blob: c80aa0f34815063cf40b795c011c3c5b4a270fae [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/type.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/type_system.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/type_system.dart' show TypeSystemImpl;
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/utilities_general.dart';
/// Description of a failure to find a valid override from superinterfaces.
class Conflict {
/// The name of an instance member for which we failed to find a valid
/// override.
final Name name;
/// The list of candidates for a valid override for a member [name]. It has
/// at least two items, because otherwise the only candidate is always valid.
final List<ExecutableElement> candidates;
/// The getter that conflicts with the [method], or `null`, if the conflict
/// is inconsistent inheritance.
final ExecutableElement getter;
/// The method tha conflicts with the [getter], or `null`, if the conflict
/// is inconsistent inheritance.
final ExecutableElement method;
Conflict(, this.candidates, [this.getter, this.method]);
/// Manages knowledge about interface types and their members.
class InheritanceManager3 {
static final _noSuchMethodName = Name(null, 'noSuchMethod');
/// Cached instance interfaces for [InterfaceType].
final Map<InterfaceType, Interface> _interfaces = {};
/// The set of classes that are currently being processed, used to detect
/// self-referencing cycles.
final Set<ClassElement> _processingClasses = new Set<ClassElement>();
InheritanceManager3([@deprecated TypeSystem typeSystem]);
/// Return the most specific signature of the member with the given [name]
/// that the [type] inherits from the mixins, superclasses, or interfaces;
/// or `null` if no member is inherited because the member is not declared
/// at all, or because there is no the most specific signature.
/// This is equivalent to `getInheritedMap(type)[name]`.
ExecutableElement getInherited(InterfaceType type, Name name) {
return getInheritedMap(type)[name];
/// Return signatures of all concrete members that the given [type] inherits
/// from the superclasses and mixins.
Map<Name, ExecutableElement> getInheritedConcreteMap(InterfaceType type) {
var interface = getInterface(type);
return interface._superImplemented.last;
/// Return the mapping from names to most specific signatures of members
/// inherited from the super-interfaces (superclasses, mixins, and
/// interfaces). If there is no most specific signature for a name, the
/// corresponding name will not be included.
Map<Name, ExecutableElement> getInheritedMap(InterfaceType type) {
var interface = getInterface(type);
if (interface._inheritedMap == null) {
interface._inheritedMap = {};
return interface._inheritedMap;
/// Return the interface of the given [type]. It might include private
/// members, not necessary accessible in all libraries.
Interface getInterface(InterfaceType type) {
if (type == null) {
return Interface._empty;
var result = _interfaces[type];
if (result != null) {
return result;
_interfaces[type] = Interface._empty;
var classElement = type.element;
if (!_processingClasses.add(classElement)) {
return Interface._empty;
var typeSystem = classElement.library.typeSystem;
Map<Name, List<ExecutableElement>> namedCandidates = {};
List<Map<Name, ExecutableElement>> superImplemented = [];
Map<Name, ExecutableElement> declared;
Interface superInterface;
Map<Name, ExecutableElement> implemented;
Map<Name, ExecutableElement> implementedForMixing;
try {
// If a class declaration has a member declaration, the signature of that
// member declaration becomes the signature in the interface.
declared = _getTypeMembers(type);
for (var interface in type.interfaces) {
var interfaceObj = getInterface(interface);
_addCandidates(namedCandidates, interfaceObj);
if (classElement.isMixin) {
var superClassCandidates = <Name, List<ExecutableElement>>{};
for (var constraint in type.superclassConstraints) {
var interfaceObj = getInterface(constraint);
_addCandidates(superClassCandidates, interfaceObj);
_addCandidates(namedCandidates, interfaceObj);
implemented = {};
// `mixin M on S1, S2 {}` can call using `super` any instance member
// from its superclass constraints, whether it is abstract or concrete.
var superClass = <Name, ExecutableElement>{};
} else {
if (type.superclass != null) {
superInterface = getInterface(type.superclass);
_addCandidates(namedCandidates, superInterface);
implemented = superInterface.implemented;
} else {
implemented = {};
implementedForMixing = {};
for (var mixin in type.mixins) {
var interfaceObj = getInterface(mixin);
_addCandidates(namedCandidates, interfaceObj);
implemented = <Name, ExecutableElement>{}
} finally {
var thisImplemented = <Name, ExecutableElement>{};
_addImplemented(thisImplemented, type);
if (classElement.isMixin) {
implementedForMixing = thisImplemented;
} else {
implemented = <Name, ExecutableElement>{}..addAll(implemented);
_addImplemented(implemented, type);
// If a class declaration does not have a member declaration with a
// particular name, but some super-interfaces do have a member with that
// name, it's a compile-time error if there is no signature among the
// super-interfaces that is a valid override of all the other
// super-interface signatures with the same name. That "most specific"
// signature becomes the signature of the class's interface.
Map<Name, ExecutableElement> map = new Map.of(declared);
List<Conflict> conflicts = _findMostSpecificFromNamedCandidates(
var noSuchMethodForwarders = Set<Name>();
if (classElement.isAbstract) {
if (superInterface != null) {
noSuchMethodForwarders = superInterface._noSuchMethodForwarders;
} else {
var noSuchMethod = implemented[_noSuchMethodName];
if (noSuchMethod != null && !_isDeclaredInObject(noSuchMethod)) {
var superForwarders = superInterface?._noSuchMethodForwarders;
for (var name in map.keys) {
if (!implemented.containsKey(name) ||
superForwarders != null && superForwarders.contains(name)) {
implemented[name] = map[name];
var interface = new Interface._(
conflicts ?? const [],
_interfaces[type] = interface;
return interface;
/// Return the member with the given [name].
/// If [concrete] is `true`, the the concrete implementation is returned,
/// from the given [type], or its superclass.
/// If [forSuper] is `true`, then [concrete] is implied, and only concrete
/// members from the superclass are considered.
/// If [forMixinIndex] is specified, only the nominal superclass, and the
/// given number of mixins after it are considered. For example for `1` in
/// `class C extends S with M1, M2, M3`, only `S` and `M1` are considered.
ExecutableElement getMember(
InterfaceType type,
Name name, {
bool concrete: false,
int forMixinIndex: -1,
bool forSuper: false,
}) {
var interface = getInterface(type);
if (forSuper) {
var superImplemented = interface._superImplemented;
if (forMixinIndex >= 0) {
return superImplemented[forMixinIndex][name];
if (superImplemented.isNotEmpty) {
return superImplemented.last[name];
} else {
assert( == 'Object');
return null;
if (concrete) {
return interface.implemented[name];
/// Return all members of mixins, superclasses, and interfaces that a member
/// with the given [name], defined in the [type], would override; or `null`
/// if no members would be overridden.
List<ExecutableElement> getOverridden(InterfaceType type, Name name) {
var interface = getInterface(type);
return interface._overridden[name];
void _addCandidate(Map<Name, List<ExecutableElement>> namedCandidates,
Name name, ExecutableElement candidate) {
var candidates = namedCandidates[name];
if (candidates == null) {
candidates = <ExecutableElement>[];
namedCandidates[name] = candidates;
void _addCandidates(
Map<Name, List<ExecutableElement>> namedCandidates, Interface interface) {
var map =;
for (var name in map.keys) {
var candidate = map[name];
_addCandidate(namedCandidates, name, candidate);
void _addImplemented(
Map<Name, ExecutableElement> implemented, InterfaceType type) {
var libraryUri = type.element.librarySource.uri;
void addMember(ExecutableElement member) {
if (!member.isAbstract && !member.isStatic) {
var name = new Name(libraryUri,;
implemented[name] = member;
void addMembers(InterfaceType type) {
/// Check that all [candidates] for the given [name] have the same kind, all
/// getters, all methods, or all setter. If a conflict found, return the
/// new [Conflict] instance that describes it.
Conflict _checkForGetterMethodConflict(
Name name, List<ExecutableElement> candidates) {
assert(candidates.length > 1);
bool allGetters = true;
bool allMethods = true;
bool allSetters = true;
for (var candidate in candidates) {
var kind = candidate.kind;
if (kind != ElementKind.GETTER) {
allGetters = false;
if (kind != ElementKind.METHOD) {
allMethods = false;
if (kind != ElementKind.SETTER) {
allSetters = false;
if (allGetters || allMethods || allSetters) {
return null;
ExecutableElement getter;
ExecutableElement method;
for (var candidate in candidates) {
var kind = candidate.kind;
if (kind == ElementKind.GETTER) {
getter ??= candidate;
if (kind == ElementKind.METHOD) {
method ??= candidate;
return new Conflict(name, candidates, getter, method);
/// The given [namedCandidates] maps names to candidates from direct
/// superinterfaces. Find the most specific signature, and put it into the
/// [map], if there is no one yet (from the class itself). If there is no
/// such single most specific signature (i.e. no valid override), then add a
/// new conflict description.
List<Conflict> _findMostSpecificFromNamedCandidates(
TypeSystemImpl typeSystem,
Map<Name, ExecutableElement> map,
Map<Name, List<ExecutableElement>> namedCandidates) {
List<Conflict> conflicts;
for (var name in namedCandidates.keys) {
if (map.containsKey(name)) {
var candidates = namedCandidates[name];
// If just one candidate, it is always valid.
if (candidates.length == 1) {
map[name] = candidates[0];
// Check for a getter/method conflict.
var conflict = _checkForGetterMethodConflict(name, candidates);
if (conflict != null) {
conflicts ??= <Conflict>[];
// Candidates are recorded in forward order, so
// `class X extends S with M1, M2 implements I1, I2 {}` will record
// candidates from [I1, I2, S, M1, M2]. But during method lookup
// candidates should be considered in backward order, i.e. from `M2`,
// then from `M1`, then from `S`.
ExecutableElement validOverride;
for (var i = candidates.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
validOverride = candidates[i];
for (var j = 0; j < candidates.length; j++) {
var candidate = candidates[j];
if (!typeSystem.isOverrideSubtypeOf(
validOverride.type, candidate.type)) {
validOverride = null;
if (validOverride != null) {
if (validOverride != null) {
map[name] = validOverride;
} else {
conflicts ??= <Conflict>[];
conflicts.add(new Conflict(name, candidates));
return conflicts;
Map<Name, ExecutableElement> _getTypeMembers(InterfaceType type) {
var declared = <Name, ExecutableElement>{};
var libraryUri = type.element.librarySource.uri;
var methods = type.methods;
for (var i = 0; i < methods.length; i++) {
var method = methods[i];
if (!method.isStatic) {
var name = new Name(libraryUri,;
declared[name] = method;
var accessors = type.accessors;
for (var i = 0; i < accessors.length; i++) {
var accessor = accessors[i];
if (!accessor.isStatic) {
var name = new Name(libraryUri,;
declared[name] = accessor;
return declared;
static bool _isDeclaredInObject(ExecutableElement element) {
var enclosing = element.enclosingElement;
return enclosing is ClassElement &&
enclosing.supertype == null &&
/// The instance interface of an [InterfaceType].
class Interface {
static final _empty = Interface._(
const {},
const {},
const {},
const {},
const {},
const [{}],
const [],
/// The map of names to their signature in the interface.
final Map<Name, ExecutableElement> map;
/// The map of declared names to their signatures.
final Map<Name, ExecutableElement> declared;
/// The map of names to their concrete implementations.
final Map<Name, ExecutableElement> implemented;
/// The set of names that are `noSuchMethod` forwarders in [implemented].
final Set<Name> _noSuchMethodForwarders;
/// The map of names to their concrete implementations that can be mixed
/// when this type is used as a mixin.
final Map<Name, ExecutableElement> _implementedForMixing;
/// The map of names to their signatures from the mixins, superclasses,
/// or interfaces.
final Map<Name, List<ExecutableElement>> _overridden;
/// Each item of this list maps names to their concrete implementations.
/// The first item of the list is the nominal superclass, next the nominal
/// superclass plus the first mixin, etc. So, for the class like
/// `class C extends S with M1, M2`, we get `[S, S&M1, S&M1&M2]`.
final List<Map<Name, ExecutableElement>> _superImplemented;
/// The list of conflicts between superinterfaces - the nominal superclass,
/// mixins, and interfaces. Does not include conflicts with the declared
/// members of the class.
final List<Conflict> conflicts;
/// The map of names to the most specific signatures from the mixins,
/// superclasses, or interfaces.
Map<Name, ExecutableElement> _inheritedMap;
/// Return `true` if the [name] is implemented in the supertype.
bool isSuperImplemented(Name name) {
return _superImplemented.last.containsKey(name);
/// A public name, or a private name qualified by a library URI.
class Name {
/// If the name is private, the URI of the defining library.
/// Otherwise, it is `null`.
final Uri libraryUri;
/// The name of this name object.
/// If the name starts with `_`, then the name is private.
/// Names of setters end with `=`.
final String name;
/// Precomputed
final bool isPublic;
/// The cached, pre-computed hash code.
final int hashCode;
factory Name(Uri libraryUri, String name) {
if (name.startsWith('_')) {
var hashCode = JenkinsSmiHash.hash2(libraryUri.hashCode, name.hashCode);
return new Name._internal(libraryUri, name, false, hashCode);
} else {
return new Name._internal(null, name, true, name.hashCode);
Name._internal(this.libraryUri,, this.isPublic, this.hashCode);
bool operator ==(other) {
return other is Name &&
name == &&
libraryUri == other.libraryUri;
bool isAccessibleFor(Uri libraryUri) {
return isPublic || this.libraryUri == libraryUri;
String toString() => libraryUri != null ? '$libraryUri::$name' : name;