstructorInvocation() async {
newFile('/test/lib/a.dart', content: r'''
class A {
A(int a, int? b);
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
// @dart = 2.5
import 'a.dart';
class B extends A {
B() : super(null, null);
var instanceCreation = findNode.superConstructorInvocation('super(');
void _assertLegacyMember(
Element actualElement,
Element declaration, {
Map<String, String> expectedSubstitution = const {},
}) {
var actualMember = actualElement as Member;
expect(actualMember.declaration, same(declaration));
expect(actualMember.isLegacy, isTrue);
assertSubstitution(actualMember.substitution, expectedSubstitution);