blob: fa192c5160bffa0695e7a385c9291d2a188aaee9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:kernel/ast.dart' as ir;
import 'package:kernel/type_environment.dart' as ir;
import 'static_type_base.dart';
import 'static_type_cache.dart';
import 'static_type_provider.dart';
/// Class that provides the static type of expression using the visitor pattern
/// and a precomputed cache for complex expression type.
class CachedStaticType extends StaticTypeBase implements StaticTypeProvider {
final StaticTypeCache _cache;
final ir.StaticTypeContext staticTypeContext;
final ThisInterfaceType thisType;
CachedStaticType(this.staticTypeContext, this._cache, this.thisType)
: super(staticTypeContext.typeEnvironment);
ir.DartType getStaticType(ir.Expression node) => node.accept(this)!;
ir.DartType getForInIteratorType(ir.ForInStatement node) =>
ir.DartType _getStaticType(ir.Expression node) => _cache[node]!;
ir.DartType visitVariableGet(ir.VariableGet node) => _getStaticType(node);
ir.DartType visitSuperPropertyGet(ir.SuperPropertyGet node) =>
ir.DartType visitStaticInvocation(ir.StaticInvocation node) =>
ir.DartType visitSuperMethodInvocation(ir.SuperMethodInvocation node) =>
ir.DartType visitConstructorInvocation(ir.ConstructorInvocation node) =>
ir.DartType visitInstantiation(ir.Instantiation node) => _getStaticType(node);
ir.DartType visitNullCheck(ir.NullCheck node) => _getStaticType(node);