blob: cacc3459c68d22d5def2fd017f575c41700601a6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/type.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/error/codes.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:test_reflective_loader/test_reflective_loader.dart';
import 'driver_resolution.dart';
main() {
defineReflectiveSuite(() {
class ConstantDriverTest extends DriverResolutionTest {
test_constantValue_defaultParameter_noDefaultValue() async {
newFile('/test/lib/a.dart', content: r'''
class A {
const A({int p});
await resolveTestCode(r'''
import 'a.dart';
const a = const A();
var aLib = findElement.import('package:test/a.dart').importedLibrary;
var aConstructor = aLib.getType('A').constructors.single;
DefaultParameterElementImpl p = aConstructor.parameters.single;
// To evaluate `const A()` we have to evaluate `{int p}`.
// Even if its value is `null`.
expect(p.isConstantEvaluated, isTrue);
expect(p.constantValue.isNull, isTrue);
test_constFactoryRedirection_super() async {
await resolveTestCode(r'''
class I {
const factory I(int f) = B;
class A implements I {
final int f;
const A(this.f);
class B extends A {
const B(int f) : super(f);
main() {}
var node = findNode.annotation('@I');
var value = node.elementAnnotation.constantValue;
expect(value.getField('(super)').getField('f').toIntValue(), 42);
test_constNotInitialized() async {
await resolveTestCode(r'''
class B {
const B(_);
class C extends B {
static const a;
const C() : super(a);
test_functionType_element_typeArguments() async {
newFile('/test/lib/a.dart', content: r'''
typedef F<T> = T Function(int);
const a = C<F<double>>();
class C<T> {
const C();
await resolveTestCode(r'''
import 'a.dart';
const v = a;
var v = findElement.topVar('v') as ConstVariableElement;
var value = v.computeConstantValue();
var type = value.type as InterfaceType;
assertElementTypeString(type, 'C<double Function(int)>');
expect(type.typeArguments, hasLength(1));
var typeArgument = type.typeArguments[0] as FunctionType;
assertElementTypeString(typeArgument, 'double Function(int)');
// The element and type arguments are available for the function type.
var importFind = findElement.importFind('package:test/a.dart');
var elementF = importFind.functionTypeAlias('F');
expect(typeArgument.element, elementF.function);
expect(typeArgument.element.enclosingElement, elementF);
assertElementTypeStrings(typeArgument.typeArguments, ['double']);
test_imported_prefixedIdentifier_staticField_class() async {
newFile('/test/lib/a.dart', content: r'''
const a = C.f;
class C {
static const int f = 42;
await resolveTestCode(r'''
import 'a.dart';
var import_ = findElement.importFind('package:test/a.dart');
var a = import_.topVar('a') as ConstVariableElement;
expect(a.computeConstantValue().toIntValue(), 42);
test_imported_prefixedIdentifier_staticField_extension() async {
newFile('/test/lib/a.dart', content: r'''
const a = E.f;
extension E on int {
static const int f = 42;
await resolveTestCode(r'''
import 'a.dart';
var import_ = findElement.importFind('package:test/a.dart');
var a = import_.topVar('a') as ConstVariableElement;
expect(a.computeConstantValue().toIntValue(), 42);
test_imported_prefixedIdentifier_staticField_mixin() async {
newFile('/test/lib/a.dart', content: r'''
const a = M.f;
class C {}
mixin M on C {
static const int f = 42;
await resolveTestCode(r'''
import 'a.dart';
var import_ = findElement.importFind('package:test/a.dart');
var a = import_.topVar('a') as ConstVariableElement;
expect(a.computeConstantValue().toIntValue(), 42);
test_local_prefixedIdentifier_staticField_extension() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
const a = E.f;
extension E on int {
static const int f = 42;
var a = findElement.topVar('a') as ConstVariableElement;
expect(a.computeConstantValue().toIntValue(), 42);