blob: f53fd79cf0301b6db568a7c07b8b9164039b01ab [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analyzer_plugin/protocol/protocol_common.dart';
/// An object that can map the offsets before a sequence of edits to the offsets
/// after applying the edits.
abstract class OffsetMapper {
/// A mapper used for files that were not modified.
static OffsetMapper identity = _IdentityMapper();
/// Return a mapper representing the file modified by the given [edits].
factory OffsetMapper.forEdits(List<SourceEdit> edits) => _EditMapper(edits);
/// Return a mapper representing the file modified by an insertion at [offset]
/// the given with [length].
factory OffsetMapper.forInsertion(int offset, int length) =>
_SimpleInsertionMapper(offset, length);
/// Return a mapper representing [rebased] rebased by [rebaser].
factory OffsetMapper.rebase(OffsetMapper rebaser, OffsetMapper rebased) {
return _RebasedOffsetMapper(rebaser, rebased);
/// Return a mapper representing a sequence of edits made in order, with the
/// offsets coming out of [first] being the offsets passed into [second].
factory OffsetMapper.sequence(OffsetMapper first, OffsetMapper second) {
return _OffsetMapperChain([first, second]);
/// Return the post-edit offset that corresponds to the given pre-edit
/// [offset].
int map(int offset);
/// A mapper used for files that were modified by a set of edits.
class _EditMapper implements OffsetMapper {
/// A list whose elements are the highest pre-edit offset for which the
/// corresponding element of [_deltas] should be applied.
final List<int> _offsets = [];
/// A list whose elements are the deltas to be applied for all pre-edit
/// offsets that are less than or equal to the corresponding element of
/// [_offsets].
final List<int> _deltas = [];
/// Initialize a newly created mapper based on the given set of [edits].
_EditMapper(List<SourceEdit> edits) {
int map(int offset) => offset + _deltaFor(offset);
/// Return the delta to be added to the pre-edit [offset] to produce the
/// post-edit offset.
int _deltaFor(int offset) {
for (var i = 0; i < _offsets.length; i++) {
var currentOffset = _offsets[i];
if (currentOffset >= offset || currentOffset < 0) {
return _deltas[i];
// We should never get here because [_initializeDeltas] always adds an
// offset/delta pair at the end of the list whose offset is less than zero.
return 0;
/// Initialize the list of old offsets and deltas used by [_deltaFor].
void _initializeDeltas(List<SourceEdit> edits) {
var previousDelta = 0;
for (var edit in edits) {
var offset = edit.offset;
var length = edit.length;
previousDelta += (edit.replacement.length - length);
/// A mapper used for files that were not modified.
class _IdentityMapper implements OffsetMapper {
int map(int offset) => offset;
class _OffsetMapperChain implements OffsetMapper {
final List<OffsetMapper> innerMappers;
int map(int offset) {
for (final mapper in innerMappers) {
offset =;
return offset;
class _RebasedOffsetMapper implements OffsetMapper {
final OffsetMapper rebaser;
final OffsetMapper rebased;
_RebasedOffsetMapper(this.rebaser, this.rebased);
int map(int offset) {
final delta = - offset;
return + delta;
class _SimpleInsertionMapper implements OffsetMapper {
final int offset;
final int length;
_SimpleInsertionMapper(this.offset, this.length);
int map(int offset) => offset < this.offset ? offset : offset + length;